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<9) Republic ofthe Philippines E OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT ye ‘COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION READINGS IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY Preliminaries Course Tite Re ings in Pilippine History No. of Units units Course Description Philippine History viewed from the lens of selected primary sources in ifrent periods, analysis ang Interpretations. The course aims to expose students to siferent facets of Philippine history through the lens of eyewitnesses. Rather than rely on secondary materiale such as textbooks, whichis the usual approach in teaching Philppine histor, diferent types of primary sources wil be used ~ writen (qualitative and quantitative), ofl, visual, audio-visual, digital ~ covering Various aspects of Philippine lie (poltical, eccnomic, social, cultural). Students’ are expected to analyze the selected readings contextually and in terms of content (stated and implied). The end goal to enable students to understand and "appreciate our rich past by deriving insights from those who were actually present at the ime of the event. Context analysis considers the following: (i) the histarical context of the source [ime and place it was writen and the situation at the time, (i the author's background, intert (to the extent discernable), and authority on the subject. and (i) the source's relevance and meaning today Content analysis, on the other hand, applies appropriate techniques depending on the type of source (writen, oral visual) Inthe process students wil be asked, for example, 'o ident the authors main argument or thesis, compare Page 1of3 points of view, ‘dently biases, and evaluate the author's claim based on the evidences presented or other avalable ‘evidence atthe time. The course will guide the students through their reading and analysis of the texts an require them to white reaction essays of varied length and present ther ideas in other ways (debate format, power point presentation, leter to the editor ofthe source, etc) ‘The instructor may arrange the readings chronologically oc thematically, and start withthe present (more fala) and go back tothe earlier periods or vice-versa. (CMO No, 20, series of 2013) ‘course Description The course analyzes Philippine tistary from mulple perspectives through the lens of selected primary sources coming ‘rom various cscipines and ofciffeent genves, Students are given opportunites to analyze the author's background and main arguments, compare different points of view, identiy biases and examine the evidences presented in the ocument, The discussions will tacke traditonal topics in history and other inerdstiplinary themes tat will deepen and broaden their understanding of Phiippine political. economic, cultura, socal, scientific and religious histary. Prony is ven to primary materials that could help students develop their analytical and communication skis The end goal is '© {evelop the histoneal and criteal consciousness of the students so that they wil become versatile, articulate, broad: minded, morally upright and responsible citzens. ‘This course includes mandatory topics onthe Philippine Constitution, agrarian reform, and taxation, Leaming Outcomes: {At the end of the course, students shouldbe able to: Evaluate primary sources for their credibility, authenticity, and provenance ‘Analyze the context content, and perspecve of different kinds of primary sources Determine the contribution of diferent kinds of primary sources in understanding Philippine history Develop ertieal and analytical sls with exposure to primary sources Demonstrate the abit use primary sources to argue in favor or against a particular issue Page 209 eaadngsn Pipe History 6. Effectively communicate, using various techniques and genres, ther historical analysis of @ particular event or |ssue that could help others understand the chosen topic 7. Propose recommendations/soltions to present-day problems based on their understanding of root causes and thei antcipation of future scenarios 4 Display he abilly to work in a team and contribute to a group project 9, Manifest interest in local history and concern in promoting afd preserving our county's national patimony and coultural heritage Number of Hours: 3 hours every week for 18 woeks or 54 hours in a semester Course Outine _ _ Week [opie 12 Mearing and relevance of history: distinction of pimary and secondary sources: external and internal ericsrs, repositories of primary sources, and diffrent kinds of primary sources 36 [Content and contextual aralyis of selected primary sources, identieation of te hstorical importance of the tex and examination ofthe author's main argument and point of view 7:10 “One past but many histories" controversies and confictng views in Philippine ristory 2, Site ofthe Fist Mass », Cavite Mutiny © Revaction of Rizal 6. Cry of Baintawak or Pugadlawin [ret ‘Social. potical. economic and cultural sues Ia Philippine history Mandated topics 1. Agranan Reform Polces 2. The Phiippine Constiuton. 189 (Malolos) Consttuton 1935 Constiuton. 1973 Consttuton; | 1887 Constiuton 3 Taxation * 15.18 Critical evaluation and promotion of focal and oral history, museums. historical shrines, cultural performances, indigenous practices, religious nles and vals, etc _ Page 30t3 Readings in PhippneHsory READINGS IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY Learning Plan Learning Topics Methodology Resources ‘Assessment Outcomes 7 Evaluate | 1- Meaning and | _LeckuelDiscussion f_ Louis Gottschalk 1 Produce primary felevance of 2. Ubrary, Museum |" Understanding History, examples of Sources for | istory; distinction "and Archives (pp. 41-61, 117-170), primary sources ther credibility, | of primary and visitation (depends 2. Howell and Preven, fang the lauhentcty, | secondary sources; | on te location af |" From Reliable Sources, corresponding and external and the HEI) (pp. 17-68) secondary Brovenance | internal cniicism; 3. Comparative Santiago Avarez, sources derived repositories of analysis of primary | Katipunan and the from them primary sources, and secondary Revolulon: Memoirs of @ ‘and dferentkinds | sources General, (pp. 82-88), of primary sources. Teodoro Agoncil, History | Weeks 1-2) ofthe Filpino People, (pp | 180-187), Robeil Fox, The Tabor Caves, (pp. 40-44; 108- 1149) [Human remains and artifacts} Wiliam Henry Scot, Pretispane Source Materials for the Study of Philippine History (pp, 90- 135) ‘oalyze the |ll= Content and 7. Lecture/Discussion }. Antonio Pigafetia. Fist 14. Graded Reporting context, Contextual analysis |2. Library research | Voyage Around tho World, 2. Quizzes content and | of selected primary |3. Textual analysis | (pp. 23-48) [Chronicle] | 3. Crtial Essay Readings in Piping Hilary Learn | Wetiodstony Seomes | perepecte ot 7 Smal gop Errontunce | ‘enteaton fre |" dacision tpemary | tetra s. Reponng Scucee” | tmortance ofthe | 6. Fm Anais | sean b.oetemine ne | examination ofthe Contrausonot | suthors main Siterertknds argument ara pot crprmary few (wes soucesn | 8) tracrsanding Piping | rstoy cri ne snaiyicn kts wth expose ‘Speman 2 Juan de Plasencia, Resources ‘Customs ofthe Tagatogs, (Garcia 1979, p, 221-234) {Frat account 2. Emilio Jacinto, “Karta ng | ‘Katipunan’ (Richardson, 2013, pp. 131-137) [Declaration of Prnciples) f Emilio Aguinado, Maa Gunta ng Himagsan. (pp. 78-82; 95-100. 177. 486; 212-227) (Memots] 5. National Historical Institute (1997). Documents of the 1898 Declaration of Philippine independence, The Malolos Constitution and the Fist Philppine Republic. Manis: National Historical Institute (pp. 18- | 23) [Proctamation] 6 Alea Mecoy, Poltical Caricatures of he American Era (Editorial ceantoore} 17. Commission on Independence, Filipino Grievances Against “Assessment | ‘about a particular primary source: students are to discuss the importance ofthe text, the autor, | background, the context ofthe document, and its ‘contribution to Understanding Priipine niston | Governor Wood (Zaide | Page? ote Readings Phippine Hisary Learning Gutcomes 15. Demonstrate the ability to formulate arguments in favor or againsta particular 'ssue using primary Topics i="One past but ‘many histones" ‘controversies and Conflicting views in Phiipine histoy ‘ite of te Fist Mass », Cavite Mutiny «. Retraction of Rizal 4, Cry of Baintawak or Pugadtawin (Weeks 7-10) ‘Methodology ', Resources 4990, vol 1, pp. 230- 234), [Petition letter] ‘Corazon Aquino, President Corazon ‘Aguino’s Speech before the U.S. Congress Sept 18, 1986 [Speech] Raiders of the Sulu Sea (fim) 10. Works of Luna ang LecturerDiscussion (1 Document analys Group discussion Debate, round table discussion or symposium ‘Amorsolo [Paintings] “Antonio Pigafetta Fist Voyage Around the Worl, (op. 23-32) Trinidad Pardo de Tavera, Fipino Version ofthe Cavite Mutiny of 1872, (Zaide 1990, vol. 7, pp 274-280) ‘dose Montero y Vidal ‘Spanish Version of the Cavite Munty of 1872 (Zaide 1960, ol. 7. pp. 269-273) Rafael Izquido, Oficial Report on the Cavite ‘Mutiny, (Zaide 1990, vo. 7, pp. 28 8) ‘Assessment T Debate particular issue in Phiippine history 2. Reaction/refleton paper on a Sponsored activity lke lecture, ‘symposium, round {able discussion ‘and the tke Readings n Phang Hisar Learning Outcomes & Efecively communicate, using various techniques and genres, Topics IW= Social, political economic and cultural issues in Philippine history Mathodology Resources ‘Assessment 5, Ricardo P. Garcia, The Great Debate: The Rizal Retraction (pp. 919, 31- 43) 6, Jesus Ma. Cavanna, Rizal’ Untading Gory, (pp. 1-52) 7, Rleatdo R. Pascual, Rizal Beyond the Grave, (pp. 7- 38) 8, Po Valenzuela, Cry of Pugediawin, Zaide 1990, vol 8, pp.201-302), 8, Santiago Alvarez, Cry of Bahay Toro (ide 1990, vol 8 pp. 203-304) 10. Gregori de Jesus, Version ofthe First Cry (Zaide 1990, vol. 8, pp. 305-306) 11. Guilermo Masangkay, Cry of Balintawsk (Zaice 1990, vol. 8, pp. 307-308) LectreDisussion | Note: Studer willbe Research ouput LUbrary and ‘Archival research required to look for primary | that may be inthe sources on which they wil | form of a term ‘Document analysis | base ther narrative and paper, exhibit 4. Group reporting analysis of the topic assignes | documentary Pageants Readings m Pipe Hity Learning Outcomes histoncal anaiysis of @ particular event or issue that coula help others Understand the chosen topic Propose recommendati solutions to present day problems, based on their understanding of root causes, and ther anticipation of future Display the abi fo work ina mut- disciplinary team and Toes | ees Wathodology Mandated topes 5. Documentary Fim | tothem 1 Agrarian Reform) Showing Policies | 2. The Phiippine Constitution: 1899 (Malolos) Constitution = 1935 Constitution = 1973 Constitution 1987 Constitution 3. Taxaton 1. Figing Cultural hentage 2. Fipine-American relations 3. Government peace treaties ‘wth Must Filipinos 4. Institutional Pistony of schol, corparations, | |e sample ts | | industis, rebgous groups aedineke | 5. Biography of a Resources | Assessment ee Some | ec san! recat nace | ce caret on | Readings Pippin Hany [Learning Topies [Methodology | __ Resources Rssessment | Outcomes | ‘contribute to a | prominent Filipino group (weeks 11-14) endeavor Manvtest T J | interest in local | V. Critical evaluation | 1. Lecture/Discussion |. Historical Data Papers | 1. Reaction paper or Pistory and ‘and promotion of 2. Research in Local |2. Ereccion de Pueblos ertique ofthe show concem | local and oral bears and Local | (Creaton of Towns) sines,ristaxical inpromoting | history, museums, | Studies Centers (if |3 Museums, Local Studies sites, museums and preserving | historical shrines, | available) Centers the students the county's | cutual 3 Tourn local 4. An Galleries, Painting visited histonealand | performances, museums, collections 2 Letter tothe eaitor cuitural indigenous, historical sites, at |5. Historical landmarks and | 3. Blogs heritage practices, galleties, UNESCO sites | 4. Transcript of oral | Feligious tes ans | archeological sites 6, Performances that interview fituals, ete ‘and sher places | showcase tadltional ats (Weeks 15-18) | where ane could | and culture | seecultural and |. Fiestas and similar local hentage displays | celebrations. 4 Conduct Orat interview Page sof8 Readings Phippine Hsioy READINGS IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY Course Map | Readings In Philippine History | A-INTELLECTUAL COMPETENCIES (Knowledge) 1. Analyze texts (witten, visual, oral. ete) critically 2. Demonstrate proficient ang effective communication (witing, speaking, and use of new technologies 3, Use basie concepts across the domains of knowledge 4, Demonstrate ertical. analytical and creative thinking 'B, PERSONAL AND CIVIC RESPONSIBILITIES (Values) 1. Examine the contemporary world fom. both Phil and global perspectives LE 2, Takes responsibilty for knowing and being Fiipino c 3, Reflect etcaly on shared concern 4, Contribute personally and meaninghuly to the courky’s development | (C, PRACTICAL SKILLS (Skis) L_ 1 Work effectively in a group 2, Use current technology to assist and factate learning and research 3, Manage one's knowiedge, skis and values for responsible and productive lving 4, Organize one's self for ifelong learning i Legend Learned P= Practice’ (0 = Opportunity to learn ovr lojo ve Readings in Pipe Hiery READINGS IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY Required Readings and Other Materials (Primary Sources) ‘Aguinaldo, Emi (1984). Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan, Manila: C/A Suntay ‘Avvarez. Santiago. (1908). Katipunan and the Revoltion: Memoirs of a General. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. Blount James. (1368), The American Occupation ofthe Philippines, 1898-1912, Quezon Giy: Malaya Books Inc. CCavanna, Jesus Ma. The Unfacing Glory: Documentary History of the Conversion of Jose Riza. [81] Del Pilar, Marcelo. (1957). Monastic Supremacy i tho Philippines. Mania: Philppine Historical Association Forbes, Willam Cameron. (1828), The Phiippins Islands, Vol. 2. New York: Houghton Mifi, Fox, Robert. (1970). The Tabon Caves. Mania: National Museum, Historical Data Papers. Philippine National Library, Microfim Collection, Laure, Jose P. (1962). War Memoirs of Jose P. Laurol Marita: ose P. Laurel Memorial Foundation ‘Mabini, Apolinano. (1968) The Philippine Revolution. Manila: Nationa Histoncal Commission, McCay. Allred and Aledo Roces. (1985). Philippine Cartoons: Poliical Caricature of the American Era, 1900-1941 ‘Quezon City: Vera Reyes inc. National Historical Institute. (1997). Documents of the 1898 Declaration of Philippine Independence, The Malolos Constitution and the First Phifppine Republic. Mania: National Historical Institte National Historical Institute. (1978). Minutes ofthe Katipunan, Manila: National Historical Insttte Nolledo, Jose. (1999). Principles of Agrarian Reform, Cooperatives and Taxation. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store Philippine National Archives. Erecién de Pueblos. Pigafeta, Antonio, (1959). Fist Voyage Around the Word. Mania: Fipiniana Book Guid Ricarte, Artemio. (1992). Memoirs of General Artemio Ricarte. Manila NationalHistorcal Institute Richardson, Jim. (2013). The Light of Liberty: Documents and Studies on the Katipunan, 1892-1697, Quezon ity: Ateneo cde Mania Press, Saleeby, Najeeb. (1876). Studies in Moro History, Laws and Religion. Manila: Filpiiana Book Guid Tuazon ‘Bobby and scar Evangelista. (2008). The Moro Reader. History and Contemporary Struggles of the Bangsamoro People Quezon City: CenPeg Publications. aide, Gregorio and Sonia Zaide. (1990). Documentary Sources of Philippine History. 12 vols. Manila: National Book Store. Page 1 of Readings in Phiopne Hitary INTERNET SITES: ‘Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988 (R.A. 6657). hntp:/Wawlawphi. neUstatutesirepactsra988ira_6657_1988.html Decteeing the Emancipation of Tenants from the Soll (P. D. No. 27), hits lawphilneistatutes/presdecs/pd1972/pd_27_1972.htm! Land Reform Act of 1955 (R.A. 1400) itp /iwwo awphil.nelistatutes/repactsirat966ira_1400_1955 html Philippine Organic Act of 1902. tp:thww gov phiconsttvbonsithe-philipine-organic-actof-1902! President Cerazon Aguino’s Speech before the U.S, Congress Sept, 18, 1986. htp/imww- rohan sdsu eduldepr/polsciwbforanlidocs/1934Phiippinelndep pat Primary Sources in Philippine History. hitp-iehihist Raiders of the Sulu Sea. tps www youtube coniwatch? WimXEVUST9C ‘Tydings-MeDuffle Act of 1934 hip Jw rohan sdsu eduldeptpolsciwbybrianidocs/1934Philippineindep pot U.S.- PL. Miitary Bases Agreement. itp: kahimyang infokauswagan/artcles/1007/oday-in-philippine- istory-march-14-1847-the-ilitary-bases-agreement:vas-signed Using primary Sources hitpsienihist pbworks comw/page/16367056\UsingPrimarySourcestWhyUsePrimarySourcesinTeach ing Readings in Pippine Helo READINGS IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY Supplementary Readings and Other Materials ‘Agoncillo, Teodoro. (2012), Histor of the Filpino People. 8” ection. Quezon Cty. C & E Publishing, Inc. (2001), The Fateful Years: Japan's adventure inthe Philippines, 1947-1948, Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. (1956) The Revolt ofthe Masses: The story of Bonifacio and the Katipunan. Quezon Cly: Unversity ofthe Philippines Press. Blair, Emma Helen and James Alexander Robertson, (1961). The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898. Mandaluyong: Cashos Hermanas Inc Constantino, Renato. (1975). The Philippines: A Past Revisited. Quezon City: Renato Constantino, Constantin, Renato and Lelia Constantino, (1978). The Philppines: The Continuing Past. Quezon Clty: The Foundation for Nationalist Studies. CCorpuz, Onotte. (1988). The Roots ofthe Filpino Nation. 2 volumes. Quezon City: Aklahi Foundation, Fernandez, Pablo, (1979). History of the Church in the Philppines, 1521-1898, Manila: National Book Stor. 1979. Friend, Theodore. (1965), Between Two Empires: The Ordeal ofthe Philippines, 1929-1946. New Haven. Yale University Press, Galang Zoilo. (1950). Encyclopedia ofthe Philppines, Vol. 17. Manila: E. Flor, Garcia, Mauro ed. (1969). Aguinalao in Retrospect. Mania: Phtppine Historical Associaton. (1979), Readings in Philppine Profistry. Mania: Flipriana Book Guld, ‘Garcia, Ricardo. (1964). The Great Debate: The Rizal Retraction, Quezon Ciy: RP. Garcia Gottschalk, Louis, (1969). Understanding Mistry: A Primer of Historical Method. New Yer: Aled A. Knopt Hontiveros. Greg. (2008). A Fire on the Island A fresh Look atthe First Mass Controversy. Butuan City. Butvan City Histoncal and Cultural Foundation, nc Howell, Martha and Walter Prevenier. (2001). From Reliable Source: An Intioduction to Historical Methods. Ithaca Comell University Press. arnow, Stanley. (1989). nour Image: America's Empire in the Philppines. New York: Random House Malul, Cesar Adio, (1973). Mustims in he Philppines. Quezon Gity: University of the Philippines Press. Pascual, Ricardo, (1980). Rizal Beyond the Grave A Reiteraton ofthe Greatness of the Mertyr of Bagumbayan, Manila: ‘.szon Publisher. age sot Reaings n Phappne Hitary ‘Querol, Maiano (1974), Land Reform in Asia. Manila. Solidaridad Publishing House ‘Salamanca, Bonifacio, (1968). The Filpinos Reaction fo American Rule, 1901-1973, Quezon Ciy: New Day Publishers, ‘Scheurs, Peter. (2000). The Location of Pigaftta’s Mazaua, Butuan and Colagan, 1527-1571, Manla: Manila: Natonal Historical Institute ‘Schumacher, John, (1992). Readings in Philppine Church History. Quezon Cty: Ateneo de Manila Unversity Press. Scott, Wiliam Henry. (1884), Prehispanic Source Materials forthe Study of Philppine History. Quezon City: Newday Publishers, Stanley, Peter. (1974). A Nation in the Making: The Philippines and the United States, 1899-1912. Massacrusatts: Harvard University Press. ‘Tayler, John RM. (1971). Tho Philippine Insurrection Against tho United States. Vol. 1. Pasay City: Eugenio Lopez Foundation, Page aot Reasngsin Piping Hory READINGS IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY Rubrics ASSESSMENT RUBRIC FOR GROUP PRESENTATION (Module I) Criteria ‘Guistnding—| «Very Good ‘Good FairPass Failure | 91-100) 20 7180 170 ____—Below 60 Background |s The presentation |» The presentation + The presentation + Theintroduotan » There's no ofthe includes a clea, includes aclear | includes aclear [is somewnat | background and primary interesting and introduction tat introduction that | inadequate in inroduetion, of ‘ource (20%) | effective ntroduction | identifies how te | identifies how the | communicating | the thatidentifes how the | materialis related | materials elated | how the materal | backgroundinivod vacrtete’ | Gooipcune, | oiwipcuns’ | prainesione. | tetera Getepewer | Goowson ewe | east | bpeywer clin senenaswelas | estsnerais” b Tointecucten | Gecton | Unerandng be Sesion Tatecont. [paws } ‘nomen | termes tbe Setseats, |e Teinonucen | Suncom owed tet toa .ftiesucen |" goweste'” | backgeundon | Sebecgoes! | antag Fee eesan| myoren’” | tetaoraltem, | sthemacan | Pape ey Sey eerie | Segre | whetanen”" | forsee emacnenbe | Stave | Yee wre | teal to wa, | material (wo, Theinteducton The nvodcton Gaimweritees | maton’: deeaseame” [ Woniessome | | Wolo ences | vou faoverescrhe | rorancea be wore = Trerodien | iat | fat |. Trcinecton | dares te” | tmcersaraing | tmrttang | Teaveyccases | teconesele | mace ope fmcwcesine | Taian” | Gcinateres | Secetenes nora Grerianiea | Renee” | rippin Creag mapr | aor mao Fn ae Specsoehents | tecmathames Sacco Sagem ts_| enisane” ingest | Page 10f8 Readogsm Pipsine Hstry Criteria Contextual |= Analysis, (0%) ‘Outstanding ‘91-100 walls in developing anistorically ‘rounded Understanding of ‘contemporary feventshemesiissues, The presentation of the authors background and context is exhaustive, {ear and accurate “The students identity and analyze the problems that the ‘document wants to adgress, ‘The students explain early the Importance of the document in Understanding the issues of the given perios ‘The document is correlated withthe ther documents sealing with the same period Vary Good 81.80 Fistory, and aso attempts to relate the material to contemporary eventsthemesiss ‘The presentation ofthe authors background and conten is clear and accurate The students identity and ‘analyze the problems that ne Socument warts to adcress, ‘The students explain the importance ofthe document in Understanding the issues of the given period ren + The presentation ofthe authors | background and contexts clear and accurate + The students Identity the problems that the = ‘Socument wants to adcress There is an attemplto explain the importance of the document in Understanding the Iseues ofthe given period Fale ass Faure 61-70 Below 60 i incomplete, the historical |” discussion ofthe context and historical context Importance of te of te document documents too general and lacks specific deta ‘The background ofthe author was rot clearly explained The discussion of | There is nO | Page2ot8 ‘riers ‘Outstanding Vary Good ‘Good Fainbass | —— Faire | 91-100 |__ ei __ 7180 6170 Below 60 Content | « The important = Theimporant |» Theimpotant — Same ofthe [+ There iso Analysis elements of the elements ofthe | elements atte | important adequate jee ocument ae | document are | document are | elements of the discussion ofthe correcty identified | identified and icentied ang | documertiare content the and analyzed, analyzed explained } identied and | document + Theresa thorough | « There is 3 + Thereis alte | explained Aiscussion ofthe discussion ofthe |" discussion ofthe There is an value and value and value and attempt to contributions ofthe | contibutions of | contributions of | igcuss the value contents ofthe the contents of the | the contents of | and contnbutions ‘document in document in | the document in| ofthe contents of understanding the | understanding the | understanding the | the document in issues prevalent issues prevalent | issues prevalent | understanding during the period. | during the period, | during the period. | the issues. + The contents ofthe | « The contents of | |e There is an prevalent during ocument are the document are” attempt to the period Correlated with the | correlated withthe | correlate he fevents that happened | events that contents of he | before twas written. | happened before it | document with | + The students are | was writen the events that able to identity the happened before inconsistencies and itwas writen | shorteomings ofthe socument. ‘Grganization + The presentation is |» The presentation The presentation }» The presentation |+ The presentation and very welrstructuted, |" iswellstuctured, | is adequately. | is loosely is doneina Presentation | providing logical | | andthereise | stuctued organized. it's haphazard Style (20%) | sequence to the logical sequence _|_Transitons otevidenthow | manner, lacking @ Page ste Readings nPipaine iy ‘Outstanding 91-100 ‘discussion witin the | prescribed time peti. Presenters are confident effectively Using gestures, eye contact, and tone of Voice that keep the class engaged in the ‘Audo-visual ads are welhexecuted, paying Careful attention to the combination of elements (etext ‘and graphics) that Tead to both an effective Understanding of key informaton ana Ideas, and contnuing interest in the discussion Presenters are highly articulate, using precise and grarmmatically-correct language. Language Used is also 1 Very Good 81.90 to he discussion Presenters are confident, sometimes using gestures, eye Contact, and tone of voice that keep the class engaged in the discussion Audio-visual acs ‘are effective, leading to an ‘appropriate Understanding of key information and ideas, Presenters are largely artculte In general, there is use of ‘grammaticaly- ‘correct language thats also respect of diversity and sensitive tothe Conditions ef different groups. Good 730 batween topies pelp in Understanding the | overall discussion Presenters are somewhat Confident, using ‘occasional gestures, eye Contac, and tone ‘of voice to engage the class inthe discussion, ‘Audio-visual aids ate helpfulin ‘generating an Understanding of key information and ideas. Presenters are articulate. In general, there is use of k grammatically. Correct language Occasional FainPass | Failure 61-70 Below 60 he topic is lear organization felated o another | and stucture inthe Presenters were presentation. unable to capture Presenters lack | the attention of Confidence, but | students, thereis Audio-visual aids occasional use of | are not used, or gestures, eye | are not realy Contact, and tone | helpful inthe of voice fo ty to presentation | capture the Presenters attention of cannot effectively students, communicate ‘Audiowsval aids | information and ‘are mosty not ideas, relying on helpfulinthe | a verbatin presentation. | reacing of notes Visual ids eter | or textheavy lack mportant visual aids to informaton, or | corwey are too te formation and heavy. ideas. The use of Presenters grammatically: encounter some | incorrect ffcuties in| language is communicating | pervasive grammatical information and lapses donot __| ideas. The use of Readings m Priegine Hor, Criteria ‘Outstanding ‘91100. Tespectul of ‘versity, and sensitive tthe Consitions of citferent groups. Good 7190 pievent an Understanding of information and ideas that are | conveyed. [ASSESSMENT RUBRIC FOR THE RESEARCH OUTPUT (Module IV) Criteria Use of Primary Sources (0%) Effective and ‘Appropriate Use of Sources | 0%) [Outstanding | ‘91-100 ‘cova scarte 8 Cpaaed sarees prone evens Sieetciey | spent = Supporting arguments use specie, elevart, and highly persuasive evidence based on a citical evaluation of primary and secondary sources. + Uses the most [> Uses a wide variety t |+ Uses many Very Good ‘Good 81.90 71-80 [> Uses several relevant and selevant sources accurate sources | to provide to provide evidence in levddence in ‘support ofkey | Support ofkey arguments arguments, > Supporting [+ Evidences used |e arguments use | to support relevant and arguments are mosty persuasive | specific, relevant evidence coming | and persuasive from both primary |» Uses quotations _|+ and secondary and paraphrases sources. appropriately to Je Uses quotations _|_make an —rainPass ‘61-70 | Faure Below 50 ‘rammaticaly- Incorrect language tends tobe pervasive Provides some sources but ‘eidence presented are Vague and not always relevant Evidences used to support arguments are vague and unpersuasve, Quotations and paraphrasing are inappropriately used to support | Failure | jow 60 No primary soures are used and ewedences ‘resented are relevant ana ‘nsutfcient ‘aeqimeris re | not supported by primary and secondary Paper was aiecty coped ‘rom sources sathout quting Page soft Readings nPrepine Hier, T ivant qustatons ‘and parephreses appropriately and accurately to presert new perspectives on ‘an argument. + Clearly, thoughtful, ‘and thoroughly explains or analyzes the relationship between the arguments and ‘supporting evidences. + Evidence for anematve arguments, are presenied and cnitealy examined %0 Justify the chosen position and paraphrases ‘appropriately and accurately 2 make an argument + Redear and thoughtful explanation is provided of how the evidence presented supports each argument "+ Evidence for ‘altematve arguments are presented and ‘compared argarnent ‘An explanation is provided of how the evidence presented ‘supports each ‘argument + Evidence for altemative ‘tguments are presented and Considered {| ‘arguments paraphrasing, sod | 1s The explanation | acknowiedging ofhow te sources used evidence + Evidence presented ‘supporting of Suppartseach | opposing the argumentis not | arguments is clear and missing thorough Evidence ‘supporting ae ‘opposing he ‘arguments are poorly integrated | Pages ot Readings in Piopne Hstny Effective |» Asyrihesis synthesis |” effectively examines and how a common theme ‘Application | has evolved ine (20%) thre periads covered + The synthesis eitealy examines the muti facets ofan important problem i contemporary times relevant the common heme Ofer plausible souers and alternates rooted in an appropnate historal Understanding ofthe | problem Effective |« Clear introduction, ‘Organization |” thesis is presented in 20%), aighly engaging and ‘compeling manner. + Each argument clearly supports an vera structure + Paper uses ‘A synthesis adequately ‘examines how a ‘common there has evalved in the three periods covered, The synthesis examines the mute facets of ‘an important problem in contemporary times relevant to the common theme Offers plausiie solutions and alternatives rooted in a histoncal understanding of the problem. Gear introduction; thesis is presented in an engaging manner. Each argument presented Suppor's an overall structure. [PAsmthesis identifies a ‘common theme ‘and how it is Feflecea in diffecert periods |- The synthesis icentines the mmutiple facets of ‘an important problem in contemporary times relevart to the common theme. Offers solutons and alternatives rooted in a historical Understanding of the problem, | ntrodueton is mostly clear and thesis's presented ina coherent, comprehensible 1+ Most arguments ‘eyes > No sesso anne | Sormoae | ae | Lette anes | aan ph Sosone Setirceone | ey cone | ae woos Page ots Rescings in Prippne Hisary consistent and effective transitions to develop ideas and arguments logically has a competing and persuasive Eoncusion Conclusion synthesizes arguments that suppor the main idearhesis, Usvaly uses presented cleary |» Transitions effective ‘support the between transitions to ‘overall stucture. | arguments are connect ideas and J+ Transitons ate la'gey unclear arguments hat | sometimes + Conclusion is leads to a abrupt, butthe | either vague or persuasive arguments ana_| unclear conclusion Conclusion mostly Conclusion partly | connect. synthesizes, butit |+ Conclusion mosty presents |” represents major the major arguments and arguments to Connects ther to support the main | thesis. idearesis between arguments are rmssing + Conclusions poorly connected tothe paper's major arguments, Page sore Readings n Pippne History

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