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Haryana Public Service Commission

Bays No. 1-10, Block-B, Sector-4, Panchkula


Election Tehsiliar (Class-II) in Election Department' Haryana vide Advertisement
post is as
No. 4t2022 that the syllabus for the written Test and Pattem of exam for the said


including matters of
1. General Science: General Appreciation and understanding of science
everyday observation and experience'
2. Current Events of National & Intemational Importance'
3. The History of India and Indian National Movement'
4. Indian Culture.
5. Geography of India: Physical, Economic and Social Geography ollndia'
6. lndian PolitY
7. Nalional and Intemational Issues: current affairs and events'
8. l-{aryana: History, Economy, Polity & Culture'
9. Comprehension
10. General Mental AbilitY
I 1 . Reasoning and Analyical Ability.
12. Basic NumeracY

The nattcrn of exam

a) Total number of MCQs: 100.
b) 'I'ime duration of the exam: 02 hours'
c) All questions canY equal marks.
d; Each question wiil have five optio.s. The fifth option will be meant lor situation where a
candidite intends to leave question un-attempted'
e) One - fburth marks will be deducted lor each wrong answer'
0 l, "u.. a candidate neither attempts a question nor darkens the fifth option/bubble then
One-fourth marks will be deducted for each such question'
C) The question paper will be in English language' percent and that of the interviews will be
;; The weightage of the -.itten exim will be 87.5
12.5 percent'
i) A candidate will have to secure a minimum of 50 percent marks in case of exam general
caregory (including all horizontal and vertical reservation cases), in the written
ue iigitrte to quJify tbr the interview stage. However, a maximum of three times
(inclu&ng bracketed candidates, if any) the number ol vacancies will be called for the

Note:-'l.his announcement is also available on commission's website i.e. httn;//hpsc'gov'in

Haryana Pu c Service Commission
Dated: 13. o t. aoz3

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