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Topic: Acceleration

We have discussed Displacement and Velocity. Recall that we defined velocity as a change of displacement per unit
time. This could be as a result of a change in an object's speed, direction, or both. Now, we will define a new term:

What is an Average Acceleration?

Average acceleration (symbol 'a') is a change in Velocity per unit time, or

Acceleration is a Vector Quantity - it has both magnitude and direction. We can accelerate an object by

a. changing its speed over a time interval, such as speeding up or slowing down in your car.
i. Speeding up- gas pedal
ii. Slowing down- brake pedal
b. changing the direction the object is moving. So in a car, the steering wheel is also a type of "accelerator".

The units of acceleration are units of velocity per unit time. Usually, we will use our standard SI units, so we would have
(meters per second) per second, or m/s/s. We commonly write this as m/s2. For example, if a car accelerates from rest to
20 m/s in 5 seconds, then its acceleration is given by


Sample Problem 1: The velocity of a car increases from 2.0 m/s at 1.0 s to 16 m/s at 4.5 s What is the car’s average

Note: We define forward velocity as positive.

Given: initial velocity, v0 = 2.0 m/s Unknown: acceleration, a

final velocity, vf = 16 m/s Basic equation: a =
time interval , t0 = 1.0 s ; tf = 4.5 s

Vf −Vo
= tf −¿
m m
16 −2
= s s
4.5 s−1.0 s
14 m/s
= 3.5 s
= 4.0 m/s2

Sample Problem 2: Acceleration of a Car Backing Up

A car goes faster and faster backward down a long driveway. We define forward velocity as positive, so
backward velocity is negative. The car’s velocity changes from -2.0 m/s to -9.0 m/s in a 2.0 s time
interval. Find its acceleration.

initial velocity, v0 = - 2.0 m/s Unknown: acceleration, a
final velocity, vf = - 9 m/s Basic equation: a =
time interval , Δt = 2.0 s

Vf −Vo
= Δt
m m
−9 −(−2 )
= s s
2.0 s
−9+2 m/s
= 2.0 s
−7 m/s
= 2.0 s

= - 3.5 m/s2

Velocity of an Object with Constant Acceleration

Acceleration that does not change in time is uniform or constant acceleration.

In this case, the velocity-time graph of constant acceleration is a straight line. The velocity when the clock
reading, or time, is zero is called the initial velocity, v0

The slope of the line is the acceleration, a , so the equation that describes the curve , and thus the velocity
at t, is

Vf = V0 + at

Sample Problem:

If a car with a velocity of 2.0 m/s at t=0 accelerates at a rate of +4.0 m/s2 for 2.5 s, what is its velocity at
time t = 2.5 s?


initial velocity, v0 = + 2.0 m/s Unknown: final velocity, Vf

acceleration, a = + 4 m/s2 Basic equation: Vf = V0 + at
time interval , t = 2.5 s

Vf = V0 + at
= + 2.0 m/s + (4 m/s2)(2.5 s)
= + 12 m/s

Displacement When Velocity and Time are Known

When an object is moving with constant velocity, its displacement can be found by multiplying its velocity
by the time interval.


To find the displacement if the object is uniformly accelerating, the velocity is replaced by the average

V = ½ ( V f + V0 )

d = ½ ( Vf + V0 )t

Sample Problem:

What is the displacement of a train as it is accelerated uniformly from +11 m/s to +33 m/s in a 20.0 s

Given: initial velocity, V0 = + 11m/s Unknown: displacement, d

Final velocity, Vf = + 33 m/s Basic equation: d = ½ (Vf + Vi) t
time interval, t = 20.0 s

d = ½ (Vf + Vi) t
= ½ (+33m/s+ 11 m/s)(20.0 s)
= ½ (44 m/s)(20.0 s)
= + 440 m or 4.4 x102 m

Activity 1: Average Acceleration

Vf −Vo
= tf −¿

Answer the following problems: (Use separate paper for your solution)

1. An Indy-500 race car’s velocity increases from +4.0 m/s to +36 m/s over a 4.0 s period. What is its average
2. The same race car slow down from +36 m/s to +15 m/s over 3.0 s. What is its average acceleration over this time
3. A car is coasting backwards down a hill at -3.0 m/s when the driver gets the engine started. After 2.5 s, the car is
moving uphill at a velocity of +4.5 m/s. What is the car’s average acceleration?

Activity 2: Final Velocity with Constant Acceleration

Vf = V0 + at
1. A golf ball rolls up a hill toward a Putt-Putt hole
a. If it starts with a velocity of +2.0 m/s and accelerates at a constant rate of -0.50 m/s 2 , what is its velocity
after 2.0 s?
b. If the acceleration occurs for 6.0 s, what is its final velocity?

2. A bus travelling at +30 km/h accelerates at a constant +3.5 m/s 2 for 6.8 s. What is its final velocity in km/h?

3. If a car accelerates from rest at a constant 5.5 m/s2, how long will be required to reach 28 m/s?

Activity 3: Displacement When Velocity and Time are Known

d = ½ (Vf + Vi) t
1. A race car travelling at +44 m/s in uniformly accelerated to a velocity of +22 m/s over an 11 s interval.
What is its displacement during this time?
2. A rocket traveling at +88 m/s is accelerated uniformly to +132 m/s over a 15 s interval. What is its
displacement during this time?
3. A car accelerates at a constant rate from 15 m/s to 25 m/s while it travels 125 m. How long does this
motion take?
4. A bike rider accelerates constantly to a velocity of 7.5 m/s during 4.5 s. The bikes displacement is
+19 m. What was the initial velocity of the bike?

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