pc102 Document Applicationactivity Teamgovernanceplantemplate

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Application Activity: Team Governance Plan

Name: Kimberly Umpad

As a team, respond to the questions below. You will be graded individually on the quality of
your responses.

Team Members
Please list the full names of those on your team. You may also wish to create a team name.

Mighty Zion
Angelica Belle Pajo
Florenz Pino
Joanna Frugal Table
Kimberly Umpad

How is your team organized (eg. did you assign roles, divide up the work, set deadlines)? How will your
team complete assignments each week on time?

As a team, we assigned team members with stable internet connections to update those who
may not have a stable connection.
Every meeting we will contribute ideas, helping each other and follow up
them regularly so that we may remind every member of our team to
complete the assignments

How and when will your team communicate?

We communicate thru messenger, every 9:00 pm thursday

How will you help your teammates when they don’t understand the work?

We will open up any questions and we will discuss anything that they didn’t understand and
have brainstorming in our weekly team meeting
What are your team expectations? What will you do if a team member isn’t contributing?
My expectation is that we can build relationship and trust as a group, so that we can have a
good communication and we can help or assist every group member who is/are struggling.
If our team member isn’t contributing, we will follow up him/her for us that we may know
his/her concern and how we can help him

Save this document and follow the instructions in the course to submit it for grading and feedback.

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