ch-6 Ratios and Proportions Quantitative Aptitude

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If the values of two quantities A and B are 4 and 6 respectively, then we say that they are in the ratio 4:6 (read as "four is
to six"). Ratio is the relation which one quantity bears to another of the same kind, the comparison being made by
considering what multiple, part or parts one quantity is of the other. The ratio of two quantities "a" and "b" is
represented as a : b and read as "a is to b". Here, "a" is called antecedent, "b" is the consequent. Since the ratio expresses
the number of times one quantity contains the other, it's an abstract quantity

Ratio of any number of quantities is expressed after removing any common factors that all the terms of the ratio have
For example, if there are two quantities having values of 4 and 6, their ratio is 4:6 ie., 2:3 after taking the common
factor 2 between them out Similarly, if there are three quantities 6, 8 and 18, there is a common factor between all three
of them So dividing each of the three terms by 2, we get ratio as 3:4:9.

If two quantities whose values are A and B respectively are in the ratio a: b, and we know that some common factor k
(>0) would have been removed from A and B to get the ratió a: b so we can write the original values of the two
quantities (ie., A and B) as ak and bk respectively. For example, if the salaries of two persons are in ratio 7:5 we can
write their individual salaries as 7k and 5k respectively

A ratio a: b can also be expressed as /h. So if two items are in the ratio 2:3 we can say that their ratio is 2/3. If two
terms are in the ratio 2, it means that they are in the ratio of 2/1 ie 2;1

"A ratio is said to be a ratio of greater or less inequality or of equality according as antecedent is greater than, loss
than or equal to consequent". In other words

- the ratio a: b where a> b is called a ratio of greater inequality (example * 3 :2)
- the ratio a: b where <b is called a ratio of less inequality (example 3:5)
- the ratio ab where a =b\% called a ratio of equality (example: 1:1)

From this we can find that a ratio of greater inequality is diminished and a ratio of less inequality adding same quantity
to both terms, l.e., in the ratio a: b, when we add the same quantity x (positive) to both the terms of the ratio, we have
the following results

If a <b then (a + x) / (b + x) > a / b

If a > b then (a + x) / (b + x) < a / b
If a= b then ( a + x ): (b +x) = a : b

This idea can also be helpful in questions on Data interpretation when we need to compare fractions to find the larger of
two given fractions

If two quantities are in the ratio a: b, then the first quantity will be a + a times the total of the two quantity and the
second quantity will be equal to b + b times the total of the two quantities.
The compounded ratio of ratios AB and C: Dis A x C: B x D
The compounded ratio of ratios A:B. C: D and E: F is ACE: BDF
The duplicate ratio of AB is A^2: B^2
The triplicate ratio A:B models A ^ 3 : B^3
The sub duplicate ratio of A: B is √A: √B
The sub triplicate ratio of AB is :3√A : 3√B
The inverse ratio of A / B = B / A

If A : B = C : D , then
B:A = D: C This property is called Invertendo.

A : C = B : D This property is called Alternendo.

A+B: B = C +D: D This property is called Componendo

A - B / B = C - D / D This property is called Dividendo

A + B : A - B = C + D / C - D This property is called Componendo - Dividendo.

Equal Ratios


This is represented as a: b::c: d and is read as "a is to b (is) as c is to d".

When a, b, c and d are in proportion, then a and d are called the EXTREMES and b and c are called the MEANS.

Types of Proportion

1. Mean Proportion - If the given ratio is a :b::b: c then b is the mean proportion
b = √ac
2. Third Proportion-

Case I-If the given ratio is a: b= b: c then c is the third proportion C= B^2/A

Case 2-If the given ratio is a b c d then cis the third proportion

2. Fourth Proportion-If the given ratio is a; b::c: d then d is the fourth proportion


Example 1 The salaries of David and John are in the ratio of 5-9. The sum of their salaries is Rs.35000.
Find their individual salaries?

Solution Since the ratio is 5:9

David's salary is 5/14 of their total salary and

John's salary is 9/14" of their total salary

David's salary = (5/14)×35000= Rs12500

John's salary=9/4 x 35000 = Rs22500

Example 2 If a / b = 3.5 then find (2a + 4b)

Solution: Dividing the numerator and denominator by b, we get

Example 3 The runs scored by Rahul and Ramesh are in the ratio of 13:7. If Ramesh scored 48 runs less than Rahul
then find their individual runs.

Solution: Since the ratio of the runs of Rahul and Ramesh is 13: 7 we can take their individual scores as 13k and 7k
respectively So the difference between their score will be 13k - 7k = 6k , which is given to be 48.

6k =48 → k=8, 13k=104 and 7k=56

Rahul scored 104 runs and Ramesh scored 56 runs.

Example 4 What number shall be added to or subtracted from each term of the ratio 7: 16, so that it becomes equal to
2:3 ?

Solution Let x be the number to be added to each term of the ratio. Then we have
7+X / 16+X = 2/3

→21 + 3X = 32 + 2X
So , X=11 , 11 has to be added to each term to make it 2:3

Example 5 If X/Y = 2/5, then find (2x+3y) / (3x+7y)

Solution: X/Y = 2/5 , X= 2Y/5

By substituting value of x in

Two quantities A and B may be such that as one quantity changes in value, the other quantity also changes in value
bearing certain relationship to the change in the value of the first quantity.

Direct Variation

One quantity A is said to vary directly as another quantity B if the two quantities depend upon each other in such a
manner that if B is increased in a certain ratio, A is increased in the same ratio and if B is decreased in a certain ratio, A
is decreased in the same ratio.

This is denoted as A α B (A varies directly as B).

If A α B then A = kB, where k is a constant, it is called a constant of proportionality.

For example, when the quantity of sugar purchased by a housewife doubles from the normal quantity, the total
amount she spends on sugar also doubles, ie, the quantity and the total amount increase (or decrease) in the same

From the above definition of direct variation, we can see that when two quantities A and B vary directly with each other,
then A/B = k or the ratio of the two quantities is a constant. Conversely, when the ratio of two quantities is a constant,
we can conclude that they vary directly with each other.

If X varies directly with Y and we have two sets of values of the variables X and Y. X, corresponding to Y, and X,
corresponding to Y,, then, since Xu Y, we can write down


A quantity A is said to vary inversely as another quantity B if the two quantities depend upon each other in such a
manner that if & B is increased in a certain ratio, A is decreased in the same ratio and if B is decreased in a certain ratio,
then A is increased in the same ratio.

It is the same as saying that A varies directly with 1/B. It is denoted as A α1/B i,e. A= k/B where k is a constant of
For example, as the number of men doing a certain work increases, the time taken to do the work decreases and
conversely, as the number of men decreases, the time taken to do the work increases

From the definition of inverse variation, we can see that when two quantities A and B vary inversely with each other,
quantities is a constant, we can conclude that they vary directly with each other.

If X varies directly with Y and we have two sets of values of the variables X and Y,. X, corresponding to Y and X
corresponding to Y,, then, since X and Y, we can write down


Example1 If a: b = 7:2, Then 4a +3b / 5a + 4b = ?

Solution: Then expression 4(7)+3(2) / 5(7)+4(2) = 34/43

Example 8. Three numbers are in the ratio 3:2:5, Sum of their squares it 608-
The largest of these numbers is ?

Solution : 9x^2 +4x^2 +25x^2=608

38x^2 = 608
→X=4, the largest is 5x=20

If there are three quantities A, B and C such that A varies with B when C is constant and varies with C when Bis
constant, then A is said to vary jointly with B and C when both B and C are varying ie, Au B when C is constant and Aa
C when B is a constant

→A α BC

A = kBC where k is the constant of proportionality.

Solved Examples
Important Points to Remember

1. The relationship between different variables is defined to frame on equation involving the variables and the constant
of proportionality.

2 One set of values of all the values of all the variables enables us to find the value of the constant of proportionality

3. The values of all but one variable are given and we are asked to find the value of the one variable whose is not given

4. Note that there should be consistency of the units used for the variables, Le, whatever be the units used to express the
variables when the constant of proportionality is being calculated, the same units should be used for different variables
later on also when finding the value of the variable which we are asked to find out.

Example 3 The volume of a cylinder varies jointly as its height and the area of its base. When the area of the
base is 64 sq. ft. and the height is 10 ft, the volume is 480 cu.ft. What is the height of the cylinder,
whose volume is 360 cu ft. and the area of the base is 72 sq.ft.

Solution . Let V be the volume, a = area of the base and h height

V= mah (m is proportionality constant)

we know a =64 h= 10 and V=480

480=m (64) (10)

M= 0.75 V= 3ah x 4

Therefore, 360= 3x72x h / 4

H= 360 x 4 / 3 x 72 = h = 20/3 ft,

Hence height of the cylinder is 6 2/3 ft
Example 6 33.3 % of A= 20% of B=20 % of C, If A+B+C= 260, A=?

Solution :A/3 = B/5 =C/5 = k

Example 7 (a^2 + b^2 ) : (a^2 – b^2) = 17;8 , a:b = ?

Solution 8(a^2 + b^2 ) = 17(a^2 – b^2 ) by applying componendo and dividendo]

25b^2 = 9a^2
→ (a/b)^2 = 25/9
a/b = 5/3

Example 8 If A:B= 3:4, .A:C= 5-3, find B:C

Solution A:B=3:4 ----1


Dividing (1) by (2), C;B =9:20

Therefore BC 20:9

Example 9 A B = 1:2 , A:C= 13,A: D 1:4.B C D= ?

Solution Since A is same, therefore

B.C D=2:3:4

Example 10 A B C = ½ , 1/3, ¼, A+B+C=390, A=?

Solution: A B C = 6:4:3

A= 6/13 × 390= 180

Example 11 A man lost 12.5% of his money. After spending 70% of the remainder, he has Rs. 210 left with
him. How much did he have in the beginning?

Solution ; Let X be the total amount of money he had

Now 12.5%=1/8 So money left with him, after losing = 7/8 of

Money left after spending= 30% of 7/8 of, x = 30/100 * 7/8*x = 210

→ (3 * 7)/80 * x =210

X = Rs 800

Example 12 In an election there are only two candidates, A and 5. Candidate A got 59% of votes and won by
a majority of 144 votes. If there were no invalid votes, find the total number of votes .

Solution A got 59%, therefore B got 41%

Difference 59-41=18
18%= 144 votes

Therefore total votes= 144/18 x100= 800

Example 13 Ram Sham and Pran share profits in the ratio 12 : 1 : 5. If Pran's share is Rs12500 , what was the
profit of the firm?

Solution Pran's share= 12500 = 5/18 of total profit:

Total profit= 12500 ×18 / 5 = Rs 45000

Example 14 A's income is 2/3 of B's income and B's income is 75% of C's What is C's income as a percentage
of A ?

Solution: B's income = 3/2 of A's income

C's income = 4/3 of B's income = 4/3 × 2/3 of A's income = 2 (A's income)

Example 15 A man has certain number of potatoes out of which 13% were rotten, 75% of the rest were sold
and he was left with 261 fresh potatoes How many potatoes did he had initially?

Solution: Let's assume he had P potatoes initially then

Number of fresh potatoes = 100-13 87% and

Number of potatoes unsold 25% of 87% of potatoes

[(87)/(100) * 25/(100)] * P = 261

Or P = 1200

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