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By Hardik Sheth, James Tucker, Sebastian Stange, Alexander Roos, Juliet Grabowski, and
Anand Veeraraghavan

This is the first of two articles that offer Here, we discuss a plan for the first 90 days.
advice about the priorities and agenda for The next article in this series will explore
incoming CFOs. the agenda for the rest of the first year.

W hen taking the helm of the fi-

nance function, CFOs must come to
terms with a new reality. Gone are the
A Unique Platform with Many
days when the CFO was a numbers person The CFO’s role today is a unique platform
who supplied other leaders with data to for creating sustained value and impact.
inform strategic decisions. Today’s CFOs CFOs, along with a small group of C-suite
are strategists and value creators in their leaders, are at the very top of the decision-
own right, with broad mandates and making pyramid, heading the function with
continuous responsibilities to drive strong arguably the broadest vantage point across
performance. the company. Their strategies often deter-
mine whether the organization succeeds or
Given the scope of the role, new CFOs’ fails. As an executive at a large tech compa-
agendas should be shaped by their ny told us, “The CFO’s true mission today is
organization’s strategic priorities and to be the ultimate owner and champion of
financial performance. This means that value creation for the company.”
before focusing on execution, new CFOs
must get to know the organization. The This unique platform comes with a wide
first 90 days of their tenure provide a variety of challenges. CFOs must help to
unique opportunity to gain this knowledge shape the company’s agenda, engage with
and apply it to set a vision for the future. investors and capital markets, ensure
CFOs can then use the vision as the basis strong financial performance, and partner
for pursuing a prioritized agenda during with business colleagues to support opera-
the rest of their first year. tions. CFOs also must oversee the finance
function’s core audit, regulatory, and form relationships, understand current
risk-management responsibilities. performance, and develop a vision that
guides setting the agenda for execution.
With such a broad mandate, new CFOs are
understandably keen to make their mark on
the organization and to mold the finance Start with the Basics
function according to their ambitions and As an initial step, it is critically important
aspirations. However, many CFOs fall into for new CFOs to assess the company’s fi-
the trap of trying to tackle everything at nancial health in three areas:
once, simultaneously attacking a variety of
improvement areas. This often stretches a •• Cash Flow. Ensure that there are no
CFO too thin and creates challenges in deliv- liquidity issues that the company needs
ering tangible value that justifies the costs. to urgently resolve.

The scope of the challenges appears to be •• Accounting Practices. Work with the
taking a toll on the tenure of some CFOs. lead partner at the company’s auditing
A BCG analysis found that nearly 10% of firm to confirm that there are no
CFOs at top companies leave their role regulatory issues or accounting practic-
within a year after they start the job. And es that require immediate attention.
more than 50% have left by the end of the
fifth year. (See Exhibit 1.) A brief tenure •• Audit Issues. Collaborate with the
does not give a CFO enough time to fully company’s audit committee to review
understand the company or its industry practices related to auditing, internal
and the trends affecting them. As a result, controls, and cybersecurity in order to
the CFO is not able to have a meaningful identify pressing issues.
impact on the organization and leave be-
hind the desired legacy. New CFOs should address any identified
issues upfront, so that they do not domi-
How can new CFOs lay the foundation for a nate the agenda at the expense of other
successful and sustained tenure? Simply put, priorities.
new CFOs should prioritize careful planning
over speed of execution when taking the It is also essential to meet the key stake-
helm. This means using the first 90 days to holders. CFOs should set up one-on-one

Exhibit 1 | Many CFOs Serve for Fewer Than Five Years

Nearly 10% of CFOs leave their

role a year after they start

100% 9.3%

CFOs starting 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CFOs

in 2015 continuing
CFO exits in the role

Source: BCG analysis.

Note: We evaluated 700 companies that are listed in the S&P 500, FTSE 100, or Euronext 100, excluding those with interim CFOs.

Boston Consulting Group | Your First 90 Days as CFO 2

meetings with all direct reports within the or inform them about decisions after
first two weeks and all peers and key exter- they are made
nal stakeholders (such as investors and the
lead partner at the company’s auditing and •• Whether the organization views finance
tax firms) within the first four weeks. The as inefficient and bureaucratic
objective is to identify and understand each
stakeholder’s most pressing concerns, as well CFOs should measure the finance function’s
as what they want—or do not want—to performance against that of its peers. (We
change in the organization. define peers as finance functions in compa-
nies of a similar size and complexity.) For
Additionally, new CFOs can benefit from example, BCG’s CFO Excellence Index as-
having a mentor to help them transition sesses a finance function’s performance rel-
into their role. The ideal mentor is external ative to that of its peers in its own industry
to the company but knowledgeable about and in others across nine areas. (See Exhib-
the company or its industry. He or she it 2.) This assessment helps to identify the
should be people oriented and have a challenges and sources of competitive ad-
wealth of experience that the new CFO can vantage. By highlighting gaps between the
tap into. “I wish I had had a mentor that finance function’s current performance and
was external to the company that I could that of its peers, some of which may rank in
call upon,” noted the CFO of a midsize food the top quartile, the analysis reveals poten-
company. “It was lonely at the top, and tial improvement opportunities.
much of what I was doing was new to me.”
CFOs should also compare the finance
function with its peers on the basis of
Pursue the 90-Day Plan head count and costs. This benchmarking
An effective 90-day plan begins with getting can reveal departments or areas that are
to know the finance function and establishing currently lagging in cost-effectiveness.
a vision that provides a North Star to guide Analyzing the database for BCG’s CFO Ex-
the improvement efforts. It culminates in de- cellence Index, we find that best-in-class
veloping a roadmap for realizing the vision. finance functions’ total costs are consis-
tently in the range of 0.3% to 1.0% of sales.
Assess the Finance Function’s (See Exhibit 3.)
Current Performance
New CFOs need to develop an objective A critical element in assessing the finance
picture of the finance function’s organiza- function is to obtain a holistic view of its
tion and its strengths and weaknesses. This talent, capabilities, and skills. Poor perfor-
helps CFOs to set their agenda for the re- mance in any area could arise from a lack
mainder of their first year and prioritize of expertise.
areas where finance can demonstrate addi-
tional value and credibility. New CFOs also need to spend significant
time interacting with people at all levels of
Incoming CFOs should aim to understand, the finance function. This will help to build
as well as shape, how the finance function an informed perspective on how people
is perceived in the broader organization. work, their top-of-mind concerns, and their
Key issues include: career trajectories and aspirations. It is
equally important to understand whom the
•• The level of interaction and partnering rank and file regard as the top leaders
between each business unit and finance within the function—the people they go to
in tough situations and whose advice they
•• The value delivered by the finance respect and act upon.
While assessing the finance function, CFOs
•• Whether business leaders consult with should also be thinking about a vision for
finance leaders before making decisions the future. This vision can begin to take

Boston Consulting Group | Your First 90 Days as CFO 3

Exhibit 2 | CFOs Should Benchmark the Finance Function’s Performance
Assess the function’s strengths and pain points Compare the finance function’s performance
relative to those of its peers in nine areas to that of its peers

y St
g ru
te ct
Stra Financial Finance
strategy organization

Contribution Top quartile = 65

to corporate Finance
strategy IT

FINANCE Median = 57
Value Risk, treasury, Average = 56
management and tax

Planning, Bottom quartile = 49

budgeting, Accounting
Business Company A = 42.9

Peers in other industries Industry peers Company A

Challenged Progressing Leading

Source: BCG’s CFO Excellence Index.

Note: BCG’s CFO Excellence Index measures companies’ performance in finance strategy, structure, and operations on a scale of 0 to 100.
Companies in the top quartile had a score of 65 or higher. The number of companies in the CFO Excellence database exceeded 220.

shape by answering questions such as the have in the organization. The vision should
following: encompass the main roles that CFOs should
assume to create value. (See the sidebar
•• Which hot spots of innovation are most “How CFOs Create Value.”)
critical, and where should change be
actively pursued? A vision should be not only aspirational
but also achievable over a clear time
•• Which people have the new ideas? frame. It determines the ambition for the
Which ideas are acted upon and which value that the CFO wants to promote when
fall by the wayside, and why? the company is creating its strategy as well
as subsequently, across business and fi-
•• Which teams are at the forefront of nance operations. It also helps to establish
business partnering? the finance function’s ways of working,
the level of delegation, the collaboration
•• Which processes and activities have models, and the career paths for finance
been digitized, and where is more talent. And it should reflect the CFO’s aspi-
technology needed? ration for what kind of leader he or she
wants to be.
•• Which people are key to the future of
the organization, and who should be Additionally, the vision should take into
part of the finance leadership team? consideration the key enablers that the
CFO intends to establish in order to ensure
Define the CFO’s Vision an effective and efficient finance function.
To succeed in the first year and beyond, These enablers could be digital tools, agile
new CFOs must have a clear view of the ob- teams, gold-standard performance mea-
jectives that they wish to achieve and the sures for specific roles, or a flatter organi-
kind of finance function that they intend to zation structure.
build under their leadership. Developing a
vision helps new CFOs think through the As new technology and the millennial
role that they want their finance function to workforce reshape the workplace, compa-

Boston Consulting Group | Your First 90 Days as CFO 4

Exhibit 3 | Top Performers Have Highly Efficient Finance Functions

Factors that are relevant to setting

an appropriate ambition Total finance Corporate-
costs as a center finance
percentage FTEs per
• Sales revenue of sales $1 billion
in sales
Top quartile 0.3%
• Finance function’s effectiveness 30
(CFO Excellence Index score)
Statistical impact

• Degree of centralization 1.0%

• Company complexity (the number of 80
business units, countries, and ERP systems)

• Number of shared service centers

• Type of industry
Bottom quartile 2.3% 130

Source: BCG’s CFO Excellence Index database.

Note: ERP = enterprise resource planning; FTE = full-time equivalent.

nies are adopting agile norms of working, As a first step toward defining priorities, a
communication, and digital collaboration. new CFO should work with other C-suite
When defining the vision for the finance executives and the board of directors to
function’s people and culture, new CFOs agree on their expectations and the desired
should adapt their plans according to these outcomes. Often, CFOs are brought on to
evolving norms to ensure that the vision is achieve specific objectives—for example,
fit for the future. to modernize the finance function or to
introduce new ideas and ways of working.
Ultimately, the vision should be framed The expectations and desired outcomes
and communicated in a manner that in- should be key considerations in setting the
spires and unites the finance function in agenda for the finance function.
order to achieve the strategic priorities. A
shared vision promotes a culture of busi- The company’s current business perfor-
ness partnering and value delivery within mance also plays a large role in deter-
the finance function, as well as greater col- mining the CFO’s priorities. If the com-
laboration and the use of a common lan- pany is undertaking a turnaround or
guage among a fragmented group of de- restructuring effort, the CFO should focus
partments. It motivates people through a on investment management, sustainable
set of aspirational goals, while also provid- cost reduction, and efficiency. If the
ing finance employees with a view on the company is in a stable but stagnating
trajectory and potential of their own career economic environment, the CFO must
paths. And it reinforces the value proposi- support the search for and pursuit of new
tion of the finance function to the rest of growth opportunities. In a business
the organization. experiencing high growth in a competitive
industry, the CFO must arrange for new
Define Priorities to Achieve the financing, optimize the capital structure,
Overall Strategy manage investor relations, and enter into
New CFOs need to decide on the top priori- partnerships with lenders.
ties for the finance function, focusing on
initiatives that will create the most value Lay the Foundation for C-Suite
for the organization. These priorities form and Board Relationships
the basis of the vision for the future fi- During the first 90 days, building good rela-
nance function and will have long-term im- tionships is worth more than delivering val-
pact extending far beyond the first year. ue. CFOs need buy-in from other C-suite

Boston Consulting Group | Your First 90 Days as CFO 5

CFOs create value by assuming four efficiency, and enhancing business
distinct roles. productivity.

Co-creator of Strategy. The CFO, along Trusted Finance Custodian. CFOs have
with other C-level executives, helps a mandate for delivering value and
create the company’s overall strategy growing the bottom line, often expressed
and drive the achievement of strategic through metrics such as total sharehold-
objectives across the entire organization. er return or total societal impact. As
CFOs create value through their stewards of the finance organization,
capabilities for assessing the risk and CFOs lead the development of the
reward of potential objectives and company’s equity story and investor
conducting financial due diligence. The strategy. And under the CFO’s leader-
CFO’s role in strategy creation is in some ship, the finance function is responsible
ways similar to the role of an activist for managing financial resources and
investor who applies an analyst’s adding value through expertise.
perspective to assess a company’s
strategy and performance. Risk management is another critical
aspect of custodianship. This includes
The CFO should also have a role in the identifying risk factors and monitoring
creation of the company’s digital risk exposure across the organization.
strategy. Technology enables the integra- CFOs also need to take an active role in
tion of finance into the day-to-day addressing macroeconomic uncertainty
operations and enhances insight and —developing responses to adverse
transparency across the organization. market scenarios and designing business
The CFO, as the steward of financial continuity plans.
data, must consider how best to leverage
technology tools, dashboards, and other Best-in-Class Finance Operator. CFOs
digital accelerators to improve business must ensure that the finance function
partnering and value delivery. collaborates internally to fulfill its
responsibilities to the rest of the organi-
Effective Business Partner. CFOs need zation. This includes building an organi-
to enable the business to achieve its zation structure that balances flexibility
goals, while pushing the business to and accountability, ensuring clear roles
achieve higher levels of performance and and responsibilities, streamlining
growth. In successful companies, the processes to reduce the number of
CFO and business leaders share joint activities that don’t add value, and
responsibility for ensuring alignment establishing the right skills and talent to
with strategic priorities, enforcing achieve the vision for finance.
compliance with standards, driving cost

leaders and the board of directors in order This initial collaboration is a pivotal mo-
to run their function successfully. ment for new CFOs and often sets the tone
for future collaborations. New CFOs must
New CFOs must quickly demonstrate that show what they can bring to the table—
they understand the business and have an their unique value proposition that makes
informed view of the industry’s trends. them invaluable to the organization. A new
Once CFOs establish credibility, they should CFO who is an external hire can bring a
work with the CEO and the board to align fresh perspective, suggest innovative solu-
on the company’s overall strategy and tions, and challenge the status quo. In con-
codevelop a plan to tackle the objectives. trast, a new CFO who has risen through the

Boston Consulting Group | Your First 90 Days as CFO 6

ranks can provide an on-the-ground per- two to four years. Collaborating with the
spective and reality check that help to finance leadership team to develop the
refine and enhance strategic decision roadmap will ensure buy-in and make im-
making. plementing it a team sport.

Showcasing a willingness to work collabo- Each initiative in the roadmap should be

ratively to fulfill the organization’s purpose linked to a value target, and CFOs must
is crucial to building strong relationships. A continuously monitor the value delivery
commitment to driving value from day one across the planned timeline. The roadmap
establishes the new CFO as a collaborator must also include several initiatives that
and confidant in the organization’s strate- are quick wins to demonstrate value and
gic journey. positive impact in the first year. It is critical
to choose the right finance talent to imple-
A great way for the new CFO to build ment these initiatives.
credibility is to support the organization’s
existing growth efforts. The CFO is well- To build a comprehensive roadmap, CFOs
positioned to add value in organization- must consider potential roadblocks and
wide transformation initiatives, because develop plans to address them. For exam-
the finance function is spread across, and ple, if the current finance organization is
interacts with, the entire organization. too fragmented to effectively collaborate
to achieve the vision, it may be necessary
Craft a Compelling Story Line for to first clarify reporting lines and responsi-
Investors bilities before kick-starting initiatives. If an
As a strategic leader and a financial custo- outdated IT architecture is hindering the
dian, the CFO has a critical role in investor function’s operations, CFOs may need to
relations, which makes developing a strong evaluate an investment in new digital
understanding of the company’s investor tools.
profile and related expectations a priority
in the first 90 days. New CFOs need to lis- New CFOs must also recognize that it’s the
ten closely to investors to understand how people who will make this vision a reality.
they perceive the company, as well as to People at all levels of the finance organiza-
identify the key fundamentals driving per- tion need to feel like they are co-owners of
formance. These insights will support ef- the vision in order to be strongly motivated
forts to communicate the company’s equity to execute the roadmap. This makes it es-
story, dividend strategy, and total societal sential to align career paths and incentive
impact to investors in an engaging and re- targets with the roadmap’s milestones. As
assuring manner. with any strategy, constant communication
and frequent repetition of messages are es-
Financial stewardship also includes build- sential to change people’s minds and
ing relationships with banking partners hearts.
and financial institutions. The objective is
to optimize the capital structure and secure With a roadmap in place, the focus for the
economical financing for growth invest- rest of the first year turns to delivering val-
ment, while maintaining or improving the ue. Transitioning from planning to execu-
organization’s credit ratings. tion requires setting a clear agenda, which
we will explore in the next article in this
Develop a Roadmap to Realize the series.
To advance from the current state to the
vision of the future finance function, the
new CFO needs to define a roadmap for
the transformation. The roadmap should
T he new CFO is an agent of change
who questions the status quo and
brings in new ideas. However, translating
set out priorities for the first year of the these ideas into tangible results requires
transformation, as well as the subsequent extensive planning and prioritization. “Bal-

Boston Consulting Group | Your First 90 Days as CFO 7

ancing the priorities is probably the most to all sides and then to ultimately weigh
important thing we do in helping the com- the decisions through the lens of long-term
pany create value,” said the CFO of a mid- value creation.” During the first 90 days,
size consumer company. “The key here is to new CFOs have an opportunity to lay the
maintain an open mind and actively listen foundation for this critical role.

About the Authors

Hardik Sheth is a partner and associate director in the Philadelphia office of Boston Consulting Group
and a leader of the firm’s Center for CFO Excellence. You may contact him by email at sheth.hardik

James Tucker is a managing director and senior partner in the firm’s Toronto office and a global leader of
BCG’s Center for CFO Excellence. You may contact him by email at

Sebastian Stange is a partner and associate director in BCG’s Munich office and a leader of the firm’s
Center for CFO Excellence. You may contact him by email at

Alexander Roos is a managing director and senior partner in the firm’s Berlin office and a global leader
of BCG’s Center for CFO Excellence. You may contact him by email at

Juliet Grabowski is a managing director and partner in BCG’s Boston office and a leader of the firm’s
Center for CFO Excellence. You may contact her by email at

Anand Veeraraghavan is a managing director and partner in the firm’s Singapore office and a leader of
BCG’s Center for CFO Excellence. You may contact him by email at

The authors thank Rich Veldran, the CFO of LogMeIn, and their BCG colleagues Cathy Avgiris, Dipak
Golechha, Deep Nag, and Malavika Vishwanath for their contributions to this article.

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Boston Consulting Group | Your First 90 Days as CFO 8

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