User Manual

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User Manual

Invitation Email Sample

Figure 1: Aspirant invitation e-mail

Figure 2: Aspirant Invitation e-mail

The above is the sample invitation e-mail which the aspirant will receive on his/her registered email.

The email contains the following key components:

 Assessment Details
 Login Details
 SPOCs contact (in case of any issue)
 General Instructions which the aspirant can go through before the aspirant starts the assessment

Figure 3: Login Page where the aspirant will enter his/her credentials

In the above screen aspirant needs to enter his/her login details to go into the test window.

Figure 4: Login page

The aspirant will land into the following page where a “Start” button will appear from where he/she can
start the allotted assessment.

After clicking on “Start”, the platform will ask for aspirant profiling for proctoring purpose as follows:

Figure 5: Aspirant Profiling

Figure 6: After Aspirant clicks on "START" button

After aspirant clicks on the “START”, the following screen opens where details about the assessment are
shown like Number of questions, Duration, topics from which questions would be asked etc.

Aspirant needs to go through all these details and click on “I have read the terms and conditions” and click
on “Start Now” button.

Figure 7: The above dialogue box will appear for proctoring

So, the above dialogue box will appear where aspirant has to give access to camera and screen sharing

Figure 8: Tab that requests screen share rights from the aspirant

The aspirant would be requested to share the screen and aspirant has to click on “Entire Screen” option
for proctoring purposes. A red dot will start appearing on the top navigation tab to show that the aspirant
has given the permission to record his/her screen.

Figure 9: The aspirant needs to click on the entire screen box to proceed further

The entire screen box needs to be clicked by the aspirant to proceed further.

The test will start once the aspirant gives all the permissions and the following screen with the test
questions will appear where the aspirant can start giving the aspirant. There is an option of “mark for
review” on the top right corner, the “eye-button”. “Mark for Review” option lets the aspirant review their
answers before the final submission.

Figure 10: Aspirant test window

Figure 11: The left tab shows the sections and questions

Aspirant can navigate to different sections and questions from the left blue tab and land on different
questions and sections. The aspirant will see a yellow dot on the questions for which he/she would have
choosen “Mark for Review”.

Aspirant can use the eye button on top right corner to mark the questions for review and can answer
them later

Figure 12: Finish and Review Window

After clicking on “Review and Finish”, the following pop-up will appear showing the attempts made by the
aspirant and will show completed, in progress, not attempted and Flagged for Review questions and
aspirant can jump to those questions if he/she wishes to.

Post completion aspirant has to click on “Finish” button to submit his/her Assessment.

Figure 13: After successful completion of assessment the above window will appear

After successfully completing the assessment the aspirant will get the Successful completion confirmation
and hence aspirant can logout.


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