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Grade 12 Maths Essentials
Trigonometry Grade 11 Recap SCIENCE CLINIC 2019 ©


Shows the quadrants where each trig ratio is + IDENTITIES Reducing all angles to acute angles.
Memorise: 180° – θ 360° + θ
90⁰ S A θ
sin θ =
soh sin A

S A = tan A 180° + θ
360° – θ
cos A
cos θ = cah sin + all +



tan θ = toa II I 0⁰

a Reduce to an acute angle and simplify if possible (without

III IV 360⁰
sin2 B + cos2 B = 1 a calculator):
T C can be written as 1. sin 125o 2. cos 260 o
θ cos + = sin(180 o − 55o) = cos(180 o + 80 o)
tan + sin2 B = 1 − cos2 B
= sin 55o = − cos 80 o
cos2 B = 1 − sin2 B (QII so sin is +) (QIII so cos is -)
These are our basic trig ratios. 270⁰

EXAMPLE tan 660 o

3. = tan(360 o + 300 o)
On the Cartesian Plane Special Angles
1. In which quadrant does θ lie if tanθ < 0 and
cosθ > 0?
= tan 300 o (QI so tan is +)
y = tan(360 o − 60 o)
r = 2 (x; y) 60 o is a
= − tan 60 o (QIV so tan is -) special angle
tanθ - cosθ +
y 3
sin θ = cosθ + = −
r (0; 2) 1
y x tanθ -
cos θ = r (1; 3) = − 3
y Quadrant IV
tan θ = ( 2; 2) tan(180 o − β)cos(180 o + β)cos2 (360 o − β)
x 90o 4. + sin2(180 o + β )
x 60o sin(360 + β)
2. In which quadrant does θ lie if sinθ < 0 and ( 3; 1) (−tan β)(−cos β)(cos β) 2
cosθ < 0? 45o = sin β
+ (−sin β )2

30o cos3 β
Remember: cosθ - = tan β . sin β
+ sin2 β
sinθ - sinθ - cos3 β
• x2 + y2 = r2 (Pythagoras) cosθ - =
sin β
. + sin2 β
(2; 0) cos β sin β
• Angles are measured upwards from the posi- 0 Remember:
tive (+) x-axis (anti-clockwise) up to the hy- = cos2 β + sin2 β
potenuse (r). Quadrant III = 1

Pythagoras Problems 2 cos θ + tan θ
Steps: If 3sinθ – 2 = 0 and tanθ < 0, determine 2 cos θ + without using a calculator and using a diagram. − 5 1
tan θ = 2( )+ Remember:
1. Isolate the trig ratio 2 2 2 3 2 x
x + y = r ( ) cos θ = r
2. Determine the quadrant 1. 3 sin θ − 2 = 0 2. 3. 4. − 5
3. Draw a sketch and use Pythagoras 2 y tanθ - r=3 x 2 + (2)2 = (3)2 and
4. Answer the question sin θ = 3 r sinθ + sinθ + =
−2 5

y=2 x2 = 5 3 2 tan θ =
tanθ - x
θ x = ± 5 −4 5 − 3 5
= 6
∴ Q u a dr a nt I I ∴x = − 5 −7 5
= 6
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Grade 12 Maths Essentials
Trigonometry Grade 11 Recap SCIENCE CLINIC 2019 ©


Angles measured downwards (clockwise) from the B If A + B = 90∘ then sinA and cosB are Memorise the following diagram:
positive x-axis, which can be seen as Quadrant IV. known as co-functions.
90° + θ 90° – θ
sinA = sin(90⁰ – B)
y A = cosB θ
180° – θ
360° + θ
S II I A 0°
1. sin 30 o 2. cos 25o 180°
T III IV C 360°
x = sin(90 o − 60 o) = cos(90 o − 65o) 180° + θ 360° – θ
–A = cos 60 o = sin 65o θ – 180° –θ
NOTE: θ – 90°
Look at the quadrant first, THEN use
* Reductions Co-functions 270°
the reduction/co-function formulae

Method 1: Q IV Method 2: Get rid of negative PROVING IDENTITIES

3. sin(90 o − α) Q I, so sin +
sin(–A) = –sinA Add 360° to the angle to make
= cos α 90 o ∴ sin ↔ cos Steps:
cos(–A) = cosA it positive. 1. Separate LHS and RHS
tan(–A) = –tanA 2. Start on the more complex side
4. cos(90 o + β ) Q II, so cos − 3. Prove that the sides are equal.
EXAMPLES = − sin β 90 o ∴ sin ↔ cos
Simplify without the use of a calculator: sin(–330°) cos x 1
1. cos2 x . tan2 x = sin2 x 3. tan x + =
o 1 + sin x cos x
NB: Negative Angle 5. sin(θ − 90 ) Q I V, so sin −
= − cos θ 90 o ∴ sin ↔ cos LHS = cos2 x . tan2 x cos x
1) Q I V 2) + 360 o LHS = tan x +
sin(−330 ) o
= sin(−330 )o 2 1 + sin x
6. Simplify to a ratio of 10⁰: sin x sin x cos x
= − sin 330 o = sin(360 o − 330 o) = cos2 x . = +
a) cos 100 o Q II, so cos − cos2 x cos x 1 + sin x
= − sin(360 o − 30 o) = sin 30 o
1 = cos(90 o + 10 o) 90 o ∴ sin ↔ cos
= − (−sin 30 ) o
= = sin2 x = RHS sin x (1 + sin x) + cos x (cos x)
2 = − sin 10 o =
o cos x (1 + sin x)
= sin 30
1 b) tan 170 o Q II, so tan −
= = tan(180 o − 10 o) 180 o ∴ r edu c t i on sin x + sin2 x + cos2 x
2 2. 1 − 2 sin x . cos x = (sin x − cos x)2 =
= − tan 10 o cos x (1 + sin x)

PROBLEM SOLVING: RHS = (sin x − cos x)2 sin x + 1

If cos25° = p, express the following in terms of p (i.e. get all angles to 25°): cos x (1 + sin x)
= sin2 x + cos2 x − 2 sin x . cos x
1. cos(−385 ) o
negative angle, so a) + 360° o
3. sin(335 ) 1
o = 1 − 2 sin x . cos x = LHS = = RHS
= cos(−25 ) or b) Q IV o o
= sin(360 − 25 ) Q IV, sin - cos x
= cos 25o - 385 Q I = − sin 25o
= p ∴ + cos REMEMBER: Correct angle is 25° BUT wrong sin ratio. Thus draw sketch. 4. tan(155o) Method 1: Ratio Method 2: Sketch
= tan(180 o − 25o) Q II, tan -
−y −sin 25o −y
2. sin(65o) Given cos25⁰ = p x So, − sin 25o = = − tan 25o = =
= sin(90 o − 25o) Q I, sin + r cos 25o x
1 r
= cos(25o) 1 This can be solved in two ways:
r = y = √1 –p2 − 1 − p2 − 1 − p2 − 1 − p2
= p = =
(Pythag) = = − 1 − p2 p p
x=p 1
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Trig Equations Grade 11 Recap SCIENCE CLINIC 2019 ©


Steps: Hints: Hints: Steps:
• Isolate trig ratios • Do all four quadrants (± means the ratio • sin and cos with different angles • Solve as you would a quadratic equation
must be both + and -)
• Reference angle (don’t put negative • Introduce the co-function with 90° - z
into calculator) EXAMPLE
• The angle you change is the reference angle
Solve for x:
• Choose quadrants Solve for β:
➡ sin or cos: 2 Quadrants 4 sin2 β − 3 = 0
Solve for x: 1. tan2 x − 2 tan x + 1 = 0
➡ tan: 1 Quadrant 3
sin β = 1. cos x = sin(x − 10 o) (tan x − 1)(tan x − 1) = 0
• General solutions 4 cos x = cos(90 o − (x − 10 o)) tan x = 1
➡ sin θ or cos θ + k 360∘; k ∈ℤ cos x = cos(100 o − x)
3 Reference∠ : 45∘
➡ tan θ + k180∘; k ∈ℤ sin β = ± Reference∠ : 100∘ − x
REMEMBER: Only round off at the end Reference∠ : 60∘ QI: x = 45∘ + k180∘; k ∈ℤ
QI: x = 100∘ − x + k 360∘; k ∈ℤ
Common formulae: 2x = 100∘ + k 360∘
QI: β = 60∘ + k 360∘; k ∈ℤ x = 50∘ + k180∘
θ = sin−1 a + k 360∘ or QII: β = 180∘ − 60∘ + k 360∘ QII: x = 360∘ − (100∘ − x) + k 360∘ 2. cos2 x + sin x . cos x = 0
θ = (180∘ − sin−1 a) + k 360∘ (k ∈ℤ) = 120∘ + k 360∘ x − x = 260∘ + k 360∘
QIII: β = 180∘ + 60∘ + k 360∘ 0 = 260∘ + k 360∘ cos x (cos x + sin x) = 0
θ = ± cos−1 a + k 360∘ (k ∈ℤ)
= 240∘ + k 360∘ No real solution cos x = 0 OR cos x = − sin x
θ = tan−1 a + k180∘ (k ∈ℤ)
QIV: β = 360∘ − 60∘ + k 360∘
= 300∘ + k 360∘ cos x −sin x
EXAMPLES 2. sin(x + 30 o) = cos 2x Use trig graph: =
o o
sin(x + 30 ) = sin(90 − 2x) cos x cos x
Solve for θ:
SINθ AND COSθ Reference∠ : 90∘ − 2x tan x = − 1
1. 3 sin θ − 1 = 0 90⁰ 270⁰
1 Steps:
Reference∠ : 45∘
sin θ = QI: x + 30∘ = 90∘ − 2x + k 360∘; k ∈ℤ
3 • sin and cos with the same angle 3x = 60∘ + k 360∘ x = 90∘ + k180∘; k ∈ℤ QII: x = 135∘ + k180∘
• Divide by cos to get tan x = 20∘ + k120∘
sin + in QI and QII
QII: x + 30∘ = 180∘ − (90∘ − 2x) + k 360∘
Reference∠ : 19,47∘ EXAMPLE x + 30∘ = 90∘ + 2x + k 360∘
−x = 60∘ + k 360∘ 3. 2 cos2 x + 3 sin x = 0
Solve for α:
QI: θ = 19,47∘
+ k 360∘;
k ∈ℤ x = − 60∘ − k 360∘ 2(1 − sin2 x) + 3 sin x = 0
QII: θ = 180∘ − 19,47∘ + k 360∘; k ∈ℤ 2 sin 2α − cos 2α = 0
2 sin2 x − 3 sin x − 2 = 0
= 160,53∘ + k 360∘ 2 sin 2α = cos 2α NOTE: Specific Solutions
2 sin 2α cos 2α If they ask for x ∈[−360∘; 360∘ ], choose integer (2 sin x + 1)(sin x − 2) = 0
= values for k
cos 2α cos 2α −1
2. tan(3θ + 30 o) + 1 = 0 (...-3; -2; -1; 0; 1; 2; 3...) sin x = OR sin x = 2
tan(3θ + 30 ) = − 1 2 tan 2α = 1 so that x falls in the given intervals. 2
tan 2α = Reference∠ : 30∘ No real solution
2 x = 30∘ + k120∘
tan − in QII
x = − 330∘; − 210∘; − 90∘; 30∘; 150∘; 270∘
Reference∠ : 45∘ tan + in QI
k = − 3; k = − 2; k = − 1; k = 0; k = 1; k = 2 QIII: x = 180∘ + 30∘ + k 360∘; k ∈ℤ
Reference∠ : 26,57∘ OR x = 210∘ + k 360∘
QII: 3θ + 30∘ = 180∘ − 45∘ + k180∘; k ∈ℤ x = − 60∘ + k 360∘ QIV: x = 360∘ − 30∘ + k 360∘; k ∈ℤ
3θ = 105∘ + k180∘ QI: 2α = 26,57∘ + k180∘; k ∈ℤ x = − 60∘; 300∘ x = 330∘ + k 360∘
θ = 35∘ + k 60∘ α = 13,28∘ + k 90∘ k = 0; k = 1

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Trig Graphs Grade 11 Recap SCIENCE CLINIC 2019 ©

When sketching trig graphs, you need to label the Notes for sin x and cos x : • y = sin x + q or y = cos x + q or y = tan x + q
following: ❖ Key points (intercepts/turning pts) every 90° If q > 0 : upwards (e.g: y = sin x + 1)
! both axes ! x- and y-intercepts If q < 0 : downwards (e.g: y = cos x − 2)
❖ Period (1 complete graph): 360°
! turning points ! endpoints (if not on the axes) EXAMPLE y
! asymptotes (tan graph only) ❖ Amplitude (halfway between min and max): 1
y = cos x − 1 x ∈[0∘; 360∘ ] (solid line)

BASICS y = cos x (dotted line - for comparison)

Notes for tan x :
• y = sin x for x ∈[−360∘; 360∘ ] ❖ Key points every 45° 360°
y 0° x
❖ Period (1 complete graph): 180° x
(90°;-1) (270°;-1)
❖ No amplitude can be defined
(-270°; 1) (90°; 1)
❖ Asymptotes at x = 90o + k180o, k ∈ℤ (180°; -2)
-360° -180° 180° 360°
0° x
(-90°; -1) (270°; -1) • y = a . sin x or y = a . cos x or y = a . tan x • y = sin b x or y = cos b x or y = tan b x
If a > 1 : stretch upwards The value of b indicates how many graphs are completed in the ‘regular’ period of
0 < a < 1 : compress downward that graph (i.e. sin x /cos x : 360∘ and tan x : 180∘)
a < 0 : reflection in x-axis
• y = cos x for x ∈[−360∘; 360∘ ]
EXAMPLES y 1. y = cos 3x x ∈[0∘; 360∘ ]
y (90°; 2)
1. y = 2 sin x
(solid line) * Normal period: 360°
(-360°; 1) (360°; 1) * New period: 120° (3 graphs in 360°)
y = sin x * Critical points every 90/3 = 30°
(dotted line - 180° 360°
-270° -90° 90° 270° y
for comparison) 0° x
0° x
(120°; 1) (240°; 1) (360°; 1)
(-180°; -1) (180°; -1) * Amplitude = 2
30° 150° 270°
(270°; -2)
0° 90° 210° 330° x

• y = tan x for x ∈[−360∘; 360∘ ] (180°;3)

(60°;-1) (180°;-1) (300°;-1)
2. y = − 3 cos x y
y (solid line) y
y = cos x
(dotted line - 2. y = tan x x ∈[0∘; 360∘ ]
(45°; 1) for comparison) 2 (90°; 1)

0° 90° 270° xx * Normal period: 180°

-360° -180° 0° 180° 360° x
* Range: y ∈[−3; 3] * New period: 360° -360° 360° x
(½ graph in 180°)
* Critical points:
every 45/0,5 = 90°
-3 (360°; -3)
x = -270° x = -90° x = 90° x = 270°
x = -180° x = 180°
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Trig Graphs Grade 11 Recap SCIENCE CLINIC 2019 ©


• y = sin(x − p) or y = cos(x − p) or y = tan(x − p) Given f (x) = cos(x + 60∘ ) and g (x) = sin 2x 1. cos(x + 60∘ ) = sin 2x
If p > 0 : shift right (e.g: y = sin(x − 30∘ )) Questions: cos(x + 60∘ ) = cos(90∘ − 2x)
p < 0 : shift left (e.g: y = cos(x + 45)) Reference ∠ : 90∘ − 2x
1. Determine algebraically the points of intersection of
How to plot a horizontal shift: f (x) and g (x) for x ∈[-90°;180°] QI: x + 60∘ = 90∘ − 2x + k 360∘; k ∈ℤ
• Plot the original curve 2. Sketch f (x) and g (x) for x ∈[-90°;180°] 3x = 30∘ + k 360∘
• Move the critical points left/right x = 10∘ + k120∘
• Label the x-cuts and turning points 3. State the amplitude of f (x) QIV: x + 60∘ = 360∘ − (90∘ − 2x) + k 360∘; k ∈ℤ
• Calculate and label the endpoints and y-cut 4. Give the period of g (x) x + 60∘ = 270∘ + 2x + k 360∘
−x = 210∘ + k 360∘
EXAMPLES 5. Use the graphs to determine the values of x for which: x = − 210∘ + k 360∘
1. y = cos(x + 45∘ )
for x ∈[−360∘; 360∘ ] (dotted line) a. g (x) is increasing and positive but x ∈[−90∘; 180∘ ]
y = cos x (solid line - for comparison) b. f (x) is increasing and positive ∴ x = 10∘; 130∘; 150∘
c. f (x) ≥g (x) - i.e. f (x) is above g (x) 2.
g (x) = sin 2x
(315°; 1) d. f (x) ⋅ g (x) ≥0 - i.e. product is + or 0
(-45°; 1)
y f (x) = cos(x + 60∘ )
(-360°; ½2 )
6. Explain the transformation that takes y = s i nx to
2 2
2 (360°; 2)
-315° -135° 225°
y = sin(2x − 60∘ ) (-60°; 1) (45°; 1)
45° x 3
(-90°; ½)2

-90° ½ 30° 90° 180°

(-225°; -1) (135°; -1) x
0° (180°; -½)

Endpoints: (-45°; -1) (120°; -1) (135°; -1)

2 2
cos(−360∘ + 45∘ ) = and c os (−360∘ + 45∘ ) =
2 2
y-cut: For f(x):
2 3 1
cos(0∘ + 45∘ ) = Endpoints: cos(−90∘ + 60∘ ) = and cos(180∘ + 60∘ ) = −
2 2 2
y-cut: cos(0∘ + 60∘ ) =
2. y = sin(x − 30∘ ) for x ∈[0∘; 360∘ ] (dotted line)
y = sin x (solid line - for comparison)
3. 1
(120°; 1) 4. 180∘

30° 210°
5. a. x ∈(0∘; 45∘ )
(360°; -½)
-½ b. x ∈[−90∘; − 60∘ )
(300°; -1)
c. x ∈[−90∘; 10∘ ] ∪ (130∘; 150∘ )
d. x ∈[0∘; 30∘ ] ∪ [90∘; 180∘ ] also at x = − 90∘
1 1
sin(0∘ + 45∘ ) = − and sin(360∘ − 30∘ ) = −
2 2
y-cut: 6. Rewrite y = sin(2x − 60∘ ) in the form y = sin b (x − p) = sin(2(x − 30∘ ))
The y-cut is one of the endpoints Transformation: b = 2 ∴ period is halved
p = 30 ∴ shifted 30 to the right°

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Trig Graphs Grade 11 Recap SCIENCE CLINIC 2019 ©


i.e. answering the question
“for which values of x will this identity be undefined?”
Identities are undefined if:
• the function is undefined
t a nx has asymptotes at x = 90∘ + k180∘; k ∈ℤ
• any denominator is zero

is undefined

1. For which values of x will cos2 x ⋅ tan2 x = sin2 x be defined?
• t a nx is undefined at x = 90∘ + k180∘; k ∈ℤ
∴ will be defined at x ∈ℝ and x ≠ 90∘ + k180∘; k ∈ℤ
• no denominators that could be zero

cos x 1
2. For which values of x will tan x + = be undefined?
1 + sin x cos x
• t a nx is undefined at x = 90∘ + k180∘; k ∈ℤ
• fractions are undefined if the denominator = 0
∴ if 1 + sin x = 0 or if cos x = 0
* 1 = sin x = 0
∴ sin x = − 1

y = sinx
Use trig graphs for 0; ± 1

(270°; -1) ∴ x = 270∘ + k 360∘; k ∈ℤ
* cos x = 0

y = cosx
Use trig graphs for 0; ± 1
90° 270° xx

∴ x = 90∘ + k180∘; k ∈ℤ

x = 90∘ + k180∘; k ∈ℤ
x = 270∘ + k 360∘; k ∈ℤ can be summarised as: x = 90∘ + k180∘; k ∈ℤ
x = 90∘ + k180∘; k ∈ℤ

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Grade 12 Maths Essentials
Trigonometry SCIENCE CLINIC 2019 ©


∘ • sin A = sin B → ref angle

1. sin(180 − θ ) = sin θ ∘
1. sin(θ + 360 ) = sin θ ‣ A = B + k.360∘ or A
180∘ − θ θ + 360∘
2. cos(180∘ − θ ) = − cos θ 2. cos(θ + 360∘ ) = cos θ ‣ A = 180∘ − B + k.360∘; k ∈ℤ
3. tan(180∘ − θ ) = − tan θ 3. tan(θ + 360∘ ) = tan θ • cos A = cos B
‣ A = ± B + k.360∘; k ∈ℤ
∘ ∘
90∘ + θ 1. sin(90 + θ ) = cos θ 90∘ − θ 1. sin(90 − θ ) = cos θ • tan A = tan B

2. cos(90 + θ ) = − sin θ 2. cos(90∘ − θ ) = sin θ ‣ A = B + k.360∘; k ∈ℤ
• Other/ Co-function
Double 1. sin 2A = 2 sin A ⋅ cos A
‣ sin A = cos B ∴ sin A = sin (90∘ − B ) → ref angle
‣ cos A = sin B ∴ cos A = cos (90∘ − B ) → ref angle

1. sin(A + B ) = sin A ⋅ cos B + cos A ⋅ sin B EXAMPLE 1

Angles Solve for x if cos 2x = − sin x
2. sin(A − B ) = sin A ⋅ cos B − cos A ⋅ sin B
1 − 2 sin2 x = − sin x
0 = 2 sin2 x − sin x − 1
Sin + y + y
All 0 = (sin x − 1)(2 sin x + 1)
−x θ θ+ x
180∘ θ θ 0∘ 1
sin x = −
Tan −y −y
Cos sin x = 1 or 2
x = 0∘ + k .360∘ x = − 30∘ + k .360∘
or or
1. sin(180∘ + θ ) = − sin θ 1. cos(−θ ) = cos θ x = 180∘ + k .360∘; k ∈ℤ x = 210∘ + k .360∘; k ∈ℤ
180∘ + θ −θ
2. cos(180∘ + θ ) = − cos θ 2. sin(−θ ) = − sin θ EXAMPLE 2
∘ 3. tan(−θ ) = − tan θ
3. tan(180 + θ ) = tan θ Solve for x if cos(90∘ − x) ⋅ sin x − cos 2x = 0

1. sin(θ − 90∘ ) = − cos θ sin x ⋅ sin x − (1 − 2 sin2 x) = 0

θ − 90∘
sin2 x − 1 + 2 sin2 x = 0
2. cos(θ − 90∘ ) = sin θ
3 sin2 x = 1
Double 1. cos 2A = cos2 A − sin2 A sin2 x =
Angles 2. cos 2A = 2 cos2 A − 1 ± 3
sin x =
3. cos 2A = 1 − 2 sin2 A 3

x = 35,26∘ + k .360∘ or x = − 35,26∘ + k .360∘

Compound 1. cos(A + B ) = cos A ⋅ cos B − sin A ⋅ sin B
or or
Angles 2. cos(A − B ) = cos A ⋅ cos B + sin A ⋅ sin B x = 180∘ − 35,26∘ + k .360∘; k ∈ℤ x = 180∘ − (−35,26∘ ) + k .360∘

270∘ x = 144,74∘ + k .360∘ x = 215,26∘ + k .360∘

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Trigonometry SCIENCE CLINIC 2019 ©


sin x Show\Prove that: sin 3x = 3 sin x − 4 sin x 3
If sin 54∘ = p, express the following in terms of p:
• tan x = cos x
1 cos x 1. cos 36∘ 2. sin 108∘ 3. sin 84∘
• tan x = sin x LHS = sin(2x + x)
• sin 2x = 2 sin x ⋅ cos x = sin 2x ⋅ cos x + cos 2x ⋅ sin x Solutions: 36°
1 (h )
• sin 3x = sin(2x + x) p o p
= 2 sin x ⋅ cos x ⋅ cos x + (1 − sin2 x) ⋅ sin x sin 54∘ =
= sin 2x ⋅ cos x + cos 2x ⋅ sin x (to be expanded further) 54°
= 2 sin x ⋅ cos2 x + sin x − 2 sin3 x 1 – p2 3. sin 84∘ = sin(54∘ + 30∘ )
• sin 4x = sin 2(2x)
= 2 sin x (1 − sin2 x) + sin x − 2 sin3 x 1. cos 36∘ = p = sin 54∘ ⋅ cos 30∘ + cos 54∘ ⋅ sin 30∘
= 2 sin 2x ⋅ cos 2x

( )( 2 )
2. sin 108∘ = sin 2(54∘ ) 3 1
= 4(sin x ⋅ cos x)(cos2 x − sin2 x) = 2 sin x − 2 sin3 x + sin x − 2 sin3 x = p⋅ + 1 − p2
= 2 sin 54∘ ⋅ cos 54∘
= 4 sin x ⋅ cos3 x − 4 sin2 x ⋅ cos x (can be expanded further) = 3 sin x − 4 sin3 x
3p+ 1 − p2
• cos 2x = cos2 x − sin2 x = 2( p) ⋅ ( 1 − p 2 ) =
= 1 − 2 sin2 x
= 2 cos2 x − 1
Find the value of k if: cos 75∘ ⋅ sin 25∘ − sin 75∘ ⋅ sin k = sin 50∘
1. Start on the side with the least number of “terms” and simplify

1 + sin x ( cos x )
1 − sin x 1
2 cos 75∘ ⋅ sin 25∘ − sin 75∘ ⋅ sin k = sin 50∘
if possible. Show\Prove that: = − tan x
2. Go to the other side and simplify until you get the same cos 75∘ ⋅ sin 25∘ − sin 75∘ ⋅ cos(90∘ − k) = sin 50∘
sin(75∘ − 25∘ ) = sin 50∘
3. Look for a conjugate and multiply with the “opposite” sign
(to make a difference of squares in the denominator of your ∴ k = 65∘
fraction) 1 − sin x 1 − sin x
LHS = ×
4. Always try to factorise where possible 1 + sin x 1 − sin x MIXED EXAMPLE 3

1 − 2 sin x + sin x2 Express the following in terms of p if cos 73∘ ⋅ cos 31∘ + sin 73∘ ⋅ sin 31∘ = p
1 − sin2 x 1. cos2 21∘ − sin2 21∘ + 7 2. sin 42∘
sin 2x
Show\Prove that: = 2 tan x
cos 2x + sin2 x Solutions:

( cos x cos x )
1 sin x
RHS = − cos 73∘ ⋅ cos 31∘ + sin 73∘ ⋅ sin 31∘
sin x = cos(73∘ − 31∘ )
RHS = 2 ⋅ 48° 1 + p2
cos x 1 − 2 sin x + sin x 2
= cos 42∘
= 1
2 sin x ⋅ cos x
1 (h )
cos2 x p a 42°
LHS = ∴ cos 42∘ =
(2 cos2 x − 1) + (1 − cos2 x) 1 − 2 sin x + sin2 x p
2 sin x ⋅ cos x 1 − sin2 x
cos2 x 1. cos 2(21∘ ) + 7 = cos 42∘ + 7
2 sin x = p+ 7
cos x 1
2. sin 42∘ =
∴ LHS = RHS 1 + p2
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Telematics Mathematics Grade 12 Resources 4 February to October 2019

Session 1: Trigonometry
x Definitions of trigonometric ratios:
o In a right-angled '
o On a Cartesian Plane
opposite y
Sin T Sin T y
hypotenuse r
adjacent opposit x r y
CosT CosT
hypotenuse r
opposite adjacent y x
TanT TanT x
adjacent x

x Special Angles
o 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°, 360° can be
30°, 45° and 60° can be
obtained from the following unit circle
. T 90q obtained from the following
r, the radius is 45q
(0 ; 1) 30q
 1 since it is a 2 3 2 1
unit circle 60q 45q
T 0q
T 180q  (1 ; 0) x 1 1
(-1 ; 0) T 360q

(0 ; -1) T =30q T = 45q T = 60q

sin 30q = 1 2 sin 45q = 1 sin 60q = 3
2 2
T 270q
cos 30q = 3 cos 45q = 1 cos 60q = 1 2
2 2

x The “CAST” rule enables you to obtain the tan 30q = 1

tan 45q = 1 tan 60q = 3
sign of the trigonometric ratios in any of the
four quadrants.
S Sine is +ve in the
2nd quadrant 180q- T T A - ALL trig
ratios are +ve in
the first quadrant

Sine All

Tan Cos C Cos is +ve in
T Tan is +ve in the3rd the 4nd quadrant
quadrant +

180q+T 360q-T

The trigonometric function of angles becomes

± Trigonometric function of T
(180q±T) or (360q±T) or (-T)
The sign is determined by
the “CAST” rule.

(180q  T ) (180q  T ) (360q  T ) (360q  T ) (T )

sin(180q  T ) sin T sin(180q  T )  sin T sin(360q  T )  sin T sin(360q  T ) sin T sin(T )  sin T
cos(180q  T )  cos T cos(180q  T )  cos T cos(360q  T )  cos T cos(360q  T ) cos T cos(T )  cos T
tan(180q  T )  tan T tan(180q  T )  tan T tan(360q  T )  tan T tan(360q  T ) tan T tan( T )  tan T
Telematics Mathematics Grade 12 Resources 5 February to October 2019

sin T
tan T (cosT z 0) sin 2 T  cos 2 T 1, sin 2 T 1  cos 2 T , cos 2 T 1  sin 2 T

x Co-functions or Co-ratios sin(90q  T ) cosT sin(90q  T )  cos T

cos(90q  T ) sin T r 90q-T y cos(90q  T )  sin T

x Trigonometric Equations
sin T 0,707 cos T 0,866 tan T 1
1 1
1. Determine the Reference ‘ = sin (0,707) = 45q Reference ‘ = cos (0,866) = 30q Reference ‘ = tan 1 (1) = 45q
Reference angle
2. Establish in
? θ = 45q or θ = 180q - 45q ? θ = 180q- 30q or θ = 180q + 30q ? θ = 180q - 45q
which two
quadrants θ is.
3. Calculate θ in ? θ = 45q or θ = 135q ? θ = 150q or θ = 210q ? θ = 135q
the interval ? θ = r150q
? θ = 45q+ k360º or ? θ = r150+ k360º where k  = ? θ = 135q+ k180º & k  =
[0q; 360q]
θ = 135q + k360º where k  =
4. Write down the
general solution

Sine Function Cosine Function Tangent Function


Amplitude a a


“c” refers to the
x Area Rule side of the triangle
1 1 1 opposite to angle
Area of 'ABC = absin C = acsin B = bcsin A C that is the side
2 2 2
x Sine Rule

sin A sin B sin C a b c

= = Or = =
a b c sin A sin B sin C
x Cosine Rule
c b
b c a
2 2 2
a2 b2  c 2  2bc cos A or cos A
B a C
Telematics Mathematics Grade 12 Resources 6 February to October 2019

Question Summary of
Example question
type procedure
1. Calculate Establish whether you 3
the value of a need a rough sketch or 1.1 If 13 cos D 5 and tan E  , D [0q; 270q] and E [0q; 180q] .
It is given that sin(D  E ) sin D. cos E  sin E . cos D
trig special triangles, ASTC
expression rules or compound
Determine, without using a calculator,
without using angles.
a) sin D b) sin(D  E ) .
a calculator.
cos(210 $ ). sin 2 405$. cos14 $
1.2 Calculate: a)
tan 120 $. sin 104 $

b) sin 70q cos 40q  cos 70q sin 40q

2. If a trig Draw a rough sketch 2. If sin 27q q , express each of the following in terms of q.
ratio is given with given angle and a) sin 117q b) cos(27q)
as a variable label 2 of the sides. The
express 3rd side can then be
another trig determined using
ratio in terms Pythagoras. Express each
of the same of the angles in question
variable. in terms of the angle in
the rough sketch.
3. Simplify a Use the ASTC rule to 3. Simplify:
trigonometric simplify the given cos ( 720q  x) . sin ( 360q  x) . tan ( x  180q)
al expression. expression if possible. a)
sin ( x) . cos (90q  x)
See if any of the
identities can be used to sin ( 90q  x) . tan ( 360q  x)
simplify it, if not see if it sin (180q  x) . cos (90q  x)  cos(540q  x). cos( x)
can be factorized. Check
sin 2 x cos x  cos 3 x
again if any identity can c)
be used. This includes cos x
using the compound and 2
sin x cos x
double angle identities. d)
1  cos 2 x
4. Prove a Simplify the one side of Prove that
given identity. the equation using tan x . cos 3 x 1
reduction formulae and a) sin x
identities until .
2 2
1  sin x  co s x 2
5. Solve a Find the reference angle
trig equation. by ignoring the “-“sign Solve for x  [180q; 360q]
and finding a) sin x 0,435
sin 1 (0,435) b) cos 2 x 0,435
Write down the two 1
c) tan x  1 0,435
solutions in the interval 2
x  [0q; 360q] . Then
write down the general
solution of this eq. From
the general solution you
can determine the
solution for the specified
interval by using various
values of k.
Telematics Mathematics Grade 12 Resources 7 February to October 2019

Question type Summary of procedure Example question

6. Sketch a trig graph. 1st sketch the trig graph without the Sketch
vertical or horizontal transformation.
Then shift the graph in this case 1 unit b) y 2 cos 3 x  1 for x  [90q; 120q]
c) y  sin( x  60) for x  [240q; 120q]

7.Find the area of a If it is a right-angled triangle then 'ABC, with ‘B 104,5q , AB 6cm and
triangle. 1
area base u height , otherwise use BC 9cm . Calculate, correct to one decimal place
the area rule area 'ABC
Area of 'ABC = ab sin C
8. Finding an unknown Draw a rough sketch with the given a) 'ABC, with ‘B 104,5q , AB 6cm and
side or angle in a information. If it is not a right-angled BC 9cm . Calculate the length of AC.
triangle. triangle you will use either the sine or b) 'ABC, with ‘C 43,2q , AB 4,5cm and
cosine rule.
BC 5,7cm . Calculate the size of ‘A .


Calculate Write down Identify the shape of the graph and draw Now do the vertical or horizontal
the period the a sine, cosine or tan graph with transformation if required.
amplitude if determined period and amplitude. Label
it is a sine or the other x-intercepts. Repeat this pattern
cosine over the specified domain.

SKETCH y 2 cos 3 x  1 for x  [90q; 120q]

Period = Amplitude = y
360q 2 2
120q 3

1 2

-90 -60 -30 30 60 90

-1 x
-60 -30 30 60 90

-2 -1
Telematics Mathematics Grade 12 Resources 8 February to October 2019


.1 In the figure below, the point P(–5 ; b) is plotted on the Cartesian plane.
OP = 13 units and RÔP D .

P(–5 ; b)


Without using a calculator, determine the value of the following:

.1.1 cos D (1)

.1.2 tan(180q  D ) (3)

sin(T  360q) sin(90q  T ) tan(T )

.2 Consider:
cos(90q  T )

sin(T  360q) sin(90q  T ) tan(T )

.2.1 Simplify to a single trigonometric ratio. (5)
cos(90q  T )

.2.2 Hence, or otherwise, without using a calculator, solve for T if

0q d T d 360q :

sin(T  360q) sin(90q  T ) tan( T ) (3)

cos(90q  T )

8 4 4
.3 .3.1 Prove that  . (5)
sin A 1  cos A
1  cos A

.3.2 For which value(s) of A in the interval 0q d A d 360q is the identity in

QUESTION 5.3.1 undefined? (3)

.4 Determine the general solution of 8 cos 2 x  2 cos x  1 0 . (6)

Telematics Mathematics Grade 12 Resources 9 February to October 2019


In the diagram below, the graphs of f(x) cos(xp) and g(x) qsinx are shown for the
interval 180qdxd180q.


g 1

A 0,5 f

-180° -135° -90q -45q 0q 45q 90q 135q 180q

- 0,5 B


.1 Determine the values of p and q. (2)

.2 The graphs intersect at A(–22,5° ; 0,38) and B. Determine the coordinates of B. (2)

.3 Determine the value(s) of x in the interval  180q d x d 180q for which
f ( x)  g ( x)  0 . (2)

.4 The graph f is shifted 30° to the left to obtain a new graph h.

.4.1 Write down the equation of h in its simplest form. (2)

.4.2 Write down the value of x for which h has a minimum in the interval
 180q d x d 180q . (1)
Telematics Mathematics Grade 12 Resources 10 February to October 2019

sin A sin C
1 Prove that in any acute-angled  . (5)
a c

2  P̂ 132q, PQ = 27,2 cm and QR = 73,2 cm.

27,2 cm

73,2 cm

.2.1 Calculate the size of R̂ . (3)

.2.2 Calculate the area of . (3)

.3 In the figure below, SP̂Q a , PQ̂S b and PQ = h. PQ and SR are perpendicular
to RQ.




.3.1 Determine the distance SQ in terms of a, b and h. (3)

h sin a cos b
.3.2 Hence show that RS .
sin( a  b) (3)
Telematics Mathematics Grade 12 Resources 11 February to October 2019

r 50/150 Marks)
Compound and Double Angles
In order to master this section it is best to learn the identities given below. These identities will also be given
on the formulae sheet in the Examination paper.
x Compound Angle Identities:
When two angles
(a) cos( A  B) cos A cos B  sin Asin B are added or
subtracted to form
cos( A  B) cos A cos B  sin Asin B
a new angle, then a
(b) sin( A  B) sin A cos B  sin B cos A compound or a
double angle is
sin( A  B) sin A cos B  sin B cos A formed.

x Double Angle Identities

(c) sin 2 A 2 sin A cos A Referred to
as double
(d) cos 2 A cos2 A  sin 2 A
= 1 2 sin 2 A formulae
= 2 cos2 A  1
What should you ensure you can do at the end of this section for examination purposes:

A. Accepting the Compound Angle formulae cos( A  B) cos A cos B  sin Asin B use it to derive
The following formulae:

cos( A  B) cos A cos B  sin Asin B

sin( A  B) sin A cos B  sin B cos A Co-functions or Co-
sin( A  B) sin A cos B  sin B cos A sin(90q  T ) cosT

cos 2 A cos2 A  sin 2 A

Negative Angles
cos 2 A 1  2 sin A2
sin( T )  sin T
cos(T )  cosT
cos 2 A 2 cos2 A  1 tan(T )  tan T
sin 2 A 2 sin A cos A
sin2 T  cos2 T 1
You must remember
sin2 T 1  cos2 T
B. Use compound angle and double angle identities to:
cos2 T 1  sin2 T
1. Evaluate an expression without using a calculator
2. Simplifying trigonometric expressions
3. Prove identities
4. Solve trigonometric equations (both specific and general solutions)
Telematics Mathematics Grade 12 Resources 12 February to October 2019

The sketches below gives a visual of compound and double angles.

Sketch 1 Sketch 2 Sketch 3

Sketch 1: The compound angle AB̂C is equal to the sum of D and β. eg. 75q 45q  30q
Sketch 2: The compound angle EĜH is equal to the difference between D and β. eg. 15q 60q  45q or
15q 45q  30q
Sketch 3: The double angle PT̂R is equal to the sum of D and D. eg. 45q 22.5q  22.5q
Given any special angles D and β, we can find the values of the sine and cosine ratios of the angles
α  β , α  β and 2α .
Are you clear on the difference between
a compound and double angle?
Please note:
0q ; 30q ; 45q ; 60q and 90q are special angles, you are able to evaluate any trigonometric function of
these angles without using a calculator.

Exercises: Do not use a calculator.

A. Derive each of the compound and double angle formulae in the box on the previous page.

B. 1.
1.1 Evaluate each of the following without using a calculator.
a) sin 75q b) cos15q c) cos105q d) sin 165q
e) sin 36q.cos 54q  cos 36q sin 54q f) cos 42q. cos18q  sin 42q sin18q
g) sin 85q. sin 25q  cos 85q cos 25q h) sin 70q. cos 40q  cos 70q sin 40q
2 sin 40q. cos 40q
i) 2 sin 30q. cos 30q j)
1.2 If sin α , tan β 2 and D and β are acute angles determine the value of sin(α  β ) .

1.3 If tan A and 90q  A  360q , determine without using a calculator cos 2 A .

2. Simplify the following expression to a single trigonometric function:

4 cos( x). cos(90q  x)
sin(30q  x). cos x  cos(30q  x). sin x
3. Prove that
2 ( 3  1)
a) cos 75q

b) cos(90q  2 x). tan(180q  x)  sin 2 (360q  x) 3 sin 2 x

c) (tan x  1)(sin 2 x  2 cos 2 x) 2(1  2 sin x cos x)

4. Determine the general solution for x in the following:

a) sin 2x. cos10q  cos 2x. sin10q cos 3x

b) cos2 x 3 sin 2 x
c) 2 sin x sin( x  30q) Scan the QR code for revision from examination
papers on this section with solutions.
Telematics Mathematics Grade 12 Resources 13 February to October 2019

1. 8
Given sin α ; where 900 d α d 270q
With the aid of a sketch and without the use of a calculator, calculate:
a) tan α b) sin(90q  α) c) cos 2α

2. a) Using the expansions for sin( A  B) and cos( A  B) , prove the identity of:
sin( A  B) tan A  tan B
cos( A  B) 1  tan A. tan B

sin( A  B)
b) If tan( A  B) , prove in any ΔABC that (4)
cos( A  B)
tan A. tan B. tan C tan A  tan B  tan C

3. If sin 36q cos12q p and cos 36q sin12q q , determine in terms of p and q :
a) sin 48q (3)
b) sin 24q (3)
c) cos 24q (3)

4. Show that sin 2 20q  sin 2 40q  sin 2 80q
(HINT: 40q 60q  20q and 80q 60q  20q (7)

5. Given: f ( x) 1  sin x and g ( x) cos 2 x

Calculate the points of intersection of the graphs f and g for x  [180q ; 360q] (7)

6. 1
Given that sin T , calculate the numerical value of sin 3T , WITHOUT using a
calculator. (5)

7. Prove that, for any angle A:

4 sin A cos A cos 2 A sin 15q 6 2
sin 2 A(tan 225q  2 sin 2 A) 2

8. Solve for x if 2 cos x tan 2 x and x  [90q ; 90q] . Show ALL working details. (8)

9. If cos β ; where p  0 and ⠏ [00 ; 900 ] , determine, using a diagram, an
expression in terms of p for: (4)
a) tan β b) cos 2 β (3)

10.1 If sin 28° = a and cos 32°= b, determine the following in terms of a and/or b :
a) cos 28q b) cos 64q c) sin 4° (2+3

10.2 Prove without the use of a calculator, that if sin 28° = a and cos 32° = b, then (4)
b 1  a2  a 1  b2 .
Mathematics/P2 7 DBE/November 2016


5.1 Given: sin 16  p

Determine the following in terms of p, without using a calculator.

5.1.1 sin196 (2)

5.1.2 cos 16 (2)

5.2 Given: cos(A  B)  cosAcosB  sinAsinB

Use the formula for cos(A  B) to derive a formula for sin(A  B) (3)

1  cos 2 2A
5.3 Simplify completely, given that 0  A  90. (5)
cos( A). cos(90  A)

5.4 3
Given: cos 2B  and 0° ≤ B ≤ 90°

Determine, without using a calculator, the value of EACH of the following in its
simplest form:

5.4.1 cos B (3)

5.4.2 sin B (2)

5.4.3 cos (B + 45°) (4)


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Mathematics/P2 8 DBE/November 2016


In the diagram the graph of f ( x )  2 sin 2 x is drawn for the interval x  [–180° ; 180°].


–180° –90° 0° 90° 180°



6.1 On the system of axes on which f is drawn in the ANSWER BOOK, draw the graph
of g ( x )   cos 2 x for x  [–180° ; 180°]. Clearly show all intercepts with the axes,
the coordinates of the turning points and end points of the graph. (3)

6.2 Write down the maximum value of f ( x)  3. (2)

6.3 Determine the general solution of f ( x )  g ( x ). (4)

6.4 Hence, determine the values of x for which f ( x )  g ( x ) in the interval

x  [–180° ; 0°]. (3)

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Mathematics/P2 9 DBE/November 2016


E is the apex of a pyramid having a square base ABCD. O is the centre of the base.
EB̂A   , AB = 3 m and EO, the perpendicular height of the pyramid, is x.




7.1 Calculate the length of OB. (3)

7.2 Show that cos  
2 x2  (5)

7.3 If the volume of the pyramid is 15 m3, calculate the value of  . (4)

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