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Class: ………… Name: …………………………


Choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D
1. John ________ TV at 8 last evening.
A. watches B. watched C. was watching D. is watching
2. This is the first time I ___________ to play badminton.
A. tried B. have tried C. was trying D. have been trying
3. Everyone likes _________when they have got some success.
A. to be congratulated B. being congratulated C. to be congratulating D. to congratulate
4. I ___________from him since he __________two years ago.
A. haven’t heard/disappeared B. didn’t hear/disappeared
C. don’t hear/disappeared D. didn’t hear/have disappeared
5. Mary speaks English very_____________.
A. fluent B. fluently C. more fluently D. most fluently
6. Only one of our gifted students ______________to participate in the final competition.
A. was choosing B. chosen C. has been chosen D. have been chosen
7. In Vietnam, it is normally in the South than in the North.
A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. hoter
8. This book is the___________ of all.
A. bored B. boring C. more boring D. most boring
9. Jane is not _________ her brother.
A. more intelligent as B. intelligent as C. as intelligent as D. so intelligent that
10. The young man ________was released after the court was found innocent of all the charges against him.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
11. Joyce Bews, ________ was born and grew up in Portsmouth on the south coast of England, _________she still lives,
was 100 last year.
A. that; in which B. who; where C. that; where D. who; that
12. The girl ___________ dress you admire has been working for an export company since she left school.
A. who B. what C. whose D. whom
13. I haven’t seen Rich and Andy for ages. I really miss _________.
A. they B. themselves C. them D. their
14. My mum studied history at university. _________says_________ was a really interesting course.
A. She/she B. Her/it C. She/it D. She/they
15. If you want to pass the exam, you _________ do some revision.

Class: ………… Name: …………………………
A. can B. ought C. should D. may
16. I’ve been having swimming lessons and now I _________ swim really well.
A. will B. should C. must D. can
17. “It’s not necessary to come to the train station to meet me.”
You _______ meet her at the train station.
A. have to B. don’t have to C. must D. mustn’t
18. When I was ______ child, I used to be very shy.
A. a B. the C. an D. 0
19. I’ve been invited to a wedding _______ 14 February.
A. on B. in C. at D. for
20. The building is very old. It was built _______the fifteenth century.
A. on B. in C. at D. for
21. If I ______ you, I’d get a haircut!
A. am B. will be C. were D. was
22. . ______ Bobby be upset if I didn’t invite him?
A. Will B. Would C. Had D. Should
23. I’m a bit scared because I _______ the dentist tomorrow afternoon.
A. will see B. am going to see C. saw D. have seen
24. I _________ this day for the rest of my life!
A. am going to remember B. will remember C. have remembered D. remembered
25. There’s a party at Emily’s ________ Saturday.
A. at B. in C. on D. into
26. His new film is much ________ than his last one. I loved that one!
A. entertaining B. more entertaining C. entertaininger D. most entertaining
27. The scientists ________ on this project try to find the solutions to air pollution.
A. working B. worked C. are working D. who working
28. Everyone in both cars _______injured in the accident last night.
A. was B. is C. are D. were
29. Economics _________ me as much as literature does.
A. not interesting B. do not interest C. does not interest D. not interests
30. My neighbour is driving me mad! It seems that ________it is at night, ________ he plays his music!
A. the less / the more loud B. the less / less
C. the more late / the more loudlier D. the later / the louder

Class: ………… Name: …………………………
In this sample writing, there are 15 mistakes, identify and correct them.
In recent years, extreme sports have became increasingly popular, and some people argues that governments should
prohibited them. I complete disagree with the idea that these sports are too dangerous, and I therefore believe that they
should not be banned.
In my opinion, so-called extreme sports are not as dangerous many people think. All sports involve some element of risk,
and there should always be clear regulations and safety procedures to reduce the possibility of accidents. People which take
off in extreme sports are usually required to undergo appropriate training so that the dangers are minimised. For example,
anyone whom wants to try skydiving will need sign up for lessons with a registered club, and beginners are not allow to
dive solo; they must be accompanied by an experienced professional. Finally, the protective equipment and technology used
in sports from motor racing during mountain climbing is constantly improving safety.
While I support regulations and safety measures, I believe that it would be wrong, and almost impossible, to ban extreme
sports. In the first place, we should all free to decide how we spend our leisure time; as long as we understand the risks, I
do not believe that politicians should stop us from enjoying ourselves. However, an even stronger argument against such a
ban would be the difficulty of enforcing it. Many of most risky sports, like base jumping or big wave surfing, is practised
far away from the reach of any authorities. I cannot imagined the police being called to stop people from parachuting off a
mountain face or surfing on an isolated beach.
In conclusion, I would argue that people should be free to enjoy extreme sports as longer as they understand the risks and
take the appropriate precautions.
Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings (10 sentences)
46. We set off soon, we will arrive soon.
➔ The sooner ____________________________________________________________________
47. The black car is cheaper than the red car.
➔ The red car ____________________________________________________________________
48. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary.
➔ Mary _________________________________________________________________________
49. You have to do this job at once.
➔ This job_______________________________________________________________________
50. He has made no mistakes in his essay.
➔ No mistakes ___________________________________________________________________
51. The cake is being cut with a sharp knife by Mary.
➔ Mary _________________________________________________________________________
52. They say that apples are good for our health.
➔ Apples _______________________________________________________________________
53. People supposed that the lion had escaped from the cage.
➔ It ____________________________________________________________________________
54. People learn a lot of things as they travel far.
➔ The farther ____________________________________________________________________
55. This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty girl.
➔ She is ________________________________________________________________________

Class: ………… Name: …………………………
Join 2 sentences into one. Make sure their meanings will not change (10 sentences)

56. I can’t swim, so I’m not going scuba-diving with you.

➔ If I __________________________________________________________________________
57. You must leave home early or you’ll miss the flight.
➔ If ____________________________________________________________________________
58. I could make a cake for you, but there aren’t any eggs in the fridge.
➔ I would _______________________________________________________________________
59. I can’t go to the concert because I have a lot of homework to do.
➔ I would ______________________________________________________________________
60. I’ll call the teacher if you don’t leave me alone.
➔ Unless ________________________________________________________________________
61. You saw the girl at the festival. He was Susan.
➔ The girl ______________________________________________________________________
62. I gave you the phone number. It was correct.
➔ The phone number ______________________________________________________________
63. I found a man's wallet. He gave me a reward.
➔ The man ______________________________________________________________________
64. He often tells me about his village. He was born in that place.
➔ He often ______________________________________________________________________
65. Most people go travelling in September. The weather in September is really nice.
➔ Most people ___________________________________________________________________

Rewrite the sentences using reduced relative clauses (5 sentences)

66. The girl who was injured in the accident is in the hospital now.

➔ The girl _______________________________________________________________________

67. The children who attend that school receive a good education.

➔ The children ___________________________________________________________________

68. This message is for children who are picked up by their parents after school.

➔ This message __________________________________________________________________

69. Anyone who wants to come to the live show should let me know by now.

➔ Anyone _______________________________________________________________________

70. This jug, which was made in China 4000 years ago, is very valuable.

➔ This jug, ______________________________________________________________________

Class: ………… Name: …………………………
Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing words. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR ONE
NUMBER for each answer.
American families are different from (1)______________ones in several ways. People in the USA get married (2)
___________________. Many of them get married before the age of (3) ______________. A lot of women work after
they get married. Most women who have babies go back (4)______________ fairly soon. 50% of them return to work
within a year of having a baby. A lot of Korean women (5) ____________ and take care of their families. The articles say
(6) ________women with children work. And (7) _______________of children under six have two parents who work or a
single parent who works.
Questions 8-13
You will hear a radio interview with a man called Robin Marshall, who has written a book about Argentina.
For each question, choose the correct answer.
8. What was Robin's job in Argentina?
A. translator B. tour guide C. travelling salesman
9. On Robin's last trip to Argentina, the weather was
A. colder than he expected.
B. suitable for what he planned.
C. different from the forecasts he heard.
10. What did Robin buy from the market he visited?
A. a picture B. a chair C. a record
11. How did Robin feel during the dance performance he saw?
A. He wanted to get up and dance.
B. He wished he had continued his dance classes.
C. He was sad he didn't dance well.
12. What did Robin do while he stayed in the village?
A. He went on a bus tour. B. He went into the forest. C. He went on a river trip.
13. What did Robin like about his favourite place?
A. the wildlife B. the views C. the peace

Questions 14-19
You will hear a radio presenter talking about a museum where you can see a new film.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.

Class: ………… Name: …………………………


The Film
Country it is about: (14)___________
Day it is on: Sunday
Time last performance starts: (15)__________________
Other things to do at the museum
- use the (16) _________ in the basement
- see a model (17)________ on the first floor
- try the café on the (18) __________ floor
How to get free tickets for the film
- send an email before 12 o'clock on (19) ____________

Questions 20-25
Look at the six sentences for this part.
You will hear two neighbours, a woman, Natasha, and a man, Colin, talking about running.
Write YES if the statement is true and NO if the statement is false
20. Natasha has decided to take the day off work to go running.
21. Colin found running to work was bad for his health.
22. Natasha would prefer to go running outside the city.
23. Natasha would like to wear her sports clothes at work.
24. Natasha will run in the big race because she hopes to win it.
25. Colin and Natasha will prepare for the big race together.

Class: ………… Name: …………………………
Questions 1 – 10
Look at the sentences below about two wildlife filmmakers. Read the text on the opposite page to decide if each sentence
is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, mark A on your answer sheet.
If it is not correct, mark B on your answer sheet.
1. Richard and Sonia’s most recent film compared lions’ behaviour in different parts of Africa.
2. It was Richard and Sonia’s idea to set up a special project to research the lions in Africa.
3. Meeting each other as students was the start of Sonia developing a new interest.
4. Sonia’s parents encouraged her to discover the natural environment around her childhood home.
5. They agree that an uncomfortable working environment is the worst part of their job.
6. They have different ideas about what is the most enjoyable part of their job.
7. They found people with fewer opportunities to use technology have a better understanding of geography.
8. Richard advises students of wildlife to keep up to date with the most recent filmmaking techniques.
9. Sonia suggests that some modern technology can make the type of work they do harder.
10. The couple believe that people must act quickly to prevent wildlife from disappearing.

Wildlife Filmmakers
Richard and Sonia Muller make documentaries about wildlife, particularly dangerous animals, like the big cats found in
Africa. Film-making for them is a way to bring the message of the importance of understanding wildlife to international
audiences, with their last film, Staying Alive, exploring relationships between lions and other wildlife in one African region.
When Richard and Sonia were invited to help with a special project run by a wildlife organisation that was providing
information about the falling numbers of big cats, especially lions, they immediately agreed to take part.
Richard grew up near a wildlife park and as a child was keen on filming what he saw. The couple were introduced at
university in Cape Town, and quickly realised how much they had in common. They were both curious about the natural
world and Sonia soon discovered a similar talent for filmmaking. As a child in South Africa Sonia often ran off alone to
explore the wild areas surrounding her home, despite her parents’ fears.
When asked what they found hardest about their work, Sonia and Richard have the same answer - leaving an area and
finishing a project. Sonia adds that the hours required can be hard, and things like the heat, dust, and bugs make it very
tiring. The excitement of her work comes from not knowing what will happen, perhaps even discovering something new
for science, while Richard takes most interest in spending time with individual animals, getting to know their character.
The pair visit schools around the world, and notice that students with access to lots of information don’t always have as
much understanding about geography as students in countries where access is limited. “Students without the internet
constantly available actually look at maps, they want to find out where they are and often end up with a better idea of place,”
Richard says. A major part of their work is explaining to students the importance of a fuller understanding of various
environments by studying the climate, animals and culture of a specific location.
If you’d like a similar career, Richard suggests studying various different areas of biology, rather than learning about the
latest filmmaking technology, as an understanding of the natural world will last forever. The couple also give general advice
for those wanting to help protect the environment. Sonia explains that it’s important to allow yourself to concentrate.

Class: ………… Name: …………………………
“Turning off personal electronic items gets you closer to the natural world,” she says. “You can watch nature, instead of
listening for your mobile phone.” Most importantly they agree that if urgent action isn’t taken, more animals might be lost.
However, the fact that more teenagers are getting involved offers some hope for the future.

Questions 11–15
Read the text and questions below.
For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
My Job at a Summer Camp, by Charlie Rose
Every year I work at a summer camp for kids and I really enjoy seeing the children do things they never thought they could
do. Nearly all the kids know how to swim and play table-tennis before they come, but things like rock climbing are new
experiences for most. Some of them are very nervous, but after a bit of encouragement, they agree to try and they all get to
the top in the end, which makes them feel great.
The kids stay several weeks and some do miss home. You might expect it to be the really young ones who feel like that the
most but it’s actually the ten- to thirteen-year-olds. We don’t let them use their mobile phones all the time. First we tell
them they can phone home after lunch. Then when they ask again, usually after dinner, we say it’s a bit too late to phone
and suggest doing it the next day. Most children are fine in a couple of days and at the end of their stay, it’s amazing how
many come and thank us because they have had a great time.
It’s not just the children who get lonely. We get parents who are on the phone the whole time, asking how their child is
getting on, which is quite unnecessary. Often their son or daughter will be busy, playing games or doing something else, so
we have to tell parents to ring back another time.
Some kids arrive dressed in smart, designer, new clothes and they sometimes argue when we tell them to change into
something they won’t mind getting dirty, but before long they realise what we mean.
11. What is the writer trying to do in this text?
A. describe how children make friends at a summer camp
B. suggest how parents should choose a summer camp for children
C. explain what it is like for children at a summer camp
D. advise children how to behave at a summer camp
12. What does the writer say about rock climbing at the camp?
A. Some children already know how to do it.
B. Some children prefer to swim or play table-tennis.
C. Some children refuse to take part.
D. Some children find it more enjoyable than they expected to.
13. What surprises the writer about the children who stay at the camp?
A. The youngest ones find it hard to be away from home.
B. They complain if they cannot phone their parents.
C. They miss meal times with their parents.
D. They seem grateful for their experience here.

Class: ………… Name: …………………………
14. What does the writer think about some parents?
A. They should visit their children instead of phoning them.
B. They don't need to keep on phoning the camp.
C. They shouldn't allow their children to bring phones to camp.
D. They need to be reminded to phone their children.
15. Which postcard might a child at the camp send home?
A. I was annoyed when they suggested I put on old jeans, but I guess they were right.
B. It's so unfair that everyone else can use their mobile phone, but they won't let me use mine.
C. I've made some good friends but we're all bored because there isn’t much to do here.
D. I was really frightened every time we went rock climbing, so they let me do something else instead.

Questions 16 – 30
Read the passage
A Like people, animals each have their own personality and talents. And like some people, some animals achieve fame.
Some of them become famous through films, TV or advertisements, and others through their work, for example rescuing
people or playing a role in a war. Still others have done something special or been the first to do something.
B There have been many famous dogs in history. One of them is Hachiko, a dog remembered for his loyalty to his owner.
Hachiko was born in Japan in 1923 and was owned by Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor at Tokyo University. Every day,
Hachiko waited for Ueno at Shibuya station and the pair walked home together. One day in May 1925, Ueno died suddenly
while he was at work. For the next nine years, nine months and 15 days, his faithful dog continued to meet the train his
owner used to take every day. At first the station staff did not welcome him, but gradually people understood his loyalty
and began giving him food and treats. Hachiko did not stop waiting for Ueno until his own death in 1935. There have been
films and books about Hachiko, and every year there is a ceremony to commemorate him at the railway station in Tokyo,
where he waited so faithfully.
C One animal that achieved fame in the twenty-first century is Knut the polar bear. Knut was born in Berlin Zoo in December
2006. Sadly, Knut was rejected by his mother, Tosca, and was raised by zookeepers. Knut was extremely popular with the
public, not only in Germany, but across the world. Knut's story increased attendance at the zoo by about 30% and increased
the zoo's revenue by five million euros. The zoo made substantial amounts of money by selling Knut toys, candy and other
products. There were even songs written about him. By the time he was a year old, Knut weighed almost 100 kg and it was
too dangerous for him to be handled by humans. Poor Knut missed his favourite keeper. Knut suffered in his short life
without his mother, and later without human contact. He died of a virus at the age of four.
D Even some wiid animals have become famous. One of them is Elsa the lioness, born in 1956. Elsa's mother was killed by
a game warden, a person whose job it was to protect wild animals. The warden, George Adamson, had killed the lioness to
defend himself, but he felt guilty about the orphaned cubs. He and his wife, Joy, took them home and brought them up.
They trained Elsa, one of the cubs, to live in the wild. During her adult life in the wild, she had three cubs and took them to
visit her human foster parents. Joy Adamson told Elsa's story in a book called Born Free. Born Free was made into a film,
which was popular with both adults and children. In 1984, the actors who had starred in the film started the Born Free
Foundation, an organisation that protects wildlife in many ways. The Foundation's important work includes improving
conditions in zoos and circuses, stopping hunting for 'sport' and working against the killing of elephants for ivory.

Class: ………… Name: …………………………
E Many of us enjoy learning about famous animals. They can inspire us with their characters and stories, just as human
celebrities can. Some of them are remembered for years through books, films, toys and other items created in their memory.
But in the end, it is humans and not the animals themselves who benefit from that fame.
Questions 16-22
Choose the correct animal (A-C) for each question. You may choose any animal more than once. Which animal ...
A. Hachiko B. Knut C. Elsa
16. never forgot their human friend?
17. lived part of their life in the wild?
18. made large profits for the humans who cared for them?
19. was not wanted by their parent?
20. has had valuable work done in their memory?
21. is formally remembered at regular times?
22. had souvenirs of them made?
Questions 23-30
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in the reading passage?
YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

23. All animals are very much the same.

24. There are many different reasons why animals might be remembered.
25. Ueno died after a long illness.
26. After some time, the people who worked at the railway station were kind to Hachiko.
27. The songs written about Knut were very popular.
28. Knut had a happy life because of his fame.
29. The Adamsons made money from Elsa.
30. The Born Free Foundation does useful work.

Class: ………… Name: …………………………
Write answers for the following questions. Write 3-5 sentences for each answer.
1. What do you usually do in the morning, afternoon and evening?








2. Do you think pollution is a big problem nowadays? Why?








3. Would you say your country is a good place for travellers to visit?








4. In your opinion, what skill do students need to master?



Class: ………… Name: …………………………





5. Do you think it is important to save money? Why?









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