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Types of Data

Types of Data

1. Ungrouped
2. Grouped
a. Discrete
b. Continuous
Measure of Central Tendency

1. Mean

2. Median

3. Mode
Mean for ungrouped data

Find Mean #NVStyle🔥

92, 96, 104, 101, 105, 99, 97, 108
Mean (Discrete Frequency Distribution)
Mean (Continuous Frequency Distribution)
Median = Middle Observation

S-1: arrange in ascending or descending order

S-2: Find Middle observation

Find Median?

92, 96, 104, 101, 105, 99, 97, 108

Median = Middle Observation
Median for Discrete Frequency Distribution
Median for Continuous Frequency Distribution

Median class: the class whose cumulative frequency is greater than (and nearest to) N/2
Median for Continuous Frequency Distribution
Mode = Most Repeated Observation
Mode for Continuous Frequency Distribution
Mode for Continuous Frequency Distribution
Empirical Formula

3 Median = 2 Mean + Mode

Mean Deviation about Mean
Mean Deviation about Median
Find Mean Deviation of first 5 natural numbers
Standard Deviation for ungrouped data
Standard Deviation for grouped data
Analysis of frequency distributions with equal means but
different variances

● If the S.D. of group A < the S.D. of group B, then group A is considered more
consistent or uniform.
Coefficient of Variation

The series having greater C.V. is said to be more variable or conversely less
consistent, less uniform, less stable, less homogeneous
Variance of first n natural numbers

Variance of first n natural numbers = n2 -1 / 12

Variance of first n odd natural numbers = n2 -1 / 3

Variance of first n even natural numbers = n2 -1 / 3

Magic Table

Operations on xi Mean S.D. Variance

add K to each obv. add K unchanged unchanged

sub K to each obv. sub K unchanged unchanged

mul K to each obv. mul K mul K mul K2

div K to each obv. div K div K div K2

Type 1:
Two Observations
Type-1: Two observations missing
[JEE Main - 2023]
If the mean and variance of six observations 7, 10, 11, 15, a, b are 10 and
20/3, respectively, then the value of |a - b| is equal to :

A. 9 [JEE Main - 2021]

B. 11

C. 7

D. 1
The mean of 6 distinct observations is 6.5 and their variance is 10.25. If 4
out of 6 observations are 2, 4, 5 and 7, then the remaining two observations
are :

A. 10, 11 [JEE Main - 2021]

B. 3, 18

C. 8, 13

D. 1, 20

Type 2:
Let xi (1 ≤ i ≤ 10) be ten observations of a random variable X. If

where 0 ≠ p ∈ R, then the standard deviation

A. 4/5 [JEE Main - 2020]

B. √(3/5)

C. 9/10

D. 7/10
then the standard

deviation of n observations x1, x2, ……………. xn is :

[JEE Main - 2020]

Then the standard deviation of the

9 items x1, x2, …….. x9 is : [JEE Main - 2018]

A. 4

B. 2

C. 3

D. 9
Let the observations xi(1 ≤ i ≤ 10) satisfy the equations,

If μ and λ are the mean and the variance of the observations,

x1 - 3, x2 - 3, …, x10 - 3, then the ordered pair (μ, λ) is equal to ;

[JEE Main - 2020]

A. (3, 3)

B. (6, 3)

C. (6, 6)

D. (3, 6)
Type 3:
Type-3: Arithmetic Progression
Shortcut (#NVSTYLE)

Variance of 0, 1, 2, … , n is n(n+2)/12
[JEE Main - 2023]
[JEE Main - 2023]
If the variance of the terms in an increasing A.P., b1 , b2 , b3, ……, b11 is 90,
then the common difference of this A.P is _.
[JEE Main - 2020]
Type 4:
Magic Table
Magic Table

Operations on xi Mean S.D. Variance

add K to each obv. add K unchanged unchanged

sub K to each obv. sub K unchanged unchanged

mul K to each obv. mul K mul K mul K2

div K to each obv. div K div K div K2

Let X = {x ∈ N : 1 ≤ x ≤ 17} and Y = {ax + b : x ∈ X and a, b ∈ R, a > 0}. If
mean and variance of elements of Y are 17 and 216 respectively then
a + b is equal to :
A. 7
[JEE Main - 2020]
B. -7

C. -27

D. 9
Let A be a set of 2n terms out of which n terms are ‘a’ and n terms are ‘-a’. If b
is added to all 2n terms then its mean is 5 and standard deviation is 20. Then
the value of a2 + b2 is -

[JEE Main - 2021]

A. 625

B. 425

C. 525

D. 725
If the variance of the first n natural numbers is 10 and the variance of the
first m even natural numbers is 16, then m + n is equal to _.

[JEE Main - 2020]

Type 5:
Wrong Observation is
Type 5: Wrong observation is deleted
[JEE Main - 2023]

Ans: B
[JEE Main - 2013]
Ans: 269
[JEE Main - 2022]
Type 6:
Use of Binomial
Consider the data on x taking the values 0, 2, 4, 8, … , 2n with frequencies
nC , nC , nC , . . . nCn respectively. If the mean of this data is 728/2n, then n is
0 1 2

equal to_.
[JEE Main - 2020]
Type 7:
Observations are
divided into two
Type 7: Observations are divided into two groups
[JEE Main - 2023]
[JEE Main - 2023]
Thank You #VCians

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