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Today I will tell you about some vitamins that keep us alive and healthy and you will

have a better understanding of the most important vitamins, the consequences of their

Vitamins are special substances, necessary for the body to function properly. They
have no nutritional value, but perform the most important functions – regulate
metabolic processes, catalyze biochemical reactions, and help in the assimilation of
many mineral components

1. Vitamin A:
- Functions: Promotes good vision, healthy skin, and a strong immune system.
- Food sources: Carrots, sweet potatoes, salad, and broccoli.
- Deficiency consequences: Night blindness, weakened immune system, and dry skin.
Overcoming deficiency: Incorporate more foods rich in Vitamin A into your diet or
take supplements with medical advice.

. It should be noted that with excessive contribution in vitamin A exhibits toxic

properties (hypervitaminosis A).
2. Vitamin D:
The body produces it independently when a person is in the sun. Vitamin D can also
be obtained from food (it is found in some foods) or taken as part of specialized
- Functions: Supports calcium absorption and promotes bone health; essential for
muscle function and the immune system.
- Food sources: Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), egg yolks, and fortified dairy products.
- Deficiency consequences: Weak bones, increased risk of fractures, and weakened
immune system.
In most regions of Russia, the sun is not active enough throughout the year. And,
since it is difficult to fill the need for vitamin D through nutrition, taking vitamin D as
a dietary supplement is often recommended to maintain good health.

Vitamin c - Functions: Strengthens the immune system, aids in collagen production,

and acts as an antioxidant.
- Food sources: Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons), strawberries, sweet peppers, and
- Deficiency consequences: Weak immune system, slow wound healing, and scurvy.
- Overcoming deficiency: Consume fresh fruits and vegetables regularly or consider
taking supplements.
Vitamin C helps the body fight infections, form bones, heal wounds and carry out
other important physiological processes. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant: it protects
cells from oxidation and destruction.
A lack of ascorbic acid can manifest itself in the form of bleeding of unknown origin,
prolonged healing of injuries and wounds, dry tissues ткани, fragile hair and nails, as
well as threaten a general decrease in vital energy and mood.
4. Vitamin B12:
Vitamin B12 deficiency disrupts the division and maturation of red blood cells —
erythrocytes — in the bone marrow. Their number in the blood decreases, and the
volume increases. Because of this, the tissues experience oxygen starvation.

B12 deficiency anemia is one of the most common anemia, especially ifor the elderly,
vegetarians and vegans, people who abuse alcohol. Another reason why B12
deficiency anemia can develop is autoimmune gastritis.
- Functions: Essential for the production of red blood cells and optimal brain
- Food sources: Meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, and fortified cereals.
- Deficiency consequences: Anemia, fatigue, and neurological problems.
- Overcoming deficiency: Include animal products in your diet or take B12
supplements with medical advice for vegetarians and vegans.

Vitamins are an integral part of our diet, and their importance cannot be overstated.
Remember, a balanced intake of essential vitamins helps to prevent various health
issues and promotes overall well-being. So, let's make sure we provide our bodies
with the required vitamins either through a wholesome diet or with supplements
when necessary. Thank you for your attention!

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