Inter House Debate

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Date of competition : 20/20/2023

Topic : “Media should have absolute right to Freedom of Speech and expression”
● Each house is to have a team of 3 Debaters
● Students of classes 8-12 may participate in the competition (only one participant per
● The debate will follow The British Parliamentary style of debate
● The team must adhere to their stance on the motion.
● There will be no POI’s (Point Of Information) during a participant's speech.
● Participants must not take names of political figures.

● Format of the debate :

○ The team consists of 3 speakers
■ 1st Speaker - Define the motion and present key points.
■ 2nd Speaker - Rebut the opposition's points and present new points for
their team.
■ 3rd speaker - sum up the arguments of both sides and weigh the debate.
He/She must not present any new points.

○ Each speaker will be given four minutes to speak. A bell will be rung at the end of
three minutes to indicate that only one more minute is left for the speaker to wind
up his/her speech. Another bell will be rung at the end of four minutes.

○ Speaking beyond 4 minutes will lead to a deduction in points/

○ The topic will be given a week prior to the debate.

○ Each house will be assigned a stance - For or Against - the morning of the
debate (October 20th, 2023).

○ After every speaker finishes his/her speech, two minutes will be allotted for
questioning by the judge. The speaker must answer the questions without the
assistance of their teammates.

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