PRICE - Revision Test - Key

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Pricing Strategies - Revision Test

Total costs of 50,000 units are $600,000; required return = 33.33%. Unit selling
Câu 1
price is:
A) $15
B) $16
C) $7.5
D) $10
Đáp án B
Output = 80,000 units, fixed costs = $400,000, variable cost = $7, profit margin =
Câu 2
50%. Unit selling price is
A) $15
B) $17.5
C) $18
D) $20

Đáp án C
Câu 3 A marketer's fixed costs are $400,000, the variable cost is $16, and they expect
the product to sell for $24. What is their break-even point in units?
A) 40,000
B) 50,000
C) 60,000
D) 45,000
Đáp án B
Câu 4 A marketer's fixed costs are $400,000, the variable cost is $16, and they expect
the product to sell for $24. What is their break-even point in dollar sales?
A) $1,200,000
B) $1,500,000
C) $2,000,000
D) $1,000,000
Đáp án A
Câu 5 What price elasticity depends on what factors?
A) Price and value
B) Price and quality
C) Price and quantity
D) Price and market
Đáp án C
Câu 6 What are the total costs of the product based on?
A) Cost structure and product cost
B) Fixed and variable costs
C) Fixed costs and customer perception of value
D) Cost structure and variable cost
Đáp án B
Câu 7 How to calculate full cost pricing of 25000 output. Fixed cost is $100000 and
Variable cost is $4. Assume that the profit margin is 25%
A) 8
B) 10
C) 12
D) 6
Đáp án B
Câu 8 ….. is an approach in products and services pricing which defines various prices,
discounts, offers consistent with the organization goals and strategy . It can affect
how company grows and is perceived by the customers
A) Price Policy
B) Price Structure
C) Price Level
D) Price & Value Communication
Đáp án B
Câu 9 Many producers who use captive-product pricing set the price of the main
product ________ and set ________ on the supplies necessary to use the
A) high; high markups
B) high; low markups
C) low; low markups
D) low; high markups
Đáp án D
Câu 10 Situation in which company targets whole market with one similar offer is called
A) mass marketing
B) segmented marketing
C) niche marketing
D) micromarketing
Đáp án A
Câu 11 The price elasticity of demand is 5.0 if a 10 percent increase in the price results in
a ________ decrease in the quantity demanded
A) 10 percent
B) 50 percent
C) 2 percent
D) 5 percent
Đáp án B
Câu 12 If demand is price elastic,
A) a 1 percent decrease in the price leads to an increase in the quantity demanded
that exceeds 1 percent
B) a 1 percent increase in the price leads to an increase in the quantity demanded
that exceeds 1 percent
C) the price is very sensitive to any shift of the supply curve
D) a 1 percent decrease in the price leads to a decrease in the quantity demanded
that is less than 1 percent
Đáp án A
Câu 13 All of the following are considered to be forms of a cost-based approach to
pricing. EXCEPT
A) cost-plus pricing
B) break-even analysis
C) going-rate pricing
D) target profit pricing
Đáp án C
Câu 14 The pricing objectives are
A) Maximum current profit, market share and market skimming
B) Survival
C) Product quality leadership
D) All of the above
Đáp án D
Câu 15 In _________ company may not focus on long-run performance by ignoring the
impact of other marketing mix variables
A) Survival
B) Maximum current profit
C) Maximum market share
D) None of the above
Đáp án B
Câu 16 The pricing objective of a university is
A) Partial cost recovery
B) Full cost recovery
C) Maximum market share
D) None of the above
Đáp án A
Câu 17 Which statement is not true about the conjoint analysis?

A) Conjoint analysis is an advanced market research analysis method that attempts

to understand how people make complex choices

B) Conjoint analysis extrapolates the respondent's preference for a quantitative


C) Conjoint analysis extrapolates the respondent's preference for a quantitative


D) Conjoint analysis is enables businesses to mathematically analyze consumer or

client behavior and make decisions based on real insights from data.

Đáp án C
Câu 18 What are segmentation methods?
A) Geograpgic, Demographic, Behavioural, Psychographic.
B) Age, Income, Gender.
C) Personality, Lifestyles, Attitudes.
D) Customer location, Region, Urban.
Đáp án A
Câu 19 What is needs-base segmentation?
A) Need-based segmentation differentiates customers by their economic value,
grouping with the same value level into individual segments that can be distinctly
B) Need-based segmentation classifies customer segment based on unique set of
C) It is the value that your customers will get out of using your product that really
matters to them, not how much you paid your develop.
D) Need-based segmentation classifies customer segment based on a common set of
needs (met or unmet) and/or purchase behavior.
Đáp án D
Câu 20 With the bundle pricing, the sellers can combine several products and offer the
bundle ______________.
A) as a working unit
B) as a complete self–service package
C) at a reduced price
D) A, B, C are not correct.
Đáp án C
Câu 21 What is NOT the case of bundling pricing?
A) Facilities segmented pricing
B) Create demand for little-known or new product
C) Take advantage of various production line
D) Increase variable costs when combing different offer together.
Đáp án D
Câu 22 What is the case of bundling pricing?
A) Adding the feature that raises value of the discounted offer to only the low-price
B) Company doesn’t have variety products.
C) Increase variable costs when combing different offer together.
D) A company has pricing power, the product is differentiated.
Đáp án A
Câu 23 Which below are major flaws in pricing?
A) Cost-plus, customer-driven and share-driven pricing
B) Cost-plus, customer-driven and value-based pricing
C) Customer-driven, share-driven and profit-driven pricing
D) Value-based, customer-driven and share-driven pricing
Đáp án A
Câu 24 What are the benefits of strategic pricing?
A) Increasing the profitability
B) Translating the differentiated benefits to customers
C) Ensuring if the products included the features which customers willing to pay for
D) Both A, B and C
Đáp án -D
Câu 25 When no customer surplus
A) Willingness to pay price > market price
B) Willingness to pay price < market price
C) Willingness to pay price = market price
D) All incorrect
Đáp án C
Câu 26 When the products of enterprises with the difference compared with competing
products and these differences are accepted by customers, the enterprise should:
A) Valuation under the cost of production
B) Higher-priced competitive product
C) Pricing lower than competing products
D) Valuation seasonal
Đáp án C
Câu 27 Objective valuation of profit maximization, the corresponding type of pricing
A) Osmosis market
B) Neutral
C) Skim the delicious
D) Package
Đáp án C
Câu 28 ....... define the terms of exchange in terms of what the buyer recieves per unit of
price paid.
A) Price – offer configuration
B) Price metrics
C) Price fences
D) Price skimming
Đáp án B
Câu 29 Which of the following criteria for an ideal price metric enables a company to
distinguish between measurements of profit and performance?
A) Tracks with differences in value across segments
B) Tracks with differences in cost – to - serve
C) Is easy to measure and force
D) Aligns with how buyers experience value in use
Đáp án C
Câu 30 ....... define the terms of exchange in terms of what the buyer recieves per unit of
price paid.
A) Price – offer configuration
B) Price metrics
C) Price fences
D) Price skimming
Đáp án B
Câu 31 Which of the following criteria for an ideal price metric enables a company to
distinguish between measurements of profit and performance?
A) Tracks with differences in value across segments
B) Tracks with differences in cost – to - serve
C) Is easy to measure and force
D) Aligns with how buyers experience value in use
Đáp án C
Câu 32 In Vietnam, price of cars imported form Japan is very high ?
A) Time of purchase fences
B) Purchase location fences
C) Buyer identification fences
D) Purchase quantity fences
Đáp án B
Câu 33 Costs of selling and servicing an account generally
A) Do not increase proportionately with the volume of purchases
B) Increase proportionately with the volume of purchases
C) Decrease proportionately with the volume of purchases
D) No answer are correct
Đáp án A
Câu 34 Which is NOT type of quantity discount tactic?
A) Two –part prices
B) Step discounts
C) Quantity discount
D) Volume discounts
Đáp án C
Câu 35 Please fullfill a definition of freight absorption. “ Freight absorption is agreement
by the seller to bear part of the ... of the product, the amount which depends
upon the buyer’s location”
A) Shipping costs
B) Packaging costs
C) Fix costs
D) Product costs
Đáp án A
Câu 36 Why do most companies still offer each individual customer volume at only one
price ?
A) Segmenting different purchases by each customer is possible only under limited
B) Segmenting different purchases by each customer is not under limited conditions
C) It is profitable only when the volume demanded by individual buyers is
significiantly price sensitive
D) A&C
Đáp án D
Câu 37 Customers who buy in large volume
A) Don’t care about price
B) Are usually more price sensitive
C) Usually accept high price
D) All answers are not correct
Đáp án B
Câu 38 All of the following conditions support market-penetration pricing EXCEPT
A) The product's quality and image must support the price.
B) Production and distribution costs must fall as sales volume increases.
C) A low price will produce more market growth.
D) The low price must help keep out the competition.
Đáp án A
Câu 39 When Pepsi came out with Pepsi Blue and priced it at half price to attract buyers
they were using, Pepsi was using ________.
A) Market-skimming pricing
B) Market-penetration pricing
C) New-product pricing
D) Discount pricing
Đáp án B
Câu 40 In a neutral strategy, the prices are set by:
A) General market
B) A product
C) Competitor’s price
D) A company
Đáp án A
Câu 41 Importance of end-benefit is buyers are less price sensitive when the product is a
small part of the cost of a benefit with______ or _____ importance
A) Low economic, psychological
B) Low economic, behaviour
C) High economic, behaviour
D) High economic, psychological
Đáp án D
Câu 42 Price _____ perceptions: Buyers are less sensitive to a product’s price to the
extent that price is a proxy for the likely______of the purchase.
A) Quality, quality
B) Quantity, quantity
C) Quality, quantity
D) Quantity, quality
Đáp án A
Câu 43 Choose a wrong sentence. Skimming pricing to be used in the following cases:

A) Temporary monopoly company

B) Market leader company
C) On the market, there are groups consumer who have high purchasing power,
ready to buy
D) When company launching their new product
Answer D
Câu 44 Profit-maximizing prices are found at the point on the demand curve where:
A) marginal revenue = marginal cost
B) marginal revenue > marginal cost
C) marginal revenue < marginal cost
D) All the wrong
Answer A
Câu 45 Can be used when price experimentation is impractical, as is the case for many
large, infrequently purchased products (such as automobiles and enterprise
software) that don’t lend themselves to experimentation.
A) Price experimentation
B) Purchase intention surveys
C) Structured inferences
D) Simulations
Đáp án B
Câu 46 _______ provide a means to explore systematically the effects of competitor
reactions to customer responses to price change
A) Incremental implementation
B) Price experimentation
C) Simulations
D) None of all
Đáp án C
Câu 47 Why is it necessary to educate buyers about the benefits of the product?
A) Customers have the ability to realize the benefits of the product
B) Customers can update a lot of information
C) Customers easily make decisions
D) Customers can decide to buy faster
Đáp án A
Câu 48 What are the drawbacks of trial promotions?
A) Revenue is shrinking
B) Customers may not pay attention to the sample
C) Expensive costs
D) Products will be underestimated in buyers' minds
Đáp án C
Câu 49 What kind of business is suitable for innovation?
A) Suitable for small businesses
B) Small and medium businesses
C) Only suitable for large businesses
D) All businesses
Đáp án D
Câu 50 With a ______ strategy, the firm focuses it marketing efforts on developing
unique attributes (or image) for its product.

A) Differentiated product
B) Cost leadership
C)Confused product
D) Value-based pricing
Đáp án A
Câu 51 With a ______ strategy, the firm directs its marketing efforts toward becoming a
low-cost producer.
A) Differentiated product
B) Cost leadership
C) Value-based pricing
D) Low-cost
Đáp án B
Câu 52 What strategy can also be either focused or more broadly based ?
A) Differentiated product
B) Cost leadership
C) Both a and b are correct
D) None of the above
Đáp án C
Câu 53 Ecstasy Pharmaceuticals faces fixed costs with their new drug of $1,000,000. The
company sells the drug in bottles of 50 pills for $10.00. They estimate that they
must sell 200,000 bottles to break even. What is the variable cost to produce a
bottle of 50 pills?
A) $4
B) $4.5
C) $5.0
D) $6.0
Đáp án C
Câu 54 We will attract “early adopters” customers in which stage of PLC?
A) Introduction
B) Growth
C) Decline
D) Maturity
Đáp án B
Câu 55 The marketing objectives in “decline” stage of PLC model are
A) Maximize profit while defending market share
B) Create product awareness and trial
C) Maximize market share
D) Reduce expenditure and milk the brand
Đáp án D

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