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Ladies and Gentlemen,

Honorable Delegates, distinguished guests,

I am honored to stand before you today as the representative of Canada, a

nation deeply committed to advancing global prosperity through sustainable
development, climate action, and inclusive trade.

In a world facing unprecedented challenges, it is imperative that we come

together as a global community to address the urgent issues that affect us all.
Canada firmly believes that sustainable development is the cornerstone of a
prosperous and equitable future for every nation, and we are ready to work
collaboratively towards this goal.

First and foremost, sustainable development must be at the heart of our

collective agenda. It encompasses not only economic growth but also the
wellbeing of our people and the preservation of our planet. We must strive for
growth that is inclusive, that leaves no one behind. In Canada, we are
committed to reducing inequality, promoting education and healthcare, and
fostering innovation for the betterment of all our citizens.

Climate action is an existential imperative for us all. The devastating impacts of

climate change are felt across the globe, affecting economies, communities,
and ecosystems. Canada acknowledges the urgency of this challenge and is
steadfast in our commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. We are
investing in clean technologies, renewable energy sources, and sustainable
infrastructure to ensure a greener and more sustainable future for our citizens
and for the world.

Furthermore, inclusive trade is an essential pillar in our pursuit of global

prosperity. Trade that is fair, transparent, and accessible to all nations is the
key to unlocking shared growth and prosperity. We must work to eliminate
barriers and create an environment that empowers every nation to participate
in the global economy.

Canada stands ready to collaborate with each member of this esteemed

assembly to drive forward these initiatives. We believe in the power of
international cooperation, in the strength of our shared values, and in the
potential of every nation to contribute to a more prosperous and sustainable

In conclusion, let us remember that we are not only representatives of our

respective nations but also stewards of a collective future. The decisions we
make today will resonate far beyond our borders and will shape the world that
future generations inherit. Let us seize this opportunity to advance global
prosperity through sustainable development, climate action, and inclusive
trade, for the betterment of all humanity.

Thank you.

Canada's commitment to advancing global prosperity through sustainable

development, climate action, and inclusive trade is rooted in a deep
understanding of the complexities and interdependencies of these critical

1. Sustainable Development:
 Social Equity: Canada recognizes that sustainable development must
prioritize social equity. This means ensuring access to quality education,
healthcare, and basic services for all citizens. Policies are in place to
reduce income inequality, promote diversity and inclusion, and protect
vulnerable populations.
 Economic Diversification: Canada has implemented policies to
diversify its economy, reducing dependence on resource-intensive
industries. This includes investments in innovation, technology, and
renewable energy sources, fostering a more robust and resilient
economic landscape.
 Environmental Stewardship: Canada places a high priority on
environmental protection and conservation. Stringent regulations are in
place to safeguard natural resources and biodiversity. The government
actively engages in sustainable land use planning, water management,
and conservation efforts.
 Global Partnerships: Canada understands that global challenges
require international cooperation. It actively participates in multilateral
forums, partnerships, and collaborations to share knowledge, expertise,
and resources for mutual sustainable development.
2. Climate Action:
 Emissions Reduction Targets: Canada has set ambitious targets for
reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Comprehensive strategies,
including carbon pricing mechanisms, incentives for clean technologies,
and investments in public transportation, are in place to achieve these
 Renewable Energy Transition: The country is heavily investing in
renewable energy sources, such as hydroelectric, wind, and solar power.
It is also actively phasing out coal-fired power plants in favor of cleaner
 Adaptation and Resilience: Canada recognizes the importance of
adapting to the impacts of climate change. Policies and programs are in
place to enhance resilience to extreme weather events and to protect
vulnerable communities.
 International Climate Leadership: Canada is committed to
international climate leadership. This includes participation in
agreements like the Paris Agreement and supporting developing nations
in their own climate mitigation and adaptation efforts.
3. Inclusive Trade:
 Trade Agreements: Canada has a history of negotiating and entering
into trade agreements that prioritize inclusivity. These agreements focus
on reducing trade barriers, promoting fair competition, and ensuring
that the benefits of trade are shared broadly across society.
 Support for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Policies are in
place to facilitate the participation of SMEs in international trade. This
includes support for capacity building, market access, and export
 Labour and Environmental Standards: Canada promotes trade that
upholds high labor and environmental standards. It advocates for
agreements that include provisions for workers' rights and
environmental protection.
 Engagement with Emerging Economies: Canada actively seeks to
engage with emerging economies, recognizing the importance of
inclusive trade for global prosperity. It works to provide technical
assistance and capacity-building support to help these nations
participate effectively in the global economy.

In summary, Canada's approach to advancing global prosperity through

sustainable development, climate action, and inclusive trade is characterized
by a holistic and forward-thinking understanding of the interplay between
these critical issues. It leverages a combination of policy initiatives,
international partnerships, and domestic efforts to lead by example on the
global stage.

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