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Home  Courses  ELSP  ELSP@UTM  UHLB1112  READING QUIZ 2 (20%)  Armoured cars

Started on Friday, 22 December 2023, 4:25 PM

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Completed on Friday, 22 December 2023, 4:33 PM
Time taken 7 mins 35 secs
Grade 7.00 out of 7.00 (100%)

1. The perils of London's roads do not usually extend beyond potholes and tra�c jams. But a new car
showroom opening at the city's West End will offer the capital's ultra-wealthy residents luxury vehicles
that will safeguard them from deadlier threats: bombs, gun�res and kidnapping. The venture, jointly run
by Ares, an Italian �rm that �ts out high-end cars to make them even more sumptuous, and Streit, a
Canadian armoured-car company, hopes to tap a global trend for armouring the smartest motors.

2. Protecting the rides of presidents and other VIPs is nothing new. Franklin Roosevelt's limousine was
�tted with armour plating and bullet-proof tyres in 1941 after Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. Nor is it
novel to modify expensive vehicles fresh off the production line. The mega-rich have long sought to
personalise new cars with a fresh paint job or interior. But with the exception of the Aston Martin driven
by James Bond in 'Gold�nger' in 1964, which sported a retractable bulletproof screen, marrying luxury
and safety is a new phenomenon.

3. The fashion is spreading. Mark Burton of International Armoring, estimates the worldwide market for
deluxe armoured road-cars has grown to around 7,500 vehicles annually, from just a handful a few years
ago. Dany Bahar, owner of Ares, claims London is the perfect hub for clientele especially its main 
customers from Russia, Africa and the Middle East. They are frequent visitors, if not part-time residents

of the city.

4. Armouring a �ash motor is becoming more popular, but not because the world is more dangerous.
Rather, demand has grown as more people join the ranks of the super-rich and can afford to minimise
threats, whether they be real or imaginary. And even if the dangers facing an outspoken Russian
aristocrat on Britain's roads may pale in comparison with the dangers of driving in Moscow, he may
simply have become accustomed to riding in a car capable of withstanding a bomb or hail of bullets.

5. The superior security does not come cheap. INKAS, another Canadian company, charges around
double the list price to modify a Mercedes S-class. Mr Bahar reckons that, depending on the level of
protection and interior bling required, he might charge between GBP300,000 and GBP1 million (RM1.9
million to RM6 million) for a bespoked Range Rover that would normally cost GBP100,000 (RM600,000).
But the drawbacks are fewer than they used to be. The use of modern, high-tech materials means that a
car that a few years ago might have put on three-quarters of its original weight, severely affecting
handling, may now add only a few extra pounds, making armouring less of a brake on performance.

�. Most �tters agree that armour is becoming something of a status symbol among celebrities and other
well-to-do petrolheads. Trent Kimball, the head of Texas Armoring, a company that specialises in
protecting fast cars, says that 5 percent of his projects are for rich and famous people whose threat
levels simply do not justify the armour plating. Mr Burton thinks the proportion is even higher, with maybe
a quarter of all cars bought as acts of automotive one-upmanship. This means that vehicles which may
not be appropriate for modi�cation get the treatment anyway. He admits reluctantly to armouring a
Ferrari for a good customer.

7. It may be that Ares and Streit can pro�t from this trend. The only drawback is that genuinely nervous
buyers value discretion. Indeed, armoured vehicles are barely discernible from production models.
Anonymity is one of the best ways of maintaining security--but a bad way to promote a new business.

(Adapted from

Question 1 Which of the following is true about the new car showroom opening at London's West End?

Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

1.00 A. It produces smart and safe luxurious cars.

B. It is a safe harbour from today's dangerous world.

C. It �ts high-end cars with armour to safeguard from threats. 

 Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: It �ts high-end cars with armour to safeguard from threats.

Question 2 The phrase new phenomenon (paragraph 2, boldface) refers to


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

1.00 A. �tting presidents' and VIPs vehicles with armours for protection

B. customising exterior and interiors of cars with armoured features. 

C. personalising cars for both prestige and novelty.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: customising exterior and interiors of cars with armoured features.

Question 3 Why is London the perfect place to open this deluxe armoured-car establishment?

Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

1.00 A. London is a frequent destination for many of its clients. 

B. London has good relationship with Russia, Africa and Middle Eastern countries.

C. London is able to protect its wealthy part-time residents from threats.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: London is a frequent destination for many of its clients.

Question 4 Based on the article, which of the statements below is not a reason for armouring high-end cars?

Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

1.00 A. As people are becoming richer, there is a growing need to minimise threat.

B. Luxurious and armoured vehicles are fashionable and a marker of status for the super-rich.

C. The road conditions are unsafe and pose serious threats to the aristocrats. 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: The road conditions are unsafe and pose serious threats to the aristocrats.

Question 5 Which of the statements below is not a drawback of armouring vehicles?


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

1.00 A. Armoured features add weight to the vehicles and affect their performance. 

B. The cost of armouring depends on the level of protection needed.

C. The cost of exterior and interior customisation is extremely expensive.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Armoured features add weight to the vehicles and affect their performance.
Question 6 Most of armouring vehicle companies think that

Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

1.00 A. the trend of armouring vehicles has been driven by the desire to show off status symbol. 

B. customers must �rst evaluate the level of threat they face before deciding to armour their vehicles.

C. the rich and famous requires the best form of protection and needed to be stylish at the same time.

 Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: the trend of armouring vehicles has been driven by the desire to show off status

Question 7 What does the author think about armouring vehicles?


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

1.00 A. There is a real need for armouring vehicles as the world is getting more dangerous.

B. Being anonymous and discreet is the best protection for the rich and famous.

C. The business of armouring vehicles prey on the insecurity of the rich. 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: The business of armouring vehicles prey on the insecurity of the rich.

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