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How To Generate Nimsoft Customize Report

1. Login to UMP Website

Key in username and password

2. Refer home page at the right panel and select Go To “My Public Pages”
a. Select Unified Report
b. Under Folders, refer “CA Custom Reports”
c. At the Repository Tab select “Server Group Performance Report”
3. Refer Options Tab, select the report period required

a.*Report Type, refer drop down list and select the report period
b. *Group column Tab, select the Applications/Servers
c. *Metrics Column Tab, Select all except “Individual CPU Usage”
d. Once complete select all the required field, click “Apply” button to generate the report

4. Once report generated the report, you can refer save Icon to save the report as PDF file, then click Apply.
5. To save the report, select the print icon as below
7. Streamline PrimoPDF window will appear click “NO”

8. PrimoPDF window will appear as below, select “Create PDF”

9. Select a location to Save the PDF file

10. Once save the report will display in PDF format as below

How To Add New Group

1. Refer USM Tab

2. Refer Right Column under Actions and Select “Add Group”

3. Fill in the Required Field:

Name: SA (Server/ Systems/Apps)

Description: SA

Filters Column

Second column select : User Tag 1

Fourth column: Key in the SA (Server/ Systems/Apps)

4. Once completed, click “OK”

5. The new Group created will be display in the Left Column as below
How To generate schedule report in Nimsoft Web

1. Refer “Unified Report” Tab as below

2. Select “CA Custom Reports”

3. Go TO “Server Group Performance Report” and select the icon as below

4. Refer “schedule Job” Tab

5. Key in the “Job Name”, “Description” and select the Recurrence Column “Repeat every” and

6. Next step select the “output format” tick as “PDF” for the report
7. Refer Email Notification Column and key in the requested email address to be send to receive the report
8. Key in the Email “subject” i.e. Server Performance” and key in the ” Message” content
9. Tick “Attach Files” column and select “Submit”

How TO Add In Additional Email Address Request for Daily Reporting

Step 1
1. Refer “confiq scheduling”, report Scheduler will appear.
2. Find the schedule Report at “Job Name” or “Report”

Step 2
1. The report display as below, refer right ICON for “edit Selected Job”

Step 3
1. Edit Job Window will display and refer “Delivery”
Step 4
1. Under Delivery refer “Email using template” to edit or add in email address

Step 5
1. Email settings window will display, to add in refer TO: column and add in new email address and click “OK”

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