Photoelectric Effect

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Photoelectric Effect Ans. Ans. - The work function of caesium metal is 2.14 eV. When li; Find the (a) maximum frequency and (b) minimum wavelength of X-rays Produced by yy. electrons. Given V = 30 kV = 30 x 10° volt Energy, E = eV = 1.610" x 30 x 10°= 4.8 x10" joule (a) Maximum frequency Viz is given by, E = hVinay yee ie, 4.8x107'5 mh 663x104 (@) Minimum wavelength, Ajin = 7.2410" Hz 3x 10% 1 Vaux Feaxi9 7 t1X10 "im = 0.041om ight of frequency 6X10" He is incies ion of electrons occurs. What is the (a) maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons? (6) stopping potential and (c) maximum speed of emitted electrons? Given $9 = 2.14 eV, v = 6x10" Hz on the metal surface, photoemi (a) Maximum kinetic energy of emitted electron Ey = hv ~ dp = 6.63 x 10 x 6 x 10" 9.14 x 1.6 x 10 554 X 10719 J = (6) Stopping potential Yo is given by av, E,==V%, =034V (0 Maximum speed (0y,,) of emitted electrons is given by dat zm or te = Jeetric CULM Voltage in a ¢ jum kinetic energy of “eriain photoek ‘tric experiment is 1.5 V. What is the Photoelectron emitted nt *PeTime lectrons AVR Li eVim ti x 1g 5 1 y= 24x 10y ‘ghe energy Mux of sunlight Feaching the surface of earth is 1.388 10° Wim?, How ‘many O potons (nearly) per square metre nf incidem ith per second? Assume that the ns in the sunlight have an average wavelength of 30a, on E = HC _ 6.63% 19-41, sneray ofeach photon = Me 3x 108 50x19 = 3.62 10-19 y Number of photons incident on earth's santa Per second Total energy per squ Per square metre are metre per second Energy of one photon 1.388 x 10° = AS8axr0% 5: 7 3.62 x 19719 Saxo" In ax experiment of photoclect OY dacat Hight ts found to be jas. Einstein's photoelectric or ric effect, the sto Of cutoff voltage s *12%10" Vo, Colcuteee to eo Te 12 te the value of Posed ase cauation is = Ay, Clearly slope of Vy v curve is # F412X10 Vs he 4.12%10- evs = 4.1210 x 1.6 x 1919 he 6.63 x 10™X3x 10% _ 0 (2) Energy of one Photon, E = ae gg9x19? = 838x107 y (6) Number of Photons (n) delivered to the sphere per second is given by P 100 PHnE an Ez 3.38 x10" © he dhreshota frequency for a certain metal is 3.3X10" He. sett of reqwency 02x10" ‘ident on the metal, Predict the cut-off voltage for photoelectric “Einstein's Photoelectric equation is AY = hiy+E, or Av=hyy+eVy = 3.0% 10" photony second He “ ") joul Vo = hv ~ ve) = 6.63x10™ (8.210! -3.3x10") joule = jo? v X4.9X10 _ 6.68%4.9X10"\ _ 9 95 ewtofl volage y, = 563% 4.9% 10° 1.6% 10 Qa. / incident radiation of wavelength 330 nm? Ans. Ans, Q10. Ans. Energy of incident photon, & = . Light of frequency 7.21%10" Hz is The work function of the following metals is given: The work function ofa certain metals 4.2 eV. Will this metal give photoelectric mig “The energy of incident radiations fe _ GH 10S ae = 6.0510" je 330 x 10™ ‘The work function of photometal, dy = 4.2 eV As energy of incident photon is less than work function, photoemission is not possible, cident on a metal surface. Electrons with a maxi speed of 6.0%10° ms! are ejected from the surface. What is the threshold Frequency ty photoemission of electrons? (Planck's constant h = 6.62% 10" Js) Given v= 7.2110" Hz, Yyyg = 6.0% 10% ms! From Einstein's photoelectric equation E, = hv hyp, where vp is the threshold frequency Iv, E Pas a =(- ih h Tan x pot SLO x (6.0% 105)? = 721 x 1g 2 O01" - 2% 6.62 x 10 21x 1042.47 x 10!" = 4.74x10" He, Light of wavelength 488 nm is produced by an Argon Laser which is used in the photoclectie effect. When light from this spectral line is incident on the cathode the stopping potential photoelectrons is 0.38 ¥. Find the work function of the cathode material. Given 2 = 488 nm 488 x 10" m, Vp = 0.38 Vy $y = he x = 8.68 X10 3 x 108 488% 10° = 4:08 x 10" “16x10 From Einstein's photoelectric equation, % =aytey, Energy of incident photon, E = = 4.081077 = 2.55eV Work function, 6, = 2.55eV—-0.38eV = 217eV Na = 2.75 eV; K = 2.30 eV, Mo = 4.17 eV, Ni = 5.15 eV. Which of these metals will not give a photoelectric emission for a radiation of wavel 3800 A from a He-Ca laser placed 1 m away from the photocell? What happens ifthe laser brought nearer and placed 50 cm away? Here 4. = 3300 A = 3300%10"" m = 3.3x107 m_ git Ans. Qu. Qu 6.63 10-3 x 108 , i 382107 = 6.63 x 103 x 108 = 3.3107 x 1.6x 19-00" = 3:76 ev tric emission is only possible ifene fetfuncion. For Na and Kine condition pat in the case of Mo and Ni, the energy of in piotoeletric emission isnot posible, source is brought nearer, then the i hoton remains the same; therefore fathecase of Nand Kthe curent will increase in same proportion as the inese takes place. is satis aiculate the (@) momentum and (6) de Broglie wavelength of the electrons accelerated through a potential difference of 56 Y, For electron, mass (m) = 9.1% 10°! kg @ Momentum, p = /8nB, = /Imey = V29.1x 10" 16x10 KEG = 6.63 x 10-4 04X10 kg mst () de Broglie wavelength, he () mo (©) speed and (e) de Broglie wavelength of an electron with kined etiergy of 120 eV? (mass of electron m, 91X10" kg, h = 6.63%10™ Js) Given kinetic energy, £, = 120 eV = 120x1.6x (@) Momentum of electron, p= /3m,F, QxOIKT lo J = 192x107 | x 192x 91x10 (0 Speed of electron, v = bn fee Fh. QL XAOSY h _ 6.63 10° () de Broglie wavel =4. = 112% 10m = 0.11 (© de Broglie wavelength, 591x107 PI2* 10m = Olean 6.5 x 10°m/s ‘The wavelength of light from the spectral emission line of sodiu ‘nergy at which (a) an electro im is 589 nm. Find the kinetic mn and (6) a neutron, ‘would have the same de Broglie wavelength, [CBSE Guwahati 2015) Given 3. = 589 nm = 5.89107 m The de Broglie wavelength, = . > a e Kinetic energy, amr? 2 (©) For electron, £, = ae (6.63 « 10")? 29.1109" x 6.89% 107)? E, = 6.96x 10" J Q.7._ The given graph shows the variation of photo-lectric current () with the applied voltage () for to different materials and for two different intensities of the incident radiations. Identify and explain using Einstein's photo electric equation for the pair of curves that correspond ty @ different materials but same intensity of incident radiation, (i) different intensities but ane materials, [CBSE East 2016) 7 Ans. (a) | and 2 correspond to same intensity but different material. (b) 8 and 4 correspond to same intensity but different material. This is because the saturation currents are same and stopping potentials are different (a) 1 and 3 correspond to different intensity but same material.

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