Excretion. 2025

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. 2 were by a Urea Wal, atl, Chapter - 13 ie EXCRETION 13.1 Excretion 1. Describe excretion as the removal of toxic materials and the waste products of metabolism from organisms ) 2, Stato that carbon dioxide is a waste product of respiration, which is excreted through the lungs ~* 3. State that urea isa toxic waste product produced n the Iver from the breakdown of excess amino acids 13.2 Urinary system ay | 4. Identify, on diagrams, the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra”pnd. state, the funtion of ‘each (the function of the kidney should be described simplyas removing urea and excess salts and water from the blood as urine) < \ 2 Explain the need for excretion, limited to toxicity of urea 3. Outline the structure of @ nephron and ils asSociated blodd vessels, Jimited to:” Bowman's capsule, glomerulus, tubules, Joop of Henle and gollecting duct 4, Outline the function of a nephron and its assdblated blood vessels, lifted to: (a) the role of the glomerulus. in the fitratlpnfrom te. ood of water, glucose, urea \ o and ions 2 Ne {b) the role of the, nephon i the ne ;ptign of all of the glucose, some of the ions and most of the water backinto the oot (©) the formation of urine'containing uréa, excess water and excess ions (details of these processes are not required) 5, Describg the role ‘of the liver in-the assimilation of amino acids by converting them to proteins 6. Describe deamination in the liver as the removal of the ritrogen-containing part of amino ¥, acids, resulting in the formation of urea # - Wee * I 4 “tow 1 Regeg|meneny ¥ > Shslaen A Aveth 7 Fehane 1 - > Ure tne / Lab prr > Shal(nen p deren ~~ Hecdacle al en 4 oppeblet 7 Pinovien® alies\, VG. 2? raeutes] Yors bo —> Depromeon a uch x BID AZ 0333 4460 887 Las (um) at Ee OI Excretion Excretion is the removal of toxic materials, the waste products of metabolism and substances in excess of requirements (carbon dioxide, urea, salts... Secretion Sebum drown Sein ‘Substance that are produced and discharged from cells, glands or organs for a particular function in an organism. Egestion (Defecation) Egestion (Defecation) is the final act of digestion, by which organisms eliminate solid, semisolid, or liquid waste material from the digestive tract via the anus. z aH Structure of a kidney s | The kidney has three main parts: the cortex, medulla, and pelvis. Lea’ ing Toitn hs PENS TS 6 tube, called the ureter. The ureter carries urine that the kidney has‘madé to the bladder. We idneys are made up of thousands of tiny tubules called nephrons: el nephron begins in the cortex, loops down into the medulla, back into the-c6rtex, and then goes|downragain-through the medulla to the pelvis. In the pelvis, the nore up With the urdter. ee . The function of the kidney is to filter blood, remo pa ee excess 20, reabsorbing glucose, some H2O and some rfimesal salts oe vena cava aorta renal anery Kidney ureter: aoa bladder Z_— sphincter muse urethra’ Structure “Function a Aorta ‘The main blood vessel that supplies bi [Renal artery —| The artery that supplies blood to Taney ‘catpars ofthe bos 3| Renal vein | The vein that supplies blood from kidney to vena cava. 4] Vena cava que me blood vessel that supplies blood fo heart from all paris of \e body 5 Kidney ‘An excretory organ that helps in removal of urea, heat, excessive salts etc Ureter Carries urine from kidney to urinary bladder under the influence of gravity and peristalsis 7|__Urinary bladder_| ‘Stores urine til urination [s ‘Sphincter | Muscle that helps in urination g Urethra The tubular structure that helps in urination and ejaculation of sperms Summary of Striicturé and Function of Kidney structure Function / feature Cortex |The outer region of the kidney, lighter in color protected by fibrous capsules Medulla, The inner region of the kidney, darker in color Pelvis The region where collecting ducts form ureter The tube that carries urine from Kidney to urinary bladder Bladder Elastic muscular bag that stores urine 1 2) 3 4 | Ureter 5 6 Urethra The tubular structure that helps in urination and ejaculation of sperms Urine is made by filtration and selective re-absorption ‘As blood passes through the kidneys, itis filtered. This removes most of the urea from it, and also excess H,0 and salts. As this liquid moves through the kidneys, any glucose in it is reabsorbed back into the blood. ‘Most of the H,0 is also reabsorbed along with some of the salts, The final liquid produced by the kidneys is a solution of urea and salts in water. It is called urine, and it flows out of the kidneys, along the ureters and into the bladder. It is stored in the bladder for a while, before being released from the body through the urethra. Ultrafiltration (UF) is a variety of membrane filtration in which forces like pressure or concentration gradients lead to a separation through a semi permeable membrane. The ultra- structure of kidney and the blood vessels that supply blood are specially designed to force most === ofthe plasme-cantentstoleave-the blaad- vessels, The fluid that leaves the plasmas called fitrate———— and contains both toxic and useful materials. Selective reabsorption is the process whereby certain moleciles (e.g.ions, glucose and arnino acids), after being filtered out of the capillaries along with nitrogenous waste products (i.e. urea) and water in the glomerulus, are reabsorbed from the fitrate as they pass through the nephron. The relative amount of water reabsorbed deperids Gn.the State of hydration of the body (how much water is in the blood), and is-eontrolled by seerejon of the hormone ADH. On a hot day: we sweat more‘to cool down. the we ‘The body needs to conserve water and produces a small amout ofto onc sea urin Ona cold day: little Swe: . tein Seat sed Sede fo to produce a larger volume of dilute urine, _— \ Filtered blood returns Se vona gre Ye ainvVein) via a renal vein, The urine formed in the kidney passes down(@ uret into he Tedd where it is stored. A sphincter muscle controls the release of urine through urethra. a) Surplus amino atid ithe bloodstream cannot be stored. They are removed by the liver and broken down into the“urea (whichis the nitrogen containing part of the amino acid) and a sugar residue, which an be respired to release energy or changed into glycogen. The breakdown of amino acids is called deamination. yrs > qa AL 7 ( ’ UGS (LM), AID pas phe oo 0838 0860287 Liver . used. ‘ne Operavion Is very expensive. ‘There is a risk of rejecyion of the donate kidney — Transplantation is Aot accepted by some religions. immune Suppressive drugs haye tobe a | Complete the table by writing low or high. | ‘Substance Renal artery, Glucose concentration S he Oxygen concentration \ = . Vv S Oz Concentration G Present Urea concentration’ J J Figh lee Low Salts _ \ © Variable Variable Water concentration= \~ Variable Variable T } Maintenance of Water Potential Increased water potential e creased water potential Water potential By faking juicy food or drinking water , in colder environment Hot environment. Excessive sweating, 1 Stimulus High water potential in blood Tow water potential in blood ADH production Stopped increased Reabsorption of water Decreased Increased Urine concentration Less concentrated or dilute More concentrated Thirst Decreased Increased Water potential Normal Normal ABID AZIZ 0333 4460 887 UGS (LI Ov G jwse kee a pe f | GHG toy > “or +1, ye FRE +03, ~> cons mare “e wale 4 Oa ae ate ary nyelahalion hrarlé melt hole nrasles esp foeercAe frenur ¢illele bra pal feretia Sot ailiaams Excretion i vg of sce keeps ihe bladder out of the i: a «sed until you urinate ae proximal convoluted ' efferent arterio fromer medulla. artery ABID AZIZ 0333 4¢ Ls (LM) sseuaygeo te poor pue eran Ser ueBNiLON BjepEEW JO UOWOROU SIRO oto {yer PUD OF ans obIg eu bau poquosqeer -AByeAN OWOS ~ FIVE fo OO] poonpes s} ‘supa yo sisnion a pus oor emu “pOdIG Sy OUUy Mp sify Iu ween ars ‘siow ‘poo ey) LeUEsEAd -PeIN|ONOD SL Hy SUOWOY 6H 1) eumxoud Roun og 400 f in oy oun aty sess enna LoS ‘PaaS —Fanp Guszoo}00 = asye (ees WON poorg 2yy ow paqiosqeas suo jexoumu aiuas PMPMHD SsreLUnag, uP JaqeM ~ GIR} POIN}ONIED IeIED covey deyuswoj ean ‘+ peas. wou ye ean ‘paiouiurBon © i100 wit -aydut up sam Sine Uoe F<. a} Wia|oxd OU ere spise ounuR s9ax0 11int 18 SpyOR @ — ‘ounute aos opr ane (wi)so1 J vv EEEO uzy aiey (PPT WH po kpoq dda) ITV Gout ~G gagp (thot wis 9 =n 2 OT “TEP = ORT MES VIE AG = _ AIK wey pop Supa 0-4 uaaila YI ae Cj \ i eathaes (WO 16° PUL aga ayant en lapole-( Spe ee Leip Sonyonas OM Joga £ DOREY 1S Ze 4 ‘The figure shows some structures/or') u excretory system. Draw thw missin, structures/organs to complete the sys. a 2 dig names give. table given below. . Function hoes Ailes blood ,ocma reguldor, Innmeo rte _| + renal artery beings 4ehebloank fo dhe Midna 4 | penal vein Ache blood fa Ixidog g * | eter ake urine +o tidnar4 ladder ° Urinary bladder Whee vce is Stored. 1 | sphinctormusces |_Coneals oped ‘ iM [urate ——_| | nelps ‘in UC ¢ Les (LM) 1.60 887 muy ~ (w)ss) suv EEEO uoyesu@ouod 49}2M sues uojesjueduoo Ben, uonenuedueg 709 ‘uoNeBs]UB0U0D uabixb | vowenusqp6d deetho ere ye eo roan, Ly A 1eUod i asym yikavbgaoa ened [oor pr “fre” 30 BO \S Ir pee | ee 4 WTR Pouy 0 ; FOR | DOI pr va HH! FoM \ rehayednguo10 Fall weB10 A10j810x3 v C7 10:x9 AOU) sin. * dn pue ueBio Aiojasoxe Bumoys e1ge) ou) Il DVGOR——|verenon em Fy Tou, vepeauauno waif | . { : or 9) owenusouog 709 7 no me ty uopelusoucs UeBAKO m7 Ue, uojfenueouc9 esconig, ulopieuoy c Aroye jeuey BV or Yety ey uoyexuecuog 299, ray ary ob mol Uuopesjueduo. uaBAKO = t : AW Uuoyenueouco asoonig \ uionAevowina | Wy SSA) Arowe fyouowing ~ o\ UY popequeouos Spee OujWe pue ssoon|s sn Ueno] (ieow je) Uren Teyod opedoy] ‘BouRISqNg ) om) vol froutwrooy? EI oF BUN Ta STGEy oUF eye|EWOD, \p) yids) ee Ub HRE of ROY gif, Velawits uo \ yes > as 6 The diagram is nephron, \ eC ao nero out wt x & Gousmon's 8° Capsule “ Pronk dd | consul 0 enle be: ‘loopel Kane Ge labcilud parts or identify som: xis (on the diagram) not Identified toed ___ Name | Function Rorimal Qlotner uous a rosion tookeptite Rowman's ie rielan LAfferen| le pb Plaine 6 eRrtime B & Vo eck chsh a(t) Pisoe 4 Henle | abseptondhw. tog D . \_ Rie a Distal convoluted tubul (ah

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