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01) At S.T.P 0.1 mole of a gas occupies the volume:

a) 22.4 dm3 b) 2.24 dm3 c) 2.24 ft3 d) 100 cm3

02) The number of moles in 58.5 gm of NaCl is:

a) 58.5 moles b) 35.5 moles c) 23 moles d) 1 mole

03) Which value has five significant figures?

a) 302.10 b) 3.00002 c) 30000 d) 30200

04) A beaker containing 180 gm of water contains:

a) 6.02 x 1023 molecules c) 10.02 x 1025 molecules
b) 6.02 x 1024 molecules d) 12.01 x 1023 molecules

05) The unit of viscosity is:

a) Millipoise c) Joule
b) Milligrams d) Ampere

06) Evaporation is a:
a) Natural process c) Cooling process
b) Physical process d) Chemical process

07) A gas at zero Kelvin:

a) Is super cooled c) liquefies
b) freezes d) vanishes

08) One cm3 is equal to:

a) 10-3 dm3 b) 100 dm3 c) 1000 dm3 d) 10 dm3

09) The color of light depends upon its:

a) Wavelength c) Source
b) Velocity d) None

10) Which of the compound has sp2 hybridization:

a) NH3 b) C2H2 c) C2H4 d) H2O

11) Which atomic orbital is always involved in sigma bonding?

a) s orbital c) d orbital
b) p orbital d) None

12) In ethene (C2H4) molecule, there are:

a) Five sigma bonds and one pi bond c) Four sigma bonds and two pi bonds
b) six sigma bonds d) none

13) When gaseous anions and cations are brought closer, the energy involved is:
a) Electron affinity c) Electronegativity
b) lattice energy d) ionization potential

14) If 200 cm3 of 1 M solution is diluted up to 2000 cm3, the molarity would be:
a) 10 M b) 0.2 M c) 0.1 M d) 1 M

15) The oxidation number of S in H2SO4 is:

a) 6+ b) 2- c) 4+ d) zero

16) What is the pOH of a solution whose pH is 8?

Department of Chemistry : Asif Izhar / Faizan Siddiqui / Anas Soorti / Fahad Khan / Naveed Hasan
a) 6 b) 10 c) 4 d) 2

17) Which of the following is the example of oxidation?

a) M3+  M2+ c) 2Be4 + 2He4  0C12 + 0n1
b) M2+  M3+ d) None


1) Which of the following has five significant figures?

a) 23.437 b) 0.02017 c) 2.30790 d) 50320

2) Which of the following will contain the least number of molecules? (mol mass: H2=2, O2=32, N2=28, Cl2=71)
a) 1 gm of hydrogen c) 4 gm of oxygen
b) 2 gm of nitrogen d) 3 gm of chlorine

3) Which of the following volumes of a gas at STP contains Avogadro’s number of molecules?
a) 1 dm3 b) 1 cm3 c) 22.4 dm3 d) 22.4 cm3

4) Which of the following is the lowest possible temperature?

a) 0 K b) 0 oC c) 0 oF d) 273 oC

5) Real gases deviate from ideal behavior at:

a) Low temperatures and high pressures c) High temperatures and high pressures
b) High temperatures and low pressures d) None of these

6) A pressure cooker reduces cooking time because:

a) A large flame is used c) Boiling point of water is elevated
b) Heat is more evenly distributed d) None of these

7) The Azimuthal quantum number describes the:

a) Size of the orbital c) Shape of the orbital
b) Spin of electron in the orbital d) Energy of the orbital

8) Which one of the following has e/m = 0?

a) α – rays c) γ – rays
b) β - rays d) none of these

9) Rutherford’s α – particles scattering experiment was the first evidence for the presence of which of the
a) Electron b) Proton c) Nucleus d) Neutron

10) Which of the following molecules has the greatest bond angle?
a) H2O b) NH3 c) CO2 d) CH4

11) Which of these overlaps form the strongest bond?

a) s-s b) p-p c) s-p d) None

12) Which of the following compounds does not contain H-bonding?

a) CH4 b) H2O c) NH3 d) HF

13) 10 calories are equivalent to:

a) 0.4184 J b) 4.84 J c) 41.84 J d) 418.4 J

14) ΔH, the heat of combustion of a compound is :

a) Negative c) Zero
b) Positive d) None of these

15) In a chemical reaction, equilibrium is said to have established when:

a) Concentration of reactants and products are equal
b) Velocities of opposing reactions become equal

Department of Chemistry : Asif Izhar / Faizan Siddiqui / Anas Soorti / Fahad Khan / Naveed Hasan
c) Opposing reactions cease
d) None of these

16) In electrolysis, oxidation occurs at:

a) Anode c) Both electrodes
b) Cathode d) None of these

17) pH + pOH of a solution is equal to:

a) 7 b) 14 c) 0 d) None


1) The empirical formula of a compound is CH2O and its molecular mass is 60, its molecular formula is:
a) CH2O b) C2H4O2 c) C3H6O3 d) C4H6O4

2) Which of the following has the same number of molecules at STP?

a) 1dm3 of N2 and O2 c) 100 cm3 of CO2 and O2
b) 500 cm of Cl2 and O2
3 d) All of them

3) Which of the following contains two significant figures?

a) 0.04 b) 0.004 c) 0.0004 d) 0.04

4) The total pressure of a mixture of gases is the sum of the partial pressure of each gas present in the mixture.
This is stated by:
a) Dalton c) Charles
b) Graham d) Boyle

5) The vapour pressure of water at 100oC is:

a) 760 torr b) 760 atm c) 76 torr d) 76atm

6) If a≠b≠c and α=β=γ=90o, then crystal structure is:

a) Cubic c) Orthorhombic
b) Tetragonal d) Triclinic

7) The n+l value for 5d orbital is:

a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7

8) Which bond is non-polar?

a) Cl-Cl b) N-Cl c) C-Cl d) H-Cl

9) The active masses of reacting substances mean:

a) mol/dm3 b) gm/dm3 c) gm/cm3 d) mole/cm3

10) An electrochemical cell is based upon:

a) Acid-base reaction c) Oxidation reaction
b) Red-ox reaction d) Reduction reaction

11) The sp2 hybrid orbitals are:

a) Non-polar c) Linear
b) Co-planar d) None of these

12) The heat content of a system is called:

a) Internal energy c) Entropy
b) Enthalpy d) Potential energy

13) The solubility product (Ksp) of AgCl is 1x10-10 mol2/dm6. Its precipitation occurs if the product of ionic
concentration is:
a) Less than Ksp c) Equal to Ksp
b) Greater than Ksp d) Twice Ksp

Department of Chemistry : Asif Izhar / Faizan Siddiqui / Anas Soorti / Fahad Khan / Naveed Hasan
14) Which of the reactions has the same value of Kc and kp?
a) N2+3H2 ⇌ 2NH3 c) PCl5 ⇌ PCl3 + Cl2
b) H2 + I2 ⇌ 2HI d) 2SO2 + O2 ⇌ 2SO3

15) In metals, conduction is due to the:

a) Movement of ions c) Movement of protons
b) Movement of electrons d) Movement of atoms

16) The addition of a catalyst to a reaction changes:

a) Internal energy c) Threshold energy
b) Activation energy d) Gibb’s free energy

17) The change in concentration of reacting substance in a unit time called:

a) Rate of reaction c) Rate law
b) Rate constant d) Velocity constant


1) An ideal gas obeys gas laws under this condition:

a) High pressure c) All temperature and pressure
b) High temperature d) Low temperature

2) This instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure:

a) Barometer c) Spectrometer
b) Calorimeter d) Voltmeter

3) In S.I. system, the unit of pressure is:

a) kg /m.s2 b) kg / m2.s c) kg2 / m.s d) kg.m /s2

4) The internal resistance of a liquid is called:

a) surface tension c) resistance
b) viscosity d) all of these

5) The maximum number of unpaired electrons in 3d energy level is:

a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8

6) An orbital can have a maximum of:

a) 2 electrons c) 8 electrons
b) 6 electrons d) 32 electrons

7) An electron is said to be excited when it:

a) loses energy c) jumps to a higher orbit
b) jumps to a lower orbit d) enters the atom

8) The single bond in a covalent molecule is called:

a) Pi-Bond c) Co-ordinate Covalent Bond
b) Sigma Bond d) None of these

9) This is an intensive property:

a) Density b) Mass c) Mole d) Volume

10) If Kc is very small:

a) reverse reaction will occur c) more products will be formed
b) forward reaction will take place d) none of these

11) The oxidation number of oxygen in Hydrogen peroxide is:

a) +2 b) -2 c) +1 d) -1

12) The range of pH of is:

a) 1-10 b) 0-20 c) 1-100 d) 0-14
Department of Chemistry : Asif Izhar / Faizan Siddiqui / Anas Soorti / Fahad Khan / Naveed Hasan
13) In electrolytic cell, cathode is:
a) Negative c) Neutral
b) Positive d) None of these

14) Reactions with high activation energy:

a) are slow c) are moderate
b) are fast d) do not occur


01) 900 g of pure water is equal to:

a) 18 moles c) 50 moles
b) 900 moles d) 450 moles

02) Surface tension of a liquid is a/an:

a) Intensive property c) Microscopic property
b) Extensive property d) Initial property

03) I centi-poise is equal to:

a) 10-2 N.S.m-2 c) 10-3 N.S.m-2
b) 10-4 N.S.m-2 d) 10-5 N.S.m-2

04) The rate of diffusion is highest for:

a) H2 b) O2 c) N2 d) CO2

05) This is not the standard pressure:

a) 7cm of Hg c) 1 torr
b) 1.01x105 N/m2 d) 760 torr

06) By increasing the external pressure on liquid, its boiling point:

a) Increases c) Remain the same
b) Decreases d) First increases then decreases

07) Graphite can conduct electricity:

a) Parallel to is plane of layers
b) Perpendicular to its plane of layers
c) Parallel to its plane of layers but not perpendicular to it
d) Perpendicular to its plane of layers but not parallel to it

08) Henry Moseley discovered the:

a) Atomic number c) Positron
b) Atomic model d) Line spectrum

09) Azimuthal quantum number expresses the:

a) Energy of orbital c) Size of orbital
b) Shape of orbital d) Spin of the electron

10) Electronic configuration of H- is :

a) 1s1 b) 1s2 c) 1s2 2s1 d) 2s1

11) The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in an energy sub-level is given by:
a) 2l+1 b) 2(2l+1) c) 2l-1 d) 2n2

12) Bond energy of C≡C as compare to C=C is:

a) Greater b) Lesser c) Same d) None

13) sp hybrid orbital are arranged:

Department of Chemistry : Asif Izhar / Faizan Siddiqui / Anas Soorti / Fahad Khan / Naveed Hasan
a) Diagonally c) Trigonally
b) Tetrahedrally d) Hexagonally

14) The term active mass means:

a) Mass c) Molar concentration
b) Weight d) Electrolyte

15) Precipitation occurs when the product of ionic concentration is:

a) Less than Ksp c) Equal to Ksp
b) Greter than Ksp d) None of these

16) Which reaction has the same value of Kc and Kp?

a) N2+3H2 ⇌ 2NH3 c) PCl5 ⇌ PCl3 + Cl2
b) H2 + I2 ⇌ 2HI d) 2SO2 + O2 ⇌ 2SO3

17) This is an example of oxidation:

a) M+3 → M+2 c) M+2 → M+3
b) NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O d) None of these


01) 3.01x1023 molecules of oxygen gas at STP occupy a volume of:

a) 22.4dm3 b) 224 dm3 c) 11.2 dm3 d) 2.24 dm3

02) The value of R (universal gas constant) when pressure is expressed in N/m2 (Newton per square meter) is:
a) 0.0821 dm3 Atmosphere K-1 Mole-1 c) 8.3143 J.K-1.Mole-1
b) 8.213 dm Atmosphere K Mole
3 -1 -1 d) 9.8 Joule. K-1 Mole-1

03) Real gases are nearer to ideality at:

a) High temperatures and low pressures c) High temperatures and high pressures
b) Low temperatures and low pressures d) Low temperatures and high pressures

04) Capillary action of liquids is due to:

a) Viscosity c) Density
b) Surface tension d) Fluidity

05) Two solids, having same crystal structure are called:

a) Isomorphous c) Isotopes
b) Polymorphous d) Allotropes

06) The process in which solid directly changes into vapours without passing through liquid phase is:
a) Evaporation c) Sublimation
b) Condensation d) Neutralization

07) On Kelvin scale, absolute zero is equal to:

a) 273.16oC c) 20K
b) 0oC d) -273.16oC

08) The number of crystal system on the basis of unit cell is:
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8

09) No two electrons in an atom can have all the four quantum numbers identical’ is the statement of:
a) Pauli’s exclusion principle c) Aufbau principle
b) Hund’s rule d) (n+l) rule

10) The particle having mass 1836 times that of electron is:
a) Neutron b) Proton c) Meson d) Hyperon

Department of Chemistry : Asif Izhar / Faizan Siddiqui / Anas Soorti / Fahad Khan / Naveed Hasan
11) On emission of α-particle, 92U238 changes into:
a) 90Th234 b) 88Ra226 c) 84Po
210 d) 91Pa

12) The dipole moment of Cl2 molecule is:

a) 0.00D b) 1.03D c) 1.85D d) 1.67D

13) The strength of sigma bond is highest for:

a) s-s overlap c) p-p overlap
b) s-p overlap d) sp3-s overlap

14) For the reaction [2NH3 ⇌ N2 + 3H2], the relation between Kc and Kp is:
a) Kp=Kc b) Kp>Kc c) Kp<Kc d) Kp≤Kc

15) In electrolytic cell, anode is the electrode where:

a) Oxidation occurs c) Both oxidation and reduction occur
b) Reduction occurs d) Neutralization occurs

16) The number of gram moles of solute present in 1 dm3 of solution is:
a) Molarity c) Mole fraction
b) Normality d) Molality

17) The colour of universal indicator in neutral solution is:

a) Red c) Blue
b) Green d) Pink


1) The number of neutrons in 19K39 is:

a) 19 b) 39 c) 20 d) 21

2) This one of the following numbers has five significant figures:

a) 23.437 b) 0.02017 c) 2.30790 d) 50320

3) If the characteristic is -3, the number will be:

a) 1000 b) 100 c) 0.001 d) 0.0001

4) The volume of 0.5 mole of a gas at STP is:

a) 22.4 cc b) 11.2 dm3 c) 2.24 cm3 d) 22.4 ml

5) Glass is a/an:
a) Crystalline solid c) Atomic solid
b) Super cooled liquid d) None of these

6) A pressure cooker reduces cooking time because:

a) A large flame is used c) Boiling point of water is elevated
b) Heat is more evenly distributed d) None of these

7) The colour of light depends upon its:

a) Velocity c) Wavelength
b) Source d) Speed

8) Quantum numbers for 2p orbital is:

a) n=2, l=1 b) n=1, l=2 c) n=1, l=0 d) n=2, l=0

9) Of the following molecules, this one has a dipole moment:

a) CCl4 b) CO2 c) BeCl2 d) H2O

10) Of the following molecules, this molecule has the the greatest viscosity:
a) CH3-O-CH3 b) C2H5-OH

Department of Chemistry : Asif Izhar / Faizan Siddiqui / Anas Soorti / Fahad Khan / Naveed Hasan
c) CH3-Br d) CH3-CH3

11) The heat of combustion, ΔH of a compound is:

a) Negative c) Zero
b) Positive d) None of these

12) This is a positive catalyst for the reactions: 2SO2 + O2 ⇌ 2SO3

a) K2O b) Al2O3 c) V2O5 d) MnO2

13) An electrochemical cell is based upon:

a) Acid-base reaction c) Combustion reaction
b) Red-ox reaction d) Neutralization

14) This property depends upon the number of particles but not upon the nature of the substance:
a) Chemical property c) Colligative property
b) Osmotic pressure d) Physical property

15) Such a solution tends to resist changes in pH:

a) Neutral solution c) Buffer solution
b) Alkaline solution d) Acidic solution

16) The molarity of 0.2N solution of H2SO4 is:

a) 0.1 M b) 0.2 M c) 0.3 M d) 0.4 M

17) The addition of catalyst to a system changes:

a) The internal energy c) The threshold energy
b) The activation energy d) Gibb’s free energy


01) The number of moles in 100g of CaCO3 is:

a) 10 b) 45.5 c) 1.00 d) 0.10

02) Different crystalline forms of a chemical compound are called:

a) Isomorphs c) Allotropes
b) Polymorphs d) Isomers

03) The S.I. unit of viscosity is:

a) N.S.m2 b) N.S.m-2 c) N.S.m-1 d) Pascal

04) Capillary action of a liquid is due to:

a) Viscosity c) Pressure
b) Surface tension d) Vapour pressure

05) On heating, this solid directly converts into the gaseous state:
a) NH4Cl b) CaCO3 c) CuSO4 d) FeSO4

06) The colour of light waves depends upon:

a) Wavelength c) Source
b) Speed d) Medium

07) Chadwick’s experiment shows in atom the presence of:

a) Electrons b) Positrons c) Neutrons d) Protons

08) The value of Planck’s constant is:

a) 6.02x1023 erg.sec c) 9.11x10-31 erg.sec
b) 6.625x10-27 erg.sec d) 24 dm3

09) Protonic bridge is another name of:

Department of Chemistry : Asif Izhar / Faizan Siddiqui / Anas Soorti / Fahad Khan / Naveed Hasan
a) Hydrogen bond c) Covalent bond
b) Ionic bond d) Dative bond

10) This is an extensive property:

a) Density c) Enthalpy
b) Viscosity d) Melting point

11) For this reaction: 2NH3 ⇌ N2 + 3H2

a) Kp=Kc b) Kp<Kc c) Kp>Kc d) None

12) This mixture forms a buffer solution:


13) This is a base according to Bronsted-Lowry Theory:

a) Neutron donor c) Proton donor
b) Proton acceptor d) Electron acceptor

14) The oxidation number of Mn is +7 in:

a) MnSO4 b) MnO2 c) KMnO4 d) MnCl2

15) The pH of human blood is:

a) 7.3 b) 3.7 c) 6.3 d) 3.6

16) The electrode potential of hydrogen is:

a) 0.00 volt b) +0.76 volt c) 0.001 volt d) -0.76 volt

17) The sum of pH + pOH is:

a) 0 b) 7 c) 14 d) 1


1) Following contains four significant figures:

a) 0.0040 b) 0.4020 c) 2300 d) 4000

2) This compound has the least number of molecules:

a) 44g of C2H4 c) 44g of H2O
b) 44g of C6H12O6 d) 44g of CO2

3) a≠b≠c, α=β=γ=90o, these values refer to this crystalline system:

a) Monoclinic c) Hexagonal
b) Tetragonal d) Orthorhombic

4) A solid which exist in more than one crystal form is called:

a) Isomorphous c) Allotropes
b) Polymorphous d) Isotopes

5) The volume of a gas would theoretically be zero at this temperature:

a) 0oC b) 0K c) 273K d) 273oC

6) The zXA in the equation, 4Be9 + 2He4 → zXA + 0n1 is:

a) 3Li7 b) 6C12 c) 7N
14 d) 9F

7) Roentgen rays are also called:

a) α rays b) β Rays c) X Rays d) γ Rays

8) In the following colours, the longest wavelength is:

a) Blue b) Red c) Orange d) Violet

Department of Chemistry : Asif Izhar / Faizan Siddiqui / Anas Soorti / Fahad Khan / Naveed Hasan
9) The bond angle in ammonia molecule is:
a) 104.5o b) 107o c) 109o d) 120o

10) This compound is non-polar:

a) HCl b) CHCl3 c) CCl4 d) H2O

11) 1 calorie is equivalent to:

a) 0.418J b) 4.184J c) 41.84J d) 418.4J

12) E + PV is called:
a) Entropy c) Enthalpy
b) Internal energy d) Gibb’s free energy

13) For the reaction: H2 + I2 ⇌ 2HI :

a) Kp>Kc b) Kp=Kc c) Kp<Kc d) Kp=Ksp

14) When one mole of a solute is present in 500 cm3 of solution, then the concentration of the solution is:
a) 0.5 M b) 1 M c) 2 M d) 3 M

15) A solution which resist change in its pH is called:

a) Buffer solution c) Acidic solution
b) Neutral solution d) Alkaline solution

16) The aqueous solution of NH4Cl is:

a) Neutral c) Amphoteric
b) Basic d) Acidic

17) For this chemical reaction: 2NO2 → 2NO + O2, the order of reaction is:
a) zero order b) 1st order c) 2nd order d) 3rd order


01) The number of electrons and neutrons respectively in Al +++ is:

a) 10 and 14 c) 11 and 14
b) 12 and 13 d) 13 and 14

02) Number of significant figures in 0.0099 is:

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

03) In this crystal system, a ≠ b ≠ c and α = β = γ = 900:

a) Orthorhombic c) Monoclinic
b) Trigonal d) Triclinic

04) In discharge tube experiment, positive rays are produced:

a) From the anode c) By the ionization of gas
b) From the cathode d) By passing of current

05) Light of this color has the highest wavelength:

a) Blue b) Red c) Orange d) Violet

06) e/m ratio of β rays resembles that of the:

a) electron b) proton c) neutron d) positron

07) According to (n+l) rule, the value of 6p orbital is:

a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8

08) In this, bond energy is highest:

a) HI b) HBr c) HF d) HCl

Department of Chemistry : Asif Izhar / Faizan Siddiqui / Anas Soorti / Fahad Khan / Naveed Hasan
09) Ethyl alcohol is more viscous than Ether due to the presence of:
a) Double bond c) Covalent bond
b) Hydrogen bond d) Co-ordinate bond

10) This one of the following compounds has dipole moment of zero:
a) NH3 b) CH4 c) HF d) H2O

11) The angle between sp2 hybrid orbital is:

a) 104.5o b) 109.5o c) 120o d) 180o

12) These properties of a system are independent of the amount of the substance:
a) Physical c) Extensive
b) Chemical d) Intensive

13) This one of the following is the strongest acid:

a) Succinic acid c) Acetic acid
b) Formic acid d) Chloroacetic acid

14) Kc for this chemical reactions has no unit:

a) N2 + 3H2 ⇌2NH3 c) H2 + I2 ⇌ 2HI
b) PCl5 ⇌ PCl3 + Cl2 d) 3O2 ⇌ 2O3

15) The oxidation number of Cl in HClO3 is:

a) +5 b) +3 c) +1 d) -1

16) The amount of solute present in a definite amount of solvent is called:

a) Concentration c) Molality
b) Molarity d) Normality

17) CH4 + Cl2 CH3Cl + HCl, the order of this reaction is:
a) 1st b) 2nd c) 3rd d) Zero


01) The characteristic of 103 is

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

02) The volume of 3.01x1023 molecules of N2 gas at STP will be:

a) 3 dm3 b) 11.2 dm3 c) 22.4 dm3 d) 28 dm3

03) Gases behave ideally at these conditions:

a) High pressure and high temperature c) Low pressure and high temperature
b) High pressure and low temperature d) Low pressure and low temperature

04) Glass is a/an:

a) Crystalline solid c) Covalent solid
b) Amorphous solid d) Ionic solid

05) Bond energy is greatest for:

a) CH4 b) O2 c) N2 d) Cl2

06) The bond angle is maximum in this molecule:

a) CH4 b) CO2 c) H2O d) NH3

07) This molecule has zero dipole moment:

a) NH3 b) CO2 c) H2O d) HCl

Department of Chemistry : Asif Izhar / Faizan Siddiqui / Anas Soorti / Fahad Khan / Naveed Hasan
08) The octet rule is not valid for this molecule:
a) N2 b) CO2 c) O2 d) H2

09) This hydrogen halide has the highest percentage of ionic character:
a) HF b) HCl c) HBr d) HI

10) The bulk properties of a system which are measurable:

a) Microscopic c) Chemical
b) Macroscopic d) Physical

11) This is not an extensive property:

a) Entropy c) Enthalpy
b) Viscosity d) Internal energy

12) The extent of reaction will be maximum for this value of Kc:
a) 10-3 b) 0.1 c) 10 d) 10+3

13) The yield of ammonia in Haber’s process is favoured by:

a) High pressure high temperature c) Low pressure low temperature
b) High pressure low temperature d) Low pressure high temperature

14) The molarity of a solution containing 20g NaOH dissolved into 1 dm3 solution will be:
a) 0.1 b) 0.5 c) 1 d) 2

15) This ion has greatest degree of hydration:

a) Na+ b) Mg+2 c) Al+3 d) K+

16) Rate=K[NH3]2; keeping the other conditions same, if the concentration of NH3 is increased by four times, then
the initial rate of reaction X will be:
a) 2X b) 4X c) 8X d) 16X

17) These have low value of activation energy:

a) Slow reactions c) Moderate reactions
b) Fast reactions d) Ionic reactions


1) The number of atoms in 46g of sodium metal is:

a) 3.01x1023 c) 12.04x1023
b) 6.021023 d) 1.8x1024

2) The number of significant figures in 6.02x1023 is:

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

3) The volume of 1.505x1023 molecules of Nitrogen at S.T.P is:

a) 5.6 dm3 b) 11.2 dm3 c) 22.4 dm3 d) 44.8 dm3

4) The number of electron and neutrons in 1939K+ is:

a) 18 and 19 c) 18 and 20
b) 19 and 20 d) 19 and 39

5) If a≠b≠c and α≠β≠γ≠900, then the crystal system is:

a) Cubic c) Tetrahedral
b) Triclinic d) Hexagonal

6) The rate of diffusion of He is thrice that of X. The molecular mass of X is:

a) 4 b) 12 c) 24 d) 36

7) The value of Planck's constant (h) in S.I system is:

Department of Chemistry : Asif Izhar / Faizan Siddiqui / Anas Soorti / Fahad Khan / Naveed Hasan
a) 6.0x10-34 J.S c) 6.626x10-27erg.S
b) 6.625x10-34J.S d) 9.1x10-31erg.S

8) The most penetrating radioactive rays are:

a) Cathode rays c) α rays
b) β rays d) γ rays

9) The isoelectronic configuration of H-1 is:

a) 1s0 b) 1s1 c) 1s2 d) 1s2 2s1

10) Mg2+ is isoelectronic with:

a) K+ b) Ca2+ c) O2- d) N2-

11) The dipole moment of this one of the following molecules is zero:
a) CH3Cl b) H2O c) NH3 d) CO2

12) This one of the following molecules has a pyramidal structure:

a) NH3 b) BF3 c) SiF4 d) PCl5

13) In C2H2, hybridization in each Carbon atom is:

a) sp b) sp2 c) sp3 d) dsp2

14) This property is intensive:

a) Density b) Mass c) Mole d) Volume

15) For the reaction : N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3, the relationship between Kc and Kp is:
a) Kc=Kp b) Kc≠Kp c) Kc>Kp d) Kc<Kp

16) A solution which resists to change in pH is called:

a) Acidic b) Basic c) Neutral d) Buffer

17) The degree of dissociation does not depend upon the:

a) Nature of electrolyte c) Temperature
b) Dilution of solution d) Current


01) The mass of 1.5 mole of oxygen molecule is:

a) 8gm b) 16gm c) 32gm d) 48gm

02) 0.0105 has significant figures:

a) 4 b) 3 c) 5 d) 1

03) This has the highest rate of diffusion:

a) Ne b) CH4 c) CO2 d) H2S

04) The process of converting liquid into vapor phase is:

a) Sublimation c) Evaporation
b) Condensation d) Fusion

05) This substance shows anisotropic behavior in electrical conductivity:

a) Solid NaCl c) Graphite
b) Diamond d) Ice

06) Alpha particles are:

a) Protons c) Neutrons
b) Electrons d) Helium nuclei

07) Balmer series lies in the:

Department of Chemistry : Asif Izhar / Faizan Siddiqui / Anas Soorti / Fahad Khan / Naveed Hasan
a) Visible region c) Far Infra red region
b) Infra red region d) Ultra violet region

08) The angular momentum of electron in an orbit is equal to:

a) b) c) d)

09) The number of waves passing through a certain point in one second is called:
a) Wavelength c) Wave number
b) Frequency d) Time period

10) The shape of ammonia molecule is:

a) Pyramidal c) Tetrahedral
b) Angular d) Linear

11) The degree of polarity of a molecule is expressed in terms of its:

a) Viscosity c) Dipole moment
b) Surface tension d) Refraction

12) Hydrogen bonding is strongest in:

a) HF b) HCl c) H2S d) H2O

13) This is an extensive property:

a) Entropy c) Internal energy
b) Surface tension d) Temperature

14) In the reaction: 2SO2 + O2 ↔ 2SO3 :

a) Kp > Kc c) Kp < Kc
b) Kp = Kc d) Kp = Ksp

15) The oxidation number of C in CO3(2-) is:

a) +2 b) +3 c) +4 d) +5

16) A solution having [H+] = 10-7M is:

a) Acidic c) Neutral
b) Basic d) Amphoteric

17) The reaction H2 + Cl2 2HCl is an example of:

a) First order reaction c) Third order reaction
b) Second order reaction d) Zero order reaction

Department of Chemistry : Asif Izhar / Faizan Siddiqui / Anas Soorti / Fahad Khan / Naveed Hasan

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