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1. In the 2040, it is predicted that Indonesia will become one of the economic leaders of the world.

However, I am uncertain that my hometown, Nganjuk, would be able to experience such things
in such a short time as it’s been 1000 years since its inception and Nganjuk is still one of the rural
areas in Indonesia that has the lowest level of productivity and income. Besides, International
trade in South-East Asia had been implemented since 2016, and in the upcoming future, it is
predicted that it will force Indonesian entrepreneurs including me to compete with other
business. Based on this situation, it has always been my dream to be involved in my nation’s
development process by participating in the field that I am able to contribute in, which is
Business and Economics: I want to ensure that Indonesia’s ambitious development goals are not
merely wishful thinking, starting from myself.
With that in mind, my first objective is to gain more knowledge and experience in business by
continuing my studies. There are some programs offered by universities in the Australia that suit
my interests and future plans. The program that I’m most interested in would be the Master of
Entrepreneurship and innovation program offered by the Australian National University as the
program will strengthen foundation of entrepreneurship and creative business. Interestingly,
students are encouraged to think creative to Adapt to complex and uncertain situations in
business based on customer trend. Henceforth, as an entrepreneur, I believe this course is the
most suitable one for me as it focuses entirely on business development. Alternatively, other
programmes that also draw my interests are the master of business in Queensland university. In
this programs, students are required to utilize digital devices such online advertisements in order
to meet the customer demand and to increase business revenue from online resources. Based
on the curriculums I see that any of the two universities mentioned above would help me to
maximize my potential to be a good entrepreneur

2. I realized that a comprehensive education related to my interest in business is essential in

achieving my goals and career plans as an entrepreneur. The master degree will greatly improve
my entrepreneurial capabilities and enable me to develop the potency of my hometown. I
believe that by doing any of these programs, I will learn to manage and utilize natural and
human resource efficiently. My immediate plan after finishing my master degree, would be to
return to my home country and establish a business firm. This time, I plan to establish business
that are based on agricultural resources in large scale as agriculture becomes main commodity
on my hometown. By implementing innovation knowledge and deep insight about customer
trends, I will be able to make products regarding customers demand and promote them
Subsequently, I would also like to participate in government programs that are designed to aid
the development of small medium enterprises (SME) as I see that SME in Nganjuk still lack of
management system and innovation. Hence, they need to improve their business if they want to
compete in International Trade. Thus, I would like to share the knowledge and experience in
business and entrepreneurship that I will obtain in Australia to the SME owners in Nganjuk. I
believe that such knowledge is essential for them in expanding their businesses.
Studying in one of the best universities in Australia will also expand opportunity to meet and
collaborate with entrepreneurs in Australia. In this case, as a prospective Australia Award
alumnus I would participate to become a bridge between Indonesia and Australia by
participating in the international trade by collaborating export and import in agriculture or any
other fields.
3. During my undergraduate study, I implemented my business skills to aid the development of an
SME in Tuban. In Tuban, people used to make a sweet beverage named Legen and an alcoholic
beverage known as Tuwak from the sap of siwalan trees. The recurring issue at that time was the
fact that the government had prohibited the sales of Tuwak because it contains alcohol. Yet,
Tuwak was the main revenue of the Tuban locals as Legen has low demands. As a result, the
newly instated law made some people lose their main revenue source and eventually force some
other people to illegally sell Tuak..
To combat this situation, my colleagues and I came up with an idea to produce another type of
beverage from the sap of siwalan trees, which we would refer as Raja Legen. We gave additional
value to the product by giving it a proper packaging, a brand name, and also clinical tests so that
it would be more popular and could be sold with a high price. In initiating the project, my team
used an interpersonal approach by inviting the locals to for a dinner three times before
eventually discussing about the project. The method was successful and the local people were
interested in participating in our program. After that, I created a marketing team to promote this
product. It was my duty to search potential market outside Tuban. To accelerate the sales of Raja
Legen, I choose to sell product to resellers or shops so that the local people could focus more on
the production process. Although the profit would be decreased, this method eventually
increased the total sales of Raja Legen. I succeeded to initiate this scheme and Raja Legen was
able to penetrate large markets and be distributed via stores and supermarkets, including the
Indonesian giant supermarkets Carrefour and Giant in several cities, namely Surabaya, Tuban and
Jakarta. I was so grateful that this project could increase their revenue of people in Tuban by
20%-30% and eventually assisted the development of a village in their area. These experiences
had improved my leadership capabilities and practical skill as a socio-entrepreneur
4. a) Firstly, I will use the knowledge and experience that I will obtain from conducting my
education in Australia to establish a small business that will benefit the locals of Nganjuk by
creating job opportunities and also increasing the local government’s revenue through tax.
Secondly, I will also dedicate myself to help the small medium enterprises (SME) in Nganjuk,
starting from helping the development of local Small-to-Medium-Enterprises to aspiring young
entrepreneurs to develop businesses. I sincerely believe that aspiring younger people and
empowering them with business knowledge would be an invaluable asset to Nganjuk in
increasing their economic condition.. Thirdly, I want to develop Chony Zamany, which is my
family’s non-profit organization that is located in countryside of Nganjuk. I want to develop this
organization further by establishing sub-business unit for this organization and allow the
students to do a part time job. The student could gain work experience and income, while the
organization could gain additional revenue by broading their operational activities
b) The lack of capital and experience for the establishment of a huge enterprise inhibits my
ability to immediately make a huge impact in my hometown. To overcome this, I would make a
prototype or small scaled business for 2–3 years to ensure that my business can run well. After
that I would make an investing scheme to obtain more capital. By obtaining obtain sufficient
entrepreneur skill, experience, knowledge and business network during my master study that
will help me to create well-managed business scheme which could accelerate business and could
attract more investor. Besides, I will have challenges in convincing the local people to join
government programs as in Indonesia, government related SME programs mostly could not run
well because the motivators and trainers don’t have entrepreneurship backgrounds.
Furthermore, I see that most people in Nganjuk tend to respect and listen to people with a high
social stature. Thus, by having sustainable business, I would be able to dedicate myself to
develop Nganjuk

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