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NE MO Parameter MTN BJ Baseline

NodeB AntFeederCable dlAttenuation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1

NodeB AntFeederCable electricalDlDelay 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1
NodeB AntFeederCable electricalUlDelay 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1
NodeB AntFeederCable ulAttenuation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1
NodeB Carrier eulMaxOwnUuLoad 130
NodeB Carrier eulMaxRotCoverage 130
NodeB Carrier fccRotMarginHigh 40
NodeB Carrier fccRotMarginLow 25
NodeB Carrier eulOptimalNoiseFloorLock.eulOptimalNoiseFloorEstimate -1040
NodeB Carrier eulOptimalNoiseFloorLock.eulNoiseFloorLock FALSE
NodeB Carrier eulThermalLevelPrior -1040
NodeB IubDataStreams maxHsRate 1000
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020001 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020002 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020003 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020005 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020008 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020011 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020013 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020014 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020016 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020020 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020023 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020028 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020029 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020030 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020039 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020041 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020054 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020059 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020061 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020065 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020066 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020069 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020070 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020075 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4020079 featureState 1
NodeB Lm=1,FeatureState=CXC4021014 featureState 1
NodeB NodeBFunction eul2msFirstSchedStep 160
NodeB NodeBFunction eulMaxAllowedSchRate 5120
NodeB NodeBFunction eulMaxShoRate 5760
NodeB NodeBFunction eulMaxTotalProtectedRate 1280
NodeB NodeBFunction eulNonServHwRate 480
NodeB NodeBFunction eulTargetRate 128
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateCeCapEul TRUE
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateCeExtForEul TRUE
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateDlPowerControlEul 1
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateEul2msTti TRUE
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateInterferenceSuppression TRUE
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateIntSuppAllBearers TRUE
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateIntSuppEul10ms TRUE
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStatePerHarqProcessGrant TRUE
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateUlFcc TRUE
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateIncrNumHsCodes 1
NodeB NodeBFunction featureState16Qam TRUE
NodeB NodeBFunction featureState64Qam TRUE
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateGrake 1
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateHsAqmCongCtrl 0
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateHsdpaImprovedLinkAdaptation TRUE
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateHsdpaFlexibleScheduler 1
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateStandardizedTma 1
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateMixedMode 1
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateCeEfficiencyEul 1
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateEulForLargeRbsConfig 1
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateIncreasedCellCarrierSupport 1
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateIncreasedHsCodeCap 1
NodeB NodeBFunction featureStateStandardizedRet 1
NodeB NodeBLocalCell eulTdSchedulingFactor 1
NodeB NodeBLocalCell featCtrlDlPowerControlEul 1
NodeB NodeBLocalCell featCtrlEnhancedLayer2 1
NodeB NodeBLocalCell featCtrlHsAdaptiveBler 1
NodeB NodeBLocalCell featCtrlHsdpaDynamicCodeAllocation 1
NodeB NodeBLocalCell featCtrlHsdpaIncrementalRedundancy 1
NodeB NodeBLocalCell featCtrlHsdpaMc 1
NodeB NodeBLocalCell featCtrlHsdpaMcInactCtrl 1
NodeB NodeBLocalCell featCtrlHsdpaPowerSharing 1
NodeB NodeBLocalCell featCtrlImprovedLayer2 1
NodeB NodeBLocalCell featCtrlNbir 1
NodeB NodeBLocalCell maxNumHsPdschCodes 15
NodeB NodeBSectorCarrier eulThermalLevelPrior -1040
NodeB RbsLocalCell maxNumEulUsers 128
NodeB RbsLocalCell maxNumHsdpaUsers 128
NodeB RbsLocalCell chQualOffset 18
NodeB RbsLocalCell cqiAdjustmentOn TRUE
NodeB RbsLocalCell cqiErrors 0
NodeB RbsLocalCell cqiErrorsAbsent 0
NodeB eulMaxNoSchEDch 100
NodeB RbsLocalCell eulMinMarginCoverage 0
NodeB RbsLocalCell eulNoERgchGroups 8
NodeB RbsLocalCell eulSlidingWindowTime 72000
NodeB RbsLocalCell eulTdSchedulingFactor 1
NodeB RbsLocalCell featureStateDchEulBalancing 1
NodeB RbsLocalCell featureStateHsdpaMc 1
NodeB RbsLocalCell featureStateHsdpaPowerSharing 1
NodeB RbsLocalCell featureStateEnhancedLayer2 TRUE
NodeB RbsLocalCell featureStateEulTdScheduling 1
NodeB RbsLocalCell featureStateHsdpaDynamicCodeAllocation 1
NodeB RbsLocalCell featureStateHsdpaMcInactCtrl 1
NodeB RbsLocalCell featureStateNbir 1
NodeB RbsLocalCell featureStateHsdpaIncrementalRedundancy 1
NodeB RbsLocalCell featureStateHsAdaptiveBler 1
NodeB RbsLocalCell hsPowerMargin 0
RbsLocalCell hsScchMaxCodePower
NodeB -20
RbsLocalCell hsScchMinCodePower
NodeB -150
NodeB RbsLocalCell maxEAgchPowerDl -140
NodeB RbsLocalCell maxEAgchPowerDlTti2 -80
NodeB RbsLocalCell maxNumHsPdschCodes 15
NodeB RbsLocalCell maxUserEHichERgchPowerDl -140
NodeB RbsLocalCell maxUserEHichPowerDlTti2 -80
NodeB RbsLocalCell queueSelectAlgorithm 1
Sector radioBuildingBlock
NodeB 8
NodeB SectorCarrier configuredMaxTxPower Ad-Hoc due to HW/license
NodeB TpaDevice maxTotalOutputPower Ad-Hoc due to HW/license

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