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in the life of
Birth of Prophet (SAW)

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was born in

the city of Mecca in the year 570 CE. His birth is
celebrated by Muslims around the world as a
momentous event in the history of Islam. He came
from the noble Quraysh tribe. His birth marked the
beginning of a life dedicated to spreading the
message of monotheism and peace, making him the
final prophet in Islam.
Marriage to Khadijah (595)
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
married Khadijah, a wealthy widow, in the
year 595 CE. This union was characterized
by deep love and mutual respect. Khadijah's
support and wisdom played a crucial role in
the early years of Islam, making their
marriage a symbol of enduring partnership
and devotion in Islamic history.
Revelation of the Quran (610 CE)

The revelation of the Quran is an

important event in Islamic history. It
began in 610 CE when Prophet
Muhammad, peace be upon him,
received the first verses from the angel
Gabriel in the cave of Hira in Mecca.
Over a period of 23 years, the Quran was
revealed to him, serving as the holy
scripture of Islam.
Early Prophethood (610-622 CE)

The early prophethood of Muhammad, peace

be upon him, commenced at the age of 40 in
the year 610 CE. Initially, he conveyed the
message privately to close family and friends,
gradually extending his mission publicly. This
period was marked by opposition and
persecution from Meccan leaders, but it laid
the foundation for the spread of Islam, as his
followers embraced the monotheistic faith he
Migration to Medina (622 CE)

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,

undertook the pivotal migration to Medina, known
as the Hijra, in 622 CE. Fleeing persecution in
Mecca, he and his followers sought refuge in
Medina, where they were welcomed by the Ansar,
the local inhabitants. This event marked the
beginning of the Islamic lunar calendar and a new
chapter in Islamic history. In Medina, the Prophet
established a thriving Muslim community, laid the
foundations for a just society, and continued to
spread the message of Islam.
fiRsT isLAmiC sTatE iN mADinAH (622-630)

In Medina, after the Hijra in 622 CE, the Prophet

Muhammad, peace be upon him, played a pivotal role in
establishing the first Islamic state. He drafted the
Constitution of Medina, a historic document that outlined
the rights and responsibilities of various communities,
ensuring harmony among Muslims, Jews, and other
residents. This marked a significant step towards the
realization of a just and inclusive society governed by
Islamic principles. Under his leadership, the nascent
Islamic state flourished.
Conquest of Mecca (630)
In the year 630 CE, Prophet Muhammad, peace be
upon him, led a triumphant return to Mecca, known
as the Conquest of Mecca. After years of persecution
and exile, the city that had once rejected him
embraced Islam. With a peaceful entry, the Prophet
cleansed the Kaaba of its idols, marking a historic
moment in the spread of Islam. The conquest of
Mecca was a testament to his mercy and forgiveness,
laying the foundation for the unification of the
Arabian Peninsula under Islamic rule.
The Battle of Badr took place in 624 CE, near the
town of Badr in present-day Saudi Arabia. It was a
significant early conflict in Islamic history, where a
small Muslim force led by Prophet Muhammad,
peace be upon him, confronted a larger Meccan
army. Despite being outnumbered, the Muslims
achieved a decisive victory, attributed to divine
intervention. This victory strengthened the fledgling
Muslim community's morale and demonstrated the
importance of faith and unity in the face of
Farewell pilgrimage (632 CE)
The Farewell Pilgrimage also known as “hajjatul wida”, in
632 CE, was the last pilgrimage undertaken by Prophet
Muhammad, peace be upon him. It occurred in the 10th year
of the Islamic lunar calendar, and it marked a culmination
of his prophetic mission. During this pilgrimage, he
delivered his famous last sermon, emphasizing equality,
unity, and social justice among all Muslims. It was a
profound moment, as he bid farewell to tens of thousands
of his followers, leaving behind a legacy of guidance and
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, passed
away in the year 632 CE in the city of Medina. His
death marked the end of prophethood and a
profound moment in Islamic history. His last
sermon emphasized unity and the importance of
treating others with kindness and justice. His
legacy lives on in the teachings of the Quran, and
his exemplary life continues to inspire millions of
Muslims around the world, making him the final
prophet of Islam.
Legacy and the Spread of Islam
After the death of Prophet Muhammad in 632 CE,
Islam's legacy and influence expanded rapidly. The
Rashidun khalifas, his immediate successors, played a
crucial role in spreading Islam across the Arabian
Peninsula, North Africa, the Levant, and beyond.
Through military conquests and trade, Islam reached
diverse regions, incorporating new cultures and
societies. The compilation of the Quran, the
establishment of Islamic jurisprudence, and the early
Muslim community's unity contributed to the
religion's enduring global impact.

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