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Unit 3: Application of learning theories

Individual work:
These learning activities have been designed to guide you in exploring different learning
materials that have been proposed for this unit. You will also draw on the other literature on
learning theories and the courses in trimester one.

1. There are some variations between behaviourism, cognitivism of Piaget and the sociocultural
theory of Vygotsky. Using the table below, compare these theoretical perspectives by selecting a
corresponding option number (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.) and align it in an appropriate column depending
on the aspect it describes.

Note: Do not copy the sentence, just write a corresponding number.

Aspect Behaviourism Cognitive Sociocultural

Development of Theory of Vygotsky
Knowledge 2 1

Learning 4 1 3

Teaching 1 2 3

Role of Teacher 3 1 2

Role of Peers 2
Role of Student 1 3 2

Aspects of the theory of learning / teaching

1. Knowledge is constructed in a discourse between people doing things together
2. Knowledge is stimulated from outside
3. Changing Body of knowledge, individually constructed.
4. Fixed body of knowledge to acquire
1. Learning occurs through multiple opportunities and diverse processes to connect to what
is already known
2. Occurs through drill (repetition), guided practice
3. Learning occurs through socially constructed opportunities
4. Learning is a process of behaviour change
1. Transmission, Presentation (telling)
2. Teacher presents a challenge and guides learner’s thinking towards more complete
3. Supporting the learner in her/his zone of proximal development
Role of teacher
1. Facilitator and guide
2. Scaffold students’ learning
3. Manager and Supervisor
Role of peers
1. Not usually considered
2. Ordinary part of the process of knowledge construction
3. Not necessary but can stimulate thinking, and raise questions
Role of student
1. Passive reception of information
2. Active social participator
3. Active construction (within mind)

2. Teaching and learning situations are described to illustrate applications of different theories
of learning and teaching. Read them carefully. For each situation or scenario identify the theory
A) In her lesson, the teacher asks students questions about what they are ready to learn,
giving them opportunities to guess correct answers which engage them to prepare for new
learning experiences
B) In her language teaching, teacher presents a set of related pictures that tells a story. In
group of 5, the learners are given a task to construct a story by describing what they see in the
pictures. __________________________________________________________
C) The teacher of History organizes a field trip. He takes his students to a museum and
exposes them to a real-world context of what they have been learning in class. After the field
trip, the learners share their experiences on their findings during the field trip in classroom.
______________Expriental learning____________________________
D) The teacher gives students an instructional video and asks them to watch it carefully
for 30 minutes. In the next part of the lesson they act roles to imitate what they have watched in
the video _________________behaviorism__________________________________
E) In a math lesson, teacher gives a sticker to the best performing students as recognition of
their performance. _________Behaviorism______________________________________

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