Bai Tap Sang

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I .

Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form the word that fits in
the gap in the same line
1. I really enjoy rock music .it is _________ (excite)
2. Fork music is a _________music of a country (tradition )
3.he decided that he would become a famous _________. (act )
4. Are you going to watch Jackson’s _________tomorrow ?(perform )
5. The story is really _________. (drama)
6. this would be a perfect _________for a wedding . (set )
7. This song is great, but the _________is a bit too long (introduce )
8. the _________tell the story through song and dance . (perform )
9. this would be a perfect _________for a wedding . (set )
10. This song is great, but the _________is a bit too long (introduce )
11. A group of children played _________in the garden. (noise)
12. last month, I _________warm clothes and my old toys . (donation )
13. Yesterday, I _________up the park near my house (cleaning )
14. I _________the piano when I was young . (not play)
15. last Sunday , they _________at a soup kitchen . (voluntary )
16. More than 50 _________took part in the Green Action (volunteering )
17. the article as about the world health _________. (organize )
18. everyone can help the community in _________way . (differ )
19. We raise money to build a house for the _________ (home )
20. “save the beach” organizes at least five _________. (clean)
21. the leader of this _________hopes to gather more volunteers . (set )
22. The beach was dirty and the smell was _________ (horrible )
23. we are going to do these _________next week to raise money . (act )
24. What type of community _________do you have in your area (serve )
25. Do they _________meals in the coffee shop (service )

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