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1.0 2.0 3.0 40 5.0 60 70 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 EXERCISE 1 (ELEMENTARY) EXERCISE 2. (SEASONED) EXERCISE 3 (SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS - CBSE) EXERCISE 4 (COMPETITIVE ASSESSMENT) Chapter Refraction of Light INTRODUCTION, REFRACTION OF LIGHT 2.1 Laws of Refraction 22 Cause of Refraction 23° Optical Density REFRACTIVE INDEX 3.1 Relative Refractive Ilex. REFRACTION THROUGH GLASS SLAB REAL AND APPARENT DEPTH, EFFECTS OF REFRACTION OF LIGHT ‘TOTAL INTERNAL REFLECTION 7c. Some Illustrations of Total Internal Reflection SPHERICALLENSES. 8.1 Tens RULES FOR IMAGE FORMATION BY A CONVEX LENS IMAGE FORMED BY CONVEX LENS RULES FOR IMAGE FORMATION BY A CONCAVE LENS IMAGE FORMED BY CONCAVE LENS NEW CARTESIAN SIGN CONVENTION LENS FORMULA, MAGNIFICATION POWER COMBINATION OF TWO LENSES Unit One Class X - Physics Baa REFRACTION OF LIGHT (RER) (RER-1) 1.0 INTRODUCTION Light seems to travel along straight-line paths in a transparent medium. When light enters from one transparent medium to another, it changes its direction. This we can recall from our day-to-day experiences. You might have observed that the bottom of a tank or a pond containing water appears to be raised. Similarly, when a thick glass slab is placed over some printed matter, the letters appear raised when viewed through the glass slab. You might have seen a pencil partly immersed in water in a glass tumbler. It appears to be bent at the interface of air and water. You might have observed that a lemon kept in water in a glass tumbler appears to be bigger than its actual size, when viewed from the sides. All these day-to-day experiences are based ona phenomenon called ‘refraction’ 2.0 REFRACTION OF LIGHT + Concept of Refraction of Light When light travels in the same homogeneous medium, it travels along)a straight path. However, when it passes from one transparent medium to”another, the direction ofits path changes at the interface of the two media. This is called Refraction of light. The phenomenon of bending of light or the change in the path of the light as it passes from one transparent medium to another is called Refraction of light. The pathalong which the light travels in the first medium is called incident ray and that in the second medium is called Refracted ray. The angles which the incident ray and the refracted ray make with the normal at the surface of separation are called angle of incidene® (i) and angle 6f refraction (r) respectively. 2.1 Laws of Refraction Refraction of light follows the following two laws; (i) The incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal to the surface separating the two media, alllie inthe same plane. (ii) The ratio of the:sine of the’incident angle (i) to the sine of the refracted angle (21) is constant for a pair of two media, and for given wave length of light. (a) Rarer to denser medium Fig. 1 Showing refraction of light ie. = constant This constant is known as the refractive index of the medium in which refracted ray travels with respect to the medium in which incident ray travels. You will study refractive index later on in this chapter. Refractive index of medium is denoted by ‘x’ Thus above equation can be written as # Sine This law is also known as Snell's law as it was stated by Prof, Willebrord Snell (Dutch mathema- fician and astronomer). a0 Na, i H 8 8 i 2 2.2 23 Refraction of Light Cause of Refraction Refraction is caused due to change in speed of the light as it moves from one medium to another. Optical Density We come across many media like air, glass, water etc. Every transparent medium has a property known as optical density. The optical density of a transparent medium is closely related to the speed of light in the medium. Optical density of a medium is the quantity which tells us whether a light wave will travel slower or faster in that medium or speed of a wave in any medium will depend on the optical density of that material. If the optical density of a transparent medium is low then the speed of light in that medium is high. Such a medium is known as optically rarer medium. Thus, optically rarer medium is that medium through which light travels fast. In other words, a medium in which speed of light is more is known as optically rarer medium. On the other hand, if the optical density of a transparent medium is high then the speed of light in that medium is low. Such a medium is known as optically denser medium. Thus, optically denser ‘medium is that medium through which light travels slow. In other words, a medium in which speed of light is less is known as optically denser medium, Speed of light in air is more than the speed/of light in water, so air is optically rarer medium as compared to the water. In other words, water is optically denser medium, as compated to air. Similarly, speed of light in water is more than the speed of light in glass, so water is optically rarer medium as compared to the glass. In other words, glass is optically denser medium as compared to water. When light goes from air (optically rarer medium) to glass (optically denser medium) such that the light in air makes an angle with the normal to the interface separating air and glass, then it bends from its original direction of propagation. Similarly, if light goes from glass to air, again it bends from its original direetion of propagation. The phenomenon of bending of light from its path when it goes from one optical medium to another optical medium is known as refraction. We have seen that the speed of light in different media is different, so we can say that refraction of light takes place because the speed of light is differentin different medi Incident Incident ray Normal Incident { ray N Normal [Normal Fig. 2 Cases of Refraction It is observed that (i) When a ray of light passes from an optically rarer medium to a denser medium, it bends towards the normal (4r < Zi), as shown in figure 2(A) (ii) When a ray of light passes from an optically denser to a rarer medium, it bends away from the normal (Zr > i) as shown in Figure 2(B). t travelling along the normal passes undeflected, as shown in figure 2 (C). 0. (iv) The intensity of the refracted ray is less than that of the incident ray. It is because there is partial reflection and absorption of light at the interface. (iii) a Class X - Physics Baa 3.0 REFRACTIVE INDEX ‘The refractive index of a medium fora light of given wavelength may be defined as the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to its speed in that medium. Speed of _light_in_vacuum Refractive index = Soooa of Tight in-medium © | EG Refractive index of a medium with respect fo vacuum is also called absolute refractive index. 3.1 Relative Refractive Index The relative refractive index of medium 2 with respect to medium 1 is defined as the ratio of speed of light (v,) in the medium 1 to the speed of light (v,) in medium 2 and is denoted by yu,. Thus y= % As refractive index is the ratio of two similar physical quantities, s0 it has no units and dimensions. Itmay be noted that refractive index depends of the wavelenath of light but is independent of the angle of incidence Important Information We know that speed greater than speed of light is not possible, Sole > v Iv = Velocity of light in given medium] [e = Velocity of light in vacuum) Now as p= : . it should be greater than one. + Physical Significance of Refractive Index ‘The refractive index ofa medium gives the following two informations (i) The value of refractive index gives infétmation about the direction of bending of refracted ray. It tells whether the ray will bend towards or away from the normal. (ji) Th@efractive index of a medium is related to the speed of light. Itis the ratio of the speed of light in vactium to that in the given medium. For example, refractive index of glass is 3/2. This indicates that the ratio of the speed of light in glass to that in vacuum is 2 : 3 or the speed of light in glass is two-thied of its speed in vacuum. Illustrations Ilustration 1 Calculate’ the refractive index of a diamond if the speed of light in a diamond is 1.24 x 10m§. Speed of light in vacuum is 3X 10* ns Solution. Given, speed of light in vacuum, ¢ = 3 x 10° mis ; speed of light in medium, v = 1.24 x 108 m’s ; refractive index, n ¢__ 3x10" v 1.24x10° By definition, n= = 242 Illustration 2 Calculate the index of refraction for a substance where the angle of incidence is 30°, the angle of refraction is 60.0", and the refractive index of the second substance is 1.5 (Take J3 = 1.73) Solution. Given, i = 30°; = 60°;n, = 1.5; n, =? By Snell’s law, =i, 8 = BE a1 6 = Vax15 =1.73x15 = 2.59526 ' H 8 8 i 2 Refraction of Light Objective Questions 1 ray of light travelling in air have wavelength 2. frequency n, velocity V and intensity I. If this ray enters info water than these parameters are 2! , n’, ' and I’ respectively. Which relation is correct from following (A)A=W (B)n=n (C)y OI Light travels through a glass plate of thickness t and having refractive index n. If is the velocity of light in vacuum. the time taken by the light to travel this thickness of glass is : a B) tne & o-* ne @ n The frequency of a light wave in a material is 2 x10" Hz and wavelength is 5000 Ap The refractive index of material will be (a) 1.33 (B) 1.40 (C) 1.50 (D) 3.00 Velocity of light in glass, whose refractive index wr.t air is 1.5, is 2x108 m/Sec. In a certain liquid the velocity of light is found to be 2.5x10 m/Sec. The refractive index of liquid wart. air is : (A) 0.64 (B) 0.80 (C)1.20 (D) 1.44 Relative Refractive Index of medium 2.w.rt. medium 1s; ve ®) 2% O m= * (D) None of these (A) e= e _ Subjective Questions 6. In which case Snell's law is not valid? 7. What are the conditions in which no refraction of light ray entering from one medium into another takes place? 8. _Isit possible that the feffactive index of a medium is less than one? 9. Define refractive index in terms of speed of light and in terms of wavelength. State the factors on which refractive index of a material depends. 10. Discuss the concept of refraction of light in detail with figure. a Class X - Physics Baa REFRACTION OF LIGHT (RER-2) 4.0 REFRACTION THROUGH GLASS SLAB Consider a rectangular glass slab, as shown in figure 3 A ray AB is incident on the face PQ at an angle of incidence i,. On entering the glass slab, it bends towards normal and travels along BC at an angle of refraction r,. The refracted ray BC is incident on face SR at an angle of incidence i, The emergent ray CD bends away from the normal at an angle of refraction lateral displacement Fig. $ Refraction through glass slab Using Snell's law for refraction at face PQ, set sab (1) For refraction at face SR, sini ns sin 19H = Say ae Multiplying (1) and (2), we get an ®) Now from Figure 8 we can say that 2 So equation (3) can'be written as x,and i,are alternate opposite angles] x > sing, & sing => sini, = i, Thus the emergent ray CD is parallel to the incident ray AB, but it has been laterally (sidewise) displaced with respect to the incident ray. This shift in the path of light on emerging from a refract- ing medium with parallel faces is called lateral displacement. Hence lateral shift is the perpendicu- lar distance between the incident and emergent rays, when light is incident obliquely on a refract- ing slab with parallel faces. sin x, r, cea Factors on which lateral shift depends é (i) Lateral shift varies directly with the thickness of glass slab. i (ii) Lateral shift varies directly with the incident angle. ia (iii) Lateral shift varies directly with the refractive index of glass slab. 3 a H 8 8 i 2 Refraction of Light 5.0 REAL AND APPARENT DEPTH Itis on account of refraction of light that the apparent depth of an object placed in denser medium is less than the real depth when viewed from rarer medium. Figure 4 shows a point object O placed at the bottom of a beaker filled with water. The rays OA and OB starting from O are refracted along AD and BC, respectively. These rays appear to diverge from point I. rarer medium (mecha 1) | = aparont depth 5 {enser medium (evesium 3) Fig. 4 real and apparent depths So, lis the virtual image of O. Clearly; the apparent depth Al is smaller than the real depth AO. That is why a water tank appears shallower oran object placed at the bottom appears to be raised. wet ___. — TRLof mediumof incidence) where "iw = (R lof mediumof refraction) h = distance of object ftom the interface = real depth 1h’ = distance of image from the interface = ‘apparent depth 6.0 EFFECTS OF REFRACTION OF LIGHT ‘The refraction of light leads to some optical illusions. These are (i) A pencilor a stick immersed. in water appears bent and short in length. (ii) A water tank appears shallow i.e., less deep than its actual depth, (iii) An ink dot on a\paperappears to be raised up when a glass slab is placed over it. (iv) A fisherman fails to catch a fish if he aims the spear at the head of the fish. (v) Apparent flattening of the sun at sunrise and at sunset. Now we shall disctiss all these effects in detail ‘* A poncil Appoars Bent and Shortin Water Fig. 5 a Class X - Physics Baa Consider a pencil PQ. Let AQ portion of the pencil be dipped in water as shown in figure 5. Rays of light from the tip (Q) of the pencil bend away from the normal as they go from water to air Le. denser to rarer medium. These rays appear to come from a point B. Thus, the dipped portion of the pencil appears as AB. Hence a pencil appears bent and short when immersed in water. ‘+ AWaterTank Appears Shallow i.e. Less Deop Than its Actual Depth ° Fig. 6 Consider an object O say a stone lying on the bed of a water tank as shown in figure 6. A ray (OB) of light from the object suffers refraction af the free surface of water in the tank and bends away from the normal along BC. The refracted ray BC. appearsto come from point | which is above the object O. Thus, the bed of the tank appears at the level of point I. In other words, water tank appears shallow. ‘* An Ink Dot on A Papor Appears to Bo Raised up Whon a Glass SI A 5 Placod Over it glass slab on Fig.7 ink dot The rays of light from the ink dot bend away from the normal as they go from the glass slab to air. The refracted rays AC and BD appear to come from point I. The point [is the virtual image of the ink dot and its position is above the ink dot O, Hence, an ink dot on a paper appears to be raised up when a glass slab is placed over it, as shown in figure 7. ‘+ AFisherman Fails to Catch a Fish If He Aims The Spear at The Head of Fish. 1a, pean i amiamigc aan Refraction of Light This is also due to refraction of light. When a fish in water is seen from some angle, then due to refraction of light, the fish appears to be raised up and moreover the image of the fish is a little ahead of the actual position of the fish (see figure 8). As a result of this, the spear falls ahead of the actual position of the head of the fish. Thus, the fisherman is unable to catch the fish. However, a skilled fisherman always aims at the tail of the fish to catch the fish, ‘© Apparent Flattoning of The Sun at Sunrise and Sunset The sun near the horizon appears flattened. This is due to atmospheric refraction. The density and the refractive index of atmosphere decreases with altitude, so the rays from the top and bottom portions of the sun on the horizon are refracted by different degrees. This cause the apparent flattening of the sun. But the rays from the sides of the sun on a horizontal plane are generally refracted by the same amount, so the sun still appears circular along its sides. ‘+ Apparent Shiftin The Position of The Sun at Sunrise And Sunset Due to the atmospheric refraction, the sun is visible before actual suntise and after actual sunset. Apparent Position = of Sun Horizon Retual Position of Sun, Earth Fig. 9 Refradtion effect at sunset and sunrise With altitude, the density and hence refractive index of air-layers decreases. The light rays starting from the sun § travel from rarer to denser layers. They bend more and mote towards the normal. However, an observer sees an object in the direction of the rays reaching his eyes. So to an observer standing on the earth, the sun which is actually in a position below the horizon, appears in the position S’ above the horizon. The apparent shift in the position of the sun is by about 0.5" ‘Thus the sun appeats to rise early by about 2 minutes and for the same reason, it appears to set late by about 2 minutes. This increases the length of the day by about 4 minutes. 7.0 TOTAL INTERNAL REFLECTION When light ray travel from denser to rare medium it bend away from the normal if the angle of incident is increased angle of refraction will also increased. At a perticular value of angle the refracted ray subtend 90° angle with the normal, this angle of incident is known as crtical angle (6,). Ifangle of incident further increase the ray come back in the same medium this phenomenon is known as total intemal reflection. Conditions - 1, Angle of incident > Critical angle [i > 0] 2. Light should travel from denser to rare medium = Glass to air, water to air, Glass to water a7 Class X - Physics He Hs Hs Ima, Fg. 10 Snell Law at boundry Hipsin 0, = pL, sin 90 sing, = HE Hp + When light ray travel from j1 refractive index medium to air then #t,. =1, 4g = Le Sind, = 1/u , sind. = : £24 0¢(Red) 3 0,(violet) . For TIR, i> sini > sin®, sini > Uy a 7.4 Some Illustrations of Total Internal Reflection . ‘Sparkling of Diamond The sparkling of diamond is due to total internal reflection inside it. as refractive index for mond is 2.5 so @,. = 24°, Now the cutting of diamond are such that i > i, TIR will take place again and again inside it. The light which beams out from a few places in some specific directions makes it sparkle. . Optical Fibre In it light through multiple total internal reflections is propagated along the axis of a glass fibre of radius of few microns in which index of refraction of core is greater than that of surroundings, Fig 11 + Mirago and Looming Mirage is caused by total intemal reflection in deserts where due to heating of the earth, refractive index of air near the surface of earth becomes lesser than above it. Light from distant objects reaches the surface of earth with i.>0 ,, so that TIR will take place and we see the image of an object along with the object as shown in Fig 12. Similar to 'mirage" in deserts, in polar regions ‘looming’ takes place due to TIR. Here 1: decreases with height and so the image of an object is formed in air if (i>0 ,.) as shown in Fig. Fig 12 a eh 2c saan cnn en feat ge 8 8 g 3 Refraction of Light Illustrations Illustration 1. Prove using formulae of relative refractive index and absolute refractive index, fa) ng =— Dy ion (a) By definition, n,; = (1) Sok Where, v, and v, are speeds of light in medium 1 and 2 respectively. Similarly, m= 8 = 2) Mi Ma1 or ny X my el (1) 2) = ng xy = Sb on fol (b) By definition, absolute refractive index (n) is given byt) 2 Where, c = speed 6f light in vacuum ; v = speed of light in medium » m= =.) and n,-< soul) () Gt ds/ oy @~ a, ey, 8) Now, n,, = 2 (4) From (3) & (4) , we get, Objective Questions 1. Optical fibre are based on : (A) Total internal reflection (B) Less scattering (C) Refraction (D) Less absorption coefficient Aray of light propagates from glass (refractive index = 3/2) to water ( refractive index = 4/3). The value of the critical angle for the given pair of media is (v8) (A) sin! (1/2) (B) siw'| >) (C) sin-* (8/9) (D) sin" 6/7) a Class X - Physics Baa 3. ‘Mirage’ is a phenomenon due te (A) Reflection of light (B) Refraction of light (C) Total internal reflection of light (D) Diffraction of light 4. Choose the correct statement : (A) Lateral shift is independent of the thickness of glass slab (B) Lateral shift decreases with increase in the thickness of glass slab (C) Lateral shift increases with increase in the thickness of glass slab_ (D) None of these 5. The wavelength of light in two liquids 'x’ and ‘y's 3500 A and 7000A , then the critical angle for the pair of media will be : (A) 60° (B) 45° (©) 30° (D) 15° Subjective Questions 6. A pencil when dipped in water in a glass tuimbler appears to be bent at the interface of air and water. Will the pencil appear to be bent to the same extent, if instead of water we use liquids like, kerosene or turpentine. Support your answer with reason. 7. How should a ray of light be incident on a rectangular glass slab so:that it comes out from the opposite side of the slab without being displaced? 8. Define TLR. and write down two important conditions for TIER. to take place. 9. Explain two optical illusions based on refraction of light. 10. When aay of light enters from one medium to another, then its velocity in second medium be- comes double» Calculate the maximum value of angle of incidence so that total intemal reflection may not take place. 1a, pean i H 8 8 i 2 Refraction of Light REFRACTION OF LIGHT (RER-3) 8.0 SPHERICAL LENSES + Dofinition Alensis a piece of transparent refracting material bound by two spherical surfaces or one spherical and other plane surface. Allens is the most important optical component used in microscopes, telescopes, cameras, projectors, ete. Basically lenses are of two types : (i) Convex lens or converging lens (ii) Concave lens or diverging lens + ConvexLens And Their Typos Alens which is thick at the centre and thinat the edges is called a convex lens. The most common form of a convex lens has both the surfaces bulging out at the middle. Some forms of convex lenses are shown in the figure double plano concave (a) (b) () Fg. 13): Types of convex lens © Concave Lons AndTheir Typos A lens which is thin at the middle and thick at the edges is called a concave lens. The most common form of a concave lens has both the surfaces depressed inward at the middle. Some forms of concave lenses are shown in the figure. double plano convexo fa) (b) (c) Fig. 14: Types of concave lens St Class X - Physics Baa 8.4 Terms () Centre of curvature (C) The centre of curvature of the surface of a lens is the centre of the sphere of which it forms a part Because a lens has two surfaces, so it has two centres of curvature. Points C, and C, of figure 15 (a) and shows centre of curvatures. (ii) Radius of curvature (R) The radius of curvature of the surface of a lens is the radius of the sphere of which the surface forms a part. R, and R, in figure 15 (a) and (b) are the radius of curvatures of two spheres. (iii) Principal axis (C,C,) Itis the line passing through the two centres of curvature of the lens. Optical Centre Optical ~ : Cone Radius of : Carvature usot onto of Cunature conte of Curvetre / Curvature Optical center Ia ray of light is incident such that it goes undeviated through the lens (Figure 16) then the point of intersection of principle axis and the incident ray inside the lens isthe optical center. Its taken at the center of lens for thin lenses Fig 16 (v) Principal foci and focal length ‘The point on the principal axis of a lens where all the rays parallel to principal axis converge or appear to diverge after tefraction is called ‘principal focus’ Focal length - The distance between the focus and the optical centre of a lens is called its ‘focal length’ Aconvex/ concave lens has two principal foci F, and F,, F, is towards left of the lens and from this, region, light rays are incident on the lens. F, is towards right of the lens and in this region, light rays are emergent after refraction. (0) A convex lens (b) A concave lens Fig 17 1a, pean i H 8 8 i 2 Refraction of Light (vi) Aperture- Itis the diameter of the circular boundary of the lens. In figure 18 (a) and (b), AB is the aperature oflens. A A 8 8 a) 6) Fig. 18 9.0 RULES FOR IMAGE FORMATION BY A CONVEX LENS The position of the image formed by a convex lens can be found by considering two of the following rays A (A ray of light coming parallel to principal axis, after refraction L through the lens, passes through the prineipal focus (F) OS as shown in the figure 19 y F Fig. 19 (ii) A ray of light passing through the optical centre O of the (\ lens goes straight without suffering any deviation as Toy shown in the figure 20 Vi Fig, 20 (iii) A ray of light Coming from the object and passing through the principal focus of the lens after refraction through the lens, becomes parallel to the principal axis. This is shown in figure a V 10.0 IMAGE FORMED BY CONVEX LENS The position, size and nature of the image formed by a convex lens depends upon the distance of the object from the optical centre of the lens. For a thin convex lens, the various cases of image formation are explained below: () When object lies at infinity When an object lies at infinity, the rays of light coming from the object may be regarded as a parallel beam of light. The ray of light BO passing through the optical centre O goes straight without any deviation, Another parallel ray AE coming from the object, after refraction, goes along EN. Both the reflected rays meet at A’ in the focal plane of the lens. Hence, a real, inverted and highly diminished image is formed on the other side of the lens in its focal plane. Ey Class X - Physics Object Infinity Real, inverted And highly Diminished image Fig, 22 (ii) When object lies beyond 2F When an object lies beyond 2F, its real, inverted and diminished. image is formed between F and 2F on the other side of the lens as explained below Aray of light AE coming parallel to the principal axis, after refraction, passes through the principal focus F and goes along EF. Another ray AO passing through the optical centre O goes straight without suffering any deviation. Both the refracted rays meet at A’. Hence a teal, inverted and diminished image is formed between F and 2F on the other side of the convex lens. Real, inverted and diminished image Fig 23 (iii) When object lies at 2F When an object lies at 2F in front of a convex lens, its real inverted image having same size as that of the object is formed on the other side of the convex lens as explained below Aray of light AE coming parallel to the principal axis, after refraction, passes through the principal focus F and goes.along EF. Another ray AO passing through the optical centre O goes straight without suffering any deviation. Both the refracted rays meet at A Hence a real, inverted image having the same size as that of the object is formed at 2F on the other side of the lens. Real, inverted and same size Fig 24 1a, pean i H 8 8 i 2 Refraction of Light When object lies between F and 2F When an objects lies between F and 2F in front of a convex lens, its eal, inverted and magnified image is formed beyond 2F on the other side of the lens as explained below : Aray of light AE coming parallel to the principal axis, after refraction, passes through the principal focus F and goes along EF Another ray of light AO passing through the optical centre goes straight without any deviation. Both these refracted rays meet at A’. Hence a real, inverted and magnified image is formed beyond 2F on the other hand side of the lens. Fig. 255 (v) When object lies at F When an object lies at the principal focus F of a convex lens, then its teal) inverted and ‘magnified image is formed at infinity on the other side of the lens as explained below Aray of light AE coming parallel to the prineipal axis, after refraction, passes through the principal focus F and goes along EF. Another ray of light AO passing thtough the optical centre O goes straight without any deviation. Both these refracted rays are parallel to each other and meet at infinly, Hence a al nver@l ial, rma poe Ff a infinity onthe other se of the ns. ly Fig. 26 (vi) When object lies between O and F When an object lies betwieen the optical centre O and the principal focus F of a convex lens, then is viual, erect nd mngnifled image i formed on the same side as that ofthe object as explained low : Array of light AE coming parallel to the principal axis, after refraction, passes through the principal focus F and goes along EF. Another ray of light AO passing through the optical centre goes straight without any deviation. Both these refracted rays appear to meet at A’, when produced backwards. Hence a virtual, erect and enlarged image is obtained on the same side as the object. at Viral ‘and ogre Fig. 27 55. Class X - Physics Baa The results of image formation by a convex lens are summarised in the Table poe rotors | size ofthe image | Nature ofthe image Atty At the focus F Highly diminished | _ Real and inverted Beyond 2F Between F and 2F Diminished Real and imerted ALF ALF Same size Real and inverted Between F and 2F Beyond 2F Magnified Real and inverted AUF At nity Highly magnified | _ Real and inverted Benweenoanar | Onttesane ses | wgines | vtutand ovat 11.0 RULES FOR IMAGE FORMATION BY A CONCAVE LENS The position of the image formed by a concave lens can be found by considering following two rays coming from a point object (as explained. below). () — Aray ofllight coming parallel to the principal axis, after tefraction, appears to pass through the principal focus F of the lens, when produced backwards (See figure) (ii) Aray of light passing through the optical centre O of the lens goes straight without suffering any deviation (See figure) Fig 28 12.0 IMAGE FORMED BY CONCAVE LENS the image formed by a concaveléns is always virtual, erect and diminshed and is formed between the optical centre O and the prinefpal focus F of the lens. Fora thin concave lens of smalll aperature, the cases of image formation are discussed below (i) When the object lies at infinity When object lies at infinity in front of a concave lens, a virtual, erect, highly diminished image is formed at the principal focus F as explained below. The rays of light AE and BD coming parallel to the principal axis of thé concave lens, after refraction, go along EG and DH respectively. When extended in the backward direction, these refracted rays appears to be coming from the principal focus F. Hence’a virtual, erect and highly diminished image is formed at the principal focus F. (See figure ) Object ot lay ' Fig 29 Refraction of Light (ii) When object lies between O and When an object lies at any position between the optical centre O and infinity in front of a concave lens, the image formed is virtual erect and diminished and is formed between the optical centre O and the principal focus F as explained below : Aray of light AE coming parallel to the principal axis, after refraction, goes along EG and appears to pass through the principal focus F when produced backwards, another ray of light AO passing through optical center O goes straight without any deviation. Both these refracted rays appear to meet at A. Hence, a virtual, erect & diminished image is formed between O and F. (See figure } ‘The summary of image formation by a coneave lens for differenit positions of the object is given in Table Table Position of the object | Position of the image Size of the image ‘Nature of the image At infinity AUF Highly diminished | Virtual and erect Between Oand= | Between O and F Diminished Virtual and erect Objective Questions 1. Aconvex lens formsan image ofa distant object on a screen. If the upper half of the lens is blocked bya piece of black paper, then (A) The lower half of the image will be cut out $ (B) The upper half of the image will be cut out j (C) The image will be full but its intensity will be reduced : (D) Nothing will happen to the image Allens has : (A) Only one focus (B) Two focus (C) Three focus (D) Four focus H 8 8 i 2 a7 Class X - Physics Baa 3. Identify the device used as a spherical mirror or lens in following cases, when the image formed is, virlual and erect in each case. (a) Object is placed between device and its focus, image formed is enlarged and behind it. (b) Object is placed between the focus and device, image formed is enlarged and on the same side as that of the object (c) Object is placed between infinity and device, image formed is diminished and between focus and optical centre on the same side as that of the object. (4) Object is placed between infinity and device, image formed is diminished and between pole and focus, behind it. Choose the correct option : (A) (a)-Concave mirror, (b)-Convex lens, (c)-Concave lens, (d)-Convex mirror (B) (a)-Convex mirror, (b)-Convex lens, (c)-Concave lens, (d)-Concave mirror (C) (a)-Concave mirror, (b)-Concave lens, (c)-Convex lens (d)-Convex mirror (D) (a)-Convex mirror, (b)-Concave lens, (c)-Conves lens, (d)-Concave mirror When an object is placed in front of a convex lens, the image formed): (A) is always virtual (B) is always real (C) may be real or virtual (D) is always erect An object is placed before a concave lens. The image formed : (A) is always inverted (B) is always exéct (©) is always real (D) may be erect or inverted Subjective Questions 6. 7. 10. You are given a éircular plane glass sheet, a convek lengand a concave lens. How will you differen- tiate them? To constni¢ta ray diagram we use two light rays which are so chosen that it is easy to know their directions after refraction from the'lens. List these two rays and state and path of these rays after refraction. Use these two rays to locate the image of an object placed between ‘f’ and ‘21° of a convex lens, Draw the ray diagram t6 represent the nature, position and relative size of the image formed by a convex lens for the object placed at 2 F, What kind of lens caniform a (i) Virtual, erect, diminished image ? (ii) virtual, erect, magnified image ? Draw ray diagiams showing the image formation by a convex lens when an object is placed (a) between optical centre and focus of the lens (b) between focus and twice the focal length of the lens (c) at twice the focal length of the lens (d) at infinity (e) at the focus of the lens 38. 1a, pean i H 8 8 i 2 Refraction of Light REFRACTION OF LIGHT (RER-4) 13.0 NEW CARTESIAN SIGN CONVENTION (i) Alldistances are measured from the optical centre of the lens. (ii) ‘The distances measured from optical centre in the same direction as the incident light are taken as positive (iii) The distances measured from optical centre in the direction opposite to the direction of the incident light are taken as negative (iv) Heights measured upwards and perpendicular to the principal axis are taken as positive (v) Heights measured downwards and perpendicular to the principal axis are taken as nega- tive. Figure shows the above given points. ve Height Incident light lneidenttignt, sive distance Negative dstanoe along incident light ‘agains: incicent ight ave Height Fig. 31/Sign convention Consequences of the sign convention (i) The focal length (f), of a converging (convex) lens is positive and that of a diverging {con- cave) lens is negative (ii) Object distance (u) is always negative. (iii) The distance of real image (v) is positive and that of virtual image is negative (iv) The object height hyis always positive. Height h, of virtual erect image is positive and that of real inverted image is negative (v) The linear magnification m= image. Wh, is positive for a virtual image and negative for a real 14.0 LENS FORMULA (i) Object distance (u) Distance of object from the optical contre of a lens is known as object distance. It is denoted byu. (ii) Image distance (v) Distance of image from the optical centre of a lens is known as image distance. It is denoted byw (iii) The relation between object distance (u), image distance {v) and focal length (f) of a lens is called lens formula. The lens formula is given by 1 1 1 7 1 °T Gistance of image from lens — distance of object from lens focal length of lens 58 Class X - Physics 15.0 MAGNIFICATION The size or height of image formed by a lens depends upon the position of the object from the optical centre of the lens. It means a lens can produce images of different sizes depending upon the position of a given object. ‘The ratio of the size (or height) of the image to the size (or height) of the object is known as the ‘magnification (m) produced by the lens. size (or height) of image _ hi aie size (or height) of object. — ht image distance Itcan also be shown that magnification of a lens = 2s* distance = Object distance m= h h (i) Magnification (m) is pos Therefore =m a if the image produced by a lens is virtual. (ii) Magnification in case of a concave lens'is always positive as it always forms virtual image (iil) Magnification in case of a convex lens is positive when it forms a virtual image but magnifi- cation in case of a convex lens is negative when it forms a real image. Illustrations Illustration 1. A concave lens has focal length of 15 cm. At what distance should the object from the lens be placed so that it forms an image at 10 cm from the lens ? Also, find the magnification produced by the lens. Solution A concave lens always forms a virtual, erect image on the same side of the object. Image distance v = =10 cm} focal length f=-15cm; object distance u = ? Lens equation, i-ilt Rte Led vu 15) u 15 10) 30 30 1 29 Magnification,m G30) 73 = +033 ‘The positive sign shows that the image is erect and virtual. The image is one-third of the size of the object. A.2.0 cm tall object is placed perpendicular to the principal axis of a convex lens of focal length 10 cm. The distance of the object from the lens is 15 cm. Find the nature, position and size of the image. Also find its magnification. Solution Given, height of the object h, = + 2.0 cm ; focal length f = + 10 cm;; object distance u = -15 cm; image distance v = ? ; height of the image h, Lens equation, aii vuf 1a, i or v= +30cm The negative sign of h, shows that the image is inverted and real. A real, inverted image, 4 cm tall, is formed at a distance of 30 cm on the other side of the lens, H 8 8 i 2 Refraction of Light 16.0 POWER Power of a lens is defined as the reciprocal of the focal length of the lens (expressed in meters). Itis denoted byP 1 100 ie P oP in oa) Te) ‘Thus, we can say that a lens of small focal length has large power of converging or diverging a parallel beam of ight. On the other hand, a lens of large focal length has small power of converging or diverging a parallel beam of light. Since a convex lens converges a parallel beam of light, so it has a power of converging the beam. When a convex lens has a large power, it means, this convex lens strongly converges the parallel beam of light and near to its optical centre. On the other hand, when a convex lens has a small power, then this lens converges the parallel beam of light but away from its optical centre. Unit of power of a lens is diopter (D). Definition of diopter (D) Power of a lens is 1 diopter if its focal length'is 1 metre Power of convex lens is positive. Power of concave lens is negative 17.0 COMBINATION OF TWO LENSES Consider two lenses of focal lengths f, and f, respectivelyWhen these lens are in contact, the combination behaves as a single lens of focal lenath f. This focal length (f) is known as equivalent focal length and is given by 1 Since + =)P power of lens, so the powerof the combination of two lenses is given by f P=P,+P, 1 1 Where, P= iP a5 and P, If number of lenses of powers P,., P,P. tc. are placed in contact with each other, then the power ofthis combination of lenses is given by P=P,+P,+P,+ (i) Ifa convex lens is placed in contact with a concave lens and a power of this combination is positive, then combination of these lenses behaves as a convex lens (ii) Ifa convex lens is placed in contact with a concave lens and the power of this com! is negative, the combination of these lenses behaves as a concave lens. (iii) A symmetric lens is cut along optical axis in two equal parts. Intensity of image formed by each part will be same as that of complete lens. Focal length is double the original for each part. (iv) Asymmetric lens is cut along principle axis in two equal parts. Intensity of image formed by each part will be less compared as that of complete lens. tion a Class X - Physics Baa Illustrations Illustration 3. A magnifying lens has a focal length of 10 cm. (a) Where should the object be placed Solution Iluste: Solution if the image is to be 30 cm from the lens ? (b) What will be the magnification ? (a) In case of magnifying lens, the lens is a converging lens i.e. a convex lens. While using it as a magnifying lens, the image is virtual, erect, and magnified. Here, f= + 10cm; v 30cm (negative sign of v is taken because in case of lens, virtual image is formed on the left side) By lens formula, eee lea aiid vu f % (3 u (10) OF or -75em So the object must be placed in front of lens at a distatice of 7.5 cm from it (b) ma4%= 80 = 44 ‘Thus, image is virtual, erectiand four times the size of object An object 25 cm high is placed in front of a convex lens of focal length 30 cm. If the height of real image formed is 50 em, find the distance between the object and the image ? h, = 25 cm,f = + 30cm, hy= ea hy 25 or or or u=—45cm {2u) 2(-45) = 90 em Since object and image are’on opposite sides of lens, the distance between object and ge = Iul + lvl =45 +90 = 135 cm 1a, pean i Refraction of Light Objective Questions 1 The power of a diverging lens of focal length 40 cm is (A) 2.5 dioptre (B) -2.5 dioptre (C)-3.5 dioptre (D) 4 dioptre An object is located at a distance of 10 cm in front of a convex lens of focal length 12 em. Then the image is located at (A) +60 cm (8) -60 cm (C) +30 em (D) -30 em An object placed 10 cm in front of a lens has an image'20em behind the lens. Then the power of the lens (in dioptre) is : (A) +15 (B) +3.0 (c)-5.0 (D) 15, The lens formula is given by : 1,1_2 11.4 a 2 (a) 242-2 @) +-2-8 (Oe =-5 (D) None of these A concave lens of focal length fg=15 cm forms an image ata distance of 10 cm from the lens. Then the distance of object from the lens is » (A) 15 cm (8) 20cm (Q)25em (D) 30cm Subjective Questions 6. ‘Two thin lenses of focal length f, and f, are placed in contact. Then what is the focal length of the composite lens ? What is the unit of power of lens ? Sudha finds out that the sharp image of the window pane of her science laboratory is formed at a distance of 15 em from the lens. She now tries to focus the building visible to her outside the window instead of the window pane without disturbing the lens. In which direction will she move the screen to obtain a sharp image of the building? What is the approximate focal length of this lens? Define power of a lens. What is its unit ? How are power and focal length related ? One student uses a lens of focal length 50 cm and another of 50 cm. What is the nature of the lens and its power used by each of them? convex lens of focal length 20 cm can produce a magnified as well as real image. Is this a correct statement? If yes, where shall the object be placed in each case for obtaining these images? 3 Class X - Physics © Objects can absorb light, reflect light, and transmit light. Transparent materials transmit almost all the light striking them, so you can see objects clearly through them. Only a small amount of light is absorbed and reflected by transparent materials. © Ifthe two radii of curvatures of a lens are not equal, the focal length remains unchanged whether the light is incident on first face or the second face. © Speed of light is maximum in vacuum, its about 3 x 10° m/s. Speed of light in air is almost equal to the speed of light in vacuum. Speed of light in water is 2.25 x 10° m/s. Speed of light in ordinary glass is 2.0 x10* ms. © Anoptically denser medium may not possess greater mass density. For example, kerosene having higher refractive index, is optically denser than water, although its mass density is less than water. © According to Snell's law, or n,sini ‘nr ‘This is another form of Snell's law, © Convex lenses are used as magnifies in simple microscope, compound microscope, telescope, etc. Convex lenses ate also used to correct eve defect ‘hypermetropia’ or ‘long sightedness’. ‘© The minimum distance between a real object/and ifs real image formed by a convex lens is 4f i.e, when the object is placed at 2F, and imag@lis formed at 2F,. © Aconcave lénsis used to coneet the eye defect ‘myopia’ or ‘short sightedness’ in wh cannot see the distant objects cleat, cha person * For both concave mirror as well’as concave lens, focal length f is negative. Similarly, for convex mirror and convex lens, fotablenigth f is positive. © Ifthe two radii of curvatures of a convex lens are equal, then itis called ‘equiconvex lens’. Similarly, if the two radii of curvattites of a concave lens are equal, then it is called “equiconcave lens’ © A negative sign in the value of the magnification indicates that the image is real and inverted. A positive sign in the value of the magnification indicates that the image is virtual and erect. * — Forconvex lens, ‘m’ can be +ve as well as -ve. Also, |m| can be >1 or <1 or = 1. For concave 3 lens, ‘m’ is always +ve and |m| <1 i é ' e z H 8 8 i 2 Refraction of Light 1. Study the figure given here. How will the incident ray of light I move beyond the point "P’ (AR, ®)R, (C)Ry OR, 2. You are given water, mustard oil, glycerine and kerosene, In which of these media, a ray of light incident obliquely at same angle would bend the most ? (Given thy = 1.33, 11g = 1.74, ny, = 1.44, Hyjo. = 1.46) (A) Kerosene (B) Water (C) Mustard oil (D) Glycerine 3. Figure shows a ray of light as it travels from medium Ato medium B. Refractive index of the medium B relative to medium A is Medium B 45° (A) 372 (B) 273 60 Oo 7 Medium A ©) 2 4. Alightray eters from medium A to meditimB as shown in figure. The refractive index of médium B relative to A will be (A) greater than unity (B) less than unity (©) equal to unity (D) zero Medium B. Medium A 5. Which of the following statements are correct : (1) Optical density and density of a medium are same (2) Maxirium value of speed of light can be greater than 3 x 10° m/sec (3) More the value of ut for a medium mote is its optical density (4) More the value of jt fora medium lesser is the velocity of light for that medium (A) (1), (2) and (3) are correct (B) Only (1) and (4) are correct (C) Only (3) and (4) are correct (D) Allare wrong A straight line graph is obtained by plotting sine of angle of incidence, versus sine of angle of refraction. The slope of this graph represents : (A) Velocity of light = (B) Critical angle ° (C) Refractive index (D) Frequency of light ° snr * 5 Class X - Physics Baa 7. Aray of light is incident on one of the parallel faces of rectangular glass slab. It emerges out of the opposite parallel face making angle of emergence: (A) equal to angle of incidence (B) greater than angle of incidence (C) smaller than angle of incidence (D) equal to zero 8. Aray of light incident on one of the parallel faces of rectangular glass slab, emerges out of the opposite parallel face (A) inclined to the incident ray (B) along the same straight line as the incident ray (C) parallel to the incident ray but laterally displaced (D) gets absorbed into the body of the glass slab and does not emerge out of it 9. The lateral displacement of an incident ray passing out of a rectangular glass slab, for the same angle of incidence = (A) is directly proportional to the thickness of the glass slab (B) is inversely proportional to the thickness of the glass slab (C) is independent of the thickness of the glass slab (D) none of the above options is conect, 10. The path of a ray of light coming from air passing through a rectangular glass slab traced by four students are shown as A, B, C and D in fig. Which one of them is correct ? \ ~ c (AA (B)B (yc (D)D 11. If ciitical angle of alight ray for a material-air interface is 30°, then the refractive index of the material is : (a) 1.0 (B) 1.5 (c)2.0 (2.5 12. Total intemal reflection occurs when light travels from : (A) A rarer medium to a denser medium and the angle of incidence is less than the critical angle (B) A denser medium to a rarer medium and the angle of incidence is less than the critical angle (C) A rarer medium to denser medium and the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle (D) Adenser medium to a rarer medium and the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle 13. Which of the following can make a parallel beam of light when light from a point source is incident onit? (A) Concave mirtor as well as convex lens (B) Convex mirror as well as concave lens (C) Two plane mirrors placed at 90° to each other (D) Concave mirror as well as concave lens "a,c atin it Refraction of Light 14. Abeam of light is incident through the holes on side A and emerges out of the holes on the other face of the box as shown in the fig. Which of the following could be inside the box ? (A) Concave lens (B) Rectangular glass slab (C) Prism (D) Convex lens 15. Which of the following ray diagrams is correct for the ray of light incident on a lens shown in fig. asi a : (A) A (B) B (cc (D) D 16. In the figure given below, there are two convex lens L, and Lz having focal length of f, and f, respectively. The distance between L, and L, will be t (yf, (B) f, (Of, +h How will be image formed by a convex lens be affected if the central portion of the lens is wrapped in black paper? Black (A) No image is formed by the remaining portion of the lens [A a Paper (B) The central of the image will be absent (C) There will be no effect (D) The full image will be formed but it will be less bright H 8 8 i 2 Ga Class X - Physics Bey Ateen 18. A thin lens and a spherical mittor, each has a focal length of +25 cm. This means (A) Both are convex (B) Both are concave (C) The lens is convex and the mirror is concave (D) The lens is concave and mirror is convex 19. Aconvex lens forms a virtual image when an object is placed at a distance of 18 cm from it. Then it's focal length must be (A) Greater than 36 cm (B) Greater than 18 cm (C) Less than 36 em (D) Less than 18 em 20. A 2cmlong pinis placed perpendicular to the principal axis of a convex lens of focal length 12 cm ‘The distance of the pin from the lens is 15 cm. Then the size of the image is (A) 2. cm {B) 6 cm (C) Sem, (D) 8 cm 21. Which of the following statements is true ? (A) A convex lens has 4 dioptre power having a focal length 0.25 m_ (B) Aconvex lens has ~4 dioptre power having a focal length 0.25 m (C) A concave lens has 4 dioptre power having a focal length 0.25 m (D) Both (B) and (C) 22. An object placed 10 cm in frofitof a lens has an image 20 cm behind the lens. Then the power of the lens (in dioptre) is (Ay +15 (B) +3.0 (C)-5.0 (D) + 15.0 23. ‘Two thin lenses of focal length f, and f, are placed in contact. Then the focal length of the composite lens will be: (ich) i +t — fle a) (ee am (©) Jib O Es 24. Beams of light are incident through the holes A and B and emerge out of box through the holes C and D respectively as shown in'the figure. Which of the following could be inside the box ? (A) A concave lens (B) Aconvex lens (C) A rectangular glass slab (D) A prism 25. Aconvex lens (A) is thicker at the edges than at the middle _(B) has uniform thickness all through. (C) is thicker at the middle than at the edges __(D) is called a diverging lens. ic g H 8 8 i 2 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Refraction of Light Assertion/Reason: (A) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion, (B) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion. (C) Assertion is true but Reason is false. (D) Both assertion and Reason are false. Assertion : When light travels from one medium to another. The direction of propagation of light in second medium changes. Reason : Light travels with different speeds in different mediums. Assertion : After refraction though a rectangular glass slab, emergent ray is parallel to the direc tion of incidenty ray. Reason : Refractive indices of air and glass are different. Assertion : When light from sun is focussed on a sheet of paper using a convex lens, the paper begins to bum producing smoke. It may even catch fire after a while. Reason : Convex lens is a converging lens. Assertion : When a lens produces real image Of. real object then its magnification is negative. Reason : Real image formed by a lens'is always inverted with respect to real object. Assertion : Refractive index has no units. Reason : The refractive indewis a ratio of two similar quantitites. Assertion : On moving from optically rarerto denser medium, a ray of light bends away from the normal. Reason : Speed of light is more in denser medium and less in rarer medium. Assertion : Refractive indices of all transparent mediums are more than 1 (except air). Reason : Air is the rarest medium. Assertion : Power of converging lens is positive and that of diverging lens is negative Reason : Converging lens'always forms eal image while diverging lens always forms virtual im- age. Assertion : The focal/lenath of a concave minor is independent of the medium in which it is placed Reason : When a concave mirror is held under water, its focal length will decrease Assertion : “Twinkling of stars is due to atmospheric refraction, Reason : Refractive index of atmosphere varies continuously. eo Class X - Physics Eas EN Case Study based Questions (36-40) Mohan is performing an experiment with four different optical media, he traced the path of light in different media P, Q, R and S as below: (P) (Q) (R) 36. When a light travel from medium P to S it will : (A) reflect back to medium P (B) pass straight without bending (C) bend away from normal (B) bend towards normal 37. Which of the following media has maximum optical density ? (ap (B)R (OS (0)Q 38. Through which media, will speed of light be maximum ? (a) Q (8)R (Qs (DP 39. Absolute refractive index of medium is maximum in: (A)P BQ (QR os 40. Which is comect about absolute refractive index of medium ? (A)P > Q (B)R=Q ()S>P (D)P=R ic g 8 8 g 3 Refraction of Light SEASONED 4 What is apparent depth of a vessel filled with water of Ru. 3: upto a height of 15m ) ifm ®) 23m oO 10m (D) 1m, How much height of water should be filled in a container 21 cm in height, so that it appears half 4 filled when viewed from the top of the container (given that 1, = 3): (A) 12cm (B) 10.5 cm (C)9 am (D) 14cm A parallel beam of light falls on a convex lens. The path of the rays is shown in fig. It follows that (a)n, > n>n, @)n, n For the rays A and B the air bubble as shown will behave as ? (A) convex lens (B) concave lens (C) Plano convex lens _ (D) Converging lens A transparent solid é¥jlindtical rod has a refractive index of e It is surrounded by ait. A light ray is incidentat the mid-point of one end of the rod as shown in the figure, A} The incident angle (0) for which the light ray grazes along the wall of the rod is, [8 (2 +) sin { (2 we (8) om(Z) oS) om() ial Class X - Physics Baa 6. 10. A bulb is placed at a depth of 2/7 m in water and a floating opaque disc is placed on the surface of water, so that the bulb is not visible from the surface. Then the minimum diameter of the disc is (3) (A) 42 m (B) 12m (C) 7m Dom A ray of light from a denser medium strikes a rarer medium at an angle of incidence i. If the reflected and refracted rays make an angle of 90° with each other and the angle of refraction is r, then the critical angle for the pair of media is : (A) sin” (tan i) (B) cos” (tan r) (©) tan (sin r) (D) tan” (sin i) A candle is kept at a distance of 15 cm from a convex léhs and its image is obtained on a screen placed at a distance of 30 cm from the lens. Now if the lensis shifted ‘x’ distance towards the screen without displacing the candle or the screen, again.a sharp image is obtained. The value of ‘x’ is (A) 10 cm (B) 15 cm (C) 20 cm (D) 25m) Allens of focal length f produces an imagé of an object located 15cm on one side of it at a distance of 30 cm on the other side. If the lens is replaced by another lens of focal length i , then the image is formed at (A) 15 cm (B) 7.5m (C) 10 cm (D) 125m An object is placed at a distance of 15 em from a contvex lens of focal length 10 cm on the other side of the lens, a/eonvex mirror is placed at its fous such that the image formed by combination coincides with the object itself. The focal length of concave mirror (A) 20 cm {B) 10cm (€) 15cm (D) 30 cm 72 1a, pean i Refraction of Light SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS — CBSE Very short answer type questions 1. Define 1 dioptre of power of a lens. 2. — What is the basic cause of refraction? it make a swimming pool seem deeper or shallower ? 4. What kind of lens can be used to produce a real image of an object placed infront of it? 5. Ared light and blue light enter a rectangular glass block normal to its surface at the same time. Strictly speaking, after passing through the block, which pie exits first? 6. Two thin lenses of power +4.5 Dand -2.5 D are placed in contaét. Find the power and focal length of the lens combination. Short answer type questions 7. An object placed on a metre scale at 8.6m mark was focused on a white Séreen placed at 92 cm mark, using a converging lens placed on the scaleéat 50 cm mark. (i) Find the focal length of the converging lens. (ji) Find the position of the image formed if the object is shifted towards the lens at a position of 29.0 cm, (iii) State the nature of the image formed if the object is further shifted towards the lens. 8. Define principle axis of a lens. 9. Draw the given diagram in youranswer book and complete it for the path of ray of light beyond the lens. 10. Ifyou place a glass test tube in water, you can see the tube. If you place it in clear soyabean oil, you may not be able'to see it, What does this indicate about the speed of light in the oil and in the glass? What about their refractive indices ? 11. Prove thatn,, ¥ n,, X n= 1 12. For which position of the object does a convex lens forma virtual and erect image? Explain with the help of a ray diagram. Long answer type questions 13. Why does a light ray, incident on a rectangular glass slab immersed in any medium, emerges parallel to itself ? Explain using a diagram. Prove it using Snell's law. 14. The image of a candle flame placed at a distance of 45 cm from a spherical lens is formed on a screen placed at a distance of 90 cm from the lens. Identify the type of lens and calculate its focal length. If the height of the flame is 2 em, find the height of its image. 73 Class X - Physics ALL! 15. Draw ray diagrams to represent the nature, position and relative size of the image formed by a convex lens for the object placed : (a) at 2F, (b) between F, and the optical centre O of lens. 16. What is meant by ‘refractive index of a transparent medium’? Trace the path of a ray of light of show that the emergent ray is laterally displaced when it passes through a rectangular slab. 17. (a) Define lens, Explain the following terms with respect to a lens 1. Center of curvature 2. Radius of curvature. 3, Optical center (b) Mention rules for image formation by a concave lens and convex lens. Numerical problems 18. An object 5 cm high is held 25 cm away from a converging lens of f = + 10 cm. and size of the image formed. Is the image real or virtual ? ind the position 19. Anobject 10 cm longs placed at distance of 15 cm froma convex lens of focallength 10 cm. Find the position and size of the image . 20. An object placed at 50 cm froma lens produces virtual image at a distance of 10 cm in front of the lens. Calculate the focal length of the lens. 21. An object which is placed at 10cm in front of a lens forms a real image three times magnified. Where is the image formed ? What is the focal length of the lens ? 22. An object high is placed at a distance of 10 cm froma éonvex lens of focal length 20 cm. Find the position, nature and size of the image. 23. A thin lens has a focal length of — 25 cm, What is the power of the lens and what is its nature ? 24. An object of siz@3 cm is placed at 14 cm infront of a concave lens of focal length 21 cm. Describe the image produced by the lens. What happens if the object is moved farther from the lens ? 25. An object is placed at 5 cm in front of a lens and an image is formed 10 cm behind the lens. What type of lens isi, and what is the value of its focal length ? 26. The focal length of aconcave lens is 10 cm. What should be the object distance in order that the image is 1/5" of Size of the object. Where is the image ? What is its lateral magnification ? 27. An objectis placed at a distance of 7 cm from a convex lens which forms an image magnified three times. What is the focal length of the lens ? 28. A ray of light falls on a transparent sphere with centre at Cas shown in figure. The ray emerges from the sphere parallel to line AB. oo Find the refractive index of the sphere. 1a, i Refraction of Light [_exercise-4 | Cee an 1. Arayoflight is incident in medium 1 on a surface that separates medium 1 from medium 2. Let v, and v, represent the velocity of light in medium 1 and medium 2 respectively. Also let n,, and n,; represent the refractive index of medium 1 with respect to medium 2 and refractive index of me- dium 2 with respect to medium 1, respectively. If and r denote the angle of incidence and angle of refraction, then (NTSE Stage-1/2015) =. (9 Men SEL, a Ye sint v sinr vy 2. Astudent was asked to drawa ray diagram for formation ofmage by a convex lens for the followin positions of the object: (Raj. /NTSE Stage-1/2015) (a) between F and 2F (b) at F (0) at 2F (4) between F and optical centre The position for which virtual image can be formed among these is (ayo Ba (ec (pd 3. A ray of light in air is incident on an equilateral glass prism at ani angle 0, to the normal. After refraction, the light travelled parallel to the base of prism and emerged in air at an angle ®, to the normal. Ifthe angle between the incident and the emergent rays is 60°, then the refractive index of glass with respect to air is — (NTSE Stage-I1/2016) (a) 1.33 (B15 (C173 (0) 1.66 4. Youare standing on the shore ofa lake. You spota fish swimming below the lake surface. You want to kill the fish first by throwing a spear and next, by pointing a high-power laser torch. How should you aim thé Spear and torch, respectively, from the options given below? (NTSE Stage-II/2016) 1. above the apparent position of the fish I below the apparent position of the fish Il. directly at the apparent position of the fish (A) SPEAR: ; LASER =I (B) SPEAR: ; LASER : Il (C) SPEAR : IL LASER : Il (D) SPEAR : IIL ©}. LASER : Ill A beam of light coming from a rarer medium is partially reflected from the surface of a denser medium and partially refracted into the denser medium. If the reflected and the refracted rays are perpendicular to each other and the ratio of the refractive indices of denser and rarer medium is, V3. the angle of refraction will be— (NTSE Stage-11/2016) (A) 60° (B) 30° (c) 45° (0) 41.5" When light travels from medium X to medium Y as shown: (Raj./NTSE. Stage-1/2016) (A) both the speed and the frequency decrease (B) both the speed and the frequency increase x (C) both the speed and the wavelength decrease (D) both the wavelength and the frequency are unchanged, 75 Class X - Physics Eas EN 7. Aconvex lens has focal length 30 cm. If an object is placed at a distance of 15 cm from it then the ‘magnification produced by the lens is (Raj./ NTSEStage-1/2017) (A) 6.66 (B) 05 (Ql (D)2 8. Which diagram below illustrates the path of a light ray as it travels from a given point X in air to another given point Y in glass ? (Raj NTSEStage-1/2017) (a) [aes JY 8) Bes 7Y] © ps7 (p) fies #¥ ar 77 air air } air x x x x 9. Avesselis filled with oil as shown in the diagram. A ray of light from point O at the bottom of vessel is incident on the oibair intergace at point P and grazes the surface along PQ. The refractive index of the oil is close to INTSE Stage-II, 2017] ©. em (A) 1.41 {B) 1.50, (C) 163 (D) 1.73 10. Focal length a convex lens is The power of this lens will be— (Raj./ NTSE Stage-1/2018) (A) +4 dioptre {B) +2.5 dioptre (C) +40 dioptre (D) +25 dioptre 11. Two convex lenses A and B, each of focal length 30 cm are separated by 30 cm, as shown in the figure. An object O is placed at a distance of 40 cm to the left of lens A. A B 0—> CS em What is the distance of the final image formed by this lens system? [NTSE Stage-II, 2018] (A) 120 em to right of lens A. (B) 90 cm to right of lens A (©) 22.5 emto right of lens B (D) 45 em to right of lens B ic g H 8 8 i 2 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Refraction of Light Array of light of pure single colour is incident on the face of a prism having angle of the prism 30° at an angle of incidence 45°. The refracted ray does not change its direction as it crosses the other face and emerges out of the prism. The refractive index of the material of the prism is INTSE Stage-II, 2018] 2 Ae (B)2 (C) V2 (D) 3 A convex lens and a concave lens, each of focal length, are kept separated by a distance of 2m as shown in the figure. Ifthe light is incident from left, the combinations of lenses will be INTSE Stage-II, 2019] (A) conver (B) diverging (C) behaving like a glass slab (D) converging or diverging depending on whether tie lenses are arranged as showin the figure or in the reverse order. ‘A pin AB of length 2 cmis kept on the axis of a convex lens between 18 ém and 20 cmas shown in figure. Focal length of convex lens is 10 em. Find magnification produced for the image of the pin. INTSE Stage-II, 2019] AB B g (A) 0.83 (B) 1.00 ie Sa (D) 6.78 25 cm. In dioptre power of lens will be INTSE Stage-I, 2019] (B04 (4 (25 In the given ray diagram conect ¥élation for Snell’ law is INTSE Stage-I, 2019] Normal N’ Refracted ray (a) 222 = constant (B) one constant sin sina sin OO a constant S000 a constant (C) Sin(90—b) “°"* 0) sin’ ® 77 Class X - Physics 17. 18. 19. 20. Lens formula is 1.1.1 111 A ytat Oy we Focal length of a lens is 50 cm. In dioptre power of lens will be INTSE Stage-I, 2020] (A) 0.02 (B)2 (C)0.2 (D) 50 Refraction from denser to rarer medium fora light ray, the value of angle of refraction at the condition of critical angle is: INTSE Stage-I, 2020] (A) 0° (B) 180° (C) 45° (D) 90° An object is placed at point A in front of a convex lens of focal length f. Its real, inverted and magnified image is formed behind the lens. When the object is brought closer to theens and placed ata point B, a virtual and erect image, but with exactly the same magnification (in magnitude) as before is formed in front of the convex lens, Let F be the focus of the lens in frontof it. Which of the following relations is comect ? INTSE Stage-II, 2020] (A) AF = FB (B) AB = (C)aF - BF =f (D) AB = 2F eeeeas 78 ic g Refraction of Light ANSWERS CHECK POST-1 1. (B) 2.(C) 3. (D) 4. (©) 5. (A) CHECK POST-2 1. (4) 2.(C) 3.(C) 4. (0) 5. (C) CHECK POST-3 1.(C) 2. B) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (B) CHECK POST-4 1. (B) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4.(B) 5. (D) EXERCISE-1 : (ELEMENTARY) Que. | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 10 Ans. |B D A A € ic A q A B Que. | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 Ans. | _C D A D A € D. A B D Que. | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 Ans. | A D D c ig A. B A A c Que. | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 Ans. |B D S c A B c D A A EXERCISE-2); (SEASONED) Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ans. A A Cc B c B A B B B EXERCISE-3 : (Numerical problems) 18. v = + 503 m= 16.67.emph, = - 10/3 cm = - 3.33 cm; real 19.v = + 30cm; hy= ~20em 20.1 12.5 cm) +30 cm3f= + 7.5m 20cm ; h, = + 8 cm; image is virtual, erect & magnified 23. P = -4D ; concave 24. -8.4cm;h, =+1.8 cm; virtual, erect & diminished. As the object is moved away from the lens, the virtual image moves towards the focus of the lens (but never beyond F) and gradually diminishes in size. 25. convex; + 3.33 cm 26.u=— 40cm, v =-8em, m= +1/5 © 27. For virtual image f = + 10.5 cm ; for real image f = + 5.25 cm 8 3 28.9 mis % 29.3 73 Class X - Physics EXERCISE-4 : (COMPETITIVE ASSESSMENT) Que. | 1 2 3 4 5 6 a 8 9 10 Ans. | A | D c | A B c | D D D B Que. | ii [12 | is [i | is | te [| i7 | is | 19 | 20 Ans. |_C c [La ic c Cc c [| B D A ean i e i

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