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Asian J. Nursing Edu.

and Research 7(3): July- September 2017

ISSN 2231-1149 (Print)

2349-2996 (Online)


A Study to assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on

Knowledge Regarding Polycystic Ovarian Disease among Adolescent Girls
in Selected Colleges in Mysuru
Prof. Sheela Williams1, Mrs. Lissa J2, Mrs. Saraswathi. K. N3
Principal, JSS College of Nursing, Mysore
Assistant Professor, JSS College of Nursing, Mysore
*Corresponding Author Email:

BACKGRUOND: Adolescents - young people between the age of 12 and 19 years are often thought of as
healthy group. It is the transition stage between childhood and adolescent. The impact of modernization and
technological ascertainment reflects in daily life. The unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise leads to many
disease in adolescents as polycystic ovarian syndrome. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common health
problem which increases in adolescent girls and young women during the reproductive years. The term
polycystic means many cysts and polycystic ovarian syndrome gets its name because of clusters of small, pearls
size cysts in ovaries. The cysts are fluid filled bubbles that contain eggs that have not get been released because
of hormonal imbalance. The aim of the study A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching
programme on knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome among adolescent girls in JSS Women’s
College at Mysuru OBJECTIVES 1. To assess the knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome among
adolescent girls before and after structured teaching programme. 2. To assess the effectiveness of structured
teaching programme on knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome among adolescent girls. 3. To find
out the association between pre-test knowledge of adolescent girls regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome with
selected demographic variable. METHODS In this study, one group is pre test and other post test, pre-
experimental design was used and non probability convenient sampling technique was adopted to select
adolescent girls in JSS Women’s College Mysuru. Pilot study was conducted, the tool and study design were
found to be feasible. Data were collected using a structured knowledge questionnaire. Structure teaching
programme were given to the adolescent girls. The data were collected and analyse using descriptive and
inferential statistics RESULT ;The result of the study reveal that the significance of difference between the
mean pre test and mean post test scores which was statistically tested using paired ‘t’ test. The mean difference
between the mean pre test and mean post test knowledge scores was 2.5 with standard deviation difference ±0.5.
the paired ‘t’ test (59)=11.6 which was found to be highly significant at 0.05 level of significance. The result also
shows that the knowledge score of adolescent girls had no significant association with their selected
demographic variables expect for monthly income, known case of PCOD and previous source of information.
CONCLUSION There for, the study concluded that the administration of structured teaching programme was an
effective method of improve the knowledge of adolescent girls regarding PCOD.

KEYWORDS: Knowledge, polycystic ovarian syndrome , adolescent girls

Adolescents - young people between the age of 12 and
Received on 09.01.2017 Modified on 14.03.2017
Accepted on 06.05.2017 © A&V Publications all right reserved
19 years are often thought of as healthy group. It is the
Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research.2017; 7(3): 371-375. transition stage between childhood and adolescent. The
DOI: 10.5958/2349-2996.2017.00074.X impact of modernization and technological
Asian J. Nursing Edu. and Research 7(3): July- September 2017

ascertainment reflects in daily life. The unhealthy eating 2. To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching
habits and lack of exercise leads to many disease in programme on knowledge regarding polycystic
adolescents as polycystic ovarian syndrome.1 ovarian syndrome among adolescent girls.
3. To find out the association between pre-test
Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common health knowledge of adolescent girls regarding polycystic
problem which increases in adolescent girls and young ovarian syndrome with selected demographic
women during the reproductive years. The term variable.
polycystic means many cysts and polycystic ovarian
syndrome gets its name because of clusters of small, METHADOLOGYAND DATA COLLECTION
pearls size cysts in ovaries. The cysts are fluid filled PROCEDURE:
bubbles that contain eggs that have not get been released An experimental research approach was used for the
because of hormonal imbalance.3 study. The study was conducted in selected college of
Mysuru. The institution and sample from this selected
By accruing knowledge regarding PCOD, its causes, institution were selected using non probability
preventive measures and management in adolescent girls convenient sampling technique. The sample consists of
will be able to improve their life style pattern. 60 adolescent girls.

NEED FOR THE STUDY: The tools used for data collection were selected
According to 2011 report there are 600 million demographic variables, structured knowledge
adolescent girls that stand at the crossroad between child questionnaire. Through the review of literature, the
hood and adult world. As India is having the largest structured knowledge questionnaire was prepares for the
population of adolescent around 243 million lives in present study. The tool consist of 30 question related to
India. Among these population 18% of adolescent girls knowledge regarding PCOD there were 3 alternative
lives in Karnataka2. answer for each question among which one is correct
answer the total knowledge score ranging from 0 – 30.
PCOD is a common problem among teen girls and
young girls. Infactamong100% of girls 10% of girls have RESEARCH APPROCH:
polycystic ovarian syndrome. The common features of The evaluative approach is used in this study. The main
normal puberty in adolescent are menstrual irregularity objective of the study to assess the effectiveness of
and insulin resistance2. PCOD among adolescent girls.

PCOD is sometimes inheritable as it is influenced by RESEARCH ESIGN:

genes. It is more likely to develop. If there is a family Research design selected for the study is one pre
history of diabetes. It is also seen if mother or close experimental, one group pre test post test design
relatives are having PCOD.4
The investigation felt that as the adolescent have poor Independent variable: structured teaching programme.
knowledge and negative life style attitude towards Dependent variable: knowledge of adolescent girls
PCOD. A STP will be helpful for them to acquire regarding PCOD
knowledge regarding PCOD, its causes, management
and also help them to change the lifestyle. SETTING OF THE Study:
Setting of the study is JSS Women college Mysuru.\
The exact prevalence of PCOD is not known as the
syndrome not defined precisely. The estimated POPULATION:
prevalence in women of reproductive age is 5-10%. Population is the entire aggregation of cases in which the
Globally, prevalence estimates of PCOD are highly researcher is increases. In the present study population
variable ranging from 22 % to as high as 26%. comprises of adolescent girls studying in JSS women’s
Prevalence among general female population in India college.
will raise up to 10% mainly among 15-18 years3.
OBJECTIVES: Sample of a subset of population selected to participate
1. To assess the knowledge regarding polycystic in a research study. The sample for the present consist of
ovarian syndrome among adolescent girls before 60 adolescent girls studying in JSS women’scollege.
and after structured teaching programme.

Asian J. Nursing Edu. and Research 7(3): July- September 2017


Non probability convenience sampling technique was age, education, religion, type of family, monthly income,
used in present study. type of diet, residence, age at menarche, characteristics
of menstruation, known case of PCOD and previous
INSTRUMENTS USED FOR STUDY: source of information.
Selection and development of study tools:
A structured knowledge questionnaire was prepared to Structured Knowledge Questionnaire:
collect the data to achieve the objectives of the study Through the review of literature, the structured
based on review of literature and consultation with knowledge questionnaire was prepared for the present
experts. A thorough review of literature from journals, study. The tool consists of 30 items regarding PCOD.
articles, published and unpublished research studies There were 3 alternative responses for each items and
helped the researcher to develop the tools. The each correct response given by the participant was
instruments for the study consists of: awarded a score of one. The total knowledge score
 Personal profile to collect the sample’s demographic ranges from 0 to 30. The score is further divided
variables. arbitrarily as follows: poor knowledge (1- 10), average
 Structured knowledge questionnaire to assess the knowledge (11- 20), good knowledge (21- 30).
knowledge of adolescent girls regarding PCOD.

Table 1 frequency and Percentage (%) Distribution of Adolescent girls According to their selected demographic variables. N= 60
Demographic variables Frequency Percentage(%)
1. Age
1.1) 17 years 60 100
1.2) 18 /19 years 0 0
2. Education
2.1) 1st year PUC 60 100
2.2) 2nd year PUC 0 0
3. Religion
3.1) Hindu 60 100
3.2) Christian or Others 0 0
4. Type of family
4.1) Nuclear 51 85
4.2) Joint or Extended 9 15
5. Monthly income
5.1) 5000-20000 53 88.3
5.2) Above 20000 7 11.7
6. Type of diet
6.1) Vegetarian 43 71.7
6.2) Non vegetarian or Mixed 17 28.3
7. Residence
7.1) Urban 21 35
7.2) Rural 39 65
8. Age of menarche
8.1) 10-14 45 75
8.2) 14-16 15 25
9. Characteristic of menstruation
9.1) Regular 47 78.3
9.2) Irregular 13 21.7
10. Known case of PCOD
10.1) Yes 9 15
10.2) No 51 85
11. Previous source of information
11.1) Mass media or Friends 13 21.7
11.2) No information 47 78.3

Asian J. Nursing Edu. and Research 7(3): July- September 2017

SECTION 2 EFFECTIVENESS OF STRUCTURED TABLE 4 Mean, mean difference, paired ‘t’ test of pre test and
post test knowledge scores of adolescent girls regarding PCOD. n =
PART 1: Knowledge Mean Mean SD Paired ‘t’
1: Description of adolescent girls knowledge score difference difference test value
regarding PCOD Pre test 15.3
The pre test and post test knowledge scores obtained by Post test 17.8 2.5 ±0.5 11.6*
t59= 2.0010 ; p < 0.5 significant.
subjects were tabulated to a master data sheet and mean,
median, range, standard deviation of pre test and post
test were computed. The findings are presented in table The data presented in Table 4 shows that, the mean
2. difference between pre test and post test knowledge
TABLE 2 Mean, median, range, standard deviation of pre-test and score is 2.5. This indicates an increase in knowledge
post-test knowledge scores of adolescent girls regarding PCOD. n= scores after undergoing structured teaching programme.
60 To find the significance of gain in knowledge paired‘t’
TEST MEAN MEDIAN RANGE SD test value was computed and the obtained value of ‘t’(59)
Pre test 15.2 15 9-22 3.7
Post test 17.8 26 14-26 4.2
: 11.6 was found to be significant at 0.05 level of
Data presented in table 2 shows that the pre-test
knowledge scores ranged from 9-22. The mean pre-test Section 3:
knowledge score is 15.2 with a standard deviation of The data presented in table 5 shows that the computed
±3.7. The median score is 15. The post-test knowledge chi-square values for association between pre test
score is 17.8, the standard deviation of ±4.2 and median knowledge scores of adolescent girls regarding PCOD
of 26. with their selected demographic variables were found to
be not significant at 0.05 level of significance except
TABLE 3 Frequency and percentage distribution of adolescent monthly income, known case of PCOD and previous
girls according to their level of knowledge n = 60 source of information. So researcher partially reject null
Pre test Post test hypothesis and partially accept research hypothesis
Knowledge Frequency (f) (%) Frequency (f) (%)
Poor 5 8.3 0 0 CONLUSION:
Average 51 85 46 76.7 In the present study, the pre test finding showed that
Good 4 6.7 14 23.3 most of adolescent girls 51 (85%) are having average
knowledge, 5 (8.3%) are having poor knowledge and 4
Table 3 shows that in pre test majority (85%) of them (6.6%) are having good knowledge regarding PCOD.
have average knowledge, 8.3%have poor knowledge and The post test findings showed that majority of the
6.6% have good knowledge were as in the post test adolescent girls46 (76.6%) have average knowledge and
majority of them have average knowledge (76.6%), 14 (23.3%) are having good knowledge regarding
23.3% have good knowledge and none of them have PCOD. And none of them have poor knowledge.
poor knowledge.
The mean difference between the mean pre test and post
Comparison of mean pre test and post test knowledge test knowledge score was 2.5 with the standard deviation
scores: difference for 0.5. The paired "t” (59) = 11.6 which was
Significance of difference between pre test and post significant at 0.05 level of significance The findings of
test knowledge scores of adolescent girls: present study concluded that structured teaching program
In order to find out significance of difference between regarding PCOD was very effective in increasing
the mean of pre test and post test knowledge scores, knowledge of adolescent girls at 0.05 level of
paired test was computed. The data are represented in the significance hence the study gave the evidence that
table 4. structured teaching programme regarding PCOD can
To test the statistical significance following null improve knowledge of adolescent girls and it will help to
hypotheses were stated. change in their day to day life.

There will be no significant difference between the mean 1. Large scale study can be conducted to generalize the
pre test and post test knowledge scores of adolescent findings
girls who have undergone structured teaching 2. A similar study can be conducted by adopting true
programme regarding PCOD. experimental design.

Asian J. Nursing Edu. and Research 7(3): July- September 2017

3. A comparative study can be conducted on

knowledge regarding PCOD among nursing and arts
college students.
4. A similar survey may be replicated on a large
sample for better generalization of results.

This was project conducted by Ms. Namitha Mary
Wilson, Ms. Rini Ann Deepak, and Ms. SejinBabu of 4th
year BSc nursing students of JSS College of nursing as a
part of their requirement.

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