IP Vertinimo Forma - 2021 - Studentams - English

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Title of the evaluated research project: __________________________________________________________


Parts of the Evaluation criteria Evaluation Notes

research project No Partially Yes
1. Title page Completion of the requirements

2. Summary Structure, essence of the research project

3. Table of Completion of the requirements, structure

4. Abbreviations Completion of the requirements, content
and terms
5. Introduction Content

Consistency of the thoughts

6. Aim and Aim - concisely describes what it is expected to

objectives of the achieve with this study
Objectives - emphasize and raise various aspects of
the problem, including the main factors associated
with the problem under the study

7. Literature Content and relation to study aim and objectives

Consistency of the thoughts

Summary of the findings at the end of sections and in

the end of the chapter

Proper citation of the literature sources

8. Research Organization of the research (place, time, response rate

methodology and etc...)
Research instrument (detailed description of the
questionnaire or other research instruments)

Participants selection (study population, sample size,

its calculation, sampling procedure)

Social and demographic characteristics of the


Methods of the statistical data analysis

9. Results and Consistency with the study objectives

discussion of the
results Selection and presentation of the essential results

Presentation of tables and figures according to

Parts of the Evaluation criteria Evaluation Notes
research project No Partially Yes
Proper application of statistical methods

Interpretation of results

Discussion and comparison with the other scientific


Summarizing of the sections

10. Conclusions Reflects aim and objectives of the study

Based on the study results

Formulations are precise and specific

11. Practical Related to the study results

s Practical applicability

12. Literature list Completion of the requirements

13. Annexes All required annexes provided

Quality of the questionnaire

14. Requirements All required structural parts, sequencing of structural

for the text parts

Section, subsection titles

Font, font size, line spacing

Text alignment


Grammatically and text style correct

Other notes _________________________________________________________________________________


General evaluation of the research project (grade) ___________________________________________________________

Name, surname of the evaluator ________________________________________________________________

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