Relating Alternative Forms of Contingency Fit To The

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Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29

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Relating alternative forms of contingency fit to the

appropriate methods to test them
Michael Burkert a,∗ , Antonio Davila b , Kandarp Mehta b , Daniel Oyon a
HEC Lausanne, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Avenida Pearson, 21, 08034 Barcelona, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: At the core of contingency theory, a major theory in management accounting, is the concept
Received 8 November 2011 of fit. We critically discuss forms of fit as presented in overview articles from the manage-
Received in revised form 15 July 2013
ment accounting field, highlighting forms of fit that have not appeared in prior overview
Accepted 30 July 2013
articles (matching fit with hetero-performance on the fit line and/or asymmetric effects
of mis-fit on performance). We also address some confusing arguments in the literature
concerning the moderation form of fit and what has been referred as the mediation form
Contingency theory
Matching form of fit of fit. In a second step, we reevaluate the appropriateness of statistical techniques used
Moderation form of fit to test sub-forms of fit, highlighting the difficulties in differentiating conclusively between
Mediation form of fit them. Specifically, we present polynomial regression analysis (PRA) in conjunction with the
Polynomial regression analysis response surface methodology (RSM) as a powerful methodological alternative and discuss
Covariance-based structural equation its ability to differentiate between the sub-forms of fit. We also discuss the strengths and
modeling weaknesses of structural equation modeling (SEM) to test for forms of fit.
Monte Carlo simulation
© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Moers (1999, 2003) made a first important step addressing

issues related to the mismatch between verbal statements
Contingency theory is a major theory in management of hypotheses in management accounting research and
accounting research (Chenhall, 2003; Fisher, 1995; Franco- the use of moderated regression analysis (MRA). More
Santos et al., 2012). Much of the contingency work in recently, Gerdin and Greve (2008) discussed the suitability
management accounting evaluates the impact of states of of different techniques to test contingency theory’s forms
misfit on performance based on the matching, moderation, of fit, calling for hypothesizing and testing more specific
or mediation form of fit (Gerdin and Greve, 2004, 2008). sub-forms of fit. Building on their research, we address
The challenge for researchers is to theoretically derive and several remaining ambiguities regarding how to conduct
properly test the predicted form of fit. Failure to accept a contingency research. These ambiguities are related to both
true form or reject a false form of fit severely impedes the specific sub-forms of fit and the power of the methods
advancement of theory-consistent management account- to test them. Our aim is to reinforce the theoretical and
ing knowledge (Luft and Shields, 2003). Hartmann and methodological ground of future contingency-driven stud-
ies in management accounting.
Adequate theoretical progress relies on empirical meth-
ods that are able to discriminate between different forms of
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +41 798627835.
fit so that they allow “(. . .) coming up with the most likely
E-mail addresses: (M. Burkert), (A. Davila), (K. Mehta), story by eliminating alternative explanations” (Hartmann (D. Oyon). and Moers, 2003, p. 808). Our review of recommendations

1044-5005/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29 7

and practices in management accounting reveals a number true moderation forms of fit will be rejected in up to 100%
of unsettled issues related to the theorizing and testing of of cases, and false mediation form of fit models will erro-
contingency hypotheses. After addressing the sub-forms of neously be accepted.
fit, we discuss the appropriateness of various methods to In this context, we also address Hartmann and Moers
conclusively test for them. (2003, p. 808) legitimate conjecture that there is a risk
First, we compare different classifications of forms of associated with accepting a spurious moderation effect
contingency fit. We find that some forms of fit that have if the moderator and independent variable are strongly
been discussed and tested in management accounting liter- related. However, when extending moderated regression
ature do not belong to contingency theory (mediation form analysis (MRA) to PRA, thereby adequately controlling for
of fit) while others have not been addressed (contingency non-linear relationships, this risk is substantially reduced,
theory’s matching form of fit with hetero-performance allowing the moderation form of fit to be interpreted
on the fit-line (Donaldson, 2001) and/or with asymmet- (MacCallum and Mar, 1995). We also address miscon-
ric effects of mis-fit on performance (Klaas and Donaldson, ceptions in the management accounting field about how
2009)). to probe for interaction effects in order to differentiate
Second, we evaluate the main methods discussed in the between sub-forms of moderation fit.
literature for testing contingency theory predictions based Fourth, we provide recommendations on the possi-
on matching and moderation forms of fit. We build on the bilities of covariance-based structural equation modeling
work of Gerdin and Greve (2008), who discuss the appro- (SEM) to test contingency-based hypotheses and address
priateness of various methods to test sub-forms of fit but issues related to avoiding the risk of using these techniques
take a more critical view. We find specifically that the tra- inappropriately (Henri, 2007). Particularly in the context
ditional approaches used to test matching forms of fit are of testing moderating effects and quadratic effects, these
at high risk of reaching incorrect conclusions. We explain advanced statistical techniques can decrease the number
why these methods may either not be powerful enough to of type I and type II errors if applied correctly. Conversely,
detect existing matching forms of fit or may even lead to they increase the risk of such errors considerably if applied
erroneous acceptance of such a form of fit when the null inappropriately. We contribute to the contingency litera-
hypothesis or another form of fit is reflected in the dataset ture by making researchers in the management accounting
instead. We propose that extending moderated regression field aware of when to use (or not use) a specific SEM
analysis (MRA) to polynomial regression analysis (PRA) and approach to test for matching and moderation forms of fit.
using response-surface methodology (RSM) offers a power- The paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 provides an
ful alternative to testing for matching form of fit hypotheses overview of different forms of contingency fit. Section 3
(Edwards, 2007). We point to the increasing relevance of re-evaluates the main methods of testing fit discussed by
this approach in the organizational behavior field, where Gerdin and Greve (2008) and extends the discussion to
its use has been the basis for considerable theory progress. residual analysis and PRA. Section 4 provides an overview
Third, we address misconceptions regarding how to of SEM techniques and discusses when to use them to test
best test and interpret moderation forms of fit. We chal- contingency hypotheses. Section 5 summarizes the find-
lenge the view that the moderator (contingency) variable ings and concludes.
and the independent variable (e.g., management control
systems) should not be conceptually related (and hence 2. Forms of contingency fit and their implications
correlated). In this regard, previous studies have discussed for performance
the possibility that a path model may instead be the cor-
rect alternative (Duh et al., 2006; Gerdin, 2005a; Gerdin In the 1960s, contingency theory emerged as an impor-
and Greve, 2004; Hartmann and Moers, 2003; Shields and tant organizational theory that views the organization as
Shields, 1998). Referring to such arguments, Gerdin and an open system for which no general optimal structure
Greve (2004) argue that if the moderator (contingency) exists. Instead, external and internal context factors such
and the independent variables are conceptually related as size, the company’s technology or the competitive envi-
and hence significantly correlated, a statistically signifi- ronment determine the optimal design of an organizational
cant moderation effect should be ignored and a mediation structure (see Schoonhoven, 1981, for an early discus-
form of fit model should be tested instead. In contrast, we sion). However, contingency theory is properly viewed
argue that contingency theory implies that, in the long more as a meta-theory or a general idea than as a conven-
run, the contingency variable is associated with the inde- tional theory with a precise set of interrelated propositions
pendent variable (so-called selection forces) (Donaldson, (Schoonhoven, 1981). Applying the idea that no general
2001; Meilich, 2006). Therefore, these variables are likely optimal structure exists in the management accounting
to be conceptually related and hence significantly corre- context, researchers have argued that there is no optimal
lated. We outline that statistically significant moderation design of a management control system (MCS)1 ; instead,
effects should be interpreted and that any path model with contingency factors such as size, technology, environmen-
performance as the dependent variable is outside the scope tal uncertainty or strategy determine the specific optimal
of contingency theory.
To corroborate our argument, we perform a Monte Carlo
simulation. We find that if the moderation form of fit is 1
We follow Chenhall’s (2003, p. 129) definition of MCS as encompassing
ignored (because moderator and independent variable are management accounting systems (e.g., cost accounting systems) but also
related) and a mediation form of fit model is tested instead, including controls such as personal or clan controls.
8 M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29

Table 1
Forms of contingency fit: Abbreviated summary of various typologies.

Drazin and Van de Ven (1985) Gerdin and Greve (2004) Gerdin and Greve (2008) Donaldson (2001) and Klaas
and Donaldson (2009)

1. Selection fit 1. Congruence fit 1. Congruence fit 1. Managerial choice

2. Interaction fit No distinction 2. Moderation form of fit 2.1 Multiplicative form of fit 2.1 Moderation form of fit
between matching and moderation Distinction between general
form of fit interaction, symmetrical
interaction and cross-over

2.2 Matching form of fit 2.2 Matching form of fit:

Distinction between general 2.2.1 Traditional matching
interaction, symmetrical form of fit with
interaction and cross-over iso-performance on the fit line
interaction 2.2.2 Neo-contingency’s
matching form of fit with
hetero-performance on the fit
2.2.3 Matching form of fit with
asymmetric effects of misfit on
– 2.3 Mediation form of fit –

3. Systems fit – – 3. Multifit

– 4. Configuration fit: Distinction Not considered to be part of

between configuration contingency theory
contingency fit and
configuration congruence fit

design (Chenhall, 2003). It has been argued that, if MCS determine the design of MCS (for example, Chenhall and
deviates from this optimal design (for example, if too few or Morris, 1986).
too many performance indicators are provided), companies Contingency researchers argue, however, that reaching
suffer from lower performance because they are in a state of this equilibrium takes time and many companies are in
‘mis-fit’. The MCS variable often captures different aspects states of misfit as long as they have not yet fully adapted
of MCS (for example, formal versus informal), higher versus their MCS to the context factors. Companies move on a con-
lower sophisticated versions of Balanced Scorecard-like tinuum between states of fit and misfit (Donaldson, 2001).
performance measurement systems (Lee and Yang, 2011) The fact that different companies are located in different
or higher or lower measurement diversity (Ittner et al., places on this continuum allows for the analysis of the per-
2003). formance implications of MCS-contingency combinations.
The second category entails the effects of MCS-
contingency combinations on performance. Donaldson
2.1. Forms of contingency fit (2001) distinguishes between two specific forms of fit
within this category: (1) matching form of fit and (2) mod-
Different forms of fit have been discussed in both the eration form of fit.3 Gerdin and Greve (2004) distinguish a
general management literature (Drazin and Van de Ven, third form: the mediation form of fit.
1985; Schoonhoven, 1981; see also Southwood, 1978) and Drazin and Van de Ven (1985) and Donaldson (2001)
the management accounting field (for example, Gerdin and identify a third category of fit named respectively systems fit
Greve, 2004, 2008). Chenhall and Chapman (2006) note and multi-fit. The level of fit is the result of the combination
that the proliferation of different typologies of contingency of several MCS and contingency variables. The category of
fit has led to some confusion. Table 1 contrasts the classi- systems fit assumes that fit is the result of various combina-
fications of Gerdin and Greve (2004, 2008) with those of tions of MCS characteristics (for example, looking at control
Donaldson (2001) and Drazin and Van de Ven (1985). systems as a package) and several contingency variables
The first category, which is often referred to as the selec- (for example, size and environmental uncertainty). The
tion form of fit (Drazin and Van de Ven, 1985), implies that multiplicity of variables can be restricted to either one MCS
companies have fully adapted their MCS to the demands of variable with several contingency variables or vice versa.
their context (Hartmann, 2005).2 Because companies are Both alternatives lead to an additive model. Donaldson
in equilibrium, no differences in performance are expected. (2001, p. 200) indicates: “This additive model applies both
Several studies following this approach in the management to combining multiple fits of an organizational structure
accounting field have investigated the context factors that

Drazin and Van de Ven (1985) did not distinguish matching and mod-
eration form of fit but label both interaction form of fit instead. Moderation
It has also been referred as managerial choice (Donaldson, 2001) or form of fit has also been labeled as multiplicative form of fit (Gerdin and
congruence fit (Gerdin & Greve, 2004). Greve, 2004).
M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29 9

Fig. 1. Traditional contingency theory’s matching form of fit with iso-performance on the fit-line. Panel A plots the relationship between the MCS and
performance for different values of the contingency variable in a three dimensional plot. The bold line on the top of the surface represents the line of perfect
fit, i.e. it is the line with all matches that produce the highest performance (Panel B adapted from Donaldson (2001, p. 211)).

variable to various contingencies and to combining mul- Therefore, we restrict our discussion to the first three forms
tiple fits of various organizational structure variables to a of fit.
Finally, Gerdin and Greve (2004) identify a fourth cat- 2.2. Matching, moderation, and mediation forms of fit
egory named configuration fit or gestalts (Venkatraman,
1989).5 This category drops the idea of fit as a continuum Drazin and Van de Ven (1985) propose two main
where companies move gradually between states of fit and methods for testing interaction fit–namely, moderated
misfit and assumes that only a few archetypes of specific regression analysis (MRA) and the deviation score tech-
configurations exist. Within this framework, companies do nique. While the former technique requires introducing
not make small movements on a continuum from states of an interaction term in the regression equation, the lat-
misfit to states of fit but rather “quantum jumps” from one ter implies calculating a deviation score from an optimal
configuration to another. In the management accounting match between structure and contingency. It was by some
context, this idea implies that only a few configurations of understood that both techniques could be used to test inter-
specific control packages are feasible, each leading to the action fit and that these two methods only represented
same performance. The literature has opposing views on two different statistical techniques. Drazin and Van de Ven
whether this configuration fit is part of contingency theory, (1985, p. 519) note: “The deviation-score approach and the
and there are arguments for both views.6 We do not make a interaction approach are similar only to the extent that they
judgment as to whether or not configuration fit belongs to attempt to model the same underlying bivariate fit. Statisti-
contingency theory, but it is important to be aware of the cally, however they are quite different” (emphasis added).
theoretical differences between multi-fit and configuration This understanding has evolved over time, however; in par-
fit. ticular, Hartmann and Moers (1999) and Donaldson (2001)
Most studies in management accounting consider fit highlight that these two approaches not only differ statis-
to be a continuum and focus on matching, moderation or tically but also represent two theoretically different forms
mediation forms of fit. Only a few studies apply the con- of fit: matching and moderation.
figuration form of fit (Chenhall and Langfield-Smith, 1998).
2.2.1. Matching form of fit
The classical form of fit is the matching form of fit
Donaldson (2001; pp. 196–200) explains in more detail why his multi- with iso-performance on the fit-line (Donaldson, 2001;
fit and Drazin and Van de Ven’s (1985) system fit refer to the same form
of fit, resulting in the above-described additive model.
Schoonhoven, 1981). The relationship between the MCS
Gerdin and Greve (2004) separate configuration contingency that is variable and performance is curvilinear (i.e., inverted U-
comparable to multi-fit, but they emphasize what they call configuration shaped) so that there is only one optimal MCS given a
congruence, which is associated with the idea of “quantum jumps” or only certain level of the contingency variable (Fig. 1, Panel A).
a few feasible configurations.
The classical matching form of fit predicts several optimal
Donaldson (2001, pp. 141–152) provides a detailed argument as to
why configuration fit may not be part of contingency theory and highlights MCS-contingency combinations (matches), each producing
the weak empirical support for its inclusion. Briefly, if several config- the same level of performance. This assumption of iso-
urations lead to optimal performance, a choice exists between several performance is reflected with the zero values on the fit-line
equally good configurations given the same level of contingencies. Having (Fig. 1, Panel B).7 Furthermore, any deviation from this fit
the choice between several equally performing structures (MCS) given a
certain level of the contingency (rather than only one as implied by contin-
gency theory) is called equifinality (Donaldson, 2001, p. 143). According
to Donaldson (2001), the fact that only a few configurations are possi- It is important to note that iso-performance and equifinality are
ble (“quantum jumps”) defeats the core idea of contingency theory of distinct concepts. Equifinality means that various configurations (con-
organizations moving between states of fit and mis-ft. trol packages) lead to high performance. Thus, “(. . .) equifinality carries
10 M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29

Fig. 2. Neo-contingency’s matching form of fit with hetero-performance on the fit-line. Panel A plots the relationship between the MCS and performance
for different values of the contingency variable. Optimal matches along the fit-line imply increasing levels of performance (hetero-performance). Panel
B reports the level of performance for combinations of six values of the MCS variable and six values of the contingency variable (Panel B adapted from
Donaldson (2001, p. 283)).

line in either direction causes the same negative effects on However, it still implies a matching form of fit, as the
performance, so that both “under-fit” (too few MCS, e.g., basic relationship between the MCS variable and perfor-
too few performance indicators being available) and “over- mance remains curvilinear, as illustrated by Fig. 2. The
fit” (too much MCS, e.g., too many performance indicators aspect of hetero-performance on the fit line has nei-
being provided) are equally harmful (Meilich, 2006, p. 167). ther received much attention in overview articles on
Referring to neo-contingency theory, Donaldson (2001) contingency theory nor been explicitly theorized upon
explains a second sub-form of matching fit. Neo- by researchers from the management accounting field.
contingency theory addresses the question of how Whether theory allows researchers to expect iso- or hetero-
companies transition to higher performance as they change performance largely depends on the specific performance
their levels of contingencies (for example by increasing variables examined. In the example above, a performance
their size or moving from low technology to high technol- variable like return on sales may increase once the start-up
ogy; Donaldson, 2001). It represents an extension of the company reaches the second stage of its life cycle and starts
classical contingency theory’s matching form of fit, which generating profits, but self-reported measures of perfor-
did not address the effect of changes in a company’s con- mance (for example, “how would you rate the performance
tingency variables. For example, if all optimal matches of your company compared to similar companies”) or sales
between MCS and contingency (such as size) produce growth in percent may decrease or be unaffected by firm
the same level of performance, why would small startup growth.
companies that rely, in the first stage of the company’s life- A third sub-form of matching fit that has recently been
cycle, on a merely informal approach to control centered proposed predicts either iso- or hetero-performance on
around the company’s founder have an interest in invest- the fit-line, but performance decreases more in the case of
ing resources in formalizing MCS (Davila and Foster, 2005, “under-fit” compared to “over-fit” (Klaas and Donaldson,
2007; Greiner, 1998; Cardinal et al., 2004)? The concept of 2009). Hence, in contrast to the two forms of matching fit
matching forms of fit with hetero-performance on the fit- discussed above, this form predicts an asymmetric effect
line may offer an explanation, as it suggests that changes in of misfit on performance. This sub-form of matching fit
contingencies (such as size or technology) can move orga- captures whether “(. . .) under-fit is worse than over-fit.”
nizations to higher performance. However, the first effect (Naman and Slevin, 1993, p. 146; Tushman and Nadler,
of a change in the level of a contingency variable is for 1978). The conceptual argument is that, “(. . .) [f]rom a pro-
companies to move into misfit, requiring them to adapt cess viewpoint, under-fit might represent ‘critical’ factors
their MCS to the new level of the contingency variable and and over-fit merely ‘slack’ wastage.” (Naman and Slevin,
achieve higher performance. This extension to contingency 1993, p. 146). Fig. 3 depicts a conjectured example in the
theory replaces the assumption of iso-performance on the management accounting context. Given a certain strategy,
fit-line with the assumption of hetero-performance (Fig. 2) having too few performance measures is detrimental to
(Donaldson, 2001, p. 283, see also Donaldson, 2006). performance, but having too many leads to only small per-
formance decreases. Thus, overinvestment in performance
measures is not as harmful as underinvestment, because
connotations of choice, in that if there is more than one way to achieve the additional cost for gathering and processing this extra
high performance, then an organization can choose between them” information does not severely affect performance. This rea-
Donaldson (2001, p. 194). Iso-performance, on the other hand, means that
soning results in a matching form of fit with asymmetric
the level of performance of different structure/contingency combinations
is the same. effects of misfit on performance.
M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29 11

Fig. 3. Matching form of fit with hetero-performance on the fit-line but with asymmetric effects of misfit on performance.

2.2.2. Moderation form of fit Fig. 4 Panels A and B depict another sub-form

In sharp contrast to the matching form of fit, the mod- of moderation fit which entails a linear monotonic
eration form of fit implies that the relationship between interaction. The relationship between MCS and perfor-
the MCS variable and performance is linear and varies at mance is always positive, but the effect of the MCS
different levels of the contingency variable (Panel A, C and variable depends on the level of the contingency variable
D, Fig. 4).8 Conceptually, this means that the contingency (Donaldson, 2001, p. 191).9
determines the effect of the MCS variable on performance. It is relevant to highlight that there is no true ‘fit-line’
Some of the early contingency work had argued that the for moderation forms of fit, as the relationship between
MCS effect on performance is negative for one level of the MCS and performance is linear and not inverted U-shaped
contingency and positive for another (see Schoonhoven’s (Donaldson, 2001; p. 190). For instance, finding support
(1981, p. 353–354) discussion of Galbraith, 1973). Figure 4, for a monotonic moderation form fit (Fig. 4, Panel A)
Panel D visualizes such a non-monotonic interaction where suggests at first glance that best performance is always
the relationship between MCS and performance is posi- achieved when the value of the MCS variable is highest.
tive for one value of the contingency variable but negative One might therefore question whether moderation forms
for another, with the lines crossing each other within the of fit belong to contingency theory, because there is no opti-
range of the data. In a recent study, Zatzick et al. (2012) mal fit between MCS and the contingency variables. This
provide evidence for such a form of fit. They find that the is particularly true for monotonic moderation forms of fit
effect of total quality management (TQM) on performance that indicate that more MCS (for example, many perfor-
is positive at low levels but negative at high levels of dif- mance indicators provided) is always better. We suggest
ferentiation strategy. that the discussed moderation forms of fit still fall under
Fig. 4 Panel C visualizes monotonic interaction effects the umbrella of this theory for two reasons.
depicting a situation where the relationship between MCS First, moderation forms of fit share with matching
and performance is always positive but where the lines forms of fit the broader idea that the effect of MCS on
cross over within the range of data. performance depends on the context and that the context

Moderation may refer to the strength (mainly tested by subgroup
In some cases, the terms interaction and moderation are used to refer correlation analysis) or the form of the relationship between variables
to a matching form of fit as well. Matching and moderation forms of fit (Venkatraman, 1989). It is as Hartmann and Moers (1999, p. 297) outline
are different both from a theoretical perspective and an empirical design that contingency hypotheses are more of form type because researchers
perspective. Interaction form of fit was used to refer to both before theory are mainly interested in the effect of the moderator variable on the slope
distinguished them (Drazin & Van de Ven, 1985). Because interaction is of the regression line. This form type of moderation effect is also the main
often associated with an interaction term characteristic of moderation type of effect of interest to researchers in social sciences. We therefore
form of fit, they are often used interchangeably. focus on the form type.
12 M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29

Different types of moderation forms of fit

Panel A: Panel B
Monotonic interaction

High Chigh High 5 10 15 20 25

Cmiddle 4 8 12 16 20

Clow 3 6 9 12 15

2 4 6 8 10

Low Low 1 2 3 4 5

Low High Lo w High

MCS Contingency

Panel C Panel D
Monotonic and cross-over interaction Symmetrical and cross-over interaction

Chigh Chigh
High High



Low High Low High


Fig. 4. Different types of moderation forms of fit. Panel A plots the relationship between the MCS variable and performance for three different values of the
contingency variable (Clow , Cmiddle and Chigh ). Panel B reports the level of performance for combinations of five values of the MCS variable and five values
of the contingency variable. Panel C plots monotonic interaction with cross-over between the MCS variable and performance for two different values of
the contingency variable (Clow and Chigh ) with cross-over interaction. Panel D plots a non-monotonic interaction with cross-over between the MCS variable
and performance for two different values of the contingency variable (Clow and Chigh ).

leads companies to adapt their MCS. It is worth noting operationalized (for example, interdependence being
that most researchers seem to follow this argument, as the bounded at zero).
vast majority of contingency studies in both the general Moreover, having both independent variables (MCS
management field and management accounting have and contingency variable) measured dichotomously would
tested moderation rather than matching forms of fit. lead to two optimal matches and two states of mis-fit only.
Second, from a conceptual point of view, there must be In such a case, while it is possible to differentiate between
a point at which performance suffers if the company over- iso- and hetero-performance, matching or moderation can-
invests in MCS at the expense of other relevant activities. not be statistically separated because curvilinearity cannot
Thus, finding a monotonic moderation form of fit instead be tested.
of a matching form of fit could be interpreted to mean that Given such possible data range restrictions, it is there-
companies are smart enough not to overinvest in MCS (for fore useful for researchers to discuss whether a moderation
example too much measurement diversity) so that no such form of fit might represent a truncated version of a match-
data points exist in the sample or even in reality. ing form of fit.
Alternatively, such data range restrictions may be Theorizing on the specific sub-forms of moderation fit
caused when variables are categorical by nature (for – as called for by Schoonhoven (1981), Luft and Shields
example a variable like use of Balanced Scorecards mea- (2003) and Gerdin and Greve (2008) – is therefore as rele-
sured categorically; e.g., (1) no Balanced Scorecard, (2) vant as discussing the issue of data range restrictions (i.e.,
simple Balanced Scorecard, or (3) fully developed Bal- truncated forms of matching fit). Moreover, it is important
anced Scorecard) or are bounded by the way they are to use empirical methods that differentiate conclusively
M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29 13

Path model (so-called mediation form of fit) versus moderation form of fit

Path Model

Contingency MCS Performance

Moderation form of fit


MCS Performance

Fig. 5. Path model (so-called mediation form of fit) versus moderation form of fit. The upper half depicts a path model, while the lower half depicts a
moderation form of fit model (Hartmann, 2005).

between the sub-forms of matching and moderation forms well as statistical conditions. First, on theoretical grounds,
of fit.10 the independent variable is a cause of the outcome vari-
able (Jacobucci, 2008). Therefore, the first step to test for
2.2.3. Mediation form of fit mediation in the classic four-step procedure (Baron and
A final form of fit highlighted in Gerdin and Greve’s Kenny, 1986) is to empirically show a direct link between
(2004) classification is the mediation form of fit. In this form the independent variable and the final dependent variable
of fit, the independent variable affects an endogenous vari- (Fig. 6). Next, the relationships between the independent
able that then affects performance; hence, it is different variable and the mediating variable (step 2) and between
from a moderation form of fit, as illustrated in Fig. 5. the mediating variable and the dependent variable are
This form of fit has also been used in various empirical tested (step 3). Finally, the direct effect from step 1 needs
studies (for example, Chong and Chong, 1997; Duh et al., to become significantly smaller for partial mediation or to
2006; Gerdin, 2005a). The models tested in those studies disappear entirely for full mediation (step 4). Ideally, step 4
neither argued theoretically nor tested empirically for true is explicitly tested with the Sobel (1982) test (1982).11 If the
mediation. For true mediation, it is not sufficient to show relationships are significant, then the relationship between
that effect a and effect b (see Fig. 6) are both significant the independent and the outcome variable is (partially)
but that the mediation variable mediates the effect of the mediated.12
independent variable on the dependent variable (if there However, true mediation models with performance
is full mediation, the effect size is effect a multiplied by as the dependent variable are outside the scope of
effect b, and this must be shown to be significant). Labeling contingency theory.13 Contingency variables affect the
such path models as mediation is problematic as long as relationship between the structure (i.e., MCS) and the
there is no explicit test for mediation reported. Moreover,
these models do not represent contingency theory mod-
els, as its key concept of fit is missing (Hartmann, 2005). 11
Recently, Zhao et al. (2010) discussed the weaknesses of the classical
Neither true mediation models nor these path models Baron and Kenny approach, highlighting that a strict adherence to the four
(mediation form of fit models) belong to contingency the- steps can lead to increased type II and type I errors. They recommend using
ory. True mediation models require certain theoretical as an alternative “bootstrap” test (Preacher and Hayes, 2004) that directly
tests for the mediating relationship and that has been shown to be more
powerful (see Bisbe and Malagueno (2012) for an application).
Psychologists have traditionally tested true mediating relationships
Though we agree that it is important to be precise about the theory (Jacobucci, 2008). Also, the studies in management accounting that imply
predicting a specific sub-form of fit, we argue that Gerdin and Greve’s true mediation often rely on psychological theory and test whether
(2008) classification adds unnecessary complexity. Gerdin and Greve cognitive perception mediates the assumed positive effect of MCS on
(2008) refer to “general interaction” for an interaction term being sig- managerial performance (for example, Burney et al., 2009; Burney and
nificant without having specified (or predicted) the particular type of Widener, 2007; Hall, 2008, 2011).
interaction. We do not believe that theorizing general interaction is use- Mediation models with MCS as the dependent variable can however
ful; instead, the researcher should directly argue what specific sub-form be considered to belong to contingency theory as this simply represents
of fit is expected. a more advanced form of selection fit.
14 M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29

Step1: Test of direct effect

Independent variable Dependentvariable


Independent variable Dependentvariable


Fig. 6. Steps proposed by Baron and Kenny (1986) to test for mediation.

outcome variable (i.e., performance), and do not have a perspective builds on the idea that job performance or
direct effect on performance. commitment is enhanced when a person’s characteristics
It should be noted that Gerdin and Greve (2008) no (e.g., personal values) match the elements of the organiza-
longer seem to promote the mediation form of fit. They tion (e.g., organizational culture or job demands).14 Given
note (p. 1004): “Accordingly, path analyses cannot explore the methodological advancements that have been made in
the existence of moderated causal relationship(s) predicted this field, this stream of literature has recently made con-
by contingency theory (Donaldson, 2001; Schoonhoven, siderable theoretical progress paying attention to specific
1981), i.e. where the relationship between MAS and per- sub-forms of matching fit, as described in Section 2.2.1.
formance is moderated by context.” In Section 3.2.2, we
show that path models can incorrectly disguise existing 3. Testing bi-variate forms of fit with performance
moderation forms of fit. as the dependent variable

2.3. Related theories 3.1. Contingency theory’s matching form of fit

2.3.1. The concept of complementarities in organizations The common approach in management accounting
The concept of complementarity, which originated in research to test matching form of fit models is to com-
economics, postulates that the effect of one activity might pare a predicted optimal level of the MCS variable with
be stronger in the presence of a complementary activ- the actual level, using either the deviation score tech-
ity (Milgrom and Roberts, 1990, 1995). In recent years, nique or residual analysis (for example, Gerdin, 2005b;
researchers from the broader management field have bor- Said et al., 2003). Two approaches to the deviation score
rowed the concept to study whether the effect of one are often used: in the first, the fit-line is known on
management practice or system depends on the imple- theoretical grounds; in the second, the fit-line is not
mentation of an additional practice (see Ennen and Richter, known but estimated empirically (Chenhall and Chapman,
2010, for an overview). The complementarity view is simi- 2006). Residual analysis, on the other hand, relies on
lar to contingency theory insofar as the effect of practices or predicting the optimal MCS level given the level of the
systems in organizations is argued to depend on other prac- contingency variables; deviations from this predicted value
tices or systems. Given the overlaps in variables of interest are used to test for negative effects of misfit on per-
(for example, strategy) and the emphasis on the contextu- formance. The following two sub-sections discuss the
ality in which complementarity relationships arise, Ennen traditional methods to test matching forms of fit. Section
and Richter (2010) see contingency studies as part of the 3.1.3 presents polynomial regression analysis as a powerful
group of studies that analyze complementarity relation- alternative.
ships. Given the recent interest in how control systems
work as a package (Malmi and Brown, 2008), more studies
3.1.1. The deviation score approach
of this kind can be expected in the future.
The first version of the deviation score techniques
requires using a “fit term” composed of the difference
2.3.2. Person-organization fit theory
between the MCS variable (X) and the contingency vari-
Another related theory is the person-organization (P-
able (for example, environmental uncertainty; Z) and
O) fit theory, which originated from the organizational
behavior field (Ostroff and Judge, 2007). P-O-fit studies ana-
lyze bi-variate effects between a person’s characteristics 14
Besides the P-O fit, many different forms of fit exist, such as person-
and his/her organization or environment (Kristof-Brown job (P-J) fit, person-group (P-G) fit, or person-person (P-P) fit (Ostroff and
et al., 2005; Ostroff and Schulte, 2007) on a person-related Schulte, 2007). Such forms of fit have also been labeled “need-supply” fit
outcome variable, such as job commitment. This theoretical or “demand-ability” fit (Edwards and Shipp, 2007).
M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29 15

Panel A Panel B P an e l C

High 5 10 15 20 25 High 5 10 15 20 25 High 5 10 15 20 25

4 8 12 16 20 4 8 12 16 20 4 8 12 16 20

3 6 9 12 15 3 6 9 12 15 3 6 9 12 15

2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10

Low 1 2 3 4 5 Low 1 2 3 4 5 Low 1 2 3 4 5

Low High Low High Low High

Contingency Contingency Contingency

Fig. 7. Euclidean distance approach when the underlying data rather reflect a moderation form of fit. Illustration of how the three step procedure of the
deviation score technique can lead to erroneously accepting a matching form of fit when the moderation form of fit is correct: (1) Identifying the best
performing companies (Panel A). (2) Deriving empirically the fit-line based on the relationship between MCS and the contingency of the best performing
companies (Panel B). (3) Calculating the Euclidean distance of the worse performing companies from the fit-line (Panel C).

regressing performance (Y) on this term as shown in equa- acceptance of a matching form of fit when, for example,
tion (1) (Gerdin and Greve, 2008; Hartmann and Moers, a moderation form of fit is correct instead. To illustrate this
1999; Venkatraman, 1989).15 issue, Fig. 4, Panel B shows a monotonic and ordinal mod-
  eration form of fit. Let us assume that the true form of fit
Y = ˛ + ˇ1 X + ˇ2 Z + ˇ3 X − Z  + ε (1) is a (monotonic and ordinal) moderation form of fit but
This approach requires theoretically knowing the fit- that a matching form of fit is tested using the deviation
line (i.e., knowing that ‘fit’ is achieved whenever X = Z). If score technique. The first step identifies the best perform-
ˇ3 is significant, then the matching form of fit is supported. ers (Fig. 7, Panel A). These best performers primarily come
The second version relies on an Euclidean distance met- from the upper right-hand side (performance values of, for
ric (Drazin and Van de Ven, 1985) and is used when the example, 25 and 20). In the second step, the MCS variable
fit line is unknown (see Gerdin, 2005b, for an application). is regressed on the contingency variable for this group of
Each observation is located in the space defined by MCS and best performers, and this regression is used to derive the
the contingency variables. The Euclidean distance from this fit line (Fig. 7, Panel B).
location to the fit line (where performance is optimal given A (monotonic and ordinal) moderation form of fit pre-
the contingency; see fit line in Fig. 2, Panel B) is expected dicts that an increase in MCS (such as more measurement
to be negatively associated with performance. The statis- diversity) is associated with an increase in performance. In
tical test is a bi-variate correlation between distance and contrast, the matching form of fit predicts decreases in per-
performance. As the fit line is not known theoretically, it formance not only when MCS is too low but also when it is
is estimated empirically in a subsample of the best per- too high, given a certain level of the contingency.
formers by regressing the MCS variable on the contingency If most observations are positioned below the fit-line
variables (for example, environmental uncertainty). This (Fig. 7, Panel C) (which is very likely assuming a monotonic
procedure to determine the fit line empirically builds on the moderation form of fit), then the deviation score method
assumption that better-performing companies are closer to would erroneously find significant support for a matching
the fit line. The regression coefficients from the sample of form of fit.
the high-performing companies are then used to predict These issues associated with testing for a matching form
the fit line. of fit lead to type I errors and illustrate how the devia-
Though the deviation score analysis is intuitively tion score technique may systematically provide spurious
appealing, it has been criticized for suffering from low reli- support for the wrong form of fit.
ability (Donaldson, 2001; Edwards, 2007). Specifically, the The problem with difference score methods is that
reliability of the deviation score is lower than the reliabil- they impose untested assumptions (fit is achieved when-
ity of the MCS and the contingency variables that constitute ever X = Z (first version of the deviation score) or
the deviation score, assuming these are correlated (which iso-performance (second version of the deviation score
is the case in most research designs). Lower reliability is technique)). This oversimplification comes at the risk of
strongly associated with higher levels of type II errors and severely confounding main forms of fit; as Cafri et al. (2010)
hence is likely to result in a lack of statistically significant explain, “(. . .) the use of difference scores (. . .) necessarily
support for a true matching form of fit. This limitation can limits the extent to which theory can develop and evolve.”
be seen as a conservative test. However, these tests can
easily lead to systematic type I errors and the incorrect 3.1.2. Residual analysis
Residual analysis, another common technique to
test the matching form of fit, implicitly assumes iso-
Relevant control variables should be included in the regression to performance on the fit-line. Econometrically elegant, it
minimize the risk of omitted variable bias. regresses MCS on one or several contingency factors using
16 M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29

et al., 2003; Van der Stede et al., 2006; Said et al., 2003).
Incorrectly predicted fit-line
These studies can serve as examples of how to use this
High approach appropriately in order to avoid incorrect con-
Area A clusions, as they investigate whether both under-fit (too
few MCS) and over-fit (too many MCS) are, independently
from each other, associated with decreased performance.
Area B Correct Fit-line In other words, they do not compute one overall mis-fit

score but rather test the underlying theoretical assump-

tions rigorously.
Most of these studies reject a matching form of fit.
Ittner et al. (2003) and Van der Stede et al. (2006) studied
Area C whether optimal matches between the extent of perfor-
mance measurement and company strategy lead to higher
Low performance compared to a mis-match. Interestingly, both
found that, as predicted, under-fit (fewer MCS than pre-
dicted) is associated with lower performance but that
Low High
over-fit (more MCS than predicted) is positively associ-
Contingency ated with better performance. Consequently, both studies
rejected a matching form of fit.
Fig. 8. Illustration of potential type 2 error associated with residual anal-
ysis. Any positioning in area A and B implies that the value of the MCS
Ittner et al. (2002) studied whether an optimal match
variable is too high and any positioning in area C that the value of the between contingency factors (plant characteristics) and
MCS variable is too low. investments in activity-based costing (ABC) is associated
with performance. Given that the MCS variable (ABC) is
the full sample. Next, the error term for each observation measured dichotomously, their innovative application of
is interpreted as the distance of each observation from the residual analysis is the only way to test for matching in
fit line (level of mis-fit)16 and is assumed to be negatively this specific case. They test carefully whether more under-
associated with performance. or over-fit is more significantly negatively associated with
Though this method represents a much better approach performance than less under- or over-fit. The analysis
than the deviation score method, researchers using this provides weak support for the matching hypothesis; specif-
method cannot know whether the predicted optimal level ically, results showed that investing too much in ABC is
of the MCS variable represents a point on, below, or above associated with decreased performance (significant at the
the fit-line,17 which can lead to erroneous conclusions. For 10% level), but not investing in ABC (hence under-fit, i.e. too
example one might find that over-fit, but not under-fit, is few MCS) is not significantly related to performance. There-
negatively associated with performance. fore, though theory is convincingly presented, the analysis
A hypothetical explanation for such a finding when does not clearly support the assumed matching form of fit.
using the residual analysis could be as follows (Fig. 8). Said et al. (2003) is the only study finding clear sup-
If the optimal level of a MCS variable were incorrectly port for a matching form of fit; they found that both
predicted as a point on the bold line, companies positioned under-fit and over-fit, in terms of non-financial per-
in area B would not under-invest in MCS as predicted by formance measurement, are associated with decreased
the (incorrect) bold fit line but rather would over-invest. performance.
Therefore, the residuals in areas B and C might cancel each Meilich (2006) further demonstrates that, while resid-
other out, so that no significant result can be obtained for ual analysis is a conservative approach when used carefully,
the “under-investment” hypothesis. it nonetheless has difficulties in detecting existing match-
Moreover, if using this method does not lead to signif- ing form of fit relationships. He creates 16 artificial datasets,
icant findings, it remains unclear whether there is a true all perfectly reflecting a matching form of fit, and tests the
fit-line at all. Therefore, unless this method is used very effectiveness of residual analysis in detecting this form of
carefully, it carries the risk of incorrectly accepting a match- fit accurately. Overall, he reports poor performance of this
ing form of fit when another form of fit is correct instead. approach but good performance of polynomial regression
We identified some studies from the management analysis (Meilich, 2006).
accounting field that use this approach in a very careful
3.1.3. Polynomial regression analysis as an alternative to
way as a supplementary analysis (Ittner et al., 2002; Ittner
test matching form of fit hypotheses
Edwards and colleagues have proposed the use of poly-
16 nomial regression analysis (PRA) together with response
Residual analysis has also been described by Duncan and Moore
(1989). surface methodology (RSM) to test non-linear person-
The second version of the deviation score approach and residual anal- environment fit relationships (Edwards, 2007; Edwards,
ysis are quite similar. The key difference is that residual analysis regresses 1995; Edwards, 1994; Edwards and Cooper, 1990; Edwards
MCS on one or several contingency factors using the full sample, while the
and Parry, 1993).18 Originally used in engineering and
second version of the deviation score approach makes this regression only
in a sub-sample of best performers. Hence, the difference between the
methods is that the fit-line is estimated differently. It is probably advan-
tageous to use the full sample, rather than a sub-sample, to derive the This approach dates back to the seminal paper of Box and Wilson
fit-line. (1951).
M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29 17

natural sciences (Myers et al., 2009), this approach is now, and
also used in social and behavioral sciences (e.g., Cafri et al., Shanock et al., 2010, provide a comprehensive descrip-
2010; Cohen et al., 2010; Harris et al., 2008; Lee and tion of the method as well as the necessary Excel tools
Antonakis, 2012). and SPSS commands to conduct the econometric analy-
This method can also test contingency theory predic- ses). The graphical analysis can be performed by plotting
tions effectively; it provides more accurate insights into the coefficients from Equation 2 for a number of specific
the sub-forms of fit because it tests directly what tradi- values for X and Z in a three-dimensional graph. The graph
tional methods test only indirectly. PRA does not impose indicates (a) whether there is a fit line at all so that both
assumptions, such as the assumption of iso-performance under-fit and over-fit are harmful, (b) whether there is iso-
on the fit-line or the assumption that fit is achieved when or hetero-performance along the fit-line and (c) where the
X equals exactly Z, which makes it more robust against type fit-line is located. Depending on the coefficients, it may
1 and type II errors than any version of the deviation score well be that the ‘fit-line’ is not linear but rather has some
method. curvature.21
This approach uses two steps. First, using Equation (2) PRA simultaneously tests for all bi-variate effects of two
below, it tests the data that include the MCS variable (X), variables on an outcome variable, including all sub-forms
the contingency variable (Z), their product term (XZ) and of bi-variate fit relationships. Thus, finding support for one
the quadratic effects of both X2 and Z2 . sub-form of fit conclusively eliminates alternative expla-
nations (i.e., other forms of fit). Because traditional ways
Y = ˛ + ˇ1 X + ˇ2 Z + ˇ3 XZ + ˇ4 X 2 + ˇ5 Z 2 of testing for matching fit as well as MRA represent special
 cases of polynomial regression analysis, PRA can support
+ ˇi control variables (2)
a certain form of fit while simultaneously rejecting alter-
native forms (Edwards, 1994). Therefore, using PRA rather
P-O-fit studies use commensurate variables—variables than these traditional methods offers the opportunity to
that measure the same content from different perspec- more rigorously test (or explore) which model best fits the
tives (for example, subordinates’ responsibilities from the data.
perspectives of both the subordinate and the supervisor). The application of this method does not depend on
Because these variables use the same numeric scale, the knowing exactly where the fit-line lies ex ante but instead
results are easier to interpret (Edwards, 2002; Shanock allows it to be detected ex post.22 Statistical analysis can
et al., 2010). For example, if job satisfaction is maximized complement graphical inspection to better characterize the
whenever X = Z, this can be interpreted to indicate that it is surface (Edwards and Parry, 1993; Edwards, 2002, 2007).
optimal to have an exact balance between the subordinate’s A useful extension provides additional technical details for
and the supervisor’s perspectives on the subordinate’s studying the surface (Cohen et al., 2010).
responsibilities. In order to assess whether results are robust, robustness
Variables in contingency studies measure different con- checks can probe for additional higher-order terms to test
tent and do not need to be expressed on the same scale. other, more sophisticated interaction models (Edwards,
Therefore, X = Z does not have any particular interpretation 1994). For example, a second product term interacting with
in most cases. the quadratic term of the MCS variable by the contingency
However, it can be easier to interpret the results ZX2 could be added to the product term (XZ). If ˇ3 , ˇ4 and
when the scales have been scale-centered (instead of ˇ5 in Equation (3) (below) are significant, the form of fit
mean-centered) prior to the analysis (e.g., for a 7-point represented curvilinear by linear interaction (Cohen et al.,
Likert scale, 4 represents the center of the scale).19 2003, pp. 292–293):
If both quadratic terms (ˇ4 and ˇ5 ) are not sig-
Y = ˛ + ˇ1 X + ˇ2 Z + ˇ3 XZ + ˇ4 ZX 2 + ˇ5 X 2 + ε (3)
nificant, but the interaction term (ˇ3 ) is significant,
any matching form of fit hypotheses can be rejected, Depending on the sign and magnitude of the obtained
and a moderation form of fit would be supported. If coefficients (Equation (3)), the relationship between MCS
the quadratic terms are significantly negative but the and performance may be curvilinear at low levels of the
interaction term is significantly positive, the results indi- contingency but linear at high levels of the contingency
cate a matching form of fit, and the response-surface (Fig. 9).
methodology will precisely describe the form of the We are not aware of an example from the field of man-
relationship.20 This methodology comprises a graphical agement accounting research of a relationship described by
visualization and further econometric analyses (Edwards, such a more model. However, future studies might include
a test of this equation to provide more evidence for their
suggested form of fit.
Polynomial regression analysis relies on the same assumption as
regression analysis, such as error-free measurement of variables. As with
moderated regression analysis, PRA yields better results when the vari-
ables that constitute the interaction and quadratic terms have higher Edwards and Parry (1993) and Edwards (2001) show many different
reliability. Also, an adequate sample size is critical for detecting inter- surfaces that can result from testing the coefficients of Equation 2.
action and quadratic effects (Marsh et al., 2004). It is advisable to plot and interpret the surface only within the relevant
For contingency style studies, finding ˇ4 to be significantly negative is region of data (e.g., where 90% or 95% of actual data points lie) to avoid
particularly important, as this indicates that too much MCS can be harmful extrapolating into regions with no/few data points (Edwards, 2002, pp.
from a certain point on. 388–389).
18 M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29

Chigh 3.2. Contingency theory’s moderation form of fit

3.2.1. Main methods to test for moderation form of fit
A moderation form of fit implies that a linear relation-

ship between two variables is moderated by a contingency

Cmiddle variable (Fig. 4). Hence, the contingency variable alters the
form of the relationship. The literature identifies two main
ways to test moderation forms of fit: (1) moderated regres-
Clow sion analysis (MRA) and (2) sub-group regression analysis.
MRA tests moderation, including the product-term of
the structure variable (X) and the contingency variable (Z)
Low in the regression, together with its constituting variables.
Formally, MRA tests the following equation:
Y = ˛ + ˇ1 X + ˇ2 Z + ˇ3 XZ + ε (4)
Low High
If ˇ3 is significant, moderation will be supported.
MCS Sub-group regression analysis splits the sample into
several sub-samples based on the contingency variable and
Fig. 9. Curvilinear by linear interaction (adapted from Cohen et al. (2003), separately regresses performance on the MCS variable for
p. 292). each sub-group. It has been argued that both methods
are appropriate to test for moderation. However, MRA is
In this section, we give only an overview highlight- preferred if the moderator variable is continuous because
ing the strength of PRA for precisely testing the different forming sub-groups leads to a loss of information. Such
sub-forms of fit and link this method to contingency the- information losses are associated with increased type I and
ory. While we provide numerical examples and additional type II errors (Irwin and McClelland, 2001).
technical details in Appendix A, we do not repeat all the When using MRA, it is useful to expand Equation (4)
technical details that are well-described in the literature and use Equation (2), hence including the quadratic terms
cited above. (Klein et al., 2009). The reason for this is that increas-
Researchers in organizational behavior who have used ing correlation between the structure variable (X) and the
polynomial regression analysis have not found support for contingency variable (Z) and decreasing reliability of meas-
the traditional matching form of fit with iso-performance ures increase the risk of finding a spurious moderation
on the fit line (Kristof-Brown and Jansen, 2007). This is not effect when a curvilinear relationship between structure
surprising, given the many restrictions on the coefficients variable and performance is correct instead (Lubinski and
required to obtain the shape depicted in Fig. 1, Panel A. Humphreys, 1990; MacCallum and Mar, 1995).
The polynomial regression approach is often used in A moderation form of fit requires ˇ3 to be significant
the field of organizational behavior (see Edwards, 2001, while ˇ4 and ˇ5 are non-significant; otherwise, a matching
for an overview) and is preferred to the deviation score. form of fit could be correct (see previous section), particu-
It simultaneously tests competing forms of fit and elim- larly if ˇ4 is significant and negative. If ˇ4 is significant and
inates alternative explanations. Analyzing exactly where ˇ3 is not, then there is solely a curvilinear effect of the MCS
the fit line is located and studying performance for optimal variable on performance without any interaction with the
matches on the fit-line also offers a way to test whether contingency variable.
hetero-performance exists on the fit-line.23 This finding
supports the use of this more powerful approach in man- 3.2.2. Criticism of MRA: The “no relation” argument
agement accounting to provide more accurate insights and Most prior criticisms of the use of MRA have been
thereby to develop and refine contingency-based theory. well-stated (Hartmann and Moers, 1999, 2003; Shields
However, when using PRA in an exploratory rather than and Shields, 1998); however, Chenhall (2003, pp. 155–156)
a confirmatory manner, it is important to follow guide- suggests that contingency-based management accounting
lines for exploratory research in order to avoid “post hoc studies might have ignored moderation models too often
interpretations of complex surfaces that are not both gen- in favor of path models: “Given recent criticism directed
eralizable and conceptually meaningful” (Edwards, 1994, towards moderating variable models there is a danger that
p. 74).24 researchers will try and force arguments about interaction
effects into intervening variable models.” Following this
reasoning, we will address some arguments put forward
in the literature that might have caused confusion.
However, it is not easy to study whether mis-fit has asymmetric effects
on performance. Hartmann and Moers (2003, pp. 807-808) correctly
Edwards (2001) presents a detailed discussion about the myths sur- point out that a moderation effect can be spurious,
rounding the deviation score and the polynomial regression approach. confounding a simple curvilinear relationship of the MCS
These myths suggest that the deviation score approach is a conserva- variable in the presence of strong correlations between
tive test and that there are procedures to mitigate the fundamental
problems associated with it. Other myths, which suggest that the polyno-
the moderator and the potential contingency variable.
mial regression approach represents a data-driven procedure and suffers Hartmann and Moers (2003) suggest that, in such cases,
from multicollinearity, are likewise invalidated. “(. . .) a positive and significant ˇ3 in (. . .) Eq. [4] may cause
M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29 19

MRA to mistakenly present a path model as a moderated variable. Omitting the moderation effect from the equation
relationship.” will result in finding a positive direct effect between MCS
However, this potential source of confusion can easily and performance, thereby supporting a false path model,
be addressed by controlling for the quadratic term using because the direct effect is a weighted average of the direct
equation (2) as explained above; if the interaction term effects of MCS on performance at the different levels of the
remains significant, there is no reason to discard the inter- moderator variable.
action effect. There is a certain tradition to propose that the To illustrate this issue, we performed a number of Monte
moderator (contingency) variable should not be conceptu- Carlo simulations (reported in detail in Appendix B). We do
ally related and hence correlated with the MCS variable not find much evidence of a significant moderation effect
(Duh et al., 2006; Gerdin, 2005a; Gerdin and Greve, 2004; when a path model is correct instead. These type I errors
Hartmann and Moers, 1999, 2003; Shields and Shields, remain at commonly accepted levels close to 5%. However,
1998, pp. 52–53).25 If they are correlated, Gerdin and Greve testing a path model if there is a significant moderation
(2004, p. 310) explicitly propose excluding moderation effect leads to type I error rates in up to 100% of the cases.
form of fit in favor of mediation form of fit.26 From a the- The literature includes several examples of the use of
oretical perspective, however, the moderator variable can the “no-relation” argument to discard moderation in favor
be related and hence statistically correlated with the MCS of the mediation form of fit. Gerdin (2005a) and Duh et al.
variable. Outside the management accounting commu- (2006) explicitly use this criterion to discard the moder-
nity, a correlation between the contingency (moderator) ation form of fit.27 In their path models, the contingency
variable and the structure (MCS, independent) variable variable influences the MCS variables, which in turn have
is not believed to either validate or reject a moderation an effect on performance. Duh et al. (2006) report that they
model. In fact, if contingency theory holds, causal rela- also find 4 statistically significant moderation effects (out
tions and hence significant correlations are likely to be of 5 tested) in their sample, with the interaction term being
present in cross-sectional study designs. This is referred to significant. However, referring to the arguments made in
as selection forces, which represent long-term adaptation the literature cited above, they discard these moderation
processes that lead to significant correlations (Donaldson, effects, arguing that they were ‘spurious,’ and conclude
2001; Meilich, 2006). In the presence of selection forces, that a path model (without having tested for mediation)
both the matching or moderation form of fit can be cor- is correct instead. Similarly, Gerdin (2005a) argues that the
rect as long as a sufficient number of companies are still moderator variable and the independent variable should
in a state of ‘mis-fit’ (Luft and Shields, 2003). Also, more not be correlated and therefore proposes a mediation form
generally, it is common to assume and handle levels of sig- of fit model; however, this is a path model only, as a test
nificant correlations between moderator and independent for mediation is missing.
variables (Ganzach, 1997; Klein et al., 2009; Marsh et al., Hartmann (2005) outlines in a reply to Gerdin’s (2005a)
2004; Moosbrugger et al., 2009). article that any path (or mediation) model does not capture
Failing to test for a correct moderation form of fit model states of misfit between the contingency and MCS variable
can likely lead to the acceptance of a theoretically false on performance. Replying to this comment, Gerdin (2005b)
mediation form of fit model. For example, if an ordinal uses the deviation score method to test for a matching form
monotonic moderation is present, as illustrated in Fig. 4, of fit, which seems to produce evidence for this form of fit.
Panel A, MCS will have a positive direct effect on per- However, it is not reported in the paper whether not only
formance, and the magnitude (but not the sign) of the ‘under-fit’ but also ‘over-fit’ (i.e., too much MCS) is neg-
relationship will differ at different levels of the moderator atively associated with performance; only an aggregated
misfit score is negatively associated with performance. As
explained in Section 3.1.1, such a procedure can easily pro-
duce spurious support for the wrong form of fit (matching
In this context, the definition of Shields and Shields (1998, p. 51): “A with iso-performance). Moreover, Gerdin (2005a, p. 318)
moderator variable is defined as having nonsignificant, bivariate relation-
reports the result of subgroup regression analysis, with the
ships with both the independent and dependent variables.” might have
caused some confusion. We agree that a variable labeled as a modera- results rather indicating a moderation form of fit.
tor should not have a direct effect on the dependent variable. If it does,
then the literature makes a distinction between a “moderating” and a 3.2.3. Usefulness of MRA and the Johnson-Neyman
“joint” effect. Though the statistical test remains the same, the concep-
tual difference is that the former implies a non-significant relationship
technique for probing the nature of the interaction
between the moderator variable and the dependent variable, while the In order to assess whether there is a significant
latter assumes that both independent variables forming the interaction interaction effect, it is sufficient to look at the output
term have individual effects on the dependent variable. Luft and Shields MRA provides. However, prior literature has correctly
(2003) label this independent variable “interaction,” and the marketing
pointed out that the coefficient of the interaction term
literature has referred to such cases as “quasi-moderations” (Sharma et al.,
1981). However, claiming that a moderator variable should not be related alone is not sufficient to explain whether the relation-
to the independent variable with which it forms the interaction term does ship between MCS and performance is monotonic or
not represent a commonly accepted assumption. non-monotonic, nor whether it is ordinal or disordinal
Gerdin and Greve (2008) do not repeat this “no relation” argument, (Hartmann and Moers, 1999; Gerdin and Greve, 2008).
but they do mention that mediation form of fit models with performance
as the dependent variable “do not test for the existence of interaction
effects between context and MAS on performance.” (p. 1004). While this
sentence is obviously true, it is not clear whether it also implies that the The models tested in these papers do not use any procedure to test
“no relation” argument is invalid. for mediation.
20 M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29

Panel A Panel B
C7 High
C6 Point III Point V

Point I Point VII


Point II Point VIII
Point IV Point VI
C1 Low
Low High
Low High MCS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Slope significantly different from zero
Region A Region B
Slope not significantly different from zero

Region C Region D

Fig. 10. Graphical illustration how to probe for interaction effects using the Johnson-Neyman technique.

However, recommendations on how to best probe for these environmental uncertainty). As described in Hayes and
additional characteristics are not specific. Dichotomizing Matthes (2009), researchers can test separately for every
continuous variables to probe for non-monotonicity of an single value of the contingency variable whether the slope
interaction (see Hartmann and Moers, 1999, section 4.6) is is significantly different from zero (referred to as a pick-
no longer a state-of-the art method (Irwin and McClelland, a-point approach). Alternatively, the Johnson-Neyman [JN]
2001; Preacher et al., 2005), nor is complementing MRA technique can be used to identify the regions of significance
with any “unprecise” method to detect a possible disordi- of the values of the contingency variable for which the slope
nal interaction (Gerdin and Greve, 2008, pp. 1006–1007). is significantly different from zero. In this example, the JN
However, Gerdin and Greve (2008, p. 1007) tentatively sug- technique, together with MRA and graphing of the rela-
gest: “An alternative is to perform additional analyses of the tionships, would inform the researcher that the slopes are
MRA regression output to examine whether the interaction significantly positive in the upper range of values of the
effect is non-monotonic (Schoonhoven, 1981, pp. 376–377) contingency (values C6, and C7), non-significant between
and disordinal (Cohen et al., 2003, p. 288).” C5 and C3, and significantly negative for C1 and C2 (Bauer
The uncertainty regarding how to probe for these addi- and Curran, 2005; Hayes and Matthes, 2009; Preacher et al.,
tional characteristics may have resulted partly from a 2006). There is an openly accessible R-based online tool
critical assessment of MRA and the Johnson-Neyman tech- that facilitates the application of this advanced method of
nique (Hartmann and Moers, 1999, section 4.5). probing for interactions, which includes a graphical visu-
While Hartmann and Moers (1999) make several good alization (
arguments, their overall conclusion unnecessarily down- Practicing researchers simply use the output from MRA,
plays this technique (p. 306 and 307): “The use of the and the tool calculates the regions of significance, finally
Johnson-Neyman technique in MRA is therefore ques- offering the opportunity to plot the relationship and allow-
tionable, since it plays no role in the test of hypotheses ing the researcher to precisely conclude whether the
of the interaction format.” This misperception may be interaction is (non-)monotonic and/or (dis-)ordinal.
attributable to the lack of comprehensive explanations The JN technique can also be used to test at which val-
of how to best probe for those additional character- ues of MCS the difference in performance is significantly
istics of an interaction that are now available (Bauer different from zero at the 5% level, given specific values of
and Curran, 2005; Hayes and Matthes, 2009; Preacher the contingency. Fig. 10, Panel A indicates that performance
et al., 2006). This rigorous probing includes using outputs significantly differs when MCS is at C1 and C2 as well as C6
from MRA, the Johnson-Neyman technique, and graphical and C7. Fig. 10, Panel B depicts four pairs of points where
techniques. performance differences are significant. For instance, if
Fig. 10 illustrates the Johnson-Neyman technique (see Points III and IV (where the value of MCS is 3) lead to sig-
the above-cited literature for a more technical explana- nificant differences in performance, then this significance
tion). Fig. 10, Panel A plots a conjectured relationship holds for MCS in the (1, 3) range. Similarly, if Points V and VI
between MCS and performance for seven different val- are significantly different at exactly 5%, then the difference
ues of a contingency variable C (e.g., size, strategy, or in performance is significant in the (5, 7) range. When the
M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29 21

contingency variable takes values C6 or C2, the region of Viator, 2001). If the moderator variable is not a dummy,
significance in performance is smaller. If the significance is groups are formed based on a potential moderator vari-
exactly 5% (Points I and II on one side and Points VII and VIII able, similar to regression sub-group analysis. This variable
on the other side), then the ranges of significance are (1, 2) can be nominal (for example, gender, nationality), interval
and (6, 7). Therefore, if MCS is equal to 3, the difference in (Likert-scaled) or cardinal. In the latter two cases, a median
performance is significant when the contingency variable split is typically used to form two groups.
is C7 or C1 but not when the contingency variable is C6 or For covariance-based SEM, Jaccard and Wan (1996)
C2. Around the point where the lines intersect, there is no explain how a nested goodness-of-fit strategy is applied.
significant difference in performance. These extra analyses To substantiate a significant moderating effect, the rela-
are relevant from a contingency perspective as they allow tionships theorized to be moderated by a third variable are
the researcher to conclude, for example, whether, given a estimated in both sub-groups separately. If the model fit
certain value of the MCS variable, performance is signifi- significantly improves, a significant moderation effect is
cantly higher at high levels of the contingency variable than supported.
at low levels of the contingency variable. To test whether model fit has significantly improved,
the Chi-square test should be used and reported. Further-
4. Structural equation modeling (SEM) to test more, in an attempt not to lose statistical power, Marsh
contingency hypotheses et al. (2006) recommend using multi-group analysis only
if the moderator variable is not Likert-scaled or cardinal so
4.1. Testing moderation form of fit in covariance-based that a small number of distinct groups can be formed (e.g.,
SEM male versus female) (see also Rigdon et al., 1998). More
powerful alternatives are now available to test for modera-
Covariance-based structural equation modeling tion in covariance-based SEM when the moderator variable
(SEM)28 techniques belong to the advanced statistical is Likert-scaled or cardinal. The next subsection provides an
approaches in social sciences. In the past few years, an overview of these alternatives.
increasing number of publications in the field of manage-
ment accounting have used these techniques (Henri, 2007; 4.1.2. SEM approaches for testing latent moderation
Smith and Langfield-Smith, 2004). Covariance-based SEM effects
can test more complex models with several dependent If the moderator variable is a cardinal or Likert-scaled
and/or mediating variables at the same time (Smith and variable, covariance-based SEM offers various alternatives
Langfield-Smith, 2004). It can also analyze moderating for analyzing moderating effects. Covariance-based SEM
effects within a more complex model structure (Jaccard has been developed to analyze linear relationships
et al., 1990, p. 64). A second central advantage is that between reflective constructs that are multivariate and
measurement error can be accounted for, leading to normally distributed. If these assumptions are violated,
more precise parameter estimations (Baumgartner and there are now effective ways to deal with non-normally
Homburg, 1996). distributed and non-continuous scaled data in covariance-
SEM’s better handling of measurement error is partic- based SEM (Finney and DiStefano, 2006). However,
ularly advantageous for testing moderation effects using a analyzing moderation effects using a product term affects
product term approach, because the reliability of the prod- the assumption of multi-normally distributed indicators
uct term is generally much lower than the reliability of the in a unique way. Even if the indicators of the indepen-
constituting variables in MRA (Busemeyer and Jones, 1983; dent and the moderator variable are normally distributed
Jaccard and Wan, 1995). The lower the reliabilities, the (which is seldom the case), their product term can lead to a
more difficult it is to detect moderating effects, resulting high degree of non-normality (Algina and Moulder, 2001;
in higher rates of type II errors (Jaccard and Turrisi, 2003). Kenny and Judd, 1984), making it hard to estimate latent
Like traditional regression-based techniques, interaction effects in covariance-based SEM.
covariance-based SEM offers two possibilities for analyz- Because the moderation term is estimated by multiply-
ing moderating effects: multi-sample analysis and the use ing the indicators for the moderator and the independent
of a product-term. variables, each of these indicators represents an indicator
for the moderating term. One option is to use all possible
4.1.1. The multi-sample analysis in SEM for testing combinations of indicators. If the moderator variable and
moderating effects the independent variable are measured with four indica-
Management accounting researchers often use multi- tors each, this results in 16 indicators for the moderation
group analysis in covariance-based SEM to analyze term. Because each single indicator is used four times,
moderating effects (Burkert et al., 2011; Burney and there is redundant information to estimate the moderation
Widener, 2007; Henri, 2006; Marginson and Bui, 2009; term. Several techniques have been proposed to deal with
these issues (Marsh et al., 2006 and Moosbrugger et al.,
2009); however, as they are software-intensive and their
The most popular software packages that allow applied researchers efficiency has been questioned, they have been used only
to use covariance-based SEM for their analyses are AMOS (Arbuckle, rarely in empirical research. Recently, Marsh et al. (2004)
1994), LISREL (Jöreskog and Sörbom, 2001), EQS (Bentler, 1995) and MPlus
(Muthén and Muthén, 2007). Besides covariance-based SEM, the variance-
analyzed the performance of a simpler approach, referred
based partial least squares (PLS) approach is often used, particularly when to as the unconstrained approach to test for latent mod-
sample size is rather small (Burkert and Lueg, 2013). eration effects. They propose using each indicator once
22 M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29

to form an indicator product. Given four indicators each curvilinear relationship between MCS and performance
for the independent and moderator variables, this would that depends on the contingency (Klein et al., 2009).
lead to four indicators for the moderation term, which are Edwards (2009) indicates that there are ongoing efforts
then used to estimate the moderating effect. The overall to develop quadratic structural equations, which represent
good performance of this approach in Monte Carlo simu- a potentially appropriate approach to testing Equation (2)
lations compared to more complex options (Marsh et al., in covariance-based SEM (Edwards and Kim, 2002). These
2004) makes this approach a suitable choice for empirical efforts might result in such an approach in the future.
A new approach referred to as latent moderated struc- 5. Summary and implications for future research
tural (LMS) equations (Klein and Moosbrugger, 2000;
Moosbrugger et al., 1997) does not rely on product indica- This paper addressed important theoretical differences
tors or on the normal distribution of the moderating term of contingency fit and the methods to test them in man-
but still requires that the component variables (moder- agement accounting.
ator and independent variable) be normally distributed. We first discussed different forms of fit, arguing that
Available Monte Carlo simulation supports the perfor- overview papers in management accounting have men-
mance of this approach (Klein and Moosbrugger, 2000; tioned sub-types of fit that do not belong to contingency
Schermelleh-Engel et al., 1998). When the moderator theory (mediation form of fit), while specific sub-forms of
and independent variables are correlated (which is often matching fit that appear in the broader management liter-
the case in contingency-based management accounting ature (matching forms of fit with iso-performance versus
research), LMS has been shown to be superior to the uncon- hetero-performance on the fit-line and/or with asymmetric
strained approach (Marsh et al., 2004) in terms of type I and effects of mis-fit on performance) have not been explicitly
type II error rates (Moosbrugger et al., 2009).29 LMS is now addressed. We also discussed the methods used in man-
part of new versions of the Mplus software package.30 agement accounting research to test ‘fit’ and assessed their
ability to effectively test the specific sub-form of fit they
4.2. Testing matching form of fit hypotheses and SEM postulate as well as to discriminate between rival forms
of fit. We focused on the methods used to test matching
Whereas SEM now offers effective ways to test moder- and moderation forms of fit that entail effects of (mis-) fit
ation form of fit models, testing for matching form of fit on performance. Our review and analyses lead to several
is still a challenge. Recently Cheung (2009a,b) proposed recommendations for future empirical contingency work.
testing matching form of fit models using a latent con- First, polynomial regression analysis represents a pow-
gruence model (LCM), which uses the mean of the latent erful approach to testing matching versus moderation form
variables and their difference. This model is conceptually of fit models that represent competing theoretical explana-
similar to Equation (1); the difference is that measurement tions. Polynomial regression analysis simultaneously tests
errors of the variables used to build the difference score for any bivariate moderation and matching form of fit and
can be more adequately addressed. The LCM approach thus thereby avoids the weaknesses related to the traditional
differs from the polynomial regression analysis in that it methods to test fit outlined in Section 3. Second, we rec-
does not rely on interaction and quadratic terms. Like the ommend accepting moderation effects after ruling out the
deviation score method discussed in Section 3, LCM is not possibility of a matching form of fit and a curvilinear effect
able to test either for rival hypotheses (matching versus only of the MCS variable. As explained earlier, any path
moderation form of fit) or for iso- or hetero-performance model with performance as a dependent variable (referred
(Edwards, 2009). Therefore, Edwards’s (2009) critique of to as mediation form of fit) is not a suitable alternative.
LCM is relevant (p. 35): “From a measurement perspective, This recommendation is based on theoretical and empir-
the LCM is a step forward in congruence research, given ical arguments that question the “no relation” condition
that measurement error can bias coefficient estimates in between the moderator and the independent variables. The
polynomial regression analysis and lead to erroneous con- central insight of our Monte Carlo simulations is that simple
clusions. However, from a substantive perspective, the LCM path models easily conceal existing moderation effects.
is a step backward.” Moreover, we presented an overview of the computa-
Ideally, Equation (2) would be tested using SEM. How- tional procedures now available for probing interactions,
ever, an important assumption underlying the covariance- including the application of the Johnson-Neyman tech-
based SEM approach is that relationships are linear nique (the suitability of which had previously been
(Edwards, 2009). Therefore, matching form of fit cannot questioned in the management accounting literature).
easily be tested in SEM because its main feature is the These procedures allow researchers to conclusively test
sub-forms of moderation fit.
Third, we provided an overview and recommenda-
Klein et al. (2009) find that including the quadratic term in covariance- tions on how to use covariance-based SEM when testing
based SEM when testing for moderation might be an effective way to contingency theory. In particular, we recommend not
minimize spurious moderating effects as well. using covariance-based SEM to test matching form of
Another promising approach which might be suited to test for sev- fit hypotheses, but instead using polynomial regression
eral moderation effects simultaneously is the Quasi-Maximum Likelihood
(QML) method (Klein and Muthén, 2007). This method is not currently part
analysis. Due to the linearity constraints of covariance-
of any standard software package, but it may become available as a new based SEM, this technique is not yet advanced enough to
option or stand-alone software in the future (Marsh et al., 2006). provide reliable estimates similar to those obtainable from
M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29 23

polynomial regression analysis. Future methodological X = Z. In the second example, the exact location of the fit
work is required before SEM can handle the non-linearity line is not clear ex ante; instead, we derive the fit-line from
implied by the polynomial equation. regression output. The second example might be more rel-
In contrast to matching form of fit models, covariance- evant for contingency researchers, as in most cases the
based SEM is now sufficiently well-developed to test meaning of optimal fit is not clear and variables may be
moderation form of fit models. Finally, the fact that measured on quite different scales.
covariance-based SEM has been developed to analyze lin- Example 1:32 If fit is achieved whenever X = Z33 , iso-
ear and not non-linear effects is reflected in the results of performance on the fit-line can be directly assessed. For
the Monte Carlo simulation, as the fit indices in covariance- matching form of fit, ˇ3 needs to be significantly positive,
based SEM do not warn against an un-modeled moderator while minimally ˇ4 must be significantly negative. In order
(or quadratic) effect. To prevent incorrect theoretical con- to assess iso-performance on the fit-line, we replace Z with
clusions, studies that investigate complex path models X in Equation (2) to get Equation (A1):
should verify as part of their robustness checks that mod-
erator and/or quadratic effects have not been overlooked. Y = ˛ + (ˇ1 + ˇ2 )X + (ˇ3 + ˇ4 + ˇ5 )X 2 + ε (A1)
The conclusions from this work imply two main
For iso-performance on the fit line, Y must be a constant
avenues for fruitful future research grounded on con-
for all values of X, thus (ˇ1 + ˇ2 ) and (ˇ3 + ˇ4 + ˇ5 ) must be
tingency theory. First, future contingency-style studies
equal to 0 (Cohen et al., 2010; Edwards and Parry, 1993, p.
could attempt to develop models based on the concept
of hetero-performance of different “matches” between the
If (ˇ1 + ˇ2 ) is positive and (ˇ3 + ˇ4 + ˇ5 ) is 0, the fit-line
contingency and MCS variables. It would also be interest-
is linearly increasing. Thus, higher values of Z = X are associ-
ing to investigate potential asymmetric effects of mis-fit on
ated with higher performance, reflecting a matching form
performance. Such work may not necessarily be quantita-
of fit with hetero-performance.
tive in nature, but could also be qualitative, as theory may
not yet be developed well enough for more sophisticated Example 2. Optimal matches between MCS and the con-
models.31 tingency variable may not occur when X = Z. Alternatively,
Second, carefully discussing when moderation forms they may occur in lines parallel to the one where X = Z or
of fit might represent truncated versions of a match- the fit-line is rotated. PRA and RSM determine whether and
ing form of fit might contribute to a more fine-graded where a fit-line exists. For instance, assume a conjectured
view of contingency relationships. However, any empirical fit relationship between strategy (Z) and measurement
contingency-related work should pay particular attention diversity (X) and optimal matches lead to a higher sales
to the limits of studying ‘fit,’ as any research design can volume:34
only consider a limited number of variables at a time.
Also, future contingency studies may critically reflect on
Sales volume = 5.628 + 0.314X − 0.118Z + 0.299XZ
whether the underlying assumption of contingency the-
ory (that companies are always seeking to regain ‘fit’) −0.219X 2 − 0.102Z 2 + ε (A2)
always holds true. If, for example, companies are found
to adopt practices just to appear legitimate (DiMaggio and
Powell, 1983), researchers may find quite a few companies The positive interaction term of Equation (A2) and the
remaining in misfit without attempting to regain fit. negative quadratic terms indicate a matching form of fit.
Inspecting the lines where X = Z and where X = −Z leads to
Acknowledgments the two two-dimensional graphs in Fig. A.1). The line for the
values when X = Z (Panel A) indicates an upward orientation
The paper has benefited from comments made by Raul of the surface along this line, indicating a matching form
Barroso, Franz Michael Fischer, Rainer Lueg, Martin Klar- of fit with hetero-performance. The inverted U shape for
mann, Karl Schuhmacher and participants of the research X = −Z suggests a matching form of fit where performance
seminars of IESE Barcelona and the University of Innsbruck. drops the more X and Z differ (Panel B).
We moreover thank the editors Michael Bromwich and However, the three dimensional surface for this exam-
Robert Scapens as well as the five reviewers for their excel- ple (Fig. A.2) indicates that the fit-line shifts to the right of
lent comments and suggestions. the X = Z line and is slightly rotated counter-clockwise.
In this case, as any matching form of fit implies that
there is only one performance-maximizing value of the
Appendix A. Technical example of Polynomial
MCS variable given a certain level of the contingency, the
Regression Analysis and Response Surface
fit-line can be derived from the derivative of the Y variable
to the X (MCS) variable (Meilich, 2006). Formally expressed,

In the first example, we assume that both the MCS and

the contingency variable were measured on a 7-point Likert 32
This example is taken from Edwards and Parry (1993).
scale and that fit was theorized to be achieved whenever 33
This corresponds to the first version of the deviation score methods
where the X–Z term is included (see Equation (1)).
We use the slightly adapted numerical results of the 4th polynomial
See Rossing (2013) for an excellent example of qualitative regression from Table 11.3 (p. 273) used by Edwards (2002) to create
contingency-based research. Figure 11.8d (p. 375).
24 M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29

Fig. A.1. Panel A Panel B, Line of congruence Line of incongruence. Panel A plots the line of perfect congruence where X equals Z. In this example performance
is increasing along this line indicating an upward orientation of the surface. Panel B plots the line of incongruence which is inverted U-shaped.

Fig. A.2. Illustration of the response surface methodology.

for a given Z we are looking for the value of X that satisfies Further transformation produces:
the following equation:
ˇ1 ˇ3
X=− − ·Z
2 · ˇ4 2 · ˇ4
∂Y !
= ˇ1 + ˇ3 · Z + 2 · ˇ4 · X = 0
∂X Inserting the values −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2 and 3 in Z (con-
tingency variable) in the above equation, we obtain the
following optimally “matching values” for the MCS variable
M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29 25

(X): −1.22, −0.65, 0.03, 0.72, 1.4, 2.08, 2.76. Inserting the Table B.1
Design of first Monte Carlo simulation: “True” mediation model, no
obtained values for the pairwise matches (X/Z) produces
the following performance levels on the fit-line for these
seven matches: Model characteristics Specifications

Composite reliability of 0.65 (medium) 0.8 (high)

• First match (−1.33/−3): 5.45 variables
• Second match (−0.65/−2): 5.55 constituting the
• interaction term
Third match (0.03/−1): 5.64
• Fourth match (0.72/0): 5.74 Composite reliability of 0.9
• Fifth match (1.4/1): 5.84 dependent variable
• Sixth match (2.08/2): 5.93 Number of indicators 4
• Seventh match (2.76/3): 6.03 per construct

Sample size 100/250/500

These results for performance levels of the matches on
Effect of independent 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8
the fit-line further corroborate the conclusion obtained variable on
from inspecting Fig. A.1 and the X = Z line of having a match- mediating variable
ing form of fit with hetero-performance. Effect of the mediating 0.4
variable on the
Appendix B. Monte-Carlo Simulation on potential dependent variable
confusion of moderation form of fit and mediation Effect of the interaction 0.0
form of fit models term on dependent
We performed a Monte Carlo simulation to assess the Methods used to test Moderated regression analysis
risk that, with increasing correlations between the mod- for interaction effect & SEM in Mplus 4.0
erator variable and the independent variable, an existing
moderation form of fit will be confused with an incorrect
path model, and vice versa. Monte Carlo simulations offer a Wan, 1996). For the SEM analysis, we use the unconstrained
powerful way to test the quality of proposed methods and approach, which requires using the indicators of the mod-
decision rules (Kennedy, 2003). erating variable and the independent variable to create
indicator product-terms that are then used as items for the
B.1. First simulation: Correct path model and wrong interaction term (Section 5 presents alternative approaches
moderation form of fit to testing moderating effects in SEM). This procedure has
been shown to represent a powerful way to test moder-
First, we define the form and the strength of the relation- ation effects in SEM when the variables are Likert-scaled
ships between the variables in the underlying model. This (Marsh et al., 2006).
underlying model contains a direct effect of the indepen- Table B.2 provides information on the convergence rates
dent (potential contingency) variable on the MCS variable (i.e. how often the method used converges to a solution).
and a direct effect of the MCS variable on the performance The convergence rate is always 100% for the MRA analysis.
variable. Based on this specified underlying model, random If composite reliability is low and sample size is small,
samples are generated. Our first Monte Carlo simulation covariance-based SEM does not always converge. This
examines how often a moderation model is spuriously result underscores simulation-based evidence that shows
accepted when the underlying model is a path model (type covariance-based SEM requires samples with more than
I error). 100 observations as well as adequate levels of construct
We systematically vary the strength of the effect of reliability (Reinartz et al., 2009).
the contingency variable on the MCS variable. We also Table B.2, Panel B provides information on type I error
vary the sample size, the composite reliability of the con- rate (i.e. the percentage of cases in which a significant mod-
structs used, and the statistical technique to test the extent eration effect was found when a path model is actually
of spurious interaction terms. We examine two meth- correct instead).
ods commonly used in contingency-based management Increasing sample size and construct reliability slightly
accounting research: moderated regression analysis (MRA) increases type I error rates, because moderation effects are
and covariance-based structural equation modeling (SEM). more likely to be significant if sample size is large and
Table B.1 describes the parameters of the first simulation. construct reliability is high. We also find that SEM overall
This leads to a 4 × 3 × 2 × 2 research design with 48 cells. leads to lower error rates than MRA.
We create in total 12,000 random samples that we analyzed Overall, type I error rates remain at commonly accepted
with MRA and SEM to test each specification (cell). These levels close to 5%; thus, the risk of mistakenly accept-
datasets are analyzed first using MRA and second using SEM ing a moderation model instead of a correct path model
in Mplus 4.0. We use both approaches to ensure that our (the mediation form of fit) is small. In particular, increas-
findings are not attributable to the choice of method. This ing correlations between the independent (the “spurious”
is relevant in the context of moderating effects, as there moderator in this example) and structure (MCS) vari-
is an ongoing discussion regarding how to test modera- ables does not lead to high levels of spurious moderation
tion effects effectively, particularly in SEM (Jaccard and effects.
26 M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29

Table B.2
True path model and wrong moderation model.

Panel A: Convergence rate

N = 100 N = 250 N = 500

CR: 0.65 CR: 0.80 CR: 0.65 CR: 0.80 CR: 0.65 CR: 0.80

Relationship between contingency (independent) and structure (mediation) variable: 0.2

SEM 75.6% 98.2% 92.0% 100% 99.2% 100%
MRA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Relationship between contingency (independent) and structure (mediation) variable: 0.4

SEM 81.4% 99.6% 96.4% 100% 99.8% 100%
MRA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Relationship between contingency (independent) and structure (mediation) variable: 0.6

SEM 93.2% 99.8% 99.8% 100% 100% 100%
MRA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Relationship between contingency (independent) and structure (mediation) variable: 0.8

SEM 97.6% 99.8% 100% 100% 100% 100%
MRA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Panel B: Percentage of spurious moderation effects found

N = 100 N = 250 N = 500

CR: 0.65 CR: 0.80 CR: 0.65 CR: 0.80 CR: 0.65 CR: 0.80

Relationship between contingency (independent) and structure (mediation) variable: 0.2

SEM 0.0% 2.2% 0.9% 4.4% 1.6% 5.2%
MRA 5.0% 4.6% 3.4% 4.8% 4.8% 5.2%

Relationship between contingency (independent) and structure (mediation) variable: 0.4

SEM 0.2% 3.2% 1.2% 5.0% 3.4% 3.8%
MRA 6.8% 6.6% 3.0% 7.4% 4.6% 5.4%

Relationship between contingency (independent) and structure (mediation) variable: 0.6

SEM 0.0% 4.0% 2.4% 3.6% 3.4% 5.2%
MRA 6.8% 5.8% 6.8% 4.4% 7.4% 5.4%

Relationship between contingency (independent) and structure (mediation) variable: 0.8

SEM 0.2% 3.6% 2.0% 4.2% 3.0% 6.0%
MRA 6.0% 6.0% 5.2% 4.4% 5.6% 6.2%

CR: Composite Reliability, SEM: Structural Equation Model; MRA: Moderated Regression Analysis.

B.2. Second simulation: Correct moderation form of fit probability that a path model (mediation form of fit model)
and wrong mediation form of fit is erroneously accepted. Another important finding is that
the fit indices typically used to evaluate covariance-based
The second Monte Carlo simulation addresses the oppo- SEM models–2 /df, RMSEA (root mean square error of
site case: how often a path model is erroneously supported
Table B.3
when a moderation form of fit relationship is correct
Design of second Monte Carlo simulation: “True” (statistically significant)
instead. An incorrect path model is accepted if both moderation, no mediation.
the relationship between the contingency factor and the
structure variable and the relationship between the struc- Model characteristics Specifications

ture variable and performance are significant. Composite reliability (CR) of 0.65 (medium) 0.8 (high)
Again we systematically vary sample size, composite independent and intervening (true
moderator) variable
reliabilities, and the strength of the selection forces (cor-
relation coefficients between the constructs forming the Composite reliability (CR) of 0.9
product term). Table B.3 provides a summary of the param- dependent variable

eters of the second simulation study. Number of indicators per construct 4

This design leads to a 4 × 3 × 2 research design with 24 Sample size 100/250/500
cells. We create 500 random samples for each set of spec-
Effect of independent variable on 0.3
ifications (cell), for a total of 12,000 datasets. We analyze
dependent variable
these datasets with covariance-based SEM in Mplus 4.0.
The models always converge (Table B.4, Panel A). With Effect of the interaction term on 0.3
dependent variable (moderating
increasing levels of sample size, composite reliability and effect)
strength of selection forces, the rate of type 1 errors dras-
Correlation between independent 0.0/0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8
tically increases (Table B.4, Panel B). Given medium-size
variable and moderator variable
samples of 250 and medium levels of correlations of 0.4,
the type I error rates are above 80%. Hence, there is a high Methods used to test the path model SEM in Mplus
M. Burkert et al. / Management Accounting Research 25 (2014) 6–29 27

Table B.4
True moderation model and wrong path model.

Panel A: Convergence rate

N = 100 N = 250 N = 500

CR: 0.65 CR: 0.80 CR: 0.65 CR: 0.80 CR: 0.65 CR: 0.80

Correlation between contingency (moderator) and structure (independent) variable: 0.2

SEM 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Correlation between contingency (moderator) and structure (independent) variable: 0.4

SEM 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Correlation between contingency (moderator) and structure (independent) variable: 0.6

SEM 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Correlation between contingency (moderator) and structure (independent) variable: 0.8

SEM 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Panel B: Percentage of spurious mediation form of fit models

N = 100 N = 250 N = 500

CR: 0.65 CR: 0.80 CR: 0.65 CR: 0.80 CR: 0.65 CR: 0.80

Correlation between contingency (moderator) and structure (independent) variable: 0.2

SEM 4.8% 21.7% 45.5% 70.1% 77.4% 93.6%

Correlation between contingency (moderator) and structure (independent) variable: 0.4

SEM 22.4% 55.3% 89.6% 95.2% 99.6% 100%

Correlation between contingency (moderator) and structure (independent) variable: 0.6

SEM 37.3% 59.9% 88.2% 92.6% 99.0% 100%

Correlation between contingency (moderator) and structure (independent) variable: 0.8

SEM 48.6% 54.9% 88.2% 91.6% 99.4% 100%

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