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CY3151 Engineering Chemistry – Question Bank

Unit V – Energy Sources and Storage devices

Part – A
1) Define mass defect.
2) What is binding energy?
3) Define nuclear energy.
4) What is nuclear reactor?
5) Define solar cell.
6) Name any three highly investigated solar cell materials
7) What are the advantages of wind energy?
8) How does battery differ from a cell?
9) Mention the differences between primary and secondary battery with example.
10) List down the advantages of Lithium cell/battery.
11) What is meant by fuel cell?
12) What is electric vehicle?
13) Mention the advantages o electric vehicle.
14) What is super capacitor?
15) List down the applications of super capacitor.

Part – B
1) With a neat diagram explain the components and working of nuclear power plant.
2) Explain Breeder reactor.
3) Describe the working of photogalvanic cell.
4) With a neat diagram describe the construction and working of Lead acid battery.
5) Describe the construction and working of Li-ion battery.
6) How is wind energy harnessed? Mention its advantages and limitations.
7) What is electric vehicle? Explain the working and components of EV.
8) With a neat diagram explain the working of fuel cell. Mention its uses.
9) Explain the construction and working of microbial fuel cell.
10) Explain the working of super capacitor. Mention its types.

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