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THI ONLINE - BAI TAP TU VUNG NANG CAO § MON: TIENG ANH 12 7045 Exercise 1: Fill in the correct PREPOSITIONS 1, Her family couldn't decide the best place to go for their summer Holidays 2. Sally dreanis becoming a famous actress 3. There are no significant differences the education systems of the two countries. 4, My brother is fond___ pointing out my mistakes. 5. The demand sports cars is low because they are so expensive 6. Linda couldn’t deal all the typing, so she hired an assistant to help her. 7. Now that he has a good job, Paul doesn’t depend his parents for money. 8. Can you explain this me, please? €7046 Exercise 2: Match the IDIOMS with their meanings T. get in touch with a, act and:feebas if one were in one’s own house a 2. keep in touch with sb b. wish for good luck a 3. keep sth quiet . allow enough free space 2 4. keep an eye on sth & check sth so that you can be sure about that a 5. keep one’s head . remain calm a 6. keep one’s fingers crossed | f. maintain contact by visiting, writing, ete a 7. make oneself at home g. communicate with sb one hasn't seen recently 7 8, make room (for sth) h. keep sthisecret 8 9. make sure i guard sth . Choose the correet answer 9. Our staff will do their best to____ you enjoy your visit. A. make sure B. keep quiet C. make room for 10. She asked Mark to the children while she went to the shops. A. keep in touch with B. make himself at home C. keep an eye on 11, Peter promised to me after he moved away but he hasn’t written yet. A. get in touch with B. keep in touch with C. keep quiet 12. I don’t know if they'll give me the job but Iam ! A. keeping my fingers crossed B. making sure C. making room for it | Tray ep trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hgc Toan — Ly — Ha — Sinh — Vin — Anh - Sir - Dia — GDCD t6t nhat! 13, When the fire started, David managed to and get everyone out of the room, A. keep quiet B. keep his head C. keep an eye on it 14,1'll tell you what we're planning if you promise to A. keep your head B. keep quiet C. keep in touch with me 15. Feel free to watch TV or get yourself something to eat from the fridge. I want you to A. keep an eye on me B. make yourself at home C. get in touch 16. Let me have your phone number so if I need to ‘you, I can. A. get in touch with B. keep in touch with C. keep yout head 17. Let’s 41!" the new sofa by moving the dining table to:the!comer of the room A. make sure keep fingers crossed C. make room for 7043 Exercise 3: Match the PHRASAL VERBS with their me: ings 1. They decided to go ahead with their trip despite the bad weather conditions. 2. Once you have finished cleaning, you can go on with . ring loudly or make a loud noise your job. __match 3. The doctor wanted to go over the-test Fesults with his explode patient __ start sth 4, Which shoes go best with this dress? . __ continue doing 5. Luckily no one was injured when the bomb went off. tum sour, start to decay 6. The alarm should go off automatically as soon as smoke . . __ examine/discuss in detail is detected. ' . experience sth bad; suffer 7. The child went through a lot before recovering ___ happen completely. _ | stop liking sbisth0r lose interest 8, The milk went off after only an hour in the scorching . in thenwit heat, 9, What's going on in there? Open the door! 10. I’ve gone off beer! Choose the correct answer: 18. The gun while he was cleaning it. A. went on B. went off C. went through 19. We can’t really imagine what they’re A. going through . going on C. going round 20. That tie your suit nicely. A. goes on - goes with goes off 2 | Truy cp trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hge Toan — Ly — Héa— Sinh — Vin — Anh ~ Sir —GDCD tot nhat! 21.1___the idea of buying a sports car after I found out how much it would cost. A. went off B. went through C. went with 22. I wonder what's next door — they’re making a lot of noise. A. going off B. going on C. going ahead 23. The club will be its plans for a new stadium in the summer. ‘A. going through . going with C. going ahead with ©7044 Exereise 4: Choose the correct COLLOCATION, do or make. 24. I won't makeldo the same mistake again! 25. Her husband is away, so she'll have to make/do other childcare arrangements. 26. We made/did a few changes to the team for tonight’s match, 27. Do you make/do your best to be on time when meeting a friend? 28. Do you ever do/make the cooking at home? 29. Do you make/do excuses if someone asks you to do/make a big favour for them? 30. Do you ever make/do negative comments about your friends’ hair, clothes, etc.? ‘THE ENI 3 Truy cép trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hge Toan — Ly — Héa— Sinh - Van — Anh - Sir —GDCD tot nhat! HUONG DAN GIAI 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 9A | 10.C on | of/about | between | of for with on to 20.B 1B] 124A 13.B | 14B | 15.B | 164A | 17.C | 18.B 19.4 2A] 22.8 23.4 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. | 29.make | 30. make | make | make do do -do | make Phin ndi thanh ngir: Lg 2f 3.hOAT Se 6b Za Be 9d Pi 6-4-5-1-2-8-3-7-9-10 ndi cym dong tir: ‘cp trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hge Toan — Ly — Hoa — Sinh — Vin — Anh ~ Sir - Dia — GDCD tét nhat!

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