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Checklist for Oral Hygiene for a Conscious & Unconscious Patient

Objectives-By the end of this exercise, the patient will be able to describe about Oral Hygiene
for a Conscious & Unconscious Patient

Participant…………………… Date Observed…………………….

Oral Hygiene for a Conscious Patient

S. Contents 1 2 3 4 5
1 Definition
2 Indication
3 Purpose
4 Articles
5 Procedure
 Assess the condition of the patient. His or her mouth and level of consciousness
 Inspect the integrity of lips, teeth, buccal mucosa , gums, palate and tongue
 Assess the patient’s ability to grasp and manipulate toothbrush
 Explain procedure to patients and encourage him to participate
 Pull the screen
 Wash hands
 Bring patient to edge of the bed nearest to the nurse
 Position patient in high fowlers/ semi fowler position as tolerated
 Place the small Mackintosh with the face towel on the chest
 Place k basin close to the patient’s chin
 Apply toothpaste to brush, holding brush over k basin , pour small amount of water
over toothpaste
 Instruct patient to hold toothbrush at 45fehree angle to hum line.Brush inner and
outer surfaces of upper and lower teeth by brushing from gum to crown of each
 Clean the biting surface back and forth , farther side first and then nearer side and
upper jaw first and then lower jaw
 Have the patient hold the brush at the same angle (45 degree) over tongue and
brush lightly over surface horizontally taking care not to initiate gag reflex
 Allow patient to rinse mouth thoroughly by taking mouthful of water and spitting
into the k – basin
 Allow patient to rinse mouth with mouthwash as desired
 Assist wiping mouth with face towel
 Apply emollient to lips
 Assist patient to comfortable position
 Discard the waste , clean the used articles and replace equipment as appropriate
 Wash hands
 Record the procedure including time. Solution used and condition of mouth
 Discard the waste , clean the used articles and replace equipment as appropriate
Oral Hygiene for an Unconscious Patient
1 Definition
2 Purpose
3 Articles
4 Procedure
 Assess patient oral hygiene
 Test for presence of gag reflex by placing tongue blade on back half of tongue
 Check the doctor’s orders for specific precautions regarding the movement and
positioning of patient
 Explain the procedure to patients and or relatives
 Pull curtains
 Raise bed to comfortable working level . arrange articles by bedside
 Position the patient on side , head turned towards you
 Place towel and Mackintosh under the patients head and spread one towel over chest
and an emesis basin under the chin
 Raise side rails of bed on both sides
 Wash hands and Don gloves
 Lower the side rails on the working side
 Do not pour water into the mouth of an unconscious patient
 Raise side rails of bed on both sides
 Separate the upper and lower teeth with padded tongue depressor by inserting it
quickly and gently if required
 Take gauze piece with the dissecting forceps
 Wrap the gauze piece around the artery forceps covering it’s tip. Moisten the gauze
piece with normal saline or dip in the cleaning agent
 Swab each tooth gently but firmly and clean all the sides of tooth. Clean chewing
surface first and then , inner and outer surface from gum to crown
 Replace all articles
Total Marks


Examiner Signature Student Signature

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