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Q1: What is inode??

a A file is given a unique number by OS and is called as inode.

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d A directory is given a predifined number by OS and is called as inode.

e A file is given a predifined number by OS and is called as inode.

f A directory is given a unique number by OS and is called as inode.

Q2: <TD> … </TD> tag is used for ________?

a None

b Table heading

c Table row

d none of the above

e None

f Table Records

Q3: The WHERE clause is mandatory when using the SELECT command?

a None

b None

c True

d None

e False

f None

Q4: A much better approach to establish the base URL is to use the ______ element.?
a None


c None

d None Of The Above



Q5: How to scale a service to 7 replicas in Docker Swarm??

a None

b None

c docker service update name_of_your_service_here=7

d docker service scale name_of_your_service_here=7

e docker service replica-set name_of_your_service_here=7

f docker service upgrade name_of_your_service_here=7

Q6: You have to sort records in the descending order by field "rating". Which query will be

a SORT BY "rating"

b None

c ORDER BY "rating" DESC

d None

e ORDER BY "rating"

f SORT BY "rating" DESC

Q7: Which of the following statements are true about SQL injection attacks??

a SQL injections are not possible, if only emulated prepared statements are used.

b None
c Usage of later versions of MySQL, validation, and explicit setting of the charset of
user input are valid measures to decrease vulnerability to SQL injections.

d Wrapping all variables containing user input by a call to

mysql_real_escape_string() makes the code immune to SQL injections.

e None of the above

f Parametrized queries do not make code less vulnearable to SQL injections.

Q8: What did the 1.8 version of Kubernetes introduce??

a Federated Clusters

b Logging Secrets

The correct Answer is: None

d Taints and Tolerations

e Cluster level

The correct Answer is: None

Q9: test123?

a test2

b test

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

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