Diagram Based Questions Class 10 Science - Removed - Rotated

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Draw a diagram of human female reproductive system and label the part
(i) that produces eggs.
(ii) where fusion of egg and sperm takes place.
(iii) where zygote is implanted.

2. Choose the correct order of the stages of binary fission in Leishmania
(a) I, II, III, IV, V
(b) I, III, II, V, IV
(c) I, III, V, II, IV
(d) I, II, III, V, IV

3.(a) Name one gustatory receptor and one olfactory receptor present
in human beings.
(b) Write a and b in the given flow chart of neuron through which
information travels as an electrical impulse

Dendrite a b End point of
4.In the given diagram
(i) Name the parts labelled A, B and C.
(ii) Write the functions of A and C.z
“ (i)To pass information from receptors to Spinal cord.
(ii)Responds to stimulus.
5.Carefully study the diagram of the human respiratory system with labels (i),
(ii), (iii) and (iv). Select the option which gives correct identification and main
function and /or characteristic
A. (i) Trachea: It is supported by bony rings for conducting inspired air.
B. (ii) Ribs: When we breathe out, ribs are lifted.

C. (iii) Alveoli: Thin-walled sac like structures for exchange of gases.
D. (iv) Diaphragm: It is pulled up when we breathe in.
6.The figure given below shows a schematic plan of blood circulation in humans
with labels (i) to (iv). Identify the correct label with its functions?
A. (i) Pulmonary vein - takes impure blood from body part.
B. (ii) Pulmonary artery - takes blood from lung to heart.
C. (iii) Aorta - takes blood from heart to body parts.

D. (iv) Vena cava takes - blood from body parts to right auricle.
7.Draw diagrams to explain the regeneration that takes place in each of the
body parts of planaria when its body is cut into three pieces. Name any other
organism in which a similar process can be observed.
Ans. When Planaria is cut into many pieces, each piece grows into a complete
organism; this regeneration process is carried out by specialized cell; which

proliferate; develop and differentiate into various cell types and tissues.
8.Name the type of asexual reproduction in which two individuals are formed
from a single parent and the parental identity is lost. Or,
Name the process by which an amoeba reproduces. Draw the various stages
of its reproduction in a proper sequence.
Ans. Binary fission

9.The image shows the division in Spirogyra
What can be concluded about the Spirogyra from this division?
(a) It is a multicellular organism that gives rise to two new equal sized individuals.
(b) It is a unicellular organism that gives rise to two new equal sized individuals.
(c) It is a unicellular organism that breaks into pieces which then grows into new

(d) It is a multicellular organism that breaks into pieces which then grows into new
10.What is reflex arc? Draw a labelled diagram to show reflex arc on touching
a very hot object.
It is a shortest pathway for an impulse to travel from the receptor organ via
central nervous system to the effector.
Stimulus→ Receptor(through sensory neurons)→ brain or spinal cord→

(through motor neuron)effector → response.
11.The image shows a surgical method in females to prevent pregnancy
Which event will be likely prevented from this method?
(a) Maturation of eggs
(b) Production of eggs
(c) Entry of eggs into the uterus

(d) Entry of sperm into the uterus
12.The image shows the process of division in plasmodium
“ What can be concluded about the division in Plasmodium?
(a) The cyst divides repeatedly to form many daughter cells. X
(b) The cell divides multiple times giving rise to many daughter cells.
(c) The nucleus divides repeatedly inside the cell to form new daughter cells.
(d) Thy cyst enlarges in size and then bursts producing many new daughter cells
13.Study the given figure and identify the row containing incorrect information
Name of part Function
A A is Cotyledon It is the future plant
b B is Plumule It is the future shoot

c C is Seed coat it is the outer covering of the ovule
d D is Radicle It is the future root
14.Name the parts A, B and C shown in the following diagram and state one
function of each.
“ Ans. A- Anther – It produces pollen grains .
B-Style – It provides the path through which the Pollen tube grows and reaches
the ovary .
C-Ovary – It contains ovules and each ovule has an egg cell(female gamete). It
develops into fruit after fertilization.
15.(i) Name the part marked 'A' in the diagram.
(ii) How does 'A' reach part 'B'?
(iii) State the importance of part 'C'.
(iv) What happens to the part marked 'D' after fertilisation is over?
(b) i) pollen/pollen grain

(ii) by pollination/ agents of pollination
(iii) It ( pollen tube) helps male gamete to reach egg (ovule)
(iv) Converts into embryo
16.Draw a diagram of the longitudinal section of a flower and label on it sepal,
petal, ovary and stigma.
(b) Write the names of male and female reproductive parts of a flower

(b)Male Reproductive part –Stamen
Female Reproductive part –Pistil
17.With the help of suitable diagrams, explain the various steps of budding in
Hydra .
Ans. In Hydra, a bud develops as an outgrowth due to repeated cell division at
one specific site. These buds develop into tiny individuals and when fully
mature, detach from the parent body and become new independent individuals

18.Draw a diagram to show spore formation in Rhizopus.

19. Define the terms pollination and fertilisation. Draw a diagram of a pistil
showing pollen as growth into the ovule and label the following
(a)pollen grain, male gamete, female gamete, ovary.
(b) State the significance of pollen tube.
(c) Name the parts of flower that develop after fertilization into

(i) Seed (ii) Fruit
Ans. Pollination -Transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma of a
Fertilisation- Fusion of the male gamete (germ cell) with the female (germ cell )
gamete to form a zygote is called fertilization.
(b) Pollen tube carries the male germ cell to reach the
ovary and fuse with the female germ cell.
(c) (i) Seed ← Ovule
(ii) Fruit ← Ovary
20.Study the diagram given below of male - reproductive system and select the
row containing incorrect information
Name of part Function
a P is vas deferens Transport sperms
b Q is seminal vesicle Provide fluid medium to sperms

c R is Ureter Passage for sperms
d S is testis Formation of sperms
21. Consider the following three flowers namely X, Y and Z. Which flower(s)
would develop into a fruit?
(a) 'X' only
(b) 'Z' only
(c) 'X' and 'Y' only

(d) Y' and 'Z'
22.With the help of a flow diagram, how would you establish that in human
beings the sex of a newborn is purely a matter of chance and none of the
parents may be considered responsible for a particular sex of a newborn

With the help of a flow diagram, how would you establish that in human
beings the sex of a newborn is purely a matter of chance and none of the
parents may be considered responsible for a particular sex of a newborn
Women produce only one type of ovum / (carrying X chromosome) and

males produce two types of sperms (carrying either X or Y chromosome) in
equal proportions. So, the sex of a child is a matter of chance depending
upon the type of sperm fertilizing the ovum
23.Study the figure showing parts of a flower and identify the correct
(I) Part labelled 1 is the pollen grain and contains the male germ cell.
(II) Part labelled 3 is the stigma on which the pollen grains land.
(III) The male germ cell travels through the pollen tube (part labelled 2) after

(IV) Part labelled 4 is the ovary which contains the female germ cells
(a) Both (1) and (III)
(b) Both (II) and (IV)
(c) Both (1) and (III)
(d) Both (1) and (IV)
24.The diagram shown below depicts pollination. Choose the options that
will show a maximum variation in the offspring.
“ (a) A, B and C
(b) B and D
(c) B, C and D
(d) A and C
25.In the following diagram, identify the cells through which massive amounts
of gaseous exchange takes place for photosynthesis :
(a) I
(b) IV
(c) III

(d) II
26.The image shows the transport of gases in body through heart and lungs
Which option correctly shows the transport of oxygen to the cell?
(a) Lungs →pulmonary vein →left atrium →left ventricle →aorta → body cells
(b) Lungs →pulmonary vein →right atrium →right ventricle → aorta → body cells
(c) Lungs →pulmonary artery →left atrium → left ventricle → venacava → body

(d) Lungs →pulmonary artery →right atrium → right ventricle→ venacava → body
27.The Image shows the process of binary fission in Amoeba.
“ Which option correctly predicts about the daughter cells?
(a) Parent cell will lead to the formation of four daughter cells of equal sizes.
(b) Parent cell will lead to the formation of two daughter cells of equal sizes.
(c) Parent cell will lead to the formation of four daughter cells of different sizes.
(d)Parent cell will lead to the formation of two daughter cells of different sizes.
28.The image shows the female reproductive system.
“ Which event will be likely affected, if a female's uterus is implanted with
intrauterine device?
(a) release of eggs
(b) entering of sperms
(c) maturation of eggs X
(d) implantation of embryo
29.The Image shows the structure of a flower
Which process will likely be disturbed or not occur, if labelled part is removed
from the flower?
(a) Formation of seed
(b) Transport of pollen
(c) Formation of fruit

(d) Development of pollen tube
30.Identify the option that indicates the correct enzyme that is secreted in
location A, B and C.
A. (i)-lipase, (ii)-trypsin, (iii)-pepsin
B. (i)-amylase, (ii)-pepsin, (iii)-trypsin
C. (i)-trypsin, (ii)-amylase, (iii)-carboxylase

D. (i)-permease, (ii)-carboxylase, (iii)-oxidase
31.In the given transverse section of the leaf identify the layer of cells where
maximum photosynthesis occurs.
(a) I, II
(b) II, III

(c) III, IV
(d) I, IV
32.The image shows the excretory system in humans.
“ What is the importance of the labelled part in excretory system?
(a) It produces urine.
(b) It filters waste from the blood.
(c) It stores the urine till urination.
(d) It carries urine from kidney to outside.
33.Given below is a diagram of a nephron. Which row of the following table
correctly shows where filtration and selective reabsorption occur ?

34.Observe the three figures given below. Which of the following
depicts tropic movements appropriately?
“ (a) B and C
(b) A and C
(c) B only
(d) C only
35.Look at the figure given below and identify the structure labelled
(a) A Neuromuscular junction
(b) B Axon

(c) C Muscle fibre
(d) D Dendrite
36.If the structure marked X in the diagram is blocked, then which of the
processes will not occur?
(a) Transpiration and respiration
(b) Transpiration, photosynthesis and respiration
(c) Respiration, transpiration and transportation

(d) Respiration and photosynthesis
37.Look at the diagram below carefully
“ Identify the process taking place at Z.
(a) Reproduction
(b) Transpiration
(c) Photosynthesis
(d) Translocation
38.What is the correct direction of flow of electrical impulses?

39.A diagram of a germinating seed is given here. Label the parts that
(i) gives rise to future shoot.
(ii) gives rise to future root system.
(iii) stores food.

40.Respiratory structures of two different animals- a fish and a human being are
as shown.
“ Observe (a) and (b) and select one characteristic that holds true for both of them.
(a) Both are placed internally in the body of animal.
(b) Both have thin and moist surface for gaseous exchange.
(c) Both are poorly supplied with blood vessels to conserve energy.
(d) In both, the blood returns to the heart after being oxygenated.

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