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131/2 PHYSICS 2

TIME: 3:00 HOURS MARCH, 2023

1. This paper consists of six (6) questions, each carry 20 marks.
2. Answer any five (5) questions.
3. Mathematical tables and calculators may be used.
4. The following information may be useful;-
 Acceleration due to gravity, g  10 Nkg1 or 10 ms 2
 Permittivity in free space  o  8.85  10 12 Fm 1
 Permeability in free space  o  4  10 7 Hm 1
 Density of the sea water  1050 kgm3
 Young’s modulus of steel  2  10 11 Nm 2
 Electron charge  1.6  10 19 C
 Mass of electron  9.1  10 31 kg
 Mass of proton  1.67  10 27 kg
 Speed of sound in air  340 ms 1
 Molar gas constant  8.31 Jmol 1 K 1
 1u  931 .5MeV
 Some atomic and particles masses may be used;
U  238 .05079 u , 237 U  237 .04873 u , 236 Pa  236 .04891 u ,
Pa  235 .04544 u , 234
Th  234 .04363 u , 4 He  4.00260 u ,
H  1.00783 u and   1.00866 u .

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1. (a) (i) Explain with the aid of a diagram, why air flow over the wings of an aircraft causes lift.
(03 marks)
(ii) A pitot-static tube is used to measure the speed of a boat in sea water. A pressure gauge
connected between the total and the static tube gives a reading of 1870Pa. determine the boat
speed. (04 marks)
(b) A tank of cross section area A has a viscous liquid to a height ho above the base. The

liquid is allowed to flow out of the container through horizontal tube of radius a and length l
connected to the base of the tank. Show that the height h of the remaining liquid at any
time t in the tank obeys the equation h  h0 e  ct (07 marks)

(c) Stoke’s law for the viscous force F acting on a sphere of radius r falling with velocity v
through a large expense of fluid of coefficient of viscosity  is expressed by the equation
F  6av .

(i) Why this equation is true only for sufficient low velocities. Give comments. (03 marks)
(ii) Sketch the graph showing how the velocity varies with time for the motion of the steel ball
falling in glycerin. (03 marks)

2. (a) (i) Some insects are able to walk on the surface of water. Briefly explain this phenomenon.
(02 marks)
(ii) The excess pressure of one soap bubble is four times the other soap bubble. Evaluate the ratio
of their volumes? (03 marks)
(b) A steel wire of length 2L and cross sectional area A is stretched within elastic limit, horizontally
between two vertical pillars. A mass m is suspended from the midpoint of the wire. Deduce
the expression of the strain produced in the wire. (07 marks)
(c) (i) Briefly explain why the pressure of a gas increases when the gas is compressed at constant
temperature? (03 marks)
-1 -1
(ii) Oxygen has a molar mass of 32gmol and that of carbon dioxide is 44gmol . Give
comparison about their root-mean square speed at room temperature 28oC. (05 marks)

3. (a) (i) Using one example in each distinguish between under-damped oscillations and critical
damped oscillations. (03 marks)
(ii) A steel wire of length 0.4m and mass of 3g is stretched with a tension of 800N. How this can
be made in order to produce sound? Hence calculate its velocity. (04 marks)

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(b) (i) Sound and light can be detected by human being because both are waves. Give three points
to differentiate them. (03 marks)
(ii) A diffraction grating produces a second order maximum at 50.6 to the normal when being
illuminated normally with light of wavelength 644nm. Determine the number of lines per
millimetre of the grating. (05 marks)
(c) A horn of frequency 900Hz is sounded by a car travelling towards a cliff and normal to the cliff
with a velocity of 20ms-1. Calculate the best frequency of the horn sound as heard by the car
driver (05 marks)

4. (a) (i) How electric field can be distinguished by gravitational field? Give two points.(02 marks)
(ii) Two equal but opposite charges (2.5µC) form a vertical dipole with the distance of separation
of 6.0 x 10-3m. Calculate the resultant electric field at a point placed at a distance 4.0 x 10-3m
perpendicular bisector from the dipole. (05 marks)
(b) Two positive point charges 10µC and 8µC respectively are 10cm apart. If the two charges are
brought to a separation of 6cm, does this mean work has been done? Justify your answer .
(05 marks)
(c) (i) Show that the isolated charged sphere of Radius R having a charge Q is a capacitor.
(03 marks)
(ii) A 10µF capacitor is charged from a 30V supply and then connected across uncharged 50µF
capacitor. Calculate the change in energy stored, hence give comment on the answers
obtained (05 marks)

5. (a) (i) Briefly explain the principle of cyclotron. (02 marks)

(ii) A cyclotron oscillator frequency 10MHzand radius of its dees is 50cm. determine the kinetic
energy of the accelerated proton. (05 marks)
(b) When a U shaped magnet sits on top of pan balance shown in figure 1 below and a current of
2.0A flowing through a horizontal fixed wire whose part of its length of 4.20cm lies between
the pole’s fields, the balance reads 159.46g. If the current is reversed it reads 159.98g.
(i) Calculate the mass of the U shaped magnet. (05 marks)
(ii) Determine the direction of the current in the wire in each case (03 marks)

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(c) A coil of 100 turns and mean area of 50cm2 rotates with 2000revolutions per minute about
an axis perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of flux density 0.04T. Calculate the maximum
value of induced e.m.f and from it find the instantaneous e.m.f when the plane of the coil is at an
angle of 50o with the field. (05 marks)

6. (a) (i) State what is meant by duality of the nature of electrons. (02 marks)
(ii) In demonstration of electron diffraction, a narrow beam of electrons is accelerated
through 6.0kV and passes normally through a thin film of graphite mounted in a vacuum
tube. Concentric rings appear on the fluorescent screen at the end of the tube. Calculate the
wavelength associated with the electrons. (04 marks)
(b) The graph in figure 2 shows how maximum kinetic energy KE of photoelectrons emitted
from the surface of sodium metal varies with the frequency f of the incident radiation.

(i) Why are no photoelectrons emitted at frequency below 4.4  10 14 Hz ? (03 marks)
(ii) How could the graph be used to find a value for the Plank’s constant? (05 marks)
(c) How much energy is released when U nucleus decay by emitting an alpha particle?
(06 marks)

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