Experiment 18

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 Resistors in series connection,

 Finding the corresponding resistance of resistors linked in series,
 Evaluation of errors and experimental observation of the corresponding resistance are other goals.


In this experimental setup, the procedure involves investigating the electrical characteristics of a circuit
with resistors in parallel. Initially, the voltage source is set to 8 volts (𝑉(T)) using a voltmeter. The circuit
assembly, as illustrated in Figure 2.3, includes resistors R1, R2, and R3 with values of 2.2 Ω, 3.3 Ω, and 4.7
Ω, respectively. Subsequently, the current (𝐼(T)) flowing through the main branch is measured and recorded
in Table 2.1.

Following this, potential differences (𝑉1, 𝑉2, 𝑉3) across each resistor are determined to calculate the
overall voltage (𝑉(T)) using the formula 𝑉(T) = 𝑉1 + 𝑉2 + 𝑉3. The experimental equivalent resistance
(𝑅(eq,experimental)) is then computed using 𝑅(eq,experimental) = 𝑉(T) / 𝐼(T) and documented in Table 2.2.
calculate the relative error with eq. 2.4.

R ( eq ,theoric )−R (eq ,experimental)

Relative Error= x 100
R(eq , theoric)

To expand the investigation, the process is repeated by connecting 𝑅1 and 𝑅2 in series (𝑅12: 𝑅1 = 2.2 kΩ,
and 𝑅2 = 3.3 kΩ). Steps 1 through 7 are then performed for this new circuit configuration. The final
outcome includes both experimental and theoretical values for equivalent resistance, enabling a comparison
to assess the accuracy of measurements. Any observations, sources of error, or deviations from expected
results should be noted in the conclusion.


In the experimental procedure outlined, the initial step involves setting the power source to a specific
voltage of 7.5 volts using a voltmeter. Subsequently, a new circuit is constructed according to the
configuration depicted in Figure 2.4. This circuit involves the connection of the second lamp and a 100Ω
resistor in series. The currents 𝐼1, 𝐼2, and 𝐼3 for this particular circuit are then evaluated, and their average
value is computed. The obtained results are recorded in Table 2.3.

To further analyze the circuit, Ohm's law is employed to determine the resistance of the lamp, utilizing the
equation V = I.R, where V is the voltage, I is the current, and R is the resistance. This step contributes to
understanding the electrical characteristics of the lamp in the given circuit configuration. Overall, this
experimental process aims to investigate and quantify the behavior of the circuit components under specific
voltage conditions and series connections.

V ( T 123 ) =1, 72+2 ,57 +3 ,7=7 , 99 V

V ( T 12 )=3 , 21+ 4 , 78=7 , 99 V

7 , 99
R 123= =10 , 11Ω
0 , 79

7 , 99
R 12= =5 , 46 Ω
2 , 46

Relative Error 1=¿ 10 , 2−10 , 11∨ ¿ x 100=% 0 ,88 ¿

10 , 2

Relative Error 2=¿ 5 , 5−5 , 46∨ ¿ x 100=% 0 , 72 ¿

5 ,5

0,007 +0,007+0,007
I ( ave ) = =0,007

0 ,18
R ( lamp )= =2, 6 Ω
It is crucial to pay close attention to measurement accuracy and instrument calibration
while assessing the experimental protocols described. To obtain accurate equivalent
resistance values when examining resistors in series, meticulous attention must be paid to the
accuracy of voltage measurement at 8 volts, current measurements, and potential variations
between resistors. To ensure accuracy, it is imperative to carefully review the computations
for total voltage (V(T)) and experimental equivalent resistance (V(eq, experimental)).
Furthermore, a complete understanding of the experimental data is aided by a detailed
examination of relative error and careful observation of any unexpected results or error
causes. Measurement accuracy may be evaluated more easily when experimental and
theoretical values are compared, and departures from the norm should be carefully examined.
The same attention to detail is needed when measuring current and voltage in the circuit with
the bulb and resistor connected in series. Furthermore, it is important to give considerable
thought to using Ohm's law to calculate the lamp's resistance. The study is improved by
going into great detail about how the circuit behaves when a second bulb and a 100Ω resistor
are added in series. The two sections come to a close with a summary that highlights the
knowledge acquired, possible drawbacks, and recommendations for improvement in
subsequent research.


1. In the following circuit, find the unknowns using Ohm's Law.

V 1=1,237 x 3 ,3=4,0821 V
V 2=1,237 x 2, 1=2,597 V
V 4=1,237 x 1 , 8=2 ,23 V
R 3= =2 , 5 Ω
Req=3 ,3+2 , 1+2 ,5+ 1, 8=9 , 7 Ω
Experimental Error
1) Errors committed by measuring apparatuses: Because the required voltage level in the circuit needs to
be manually adjusted, the measurements taken with the multimeter could not match exactly.
2) Systematic Mistakes: Since the multimeter's reading is not a single, steady value, the inaccuracy could
be the reason why the values vary.
3) Individual Errors: Errors that may occur due to incorrectly installing the circuit.

HYPERLINK "https://www.desmos.com/calculator?lang=tr"https://www.desmos.com/calculator?lang=tr

[1]. Oguz, O., Oguz, O., Cikit, S., Guleryuz, B., Dogan, M., Cil, B., Kaynar, A.B., & Dursun,

U. Physics Laboratuvary II Experiment Book, Haliç University, 2024.

6 3
Rexperimental ( 6 V )= −3
=4 , 65 x 10
1 , 29 x 10

7 3
Rexperimental ( 7 V ) = −3
=4 , 64 x 10
1 , 51 x 10

8 3
Rexperimental ( 8 V ) = −3
=4 , 65 x 10
1 , 72 x 10

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