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Pre-Board-1 Examination (2023-24)

DURATION: 3 Hours M.M. 70 Marks

General Instructions:

1. There are 33 questions in this question paper with internal choice.

2. SECTION A consists of 16 multiple -choice questions carrying 1 mark each.

3. SECTION B consists of 5 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.

4. SECTION C consists of 7 short answer questions carrying 3 marks each.

5. SECTION D consists of 2 case - based questions carrying 4 marks each.

6. SECTION E consists of 3 long answer questions carrying 5 marks each.

7. All questions are compulsory.

8. Use of log tables and calculators is not allowed.

Section – A
Directions (Q1-Q16) Select the most appropriate option from those given below each question
1 (C) shows negative deviation 1
2. (B) CH3CH2CHO 1
3 (A) inversion 1
4 (D) 1-Iodobutane
5 (A) Etard reaction 1
6 (A) La is actually transition element. 1
7 (C) mol L–1 s–1 1
8 (C) Benzene sulphonyl chloride 1
9 (C) NO2 – 1
1 (B) k = A e–Ea/RT 1
1 (A) RX + NaI  RI + NaX 1
1 (B) 2.82 BM 1
DIRECTION: (Q13-Q16) Mark the option which is most suitable:
A. If both Assertion and Reason are correct and reason is the of Assertion.
B. If both Assertion and Reason are correct correct explanation and reason is not correct explanation of
C. If Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
D. If Assertion is incorrect and Reason is correct.
1 B. If both Assertion and Reason are correct and reason is not correct explanation of Assertion. 1
1 D. If Assertion is incorrect and Reason is correct. 1
1 A. both Assertion and Reason are correct and reason is the of Assertion. 1
1 A. both Assertion and Reason are correct and reason is the of Assertion. 1
Section – B
Directions (Q17-Q21): This section contains 5 questions with internal choice in one question. The following
questions are very short answer type and carry 2 marks each.
1 rate constant k increases and activation energy E falls as the temperature of a chemical reaction 2
is increased.
1 According to Henry's law, the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas. 2
8 P=Kh×X
Important applications of Henry's law:
1) In packing of soda cans: Soda water bottles are always packed under higher pressure to increase the solubility
of CO2 gas.

2) In deep-sea diving: Nitrogen is more soluble than Helium in our blood. In the deep sea, the pressure is higher than
at the surface of the water. When diver tries to come rapidly towards the surface of the water, pressure decreases
and dissolved nitrogen comes back from blood and makes bubbles in veins. Hence, divers use oxygen diluted with

1 (i) CH3–CH2–I 2
9 (ii)C6H5CH2Cl

2 How do you convert the following: 2

0 (i)

Answer as per the following:
(i) Just by hydration of Propene.
(ii) First Diazotisation & then nucleophilic attack by H2O
2 2

Presence of Carbonyl group is explained.

Section – C
Directions (Q22-Q28): This section contains 7 questions with internal choice in one question. The following
questions are short answer type and carry 3 marks each.
2 (a) NH +¿¿ 4 , 3
2 (b) Pentaamminenitrito-N-Cobalt (III) chloride
(c) Chelates is a multidentate ligand which coordinates with central metal atom to form in compound, the process is
called chelation. Example : ethylene di-ammine.
2 3

2 (a) Write the reaction involved in the following: 3


(b) Phenol is weakly acidic in nature while alcohol is almost neutral. Phenol and ethanol are distinguished
by the reaction with neutral FeCl3. Phenol gives a green or red colour with neutralFeCl3, while ethanol does
not show it.

2 3

2 Give reasons for any three of the following observations: 3

6 (a) Due to the absence of free -CHO Group.
(b) Due to Zwitter ion form
(c) because they are excreted out of the body.
(d) To bond with the complimentary pairs of nitrogenous bases.
2 3

2 3

Section – D
Directions (Q29-Q30): The following questions are case -based questions. Each question has an internal choice
and carries 4 (1+1+2) marks each. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow
2 In an octahedral coordination entity with six ligands surrounding the metal atom/ion, there will
9 be repulsion between the electrons in metal d orbitals and the electrons (or negative charges) of
the ligands. Such a repulsion is more when the metal d orbital is directed towards the ligand than
when it is away from the ligand. Thus, the dx 2 –y2 and dz2 orbitals which point towards the axes
along the direction of the ligand will experience more repulsion and will be raised in energy; and
the dxy, dyz and dxz orbitals which are directed between the axes will be lowered in energy
relative to the average energy in the spherical crystal field.
Answer the following question on the basis of above passage. 2
(i) CFSE (Octahedral) = −(t2g)(2/5)ΔO+(neg)(3/5)ΔO
CFSE (Tetrahedral) =− (neg)(3/5)Δt + (t2g)(2/5)Δt 1
OR 2
(a) The overlapping of two half-filled valence orbitals of two different atoms result in the
formation of the covalent bond. Due to overlapping, the electron density between two
bonded atoms increases and this gives stability to the molecule.
(b) In case the atomic orbitals possess more than one unpaired electron, more than one bond
can be formed and electrons paired in the valence shell cannot take part in such a bond
4 0
(ii) t 2 g eg


3 The potential difference between the two electrodes of a galvanic cell is called the cell potential
0 and is measured in volts. The cell potential is the difference between the electrode potential
(reduction potential) of the cathode and anode. It is called the electromotive force (emf) of the
cell when no current is drawn through the cell. It is now an accepted convention that we keep
the anode on the left and the cathode on the right while representing the galvanic cell. A galvanic
cell is generally represented by putting a vertical line between metal and electrolyte solution and
putting a double vertical line between the two electrolytes connected by a salt bridge. In a
galvanic cell, the following cell reaction occurs: Zn(s) + 2Ag+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + 2Ag(s) E°cell =
+1.56 V
Answer the following question on the basis of above question.
(i) Anode to cathode 1
(ii) Zn2+ ions will increase and Ag+ ions will be decreased. 1
(iii) ∆ G=−nF E cell = - (2) (96500) (1.1) =212300 j/mole.
OR 2
Yes, an electrochemical cell can act as an electrolytic cell if a potential difference greater than
the potential of the electrochemical cell is applied.

Section- E
Directions (Q31-Q33): The following questions are long answer type and carry 5 marks each. All questions have
an internal choice.
3 Attempt as per the following:
1 (a) actinoid elements show a variety of oxidation states. 2) they are mostly radioactive (thus, 1
studying their properties) becomes difficult.
Similarities: Both have mainly on oxidation state of +3. Difference: Lanthonoids have less 1
tendency towards complex formation whereas actinoids have greater tendency towalds complex
formation. 1
(b) Complete the following ionic equation: Cr 2 O 7 2CrO42−+H2O.
+ 2OH– → 1
(c) Chromium has unpaired electrons which result in strong metallic 1
bonding which results in it being a hard solid and the absence of
unpaired electrons in Hg result in it being a liquid.
(d) Low Oxidation state of Mn in Mn2O3 & high oxidation state in Mn2O7.
(e) Floride cannot form dπ-pπ bond.

3 3


b) (i) When the molar mass calculated with the help of colligative
property, is different from theoretical molar mass, it is called as
abnormal molar mass.
(ii) The ratio of the observed (experimental) value of a colligative
property to the normal (calculated) value of the same property is
called as van't Hoff factor
b) Give reasons:
(i) because the pressure increases inside the cooker, which also
increases the boiling point of water.
(ii) water from RBC will move to the saline solution because of the
low solvent concentration in the saline solution while RBC gets swells
in distilled water.
3 a) (i) A Friedel-Crafts reaction is carried out in the presence of AlCl3. But AlCl3 used as catalyst and 2
3 is acidic in nature i.e ., Lewis acid whereas aniline is a strong Lewis base. Thus, aniline reacts with
AlCl3 to form a salt. Due to the positive charge on the N-atom, electrophilic substitution in the 1
benzene ring is deactivated. Hence, aniline does not undergo Friedel-Crafts reaction. 1


b) Complete the following:
(a) CH3CN + H2/Pd  CH3CH2NH2
(b) C6H5NO2 + Fe/HCl  C6H5NH2
(c) RNH2 + HX  mixture of 1, 2, 3 & 4 degree ammonium salt.
a) Give reasons:
(i) (CH3)2 NH is more basic than (CH3)3 N in an aqueous solution. +I effect will increase in
alkyl group that results in increasing the case of donation of lone pair electron. Amine
accepts a proton and forms cation which will be stabilised in water by solvation. Higher the
solvation by hydrogen bonding, higher will be the basic strength. Therefore, with the
increase in methyl group, hydrogen bonding, and stabilisation by solvation decreases. This
net effect results in a decrease of basic strength from secondary to the tertiary amine.
(b) Write the reactions involved in the following:




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