Business Communication

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Business Communication

Unit I - Introduction
It is an art of transmitting information ideas and attitude from one person to another.

7 ‘C’ of communication:
i. Complete ii. Concise iii. Considerate iv. Clarity v. Concrete vi. Curiosity vii. Correct

Four major ways of communication:

I. Words
II. Visuals
III. Written words
IV. Body language

Characteristics of Communications:
I. Communication involves at least two people.
II. Message is a must.
III. Communication may be oral, written or gestural.
IV. Communication is a two-way process.
V. Its primary purpose is to motivate a response.
VI. Communication may be formal or informal.
VII. It flows from up to down and from side to side.
VIII. It is an integral part of the process of exchange.

Classification of Communication:
1. On the basis of medium:
i. Verbal
ii. Non-verbal NOTE
iii. Written 7% 38% 55%
2. On the basis of flow: Words Tone Body Language
i. Upwards
ii. Downwards
iii. Horizontal
iv. Diagonal
3. On the basis of channel:
i. Formal
ii. Informal
iii. Rumor
Process of Communication:
Sender: A person who initiates the conversation.

Encoding: The process of converting information or message.

Message: Information conveyed from sender.

Channel: The medium or pathway used to transmit the message.

Receiver: The individual or entity who receives the message.

Decoding: The process of interpreting or translating the message.

Feedback: Response provided by the receiver to the sender.

Importance of communication in business:

1. It creates the basic decision making and planning.
2. Smooth and effective working of and organization.
3. Facilitates coordination.
4. Increases managerial efficiency.
5. Promotes cooperation and industrial peace.
6. Helps in stablishing effective leadership.
7. Motivation and moral.
8. Increases managerial capacity.
9. Effective control.
10. Job satisfaction.
11. Democratic management.
12. Increases productivity and reduces cost.
13. Public relations.
Organizational structure

Formal Informal

Upward Downwards Horizontal Diagonal Gossips

Formal: with peers in office Informal: with peers outside office

Networks in business communication:

I. Line network or chain network
B In this the message is passed from top to the lower levels.

II. Y network
C In this A & B discuss and pass on the info, here A and B could be of same level.

III. X or V network
C Here it is a centralized form of network.

IV. Circle network


B C In this all employee are on same level, communication within themselves.

V. Open ended network/ all channel

B E Here you can directly contact the top most authority.


Crisis in Communication:
1. Reputation: Whenever crises occurs in an organization first thing goes in vein is their
2. Loss of trust: Negative image in eyes of customers.
3. Image: Decline in image as said to be negative.
4. Financial Liquidity: Sudden stop in transaction or flow of cash.
5. Business relationships: Relations with dealers, suppliers, or distributers started breaking.

Barriers in communication
1. Physical barrier: Time, place, availability, climate, noise and medium.
2. Semantic barrier: Either external or internal, body language, badly expressed messages
such as gestures or symbols, faulty translations or assumptions, technical jargons, mostly
happens during written communication.
3. Psychological barrier: Lack of attention, not getting attention or recognition for work,
distrust, not trusting other.
4. Organizational barrier: complexity in structure, internal and external policies.
5. Personal barrier: Fear of challenge to authority, lack of confidentiality of superior to his
subordinates, lack of schemes.
6. Cultural barriers: language, behavior, body language, relationship building.

Ability to accurately receive and interpret the message in a conversation/communication.

Stage of listening:
I. Receiving
II. Understanding
III. Remembering
IV. Evaluation
V. Responding
NOTE: According to a survey we write 9%, read 16%, Speak 30%, Listen 45%
It refers to a pattern of listening which engage with your conversation partner in a positive way and
as follows:
I. Paying attention
II. Show that you are listening
III. Providing feedbacks or questions or summarizing.
IV. Response.

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