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The Idle System


Copyright & Disclaimer

Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved.

No portion of this book or its art may be reproduced in any form
without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by UK
copyright law.
For permission contact:
This work is registered with the UK Copyright Service: Registration
No: 284722669

Cover done by BRoseDesignz

Editing done by Jyorin

Proofread by Kimari & Mitch

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events,

locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or
used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Title Page
Copyright & Disclaimer
Chapter 1: Starting Over
Chapter 2: Differences
Chapter 3: Agent
Chapter 4: Security
Chapter 5: Massacre
Chapter 6: Touring
Chapter 7: Too Risky
Chapter 8: The Cause
Chapter 9: New Equipment
Chapter 10: Mistake
Chapter 11: Meeting Once More
Chapter 12: Changing Luke’s Mortal Life
Chapter 13: The Specialist
Chapter 14: Champion
Chapter 15: Sharing Again
Chapter 16: Tracing Memories
Chapter 17: Power Levelling
Chapter 18: Relief
Chapter 19: Progress
Chapter 20: Puppets
Chapter 21: Trading Favours
Chapter 22: Proposal
Chapter 23: Home
Chapter 24: Workers
Chapter 25: Surprise
Chapter 26: Record
Chapter 27: Preliminaries
Chapter 28: Round Robin Starts
Chapter 29: Prolonging the Fight
Chapter 30: The Hans
Chapter 31: Theory
Chapter 32: Killing Them Again
Chapter 33: Reverse Trade
Chapter 34: Friends Once Again
Chapter 35: The Spies Are Dead
Chapter 36: *Spoiler*
Chapter 37: Iwan Veurink
Chapter 38: Back to the Death Sect
Chapter 39: Present
Chapter 40: Birthday Meal
Chapter 41: Fear
Chapter 42: Riley
Chapter 43: I’m Going
Chapter 44: They’re Coming
Chapter 45: Black Flame
Chapter 46: Waiting
Chapter 47: Invading
Chapter 48: Leaving
Chapter 49: Family
Chapter 50: Luring
Chapter 51: End
Chapter 1: Starting Over

John abruptly opened his eyes and took a deep breath. He was lying down
with his head hanging over a cliff.
He could see different shades of green on top of a bunch of trees and a
loud buzzing sound came from a small distance away.
Placing his hands to his side, he pushed himself up off the ground;
however, his movement’s speed, the strength in his arms, and his ability to
think had all dropped to what felt like nothingness.
It took him over a minute to stand up, and during that time, he couldn’t
think of more than a few sentences.
His body wasn’t sending him any sensations at all. Even his clothes—a
pair of leather boots and short shorts—were weightless to him.
Turning his head with a sore neck, John looked around to see where he
A raging river stood near a waterfall on the other side of the fan-shaped
cliff. There was a mountain that pierced the clouds with a small cave
opening at the bottom, and tree tops were all he could see in every other
I’ve… returned?
John closed his eyes and tried opening the system, but nothing
happened. However, at the top right of his blackened vision, he saw the
letter ‘I’ in the middle of a small grey box.
He waited a while, and the box gradually grew into his entire right eye’s
But unlike before, the system was transparent.
John opened his eyes and waited for the system to finish loading before
he read the information.
Welcome to the Idle System 1.9
Name: John
Title: A Selfish Punisher
Age: 15
Idlers: 2160/2160
HP: 10
Attack: N/A
Defence: N/A
Stamina: SS (2h 30m)
It seems the system version is maxed out and all my skills are still
here… The Idlers are maxed out too.
Below that information were all the options he had before he prestiged,
and under those were the skills that he remembered from when he was a
mortal. The usual attack and defence lists were there, but John only cared
about the skill that would currently help him the most.
Mind Strength - Idlers 0/2160, Thinking Speed - 0/100, Memory -
0/2, Senses - 0/10
He placed all the Idlers into the Senses skill without turning on the
Continue option. The first sense was time, which would keep track of the
amount of time needed to complete the skills—his mind was too weak to do
maths in its current state.
It took only a second for the skill to complete and the Idlers to return to
He then turned the Continue option on and placed all the Idlers into the
Thinking Speed skill so he could get rid of the cobwebs in his mind.
For the first seventy-five seconds, John gained one skill level each
second. But after that, the skill needed two seconds, three seconds, six
seconds, and twelve seconds for the next four levels, and it kept increasing
the time after each level.
After one minute and thirty-eight seconds, John had gained a total of
seventy-nine skill levels, so he turned the Continue option off. After another
twenty-four seconds, the level was completed and he got his Idlers back.
Although his mind felt less foggy, he could still feel the difference
compared to when he was an immortal.
It worked! I used the Prestige skill in time! If it worked like any other
idle games would, then I’ve returned to the past.
But, how did the system do it? If it used the time element, then I can’t
change the future or else I’ll get the punishment. However, it was a skill, so
maybe it used something else? Afterall, the system has the ability to defy the
If the system had a body, I would kiss it! I have another chance to be
with Sarah and Kelly! This time, I’ve got to use my knowledge of the future
to my advantage.
Let’s see… After prestiging, it looks like the system has kept all the
miscellaneous skills. That must be why I’ve retained so much information.
The Max Idlers, Max Workers, Idler Speed, Sprinter… All the skills that
gave me options and most of the passive skills were in that miscellaneous
If I remember correctly, the Sprinter skill is what got me the SS ranking
in stamina last time and I’ve already got that. The Transparent System skill
is in that list too, it all fits.
Wait, do I still have Storage Space?
John went into the Completed List tab. Just like he thought, all the
miscellaneous skills were already completed and the storage skill was there
He opened the Storage Space, hoping to get a set of clothes, but it was
completely empty.
The prestige didn’t carry over my items! Damn.
After closing it, John looked at the list of skills in the system and
decided to test if anything else was different compared to last time. He
placed all his Idlers into the Flesh Strength’s Placement skill since it only
had one level.
Flesh Strength - Idlers 2160/2160, Regeneration - 0/100, Immunity -
0/2, Placement - 0/1, Time - 24s
John’s eyebrows shot up in surprise at how little time was needed to
complete it. He waited for it to complete, but when it was done, he didn’t
feel any different.
Last time, I got this skill while a freaking bear was lying on top of me
and it placed all the broken and dislocated bones back in place all at once.
Despite going through decades of time as an immortal, that’s still one of the
worst experiences I’ve ever had!
This time, John turned the Continue option on and placed the Idlers in
the Flesh Strength’s Immunity skill. The first level needed twenty-four
seconds too, and when that finished, the time for the second level had
Two other skills, Mind Strength’s Memory and Organ Strength’s
Stomach Acid, had less than ten levels.
John remembered that the memory skill gave him the ability to identify
pictures and writings perfectly and the acid skill let him eat or drink
whatever he wanted without worry.
Oddly enough, he already had the Filter option which would remove
anything he had consumed that couldn’t be absorbed. This led him to
wonder if the Filter option wouldn’t work unless he got the Stomach Acid
skill, or if something else would happen entirely.
Tossing the thought aside, he placed all the Idlers into the Stomach Acid
skill. When it finished twenty-four seconds later, a sudden pain forced him
to his knees. John clenched his teeth and gripped his stomach for a minute,
waiting for the pain to pass.
It feels like my stomach is being ripped to shreds!
When the pain subsided, John took a deep breath, wiped the sweat off
his forehead, and stood up.
After he recovered some strength, he looked through the rest of the
skills. Although most of them had one hundred levels, there were a few that
only had ten. He took note of these and proceeded to test some other skills.
For the next test, John left the Continue option on and placed all the
Idlers in the Mind Strength’s Senses skill which he had already gained a
level in.
His jaw dropped at the results.
It only took thirty-two seconds to get the remaining nine levels!
He tried it again with the Bone Density’s Cell Production skill. This
time, it took thirty-three seconds to get all ten levels.
He levelled up the remaining ten-level skills, Blood Capacity’s White
Cells and Transportation, but when they were complete, he didn’t feel
anything different. Regardless, he trusted the skills because he had seen
them work first hand.
After that experiment, John decided to get all of the one-hundred-level
skills up to level eighty, just like what he did with Mind Strength’s
Thinking Speed.
It took two minutes and two seconds to get eighty skill levels and there
were thirty-two skills that needed levelling, which took him a little over an
hour to get them all.
If I remember right, Alan, Peter, and Cyril will reach the bottom of this
mountain in about an hour.
John climbed over a nearby boulder which was in the way and jumped
down to the other side. He focused his hearing, but there weren’t any
sounds. With this, John knew that his future self hadn’t scared the bats out
of the cave this time.
John scaled down the mountain while being careful of his footing.
When he reached the bottom, there were no animals in sight.
That was when he thought about his appearance. He lifted his hand to
run them through his hair, only to find that he had none. He could feel the
short bits of hair like it was recently shaved though.
Looking down, he saw that he had a six pack and found only a little bit
of body fat on his legs, arms, and neck.
When the skills are all fully levelled, it should get rid of the excess fat. I
guess I’ll sit here and wait for Alan and his party.
He decided to check his attack points in the system, but he was
confused when he saw them. Last time, John’s attack points only rose so
much per level, with the Bone Density’s Toughness skill multiplying them.
This time though, it looked like he was getting twenty attack points for
every level in the attack list’s Power Level skills.
The times for the skills had changed too.
He had the Max Idler, Max Worker, and Idler Speed skills completed
and that should’ve been enough to complete these skills in a few minutes at
But in an hour’s time, he had only been able to get eighty skill points in
each skill, and John had a feeling that the time needed for the last twenty
levels would be quite a bit for the remaining thirty-four skills.
The time needed was nothing compared to when he was an immortal,
but as a mortal, his time was limited. He only had less than six years to train
all the skills’ levels and travel to the immortal village.
John opened the system again and looked at his information after the
power levelling.
HP: 720
Attack: SS (8,000 Points)
Defence: D (525 Points)
Stamina: SS (2h 30m)
I’m still in the same situation with the defence points. This time though,
I know what I’m doing.
John placed all Idlers into Blood Capacity’s Cell Speed skill. That was
the only one left before getting the skill’s completed bonus.
He remembered that the bonus for maxing all the Blood Capacity skills
was the defence points being multiplied by ten. That would shoot his
Defence into SS rank like the Attack and Stamina rankings.
The time came up as forty-five seconds and it was doubling every level.
By the time John spotted Alan and his party, he had gained another six
levels, and then he noticed something was completely different from before.
Chapter 2: Differences

They’re casually walking, not being chased by the continuous bear. I was
hoping they would lure a bear here for me to kill and skin, so I could buy
some clothes at the Adventurers’ Guild. Now I’ve got to go hunt one.
John stood up and walked toward the party of three.
When he was closer, he noticed something was off about the three men.
Alan had curly, brown hair with a thick, ginger beard. Cyril was clean-
shaven with blond hair, while Peter had thinning, red hair and he was much
skinnier than John had remembered.
This is all wrong. Their hair colours and physiques are different from
John tried using his Immortal Eye on them, but it only showed that they
were all mortals with no sins.
Ignoring the changes, John waved his arms and shouted, “Hello!”
All three of them placed their hands on their weapons as they walked
towards him, stopping about twenty feet away.
“Hello,” Alan greeted. “Why are you dressed like that?”
John smiled. I knew that would be their first question!
“I haven’t quite figured out what happened yet,” John answered. “I
think I got…”
“Amnesia, right?” Cyril laughed.
“What are you talking about?” John asked. “I think I got robbed! I took
off my clothes to take a swim in the river around the side of the mountain.
When I came out, my things were gone! I’m lucky I didn’t swim buck
naked! I don’t know if it was a human or animal that did it, but I’m not
thrilled about this.”
“You’re not a Sider?” Peter questioned.
Knitting his brows, John asked, “What makes you think I’m a Sider?
The way I’m dressed? From what I’ve read in the Sider’s biographies, they
come fully clothed!”
“What are you doing here, then?” Alan changed the topic.
John shrugged. “I turned fifteen today and was going to register at the
Adventurers’ Guild. I travelled quite a bit to reach the newbie area, so I
thought I should come take a bath before registering.
“I didn’t have any money for a room at the inn, so at the same time, I
thought I’d hunt something to eat and make a bit of money. You know what
happened next.”
“Sorry to hear you’re having trouble. My name’s Alan. This is Peter and
At least their names haven’t changed.
“I’m John. Are you adventurers on a mission?”
Let’s see if they’re going to be truthful and tell me about their bat faeces
“That we are,” Peter answered. “We’ve got to go to the sea and find a
herb that grows on the beach.” Peter took out the quest poster and showed it
to John.
What the hell? Not only are their appearances different, but their quest
is too. Was it random that they even met me on the same day and time as
last time, or did my future self have something to do with this?
Looking at the party of three, John asked if they had a decent skinning
knife he could borrow, but all they had was a normal knife. He borrowed it
and asked them to stay there for an hour at most.
Opening the system, John checked the area map. There were a few red
dots and loads of grey dots in the area it covered.
Why are the dots already on the map?
I asked the system to scan this area last time I was here as a mortal. Are
these different coloured dots a continuation of the last scan?
John ran to the nearest red dot to see if it was actually a Continuous
Bear or not.
On the way, he tried using his Immortal Eye skill on the knife hoping
that his Analyser skill would show how strong the objects were like it did
last time.
Unfortunately, all that came up was the knife’s rank.
When he got close to the dot, he saw the large, round ass of a bear
swaying side-to-side. John could hear chewing sounds so he knew it was
eating its prey.
Without alerting the animal, John got next to it before slamming his fist
down on its head. When it was unconscious, John lifted its head, grabbed its
neck, and crushed its windpipe.
Upon opening the system, he was surprised to find that he had unlocked
the Time Pool counter after killing the bear. He got an hour in the Time
Pool from the bear like last time.
John closed the system and salvaged what he could from the bear. Using
the bear’s pelt, he wrapped up the meat, claws, and gallbladder since he
remembered they were needed for a quest.
He trekked back to Alan and the others, leaving the bones behind.
“That was a feat,” John said as he handed over the knife.
“I’m glad you were able to find some spoils. Is there anything else we
can do for you?” Peter replied.
“No, I think I’m all set. However…” John took out a large piece of meat
and gave it to the men. “Thank you for your kindness. I should get going
The men nodded and sat down to cook the meat as they watched John
set off into the distance.
When he was sure they couldn’t see him anymore, he sprinted towards
Newbie Town.
While travelling to Newbie Town in my previous life, the system
increased the time needed after the tenth level of the Maximum Idlers skill,
and I think that was the only time that happened to any of the skills.
Knowing what I know now, I think the system was warning me that the
times on the skills can change. Though, that’s still only a theory.
He arrived near the town an hour later, and when he slowed down, he
checked the skill he was levelling and found he had gained a level while
running here.
After that, he looked at his stamina rank for five seconds.
SP: 60/100
I used forty stamina points for that run? I miss being an immortal. This
is the biggest limiter the system ever had by far!
If that goes down to zero, it’ll be a struggle to even lift my arms. I don’t
want to fight the large battles against the Ogres and Ants like I did last
Getting hit and waiting for those stamina points so I can continue
fighting was a real torture!
John walked to the town’s fifteen-foot-wide entrance. It was identical to
before. A large moat surrounded the town with a thick, wooden drawbridge
that dropped from the thirty-foot-tall walls.
There were guards patrolling from atop the walls and at the gate.
Walking to the end of a line, John waited to enter.
Upon reaching the front of the line, he was questionably stared down by
the guards.
“I was robbed,” John started to explain; however, the guard simply
grunted and snatched his pelt-turned-bag to search the contents before
letting him through.
Looking at the houses and shops on both sides of the street, John
noticed there were quite a few differences.
The lampposts, roof tiles, and even the bricks that made up the path
were all designed differently. He had to admit that they looked better this
way, but he couldn’t figure out why they were different.
When he arrived at the Adventurers’ Guild, besides the different colours
and materials used, the building was how he remembered it. He hurried to
the quest board and grabbed a poster for the Continuous Bear’s
assignments. Walking up to one of the quest counters, he placed the poster
in front of the woman sitting across from him.
“If I haven’t become an adventurer, can I still hand in items to complete
the quests?” John asked.
“Yes,” the woman replied sweetly. “However, the quests will not be
counted towards your rankings.”
John nodded. “That’s fine. I want to hand in the items to complete these
four quests.”
He then handed over the best meat of the bear, its pelt, ten claws, and
gallbladder. He received £80 for completing all the quests. John thanked her
and walked upstairs to the shop, bought a set of cheap clothes, and put them
Walking back downstairs, John walked to the counter on the far left to
register as an adventurer.
“Hello, how much is it to register? I’m fifteen today, and I’ve been
training since I was four. I’m ready to join and hunt!” John acted like an
enthusiastic young man that was eager to prove himself.
“That’ll be £10,” the silver-haired woman said from behind the counter.
She handed him a form several pages long without looking at him. “Fill this
out and return it to the paper tray to your right.”
Last time, I told them I was a Sider—does that mean I skipped all this
paperwork, or is this somehow different too?
John took the papers and sat in the waiting area. When he handed it in,
he inquired about what he needed to do to prove that he was qualified to
dismember his kills. Last time, he never proved it and his lie about who
skinned all the Continuous Bears was almost found out.
“The guild master will give you a test,” the woman replied. “By the
way, registration may take up to fifty minutes.”
Great. I was hoping to avoid meeting Tom. Suppose I meet him and
prove I’m an expert dismantler at such a young age, that should help me
cover up the fact that I’m a Sider.
“Where can I find the guild master? If I need an appointment, can you
make one for me please?” John asked politely.
Nodding her head, she left the counter and went through a door in the
back. A few minutes later, she came back with a man in tow.
“Who wants to take the dismantler test?”
Turning to look where the voice came from, John saw a complete
stranger. He stuck his hand up and shouted, “Me!”
Is he going to take me to Tom? Hopefully I can take the test without
The man walked over and shook John’s hand as he spoke. “Nice to meet
you, I’m the guild master, Nicolas Lewis.”
John’s body tensed up as soon as Nicolas said his name.
Chapter 3: Agent

“Is something the matter?” Nicolas asked.

“No. Sorry, you reminded me of someone and brought back some bad
memories.” John waved away Nicolas’ concern. “It’s nothing. So, uh... Do I
have to pay or prepare anything to take the dismantler test?”
Nicolas shook his head. “It’s free if you take the exam and pass. We can
sell the parts at premium prices. If you fail, then you pay for the carcass and
the examiner’s time. It’s different every time because the cost depends on
what type of animal is provided and who examines it, but on average, it
costs about £45.”
With John’s years of experience at hunting and skinning animals, as
well as the Dismantler option in the system, John knew there was no chance
of failing.
“When can we start, then?” John asked.
“In about twenty minutes. Someone has recently brought us a complete
carcass of a Continuous Bear and I don’t think it has been dismantled yet,”
Nicolas replied. “Let me go make sure it’s still there, and then I’ll examine
the results personally.”
John thanked him before going to the waiting area.
What the hell is going on? Where’s Tom Yale, the real guild master?
How is it different from my previous life? I can’t use my knowledge of future
events if everything has changed! I’ll have to check out the history books in
the library after this. Maybe I can find some answers as to why everything
has changed.
After twenty-five minutes, Nicolas escorted him to an exam room with
a fresh bear carcass laying on a large worktop. In a short time, John passed
the test and was ready to move on.
“Congratulations,” Nicolas said. “The dismantler qualification will be
added to your adventurers’ card. You will get an additional income for
every dismantled monster you bring in from now on.”
Huh… I guess having no official documentation for certain things has
changed too.
John accepted the change and went back to the Adventurers’ Guild to
get his adventurers’ card. It showed that he was ranked F—his rank had
improved twice since he had already proved he could kill Continuous Bears
and passed the dismantler exam.
After thanking the woman, John walked to the library to read through
some history books.
He learned that the lure machine had already been invented, and all the
beasts in this world had been exterminated.
Something in history has changed. Compared to before I prestiged,
there’s better technology, less crime, and the quality of life for mortals is
much better.
The immortals send their lower ranked assassins to kill criminals in this
world which never happened before I prestiged too.
Did I go back in time and do this? Why would I, though? Wouldn’t I get
punished for changing the past this much?
John sighed. No point trying to figure it out now. Hopefully, I’ll find out
during my travels.
After finishing the last book in the library, he gained another skill level.
He walked back to the Adventurers’ Guild and took the special quest
needed to get rank E. This would allow him to get to Rocky Town where
there were stronger monsters too.
John met with the merchant the next morning. Lucky for him, they were
going to leave in a few hours, but John noticed that there were already
seven people taking this quest, almost double the amount from his previous
First, they went through the rank F area where the Black Lace Weaver
Spiders and a few rank G monsters lived.
John only killed a few monsters that broke through the others’ defensive
formations and let them do most of the work. He thought there was no point
in killing so many of these spiders because he could kill the stronger
monsters and get more Time Pool that way.
It took just over a month to pass through the F area and reach the rank E
area where the Gliderpus monsters lived. Instead of getting caught by
surprise, John surprised the merchant by catching him in the act of lighting
the pheromone stick.
John told the merchant that he suspected him of being an adventurer to
conduct this test and had been keeping an eye on him.
After a few minutes, John and the merchant agreed on a deal. John
wouldn’t reveal anything to the other adventurers, but in return, John didn’t
have to participate in the test and would be allowed to advance to rank E
when they reached Rocky Town.
The whole journey took two months and fourteen days. By the time
John had reached Rocky Town, the Blood Capacity’s Cell Speed skill had
reached level ninety-seven.
When he arrived at the Adventurers’ Guild, the guild master and the
high-ranking staff summoned each person who took the test. The merchant,
who was one of the high ranking staff at the meeting, kept true to his word,
and John became a rank E adventurer.
After the meeting, John went to the board and grabbed the quest to kill
rank D Blood Wolves.
While I’m there, I’ll check on that trap door too.
It took an hour to travel to the area. John killed a few Blood Wolves on
the way to the cave where the male and female pack leaders lived.
After killing the leaders, John went deep into the cave, but he was
surprised to find that the trap door wasn’t there.
So, I didn’t come back and create the ruin this time? That makes sense
since I already knew about Life Power and the immortals. Plus, in this
timeline, immortals aren’t exactly a well-kept secret.
John left the cave and continued hunting for a while.
When he arrived back outside Rocky Town, John had killed the three
hundred Blood Wolves he needed to complete the quest ten times to get
rank D and had stored the wolves’ heads in his Storage Space. He didn’t
bother looking to see if they had monster cores or not.
Taking his time, he tied the heads together using their tendons and
walked into town, dragging them behind him. He wanted to recreate this
scene so that Agent would contact him again; however, he worried that
Agent might not be in his current timeline.
That soon passed as he was contacted the same way as before—a man
bumped into him while handing him an invitation.
He made his way to the house listed as the location for the gathering.
Upon saying the password, John was escorted in and soon found himself
sitting face-to-face with a plump man he had never seen before.
The individual had a baby face and was constantly wiping the sweat off
his forehead. “My name is Agent and I’m offering you work if you’re
This man’s name is Agent? I wonder if this is another change… Though,
Agent could be more of a code name than a real name.
Going through the list of jobs, John chose the assassin job once more.
He wanted to test if he still had a day’s worth of time in the Time Pool for
killing a human.
Agent shifted in his chair. “Do you have a code name you want to use?”
Shaking his head, John replied, “No.”
I thought using the code name, Death’s Hands, was good last time. I
wanted to get to a point where my enemies would fear me by simply hearing
my code name, but now I know it’s pointless.
There’s no point in getting custom-made gloves fashioned this time
either. When I become an immortal, I’ll need to get some nanometal for my
equipment—everything else is useless garbage.
Agent sighed. “Assassin is the least popular job for us mortals. I would
try to convince you to pick another job, but you answered me so quickly
and confidently, I know there’s no way to convince you.”
John crinkled his face. “Why’s it so unpopular?”
“Because of the immortals!” Agent shouted. “They send their newest
assassins here to train. It brings down crime, so there’s hardly any jobs left
for mortal assassins.
“You’re in luck though! We’ve only recently been able to confirm some
accusations against a man in this town. I was going to report it to the higher
ups tomorrow, and then wait for an immortal assassin to finish the deed, but
I’d like to see if you’re able and willing.”
“Thank you! What’s the job, then? Who’s the target?”
“It’s a man that goes by Count Erin. He owns a mansion in this town
and he’s got a privately owned army that guards him. The job should go to
an experienced assassin because of how difficult it is, but if you want it, you
can have it.”
John lowered his head, thinking.
Count Erin, is that the same guy I assassinated last time? If it is, then I
know his crimes and where he’s holding women captive.
Last time, the third prince was helping him, but this time, the royal
family is different according to the books I’ve read, so I don’t know if a
member of royalty is involved.
The guards that were guilty last time might not be guilty this time either.
I only want to test the Time Pool anyway, so I’ll only kill the count.
John nodded his head. “I’ll take the job. Give me all the information
you’ve got on him.”
Chapter 4: Security

Later that night, John went to Count Erin’s estate while wearing a new
black overcoat with a hood to cover his face.
Standing a few hundred feet away from the estate, John turned on his
Life Vision and watched all the patrol for the next hour, studying their
patterns and blind spots.
He used the Immortal Eye on a silhouette sitting down in the middle of
the estate.
Rank: 0
Level: 0
Sin: 4,204
Count is just a title and Erin is the last name. I need the full name for it
to show up in the information. At least this is the right person.
John easily ran around the guards and entered the middle of the estate.
Opening the door a few centimetres, he looked through the gap and found a
man sitting at a desk.
This person and the one John remembered from before he prestiged
were different people. There wasn’t an adoptive adventurer here this time
Same estate, same crimes, different person.
John opened the door and sprinted towards Count Erin. The count didn’t
even have time to scream as John crushed his windpipe.
John opened up the system as he went back and closed the door to the
study so no guards could see what had happened.
Looking at the information, John realised he had unlocked the Sin
counter in the system. Unfortunately, the Time Pool didn’t get any time
added by killing the count.
I unlocked the Time Pool by killing something which gave me time and I
unlocked the Sin counter by killing a sinner. Does that mean the count’s
death didn’t add anything to the Time Pool because unlocking the Sin
counter stopped it?
I’ll have to kill another sinner to see if I get both Sins and Time Pool,
Coming out of his thoughts, John remembered a secret passage behind a
bookcase in the room, so he destroyed the bookcase and found the entrance.
At the bottom of the stairs behind the entrance were large cages filled
with women wearing only a few rags.
Breaking the locks, John released them and instructed the captives to
run to the Adventurers’ Guild where they would be safe.
When all the girls started to escape, John ran past them to provoke the
guards. After the majority of the guards were attacking him, John lured
them out of the estate, allowing the girls safe passage.
After half an hour of running, he picked up speed to shake the guards
off his trail, and then he changed clothes and went back to town to collect
his reward from Agent before making his way to the Adventurers’ Guild.
Before he got there, he checked the nails on his right hand. Since he had
unlocked the Sin counter, his nails had turned black and were currently
growing longer every second.
He controlled the nails and returned them to their original length, but he
didn’t know how to explain why his nails were black if anyone ever asked.
He put his hands in his pockets and continued walking.
When he arrived inside the main hall, he saw dozens of people shouting
at each other. In the middle of these people were the girls he had saved, now
wrapped up in blankets.
John heard the people shouting about what they should do next. Some
offered to bring the count there so he could stand trial while others said only
royalty could deal with nobility.
“I’ve got a suggestion.” John put his left hand up and spoke, causing
everyone to look at him. “Since the count is being accused of some pretty
bad crimes, why not just ask the immortals to sort it out?
“If he’s guilty, the immortals will send their new members to kill him,
which even the royal family can’t argue against. If he’s innocent, then
nothing happens besides having to pay for the investigator’s time and effort.
“But, before you do, go and arrest the count to make sure he doesn’t call
for backup before the immortals get here.”
John had decided to speak up since it would make him look less
suspicious when the count’s body was found.
The people agreed with his idea and a team was sent to arrest the count.
John went to the second floor and bought a simple holding bag that only
had an epic Stretch rune in it. With the rune, the bag’s opening would be
able to stretch over large objects. With this, he would be able to carry the
spoils of his hunt without having to explain where he stored them or scaring
children again.
John walked to the board and looked through the quests again. He
wanted to keep up the act of being an adventurer just in case O’Malley was
He soon found the same rank D quest he did last time: killing ten
Yellow Striped Lions in area 1334. With this in mind, John decided he
would kill two hundred to get a bit of spending money.
However, the Yellow Striped Lions had an attack power that was
stronger than his defence points, which could lead to trouble if he wasn’t
I’ve fought on battlefields for years and fought my way up to
transcendent before, but if something stronger than me gets a lucky hit in, I
won’t make it to my twenty-first birthday.
Nothing is set in stone, so while it’s not a bad thing to have confidence
in my ability, being too overconfident can lead to my downfall too.
John opened his system and had a look at the skill he was levelling.
Blood Capacity - Idlers 2160/2160, Cell Speed - 97/100, Time - 2mo
10d 12h
Then he looked at the time he had collected so far.
Time Pool: 25d 15h 40m
Nothing I can do, I’ll just have to be careful from now on.
John took the quest poster to the counter and got assigned to it. He
already knew where the area was, so he casually walked there to reserve his
stamina for the hunt.
When he got there though, he was caught off guard by what he saw.
Where the two borders met was a huge, thirty-something-foot tall metal
fence with spikes sticking out everywhere and barbed wire on top.
After looking at it for a long time in shock, John followed the left side
of the fence. A few hours later, he came to a large, metal gate with a smaller
side door with two guards standing on either side.
John walked up to the guards and asked, “What’s with the security here?
Something going on?”
One of the guards laughed. “Are you a recently promoted adventurer?”
John nodded and the guard laughed for a while.
“Sorry, we see this all the time. All areas containing monsters ranked D
or above are secured like this. If you’ve only been promoted recently, then
you’ve only been hunting monsters ranked E or below where nothing like
this is needed.
“There’s an entrance every ten miles in the fence, so whenever you see
these fences, just pick a direction to walk and you’ll eventually find one.”
“What about the creatures ranked S and above?” John asked.
“The rank S and SS monsters have fences like this too, but they’re much
taller, thicker, and have many more guards stationed around the entire
length of the fence to make sure nothing happens,” the guard replied.
The other guard spoke afterwards. “The rank SSS monsters are past the
capital and in the immortal area. There’s an immortal stationed in the
capital to stop the monsters from destroying the capital.
“The monster areas in the immortal area aren’t secured like this though.
The immortals use them to test mortals. If a mortal passes their test, they
can become an immortal too.”
John nodded, thanked the guards, then went through the smaller side
door entrance.
It didn’t take long for a large Yellow Striped Lion to find and attack
him. It took an even shorter amount of time for John to kill it.
Looking at the deceased creature’s body, John wondered how to
decapitate it. The quest only wanted the head for a chance at getting a
monster core from it; the rest of the body was practically worthless.
The only problem was that John didn’t buy any kind of weapon to do it.
He could go and ask those guards if he could borrow their sword for a
while, but that wouldn’t work for the other one hundred and ninety-nine
monsters he had to kill afterwards.
I knew I forgot something. I didn’t buy a weapon, skinning knife, or
John lifted his hand to rub his head, and that was when he saw his black
nails again. Remembering how sharp they were before, he figured it was
worth a try.
John controlled them and made them longer. When they reached two
feet in length, he stopped.
Making his hand as straight as possible, John swung his arm down
towards the neck of the creature.
Without any resistance, the head was severed. John had also noticed a
ditch under the creature where the nails had gone through the ground too.
After he returned his nails back to normal, he placed the monster’s head
in his holding bag and started looking for the next lion.
Chapter 5: Massacre

For the entire day, John went around killing the Yellow Striped Lions. To
save a bit of time, he used his nails as a sword to decapitate them during the
It took him eight hours to kill two hundred lions. He double checked the
count and made his way back to town.
The total amount of Time Pool he had now was a little over half of the
time needed to complete the level, and he still had two more levels after that
before his defence points would receive the boost.
When he arrived at the Adventurers’ Guild, he handed over his holding
bag with the quest items and was soon promoted to rank C.
When he was a mortal last time, he hunted the Goblins to reach rank B,
but in this timeline, the lure machine had already been completed and the
Goblins were exterminated.
Looking for a replacement, he found that the nearest rank C monsters,
Basilisks, were a few days’ travel on foot.
After figuring out his next move, John went to the second floor and
bought all the tools to dismantle his hunts if needed.
Six days later, John returned with two hundred Basilisk heads in his
holding bag.
Near the end of the hunt, John had enough in the Time Pool to complete
the skill’s level. The new time came up as five months and he knew the last
level would need ten months.
After John handed in the quest, he went to the second floor and bought a
new set of clothes since he didn’t feel like washing the clothes he had. After
he changed into the new set, he gave the old set to the staff and told her to
burn them or give them to the poor.
Going back to the quest board on the first floor, John looked for the
quest he did last time again. The werewolves were monsters, so they should
still be alive.
A few minutes later, John found the quest to kill and skin werewolves in
area 451. Even the bonus money for the two most prominent teeth was the
Last time he did this quest, John went a little overboard. The alpha
werewolf sent the entire pack to hunt him, so John killed over one hundred
thousand of them.
Should I kill that many this time too? If my maths is right, each skill
needs about one year and seven and a half months to complete. If that’s
right, then I’ll need about fifty-three and a half years to get every skill to
level one hundred!
I need to kill quite a few creatures to get forty-eight years worth of time
in the Time Pool during the next five and a half years; otherwise, I can’t
become an immortal when I turn twenty-one.
But the immortals are using the S ranked and higher creatures to test
mortals, so I can’t mass kill them or go around the country making the
beasts extinct this time.
I’ll have to mass kill creatures like the werewolves, then. At the same
time, I can’t exterminate them either since that would ruin the technology
that runs on their monster cores, making the Adventurers’ Guild angry.
If I do it more than once, then the Adventurers’ Guild might send
immortals to deal with me, or it could make O’Malley notice me.
John got assigned to the werewolves’ quest and went on a large hunt.
He only kept the heads and pelts needed to advance to rank A; the rest of
the werewolves were left to rot.
During the next few days, he ended up killing over fifty thousand
werewolves and gained over eighteen and a half years in the Time Pool.
He had learned how to kill using the least amount of movement possible
while using his nails, and he was able to avoid using any stamina points for
most of the kills.
During the killing, he kept using the Time Pool to finish the skills. The
first one was Blood Capacity’s Cell Speed. When that was finished, his
defence points shot up to rank SS.
He then finished off all five attack list’s Power Levels by using a total of
eight years, two months, four days, and three hours. That brought his attack
points to the maximum of ten thousand, entering rank SSS.
Next, he finished the Flesh Strength’s Regeneration, Bone Density’s
Toughness and Marrow, Muscle Elasticity’s Cardiac, and Organ Strength’s
Regeneration skills.
He thought he should be able to feel everything as he levelled them up,
but the only thing he felt was his bones getting sturdier after Bone Density’s
Toughness had finished.
His stamina ranking was upgraded to rank SSS in the system while his
HP and defence points were increased by quite a bit too.
He placed all his Idlers into Organ Strength’s Lung Capacity and closed
the system.
When he arrived back at the Adventurers’ Guild, he handed in the
werewolves’ heads and he was upgraded to rank A.
John walked to the quest board after receiving his payment. His next
stop during his journey would be Visitors Town, but he didn’t need to kill
the prisoners this time. He just needed to do an escort mission then carry on
to the next town.
Oddly, looking through all the quests, he couldn’t find anything that
mentioned Visitors Town. He thought of something at that moment and
went up to a staff member and asked if there was a prison of any kind in
this country.
While the staff member gave him a funny look, John still got his
answer. There were a few prisons built in different towns for the petty
criminals, but anyone found guilty of any serious crimes were killed by the
John thanked the staff member and went back to the quest board.
Visitor Town doesn’t exist, then. There might be a village that replaced
it, but I don’t know what it’s called and if I pick up a quest that’s got a
different village name on it, I could be going away from the capital.
I’m not sure if I should still be using my memories of this place
anymore, but after Visitor Town was Carnegie Town.
That’s the halfway point to the capital and also the dividing line for
adventurers. Other than turning back to where you came from, there’s only
three things adventurers can do. Get strong enough and carry on towards
the capital, get strong enough to live in that city, or die trying.
I’m not sure it even exists anymore… Could be something completely
John went through all the quests again, and, to his delight, found an
escorting job headed for Carnegie Town. It would be leaving in three days,
but John could wait. The trip would last about two and a half months.
After getting assigned to this quest and meeting the merchant that was
hiring him, John went to the inn and paid for a room for three nights to rest.
Three days later, John was well rested and meeting up with the
merchant in town. There hadn’t been any news about the werewolf
massacre yet, so John was hoping they could leave before anyone took
He was in luck—they set off after another half an hour as they double
checked all their supplies and cargo.
The escort quest took two months and ten days to reach Carnegie Town.
During the journey, there were no monsters that appeared, but there were
quite a few bandits that attacked despite the security around the areas. John
collected over one hundred thousand sins as a result, and they arrived at
their destination safely.
If he transferred all of the sins into time, he would only get a little over
sixteen minutes worth, so he thought it wasn’t worth it.
After getting paid and saying goodbye to the merchant, John walked
into the Adventurers’ Guild again. Looking at the quests, he knew he
couldn’t find the one he did last time because the Ogres were beasts and
they had been exterminated already.
Last time, I used my Sider status to get assigned on an S-ranked quest
even though I was only an A-ranked adventurer. I can’t do that this time, so
I’ve got to spend some extra time hunting rank A monsters.
I need to find a place where there’s a large area with a large population
of monsters, but at the same time the monsters are deemed too dangerous or
too worthless for other adventurers to hunt them for profit. There would
only be adventurers hunting them to keep the specie’s numbers in check
every now and then, and I would be doing them a favour instead.
Looking at the posters, he found one that interested him.
He needed to kill five Cactus Cats in area 373. It was a large desert area
with cacti all over the place. There was a description about the monster
below the quest details.
It was a small, bipedal, rodent-like creature about three feet tall. It had a
barbed tail used to cut open cacti for their juice. It was also described as
quick and nimble on its feet, and its monster core was used to detoxify
scorpion venom.
The Adventurers’ Guild classified them as a rank A monster.
This is perfect! There’s a large area with loads of these rodents. And
since the monster core is used to detoxify a rarer poison and not a piece of
technology, not many adventurers will hunt it.
The only time adventurers would hunt these monsters would be before
they know they’re headed to a place with scorpions.
John took the poster, got assigned to it, and began walking towards area
Chapter 6: Touring

John spent the next four days travelling to area 373. During the trip, the
Organ Strength’s Lung Capacity skill had levelled eleven times and was
only seven hours away from the next level.
When he arrived at the area border, he saw another large fence with
large spikes all over it. He walked along the fence until he found a gate and
entered the area after greeting the guards and showing them his
adventurers’ card.
As soon as he passed through the side door, he could feel the
temperature skyrocket, but with the Temperature Keeper skill, he only felt
warm and it stopped him from sweating too.
Usually, the adventurers coming here couldn’t go too deep into the area
because each person would have to carry a few gallons of water with them.
John didn’t need to do this because of the Absorption’s Water skill that
absorbed water from the air for him.
Looking at the desert, John saw there were cacti all over the place and
he could see signs of the Cactus Cats cutting them to obtain the juice.
Walking over to a cactus, John knelt down and felt the marks. They
were all exactly the same length and depth and all in the middle of the
cactus, showing that the Cactus Cats had perfect control over their strikes’
power and their accuracy was impeccable.
John stood up and opened the system.
Scan the area.
A few minutes later, a box popped up.
Scanning Complete:
Cactus Cats: 615,849
Neutral Targets: 5,194,359
Blank Runes: 1,402
Life Stones: 26
Oh, this is the first time I’ve used the system to scan an area since
becoming an immortal before prestiging. At least I know the maps I bought
before prestiging still work; otherwise, scanning the area wouldn’t be an
Since the items in the scan have been revealed, the question marks have
turned into Life Stones and the buried treasures turned into Blank Runes.
Should I collect the Life Stones and Blank Runes? I’ll eventually need
them after becoming an immortal… Oh, I just came up with an idea on how
to introduce myself to Jamie. If my idea works, then I don’t need the Life
Stones and Blank Runes.
Though, I wonder what the neutral targets in this area are. Cactus Cats
are at the top of the food chain here, so I don’t have anything to worry
about while I’m hunting.
Upon looking at the area map, John found a red dot not far from him.
Venturing towards it, he saw a Cactus Cat drinking the juice out of a cactus.
He ran towards the creature, hoping to catch it by surprise, but the
creature stopped drinking, turned around, and ran away.
John’s speed couldn’t catch up as it was getting further and further
away. When John gave up, the creature turned around again and ran directly
towards him.
The thing ran away when it didn’t have an advantage, but now that it
knows it’s faster than me, it turned around. It’s smarter than it looks.
John put his right hand behind his back and made his nails two feet
long. He waited for the Cactus Cat to charge at him.
However, the Cactus Cat did a ninety degree turn, ran to John’s right
side, turned again and tried to get behind John. As the creature got close, its
barbed tail pointed towards John, ready to strike.
As soon as the Cactus Cat turned a second time, John swung his right
arm so his nails would enter its path. He saw the creature’s tail shoot
towards him as he swung, so John used his left hand to deflect the attack.
The Cactus Cat couldn’t turn or stop in time and John’s nails went
through its head, killing it instantly. John checked the Time Pool and found
an extra four hours in there.
I can’t use this creature to complete the quests, but now I can change my
tactics since I know how they fight.
For the next fourteen days, John killed fifty thousand Cactus Cats and
severed the heads for his quest before returning to the Adventurers’ Guild.
If he had killed any more than that, someone would have noticed.
During the hunt, John kept using the Time Pool to complete the skills.
The first thing he did was use nineteen months, five days, and sixteen hours
to complete the last nine levels of Organ Strength’s Lung Capacity skill.
When he finished, the skills bonus kicked in. He sat down on the sand,
clutching his stomach and chest as the system removed all the soft tissue
around his organs and replaced it with a much harder and more flexible
Once that was over, he then used the Time Pool to increase his joints
during the hunt. The Ankle, Shoulder, Knee and Elbow Joint skills all had
two skills each and he used a total of thirteen years, one month, and one day
to complete all eight skills.
When they were all done, he could feel that his movements had become
smoother. The Shoulder Joint’s bonus for maxing all the skills let John
ignore the recoil from hitting the Cactus Cats with his nails.
The Ankle Joint’s bonus for maxing all the skills let John catch the
Cactus Cats quicker as he could reach his maximum speed and come to a
complete stop faster while the Elbow Joint’s bonus let him swing his nails
He used another three years, three months, seven days, and six hours
from the Time Pool to complete Muscle Elasticity’s Skeletal and Smooth
skills, completing the whole thing. His speed at performing any action had
increased by almost twofold as soon as the bonus for maxing them kicked
The last skill on the Defence List was Mind Strength’s Thinking Speed;
he used another nineteen months, seventeen days, and fifteen hours to
complete it. The bonus for completing the skill enabled him to think and
react to things much quicker.
With the remaining Time Pool, he completed Palm Toughness’ Speed,
Ignore Defence, and Knuckle Damage’s Speed skill. That left him with a
little under three months in the Time Pool, which he used to get as many
Knuckle Damage’s Ignore Defence levels as he could.
John had maxed the HP, attack points, defence points, and stamina after
the hunting trip and he only had seven skills left to level. The remaining
skills were the Speed and Ignore Defence parts of the attack skills.
When he handed over the fifty thousand heads of the Cactus Cats, the
man behind the counter had to triple check John had given him the right
adventurer card. After realising what he had done, John gave an awkward
After this, I’ve got to stop ranking up for a while. A fifteen-year-old SSS
ranked adventurer would be too eye-catching. The staff thought the card
was fake since I had just got rank S not long ago.
When the staff member gave John his adventurer’s card back, John left
the building and took a ride towards the capital.
I’ve got time to spare now. In my previous life, I never went to the
different kingdoms or travelled anywhere for leisure. I’ve got to wait until
my twenty-first birthday anyway, so I might as well go sightseeing for a
For the next five years, John wandered around the whole planet.
John visited all the capitals and large cities throughout the four
kingdoms. He read all the books in the library, but this time, he actually
asked residents about the history to make sure his future self didn’t try to
pull something again.
He had completed all the skills in the system as he still hunted rank S
monsters every now and then. When he was twenty years old, he became
one of the youngest SSS ranked adventurers in history.
He had wanted to kill a Komodo Dragon for its meat again, but he
realised that it was a beast and had long been exterminated on this planet.
Five months later, he arrived at the Immortal Village in the Northern
Hoping that Amanda was still in charge, John waited outside to see if
the immortal would show up in front of him.
He smiled after he saw Amanda really did show up, but instead of
acting like a mortal who didn’t know anything, John decided to act like he
already belonged there.
“Hello, Amanda,” John said. As soon as he mentioned her name,
Amanda’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets.
Laughing, John continued. “You probably don’t remember me, but I
came from the sect as a mortal so I could train. I still remember my master’s
instructions, and I’ve come here for the sect token.”
“Are you really a part of my sect?” Amanda asked, doubtful.
John looked at Amanda with his Immortal Eye skill.
Amanda Burch
Rank: 4
Level: 9
Sin: 19
“Yes. Now, if I remember right, my master told me you were around
Rank 4, the Creation Stage of immortality, is that right?”
Amanda’s mouth opened a little due to her surprise. It took a few
seconds, but she eventually nodded at John’s question.
“Well,” John continued, “as a thank you for the sect token and your
years of service, my master allowed me to tell you the rest of the cultivation
path and pass on a top level absorption and breathing technique.”
“What’s top level mean?” Amanda asked.
“The techniques are divided into rankings too. A low level technique
only lets you absorb the Life Power from the earth,” John explained. “A top
level technique lets you absorb the Life Power from the air as well as the
“Most cultivators will sit down in a chair while their feet touch a patch
of earth underneath them. But with a top level technique, you can cultivate
while going on patrol, talking to friends, or doing anything else.”
John then asked for Amanda to take him to somewhere private. She
took him to her home, and while they played a game of chess, John
explained what she needed to do for Rank 5 onwards.
He gave her decent absorbing and breathing techniques which would
help her improve much faster. Unfortunately, this time John didn’t have a
Grade 9 Life Stone to give her.
Chapter 7: Too Risky

For a little over a month, John stayed in an empty house in the village that
was reserved for mortals that had passed the immortal’s test.
John had turned twenty-one today, so he touched the age test crystal to
become an immortal.
As soon as John touched the crystal, the system went off.
Congratulations on killing your first Rank H monster with the
system in place! We have given you a reward of 1 skill point to place
anywhere you choose.
Messages about killing a monster of each rank from H to SSS showed
up all at once. A total of eleven skill points were added and the ringing in
his ears didn’t disappear straight away.
That was when the pain flooded his entire body as Life Power surged
through his brain cells. A single neuron mutated, then thousands of neurons
followed suit.
The pressure inside John’s skull increased to dangerous levels, but John
didn’t move an inch. His teeth and hands were clenched, blood dripped
from his mouth and fists as he clenched harder while the pain increased.
Almost an hour later, the pain ebbed.
John was breathing heavily as he stood there with his eyes shut, trying
to feel the Life Power once more. However, the amount was too little to be
of use.
He opened the system to check what had changed.
Welcome to the Idle System 2.9
Name: John
Title: A Selfish Punisher
Age: 21
Idlers: 2160/2160
Skill Points: 11
Life Pool: 1
Time Pool: 0
Sin: 102,253
Immortality List:
Absorption Speed - Idlers 0/2160, Beginner - 0/3, Advanced - 0/3,
Peak - 0/3
Purifier - Idlers 0/2160, Impurities - 0/3, Compact - 0/3, Speed - 0/3
Life System - Idlers 0/2160, Branches - 0/9
Oh, last time there were only two immortality skills. The Life System’s
Branches skill was what showed up when I learned the real cultivation
method back on the battlefield.
John looked at the information on all the skills, and they were the same
as before he prestiged.
Congratulations on discovering a way to help the system’s skills. We
have increased the level.
Not long after he read the skills information, the system went off a total
of eighteen times with the same message. The ringing in his ears that had
disappeared not long ago was back and still going a few minutes later.
Opening the system again, John was stunned.
Toxin Pool: 0
The Toxin Power counter showed up when Sarah’s shared skills were
In the immortality list, only the Life System’s Branches skill remained.
Knitting his brows, John began thinking.
Last time I joined the Rogue Sect after becoming an immortal, I found a
way to help the system complete skill levels by reading different techniques
and insights from the immortals.
But this time, I already know how to purify Life Power into Silver Grade
and I’ve read millions of different absorbing and breathing techniques
throughout the universe, so it makes sense that my knowledge completed
these skills.
What surprised me the most is the Share skill. I knew it kept the skills
even if the other Sider died since I still had O’Malley’s skill after I killed
him. I just didn’t know I kept other Siders’ skills after prestiging too!
I kept the Share option on all this time, so maybe that’s the reason. Now,
I wonder if Sarah or O’Malley have the Share option in their system
already. Will they still have memories of me?
Worst case scenario is O’Malley finds the option to Share skills, then
begins hunting for the Sider who suddenly put it there.
Actually, the worst case scenario is Sarah finding the new option and
tries to consult with her master, Jason Hendrix, causing history to change
once more after she tells him she’s a Sider.
Should I turn the option off, then?
I’ve got to. It’s too risky.
John turned the Share option off. He was just about to put all the Idlers
into the Life System’s Branches skill when he suddenly remembered the
events in his previous life.
I need to go on my first mission in three weeks to meet Sarah for the
first time, but these skills will create the branches in the proper cultivation
method, not the shortcut method.
Will my body get nourished in time for me to use Life Power in three
Wait, I can’t get the skill levels until I’ve gained enough Life Power
anyway. I might as well go to the sect and introduce myself to Jamie.
Amanda writing that letter might work again, but I want things different
this time. I can stop Jeremy’s plot since I know what will happen.
John turned around and saw Amanda watching him.
Smiling, John said, “I’ve become an immortal now, so I have to go back
to the sect.”
As he spoke, John subconsciously touched the pocket that held the sect
token Amanda had given him.
Amanda didn’t say anything and simply pointed to John’s head.
Moving his hand to the top of his head, John felt he had long hair again.
He pinched some and brought it to where he could see it. His silver hair was
“Ah, my master told me this would happen, don’t worry about it.” John
asked her to not tell anybody about it, to which she agreed.
Hopefully, O’Malley won’t find me for a while. Even after the trade for
his memories in my previous life, I still don’t know how he finds people with
Silver Grade Life Power to kill them. That’s at least two things he kept from
me during the trade.
After saying goodbye to Amanda, John walked to the back of the village
where the teleport rune was located. He went through the tunnel, stood on
the large teleport rune and disappeared.
His vision changed as he was now in the immortal sect, but he was on
the floor taking deep breaths.
Disorientation removed.
John stood up and sighed.
I’m used to the effects from teleporting, but only mentally. After
prestiging, I’m not physically used to it anymore.
John looked at the elder who was staring at him and smiled. “I don’t
think I’ll ever get used to these teleport runes, no matter how many
missions I go on.”
John flicked the sect token towards the elder. “Thanks for always doing
a good job, Brian.”
Brian caught the sect token, but his eyebrows were furrowed. “Do I
know you?”
“Not really,” John replied. “I’ve been through here a few times already,
but we haven't had a real conversation. Anyway, I’ve got to report in.”
John left the room before Brian could ask anymore questions.
Time for my plan. Hope this works.
He walked to the administrative building, but instead of registering as a
new sect member, he opened the area map and teleported next to a teleport
rune inside a room at the back of the building.
Stepping on the rune, he disappeared from the administrative building.
When his vision stabilised once again, he used the area map to teleport
next to a rune once more. After stepping on the last teleport rune, he was
finally where he wanted to be.
In front of him were rare herbs, bookcases full of rare techniques, jars of
beast blood, and a trove of other things.
John ignored all of them and walked towards a decorated mirror on one
of the shelves. Looking at his reflection, he noticed there was no seven-
sided star around his right eye, causing him to sigh in relief.
He walked towards nine large pits on the right side of the vault. There
was a pit on each side of him as he walked down the path and another pit at
the end. Inside each of these pits were millions of Life Stones. Each pit was
labelled with what grade Life Stone was stored within.
John walked past eight pits and went straight to the furthest pit
containing the Grade 9 Life Stones.
As he was walking, he made three of his mind parts use the absorbing
technique. Two parts merged the Life Power together inside his body, and
when his Scan was turned on after he gained enough Life Power, the last
mind part was used to sort out the Scan’s information.
Thankfully, when the system updated itself after transcending, it left the
option to use Life Power or Toxin Power with the skills. Otherwise, I would
be screwed until I could transcend and use Chaos Power again.
He was currently getting twenty billion Life Power every minute for
every mind part that used the absorbing technique. That was the best
technique his Sinner Shop’s skill had come up with after he merged all the
techniques together.
When he first used the technique, the sheer amount of Life Power
caused his veins to bulge. He was having trouble keeping it contained inside
He stopped using the mind parts after two minutes when he felt his body
was about to explode.
Taking a deep breath, John opened his system to check how much he
had gained.
Life Pool: 100B
John couldn’t help but roar in laughter at the amount. He had filled all
the neurons his brain had until he created more in Rank 4.
Looking at the Life Stones in the pit, John was tempted to take some,
but the current Rogue Sect hadn’t done anything to him so it wouldn’t feel
right to take them.
Instead, he sat down on the floor and waited.
He knew that the code needed to enter this vault was changed daily or
after somebody had entered the vault. Because he had entered this vault, a
new code would be given to Sect Master Jamie, which would alert him
about an intruder.
John’s plan was to lure Jamie here and in return for the Life Power he
had drained out of the vault, he would remove the manipulation status off of
him, remove Jeremy from the sect, and teach Jamie about controlling the
elements so he wouldn’t become a waste once again.
No matter how John thought about it, he knew Jamie was getting a
much better deal than him.
The only variable that John could think of was if Jamie would bring
other people from the sect with him. If that happened, John would have a
harder time convincing Jamie that he was telling the truth—assuming Jamie
would engage in a private conversation with him at all.
A few minutes after he sat down, John heard some noises. He couldn’t
quite hear what it was, so he closed his eyes and focused on listening.
The noises got a little bit clearer and he could tell there were people
shouting, but he couldn’t hear what they were saying.
It wasn’t until the vault door opened that John could see everything in
his Scan.
There were hundreds, possibly even thousands of people outside the
John lip read and learned that the sect master ordered them to be there,
but nobody to go inside.
Not long after the vault door opened, an old man walked in with a
walking stick and began looking around all the objects. The man wore the
Rogue Sect’s robes and had a short beard. His white hair was tied into a
ponytail, and he had a few age spots on his forehead.
John knitted his brows. He didn’t remember meeting this man before,
even after he took over the Rogue Sect.
In his Scan, he watched the man look at the objects and after making
sure they weren’t messed with, he moved on to the next place. At the same
time, John could see the old man was being vigilant, making sure the
intruder couldn’t surprise him.
After the old man had finished examining one section of the vault, he
moved into the room where the Life Stones were.
John noticed the surprised look on the old man’s face when they made
eye contact.
“Who’re you?” John asked.
“Shouldn’t that be my question?” the old man replied.
John chuckled. “I’ll just say I’m friendly and only looking for Jamie
Cooper. Do you know where he is?”
The man inched closer. John could tell he was getting ready to attack in
case things went wrong.
“What do you want with my disciple?”
John’s eyebrows arched up due to shock.
Chapter 8: The Cause

John’s mind was on the verge of breaking down after he heard the man.
When he managed to come back to reality, John blurted out, “Didn’t
you die against the Sider around thirty-five thousand years ago?”
Shaking his head, the old man replied, “I’ve never fought a Sider, and
obviously, I’m alive since we’re talking. Now that I’ve answered your
question, answer mine and tell me who you are!”
Ah! I finally got it!
How the timeline has changed since prestiging. Danny never came here!
I’ve already got his Sinner System before prestiging, so there was no
point in me bringing Danny here again and because of that, he never went
on a massacre in the mortal world.
The planet’s population never dropped, technology advanced, the royal
family was never killed so Simon and his father aren’t the rightful rulers of
the Northern Kingdom.
Alan, Cyril, and Peter look different probably because their ancestors
mated with different people. I don’t know why or how their names and other
things were the same though.
Danny never killed half of the Rogue Sect immortals. Jamie’s master
and that woman during the final fight were never killed either, so the
immortals spread their influence on the planet rather than staying cooped
John laughed because he had figured everything out, but it didn’t last
long as a thought struck him.
Doesn’t this count as changing the past? Does that mean my future self
will get punished?
John’s thoughts about getting punished like how O’Malley described it
were running wild, causing his heartbeat to increase while he took shallow
breaths. Shaking his head, he decided not to dwell on it too much.
After he calmed down, John replied, “It’s kind of hard to actually
answer that question.”
John then used his Immortal Eye skill on the old man.
Rank: 9
Level: 9
Sin: 2
John lowered his head and placed his curled-up index finger over his
mouth as he thought. Not manipulated, so maybe Jeremy never got
O’Malley’s manipulation technique, or Jeremy couldn’t use it on this old
Was there anything else Danny would’ve changed if he came here?
I don’t think so. Danny didn’t get off this planet, he died to the
immortals here.
As John was thinking, he heard the old man shout, “If you don’t want to
answer, then die!”
Lifting his head, John saw the old man gathering Life Power into a pale-
green ball just before it was launched towards him.
John panicked as he couldn’t use Life Power yet; the Life System’s
Branches weren’t completed.
During the panic though, John felt the Life Power inside his brain move
all around his body, unhindered. It was only stopped when it tried to get out
of his body and into the world.
However, John felt something going through his skin all over his body.
It lasted less than a second, and he realised what it was when it was all over.
John laughed in joy before he shouted, “This way of attacking is
Lifting his hand, John used the space element to trap that ball of Life
Power where it was.
The system still had the upgrades after John ate all the beastmen cores
and he still had the knowledge of using the elements by transforming the
Life Power inside his body. Unlike the Life Power though, the elements
were intangible like the soul. The elements would only become tangible
after leaving the body to do what the person wanted.
And like the soul, it was only through mastering the use of the elements
could one feel and use them.
John’s body had acted like a sealed container for the Life Power, but the
elements born from the Life Power could pass through that container easily.
I can use maybe a hundredth of an element’s strength while using Life
Power. When I meet Sarah and manage to get the Toxin Power from her
system again, then I can use around one fifth of an element’s strength. Only
by using Chaos Power can the full strength and all the possible abilities be
I can stop attacks like this and the immortals outside the battlefield
can’t use elements to counterattack me. But if I want to go back to the
battlefield and make humans win the war again, I’ll need Sarah’s skills.
Even though I now know that the whole battlefield is a game for the
transcendents to bet on, I still need humans to win the war.
Using the space element again, John created a small wormhole about
two inches in diameter where the ball of Life Power was and made sure the
other end was linked close to the universal barrier so it couldn’t do
Then, the ball’s shape warped as it was sucked into the wormhole a few
seconds later.
That’s the largest wormhole I can create using Life Power.
Transcendents use wormholes to travel throughout the universe while I can
maybe send three of my fingers if I don’t want to see them again. I really
miss being able to use Chaos Power.
After closing the wormhole, John used the force element and pushed the
old man into the wall of the vault. He made sure to keep pressure on the old
man’s entire body to stop even his finger from being able to twitch.
“I get why you attacked,” John stated. “I’m not mad because I would
have done the same thing in your position. I’m only making sure you don’t
do it again. Now, let me think about how to explain things properly.”
Before he continued, John made sure the Hide option was turned on and
even used the space element to search around him in case O’Malley was
watching him.
When he gained O’Malley’s memories just before killing him, John had
learned that O’Malley used the time, space, and ice elements together to
create the screen that could show John’s location, conversation, and actions
in real time.
He also learned how to make sure the screen wasn’t watching him by
using the space element as a radar.
After he made sure nobody was watching him, John spoke again. “I
suppose the easiest way to explain everything is that I’m a Sider. However,
you might not believe this, but I’ve come back in time to fix a few things.”
John made up a few lies, telling the old man that the timeline he came
from was different compared to their current one, which could mean he
came from a parallel universe rather than the future.
He explained that he was Jamie’s disciple. Then John told him that he
and the woman Jamie was always with died in a fight against a Sider named
Danny in his timeline.
John then explained that he was a transcendent in his time, but he lost
that strength due to unknown reasons after arriving here.
To make his unbelievable story sound more credible, John explained
one of the steps to transcend was gaining control over the elements and he
had just shown he had that control.
He wanted to tell the old man about the Silver Grade Life Power and the
proper cultivation method, but O’Malley would come and kill him if that
After trying his best to explain, John asked, “This might make my story
sound less credible, but Jamie never told me your name due to how painful
the memory was, so I don’t know what to call you.”
He then used the force element to loosen the pressure on the man’s head
so he could speak.
As soon as he felt the pressure lessen, the man coughed. “Dylan Greer.
That’s my name, and the woman you’re talking about is my daughter,
Savannah Greer.
“Both Jamie and Savannah are on their honeymoon and not at the sect.”
“What?” John exclaimed. “Jamie’s married?”
“Yeah,” Dylan replied. “They got married almost fifty years ago now.”
“A fifty-year honeymoon?” John laughed. “Anyway, while I’ve got you
here, let me ask you something. Do you know a man called Jeremy May?”
Dylan had to think, but he eventually said yes.
“Do you have any records that show if he went on a long-distance
mission roughly thirty-six thousand years ago?” John asked.
“Why would you want to know that?”
“Well, after his parents died, Jeremy blamed the sect and it was that
mission that led up to something terrible,” John answered. “I want to
change that.”
“Jeremy’s parents are alive.”
“What?” John was stunned.
“Jeremy’s father is an elder in the sect and his mother helps with the
administrative side after an accident,” Dylan explained. “The only reason I
know this is because I’m friends with them, but I’ve only met Jeremy a few
times, so it took me a little while to remember him when you mentioned his
“If you had asked about almost anyone else inside the sect, then I
couldn’t answer you without looking through our records.”
John placed his finger over his mouth again as he thought.
Does Danny not being in this timeline have something to do with that
I remember Jeremy’s parents died on a group mission.
Ah, because Danny didn’t kill half the sect members, their information
gathering abilities didn’t decline and more than likely, the group had
stronger members this time too.
Or, the mission was handed over to another group since there were
more members in the sect without Danny’s massacre.
So, I don’t have to do anything to stop Jeremy if he never had any
reason to betray the sect in the first place.
Unless I should still kill him to make sure it doesn’t happen again? Nah,
I’ll just ask Dylan to keep an eye on Jeremy.
This creates another problem though. That technique would have still
been sitting in the cave since it was O’Malley who put it there and forgot to
destroy it. If Jeremy didn’t find it, someone else might have, or it might still
be there.
I know what planet it’s on and where it’s located, but I’ve never visited
that place before so it’ll take me months to get there through the Rogue
Sect’s teleport system.
I’ve got to meet Sarah in three weeks in this timeline, so I can’t go yet.
It’s also too risky to ask someone else to go find it for me too. I’ll just
have to put it on hold for now. Sarah is more important.
John looked at Dylan and said, “Get me an identification as a Rogue
Sect member and a Rogue Sect key since I need to use the teleport system.”
Chapter 9: New Equipment

Dylan looked at John for a minute before nodding his head. “What you’ve
told me is something nobody should believe, but you’ve shown proof to
back your story up. You’ve convinced me that what you’ve told me is true.
“I thought I was at the top of the immortal world and not many people
could beat me, but you blocked my attack and incapacitated me by only
moving your hand twice. Even if I didn’t do what you asked, you could
easily kill all my sect members, so I’ll cooperate as long as you swear you
won’t hurt my sect in any way.”
John smiled. “I was a member of this sect in my timeline. Though, due
to certain reasons, we had to change its name to match the mortal version. It
was called the Nobody Sect for a few decades before I transcended.”
John stopped using the force element and let Dylan go.
When he did so, Dylan moved his arms and legs to make sure they
weren’t restricted anymore.
John then created a single thread. The thread wrapped around Dylan’s
walking stick that was dropped when the force element pushed him to the
wall. The walking stick appeared to be floating in the air towards the old
John could see the surprise on Dylan’s face when he saw the walking
stick was floating towards him, and when Dylan grabbed it, John removed
the thread.
Dylan took something out of a bag that was tied on his robe and
chucked it towards John.
As soon as John caught it, the system went off.
An unknown foreign object is trying to enter the user’s body. The
system has determined that the foreign object is a rune that acts as a
key. Does the user wish to keep the key?
User has accepted the key. Please name it.
Rogue’s Key.
Rogue’s Key has been placed inside the user’s body for easy access.
If you wish to remove the key permanently in the future, you will need
to complete a task.
This is what happened last time too, though I never needed to remove it,
so I don’t know what kind of task the system would ask for.
John opened the system and found the new addition.
Foreign Objects:
Rogue’s Key.
John then looked at Dylan and asked, “Does the sect have any
Dylan nodded and then walked towards another section of the vault. He
removed some runes from a corner of the room, revealing a trap door in the
Oh, I didn’t know that was there. Even my scan didn’t pick it up. The
runes he removed are only rare, so if someone was in here to rob the place,
they wouldn’t look at them twice.
Dylan led John through the trap door and down some stairs.
At the bottom was a single room about two hundred square feet. It was
mostly empty, but some books, metals, age test crystals, and complete sets
of armour were in there.
Dylan spoke after leading John there. “In here are the items the sect
doesn’t want out in the universe for one reason or another. They’re either
too powerful or would create chaos.”
They walked to one corner of the room where John found a large stack
of nanometal.
“We haven’t had anyone who could forge anything out of this metal,”
Dylan explained. “Nevertheless, we couldn’t let anyone else have it just in
case they found someone who could.”
John chuckled, walked past Dylan, and crouched down in front of the
Using the metal element, he made all of it liquify and gather together to
make one huge block. When he was finished, it was over eight feet wide
and over ten feet high, almost touching the ceiling.
He separated a few blocks of nanometal after that and, while using the
Scan to see how they looked on him, he created a helmet, armour, gauntlets,
legs, and boots in the same silver armour style he was used to. He then used
some to create a longsword and a short sword for himself.
Checking the equipment with his Immortal Eye, it showed they were
mythical grade and had five empty rune slots.
Turning his head to look at Dylan, he asked, “Do you have any mythical
grade blank runes and some beast blood? I’ll need enough to create thirty-
six runes. In return, I’ll make you a set using this nanometal.”
Dylan was shocked at how John created the pieces of armour from the
nanometal, but he came out of it after John spoke to him.
After hearing he could get a set too, Dylan smiled. “Of course! I’ll get
you everything you need! Come and stay at my house as a guest until the
materials are gathered.”
John nodded and accepted Dylan’s offer. He then placed his hand on the
large block of nanometal and put it in his Storage Space, making it
“Let’s go.”
Dylan’s house was the large sect master house that Jamie, John, then
Luke lived in as sect masters before he prestiged.
Most of the decorations throughout the house were the same, including
the white pillars and stained glass.
In the main room, the two men sat on a patch of grass to talk. John
asked about Dylan’s cultivation method and after he learned that Dylan was
using a low ranking one, he gave him the same one Amanda was now
“Have you ever heard of the Anti-assassin Sect?”
“Of course I have,” Dylan replied. “They’re the nutjobs that think all
life is precious, even after that life has killed millions of other lives. We’ve
been fighting against each other since before I was even born.”
“Do you know where their sect is located?” John asked.
“No.” Dylan shook his head. “Why?”
“In the timeline I’m from, that sect gets destroyed. But there’s someone
in there that’s important to me, so I need to make sure this timeline follows
suit. Once I’ve made preparations and everything’s in place, I’ll kill that
sect off personally.
“In the meantime, order the rest of your sect members to not mess with
them as it might screw up my plans. Even though I’m from this sect, if one
of your members killed that important person, then I’ll destroy both sects.”
Dylan promised to relay the orders, then he took out some paperwork
and showed John.
Reading the papers, it showed that John was now a special guest of the
sect master and a member of the sect. The compulsory missions each
member needed to do didn’t apply to John either.
John smiled and thanked Dylan.
Not long after, a grand elder of the sect delivered the mythical blank
runes and beast blood.
John soon got to work and created mythical self-clean, shapeshift,
change colour, self-heal, and force friction runes for each of his armour
For his longsword and short sword, he created a mythical molecule
edge, fingerprint, self-clean, colour change, and air resistance runes.
John explained some of the runes to Dylan since the force friction and
air resistance runes would be created and sold in the future, but the
molecule edge and fingerprint runes were his own creation, so Dylan
wouldn’t know of these runes even in the future.
After he placed all the runes inside all the equipment, John made his
clothes go back to his black overcoat look, then he placed both of his
swords inside his Storage Space.
Standing up, John started throwing punches, kicks, and moving about to
make sure the armour didn’t restrict his movement.
When he was finished, he took out the nanometal and created a full
armour set for Dylan and his weapon of choice. John was surprised that the
weapon Dylan wanted was a large, two-handed battle axe and wondered if
Dylan’s old body would be able to even swing it.
After receiving the armour and weapons, Dylan went and changed.
When he came back, John watched him do the same movements he did
to check if there were any restrictions in the movements.
Dylan was a fast learner as he told John he could create his own
mythical runes, including the four that John just showed him. There were a
few mythical blank runes left, so Dylan created a few for his weapon.
He then grabbed the two-handed battle axe and started swinging it like a
Viking in his prime, shocking John.
The air started moving along with the battle axe. It got strong enough to
move the furniture in the room and if he hadn’t stopped, the whole house
might have been ruined.
Putting the battle axe away, Dylan couldn’t help but laugh in joy at the
results. He complained about not being able to swing a battle axe how he
wanted and even after thousands of years, he failed to correct it. It was the
air resistance rune that finally made it happen.
John wasn’t too worried about the molecule edge rune being given to
someone else anymore because with the Atom Defence skill, the weapon
that had the molecule edge rune inside it couldn’t hurt him and that skill
would be shared with Sarah and Kelly in the future too.
Dylan then gave John the deeds to an empty house not far from where
they were. John thanked him and after they talked for more than an hour,
John got up and left.
He walked to his new house and looked around. There wasn’t any
furniture as the house was completely empty.
John used the earth element to move the ground to create a chair. He sat
down and started thinking about what he should do next.
Chapter 10: Mistake

After much thinking, John decided to test the immortality skills.

He made sure the Continue option was off, then placed all the Idlers into
the Life System’s Branches skill. The time came up as one day.
The time needed is different this time too, but the last time I got these
skills was when I was Rank 8 and trying to fix the shortcut cultivation
method. Did the system remove some of the time needed because I was a
much higher rank back then?
I’ve got the same amount of Idlers as before and that’s the only thing I
can think of.
He could do nothing but wait for an entire day to see the results.
When the skill levelled up, John felt the inside of his feet squirming as
the system created the branches using the proper cultivation method.
The pain in his feet increased as the branches started digging through
his flesh. John gripped the arms of the seat he had created, hoping the pain
would end quickly.
The arms broke due to the pressure, so he grabbed his knees and started
squeezing even harder. This lasted for almost ten minutes before the
branches were completed and the pain subsided.
John was breathing heavily as he leaned his head back.
Again, mentally used to the pain, but not physically.
He moved his ankles a full three hundred and sixty degrees while
bending and stretching his toes. He then tried pushing Life Power through
the new branches, but it couldn’t reach the outside.
It’s not surprising that the Life Power can’t get out, I need to have a
nourished body for that to work without using the shortcut method.
But if my feet aren’t nourished within twenty days, I’ll have to use the
shortcut method and then destroy the branches by clogging them up again.
I can get a few levels, and if my body isn’t nourished before I have to
leave to meet Sarah, I’ll have to go drastic.
I can’t use the elements during our first meeting. Who knows if that will
change the future completely. If I wasn’t worried about that, I could easily
kill the person that came with Sarah and then try to explain everything.
John placed all the Idlers back into the skill and waited.
Fourteen days later, his feet were still not nourished. John used the
shortcut cultivation method on his hands and pushed Life Power through his
Gritting his teeth from the pain, John continued and after a few minutes,
he heard a pop—a branch had reached the outside. Another pop came half a
second later and then hundreds more within a few seconds.
When the pain subsided, he pushed Life Power through his hands to
make sure he could use it. He then checked the system to see if anything
had changed.
Immortality List:
Life System - Idlers 2160/2160, Branches - 4/9, Time - 16d
The system had created the branches according to the proper cultivation
method from his feet up to his stomach. The next five levels would create
the branches in his chest, biceps, forearms, hands, and the final level would
do both the neck and head.
The system must not recognise the shortcut method anymore, so using
the shortcut method on my hands didn’t increase the level like it did back
when I first started as an immortal.
I wonder what would happen if I increased the level four more times so
it would do the proper cultivation method on my hands now.
Nothing I can do at the moment, and it’s time I prepare for the mission.
Even if the mission has changed slightly, I know Sarah will meet me
because my future self wouldn’t allow anything else to happen.
After checking the system and testing if the Life Power could be used
by his hands one more time, John walked to Dylan’s house.
Standing in front of Dylan, John said, “I need somebody to come with
me. They need to be Rank 4, Level 9 and can handle themselves. I’m going
to meet that important person from the Anti-assassin Sect, but they’ll have
an escort who will be a Rank 4, Level 7.
“The escort that you pick needs to keep the other escort busy for thirty
minutes to an hour, and they aren’t allowed to kill or lose the fight. We’ll be
gone for maybe eight days, and if you’ve got a communication device, we
can keep in touch.”
Dylan nodded. “I’ll see to it that you get the best person for the job.
When will you be leaving?”
“Tomorrow morning.”
After they talked about a few minor things, Dylan gave John a
communication device before walking him out.
Looking at the silver, round ball in his hands, John smiled.
At least these devices haven’t changed from my previous life. If this
technology, which has spread throughout the universe, hasn’t changed, then
that means most of the things I know of in this universe, like the powers at
play, their technology and strength, should still be the same.
John left and went towards the mission hub. When he arrived, he stood
under the monitor, brought it to his eye level, and started looking for the
mission he needed.
It took a few minutes, but he found it.
Planet 25304
North Continent
Mu Clan. Target is the grandson of the head of the family.
Name: Matthew Mu
Strength: Immortal Rank 2, Level 1
Crimes: Murdered a family for profit
Pay: 500 Grade 1 Life Stones
I was a little worried that I wouldn’t be able to find Matthew Mu’s
contract because something else had changed in the past.
John remembered the code of the job and went to the counter to get
assigned to it before returning home to wait for the escort Dylan had
assigned to contact him.
The next morning, there was a knock on John’s door. In his Scan, John
could see a man wearing the Rogue Sect mask and robes waiting at his
John opened the door and asked, “Are you my escort?”
The man nodded. “Everyone calls me Lost Wolf.”
Knitting his brows, John asked, “Why do they call you that?”
“Because if I’m on my own, I get lost more often than finding my
target.” The man scratched the back of his head as he explained.
This is the best person for the job that Dylan could get?
“How’s your fighting capabilities?” John asked, doubtful.
“I can easily kill a Rank 5, and I can control the fight however I want,”
Wolf replied.
As long as I go with him to the meeting and he doesn’t get lost, what I
asked of Dylan is guaranteed. That’ll do.
“Has the sect master told you what I need you to do?” John made sure
nothing was left to chance.
Wolf nodded and reiterated what he was supposed to do.
“Let’s go, then,” John said with a grin.
On the way to the mission hub, John changed into the Rogue Sect’s
garb. When they entered the mission hub, John went to teleport number
Going through two more portals, they arrived on Planet 25304. The last
teleport they went through led to its surface.
When John came out of the teleport room, his entire view was covered
in snow. He remembered what happened the last time he was here and had
taken another step forward, so he told Lost Wolf to fly since there was a
twelve-foot drop in front of them.
Wolf grabbed his sword, stepped on it, and flew in the air. John created
a sword out of his threads and flew into the air too. John then led the way to
the city.
The area changed from freezing to warm.
It took the men a few hours to arrive outside the city. John and Wolf got
off their swords and walked through the gates. John went to the tavern
where he met Michael last time and bought them both a drink.
While he was drinking, John kept checking the Scan for signs of
Matthew Mu and Sarah.
Last time Matthew came back into town, John had found him about a
mile away from this tavern. The way John did it back then was all wrong
because he used the Life Vision skill to scout the whole city, then asked the
system to remove all icons on the map other than the ones who were Rank
2, Level 1.
Now he knew better, thanks to the events on the battlefield.
Since this contract was a quest, Matthew Mu’s location would be
revealed as a yellow exclamation mark in his area map once he was in
All John had to do was wait.
Unfortunately, John and Wolf waited for three days and neither
Matthew Mu nor Sarah had entered the city.
What the hell is going on? The last time I came here, I met Michael and
we did both jobs together in a day. Why is it different this time?
His mind kept trying to find something he had missed, when all of a
sudden it struck him. John lowered his head onto the table he was sitting at
and started banging it while mumbling, “How could I be so stupid?”
I left the sect three weeks after entering it, like I did this time.
The only difference was what happened in between! I couldn’t fly back
then and had trouble getting here.
It took me nineteen days to get to this city by foot last time and I got
here in a few hours this time!
No wonder nobody came! I got here way too early!
After telling Wolf to stay where he was, John got up and left the tavern.
He wandered about for twenty minutes before coming back and sitting
down at their table again.
John sighed, looking at Wolf. “I just found out there’s been a delay in
my target’s movements. They’re not going to get here for another estimated
sixteen days. Contact the sect master and let him know about the delay. I’ll
pay you for the extra time.”
There’s no way I can let Dylan know I made a mistake like this after I
told him I’m a transcendent from the future. I wouldn’t be able to show my
face again.
Chapter 11: Meeting Once More

Thirteen days later, the Life System’s Branches skill finished levelling and
the time for the next level came up as one month and four days.
The next day, John found Sarah and another Anti-assassin Sect member
in his Scan. They were walking towards the city’s entrance and had just
entered his Scan’s range.
John followed them in his Scan and saw them check into a hotel down
the street from the city’s entrance.
Thanks to his lip reading inside the Scan, he saw them talking about an
anonymous tip that detailed an assassination attempt on Matthew Mu.
Oh, how would they know something like that without some kind of
traitor in the sect? Even before the prestige and I travelled back to the past,
I only told Jason about Sarah meeting the assassins. I didn’t tell them the
assassin’s target.
Unless my future self in this timeline told them the target’s name?
Damn! Now I question if my future self is involved in everything I do! I
wish I was ignorant about all of this again so I could get on with my plans
without second guessing everything!
Calm down. John took a deep breath. This is a good thing since they’ll
stay in the city until we make a move against Matthew Mu.
All I need to do now is figure out how I’m going to explain things to
Sarah. I need to make her believe me, but at the same time not reveal too
If I just tell her everything, she might run away shouting I’m crazy. If I
say too little, then she’ll run away shouting I’m a con artist. I need to make
her not dismiss me straight away.
Even after all this time and thinking, I’ve managed to eliminate a lot of
the ideas, but I still have a few options on how to do it.
Two days later, a yellow exclamation mark appeared on John’s area
map. In his Scan, he saw Matthew and thirteen bodyguards surrounding him
walking towards an estate in the city.
Walking out of his room at the inn, John knocked on Wolf’s door. When
Wolf answered, John gave him a serious look. “It’s time.”
Wolf gathered his tools and the two started towards their target.
“When it’s all over and the person you’ve been fighting leaves, don’t
move an inch. I’ll come find you, so there’s no chance you’ll get lost while
trying to get back to the inn.”
As they headed to the estate, John saw Sarah and her escort headed
there too. Sarah and her escort stopped not far from the estate and waited.
They’re waiting for us to strike, John thought.
When they arrived at the Mu estate, both John and Wolf ran past the
mortal guards and headed for Matthew who was in the backyard.
“Kill all the guards and I’ll deal with Matthew,” John ordered.
Wolf nodded and ran in front of John. When he got to the thirteen
guards who were watching Matthew practice, Wolf began killing them.
John was much slower than Wolf because he couldn’t push Life Power
in his feet for extra speed. He arrived next to Matthew while Wolf had
already killed eight guards.
Matthew swung his sword towards John in a half-panicked state.
John pushed some Life Power into his left hand to deflect the sword
strike. His black nails lengthened and he used them to easily decapitate
Congratulations on killing your first Rank 2 immortal creature, we
have given you a reward of 1 skill point to place anywhere you choose.
Oh, I can get the skill points for killing immortals this time too?
John closed the system’s message after placing the decapitated head in
his Storage Space. He then looked at Wolf as he just killed the last guard
before shouting, “This way!” John was half scared Wolf would get lost
walking a hundred feet from where the guards were to where he was.
Not long after Wolf arrived next to John, John saw Sarah and her escort
start running towards them in his Scan.
“Your real job is about to start.”
A few minutes later, John was staring at Sarah while she was dressed in
a red-and-green mask and robes. From what he could tell, she was staring
back at him.
He used his Immortal Eye skill on her.
Sarah Wells
Rank: 2
Level: 2
Sin: 0
Sarah got into an attacking position.
John could feel his heartbeat quicken as his eyes wouldn’t leave her. He
didn’t even realise that Wolf and the other escort had started fighting.
His voice wouldn’t come out as he tried to speak to her for the first
John took a deep breath to calm himself. He cleared his throat, but
before he could speak, Sarah ran at him to attack.
Pushing Life Power into his hands, John blocked or deflected every
attack Sarah made. When that didn’t work, Sarah tried beating him with
John simply stood on the spot and turned to face Sarah when she got
close. He couldn’t use Life Power in any other part of his body and he
didn’t want to use any of the elements on her.
After ten minutes, Sarah stood ten feet away from John in an attacking
posture, panting.
This time, John managed to get his voice out before she moved again.
“Hello, Sarah.”
Sarah’s attacking posture didn’t move.
“How do you know my name?”
“I’m like you,” John replied. “I’m from Earth.”
“Impossible!” Sarah scoffed.
John laughed. “Nothing is impossible in this universe. I’m like you and
from Earth, but unlike you, this is actually my third life.
“In my first life, we met briefly at a hospital in London where you
worked as a doctor. In my second life, I knew you in this universe. We
became friends after we found out about each other’s identity, which is how
I know your past life on Earth.
“At the end of my second life, my system sent me back to the past so I
can change what happened.”
Sarah’s posture finally relaxed a little as she stood up straight. “What
happened in the end, then?”
“I can’t tell you,” John replied while shaking his head. “If I tell you
now, then the future I know will change and I can’t predict or prevent
certain events from happening in our lives. However, after thinking about
how to make you believe me without any doubts, I’ve come up with a
solution that should work.”
John took out a parchment, an envelope and a pen that he bought from
town, then he began writing. After he was finished, he placed the parchment
in the envelope and sealed it.
Holding the envelope up to show Sarah, John said, “I’ve written down
what will happen between now and the next time we meet. When we meet
again, simply open this in front of me and read what it says, then you
should believe me.
“I can’t tell you when or how we’ll meet next because that might
change the future too. We’ll just let the future play out how it’s supposed to
for now. All you have to do is carry on with your life like you were doing
before meeting me.
“The drawback of this method is if you open this before we meet again,
the entire future can change and there’s nothing I would be able to do about
it. Also, if you change how you normally behave after meeting me, that
could change the future too.
“So, while you might have your doubts about me and wonder if I speak
the truth or not, please be patient and act natural. What I can tell you is that
you do have a bright future and you will be happy in this life if everything
goes how it’s supposed to in the future. It was the ending that’s terrible and
that’s what I’m trying to change.”
John held the envelope out as he spoke.
I just hope my future self didn’t alter anything. Otherwise, if the contents
of this envelope don’t match what will happen to her, I will lose her trust
and eventually lose her altogether.
Sarah inched closer and closer while keeping her guard up. When she
was within reach, she lifted her hand, snatched the envelope, and jumped
John didn’t move at all as he knew Sarah was being cautious of a man
who simply walked into her life and said some crazy things.
After she went back to a safe distance, Sarah looked at the envelope and
put it inside her robe to keep it safe.
I want to talk to her about sharing the skills again, but at this point it
would be too dangerous because O’Malley’s skills would be shared too, and
if Sarah had my skills before leaving the Anti-assassin Sect, she could
change the future completely.
John chose not to mention sharing the skills. He then spoke again.
“While you believe that all life is valuable, do some research on the people
you protect. Matthew Mu deserved to be killed.
“Also, tell your master that you want to train to beat me. Though that’s
only an excuse and you’ll figure out the real reason later on.”
John turned around and started to walk away.
“Wait!” Sarah shouted. “You never told me your name.”
Coming to a stop, John laughed. I can do the same thing as last time
now. Sarah told me later on in life that this left quite an impression on her.
Taking out Matthew Mu’s decapitated head, John held it up. “My name
is John, and I’m the reason why people like this should run.”
After returning Matthew’s head to his Storage Space, he carried on
walking towards Wolf and waited for the fight to end.
After it was over, John escorted Wolf back to the sect.
Chapter 12: Changing Luke’s Mortal Life

It only took John and Wolf a few hours to return to the Rogue Sect.
Instead of going to meet with Dylan, John went to the mission hub and
turned in Matthew Mu’s head. After getting the Life Stones and tossing
them in his Storage Space, John checked a monitor for available missions.
Planet 984,513,548
Central Continent
Name: Andrew Grey
Strength: Immortal Rank 2, Level 7
Crimes: Plotted against families in capital for political power, at least
20,000 people dead
Pay: 10 Grade 3 Life Stones
Notes: Target is cunning, deceitful, and ruthless
John remembered the code, went to the counter, and had the mission
assigned to him. There was no time limit since it was a long distance
Andrew Grey is the fall guy and I remember it was the guild master who
had killed all those people. In my past life, O’Malley became the guild
master just to meet me, but this time that shouldn’t happen.
Also, I would’ve accepted this mission after finding Danny’s body.
It would’ve taken me about six months to get used to the new absorbing
and breathing technique, so I would’ve left for this mission in about nine
months from now.
John opened the universal map and checked the planet where Andrew
Grey and the mastermind were located; however, he couldn’t see any of the
system’s green colour.
That meant there was nowhere he could teleport to on that planet using
the system’s skills and he would have to use the Rogue Sect’s teleport
system to get there instead.
If I remember right, it took me about ten months to travel from here to
that planet. The small tournament should start in about nineteen months
from now and then I’ll meet Sarah again at the king’s feast after I win it.
I can only hope Sarah took my advice and didn’t open the envelope.
John then opened the system and looked at the Life System’s Branches
skill. It had a little over one month and one day left to finish. He did some
calculations to figure out that the entire skill would need a little over one
year and five months to complete.
Before the tournament started, he calculated that he should be able to
enter Rank 3, but because he used the shortcut method on his hands to meet
Sarah, he didn’t know what would happen once the level for the hands got
completed, if it would get completed at all.
There had been a few times where the skill level wouldn’t get
completed for one reason or another. All he could do for now was wait and
see what would happen.
John exited the mission hub and walked to Dylan’s house. When he got
there, he could see there was a meeting going on in his Scan.
He recognised the four people that were talking to Dylan. There was
Patrick Williams, the head of the spying department; Ryan Moloney, the
head of the investigators; Milton Mitchell, the head of contracts; and Sadie
Burks, the head of verifying and payment.
Seeing the heads of the departments reminded John that he needed to
inform Dylan about something.
He waited for the meeting to be over before he knocked on the door.
After he got invited in and was sitting in the main room, John said, “I
remembered something from the future that will change this sect for the
better. But that happened when I took over the sect after Jamie’s death.
“Because you, Jamie, and Savannah are still alive in this timeline, I
don’t know if it will change the sect as much.”
Dylan nodded his head. “What is it?”
John grinned. “Another Sider. This Sider will have the power to create
something called an information sphere. You can place the sphere on your
forehead to gain the information inside it, or you can use the same method
to add information to it.
“In my timeline, he set up an information department within the sect.
Investigators went around gathering intel that could be useful before
returning to the sect to have the information stored in a sphere.
“People all over the universe were buying this information in the end.
The sect was earning enough Life Stones to buy planets if needed, but most
of all, it was earning enough to expand.
“By the end of my life, the Nobody Sect had hired investigators on
every planet and commissioned enough assassins to cover them all too. No
dangerous criminal escaped the death sentence and by killing them all, the
sect saved countless innocent lives.”
Dylan laughed. “That sounds fantastic! When will this Sider show up?
What’s his or her name? Do I need to do anything to make that future
“Calm down.” John laughed. “The Sider’s name is Luke Jordan and
he’ll show up near the sea, northwest of Newbie Town in the Northern
Kingdom, about twelve years from now. I’m telling you this now because I
might not be here when Luke arrives.
“In my timeline, Luke didn’t make it to the immortal village in time to
become an immortal and I didn’t get back in time to meet him until after it
happened. I had to use the force method on him and then help him settle
into the sect.
“If you find him at Newbie Town, help him gain enough strength to
become an immortal by giving him various bits of information.”
John then went on to explain how Luke gained strength and abilities by
getting new information.
After he finished speaking, John took out another blank parchment and
envelope. He wrote down Luke’s life on Earth, how he knew it, and then
sealed it before giving it to Dylan.
“When your men meet Luke in Newbie Town, can you give him this to
read?” John asked.
Dylan agreed and took the envelope. “What are you going to do next?”
“I need to do a long distance mission that will take me over ten months
to get there. That’s the place where I’ll meet the important person from the
Anti-assassin Sect a second time.
“After I’ve met them a third time, it won’t be long until the Anti-
assassin Sect is destroyed. But, I can’t tell you how this is going to happen
in case that changes the future.
“I’m going to get going, then,” John said as he stood up to leave.
Dylan stood up, shook John’s hand, and thanked him.
After checking the map on the ceiling in the mission hub just to make
sure nothing had changed in this new life, John went to the first teleport
rune and disappeared.
One month and a day later, the Life System’s Branches’ sixth level was
The branches started to dig through his biceps. They began to burn as
his veins started bulging. John gritted his teeth while clenching his fists.
The pain only lasted for a few minutes before the branches were
complete and Life Power started to nourish his biceps.
Two months and eight days later, the seventh level was completed. He
felt the same pain and the same results.
Four months and sixteen days later, the skill was stuck at one second
and wouldn’t finish.
Damn it, I thought this would happen. I need to form a clot in my hands
and wait for the branches to die out. The only positive side is the branches
in my hands are still relatively new and I’ve only used them once.
When it took a year to destroy my branches back on the battlefield, I
had been using Life Power through them for years and they were
strengthened in Rank 6 too, so maybe it won’t take a full year to destroy
them this time.
John then used the Life Power to form clots at the base of every life
system branch in his hands.
One month later, John could feel that most of his branches were already
dead, causing him to smile.
The second he reached the planet the mission is on, all the branches
were dead and the eighth skill level had completed.
Opening his world map, he found that the nearest town was nine
hundred miles away. He remembered that it was the town where he signed
up for the small tournament last time, and there was no need to change that.
The only difference was that the start of the tournament wouldn’t
happen for a bit more than nine months. Upon checking the system, he
noticed that the final level of Life System’s Branches skill was also a little
over nine months away from finishing.
I might hit Rank 3 a few days before or after the tournament in this
town, then.
John created a sword from his threads and flew to the nearest town to
check into an inn.
Chapter 13: The Specialist

When he arrived, John went to the nearest inn and rented a room for the
price of one Life Stone. Unfortunately, he was getting low on funds—he
only had four hundred and ninety-nine Grade one Life Stones remaining.
If he stayed at the inn until the tournament started, it would cost him
two hundred and fifty-two Life Stones. In addition to that, he would need to
stay in town during the tournament, and then he’d need to stay in the capital
for the finals. John knew the prices for rooms in the capital would cost him
an arm and a leg.
By the time I meet Sarah at the king’s feast, I might not have a Life
Stone to my name. I’ll get my adventurer rank increased to immortal. That
way I can do a few jobs and make some more cash.
Making up his mind, John walked over to the Adventurers’ Guild. Since
he said he was an immortal, he was granted a meeting with the guild master,
who then upgraded his rank to the immortal version for free.
He was now ranked IG in the Adventurers’ Guild.
John remembered the immortal rankings weren’t determined by how
many quests were completed, but on the immortal rank. It started at IH for
Rank 1 immortals, but it only went to IS for Rank 9 immortals.
I don’t think the ranking system has changed in this life. Meaning my
adventurer rank should increase after getting higher ranks still. That should
help my cover of a normal immortal. I just can’t increase my rank too
quickly or people will be suspicious of me.
Looking at the immortal quest board on the second floor of the
Adventurers’ Guild, John found a quest to kill the leader of a large pack of
apes. All the regular apes were Rank 2, but the leader was Rank 3. The
reward for completing the quest was fifty Grade 3 Life Stones.
Isn’t this the ape that I sniped last time? I remember I used it as a test to
see how much Life Power it would give me for killing it. Luckily, the quest
rewards will hold me over until the tournament, and I know where the apes
are. They’re closer to the capital than this town, but I can get there in a few
John picked up the assignment and headed to his destination. A few
hours later, he was sitting on a branch of a tree with his Life Vision turned
on, checking for the location of the leader.
Instead of shooting the ape dead, he created hundreds of threads and
wrapped them around the ape’s limbs, neck, chest, and mouth.
He then made the ape move naturally, so the other apes didn’t panic or
When the ape was out of sight of the others, John used the threads to
decapitate his target and collected its head for the quest objective.
Congratulations on killing your first Rank 3 immortal creature, we
have given you a reward of 1 skill point to place anywhere you choose.
John then flew back to the town and handed in the ape’s head for his
reward. Since there wasn’t much else to do, he returned to the inn and
stayed there until the start of the tournament.
On the day of the tournament, John went to the registration area and
walked to a counter. A young lady with ash-blonde hair greeted him with a
big smile.
“Are you here to register for the tournament?” she asked, handing John
a form.
As he reached for the form, a ray of sunlight peeked from behind a
cloud, highlighting the girl’s hair and making it seem silver in colour.
She reminds me a lot of Kelly…
“Sir… Are you here to register for the tournament?” she repeated,
tapping the form against his hand.
Upon hearing her voice again, John snapped back to reality and realised
that he had been staring at her for quite some time.
John cleared his throat. “Yes, I’m here to register for the tournament.
I’ve never done one before. Can you tell me the rules?” He was obviously
lying, but he needed to know if any of the rules had changed in this
The young woman put on a serious face and stood straight up. “There’s
no killing allowed and you’re not allowed to use Life Power. There are
serious consequences for offenders, though…” She paused and gave John a
once over. “I doubt we’ll have any trouble from you,” she finished with a
Is she… flirting with me? Doesn’t she realise… John laughed when he
remembered that he was still in a younger body.
“No trouble at all,” he confirmed, knowing that the no-killing rule
would change at the capital.
“Good! You’ll be number twenty-three. You’re free to wait in the arena
until you’re called.”
He thanked the girl for her help and went to sit in the arena, waiting for
his turn. Since he had signed up much sooner than last time, he was given a
lower number, but John was okay with that.
While he waited, he opened up the system to check the skill.
Life System - Idlers 2160/2160, Branches - 8/9, Time - 4d
The tournament in this town will last about fourteen days. I’ll become
Rank 3 before this part of the tournament is over.
The first nine days will make the one thousand competitors get reduced
to one hundred. The first day will be numbers one to one hundred fighting,
the second day will go up to number two hundred, and so on.
I’m fighting on the first day, so I’ll have a nine-day rest afterwards.
Every day, there will be fifty one-on-one fights as the one hundred
competitors will be reduced to fifty. Then, the fifty people will be split into
ten groups of five. The last ten men standing at the end of the day get to go
to the last day of the tournament.
The next three days are to give all the people in the tournament a rest.
On the fourteenth day, the one hundred people left in the tournament
will go through the same fights as the first nine days. The last ten men at the
end of the groups will fight another one-on-one, and eventually the top five
people will be announced.
Those five people will fight each other to determine their rankings in the
tournament afterwards. It sounds a lot, but to become the champion of this
small tournament, you’ve only got to win six fights.
This is the setup they use at the capital too, or at least they will if my
future self kidnaps those few thousand people again.
An hour later, it was John’s turn for the first match.
He was up against an older man who used a spear as a weapon, but
there wasn’t much suspense as John easily won the match.
A few hours later, John won the group match and was one of the ten
people advancing to the finals.
Four days later, the final level of the Life System’s Branches was
complete. He opened the system to check the new skill.
Welcome to the Idle System 3.9
Name: John
Age: 22
Idlers: 2160/2160
Skill Points: 13
Immortality List:
Shrink Neurons - Idlers 0/2160, Shrink - 0/9
John tested if he could use Life Power outside of his body yet, but he
still couldn’t.
After the tests, he turned the Continue option on before he placed all his
Idlers into the Shrink Neurons skill and the time came up as one day, the
same as the Life System’s Branches skill.
The next day, the first level was completed. When it was, a sudden pain
struck John’s head. He could feel all the neurons inside his mind were
He placed his hands on his head while his toes dug into the floor, but
thankfully, the pain lasted only a few minutes.
John was taking deep breaths as he thought, I forgot about this skill. The
other immortals shrink their neurons to the minimum size possible, but only
a few at a time. This skill shrinks all the neurons at the same time, but only
by a bit each level, so the pain is much, much worse.
Two days later, the next level of the skill was completed. A day before
he had to fight in the tournament again, the third level was completed.
When it was finally time for John to fight again, he easily became the
champion and accepted the Adventurer Guild’s transport to the capital.
The next part of the tournament wouldn’t take place for another six
months. The Adventurer Guild’s transport would reach the capital in a
month and surprisingly, they offered to put him up in a nice hotel until the
start of the tournament.
Last time, I declined this offer and went off to fight those apes and
crocodiles. They didn’t mention the free room in the hotel, probably because
I declined their offer.
During the travel, the Shrink Neurons skill levelled up twice, causing
John to almost scream out in pain. He was lucky he held it in, and the other
people in the carriage didn’t notice.
When he arrived in the capital, he went to the Adventurers’ Guild and
found the guild master. He used the Immortal Eye skill on her.
Rank: 5
Level: 4
Sin: 629,938
I think that’s exactly the amount of sins and how strong Helen was last
time. I don’t know her last name though, so the system won’t show it.
Instead of killing her straight away, John went and got his adventurer
rank increased to IF since he had reached Rank 3.
Looking at the quests on the board, he chose to kill the bandits like last
Quest: Hunt the infamous bandit group, Hell’s Road.
Description: Over 400 members of the bandit group roughly 1,700 miles
south of the capital. The leader is Rank 3, vice leaders Rank 2 and usual
members are mortals or Rank 1. They are on the run from different
organisations and banded together to survive. They have a branded mark
on the left palm as proof.
Payment: 500 Grade 2 stones
After he accepted the quest, he chatted with the guards stationed at the
city’s gate for a while before leaving. He made sure they could alibi him
out. Once he was out of view, he used the light element to turn invisible and
returned to the Adventurers’ Guild.
Helen was sitting at her desk while doing paperwork. John waited for
someone to open the door so he could sneak in without being noticed.
Once inside, he waited for the person to leave before he used his threads
to incapacitate Helen. After she couldn’t move, he took out his nano
longsword, decapitated her, and threw her head in his Storage Space.
Congratulations on killing your first Rank 5 immortal creature, we
have given you a reward of 1 skill point to place anywhere you choose.
He then turned his Absorb option on and watched her body wither away.
He used the fire element to get rid of her skin and clothes, then waited for
nobody to be near her office in his Scan before leaving.
Once he exited the building, he flew into the air and then headed
towards the bandits. It didn’t take him long to kill them off and collect the
leader’s head as proof.
He got a skill point for killing his first Rank 1 immortal and also a few
tens of thousands of sins from killing all the bandits.
When he arrived back at the Adventurers’ Guild, there was a huge
commotion with the guards standing outside the building.
John walked up to somebody looking at the building and asked, “What’s
going on?”
The man turned around, looked at John, and replied, “The guild master
has gone missing. They’re searching for clues right now. They’ve brought
in a specialist.”
John thanked the man and began to watch like everybody else.
I don’t think I’ve left any clues. Nobody saw me and I got rid of
everything that was on Helen when I killed her. The only thing that can
figure out I killed her is a transcendent using the time element to watch the
Looking to his right, John saw guards surrounding the guild staff, but
nobody was questioning them.
To them, I accepted a mission and left, so they might say I was one of
the last people to see her alive, but I was out of town when she disappeared.
He stood in the crowd for twenty minutes before he saw more guards
exit the Adventurers’ Guild. A man followed behind them, and as soon as
John saw him, he couldn’t help but gawk.
Chapter 14: Champion

As soon as John spotted O’Malley, O’Malley spotted him too.

What the hell is he doing here? Well shit, now he knows I did it, so I
better come up with a plausible story, without telling him who I am at all.
Not long after John gawked, O’Malley lifted his hand and was about to
point at John, but John said in the origin language, “I wouldn’t do that if I
were you.”
He’s definitely seen what happened by using the time element in his
eyes. He’s also able to use the light element in his eyes to see if somebody
was using it to become invisible.
“Who’re you?” O’Malley asked in the origin language.
John’s heartbeat quickened as he knew O’Malley could kill him with a
flick of his finger at this point in time. He tried his best not to show how
nervous he was, or that he was trying to bluff his way out.
“I’ve just woken up and started seeing the universe again,” John lied.
That should make him think I’m a transcendent. Lisa’s rule of no
fighting will then apply between us.
O’Malley asked, “Then why did you kill the guild master?”
“As long as you don’t slaughter the immortals or mortals who helped
me or destroy a planet out of anger, then I’ll answer you,” John replied.
“Give me your word.”
O’Malley only nodded his head.
John tossed the Rogue Sect’s assassination information about Helen. “I
was looking into the person who killed one of the more talented
descendants of mine. She was the culprit. I don’t need to tell you how I
figured it out, since you must have used the same method to see me killing
“I didn’t think you would come and have a look at who killed a guild
master of a branch on this small planet, but I forgot you’re one of the
founders of the Adventurers’ Guild, so you were obligated to come.”
O’Malley opened the parchment and read about the things Helen had
done, but he noticed the target was somebody else.
John explained that Helen had used that man as a scapegoat.
O’Malley was suspicious. “How come I don’t recognise you?”
John laughed. “Not all of us went to the castle to sleep. I went to
investigate the barrier and the white space for a while and went to sleep in
my family’s estate on this planet. If anything happened to my family while I
was asleep, I still cared enough to save them.
“I didn’t agree with just going to sleep and hoping for the best after
doing what we did. Instead, I made sure there were no people on this planet
who got close to transcending. No matter what, we don’t want her plan to
O’Malley was staring at him without blinking. John thought he should
push it a bit further to make it more believable.
“I was going to go to the castle soon and see who’s awake,” John
continued. “Let this be a way to make it up to you, but I’ve got a lead on
what you all want.”
John almost burst out laughing as O’Malley’s poker face finally broke.
His eyebrows shot up, mouth open, and John could hear him breathing very
Before O’Malley could ask any question, John continued. “I’ll follow
up on the lead personally. You’ll only get carried away with how you do
“This makes up for that woman’s death, so if you go after anybody that
helped me, then I will ignore her rules and go after you. While I can’t kill
you, I’ll make sure you suffer regardless of the cost. That lead I’ve got will
also disappear, so will any Sider in the future. Understood?”
I gave him the carrot and the stick, showing that I’m not scared of him
or desperate to make friends with him, but also willing to compromise. That
should show him that I’m his equal, not an immortal trying to fawn over
After John finished speaking, the only thing he could do was wait for
O’Malley’s reply. The seconds felt like years as John knew the
consequences if his act wasn’t convincing enough.
“Fine.” O’Malley sighed. “I’ve waited all this time and haven’t found
another Sider for a while now. The last Sider I found got killed by some
immortal elder over a hundred years ago. It’s worth a gamble if you’ve said
you’ve got a lead.
“I’ve got to ask though. How good is this lead you’ve got?”
John smiled. “He’s already unlocked the title. Might take a little while,
maybe a millennium or two for the Sider to transcend, but what’s that
amount of time to us? Go take a nap and I’ll wake you up when they’re
O’Malley burst out laughing as soon as he heard John. “Good, good,
good! Very well, I’ll make sure the trouble caused by Helen is sorted out
properly. Keep me informed about your lead, and if you need anything, ask
and I’ll make sure it gets done.”
John nodded and walked away.
Throughout their conversation, the guards O’Malley brought with him
and the crowd all around them couldn’t understand the language but could
guess something happened because the tension in the air lifted when the
specialist laughed.
In John’s Scan, he could see O’Malley telling the guards to go back to
their headquarters and he’d tell the person in charge what happened.
John’s heartbeat and blood pressure were still through the roof. Even
after he realised he had escaped death, he couldn’t calm down.
He went back to the inn and laid down on the bed. His hands were
shaking and he felt nauseous.
No matter how many times you face death, it will still affect you when it
happens again.
With this thought in mind, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep.
For the next four months, John didn’t leave his room.
The Shrink Neurons skill levelled up twice and was now level seven. He
got three months and twenty-three days left until it levelled up again.
During this time, his body had been fully nourished. He checked his
system when it did.
Welcome to the Idle System 3.9
Name: John
Age: 23
Idlers: 0/2160
Skill Points: 15
Life Pool (Brain): 30B
Life Pool (Body): 0
Immortality List:
Shrink Neurons - Idlers 2160/2160, Shrink - 7/9, Time - 3mo 23d
John noticed that his Life Pool for the brain had dropped. Knitting his
brows, he couldn’t think why that was. A few minutes later, it struck him.
The Shrink Neurons skill! Every level also shrinks the maximum amount
of Life Power I can hold. This is only fixed after the storage stage of Rank
5! Though I remember the loophole, the Toxin Power isn’t affected! I never
wanted Sarah’s skills more than ever right now.
There was a month left until the tournament in the capital started and
John didn’t want to spend it all just lazing about.
After he told the hotel staff to send a note to the Adventurers’ Guild that
he was going on a trip for a few weeks, he left the capital.
John went to the nearest forest and used the earth element to sink into
the earth. He used as much as he could to sink down as fast as he could and
entered close to the centre of the planet after an hour.
When he got next to the planet’s core, John used four mind parts to use
the absorbing technique and the remaining three mind parts to merge them
together throughout his body.
If the amount of Life Power coming out of the planet core could sustain
his cultivation, John would technically fill his body counter in a little over
two days’ time.
However, it couldn’t, and it took him eight days to fill it.
When he opened his eyes again, he checked the system.
Life Pool (Body): 60T
Much quicker than last time, but my body is filled with Life Power, not
Toxin Power or Chaos Power. I’ve got to remember that it doesn’t contain
the destructive force that I’m used to.
An hour later, John was back on the planet’s surface. There were twenty
days until the start of the tournament, so John did a few immortal quests for
the Adventurers’ Guild to kill time.
He killed a few Rank 3 crocs for some spending money and a Rank 4
creature for another skill point.
Finally, twenty days later, the Adventurers’ Guild announced the start of
the tournament. Like John thought, there were less people taking part than
they had planned, so his future self must have kidnapped them in this
timeline too.
As he had guessed, only one hundred people were participating, and the
rules of no Life Power and no killing were abolished.
John checked everyone who was taking part with his Immortal Eye. He
found the one person he was salivating about the last time he was here
before he prestiged.
Rank: 3
Level: 6
Sin: 104,294
This time, I don’t need the sins, but a low-ranked immortal with that
many sins won’t be a pleasant experience to everyone else. If he’s still alive
and I face him in the tournament, I’ll just kill him to save a few lives.
The rewards for the tournament were announced, and they were
disappointing to John this time too.
John easily won the one-on-one fight and the group fight. When he was
one of the ten finalists, his opponent was the man with the large number of
When he was on stage, the other man started talking. “Give up. I can tell
you’re a Rank 2, Level 1, right? You haven’t even created any branches in
your shins, and yet you’re trying to beat me? You got a lucky shot…”
Before he finished speaking, there was a sword sticking out of his chest.
The man staggered backwards while looking at the sword. He put his hands
over the sword’s handle and tried pulling it out, but he couldn’t.
He looked at John and asked, “H-how?”
The man never got an answer as another sword flew into his head.
John had created the swords from his threads but used the light element
to make them invisible while travelling. They simply flew straight into the
John walked down the steps and off the arena.
Last time we fought was during the first match of this tournament. He
said the exact same words to me, and I was a Rank 2, Level 1, so I thought
he was insightful, smart, and cunning. Who knew he said it to everyone he
fought, trying to shake his opponent up.
Even if he got the rank and level of his opponent wrong, it would make
his opponent see him as an idiot and underestimate him.
When fighting people like that, it’s best to act before they finish
A few matches later, John won the tournament and became the
champion. He then got invited to the palace for the king’s feast.
Chapter 15: Sharing Again

At the palace, John used his threads and the Soul Manipulation skill on the
king and princess and ordered them to leave him alone.
He ate a few of the delicacies that would’ve given him some Life Power
if he hadn’t maxed both counters.
Later on in the night, John went out onto the balcony with a glass of
wine. He sat to the left of the door which swung open to the left so nobody
would find him.
He was sitting on the stone railing with his back against the wall. His
right foot was on the ledge while his left leg swung through the air.
The door opened and soon closed. John saw Sarah run to the other side
of the balcony, looking through the window.
“Who are you running from?” John asked.
Sarah jumped in fright, almost tumbling over the balcony.
“Sorry!” John laughed. “I laugh every time I remember this, so I had to
recreate the moment this time as well. I hope you brought the envelope I
left with you, Sarah.”
“Envelope? Wait, John?” Sarah asked.
Nodding his head, John replied, “Yeah. Don’t worry though, the man
that’s been harassing you won’t find you here as long as you don’t walk
past that window.
“So, did you bring the envelope I left with you last time?”
Sarah nodded, took out a bag which was tied to her thigh under her
dress, then fished the envelope and opened it.
When John saw Sarah opening the envelope, his heartbeat quickened.
This was the moment that she would find out if his letter was true or not.
Sarah read the letter aloud.
You obtained the records of Matthew Mu and agreed that he was
Elder Han’s son, Chris Han, took an interest in you. All the other people
in the sect either left you alone out of fear or kept telling you how good
Chris Han is and how lucky you are if you chose to be with him.
Your master, Jason Hendrix, told you there’s a divination about me that
billions of people will die if I’m allowed to live.
After you told your master that you wanted to get stronger and deal with
me personally, he asked you to kill a death row inmate to show that you’re
capable of killing someone.
We next meet on a balcony at a king’s feast.
Sarah looked at John after she read it.
John smiled as he knew from Sarah’s shocked face that it happened just
how he remembered. “Believe me now?”
“I don’t want to believe it, but I saw you write this and I’ve kept it on
me ever since. So, unless you stalked me and swapped out the envelope,
then I’ve got to believe it.”
John laughed. “Only transcendents can stalk you like that—I’m only an
“So what happens next?” Sarah asked.
“Well, I want to use a skill my system has so we can share a few skills.
We did this in my last life, so I know about your system’s Life Toxin,
Molecule Creation, and Molecule Storage skills.
“There’s a problem though. To make sure the future stays how it was in
my past life, I can only share a few skills with you until later on. Some of
the skills affect your appearance, so I can’t give you any of those or else
your master will find out something’s wrong and change how he does
John went into the Share tab in the system to check what skills were
being shared with Sarah.
What? It’s empty! Does that mean when the Share option was on after I
prestiged, I took the skills from O’Malley, Sarah, Luke, and Kelly, but I
didn’t give any back?
I turned it off because I thought O’Malley and Sarah would find them
and the future would change because of it, but I never checked the Share
tab in the system to find out. I only assumed my skills were shared with
Coming out of his thoughts, he removed Luke, O’Malley, and Kelly’s
name from the list. He would have to get their skills again later on. He then
turned the Share option back on.
He saw Sarah jump a little, proving that the system’s pop-up about
sharing skills must have showed up in front of her.
Going back into the Share tab, he shared Flesh Strength’s Immunity and
placement skills so Sarah wouldn’t have any scars if she got injured and any
broken or chipped bones would be put back in place. He knew she was
already immune to poison, so that part of the skill was useless to her.
Organ Strength’s Regeneration and Lung Capacity skill was next. He
didn’t want to share the Stomach Acid skill because that would bring about
a lot of pain not only from that skill, but it would give her the bonus which
replaced the organs’ soft tissue. That was extremely painful for him.
He shared all of the Blood Capacity, Bone Density, Muscle Elasticity,
Directions, Impurity Filter, Absorption, and many other skills.
The ones he didn’t share were the ones that would be painful, change
her outer appearance, or would somehow change the future if she had it too
early like the Force skills that would allow her to fly much sooner than in
his previous life.
When it was all over, John had all of Sarah’s skills so he opened the
system to check.
Toxin Pool (Brain): 7B
Toxin Pool (Body): 12T
It transferred all the Life Power to Toxin Power already? Last time it
took a while.
The Shrink Neurons’ effect of reducing the amount of Life Power I can
have in the brain should be fixed with the Toxin Power too.
That means I can get the full one hundred billion Toxin Power at this
Sarah asked, “So what happens next?”
John smiled. “Your master will come and pick you up from here soon.
When you get back, things will go back to how they were before you came
here, with Chris Han harassing you.
“To be honest, I’m torn between telling you and letting things play out
like they should. But, you’ve got my skills much earlier than you did in my
previous life, so that might change things already.
“I’ll tell you what happens just in case you change with those skills. In
the near future, your master will sell you to Chris Han in an arranged
“The reason why I told you to ask your master to train you last time was
so you could resist Chris Han’s advances during this time.
“What Chris Han wants is your talent. He doesn’t know you’re a Sider,
somebody who’s reincarnated from Earth, but he thinks you’re talented in
cultivation. There are techniques out there that let you steal that talent from
other people, so no matter what, do not think he’s harmless. Stay away from
him as much as possible.”
John saw Sarah’s fist clenching as soon as he said that.
“After your master sells you out,” John continued, “you’ll make a deal
with him. To null the arranged marriage, you’ll tell him that you’ll capture
me. He’ll tell you about a divination that I’m headed to the Sword Sect and
that’s when we meet for the third time.
“In my previous life, it was at this third meeting that we found out about
each other’s identity as a Sider after we fought using our system’s skills.
After that, you asked me for help to get away from your master and the
Anti-assassin Sect members, which I did.
“You’ve got a skill called Immortal Eye that shows people’s sins now.
Use that skill on the people in the Anti-assassin and you’ll find out the
truth. Just don’t let other people in the sect catch on that you know,
otherwise they might try to silence you or do something else that will
change the future.
“In case you use that skill on me, I’ll explain why my sins are so high.
My system collects the sins and uses it to change it to time, but I don’t go
around committing crimes—I just kill the criminals for the sins.”
John then explained how sins worked and how much value was added
during each crime.
He used the disguise technique that Luke came up with in his previous
life to make him look like a Rank 2, Level 3 in the Immortal skill. “Use it
on me.”
He could see Sarah staring at him, so he knew she had used it.
“See how I’ve got just under nine hundred thousand sins? That’s from
me killing a few people who had hundreds of thousands of sins each.”
John then opened his system and transferred the sins to time.
877,600 - Sins 100:1 Time - 2h 26m 16s
He then used all that time in the Immortality skill.
“Now use the Immortal Eye on me again. See how all the sins are now
gone? That’s proof that I’m telling the truth about collecting sins. The only
people I kill are criminals.”
“Isn’t it a crime to kill criminals too?” Sarah asked.
“You said pretty much the same thing in my last life too. You have to
remember: we’re not on Earth anymore. There isn't a justice system in this
universe. Only strength counts.
“If I don’t kill a criminal who murders people for fun, people who are
unaffected by his actions won’t care enough to stop him.
“So, if I meet someone who has a really high number of sins, I kill
them. Not just for the sins, but to save lives as well. I know you’re a doctor
and you want to save everyone you can, but in my last life, I saved many
more lives than you by killing the criminals.”
The Adventurers’ Guild locks up guilty immortals that have killed too
many mortals, but that’s only if another immortal who has a good
background, like a member of the Sword Sect, reports that person.
If a mortal complains that an immortal has killed too many of them,
they get ignored or maybe even locked up themselves for reporting the
immortal. That’s the justice system in this universe.
In both John’s and Sarah’s Scan, they saw that Sarah’s master had
arrived on a flying sword.
John smiled. “It’s time to go. Tell your master that you met somebody
who disappeared in front of you, he’ll say that he can tell I’m much stronger
than you and that you should be careful.
“After that, he’ll increase your training a little. That will keep you away
from Chris Han for a few years. If I remember correctly, the next time we
meet is a little under ten years from now.”
Sarah nodded and, after saying goodbye, walked through the door and
went to her master.
While she was flying on the sword, the conversation she had with her
master went exactly as John said.
Chapter 16: Tracing Memories

In my previous life, I spent about six months reading 4.5 million books after
this feast.
After that, I went back to the sect, found out that Jamie was being
manipulated, and then ran to Jamie’s private planet for my first closed-door
cultivation session that lasted over eight years.
If I wasn’t worried about the future changing so much, I would’ve tried
to convince Sarah to come with me now rather than waiting almost ten
years. But I don’t know what kind of effect that would have on the future or
on our relationship.
She might believe some of the things I’ve said, but without her
experiencing it herself, she might not leave the Anti-assassin Sect. I need
Jason to sell Sarah to Chris for her to leave and not look back.
After eight years of cultivation came the fight with the sect members and
Jeremy May, who I couldn’t kill.
This time, Jeremy’s parents are still alive and I don’t even know if he
found that manipulation technique of O’Malley’s.
Since I’ve got almost ten years until me and Sarah meet again, I can go
check the place where Jeremy found the technique. Since I ate his soul in
my previous life, I remember the planet, the location, and the fake wall in
the cave.
If it’s still there, then everything is great. If it’s not, that means Jeremy
or somebody else has found it, so I’ll have to check the Rogue Sect members
just in case.
Opening up the universal map, he combed through the map to find the
planet he wanted, then John checked where the planet with the
manipulation technique was compared to where he was.
It will take me about eight months to get there, but there are two places
I want to visit on the way.
John used the universal map to teleport back onto the Rogue Sect’s
planet. Where he wanted to go was on the opposite side of where he was,
and the two places he wanted to visit were close to the Rogue Sect’s planet
John went to Dylan and told him about Helen and that the mission’s
details were wrong. He then traded a few absorbing and breathing
techniques and pieces of information about the elements for two thousand
Grade 7, 8, and 9 Life Stones.
After saying goodbye to Dylan, he went to the Rogue Sect’s mission
hub and used their teleport system.
Two months later, John arrived at the first location he wanted to visit.
He checked the system and found he had almost the maximum amount of
Toxin Power he could have for his current rank, but all the Life Stones were
John flew towards the closest city and went to the orphanage he had
visited in his previous life.
Using the Immortal Eye skill, he found his target.
Rank: 0
Level: 0
Sin: 928,480
This is the guy that sold the children to his family members. Even up to
the end of my previous life, killing this guy was in the top five of my greatest
John created his threads to wrap around the guy, making sure he
couldn’t scream, then lifted him into the air.
He used the elements to bring a lot of pain to the man for hours as John
kept telling him it was retribution for what he had done. After the man was
almost dead due to the pain, John dropped him off at his family’s mansion.
John then killed everybody on the estate since he knew they were all
involved in the man’s business.
At the Adventurers’ Guild, John used the Soul Manipulation on the
guild master and ordered him to use some of the guild’s money for the
orphanages while regularly sending a few people to make sure nobody was
abusing the children ever again.
At least I know those children that were sold were saved by my future
Arriving back at the Rogue Sect’s teleport room, John carried on with
his travels.
Fourteen days later, John arrived at the second place he wanted to visit.
He was standing on white sand which made up the shore of a lake. John
turned his Life Vision on and found what he was looking for.
In the lake was a large fish that was about three hundred feet long and
fifty feet wide. John remembered the villagers called it “The Slob of the
Lake” and it was a super-sized delicacy fish.
Using his threads, he formed a giant rope with a claw at the end and
then made it wrap around the tail. This time, the threads had five miles
worth of length compared to last time’s one hundred feet, so John had no
trouble getting the slob out of the lake.
He flew to the village that processed the fish last time and threw it
outside the village after making sure nobody was there.
When the villagers came out to see what the commotion was, John
could see they were all surprised and shocked, and some of them were even
scared that the fish was there.
John descended from the air and struck the same deal with the village
chief as last time. The village would get a third of the meat for processing it
for him.
That third of the fish would make the entire village rich for many years,
and John didn’t have to do the dirty work, making it a great deal for both
sides. It took the entire village over twelve hours to process the fish
properly after John killed it.
John placed his share of the fish inside his Storage Space and, after
spending a few days with the villagers to celebrate finishing the deal, he left
to continue his journey.
Five and a half months later, John reached the planet where O’Malley’s
technique was.
During the travel, the Shrink Neurons’ skill levelled up. The final time
for the skill came up as nine months and four days.
Instead of going to the location of the technique straight away, John
used the earth element to get to the centre of the planet and cultivated for
almost a month. He had the full amount of Toxin Power allowed for his
rank now.
Would it affect the future a lot if I went and robbed the Anti-assassin or
the Death Sect now?
John sighed as he had never been as poor as he was now. Not long after
joining the Rogue sect in his previous life, Jamie had given him one
hundred Grade 9 Life Stones which lasted him for years.
After he arrived back on the planet’s surface, he opened his world map
and checked the location of where Jeremy found the technique.
It was almost on the other side of the planet.
He checked the map and found that the nearest town was about two
hundred miles away.
When he was in town, he paid to use the teleport system that would take
him closest to where he needed to go. He then went around town to see the
sights for a day while he waited his turn to use the teleport.
After using the teleport, John flew towards where the technique resided.
He came upon the desert he remembered seeing in Jeremy’s memories,
but it looked completely different. In his past life, Jeremy came here almost
33,000 years ago, so the sand dunes or anything else had disappeared or had
moved by now.
Using the time element wouldn’t work now either since it happened in
his previous life and not this one.
Recalling the memories, John tried to trace Jeremy’s movements in the
It took him over a month to find a starting point. The town John came
from wasn’t there in Jeremy’s memories, so he teleported to a different
town and approached the desert from a different direction.
In this timeline, the town that Jeremy teleported to didn’t exist.
Instead, there was a funny-looking rock sticking out of a large sand
dune that gave John his starting point—Jeremy had passed that rock in his
A few days later, John found the cave where the technique was.
He was shocked to learn that somebody was living there, and it was the
man Jeremy killed 33,000 years ago in his previous life.
John used his Immortal Eye on him.
Rank: 9
Level: 6
Sin: 42,024,089
When Jeremy came after this man, they were both Rank 5 and about the
same strength. This man obviously isn’t hunted by the Rogue Sect in this
timeline and has reached Rank 9 after all this time.
That should mean that nobody has found the technique, then; otherwise,
this man would’ve been killed, or maybe it was this man that found it.
Does that mean the people who replaced Jeremy’s parents also died? Or
was the mission cancelled after getting different information?
John rubbed his head with both hands as he kept thinking of different
possibilities of why things turned out so differently.
That’s enough! Why am I even worrying about this kind of thing? As
long as the technique is still there, I don’t care about what happened.
But, I’ve decided. After going back and helping out the past like I did in
my previous life, I’m done with the time element besides emergencies! It’s
too fucking complicated!
As John walked towards the cave to have a conversation with him, the
man threw something towards him.
John knew his current speed or strength couldn’t match up to this man,
so he used the space element to stop the item.
A blinding light hit John as the sun hit the object and reflected the light
into his eyes, but because of the Dynamic Vision skill, he wasn’t blinded by
He saw it was a small, shiny throwing knife.
Using the space element, he turned the throwing knife around and used
the fire element to propel the knife forward much faster than the man threw
When the man heard the fire element propelling the knife forward, he
opened his eyes and looked at the stranger, only to find his throwing knife
filling more and more of his vision.
Before he could do anything, the knife hit him in the forehead.
However, the dagger couldn’t do anything and simply fell to the ground
Looking at the knife on the floor for a few seconds, the man turned his
head towards the stranger, only to find nobody there. He stood up in horror,
searching the immediate area.
He turned towards the cave to see if John was there, but his sight didn’t
follow the direction his body turned. His line of sight dropped to the floor
and he felt himself roll around.
When the momentum stopped, the man turned his eyes as far to the
right as he could, he could see his headless body which was facing the
inside of the cave. A few seconds later, his body dropped to the ground.
John walked up to the decapitated head as he made his black fingernails
shrink to normal, but he knew the man was still alive until his Life Power
couldn’t transform into vitality anymore.
He wrapped the head up in his threads and turned his Absorb option on.
Congratulations on killing your first Rank 9 immortal creature, we
have given you a reward of 1 skill point to place anywhere you choose.
John turned around and walked inside the cave. The fake wall was still
there, so John knocked it down and found the book on a pedestal.
Using the fire element, he burned the book until not even ash was left.
Chapter 17: Power Levelling

John made his way to a town outside the desert. While in there, he decided
that he wanted to travel to various planets to see what their cultures were
like. In his previous life, he was too preoccupied with important things, like
Jeremy’s mutiny of the Rogue Sect which forced him to go on the run.
Also, because the system kept all his Idlers and the miscellaneous skills,
he didn’t have to go around killing sinners everywhere to get them levelled
faster just to survive. Even as a mortal, he spent five years travelling to the
other kingdoms which he didn’t have the luxury of time to do in his
previous life.
With the current planet he was on being right under his feet, John
started there. Despite the fact that the small towns in this hot country were
underdeveloped with low population, he went around looking at how they
entertained themselves and how their culture had developed.
Four months and nine days later, the final level of the Shrink Neurons’
skill was completed. By now, his body had caught up to his mental pain
resistance for this skill, so it didn’t cause him too much pain.
Opening the system, John checked the new skill before placing all his
Idlers in there.
Welcome to the Idle System 4.9
Name: John
Title: A Selfish Punisher
Age: 24
Idlers: 0/2160
Skill Points: 17
Toxin Pool (Brain): 100B
Toxin Pool (Body): 60T
Immortality List:
Create Neurons - Idlers 2160/2160, Creation - 0/9, Time - 9d
By the time these nine skill levels are finished, I’ll have one trillion
neurons again. After each level is done, I can get another one hundred
billion Toxin Power in the brain’s counter too.
During the next seven years and nine months, John visited thousands of
large and small towns on hundreds of different planets. Every now and then,
John would take on a few Adventurers’ Guild quests that he could finish
within a day for more spending money. At the same time, he would upgrade
his adventurer rank every couple of years.
Whenever he came across an immortal with over one hundred thousand
sins, he would kill them when they were alone.
He had gained another skill point for killing a Rank 6, 7, and 8 immortal
for the first time.
During his travel time, John had power-levelled in the immortal ranks.
First, the Create Neurons’ Creation skill levelled eight times in three
and a half years, but when the final skill time showed that it needed almost
four years to complete, he decided to use one of his twenty skill points.
For the first few levels, he felt extreme pain as the system burst millions
of neurons a second. He couldn’t help but howl in pain while clutching his
head. The first time was a bit awkward as he was in a museum where
nobody was making a sound, but he suddenly screamed.
The pain lasted over two minutes each level, but by the seventh level,
his body had got used to it, so he didn’t shout in pain.
He looked at the new skill after he entered Rank 5.
Welcome to the Idle System 5.9
Immortality List:
Neuron Storage - Idlers 0/2160, Compress - 0/9
When he placed all the Idlers into the new Neuron Storage’s Compress
skill, the time came up as eight days.
When these skills are done, I’ll finally be able to gather the full ten
trillion Toxin Power that my brain can hold.
John looked at the amount of Toxin Power he had.
Toxin Pool (Brain): 100B
I remember this skill needed more Life Power before I advanced. I’ve
got enough Toxin Power to get level five, but I’ll need to get more to
advance further. If I remember right, I need one trillion Life Power or two
hundred billion Toxin Power to enter Rank 6.
John stopped his travels for a month to gain the five hundred billion
Toxin Power he needed. The amount of Life Power he could absorb from
the centre of this planet was much lower compared to a lot of the ones he
had cultivated with before, so his absorbing technique wasn’t getting the
full amount every minute.
The Rank 5 skills levelled up six times within the next eighteen months,
but the next three levels would take over ten years so he used three of his
skill points to finish them off.
These skills didn’t cause him much pain when he got them as it was
compressing the Toxin Power inside the neurons. By the end, ten units
could fit into each neuron instead of one.
Welcome to the Idle System 6.9
Immortality List:
Strengthening Branches - Idlers 0/2160, Indestructible - 0/9
When John placed all the Idlers into the skill, it came up as fourteen
days; however, he remembered that he needed ten trillion Life Power or two
trillion Toxin Power to finish this skill.
He wasn’t sure if the Toxin Power in his body could be used instead. If
it couldn’t, then he would need to cultivate for a little while to get the
required amount of Toxin Power.
John waited fourteen days for the skill to finish to see if the Toxin
Power in his body could be used. Thankfully, the system didn’t stop him
from levelling after the fourteen days were over. That meant he didn’t need
to stop his travels as he had enough Toxin Power stored in his body to reach
the next rank.
When the skill was levelled the first time, the flesh on John’s feet felt
like it was melting. He ran out of town to a nearby river to soak his feet in
the cold water, but that didn’t help much.
In his previous life, John was fifty years old when he had reached this
point in strength, allowing his body many more years to adapt to the pain
caused by cultivating and training.
This time, while his mind was firmer and not many things could shake
him, his body was much more sensitive to the pain, and he felt like he was
being tortured for the next few minutes.
He thought about not levelling the skills up until his body could get to
the point where he wouldn’t feel any pain from cultivating or training
anymore, but then he decided against it as he needed the strength to protect
Sarah and Kelly.
Thanks to the way his system needed Idlers and time to complete a skill,
John couldn’t power-level in this rank, and over the next two years, seven
and a half months, he had levelled the skill six times and used another three
skill points to finish the skill completely. He made sure he was in a cold
climate when it happened. Being buried in ice didn’t help much, but it did
reduce some of the pain.
Welcome to the Idle System 7.9
Immortality List:
Strengthening Cells - Idlers 0/2160, Molecule - 0/9
After putting in all the Idlers into the new skill, he saw the first skill
needed twenty-six days to level. By the time there were a little over ten
months left until the meeting with Sarah, the Strengthening Cells’ Molecule
skill had levelled twice.
He knew there was a bit of travelling needed to get to the planet where
he was supposed to meet Sarah, so he finished looking around the town he
was currently in and started the journey.
John arrived on the planet where he would meet Sarah nine months
later. During that time, the skill had gained another two levels.
He made sure to use the disguise technique that Luke came up with in
his previous life. If Sarah used the Immortal Eye on him, she would see him
as a Rank 3, Level 1 immortal.
If I remember right, Sarah was only a Rank 2, Level 9 when we met
again in my previous life. This time, I’ve given her the mind parts much
sooner, so she might be a higher rank now.
There’s a month and eleven days until Sarah arrives on this planet
according to my memories, but she might get here earlier or later in this
timeline. I’ll just wait inside this city until she arrives.
John used the remaining time he had left to go around the city. He
stayed at a decent hotel for once since he had quite a few Life Stones left
over from the missions he had done over the last few years.
A month later, he finally saw Sarah come out of the teleport system
while he was inside his hotel. To let her see him in her Scan, he turned his
Hide option off.
John had been waiting for this moment for almost ten years, but now
that it was here, he was more nervous than he anticipated. He didn’t even
notice his knee was bouncing up and down until he placed his hand on his
lap and felt the movement.
Closing his eyes to take a deep breath, he felt how rapid his heartbeat
had become.
I’ve got to calm down. I know she fell in love with me after helping her
through this whole arranged marriage ordeal and spending time with her
during the training.
She had told me that it was because I didn’t ask for anything in return
after helping her, and that made her realise her feelings for me.
I just have to repeat that, but if I’m stumbling on my words or showing
how nervous I am, that will change how she sees me or make her think I’m
up to something.
Since I can see Sarah in my Scan, she can see me in hers. I just hope she
can’t see how nervous I am.
John stood up from his seat and went downstairs. In his Scan, he could
see Sarah walking towards the hotel he was in and waited for her to get to
She stopped a few feet away from him and smiled. “Hello.”
John smiled back. “Hello again. Did things happen like I said?”
Nodding her head, Sarah replied, “It went exactly like you said, even
my master selling me to Chris Han. I made the deal like you said too. What
happens next?”
“I’ve booked you a room in the hotel; we’ll talk inside.” John gestured
towards the hotel and they made their way to their rooms.
Chapter 18: Relief

John and Sarah were sitting at a table, opposite each other, inside John’s
I remember when Sarah learned who I really was back on Earth, it
helped her fall for me. She was touched by what I did for Lisa and wished
somebody would do the same for her.
I’m not going to tell her that Lisa is in this universe though. I already
have an idea on how to deal with her.
Smiling at Sarah, John spoke. “I suppose I should tell you who I really
am and how we briefly met on Earth. Does The Gentleman Shark jog your
Sarah knitted her brows, placed her index finger on her chin, and started
tapping it which was her habit when she was thinking.
“You mean that loan shark they did the biography on? The one where
his fiancée died and he took the law into his own hands?”
John nodded. “That’s me. You told me about the biography they did on
me in my previous life. That should also tell you that I’m telling the truth
“There’s no way I would know that they did a show about my life and
death without somebody telling me in the next life. We briefly met on Earth
during my darkest time, you were the one who declared my fiancée was
dead on arrival.”
Sarah’s eyebrows arched upwards and, in a little panic, said, “I’m so
sorry, I don’t remember that.”
John chuckled. “It’s fine, it was a long time ago now. So, did you use
the Immortal Eye skill on the Anti-assassin Sect members? What did you
find out?”
Sarah nodded. “It took me by surprise. Even to this day, I still can’t
believe it. They all had hundreds of thousands or millions of sins, and if I
take the information you told me about what a sin number stands for, I can’t
even imagine what kinds of evil they have done.”
“It’s because they’re criminals hiding in plain sight,” John replied. “The
assassins they’re trying to go against are the ones who kill the criminals
after verifying the truth.
“The assassins kill the people who are mass murderers, child abusers,
human traffickers, rapists, people who torture for fun, and generally, people
who make the common people suffer.
“I think the Anti-assassin Sect is scared the assassins will find out what
they’ve done, so they go around the universe telling people all life is
valuable and denounce the assassins as murderers, trying to shift people’s
attention off them and onto the assassins.
“Anyway, we need to talk about what happens next. I know the training
that your master had you do, but to be honest, most of it is out of date
compared to what I’ve got to teach. We’ll spend a few months honing your
skills and I can share the rest of my skills and cultivation knowledge too.
“Before that, I need to make sure you’ve turned on the Hide option that
I’ve given you.”
Sarah confirmed she had turned it on. John then turned his Hide option
back on before he used the Immortal Eye on Sarah to check her rank.
Sarah Wells
Rank: 2
Level: 9
Sin: 0
“Oh.” John’s surprise caused him to lose the ability to think for a
“How come you’re only Rank 2?” he asked. “With the mind parts skill,
you should be able to easily get enough Toxin Power to enter Rank 3.”
“I’ve cultivated all this time,” Sarah replied. “I still couldn’t gather
enough though. But why can’t I see you in the Scan anymore?”
Knitting his brows, John asked how much Toxin Power she would
normally get per minute while using just one mind part to use the absorbing
technique and one mind part using the breathing technique.
Sarah’s answer caused John to stumble as it was only thirty units per
I forgot how bad the absorbing and breathing techniques were in this
universe. The really good ones are still on the battlefield and O’Malley
made sure the information was lost everywhere else.
John spoke after thinking things through. “We need to go train for a
while. Grab the bed and chairs from your room as we’ll use them in the
cultivation caves I’ll make for us.”
Both John and Sarah then stole the furniture from the hotel before
checking out. While walking out of the hotel, John explained what the Hide
option did and why the Scan couldn’t pick them up.
Walking around the corner, John made sure nobody was watching.
“Excuse me,” he said as he lifted her up into a princess carry before using
the earth element to sink down into the ground. While he was sinking, he
made sure the earth behind him was covered up back to normal.
John could see it embarrassed Sarah at first, but when she noticed they
were sinking into the dark ground, she panicked and gripped John’s clothes
while burying her head in his chest.
He couldn’t help but have a smile on his face. She had this reaction
when we first flew through the air while I was carrying her in my previous
After a while, Sarah got used to the situation, but she was still
“Don’t worry. As long as the hole isn’t too wide then I have full control
and we won’t face any kind of danger,” John assured her while also making
an excuse to carry her at the same time. He had given her his Resistance’s
Element skill the last time they met, so the increasing heat from the planet
couldn’t hurt her.
Opening up his system, John went into the Share tab and shared the
unique Creation’s Oxygen skill with her. He wanted to ensure that even if
there was no air where they were going, she would be fine as long as she
held her breath.
As they sank further down, John explained the function of the new skill.
Sarah took a deep breath before holding it in. John could feel her body
panic after a few minutes of not taking in new air, but he knew the skill was
working when everything calmed down once more.
When they reached the liquid outer core of the planet, John used the
space and water elements to cover them in the soap bubble sealed space.
Sarah was still in John’s arms while she was looking at the flowing
metal liquid all around them as she was fascinated by it.
Reaching the solid, metal inner core of the planet, John used the metal
element to get as close to the centre of the planet as he could without
disturbing the real core.
He used the metal element to create two large rooms and used the space
element to keep the gravitational pull from the core, and the heat of the
planet away from the rooms so the furniture they stole from the hotel
wouldn’t get destroyed the second they were taken out.
John asked Sarah to trust him as she needed to be asleep to gain the rest
of his skills. She was hesitant at first, but after John explained his reasons,
she trusted him. John knocked her out by hitting her pressure point on the
side of her head.
Once she was out, John shared all his remaining skills. He watched her
long, red hair turn curly and silver, shrinking until it was at shoulder length.
Her skin became softer and smoother, and her muscles became more toned.
When she woke up, John whispered instructions on how to get used to
the new heightened senses, and after a few days, John started teaching her
the basics of each martial art, starting with Karate.
He made sure “accidents” happened this time too, as that made them
both a little embarrassed, but it also increased their heart rate and physical
contact each time.
Because they didn’t need to sleep, they spent almost every minute of
every day together.
After five months of training, John taught her the absorbing and
breathing technique so that she would get four hundred million Toxin
Power per minute per mind part.
There wasn’t enough time for John to teach her about the proper
cultivation method and have her body get nourished by Toxin Power, and
thus he saved it for later.
He told her he couldn’t teach her these techniques until she became
much stronger with his skills, but he also warned her that the first time
using the techniques could be painful. He asked to watch over her the first
time, to which Sarah agreed.
Sarah’s veins bulged out as she used the absorbing technique. She
persisted a little longer to get the one hundred billion Toxin Power she
could currently store. When she stopped, a strong force came off her as she
reached Rank 3.
“Congratulations.” John applauded her breakthrough.
Sarah stood up and stretched. When she was finished, she was staring at
John who was only a few feet away.
Oh, John thought. I’ve helped Sarah all this time without asking for
anything, which is one of the main reasons she fell in love with me last time.
We’ve had a few moments during the training sessions, but nothing has
happened. I can’t make the first move because of the whole third life thing
and she might think I took advantage of my knowledge of her.
I know she’s embarrassed, that’s why she jumped me last time, because
she didn’t want me to see her face after she kissed me.
I need her to kiss me! Come on! I know she wants to!
Seconds passed as both John and Sarah stared at each other. John was
getting nervous as the training session was almost over.
They needed to leave in a month; otherwise, they would miss the
activation of the king Sider’s Puppet System and Sarah wouldn’t get the
system at the correct time if that happened, which meant they might change
the future when they headed for the Sword Sect afterwards.
Just as John was about to do something, Sarah moved.
She leaped towards John. Her arms went around his neck as she pressed
her lips against his. She expected to knock him down, but she felt her
movement stop.
John was standing tall and his arms caught Sarah when she leapt
towards him. He moved his arms down to her legs and pushed her legs to
wrap around him. He then held her while they kissed.
They only separated their lips after a few minutes because Sarah forgot
she didn’t need to breathe. Her face, neck, and ears were bright red and she
was panting heavily.
She looked straight into John’s eyes, but when she found him staring
back, she lowered her head onto his shoulder.
John spoke while she was trying to hide. “Do you know what a Dao
Companion is?”
He could feel Sarah shaking her head on his shoulder.
Chuckling at how embarrassed she was, he continued to explain how
authors of cultivation novels on Earth came up with Dao Companions
instead of marriage. There was no divorce and it was for life, and as an
immortal, that meant forever.
It took a bit longer this time, but I’ve never been so relieved in my entire
three lives. We don’t need to talk about that dual cultivation method and
whether we should try it or not this time either, so that should be less
embarrassing for her at least.
He wanted to carry her to bed but he knew he couldn’t rush things, so he
told Sarah he was willing to give the relationship a try.
After that, he placed her on a seat and when they both let go of one
another, he walked to his room to let her embarrassment disappear.
Chapter 19: Progress

John had a big smile on his face as he sat in his cultivation cave, deep in
Should I leave her alone for a few days to let things settle so she’ll be
less embarrassed when we next meet? Or should I go see her tomorrow to
strike while the iron is hot to make sure the feelings don’t diminish?
The problem I see now is that the embarrassing moments, connectivity,
building trust, and everything else two people go through during a
relationship have already happened for me with Sarah, but not the other
way round.
I want to go back to how we were previously, but that’s going to take a
long time. I have to keep in mind that she’s not the Sarah I once knew; she
will be in the future, but not now.
Though some things are still the same. She didn’t like any pet names or
anything like that. Doubt that will change.
When I shouted the classic, “Honey, I’m home!” line when I got back
from hunting, she kicked me out the house in front of Kelly. It was Kelly who
had to advocate for me to come back inside.
John’s smile grew bigger as he remembered the good times with Sarah.
Coming out of his thoughts, John decided on what to do next.
The next day, John knocked on Sarah’s door. “There’s a black market on
this planet,” he said when she opened the door. “You don’t need any more
Toxin Power, but you should be able to collect some molecules for your
system. It’s also a good change of pace. Do you want to go?”
“Yeah.” Sarah nodded her head.
John assumed she was still embarrassed when he noticed she wouldn’t
look him in the eye.
He created threads to wrap around all the furniture inside his and
Sarah’s room and pulled them into his Storage Space.
He then laughed, walked closer to Sarah, and picked her up once more.
She gave a little scream, but she soon placed her head on his chest, causing
him to smile more.
Using the space element, he removed the barrier around their cultivation
cave before using the metal element to make it go back to how it was
An hour later, they were back on the surface of the planet, a few miles
outside of town.
Sarah jumped out of his arms and stood still, waiting for John to walk
beside her.
As they were walking to town, they started talking about what to do
next. John told Sarah they needed to leave within a month and they had four
months until they needed to be at the place he had in mind.
John wouldn’t tell her anything else since he wanted it to be a surprise.
In my previous life, we created the silver skull masks so we wouldn’t
attract any trouble due to our looks. In this life, I’ll let her do whatever she
wants. If trouble comes, then I can handle it all as long as she’s happy.
I remember her telling me that wearing those masks for over twenty
years made her slightly unhappy and the only thing that kept her going with
it was that they were ours alone and was our own little secret.
John went to the local tavern and paid the bartender under the table for
information about the black market. Looking at the note he got from the
bartender, John’s head dropped as he was hoping it was different this time.
When he got to the entrance of the black market, he knocked on the
door and waited. After the slit on the door opened for the man to see
through, John told him the password. “Ring a Ring o’ Roses.”
He could hear Sarah trying to hold her laughter in behind him.
The black market came into view as he made his way down the stairs.
They were using Life Stones around the market to light it up, making
everything a light shade of green.
While Sarah was mesmerised by the view, John moved his left hand into
her right hand and intertwined his fingers with hers.
Sarah turned towards him as she was caught by surprise, but John
simply smiled towards her while he kept a hold of her hand.
As they walked around the market hand-in-hand, John kept buying all
the poisonous items and told Sarah to touch the venomous creatures so she
could create molecules from them.
At the same time, he had split his mind parts to focus on the Scan once
One mind part was using the Scan, one part was lip reading everybody
in the scan, one part was filtering out anything John wouldn’t like to see,
while the last part was using the Scan to check everybody’s rank, level, and
sin amount.
While they were training in the centre of the planet, John had taught
Sarah how to filter the Scan skill since she didn’t need to cultivate Toxin
Power for very long.
John remembered the kind of horrors they had seen through the Scan
when they were inside large cities but couldn’t filter it out. He didn’t want
Sarah to witness anything like that again. Though, other than inside large
cities, Sarah would be using the mind parts to advance in her immortal rank.
Since neither of them were wearing masks, John’s two free mind parts
were using the threads to attack anybody that his Scan picked up and lip
read them having ideas about Sarah. There weren’t too many, but five
corpses were lying around the black market when they left.
John then took Sarah to different shops and a restaurant for dinner
before they went back to the hotel. At check-in, John was about to book two
adjoining rooms when Sarah whispered to only book the one room.
John whispered, “Are you sure? I’m aiming to make this relationship
like the Dao Companions—forever. I’m not going to ruin any kind of
chance at that for some short-term fun.”
Sarah whispered back, “I only said book one room so we can sleep on
the same bed together. You went straight to more than sleep.”
John burst out laughing. She actually teased me. I think that’s amazing
He paid for one room and went upstairs with Sarah.
They spent time talking, but it was mostly Sarah getting to know John
better while John was simply happy spending time with her.
When night came, they slept on the same bed, fully clothed, but John
had Sarah in his arms all night.
After a week of dates, Sarah made an advance on John, saying she was
John picked Sarah up and carried her to their bed. He had to make sure
he was using the dual cultivation technique though; otherwise, Kelly would
arrive in the universe much too soon.
Three weeks passed before they left their location. John had created
another Rogue key for Sarah during her training, so the Rogue Sect’s
teleport room wouldn’t attack her.
They arrived on the planet with the large amusement park where they
had their first date before John prestiged.
Sarah had advanced to Rank 3, Level 2 during the trip and John’s
Strengthening Cells’ Molecule skill levelled when they arrived.
Looking at the skill, it was currently level five out of nine, but the next
level would need a little under two and a half years to finish. The next three
levels after that would need a total of thirty-four and a half years to finish,
so he used four of his skill points to finish them.
His body had got used to any pain this skill brought him a while ago, so
he kept walking and talking with Sarah while he entered Rank 8.
John then looked at the new skill.
Immortality List:
Soul - Idlers 0/2160, Grow - 0/3, Strengthen - 0/3, Compress - 0/3
Oh, since I’ve already gone through these skills once, the system didn’t
try to hide two parts of the skill.
He looked at the new counter the system had placed.
Soul Pool: 0
I can only get a maximum of one billion Soul Power until the Soul’s
Grow skill levels up, but I might as well use the idle mind parts.
He made the two free mind parts start transforming Toxin Power into
Soul Power. He was now getting 1.6 million Soul Power every minute.
He then placed all his Idlers into the skill and the first level needed two
months to complete.
That’s it for the advantage of Idlers for faster levelling on the lower
ranking skills, then. That’s the same amount of time needed in my previous
life, so I can guess how much time is needed for all Rank 8 and 9 levels.
Luckily, I still have nine skill points left to use for those two ranks.
I’m not sure if I can get any more skill points from killing those mutated
immortal creatures inside the centre of the mortal planets or the beastmen.
It doesn’t matter anyway. I’m much stronger at this point in time now
compared to my previous life, so I can protect Sarah and myself easily.
When he came out of his thoughts, John and Sarah had reached the large
amusement park. John explained that a Sider, who had ruled as king, built
this place, and that they were there to have fun.
After each ride, John bought all the monster cores that took still photos
of them. By the end of the day, they had loads of them.
It wasn’t all fun though as John’s Scan picked up quite a few people
who were attempting to get to Sarah one way or another, but John simply
made them disappear by using the earth element.
John didn’t see any kind of difference in Sarah’s attitude, but he knew
she must have noticed something since she had her Scan too. Maybe she lip
read the same people and didn’t mind them disappearing, but the only thing
he was sure of was he wouldn’t let her do any kind of dirty work.
All I need to do is make sure she’s able to protect herself if I’m not
there; I’ll do everything else.
Inside the hotel that night, John and Sarah were talking while lying in
His two mind parts had finished getting all the Soul Power he could at
his current level, and they had gone back to being idle.
John had his arm around Sarah as he spoke. “That Sider king I told you
about will get taken over by his system. It takes ten thousand years for that
to happen, and tomorrow marks the ten thousandth anniversary of his death.
“You’ll take his system and get all his abilities. You can share them with
me after, but I need to warn you. When you take that Sider’s system, you’ll
see all his memories from this universe that the system kept. If you don’t
hold onto your identity, you could lose yourself. But I have absolute faith in
you and I know you’ll be fine.”
John went into further detail on how to take the system and explained he
would bring her back into the hotel as it could take a while for the
memories to play out.
After hearing how long it would take for her to live through the
memories, she told John that she wanted to use her mind parts to carry on
cultivating while she was unconscious.
That surprised John. In his previous life, Sarah didn’t have the mind
parts at this point in time, so he didn’t think about it.
Chapter 20: Puppets

The next day, John and Sarah went to the mausoleum where the dead king
was housed.
There were hundreds of people inside and around the mausoleum as the
staff members shouted the countdown to the anniversary of the king’s death.
When the countdown reached zero, John heard his system go off.
Found a signal from another System. Would you like the direction
on the map?
The entire place was silent, mourning the king.
John intertwined his fingers with Sarah’s and used the light element to
make them invisible. At the same time, he opened up the system’s map and
teleported next to the coffin underneath the mausoleum.
He used the space element to seal the space around them and the coffin,
so no noise could escape.
After he walked to the coffin, he opened it up before whispering,
“Attack the head now before the system gains control of the body and fights
Sarah nodded, ran up to the rotten body, and struck down with her palm.
The corpse’s brittle bones broke and snapped as her hand went straight
through the head.
John rushed behind Sarah and opened his arms as she lost consciousness
and collapsed a second later.
While carrying her, John used his threads to close the coffin and make
sure nothing looked out of place. Opening the system’s area map once
more, he teleported to their hotel room and placed Sarah on the bed. After
he left, the sealed space disappeared and everything looked how it did
before they had arrived.
He knew it would take a little under a month for Sarah to finish going
through all the memories of Benigno Paiva, the real name of the Sider. With
that in mind, he had booked this hotel room for that duration. He also
instructed the staff that they were not to enter the room until he checked
While Sarah was unconscious, John opened the universal map in his
system and teleported to a planet where he knew immortals gathered.
He went shopping for thirty-five mythical blank runes and beast blood
—he would use these to make Sarah a nano armour set when she was
finally awake.
Using most of his Life Stones that he had earned from the missions,
John managed to buy everything he needed.
After he finished shopping, John flew high in the air and turned on his
Life Vision skill. He used the Immortal Eye on every human aura within his
range of sight.
He was lucky as he found two female Rank 9 immortals who had sins in
the millions.
Turning off the Life Vision skill, John teleported to the first female who
was currently alone while he lengthened his black fingernails. When he got
behind the woman, he used the space element to trap her before he swung
his arm horizontally. His extremely sharp nails easily decapitated her.
He knew the woman wasn’t dead though, so he picked up the head,
created threads to burrow inside it through the open neck, and wrapped
them around the soul a few times. He then pulled on the threads which
brought the soul out of the head. Since the soul was intangible, only the
threads had a little problem getting out.
When the soul was outside the head, he wrapped it completely in
threads and threw her body and head inside his Storage Space.
For the second Rank 9 woman, since Sarah needed to kill her to use the
Fighter Puppet skill on the body, he sealed the woman by using the space
He placed his hand on her shoulder then opened the universal map. John
teleported back on the planet where Sarah was. He left the woman twenty
miles outside the city, inside a remote cave because he knew what would
happen next. His space element could still control the woman at this
John was soon back inside the hotel room, waiting for Sarah to wake up.
Twenty-four days later, his wait was over.
John looked at Sarah as she opened her eyes. He waited for her to sort
out the memories she had just gone through.
Using the Immortal Eye on her, he found she had advanced to Rank 3,
Level 3.
A few minutes later, Sarah looked at John and told him she was alright.
She explained who the Sider was and John pretended to be fascinated. He
didn’t want to tell her that she explained all of it before.
John then asked about the puppet system and asked about its rules.
When Sarah explained they needed a mortal to use the Create Worker
skill and an immortal would be best to use the Create Fighter skill, John
asked her to stay there before he teleported to where the woman he captured
earlier was.
He waited for ten minutes before grabbing the woman and teleporting
back inside the hotel with her.
“This woman has over a million sins and is perfect for you as a fighter
puppet. Do you need to kill her yourself?” John spoke.
Sarah knitted her brows. “You told me that this is your third life and
second time in this universe. Have you seen the Puppet System before?”
John didn’t want to mention it, but he didn’t want to lie to her either, so
he just nodded his head.
“And was it me in your previous life that had this system?” Sarah asked.
John nodded his head again.
Sarah paused for a little while before asking, “Were we together in that
“Yes,” John replied.
Sarah asked another question. “What was I like in your timeline?”
John smiled. “No matter what timeline, you’re still you. All that’s
different is I have memories of us spending time together and you don’t.
“Eventually, when you’ve gained more memories of being together with
me, then there would be nothing different at all.”
“Hmm… What happened at the end?”
“I’m not answering that question because it will never happen in this
timeline. There’s no need to worry. I’ve already changed the future for the
better—for both of us.
“One example is sharing the skills with you much earlier, and sharing
all of them too. In my previous life, the Share skill only had twenty slots
and it kept adding more later on. This time, I could give you all my skills
from the start.
“You can use six separate mind parts to cultivate much sooner too,
making you stronger much quicker than you did in our other life. There are
also people alive in this timeline that previously weren’t. So, there’s little to
worry about.”
“Then, won’t I be a different person than the Sarah you knew if we have
different experiences and memories?” Sarah asked.
John shrugged. “I told you how I feel about it, but if you’re still
worried, then I have a way to give you those memories. It’s up to you.”
“How would you do that?”
“I know of another Sider who will come to this universe around this
time. His system lets him create a blank sphere where I can share my
memories of you with it.
“I was going to get the skills from that Sider so I can give you all the
information about this universe. If you want the memories I have about you
in my previous life, I can include them.”
After a few minutes of silence, Sarah nodded. “Please include those
memories. I want to see what my previous self went through, but I’ve
changed the reason why I want them. I’m no longer worried about being
somebody different.”
Smiling, John nodded his head. “I’ll go get them after we’ve joined the
Sword Sect, then.”
“We’re joining the Sword Sect?” Sarah asked, puzzled.
“Yeah,” John replied. “I owe someone there a favour from my previous
life and you’ll find two decent friends there. One of them you will get real
close with, at least you did in your previous life. I’m sure you three will
click in this life too.
“Though, in this life, we won’t need to stay in their library since I’m
going to get the skills from the other Sider, so we’ve got a few years to
spare between joining the sect and the start of their ‘tournament of a
Though I’m going to sort things out with Scott before he can do
anything this time.
Pointing to the woman, John asked Sarah if she wanted the fighter
puppet or not. He wasn’t sure if Sarah could kill a Rank 9, so he got the
soul out of the woman and told Sarah to wrap her threads around his. When
she did, John removed his threads from holding the soul.
Sarah wasn’t a Saint yet, so she couldn’t see the souls of others.
To his surprise, Sarah said it worked as she used the Create Fighter skill
on the woman. She then shared the skills with John.
John took out the corpse and head of the other woman he killed and
used the Create Fighter skill on them. Because he was still carrying the
woman’s soul in his threads, the skill worked as it took the soul from him.
The bodies were covered in a pitch-black substance as the skill worked
its magic.
Just like in his previous life when he used this skill on Chris Han, the
black substance attached the head and body together. Four days later, it
Both women stood up at the same time. John used small pieces of
nanometal while using the Upgrade Puppet skill. He then gave Sarah pieces
of nanometal for her to do the same.
He looked at the system after he was finished.
Foreign Objects:
Rogue’s Key
Fighting Puppet Controller: 9.9
John then gave the order to his fighter puppet to always protect Sarah.
The only person the puppet didn’t have to stay vigilant against was him and
Sarah’s fighter puppet, and any worker puppets John or Sarah would create
in the future.
Sarah was going to protest, but John said he was strong enough to
protect himself, and until she was strong enough to protect herself from
anyone in the universe, the fighter puppet was needed.
He didn’t want to upset her, but she needed to know the truth about how
dangerous the universe was.
Chapter 21: Trading Favours

During the four days that they waited for the puppets to finish, John had
made all the mythical grade runes and used them on the equipment that he
had made for Sarah.
He remembered that Sarah had complained about not having a
longsword when she fought the Rot Elephants, so he made a longsword this
Since he was going to travel with Sarah and he had done all the
experiments on the skills in his previous life, he told Sarah to place both the
fighter puppets in her Storage Space.
They left the hotel and John took Sarah to the Rogue Sect’s teleport
room. They stepped on the first teleport rune in their journey, disappearing
One month later, the Soul’s Grow skill gained a level and Sarah reached
Rank 3, Level 4 almost at the same time.
John felt his soul expand—the same feeling he had when he gained the
skill level inside the battlefield. He made his two idle mind parts transfer
Toxin Power to Soul Power once again. It only took a little under four days
to reach the new ten billion Soul Power limit.
Fifteen days later, they arrived at the Sword Sect’s public planet. When
they came out of the teleport room, John remembered they were near the
giraffe city, but they never actually saw a giraffe.
Since they had a bit of time to kill, John went to find one with Sarah. It
took twenty minutes as he found a large, green animal with black spots that
looked like a giraffe. He watched the creature lift its neck, trying to eat the
birds in the trees, but after it missed, the neck always went back close to the
John used his threads to wrap around the creature’s large mouth, long
neck, and most of its body so it couldn’t move. He and Sarah then went up
to pet it while they talked and laughed. Twenty minutes later, they let the
creature go, and they walked to the city.
After John paid to use the local teleport system, they walked around
while waiting for their turn. When they finally used it and arrived at the
main city, John told Sarah to book a hotel as he had an idea on how to get
around the Sword Sect’s test to become disciples.
Taking out a pen and two parchments, he wrote down a few things
before sealing the parchments inside two separate envelopes. He then put
his plan into action.
He told Sarah he’d be gone for a little while before he opened up the
universal map and teleported onto the Rogue Sect planet. Flying to the
Rogue Sect, John went straight to Dylan’s house to ask about Luke.
Dylan welcomed John and told him that Luke appeared a few months
ago in Newbie Town.
John asked what Dylan had done for Luke and learned that Dylan had
been gathering all the books throughout the world and would eventually
start collecting them from the entire universe for Luke to read once he
turned twenty-one and became an immortal.
While Luke was a mortal, Dylan was only giving Luke books to become
strong enough to survive the age test crystal to become an immortal.
John asked if he could see Luke, and Dylan directed John to Luke’s
location. After thanking Dylan, John went to visit Luke.
Inside Luke’s house, John was sitting down in front of him. John
explained that he was a Sider and this was currently his third life. He then
asked Luke to create an Information Sphere for him to prove it.
Luke did as he was asked and created one. John placed it on his
forehead and placed all his memories of Luke inside it, but he left out the
parts about him controlling Luke through the manipulation skills.
John watched Luke’s face as he placed the Information Sphere on his
forehead and went through the memories. Luke’s face changed from
surprise to shock, happiness, horror, and a few other emotions.
When Luke was done, John asked him to share his skills. In return, John
would share all the skills that could be used as a mortal, while he saved the
immortal skills until after Luke turned into an immortal
John stayed for another hour before returning to Dylan. He created an
Information Sphere and filled it with all the information about the Silver
Grade Life Power and the elements. What he didn’t share was how to
I don’t have any of the cores that help humans gain control of the
elements. He’ll have to do what the first immortals did and figure out how
to control their Life Power in certain ways to gain that control. The cores
that were in the fish created by the transcendents were a shortcut, but not
the only way.
John then convinced Dylan that transcending was a terrible idea as he
listed the drawbacks. John informed him that staying as an immortal Rank 9
with Silver Grade Life Power and full control of the elements was the best
way to go.
It would allow him to have an unlimited life expectancy, would be much
harder to kill, and could still use his powers on a planet without any fear of
accidentally destroying it. He still had the option to die if he wanted to after
millions of years as well.
Dylan listened to all the advantages and kept thanking John over and
over again, and when he finally calmed down, John handed him one of the
sealed envelopes.
“There are things going on that I can’t explain right now,” John said.
“But after you’ve gained the Silver Grade Life Power, there might be
somebody who will come to kill you. Give them that envelope and you’ll be
fine, but if he won’t even look at the envelope, shout the name ‘O’Malley’
to get his attention.”
Dylan tried getting more information from John, but he couldn’t.
After saying goodbye to Dylan, John opened the universal map and
teleported back onto the Sword Sect’s public planet.
When he arrived, he decided to execute his plan to get inside the sect
without having to do the test.
As he walked towards the teleport rune that led to the Sword Sect’s
private planet, he used the light element to turn himself invisible. At the
same time, he made his clothes turn into a black Daoist robe and a white
mask; this look wasn’t affiliated with any sect.
Going through the teleport rune, he flew off towards a place he had
never been but had been told about a few times before.
Inside a large gorge was a secluded valley that contained quite a few
wooden huts.
To live there, one had to become a secluded elder and give up all power
inside the sect, including political power, but one was still expected to
defend the sect if it came under attack.
Inside his Scan, John found the person he was looking for and flew
towards them. When he landed just outside it, he used the light element to
turn himself visible again and then knocked on the door.
“Come in,” a voice responded.
John walked through the door and saw an older man with silver eyes,
silver hair, and a long, silver beard; he was wearing the white Daoist robes
of the Sword Sect. The man was sitting on a chair that was on top of a patch
of grass. Drinks and snacks were on a table at his side.
“Hello, Fred,” John greeted, changing his voice a little.
“Who’re you?” Fred asked.
John let out a huff. Getting sick of that question.
“A friend.” John closed the door behind him.
Fred was about to say something else, but John lifted his hand to stop
him. “You might not understand how, but I owe you a favour from a
previous life.
“I need to repay the favour, but I also need you to do something for me.
Afterwards, we’ll be even.”
John created a one-time-use Information Sphere with the same
information he had given Dylan a little while ago. He gave Fred the
Information Sphere and continued speaking. “First, I’m going to repay my
debt by giving you some information that will be crucial to you. Place that
on your forehead and concentrate.”
John watched Fred do as he asked and, just like Luke, his expression
changed while going through the information.
After he was finished, he gave Fred the last sealed envelope and told
him the same thing he told Dylan.
“Now, as for what I need you to do for me...” John watched Fred put the
envelope away. “There’s a... descendant of mine who is extremely talented
and, for reasons I can’t think of, has come to join your sect. There’s also
someone—let’s call him my son-in-law—who came with her.
“My descendant is only thirty-three and already in the middle levels of
Rank 3, while my son-in-law, who’s the same age, is much stronger and is
only following to protect her.
“I want you to accept them into the sect, under the radar. I don’t want
them taking the test as it will show their strength, and I don’t want anybody
from your sect questioning them once they’ve entered.
“I think my descendant and her husband will enter your next tournament
of the decade too. If that happens, I need you to put them in separate
brackets so that they won’t meet until the finals. Just don’t let them catch on
that I’ve talked to you. Act like you don’t know them.
“I was going to do something small in return, but since I’m asking you
to do the tournament favour now too, I guess I need to up my repayment.
Let’s see… In return for those two favours, and I know you might not
believe me, but I will get rid of the Death Sect’s spies inside your sect.”
“There are no Death Sect spies in my sect,” Fred replied.
John laughed. “You just don’t know about them, but they’re there.”
He watched Fred lower his head to think after he finished speaking.
“Fine. I’ll believe you.”
“Good. I will hit them all at the same time, so when loads of people are
dead, you’ll know it was me. Though, I’ve got to wait for them to gather
together for that to happen, so it won’t happen right away.
“If my estimation is right, it will be after the tournament of the decade
you’re hosting, so don’t panic when nothing happens for a while.”
John then told Fred the names of his descendant and son-in-law and
where they were currently at. He then asked Fred to make sure he got them
inside the sect soon as they planned to take the test tomorrow at the latest.
After telling Fred everything he needed to know, John turned around
and exited the hut.
Chapter 22: Proposal

Using the light element, he turned invisible once more to get back to Sarah
unnoticed. When he was outside of their hotel room, he turned visible and
unlocked the door to walk inside.
“It’s all sorted,” John said to Sarah.
“What did you do?” she asked.
“Returned a favour. When someone comes over and says we’re allowed
to join the sect without passing the test, you need to act surprised. Ask
questions about why they’re doing it. They won’t be able to tell you the
truth, so just pretend to believe whatever they tell you.”
Sarah nodded her head but didn’t ask what he had done to repay the
John created an Information Sphere and placed memories of Sarah
inside it. He left out the memories of her being in a coma since that would
never happen in the current timeline and all the memories after Sarah killed
Scott Maddox—he didn’t want her to find out about O’Malley and him
being forced to join the battlefield.
He handed Sarah the sphere. “I’ve put most of my memories of you
inside it, but I’ve also left out a few of them that would change the future if
you knew about them. You just need to place it on your forehead and
Sarah placed it on her forehead, closed her eyes, and remained quiet.
It took Sarah over five minutes to go through all the information. When
she was finished, she opened her eyes, stood up, and walked towards John.
Clenching her fist, she playfully punched John on the side of his chin.
“I’ve wanted to hit you for a while now. Always keeping me in the dark,
acting mysterious, telling me what to do. I’m not a violent person, but the
temptation was there for a while. Then I saw that I really did hit you
sometimes in your previous life.”
John turned his head and kissed Sarah’s fist. “You only did it because
you knew it wouldn’t hurt me. I know that if you thought your punches
could hurt me, you wouldn’t do it.”
Sarah put both of her hands on her forehead. “I can’t believe what
happened to Lexis and that I didn’t figure out it was Scott much sooner!”
John chuckled. “Don’t beat yourself up. It’s because you’re not suited to
investigate people. You’re a kind person and you were a doctor back on
Earth, not a cop who doubts everything they hear.
“You give everybody the benefit of the doubt, and even when they’ve
done something wrong, you give them a second chance. I’m sure you had
suspicions of Scott way before finding out it was him, but he was your
student and you must have been hoping you were wrong.
“Even when he confessed everything, you took his word as the truth and
didn’t use the truth serum on him because you don’t like using it on people.
That’s just who you are. Don’t let Scott or anyone else change that.”
“But I let my guard down around him! Something which you trained me
not to do!”
John shook his head. “I trained you not to let your guard down around
enemies, people you don’t know, and slight acquaintances, but he was
somebody you were training yourself. It doesn’t matter that we’re
immortals, we’re still human and we want to trust people we get close to.
Being your student was as close as somebody could get without being
Sarah stayed quiet. In the silence, John thought he’d better change the
topic. “Once we’ve joined the sect, there’s not much for us to do there
“There’s about five years left until the Sword Sect’s tournament
happens and we’re basically free until then. What do you want to do?
“I’ve got all the knowledge from inside the Sword Sect and other
places, I will pass it to you soon. I doubt you want to spend years reading
books again.
“Besides, you still need to switch to the proper cultivation method. That
will take about a year and a half to complete.”
“What’s the proper cultivation technique? As for the rest of the time, I
don’t know what to do either. Let’s just see what comes up,” Sarah replied.
“Fine. We’ll see what comes up.” John nodded his head.
He created another Information Sphere that contained all the knowledge
he had gained from the Sword, Death, Anti-assassin and Rogue sects, as
well as the half dozen libraries, including the library from the battlefield.
“Here’s everything I know. It will show you what the proper cultivation
method is and how much stronger it is compared to the normal method. But
you can’t pass this technique on to anyone else.
“And don’t use the clot forming method yet either. We need to get a
proper home in the sect before that happens. You won’t be able to use any
Toxin Power for the entire duration.”
Sarah placed the Information Sphere on her forehead, closed her eyes,
and concentrated. Due to the sheer amount of information, it took over two
hours for her to gain all of it.
After she was finished, John asked her out on a date. Half an hour later,
they both left the hotel and went around town.
Since there wasn't much to do for entertainment in this universe, they
went shopping. Later on, John took her to a fancy restaurant that served
immortal monster meat.
After the meal, they stood in the middle of the street. Looking at Sarah,
he asked her to close her eyes and not to peek, to which she laughed and
John used the water and space elements to make the soap bubble barrier
around them, then he used the light element to make them invisible before
lifting them up into the air. The barrier made the air inside stay stable,
making sure Sarah wouldn’t be able to feel them moving at all.
They flew through the atmosphere, stratosphere, and kept going,
entering outer space.
Using the earth and metal elements, John created a platform for them to
stand on. He took out some adamantine, platinum, gold, rhodium, and other
precious metals that he bought to create two objects.
The two objects were circular, one larger than the other. Both of them
had purple, gold, and silver colours mixed with a fine shine. John clenched
his left hand to keep them out of Sarah’s sight.
After he guided them to the platform, he asked Sarah to open her eyes.
The Sword Sect’s private planet was in the distance, but Sarah could see
it crystal clear. John was watching Sarah’s reaction to the view as he could
see all the stars that reflected in her eyes.
Smiling, he lifted his left hand to show the two objects he had created
earlier, got on one knee, and waited for Sarah to turn around.
When Sarah turned around, John saw the shock on her face and couldn’t
help but smile before speaking. “You’ve seen my memories, and you know
we were married in my previous life.
“I’ve been with you through sickness and in health, through war and
peace, and now that I’ve travelled back to the past, there’s not a doubt in my
mind about wanting to do it all again with you.
“Will you marry me?”
Sarah’s eyes lit up as she covered her nose and mouth with her hands.
John could see she was shocked, but he didn’t move an inch as he was
waiting for her answer.
Sarah nodded her head repeatedly in silence.
She lowered her left hand for John, who took her hand with his left hand
and placed the smaller ring he had made on her ring finger. He then placed
his ring on his left hand’s ring finger while Sarah was looking at her own.
As John was standing back up, Sarah wrapped her arms around his neck
and kissed him. He still carried on standing up, lifting Sarah along with
After they separated, they watched the stars for a while.
Eventually, it was time to go back down onto the Sword Sect’s public
planet. John opened up the universal map and teleported back onto the
planet while holding Sarah’s hand. They went back to the hotel and went to
The next morning, John and Sarah went to the Sword Sect’s admin
It was brightly lit inside with sunlight pouring into the room through a
huge window. The floor was polished enough for one to see their own
reflection on it, and on the ceiling was a chandelier made of crystal.
The painted walls were pristine white. Opposite the huge window was a
row of counters with staff members working behind them. The room was
decently sized and packed full of people.
John knew what to do this time and went up towards the counter and
picked up a ticket. They both went and sat down in the waiting area.
Inside his Scan, he could see a young man, no older than fifteen, behind
one of the counters.
That’s the elder’s grandson who’s being punished. Since I’ve asked Fred
to make us skip the tests, he’s got to have put something in place for us.
But if we get this arrogant child as the person to help us, he’ll try
scamming us again or won’t even bother checking whatever Fred has done,
so we’ll have to go through the tests like normal.
Is there any way to make sure we don’t get him? Or should I just use the
Soul Manipulation on him?
John decided to make a decision at the counter since he couldn’t
guarantee he would get the arrogant child’s counter.
An hour later, their number was called. Luckily, the person behind the
counter wasn’t the young man. John and Sarah told the woman the
information she needed for them to join the sect.
The woman knitted her brows and there was an awkward silence for a
“Congratulations!” The woman clapped her hands. “You are the ten
thousandth applicant Rank 3 or above to join the sect this year! You and
your companion have won a free pass into the sect! You no longer need to
take the test to join! Congratulations again!”
John had told Sarah to act surprised when Fred somehow got them into
the sect without having to pass the tests, but that was not needed as Fred’s
method was highly unexpected. Even John was genuinely surprised.
Chapter 23: Home

John snapped out of his shock, turned to Sarah, and laughed. “We’re so
lucky! Who would have thought the extra rest day we took to prepare
ourselves for the test would make us winners!”
Sarah came out of her shock after hearing John and celebrated a little
The woman smiled even more as she let John and Sarah come behind
the counter while she explained. “All you need to do is register with the
sect. There will be somebody on the other side of the teleport rune who will
guide you through the process. Please follow me.”
John and Sarah followed the woman to a large back room of the
building where a teleport rune was embedded into the floor.
After thanking the woman, they both stepped on the rune and
Appearing on the other side of the teleport rune, John saw a middle-
aged man. He had black hair, brown eyes, and a stubble over his face.
John immediately recognised him as Owen, Frank’s disciple. John used
the Immortal Eye on him.
Owen Lane
Rank: 6
Level: 7
Sin: 0
“Hello,” Owen greeted. “Are you John and Sarah Allen, the winners of
the free pass?”
“Yes,” John replied.
“Congratulations once again. I’m going to help you through the entire
process. First, we need you to register as a sect member. Please follow me.”
Both of them followed Owen through a door and down the hall. They
were currently in the teleport system, which was a large building that held
all the teleport runes inside.
Owen took them to the connected building which John learned was the
admin. Once inside, Owen handed over a few forms which they needed to
fill out. He explained they also didn’t need to complete the blood oath.
After the forms were filled out, Owen took them into another part of the
building and asked them to pick a house in any of the sections of the sect,
free of charge.
John and Sarah were shocked that they were getting a free house, but
after Owen said it was part of their winnings, they didn’t stand on
They pretended to go through all the house listings in all the different
cities. The cities were named after the different weapons on the planet. In
John’s previous life, their house was in the Sword section.
When they looked at the Sword section’s available houses, they soon
found what they were looking for.
The house was a detached, three-story, eight-bedroom house with a
massive front and back garden. The location was a thirty-minute walk from
the Sword school, where elders taught sword techniques.
John and Sarah looked at each other, smiled, and picked out the house
they used in John’s previous life. From John’s memories, Sarah had seen
them living in the house, so she picked it too.
Owen looked at the house they picked, nodded, and then fetched the
While they were walking to their new home, Owen explained all the
rules inside the sect. John had hardly known any of the rules because they
were Honourable Elders, meaning most of the rules weren’t exactly
enforced on them.
While Fred was the one who got them inside the sect and he might
become their backing inside the sect later on, most elders, grand elders, and
the sect master wouldn’t take it very well if John or Sarah broke any of the
major rules.
When they reached the house, both John and Sarah felt like they had
just returned home from a long journey.
Owen then handed them the keys and ushered them inside.
After opening the gate with the keys, John looked at Owen and asked if
he wanted to come in for a chat, but he politely declined. He handed them
each a token that had one hundred credits on it and said his goodbyes.
When they went inside, it looked like it had been cleaned only a week
ago. Walking into the living room, John sat down on the couch and tapped
the cushion next to him, beckoning Sarah to sit down.
Sarah sat down and snuggled up to John on the couch.
“I think,” John spoke after a few seconds, “now’s the time for you to
switch to the proper cultivation method. I’m not sure how long it will take
for you to make the switch, but we’ve got plenty of time now.
“After you’ve made the switch, we can go explore some of the planets
together. I’ve shared my memories of the different places I’ve seen during
my travels, but there’s always more to see.
“Or, you can register at the Adventurers’ Guild as long as you don’t tell
them about your Sider status, then we can go do a few missions together.
I’ve seen quite a few missions in the immortal quests where they’ve
requested medical knowledge for one reason or another.
“After you’ve completed the mission, we can see the different towns on
that planet if you want.
“I think, after you’ve made the switch, the first thing we should do is go
visit Riley Hamilton, the leader of the Fire Cross Mercenaries.
“You can cure his poison and become a Saint again. You’ll get a Saint
point in your system which you’ll be able to use to get a free level in one of
the ranks. I’ll leave it up to you if you want to become a Saint again
“I’ll think about it,” Sarah replied. “I’m going to use the clotting
technique to destroy all the branches throughout my body. I’ll have plenty
of time to think about that and many other things.”
Sarah took out the two Rank 9 female fighter puppets. John’s fighter
puppet was given the order to follow Sarah’s orders, so when Sarah gave
them both orders of protecting her and the house, it had followed them.
Knowing Sarah was safe with the puppets, John decided to fetch a few
people from the Neutral section to help around the house.
Once he made sure that Sarah was comfortably starting her cultivation,
John left for the teleport system. An hour later, he arrived at a horse racing
stadium he was familiar with.
Making sure nobody was paying attention to him inside his Scan, John
used the light element and turned invisible before he walked inside the
When he got inside, he saw a familiar man walking down a dark
corridor. Following the man, John turned on his Life Vision when he saw
him enter a small room.
Inside were four men including the one he saw walk inside. Using the
Immortal Eye on each of the men, John found out they were all mortals
with high sin counts.
Creating four threads, he controlled them to go under the locked door.
The threads made their way to each person, touching them on the back of
their necks. John created a paralysing poison and dispensed it through the
It took less than two seconds for them to drop to the floor. After that, he
made the four threads unlock the few security measures on the door. When
all the locks were undone, John simply removed the threads, opened the
door, and walked inside.
Since John had never tried to use the Create Worker skill on more than
one person at a time, or if there was a time limit with using the skill after a
person’s death, John had to repeat what he did last time.
Kill one person, use the Create Worker skill on them, wait, and repeat.
What was different this time was the object on the table. Last time he
came here, there was a fake platinum coin inside a glass container, showing
that the men were counterfeiting money.
But now that he was around five years early, the men all looked
younger, had less sins, and the object on the table was a javelin.
John picked it up and he could immediately tell this javelin was too
While he had never picked up a normal weighted one, Sarah had when
she won the amateur competition in his previous life. She had explained
everything to him, so he knew the javelin Sarah used was around seven
hundred grams which was used by any sex in the competition.
This javelin, however, was around three hundred grams at most.
In my previous life, these crooks had already done this, but I don’t know
if they got away with it or not. There’s no way they entered the competition
themselves, but I didn’t hear anything about anyone cheating either.
Is there a fifth member of this group that I never found last time? If
there is, then when I took these four as worker puppets in my previous life,
did the fifth member simply disappear, or did he try and find these four?
What am I thinking? Who cares about these people! I doubt the fifth was
an immortal, so they shouldn’t pose a threat to us.
John clenched his fist while holding the javelin and snapped it in half.
He then waited for the first worker puppet to finish before using the Create
Worker skill on the next person after killing him.
It took four long hours for all four bodies to be transformed into
puppets. He ordered them all to follow him, and then he used the teleport
system to return home.
Chapter 24: Workers

Back at the house, John ordered the worker puppets to stay in the living
room before he left again. Going through the teleport system, he went to the
main headquarters of the Sword Sect.
He walked to the library, handed over the token with a hundred credits
to the grand elder who guarded the place, and paid a credit to go inside.
Once inside, John went through the books in his Scan, picked up the
ones he did in his previous life, and left the library.
When he returned home, he placed the books into four piles.
One pile was dedicated to cookbooks and books about edible plants.
The second pile was for gardening and books describing how to care for
specific plants.
The third pile covered home care and cleaning, while the final pile was
all about how to help a master with his work; it was the broadest pile and
contained texts that addressed the etiquette of being a perfect servant.
John gave each puppet one pile to read while making sure each puppet
was reading the same one as in his last life. He didn’t want the butler puppet
from his previous life to be the gardener in this life, that would be too
confusing to someone with multiple lives worth of memories.
Wait, did I need the books?
John created a one time use Information Sphere which only had the
information inside the books in one of the piles then placed the sphere on
the puppet’s forehead, but nothing happened.
Not giving up, he ordered the puppet to concentrate, and to absorb the
memories from the sphere, but still nothing happened.
Guess I do need the books.
He ordered all the puppets to read and learn everything in the books in
their designated pile. A few hours later, all the puppets were standing in the
living room, waiting for another order.
The chef puppet didn’t have much to do since neither John nor Sarah
needed to eat; that was more of a luxury for when they had time or were in
the mood for it, so John ordered it to only cook the best meals possible with
the ingredients provided when they wanted a meal.
Turning to the gardener puppet, John’s orders were pretty much the
same as last time. The puppet would be one of the busiest ones until the
garden was fully planted and only needing maintenance.
The cleaner and butler puppets had the same orders as last time too.
When all the puppets weren’t working, they were to stay upstairs in the
puppet room.
Not long after John had finished, Sarah came out of the cultivation
room. John noticed her head was drooping. When she walked, her head
wobbled side-to-side as though she had no strength left.
John walked to her and helped her sit down on the couch. Sarah’s entire
body was fairly limp.
“You alright?” John asked.
“Yeah. It took more concentration and energy out of me to do the
clotting technique than I thought it would.”
“Just sit and rest for as long as you want. I’ve created four worker
puppets to do the cleaning, cooking, and gardening, and they’ll wait on us
hand and foot.”
Sarah had enough energy to smile. “Great.”
John went to the nearest shop that sold food ingredients and gave them
to the chef puppet. A little over an hour later, both John and Sarah had a
large meal together.
Sarah could still use the Toxin Power in her mind since the Toxin Power
originated from there. She couldn’t move the Toxin Power anywhere
throughout her body, but while the branches were dying, Sarah could still
shrink her neurons.
During the next eight months, John and Sarah did little work as they
explored around the Sword Sect’s planet.
In John’s previous life, he was in the same situation on this planet as
when he was a mortal. He didn’t go anywhere else on the planet besides a
few places that helped him get stronger because he didn’t have much time.
Since he had time to explore the mortal kingdoms before becoming an
immortal, he decided to change it here. He went to all the other weapon
sections, attended a few of the elder’s classes, ate at all the nice restaurants,
and explored the whole planet with Sarah.
At the end of the eight months, Sarah’s branches were all dead and she
would soon start creating the new branches according to the proper
cultivation method. She had also shrunk enough neurons to enter Rank 3,
Level 7.
John’s Soul’s Grow skill had levelled up again during that time. He felt
a bit lightheaded as his soul grew inside his head. He hated that feeling as
the soul was intangible, but at the same time he could feel it affect him.
But the gained level did allow John to use his two mind parts to create
Soul Power again. It took him a little under seventeen and a half days to get
the forty billion extra Soul Power, bringing the total to fifty billion.
They went home when Sarah’s branches died so she could go into the
cultivation room and concentrate on making the new branches.
It took her more than a month to finish creating them throughout her
entire body. Now, she just had to wait until her body was nourished and she
could use Toxin Power once again. During that month, she never stopped
shrinking the neurons and she entered Rank 3, Level 8.
It took Sarah’s body four months to get fully nourished, surprising both
John and Sarah—they were expecting it to take much longer.
During those months, John’s skill gained its final level. The Soul’s
Strengthening’s first level came up as one year and four months, and this
time, John knew the requirements and had already got the ten billion Soul
Power needed for it to finish levelling.
With his two mind parts working, it took John a little over twenty-one
and a half days to gain the final fifty billion Soul Power to cap it at one
hundred billion.
Sarah not only nourished her body in those four months, but she had
shrunk enough neurons to reach Rank 3, Level 9. She told John her system
showed that she only had a little under five percent left of unshrunk
neurons. Once those were done, she would enter Rank 4.
John and Sarah then began to spar a little in the back garden. They had
to make sure that Sarah was able to use Toxin Power throughout her body
before they left.
When the results were out, they both laughed as Sarah could use it like
John then took Sarah down to the centre of the planet and it took her
almost a month and a half to gain sixty trillion Toxin Power for her body
counter. In that time, Sarah had finally finished shrinking all the neurons
and entered Rank 4, Level 1.
John gave her a different type of cultivation technique when she entered
Rank 4. He got this technique from one of the transcendents in his past life,
and it would help Sarah create more neurons every second while also being
much safer than cultivating regularly. If it wasn’t for his system doing the
work, then he would’ve used the same technique too.
They spent another month inside the house where Sarah got used to
creating new neurons during that time. She drilled inside her head to see all
the neurons inside her Scan then started bursting and healing the neurons to
create more according to the technique John gave her.
During this month, she got used to the pain and the feeling of creating
the neurons to the point where each mind part she used created two
thousand new neurons every second.
She was very careful though. Rank 4 was one of the deadliest ranks to
advance in simply because one would have to destroy the neurons to create
more; no matter which technique was used, that aspect never changed.
Inside the house, Sarah placed both the fighter puppets in her Storage
Space before they locked up the house and walked towards the teleport
system. The worker puppets would carry on doing their jobs while they
were away.
There were almost four years left until the Sword Sect’s tournament of
the decade, so like they planned, they left the Sword Sect and headed
towards the Adventurers’ Guild’s public planet.
All this time he was using the universal map after he had prestiged,
John had concluded two things. First, all the places he had visited in his
past life had been reset. So, to use the teleport skill on the universal map, he
would have to visit those places again first.
Second, all the area and world maps his system had scanned in his
previous life were still there. John had given all the knowledge of the maps
to Sarah through the Information Sphere to see if that worked too. Sarah
had basically scanned all the universe’s maps once again in a roundabout
way as the experiment had worked.
John was thankful for this because he didn’t have the quadrillions worth
of Life Stones to purchase them again in this life; not until after the
tournament of the decade, at least.
With no detours, it took them six months to get to the Adventurers’
Guild’s public planet. The only thing that changed during the trip was Sarah
had reached Rank 4, Level 2.
When they arrived, they headed to one of the main buildings where
Sarah could join as an adventurer and start helping people with her medical
Chapter 25: Surprise

Inside the Adventurers’ Guild, Sarah filled out the forms on the second
floor and soon became an IE ranked adventurer. At the same time, John
stopped using the disguise technique that Luke came up with and after
showing his strength as a Rank 8, he soon got his card updated and became
an IA adventurer.
They then looked at the board with all the quests posted on it.
John told Sarah he would simply follow her lead but suggested missions
that weren’t inside main cities, so she could continue cultivating while on
the mission instead of switching her mind parts to filter the Scan.
Sarah nodded and began looking for quests that needed someone with
medical expertise. Unfortunately, there weren’t any quests that suited her.
Instead of picking other ones, Sarah walked to the counter.
“Hello,” Sarah said. “Do you have any quests that need a person with
medical knowledge?”
The person behind the counter asked, “Which knowledge and practice
do you have? Medicine or poison?”
Sarah knitted her brows. “They’re the same thing! All medicines can
become poisonous and vice versa. If you find someone who lacks either
one, then it’s the skill of the practitioner that’s lacking.”
The assistant was shocked by Sarah’s answer but soon smiled. “There’s
somebody who is looking for an expert in poisons. Don’t worry, we’ve
already vetted the person and we know the job isn’t about poisoning
somebody, but we don’t know all the details either. Would you be interested
in the job? Your answer gave me hope you could complete this quest.”
“Can you give me all the details that you have, please?” Sarah asked.
She was soon reading a parchment. It read the person was poisoned
years ago, multiple medical and poison specialists had tried to treat it, but
nothing worked.
It didn’t post a reward, but it asked people to come try their luck. If they
managed to cure the person, rewards would be discussed.
Looking at the assistant behind the counter, Sarah asked, “Where is this
person located?”
The assistant handed over another parchment which had a map on it.
There was a red circle drawn in a green-coloured area, and above it was the
name Witarra Woods.
After thanking them, Sarah turned around and left the building with
Opening the parchment with the map on it, Sarah looked at where they
needed to go. It showed they needed to use the local teleport system to go to
Trosas City.
After that, they needed to travel over twenty miles to reach Witarra
Woods, though the map didn’t specifically say where in the woods they
would find the person who needed help.
Going to the teleport system on this planet, they paid to use it but had to
wait over an hour before they arrived at Trosas City. It took them less than
ten minutes to travel to Witarra Woods after that.
Since they didn’t know where in the woods Sarah’s client was, both of
them flew around searching for someone in their scans.
John found someone first. He landed on the ground and asked the man
if he was the person asking for help with poisons. Against all odds, he
wasn’t the person they were looking for, so John flew back into the air to
continue his search.
A few minutes later, Sarah flew towards John after she spotted him in
the distance.
“I found him!” Sarah shouted when she got closer.
John flew towards her and followed her to their target.
John saw a cabin in his Scan. It was a one story, single bedroom, cabin
made purely out of wood. Outside the cabin was an unlit campfire. It was
obvious the person lived in this cabin and hadn’t just built it for hunting or
other reasons.
Landing a few feet away from the man, Sarah introduced them.
The man’s name was Robert, but he wouldn’t say if he had a last name.
John shook Robert’s hand after Sarah introduced them.
Robert looked like a middle-aged man with short, blonde hair, thick,
black eyebrows, and a cheeky grin.
After introducing himself, John sat down and listened to Robert’s story.
Robert began to explain that he was poisoned over two hundred years
ago, and since then, he had been using his Life Power to fight it but was
losing the battle.
Eventually, he had given up his hope of finding a cure, so he retired to
this cabin where he expected to die within the next decade.
He explained that while he had given up hope for a cure, he was still
fighting this poison with everything he had because he wanted to live as
long as possible and to make sure his granddaughter grew up safe and
It was his granddaughter who didn’t lose all hope and left a quest at the
Adventurers’ Guild, but to make sure Robert didn’t get his hopes up, his
granddaughter didn’t make the quest official.
Instead, the granddaughter asked the staff to ask about the person’s
abilities. They weren’t told any of the details and made it as mysterious as
possible so those without confidence wouldn’t take the challenge and get
Robert’s hopes up.
John thought the granddaughter was smart to do it this way because he
reckoned as much as ninety percent of people wouldn’t take on this quest
due to the lack of confidence in their abilities. John then asked where
Robert’s granddaughter was.
Robert answered that his granddaughter was out hunting. She was
almost fourteen years old and could hunt small animals herself for the last
few years now. He explained that her parents had died a few years ago.
After Robert finished explaining and answering any questions, he
looked at Sarah and waited for her to speak.
“I can’t guarantee a cure, but I’m sure there’s a good chance.”
She told Robert to sit down before she took out a vial of coloured water
and gave it to Robert to drink. She went behind him, placed her hand on his
back, and used the system to extract the poison from his body.
Since Sarah had given John her memories in an Information Sphere in
his past life, John could give Sarah important memories in this life, granting
her all the theoretical knowledge and the memories on how to extract
poisons safely. All she had to do was put the knowledge to use.
Twenty minutes later, John could see Sarah’s face had changed and
could tell she was shocked. He just didn’t know what she was shocked
Sarah walked around Robert and stood in front of him. “I’ve managed
to get rid of the poison, but I have a few questions as to where and how you
got poisoned.”
But her words never got through as Robert was staring at his hands.
John had seen this before. Relief, doubt, happiness, and many other
feelings coming all at once. The overwhelming joy was enough to send
someone into their own world, trying to think and figure things out, trying
to put everything into perspective.
While Robert was in his own world, John looked at Sarah and asked
why she was shocked earlier.
“I gained a Saint point and got the Saint title off his poison,” Sarah
His eyebrows shot up as her answer had completely shocked John too.
“There’s another thing,” Sarah continued to whisper. “When the
information about the poison came up in my system, I noticed that the
poison was exactly the same as Riley’s.
“Both of them also said they were poisoned over two hundred years
ago. Either they were poisoned by the same person or thing, or at the same
Now John was interested in finding out what happened too. Sarah had
only ever gained two Saint points, one in his last life and one in this life.
And they were both generated from the same poison.
They waited for Robert to come to his senses, but before Robert could
even say thank you, Sarah stopped him to ask questions. She described
Riley’s appearance and told Robert his name, asking if they had met
somewhere over two hundred years ago since they were infected with the
same poison.
Robert instantly remembered Riley after mentioning they had the same
poison inside them and told his story.
Over two hundred years ago, somebody found a large tomb inside a
mountain. It was extremely well hidden, until an earthquake brought some
of it topside.
Instead of exploring it themselves, the people in charge of the area hired
people to do it for them. Riley and Robert were on the same team that
explored the tomb.
Sarah was tapping her chin with her index finger, thinking. “There is
such a thing called corpse poison, where any living being that comes into
contact with it gets infected.
“But the poison you were infected with is much stronger than the corpse
poison that I’ve seen and read about. Most likely, the owner of that tomb
was a poison specialist themselves.
“If that person was exposed to all kinds of poisons before their death,
then after their death their body had a chance to absorb those poisons,
creating something much more deadly that a living being couldn’t bear to
be exposed to; even immortals will eventually succumb to the poison.
“The only reason you lasted this long was due to the Life Power healing
your body much faster than a mortal and stopping the poison from
spreading quickly inside you.”
“So, you’ve cured Riley of his poison too?” Robert asked.
Nodding her head, Sarah answered, “Yes. I was surprised you had the
same poison as him, but it was because of him that I could cure you.
“Is it possible for you to tell me the location of the tomb where you got
this poison from?”
Robert shook his head. “Even if I tell you, it’ll be useless. We burned
everything inside and destroyed the entire tomb after we got poisoned so
nobody else would die from it.”
“That’s a pity,” Sarah groaned.
John knew Sarah wanted to explore that tomb and maybe get a few
poison molecules out of it.
Thinking that Sarah would be disappointed, John asked Robert, “Since
you’ve lived here for a long time and probably came into contact with all
sorts of poisons trying to cure yourself, do you know where this planet’s
black market is located?”
“Yes,” Robert instantly replied. “I’m also friends with all the owners of
the biggest shops there. As part of my reward for you, I’ll tell all my friends
to give you a discount and anything you save will be put on my tab.”
John and Sarah smiled and said thanks while Robert gave them a map
with instructions to enter the black market.
After receiving them, John and Sarah saw a young woman around
fifteen years old, carrying a few dead rabbits over her shoulder, heading
towards the cabin. Both of them assumed it was Robert’s granddaughter.
They both came to the conclusion that Robert would want to celebrate
when she got back, so they said their goodbyes and left before she arrived.
Chapter 26: Record

Once they were back in town, John and Sarah visited the black market
using the instructions they were given.
Entering a code to unlock a large hatch leading to a hidden passage,
they walked down the stairs going further underground.
At the end of the stairs, they could see a green glow lighting up the
place, but before they went through the arc at the end of the stairs, John
noticed a soap bubble barrier in place.
John poked the barrier to confirm his suspicions, and when he did, he
told Sarah that they needed to be careful since a transcendent might be in
charge of this black market.
The duo passed through the barrier and entered the black market. As
soon as they passed through it, their Scans picked up everything and left
them stunned.
There was an entire city underground. It was a huge, open space around
two square miles in size. Every corner was lit up with Life Stones. They
were embedded in the walls, ceiling, and even the buildings, turning the
entire place light green.
Buildings which had ten floors were built so their roofs were hitting the
ceiling, acting as pillars to stop it from collapsing.
I came to this planet twice before and didn’t have any idea this city was
underneath me the entire time.
My Scan can go through the ground, but since it didn’t pick up this city,
there must be some kind of barrier around it. Maybe the same soap bubble
barrier at the entrance actually covers the entire city.
Other than those buildings that acted as pillars, there were plenty of
smaller buildings. Most of them were simple in design, but a few were
designed to attract more customers.
In this large city though, by a quick estimate, there were over a
thousand people shopping, not including the staff. The last black market
they went to barely had a hundred people in comparison.
Not long after getting the layout of the entire place with their Scans,
John and Sarah started doing their own shopping.
Any item that had poison coated on it or any plant that had poison
inside it, John or Sarah pretended to be interested in the item and asked to
see it. They then touched the item to get the molecule created.
Venomous creatures for sale were examined by them, but they would
give a random excuse why they didn’t buy anything after generating a
molecule from the venom.
Entering one of the pillar buildings, John passed on a message to the
owner, asking if Robert’s offer was valid.
When the owner heard Robert’s name, he personally came down to
welcome John and Sarah while asking for details.
After the owner found out that they cured Robert, he agreed to uphold
Robert’s offer and also gave them a credit to buy anything in the store, free
of charge.
Robert must have done something spectacular for the owner of one of
the largest shops to offer this kind of treatment to someone who helped him.
He must have sent a message through a basic teleport rune that’s used
for the mail. Otherwise, there’s no way the owner of this shop would’ve
known about us curing Robert this fast.
It wasn’t just that shop either. John sent the same message to all the
owners of the largest shops in the market when he visited them and they all
thanked John by gifting him something from their shops.
John and Sarah went through the entire market in two days, and they
had gained a few thousand different poison molecules.
The whole time they were there, John kept his mind parts filtering the
Scan in order to see anyone having bad thoughts against them.
The shop owners, however, treated them like VIPs, and those
harbouring bad ideas left John and Sarah alone.
Back at their hotel, John and Sarah created all the molecules they could
to ensure that each of them had the same amount at the end. By the end of
the night, they both had over sixty thousand different types stored.
John decided to try to find out who Robert really was, but when he went
back to the woods, Robert and his granddaughter had disappeared.
He made inquiries about them at the Adventurers’ Guild, but nobody
could tell him anything. They could only speculate from the information
given by the granddaughter.
John sighed and gave up. His curiosity wasn’t strong enough for him to
look into it any further.
For the next three years and three months, John and Sarah travelled
around doing quests that needed her medical knowledge. After the quests
were done, they explored the many cities on the planet.
A little under six months into their journey, the Soul’s Strengthen skill
was levelled up. When it did, he could feel his soul become stronger. Since
he had got used to having a strong soul in his previous life, he could feel
how weak his soul was in this life and how much stronger it was after the
level had completed.
Two years and eight months after that, the next Soul’s Strengthen skill
levelled up.
The next level came up as five years and four months, so John used four
of his nine remaining skill points to complete the whole skill.
Welcome to the Idle System 9.9
Age: 38
Vitality - Idlers 0/2160, Neurons - 0/3, Organs - 0/3, Body - 0/3
In his previous life, John entered Rank 9 when he was only fifty-five
years old which was probably a universal record. This time, he beat his own
record by sixteen years and eleven months!
He could’ve beaten his record and entered Rank 9 much sooner, but he
didn’t want to go around slaughtering millions of people, again.
Looking at the system, he placed all his Idlers into the new skill and the
first level came up as four months.
John wasn’t the only one levelling much faster in this life though. It
took Sarah a little under two and a half years from the start of their journey
to finish getting enough neurons and enter Rank 5, Level 1.
Her speed at compressing the Toxin Power into each neuron to create
more storage wasn’t any slower either. After she got used to cultivating this
way, she was using five mind parts to expand ten thousand neurons to have
the maximum capacity of ten Toxin Power every second.
She was gaining a level a little over four months after she got used to
cultivating, and by the time they needed to go back to the Sword Sect nine
months later, she was already Rank 5, Level 3.
Due to her using the proper cultivation method, she didn’t need to
gather Toxin Power between each level as the Toxin Power inside her body
acted as a replacement. She could easily replenish her body’s Toxin Power
later on when it was more convenient.
During the travels, Sarah also trained in Luke’s disguise technique until
she mastered it. John convinced her that it was a useful skill to have, even if
she wouldn’t use it often.
They were currently inside an Adventurers’ Guild building. Sarah was
handing in the signed note she had got from the client saying she had cured
him. She also got her adventurer rank upgraded to ID.
After Sarah was finished, she told John she was ready to go back to the
Sword Sect. They walked out of the building and into an alley where
nobody could see them, and John opened the universal map. Holding
Sarah’s hand, he dragged the icon onto the Sword Sect’s private planet, and
they disappeared the next second.
When their vision adjusted to their new surroundings, they found
themselves inside a city. They walked around until they found themselves
in the Hammer section of the sect.
John and Sarah walked to the administrative building, and after a bit of
a wait, they arrived at the Sword section. They then went to register for the
tournament of the decade that would start in eight days.
Luckily, they arrived when they did—the closing day for registration
was tomorrow. John hadn’t thought about that because they didn’t have to
do any paperwork for it. In his previous life, Owen had invited them to join
the tournament and even got them registered as a seeded competitor so they
wouldn’t be in the same group and they wouldn’t have to fight each other
until the finals.
After filling out a few necessary forms, they handed them over and
walked over to the waiting area.
They waited for over an hour for the registrar to come back with their
tournament tokens, but when they did, he told them they were already
registered for the tournament and their tokens should have been delivered to
their home.
Before John and Sarah could ask any questions, the person walked
away. They were obviously frustrated with having to do extra work that
wasn’t needed.
Did Fred already register us for the tournament?
After I returned the favour with all that information, I asked him to get
us into the sect without any tests in return for killing the spies. At that time,
I mentioned we were going to join the tournament. I also gave him our
names, and it would be easy for Fred to find out where we lived.
They left the administrative building and went home.
When they got there, the butler puppet welcomed them home and
showed them the package that had arrived for them.
Opening the package, John found two tournament tokens with their
names on them.
Does this mean I owe Fred another favour? Nah, this is just a good will
jester at most.
After handing Sarah her tournament token, they both went around the
house to check if the puppets had done their jobs.
All the rooms were spotless, so they checked the garden, which was all
cut, trimmed, and it looked beautiful, so the orders John gave the puppets
were working.
For the next eight days, John and Sarah simply rested at home, waiting
for the tournament to begin.
Chapter 27: Preliminaries

On the day the tournament started, John and Sarah left early. When they
arrived at the arena, there weren’t many people lined up. It only took them
twenty minutes to get inside and find their group.
In their past lives, he was in group J and Sarah was in group A, but this
time, John was in group B and Sarah was in group G.
They waited inside the arena for a few hours as they watched the
spectating seats get filled and the other contestants walked around the rings.
It was the same setup as before—twenty rings total, two for each group.
Each ring was at least five hundred feet in diameter, six feet thick, and
made from nanometal.
Using his Scan while walking around the arena, John found the people
he remembered would enter the finals, and he thought him and Sarah were
quite lucky.
Not only were they not in the same group, but they weren’t in the same
group as Lexis either. If they were, it would have stopped Lexis from
entering the pressure tunnel where she and Sarah became friends.
However, it wasn’t all good news as John found Elder Han and his son,
Chris Han, sitting inside the VIP area.
In his past life, it was the fight between him and Sarah in the finals of
this tournament which led to the father and son figuring out Sarah was still
alive and ambushed them later on.
This time, Sarah wasn’t wearing her mask so they would figure out she
was alive much sooner. Since they’d figure it out sooner, he wondered if
they would say Sarah’s a member of their sect to Frank, trying to get her
kicked out of the Sword Sect. He also wondered if Frank would kick Sarah
out if they did mention something. But then he noticed Fred was sitting in
the corner of the VIP area, staring straight at him.
If the Hans tell Frank anything, I’m sure Fred will say something to
defend us and stop Frank from doing anything stupid since he’s there. If that
happens, then I’ll owe Fred another favour.
John carried on walking around the arena for a while.
When the competition had officially begun, John was surprised to find
out he was in the twenty-eighth match, so he would be fighting between
twenty minutes to an hour from now.
He went to Sarah and asked what number she was, only to find out her
number was almost the last one of the group, meaning she’d have to wait
for hours at the very least before fighting.
John chuckled as it was the other way around in his previous life.
Thirty minutes later, John was called to the ring he would be fighting in.
He was relaxed as he knew he couldn’t lose no matter who he fought. He
was a Rank 9 using Luke’s disguise technique to look like a Rank 3— it
was nothing short of bullying.
His opponent was a young woman holding a spear with both of her
hands. Not long after John entered the ring, the referee standing between
them threw his hand down and yelled, “Start!”
John pulled back his right arm so his palm was inline with his chest,
moved his left foot forward, and pushed his palm out towards the woman
using his fastest speed.
When his arm was stretched as far out as possible, a gale wind was
generated which travelled towards the woman. It took only half a second for
the wind to pick the woman up and throw her out of the ring.
The referee was pushed back at the same time, but he was still in the
ring. It took a few seconds for the referee to come back to his senses before
shouting John was the winner.
John turned around and walked off the ring while thinking.
In my previous life, I created a rocket launcher and fired it on a ring in
this tournament. I’m sure that’s what elevated Frank’s caution against me
which led to him trying to have me marry his daughter.
It wasn’t until after I transcended and went back to the past that I found
out Frank went as far as asking Fred if they should kill me and Sarah.
Frank didn’t let on he was cautious about me at all, I was completely fooled
into thinking Frank was a good friend of ours in the sect.
I’m not going to do the same thing again. The wind generated by a palm
strike is much more low key than a rocket launcher, but if Frank still acts
cautious against me and Sarah, then I might just kill him to avoid any
trouble in the future.
Hopefully, Fred tells Frank to back off so it doesn’t come to that.
He walked over to Sarah who was waiting for her turn.
“Why don’t you go home and I’ll come back after my match,” Sarah
“It’s fine. I don’t mind waiting. I have all the time in the world,” John
I’m already Rank 9, and unless I stop producing vitality, then I’ll never
die of old age. At this rank, when Sarah or I think about time, we’re talking
about the element more than anything else. Though, sometimes, I do wish I
could travel in the future to skip the waiting part.
It took over thirteen hours for Sarah’s match to start, and Sarah had no
problems getting her opponent out of the ring.
John and Sarah easily won their matches over the next few days. On the
first day, there was only one match for each person since there were over a
thousand people in each group. By the end of the day, there were five
hundred and twelve contestants left in each group.
The second day had two matches for each person, leaving one hundred
and twenty-eight contestants left in each group.
On the third day, everybody had three matches which left only sixteen
people in each group. On the fourth and last day of the preliminaries,
everybody had four matches which revealed the champion of each group.
John used his palm attack to generate wind against his opponent in
every match. The smarter opponents tried to move out of the way the
second the match started. However, John had perfect control of the wind
element, making their agile tactic fruitless.
Sarah chose a simpler approach; she simply punched her opponents out
of the ring, and after the fourth day ended, both of them were the
champions of their group.
During the whole time, John kept an eye on the people who had entered
the finals in his previous life. He wasn’t too surprised when they were all
champions in this life too.
The only difference was the champions of groups A, B, G and J were
different this time around.
Previously, Sarah was the champion of block A, but now that champion
was a man carrying a large, two-handed battle hammer.
In his previous life, the champion of block B was a muscular man who
wielded a large axe, but in this life, John actually fought that man in his
third match and beat him. Sarah replaced the man who used the long sabre,
and the champion of group J this time was a small woman who had claws
strapped on her hands as weapons. Lexis and Leo were still the champions
of their groups and would meet John and Sarah in the final round robin
The next day, the twenty rings were merged into one giant ring once
again, and there was a grand elder standing in the middle. After the place
quieted down, the grand elder announced that the order of the fight had
been changed at the last minute.
He explained that the Sword Sect did this to give the contestants a more
realistic experience in the tournament. After all, adventuring out in the real
world would have spontaneous battles, not planned ones.
The rules were the same as the preliminaries.
John had heard all of this in his previous life and wasn’t surprised by the
announcement. He was a little surprised to find out that the match line up
was the same as in his previous life though.
Round one was J vs D, I vs E, C vs F, B vs G, and A vs H.
John was going to fight Sarah in the fourth round of the first day. In his
previous life, they fought in the very last match.
John watched as the grand elder left the ring and two fighters entered it,
standing a few hundred feet apart. They never took their eyes off of each
other and the tension in the air increased by the second.
Not long after, the match began.
Chapter 28: Round Robin Starts

In his Scan, John examined one of the fighters. The woman was one he had
seen earlier. Her small stature made her weapon, a pair of claws, look
massive in comparison. They were a light silver colour tied to her wrists
with black straps. There was a handle the woman was grabbing onto and
three claws extended from her knuckles for about a foot.
The taller than average spearman ran towards her as soon as the referee
started the match, but the spearman kept his distance, not allowing her past
the tip of his spear. Regardless, it only took a few minutes for the woman to
break the spearman’s routine and get inside his range, bringing it to a close-
range fight.
When the woman got close, the man started jumping backwards while
turning his spear around, facing the blunt end towards his opponent.
He held the spear much further up, so the blunt end was closer to him.
This let him use the spear at closer range, but the other end of the spear
behind him limited his range of motions, making him much slower at the
same time.
At some point, the spearman managed to hit the woman’s claws, forcing
her backwards. After he got some distance between them, he turned his
spear back around, pointing the main spearhead at the woman.
The fight kept going back and forth as neither one had a clear advantage
over the other. It took over half an hour for the spearman to detach the
claws from her wrists and knock them out of her hands, winning the match.
The next match was between a bow user and Lexis, who was using a
great sword that was taller than herself. Their match played out the same as
in John’s past life—Lexis easily blocked the arrows by using her great
sword as a shield and when she caught up to the bowman, he gave up.
Leo fought the man with the two short swords next, but it wasn’t even a
challenge for Leo to win. The man even had a part of his left arm chopped
off like in John’s past life too.
After the match was over, John and Sarah stood up and walked towards
the ring. They passed Leo on the way as he was walking out of the ring, but
Leo ignored them.
Sarah stopped a few hundred feet into the ring, but John kept walking a
few hundred feet more. He then turned around, faced Sarah, and smiled.
The referee walked in between them, asked them both if they were
ready, and then shouted, “Start!”
“I give up!”
“I give up!”
Both John and Sarah shouted almost at the same time, stunning
“I gave up first!” John shouted at the referee. “It’s her win. Call it!” he
shouted a little louder to intimidate the referee.
The referee wasn’t sure what to do, but after John shouted again, he
gestured to Sarah and shouted, “Winner!”
John walked towards Sarah after the referee’s verdict. When he passed
the referee, he nodded towards him and said thanks.
“Why?” Sarah asked as John walked over to her.
John whispered, “You’ve got the memories of this, so you know we
fought in this tournament in my previous life. In this life, you don’t need the
fighting experience and I don’t care about winning this tournament. I’m
only here because I hoped the Han father and son duo would turn up, and
you’re only here to introduce yourself to Lexis.
“As long as we both get into the top three to enter the pressure tunnel
for my plan to work, everything will be fine. Besides, the tournament prizes
suck too much for me to make an effort.”
They both walked out of the ring after they finished talking.
The next match was between the man holding the large, two-handed
battle hammer and the burly man wielding a long, metal poleaxe.
Both men swung their weapons towards their opponent. They were both
mid-range weapons and the hammer clashed with the poleaxe’s mail,
causing a loud boom sound to ring out.
Neither weapon broke, and neither of the men stepped back as they
swung their weapons again and again.
It took a long time, but the one side of the two-handed battle hammer
broke as the poleaxe’s fluke had worked hard to consistently strike the
hammer in the same spot.
The hammer wielder simply spun the weapon around so the other
hammer on the weapon could take over. They then continued hitting each
other’s weapons.
After a bit of time, the man wielding the poleaxe turned pale as his
weapon’s fluke and mail broke. He spun his weapon around like his
opponent did, but his weapon only had the one hammer. It was a curved
blade facing the other man’s damaged hammer this time.
Twenty minutes later, both the poleaxe’s curved blade and the battle
hammer’s last hammer broke at the same time.
After that, the remains of the battle hammer was used as a staff and the
poleaxe was used as a spear since its pointed tip had remained undamaged.
After a long battle, the battle hammer wielder gave up when the wooden
handle of his weapon broke—it was no match for what remained of the
metal poleaxe.
Once the battle was over, the grand elder announcer walked into the ring
and shouted, “The first round is over! Please come back tomorrow for the
second round.”
John and Sarah returned home.
The next day, the same grand elder announced the next round of
matches. They were the same as John’s previous life too.
H vs I, G vs J, F vs B, E vs C, and D vs A.
From what John had seen so far, the matches that involved the same
people as his previous life had the same outcome.
The poleaxe wielder lost against the bowman who kept running in
circles around his opponent while firing arrows.
Sarah fought the next match against the small woman using claws.
She kept using her hands to block the woman’s arms, making sure the
claws couldn’t reach her. At the same time, she used her feet to kick the
woman’s legs and stomach which eventually made the woman too weak to
stand, making Sarah win the fight.
When John fought against the man who used two short swords, John
simply blocked the swing, took a sword off the man, then hit him with the
pommel of the weapon, knocking him out.
The next match was Leo vs Lexis.
Lexis pushed Leo to the absolute breaking point but could not deal a
finishing blow. Eventually, Leo won the match, but Lexis was unharmed.
The man who wielded the two-handed battle hammer brought out a new
battle hammer made of metal. Obviously, he had learned his lesson from the
last fight and bought a better one for the upcoming matches; however, he
still lost the fight as the spearman used his speed. His thrust eventually
avoided any defence his opponent could put up with his weapon, causing
the spear to stab the man’s shoulder. It all went downhill from there, and the
referee had to put an end to the match not long after.
After the second day, Sarah, Leo, and the spearman were tied first with
six points.
John, Lexis, the poleaxe wielder, and bowman were tied in fourth place
with three points.
The battle hammer, two short swords, and claw wielders were tied last
with zero points.
The next day, the third round was announced. J vs F, C vs H, B vs E, A
vs I, and D vs G.
After a close fight, the claw user won her first fight against the man
with the short swords. She used the claws as a shield and was much faster
than her opponent, causing her claws to hit more often than misses or
Leo easily won against the poleaxe wielder.
The next match was John versus Lexis. John easily blocked Lexis’
attack and simply took the weapon from her. Despite how strong she was
from carrying such a heavy weapon, Lexis was powerless in front of John
and gave up after her weapon was taken.
The battle hammer wielder finally won a match too. The bowman kept
running around him, but he used the battle hammer as a shield and
eventually cornered the bowman. He soon gave up after being cornered
since there was nothing he could do to get out of it.
Sarah beat the spearman quite easily too. She grabbed the spear, pulled
it towards her, and kicked the spearman in the chest. The man couldn’t keep
a grip on his weapon and soon gave up.
The fourth round was E vs J, F vs D, G vs A, H vs B, and I vs C.
Lexis won against the woman with the claws.
The spearman knocked out the man wielding two short swords.
Sarah made the battle hammer wielder give up.
John did the same tactic again with the poleaxe wielder. He took the
weapon off the man and hit him with it, causing the referee to end the
Leo won against the bowman, and just like in John’s previous life, the
bowman lost two fingers in the match and was rushed to the medics.
After the round was over, John and Sarah walked home hand in hand.
Chapter 29: Prolonging the Fight

The next day, the grand elder announced the match line up for the fifth
B vs I, A vs C, J vs H, D vs E, and G vs F.
John let go of Sarah’s hand and walked into the ring to fight the
As soon as the referee shouted start, John heard a whistling noise
getting louder. The bowman had released an arrow as soon as possible. The
arrow had somehow curved in the air and was going to strike the side of
John’s head.
Lifting his hand, John caught the arrow. It had quite a bit of power
behind it as the arrow wasn’t flying normally but was spinning rapidly
instead. He didn’t have any time to do anything else though as more arrows
were flying through the air towards him from different angles.
The bowman had started running around John while firing his arrows
and John didn’t have his weapon out, so he kept turning on the spot and
used the metal arrow head in his hands to block the rest of the arrows.
This continued for over twenty minutes and there were hundreds of
arrows scattered at John’s feet.
Eventually, the bowman ran out of ammo and was already discouraged
that John could block his arrows so easily. He forfeited the match and
collected his arrows.
The next match began not long after the bowman finished picking up
the arrows. Leo had a more difficult time than John thought when he fought
the man wielding the battle hammer. The man used the battle hammer to
counter the sword quite skilfully. The sword was damaged and chipped
during the end of the fight, but Leo managed to win in the end.
The woman with the claws used the same tactics she used when fighting
the spearman and managed to win the fight against the poleaxe wielder.
Both Lexis and Sarah easily won their matches too.
After the fifth round was over, the scores showed that a few people were
above the rest while the others were struggling.
First place was tied still as Leo and Sarah both had fifteen points.
John was in third place with twelve points.
Lexis and the spearman were tied in fourth place with nine points.
The woman with the claws was in sixth place with six points.
The bowman, battle hammer, and poleaxe users were tied in seventh
place with three points, and the short swords user was last with zero points.
The next day, round six was announced. The matches were F vs A, E vs
G, H vs D, I vs J, and C vs B.
John smiled as his fight today was against Leo.
In his last life, Leo had attacked Sarah behind her back after the match
was over. That caused John to lose his temper and he came close to killing
Leo. It was only because Frank stopped him that Leo survived.
John still hadn’t forgiven Leo for what he did, but Leo died later on
while John was in his closed-door cultivation, so he had to let it go. Even
after finding out Leo was being controlled by Scott after the tournament due
to the severe damage John had done, John didn’t have any sympathy and
just wished he could’ve punished him more.
Since he had to let it go, he forgot about it and carried on with his life.
But now, John had a real match against him, and as long as he played it
right, he could get some real payback. He was looking forward to it much
more than he thought he would.
In the first match, the battle hammer wielder easily defeated the man
with the two short swords.
Sarah and Lexis officially met for the first time in this life during the
next match. Sarah went easy on Lexis, but after Sarah grabbed the great
sword, Lexis couldn’t move it no matter how much she tried so she gave up.
The spearman was too fast for the poleaxe wielder and won his match
In the next match, the bowman easily won against the woman with the
claws because the woman couldn’t defend against that many arrows nor
could she get close to the bowman.
John stood up and started walking towards the ring. He noticed Sarah
wanted to say something, but she stopped herself from speaking. John
didn’t ask what she wanted to say either.
It took John almost a minute to walk from where he and Sarah sat, up
the steps, and into the large ring. He walked into the ring and stood a few
hundred feet away from Leo.
The referee stood between them, looking at both of them for a second
before swinging his raised hand downwards and shouting, “Start!”
John knew Leo was the kind of person to attack as soon as possible, so
John casually walked towards him. He saw Leo sprinting towards him with
his longsword drawn.
Leo swung his longsword from above his head and at an angle, but John
sidestepped to his right to dodge the sword. At the same time, he created a
small, blue flame on his left palm and hit Leo in his face.
The blue flame went inside Leo’s mouth and burned his tongue, both
sides of his mouth, and throat. John put weight into his attack, so while Leo
was getting burned, he pushed Leo’s head onto the ring.
The impact made from Leo’s head hitting the ring caused a loud bang
sound to ring out throughout the arena. Even Fred in the VIP area a few
miles away heard it.
John let go of Leo’s head, lifted his foot up, and brought it down
towards Leo’s neck, but Leo rolled away as soon as he saw the foot coming
towards him.
After standing up, Leo ran towards John once more, thrusting his sword
this time. John sidestepped to his left this time.
The sword went past John, but as Leo was trying to turn his sword and
aim towards where John now was. John grabbed Leo’s wrist with his right
hand and, at the same time, used his left hand to hit Leo’s elbow, bending it
backwards and eventually breaking it. The longsword that Leo was holding
dropped to the floor a second later.
Leo tried to scream out in pain, but his scorched throat was swollen and
bleeding plus the sound of the sword hitting the floor drowned out what
little noise he managed to make.
While Leo was holding his right arm with his left hand, John moved his
left foot a little, lifted his right leg and did a sidekick, landing the bottom of
his foot into Leo’s side ribs.
John heard and felt Leo’s ribs breaking from his kick and he watched
Leo’s body get launched backwards almost a hundred feet without touching
the ground.
Leo landed on his back and did a few backward rolls while sliding
across the ring. He slid almost a few hundred feet before coming to a stop.
After he lowered his leg, John walked towards Leo. Though, before he
got there, Leo stood up and ran towards John.
It didn’t take long for them to meet up in the ring once more and Leo
even used his broken right arm to attack John while showing no emotion on
his face. Loud bangs came from them as they pitted fist against fist and leg
against leg. Neither John nor Leo used their weapons as the fight continued.
John got more hits in than Leo, and Leo’s attacks couldn’t hurt John. It
didn’t take long for the equilibrium to break as Leo was hit in the stomach,
forcing him to kneel.
John brought up his knee to hit Leo’s face while he was kneeling. The
force from the hit forced Leo’s head backwards, followed by his body.
The referee ran towards Leo, who laid motionlessly on the ground.
After examining him, he gestured towards John and shouted, “Winner!”
John grinned, nodded at the referee, and turned around to walk out of
the ring. While he was walking, he thought about what just happened.
During the fight, Leo lost consciousness when John kicked him in the
ribs and sent him flying through the air. John then created hundreds of
threads and wrapped them around Leo’s limbs, head, and body to make it
look like Leo was moving normally.
Any movement Leo made looked normal thanks to his threads, but since
Leo was unconscious, there was no strength, speed or anything else
normally behind the attacks. He also made sure there were two threads to
keep Leo’s eyes open so the referee wouldn’t notice something was wrong.
At the same time, he used the space element and compressed little bits of air
so when his and Leo’s fists and kicks met, he could make them pop which
made the loud banging sounds, feigning the look and sound of a real fight.
John prolonged the fight this way so he could keep hitting Leo without
anybody getting in the way.
He also made sure to hit Leo in places that caused the most pain but
wanted to make sure Leo didn’t die because of him. To make sure Leo
survived his injuries, he created some poison that acted as a medicine in
low doses which entered Leo’s body through the threads.
He and Sarah weren’t Honourable Elders in his current life, so John
didn’t want the Cox family coming after them only for him to kill
everybody. That would ruin one of his future plans.
When he got back to his seat, Sarah asked, “Are you happy now?”
“Very. This stops Leo from entering the top three to go into the pressure
tunnel, helps Lexis become third to enter the pressure tunnel, and it helped
me vent any frustration and anger I had for him. There’s no downside I can
Sarah sighed before saying, “Let’s go home.”
They walked hand in hand out of the arena.
Chapter 30: The Hans

The grand elder stood in the ring and used Life Power in his throat for
everyone to hear as he announced the day’s matches.
A vs B, J vs C, D vs I, G vs H, and F vs E.
During the first match, the man who used the two-handed battle
hammer tried to hit John with his weapon. John caught the hammer with his
hand and held it firmly.
The man couldn’t move the hammer no matter how much he tried. After
realising his full strength couldn’t overpower one of John’s arms, he
forfeited the match.
John let the battle hammer drop onto the ground before walking out of
the ring.
The woman with the claws won against Leo since Leo was still
bedridden after John’s match and automatically forfeited the match.
In the next match, the spear user lost against the bowman because he
could not block the arrows. The spear was too long and heavy to swing it
fast enough to create any kind of defence, and it was too thin to use as a
Sarah used John’s tactic against the poleaxe wielder. She grabbed the
man’s weapon, disarmed him and hit him with it, winning the match.
Lexis easily won her match against the man with the two short swords.
On the eighth day, the grand elder announced the next round once again.
H vs F, E vs A, I vs G, C vs D, and B vs J.
The poleaxe wielder knocked out the man with the two short swords.
Just like in John’s last life, if anybody bet on this dual wielding man and he
won, that person would become rich overnight.
Lexis had a bit of trouble against the man with the battle hammer, and
after an hour, John used his threads to trip the man, allowing Lexis to win
the match. He wanted to make sure Sarah and Lexis had the chance to meet
in the pressure tunnel and hopefully become friends.
Sarah used John’s tactic again during the match against the bowman.
She used the first arrow to block the rest of the arrows, but after only
twenty arrows, the bowman forfeited the match.
When Sarah sat down next to John after the match, she asked, “Do you
have any idea why my opponent gave up so soon?”
John replied, “That man has seen us together, and since I could do it, he
must have assumed you could do it too. He tested you with twenty arrows
just in case he was wrong.”
“Makes sense,” Sarah replied before looking at the grand elder in the
middle of the ring.
The grand elder had walked into the ring to announce that Leo couldn’t
make it to his match, so he automatically forfeited again.
John stood up not long after the announcement and walked into the ring.
A few hundred feet away from him stood the small woman holding the
claws in her hands. As soon as the match began, the woman ran towards
John with her hands behind her back.
She thrusted and swung the claws at John, but nothing hit. She tried
adding kicks to her attack routine, but she still couldn’t hit John.
After a few minutes, the woman was out of breath, but John stood there,
unharmed. The woman saw that he wasn’t harmed or tired, realised the
difference in strength between them, and forfeited the match.
The next day was the final round and the grand elder announced the line
G vs C, D vs B, F vs I, E vs H, and A vs J.
Sarah was still winning with the full twenty-four points possible.
John was in second place with twenty-one points.
Tied third was Leo, Lexis, and the spear wielder at fifteen points.
In sixth place was the bowman and the woman with the claws at nine
The man with the battle hammer and the poleaxe wielder were tied in
eighth place with six points.
The man with the two short swords was in last place with zero points.
After announcing the current matchups and points, the grand elder
shouted pleasantries to the crowd and thanked them for attending the
tournament. He then thanked the contestants for a memorial tournament.
The grand elder also announced that Sarah had automatically won the
first match since Leo forfeited once more before he walked off the ring.
In the next match, John took away the spear from his opponent, forcing
his opponent to fight unarmed. John thought he would surrender straight
away after his weapon was taken, but it took a few punches for the man to
The bowman couldn’t win quickly against the man with the two short
swords either. The arrows kept getting blocked by the short swords.
It wasn’t until the bowman increased his firing speed while lowering his
accuracy did he get lucky as an arrow got through the defence and hit the
man’s leg. It went downhill after that as another arrow hit his shoulder and
his other leg under a minute later, forcing him to forfeit the match.
Lexis fought the poleaxe wielder next. It was a close match again as
neither of them could overpower the other. Lexis began moving and
attacking faster, causing the man to concentrate on his defence.
From that moment, it was only a matter of time before Lexis’ great
sword hit its mark. It took a little over ten minutes, but her strike went
through and sliced open the man’s arm, forcing him to drop his weapon.
The man forfeited the match after that.
In John’s previous life, it was this final match where he and Sarah
fought against each other seriously.
In this life, it was the battle hammer wielder and the woman with the
claws who fought.
It was the classic speed versus power fight, and the woman with the
claws was winning the match since she got in a few good hits while
dodging the man’s retaliation. In an unfortunate turn of events, the battle
hammer managed to hit its mark and knocked the woman out.
After the woman was carried off to the medical personnel, the grand
elder walked into the ring and waited for the crowd to quiet down. Once he
did, he announced the results of the tournament.
First place was Sarah with twenty-seven points.
Second place was John with twenty-four points.
Third place was Lexis with eighteen points.
Fourth place was Leo and the spearman with fifteen points.
Sixth place was the bowman with twelve points.
Seventh place was the woman with the claws and the battle hammer
wielder with nine points.
Ninth place was the poleaxe wielder with six points.
Tenth and last place was the man with the two short swords with zero
After announcing the results, the grand elder declared that the awarding
ceremony would start. In his previous life, it was because there was a three-
way tie for third place that the awarding ceremony was delayed for half an
This time, there was no tie and thus it began straight away.
When the award ceremony finally began, the crowd was buzzing with
excitement. The man with the two short swords went up first to receive his
last place rewards. Just like in John’s previous life, the man was the first
ever to have zero points at the end of the tournament.
Everybody received a Rank 5 weapon of their choice as their prize. The
top three people would gain access to enter the pressure tunnel when it was
finally open.
John remembered that the tunnel was built by one of the sect masters
aeons ago. He now knew it was Singlestrike, the transcendent he met in the
castle, who created the tunnel.
The medals they received and the podium they stood on at the end of
the ceremony were just like what was on Earth. It was because of them that
John and Sarah thought the sect master who built the tunnel was a Sider, but
now he knew they were ideas O’Malley had given to Singlestrike.
When the ceremony was over, the grand elder told John, Sarah and
Lexis when and where to enter the pressure tunnel before saying goodbye
and leaving.
John told Sarah he needed to do something and would meet her back
He went to the nearest admin building and went through the teleport
system back to the main headquarters of the sect.
After he came out of the admin building on the other side, he made sure
nobody was watching and used the light element to turn invisible. He then
walked towards where the elder’s meeting room was.
He didn’t enter the elder’s meeting room because he knew there were
runes inside that could possibly detect him, so he stood not far outside the
room and used his Scan to check on everybody inside.
John still had four of his mind parts filtering the Scan, so he lip read
everyone inside the meeting room and knew everybody’s rank, level, and
sin amount as soon as they entered his Scan’s range.
Frank told him what happened after the Hans attacked him and Sarah in
his previous life, so John knew the Hans would be inside this meeting room
if they came and watched the tournament.
What he didn’t know was why the Hans were here in this life. In his
previous life, it was O’Malley who indirectly told the Hans that Sarah was
alive, causing the events to happen.
This time, O’Malley was out of the picture because John had personally
met him and told him that a Sider with a Demon title would eventually
fulfil his plans.
I know the Sword Sect invites all the major sects to watch the
tournament. Were the Anti-assassins simply invited to watch and it was the
Hans that came as representatives? Was it only a coincidence they saw
Sarah? Or did my future self make sure they were the ones to attend?
John waited for the Hans to leave the elder’s meeting room before
following them. He overheard their plan to wait and ambush him and Sarah,
take Sarah back to the sect, and force her to marry Chris.
He followed them through the Adventurers’ Guild’s teleport system a
few times, waited for them to be alone inside a hotel room, and poisoned
Both father and son were killed quietly inside that hotel room, but John
made sure it was anything but peaceful. Once it was over, he used another
poison to melt their bodies and clothes, leaving nothing behind.
Standing inside the hotel room, he took a deep breath as he smiled. Now,
the only thing that I’ve got to worry about concerning threats towards us is
O’Malley and Lisa. Sarah’s ex-master, Jason, isn’t a threat and I’ll deal
with him soon anyway.
He opened the universal map and teleported back to the Sword Sect’s
private planet a few minutes later.
Chapter 31: Theory

That same night, John and Sarah left their house so they would arrive at
the pressure tunnel when it first opened at midnight.
The night was quiet and clear enough for them to see the stars as the
wind gently brushed against their skin.
They compared the stars to Earth during their journey as they had once
done. But this time, they also talked about which planet they thought the
star was and which transcendent made it.
Inside the admin building, they saw only three people working. Both of
them walked to the teleport room and travelled to the cave entrance.
They arrived at the pressure tunnel’s entrance a few minutes before
midnight. The same grand elder was guarding the entrance as John’s
previous life, but this time the man didn’t try to get friendly with them since
they weren’t Honourable Elders.
The grand elder lifted up the hatch and told them about the boulder fifty
feet in and about it changing colour when the tunnel was open.
After thanking the grand elder, they walked underground, waited for the
boulder to change colour, and went inside the tunnel.
The tunnel wasn’t spacious enough for two people to run side-by-side.
John let Sarah go first and he followed her as they ran down the stairs.
Going past the Simple Cultivation Caves, the colour of the walls
changed from dark blue to light blue. It kept changing colours the further
they went down. Sky blue, pale blue, pale orange, orange, dark orange, dark
red, and finally black with only the green glow of Life Stones lighting the
They had travelled over three thousand miles in less than an hour and
passed four more cultivation caves during that time.
There were thin, white names etched into the black wall, but they both
had memories of John’s past life so they knew whose they were and kept
going further down the tunnel.
Two hours later, they arrived at the ten thousandth mile mark. The walls
were bright yellow and the stairs ended. There was a flat floor after the
bottom step and a cave opening a few feet away. Next to the cave opening
was a giant metal sign.
Both of them ignored the sign since they knew what was written on it.
“Did you meet Singlestrike?” Sarah asked as they walked through the
cave opening.
John had almost forgotten that he hadn’t told Sarah about any of the
transcendents, so he thought for a long while what to say. “I did, but by the
time I met him, he had already lost the desire to live any longer and wanted
it all to end.”
John then explained how transcendents couldn’t die due to the universe
healing them from any kind of damage.
“How does that work?” Sarah asked.
“Well, the transcendents had theories, but nothing concrete. They
believed the universe had developed some kind of instinct, but that it wasn’t
sentient or anything like that.
“To transcend, you need to create something which has at least five of
the elements of the universe inside it and let it mutate your soul and recreate
your body.
“All of the elements combined together is called primordial chaos and
even if you only used five elements to transcend, you can use and control
the primordial chaos in the universe, just not as much as those who used
more elements to transcend.
“The transcendents’ theory was that after the mutation in the soul and a
new body was created for you, the universe’s instinct identified the
transcendents as part of itself, therefore it would heal them no matter what.
“Then you’ve got Siders like us that can go against the universe after
transcending if some conditions are met. Not every Sider can do it and in
my previous life, besides me and you, there was only one other Sider who
“It isn’t the universe allowing the Sider to go against it but the system. I
also learned our systems are created by going through a large and heavily
dense primordial chaos barrier that separates this universe and the universe
we came from. The type of system we get also depends on what you went
through on Earth, and every system is unique in some way.
“The universe can’t think, only act after the facts, so its instincts don’t
tell it that we’re dangerous until we go against it by using the system if
those conditions are met.
“But when we do something against the natural order of the universe,
there’s usually a punishment that follows.
“For example, if you use the time element to go to the past and actually
change what happens, the transcendent gets punished by getting stripped of
the ability to use the elements or primordial chaos for a set amount of time.
This applies to everyone.
“However, at the end of my second life, it was my system that brought
me back to when I arrived in this universe through a skill. It didn’t use the
time element to do it. That’s why I can change what I know will happen in
the future. It hasn’t happened yet, and I’m not using any of the elements to
change it.
“I did go against the natural order of this universe in my past life by
killing the transcendents who wanted to die, but I think I was immune to the
punishment because nothing happened to me. Or killing them wasn’t
against the universe’s natural order since the universe only recognises them
as part of itself but not part of the laws it’s made up of.
“I didn’t want to test that theory by changing the past though. I don’t
want to live for billions of years as a helpless mortal.”
After he finished speaking, John looked at the four cultivation rooms in
his Scan.
“I need to go and do a few things for the next three months while
everyone thinks we’re stuck down here,” John informed.
Sarah replied, “I need to become stronger, so I’m going to use all my
mind parts to cultivate for the next three months since nobody can disturb
us down here.”
John kissed Sarah goodbye and watched her enter one of the cultivation
rooms. He then opened the universal map in his system and teleported to a
certain planet.
When he arrived on the planet, he created a soap bubble barrier around
him and flew into outer space. He used the light element and Toxin Power,
trying to travel as fast as possible. He couldn’t get up to light speed without
using Chaos Power, but he could still reach incredible speeds.
It took almost fifteen days for him to reach his target. Using the light
element and Toxin Power, he slowed down his speed as he approached the
platform. He landed on the platform that had markings etched into it but
walked towards the building while ignoring them.
John went through the open doors and entered a courtyard full of large
armchairs that were neatly arranged around a round table. Behind them
were tall poles the same colour as the floor and walls with a ball of light
hovering on top of them.
Instead of looking around, his Scan actually worked this time and he
could see the entire courtyard of the transcendents’ home, but it was
blocked by the soap bubble barrier leading into the European styled castle
that was made entirely out of nanometal.
John wanted to meet O’Malley here since he needed to ask for
something, but O’Malley wasn’t here.
He thought about how to get his plan to work and soon came up with an
alternative. He walked through the soap bubble barrier and entered the
His Scan picked up everything and everyone as soon as he went
through, and he saw Finlay Moss asleep in his bed.
At least he doesn’t sleep naked.
John walked through the long corridor and opened the door of Finlay’s
room. He walked up to Finlay and started shaking him hard.
Thanks to the memories the transcendents had given him, John knew
they used a technique which forced them to sleep for a set amount of time.
As long as they weren’t shaken, the transcendents would remain asleep
until the amount of time they set had run out.
Finlay soon woke up, but he was surprised to see an unfamiliar face in
front of him.
“Don’t talk. I can’t stand the way you speak.” John was the first to talk
between them and he used the origin language.
Finlay nodded which surprised John a little, but he continued talking.
“Listen, I need to get a message to O’Malley. It will help the Sider who has
unlocked the Demon title get to the point where he can kill you.
“I saw O’Malley a few years ago and he was doing some Adventurers’
Guild work and that’s when he told me I can ask him to do anything for the
Sider, so you can probably find him at the headquarters or at a branch
“You need to tell him to get the Adventurers’ Guild to start the third war
against the Death Sect about six months from now and completely eradicate
“To do that, he needs to buy information from the Rogue Sect who has
the locations of all Death Sect’s hideouts. That needs to happen in about
four months—that leaves O’Malley two months before the war to come up
with a strategy.
“The Sider will join the war, and after it’s over, they will join the war
against the beastmen that the gambling addicts created. It won’t be long
after the war is over that the Sider will transcend and everyone will get their
wish, but only if this war against the Death Sect happens first.
“But I’ll warn you, and you can pass my warning to O’Malley—don’t
interfere with the Sider! I have a plan that will get him to transcend and
anything you two might try to speed things up will only screw up my plans.
“Can you deliver that message to O’Malley? Nod or shake your head.”
Finlay nodded his head.
“Good. If O’Malley asks who gave you the message, just tell him it was
the person who told him about the Sider unlocking the title outside the
Adventurers’ Guild branch and he’ll know it’s me.”
John opened the universal map in his system and teleported to another
planet after he finished talking to Finlay.
He needed to use the Rogue Sect’s teleport system to start the next
portion of his plan. He soon found the teleport room, went through his
memories of which route to take, and started on his journey.
Chapter 32: Killing Them Again

It took two months for John to finish travelling. The Rogue Sect’s teleport
system couldn’t go to the planet he wanted, so he was forced to stop using
them on the nearest planet.
While travelling, his Vitality’s Neurons skill levelled up and the
wonderful, refreshing feeling that came from the vitality being created from
his Soul Power arrived once again.
After coming out of the pleasurable feeling, he went to the surface of
the planet, flew to the nearest city, and used the local teleport system to get
to the main city.
Inside the main city was a large, heavily guarded building that had a
teleport rune to the planet he wanted inside. He didn’t use the teleport rune
straight away. Instead, he sat down in a restaurant while his Scan picked up
everyone leaving and arriving at the building.
At the same time, if his Scan picked up a person with a high number of
sins and wearing a certain Daoist robe and mask, his threads would silently
touch the person and he would infect them with a slow acting poison that
had a very rare cure.
Any immortal who didn’t have a high sin amount, wasn’t friendly with
the people he was poisoning or a mortal who worked in the building was
left alone.
When the restaurant closed, John paid his bill and left. He didn’t get far
before he turned invisible while keeping the building inside his Scan’s
A few hours later, the people working inside the building all left and
then closed down the building for the night. The guards began doing their
shift change and that was when John walked into the building and stepped
on the teleport rune.
Half a second after arriving on the planet he wanted, his Scan had
picked up everybody in its range. Another half a second later, one of his
mind parts that was responsible for seeing everybody’s rank, level, and sin
amount had finished its job.
It took a full second for his threads to reach each target and another full
second for his threads to create a gun behind their heads and shoot.
In three seconds, John had killed almost all the immortals in this part of
the city, over five thousand of them.
He walked off the teleport rune and created six explosion attacks. There
were two teleport runes next to each other, and he threw two of the attacks
onto them but didn’t set them off yet.
Walking through the building towards the exit, John threw the other four
explosion attacks onto other teleport runes. There were only three planets
connected to this one through these six teleport runes, and after destroying
them, John knew that the planet would be isolated from the rest of the
Snapping his fingers, he activated the explosives. Six blue fire pillars
rose into the sky, but only a few hundred people were left to witness it.
John then flew around killing the people with high sins. He also made
sure to use his fire element to burn the bodies so no diseases would get
created and spread to the people he had spared.
At the same time, he made sure there was enough food, water, and other
supplies needed for them to survive on their own for a while.
Afterwards, he used the space and water elements to create a soap
bubble barrier that covered the entire city. The barrier only had a tenth of
the strength of what he could create in his past life, but it was enough to
keep those people inside the city and other people out for at least a few
He then flew towards the capital, killing anyone who had a high sin
count along the way.
It took less than an hour to travel the five hundred odd miles to the
capital. He was very familiar with the city as he came here looking for three
people in his past life.
Using the space and water elements, he sealed the entire capital inside
the soap bubble barrier, preventing others from leaving. Instead of killing
people right away, he used his area map to teleport into the vault that he
remembered the location of.
Inside, the memory of this place compared to what he was seeing now
didn’t match up. It took him a few seconds to figure out why.
Danny not coming to this universe has changed this place too. The
Rogue Sect is a lot stronger, and that means the Anti-assassin Sect is doing
much worse in this life.
He was currently in the Anti-assassin Sect’s vault. In his previous life,
this place had millions of Grade 9 Life Stones and a few herbs, beast blood,
and other rare metals.
In this life, there were only a few thousand Grade 9 Life Stones at most.
Nevertheless, the amount was still enough for him and Sarah to live
comfortably for hundreds of years.
Other grades of Life Stones were lacking too, but there were still
millions of them altogether. He opened up his Storage Space and stole
everything inside this vault once more. Using the area map, he teleported
back to the surface.
When he got there, he saw hundreds of people hitting his soap bubble
barrier. It took another second for his Scan to gather all of their information.
John created guns behind every Rank 1 to 8’s head before he shot them
dead. There were a few Rank 9’s that couldn’t be killed this way and he had
to act personally.
A minute later, there was only one person other than John still alive.
There were no mortals inside the capital at all. Even when he came back
in time in his past life, he didn’t go around the capital scouting it out, and
the fact that there were no mortals in the entire city had surprised him.
The only man still alive was sitting in his office, and John could see that
the man hadn’t noticed anything wrong at all.
Using the light element, John turned visible before he flew towards the
man. John then used his Life Vision and Immortal Eye skills.
Jason Hendrix
Rank: 9
Level: 4
Sin: 42,983,546
John landed outside Jason’s door and kicked it open. The door swung
open fast enough to snap the hinges as it slammed into the wall.
Jason stood up and was about to shout something, but John used the
force element to push Jason’s jaw shut and kept it there. He used the same
element on Jason’s hands and feet to push him backwards. Jason’s posture
was in the star jumping position as he was pinned against the middle of the
wall behind his desk.
John finally used the force element on Jason’s head, neck, chest, and
waist to make sure he couldn’t move.
As John walked to Jason’s desk, he started speaking. “Hello Jason. I’m
Sarah’s husband. I know everything you’ve done to her, so you don’t have
to explain why you did it.
“I would say I’m here for revenge, but I’m sick of killing you. You
might not get it, but I’ve literally killed you twice and led you to your death
once already. More than likely, I’ve got to come back and lead you to your
death for a second time too. They say the third time’s the charm and I hope
it is; otherwise, I’m going to destroy this entire planet once again and
change where Sarah started in this universe to make sure you don’t come
back, regardless of the punishment.”
Using the force element to tear him apart, John turned Jason’s entire
body— especially his brain—into paste.
After killing him, John burned all the bodies in the city. He then flew
into the air and hovered next to his soap bubble barrier. Touching it, he used
the space and water elements to create a hole for him to fly through before
closing it up after him.
John then flew to all the cities and villages on the planet, killing all
immortals that had a high sin count, which was all of them.
He would burn all the bodies, ensure that the remaining people had
enough food and water before sealing them in the barrier that would only
last for a few days, and then leave for the next target.
It took him five days of hard work to finish going through every place
on the planet. Only the members of the Anti-assassin Sect that were off the
planet were left alive and John was going to ask O’Malley to get the
Adventurers’ Guild to hunt them down too.
He then travelled for a few days more, making sure his barriers were
gone and destroying the ones that weren’t, and freeing the people that were
He opened the universal map in the system, found the Rogue Sect’s
planet, and moved his icon there to teleport.
Looking around, he could only see trees and it wasn’t any different in
his Scan. He couldn’t figure out where he was on the planet, so he flew high
into the air to find any kind of village or city.
He saw a city in the distance, and he flew towards it. He soon found out
that he was at the Northern Kingdom’s capital, and he landed due north of
Carrying on past the capital, he flew to the Rogue Sect and landed
outside Luke’s house. In his Scan, he could see Luke was reading a book
inside a large library.
He also found that Luke had become an immortal.
Luke Jordan
Rank: 1
Level: 3
Sin: 0
John knocked on the door and waited. When the door opened, John
smiled at Luke. “It’s time to share the rest of my skills with you.”
Chapter 33: Reverse Trade

Luke welcomed John inside his house.

Sitting down, John explained the process. “It’s best if you’re
unconscious when they take effect.”
“I know. The memories that you shared showed me how much pain I
was in during the first immortal skill you shared. I don’t want to experience
that kind of pain in this life.”
John created a purple ball of poison above his finger. “This acts as a
knockout gas. Get comfortable and then breathe it in.”
Luke scooted around in his chair, trying to get comfortable. “I’m ready.”
The poison flew towards Luke’s face, and when it hit him, it spread
about and dissipated. Luke’s eyes closed and his head fell backwards onto
the chair.
John opened the system, went into Luke’s name under the Share tab,
and placed all his skills, besides the manipulation skills, into it.
He could see Luke’s body tensing up as the Flesh Strength skill
tightened his skin and muscles. It took five minutes for the skill to finish,
and the next skill started its transformation on Luke’s body.
While Luke was asleep, John checked how many sins he had earned.
Sin: 21.6B
My sin count isn’t as high as when I destroyed the Anti-assassin Sect’s
planet in my last life. This time, I didn’t kill any innocents or children and
the Anti-assassin Sect didn’t have as many members either because of
Danny’s absence so it’s reasonable.
John transferred the sins to time.
21,607,928,400 - Sins 100:1 Time - 7y 5mo 8d 22h 1m 24s
Looking at the immortality skill, he used seven months and six days to
finish the second level. When the skill was complete, the wonderful feeling
came back much stronger as the vitality he could produce and automatically
circulate throughout his neurons had increased.
He then used one year and four months of time to complete the third
and final level of the Vitality’s Neuron skill.
To complete the next skill level, it cost him two years and eight months
out of the Time Pool. While his organs started receiving vitality due to the
skill level, he used all five of his skill points to complete the skill entirely.
His body felt like it was being gently reborn as the vitality his soul
created multiplied and was being circulated. He sat there with his eyes
closed as he savoured every second of the feeling.
Half an hour later, Luke’s body gushed out Life Power. Parchments and
books flew everywhere from the force, but the Life Power wasn’t strong
enough to destroy anything or push John backwards. It did, however, wake
John out of his wonderful feeling, and when he opened his eyes, he saw
Luke’s hair turn silver when the gushing stopped.
Going back into the system, John looked at the Time Pool. There was a
little over six years left in there, but now that he had no use for it, he
wondered if he could transfer it back to sins.
Going to the transfer option, he looked at the small arrow next to the sin
and time counter. He opened the first list and it showed a time option, so he
went with that. On the second list, it showed a sin option, so he went with
that too. He then placed all the time in there.
2y 10mo 2d 22h 1m 24s - Time 1:100 Sins - 8,250,488,400
I wasn’t sure if I could transfer them back and I’m surprised I could.
When I transcend, those sins can help me get almost a tenth of a Chaos
Power unit. It’s better than nothing I suppose.
It will take me a while to get to the origin planet to transcend. I’ve only
got a few days left until me and Sarah have to come out of the pressure
tunnel. I’ll have to transcend at a later date.
John then looked at the system after completing everything.
Welcome to the Idle System 9.9
Name: John
Title: A Selfish Punisher
Age: 39
Idlers: 2160/2160
Skill Points: 0
Time Pool: 0
Sin: 8.2B
There were no other skills for him to get which left his Idlers idle. He
closed the system and waited for Luke.
It took over an hour and a half for all the skills to finish altering Luke’s
body one way or another, but John knew there were more skills being
shared that didn’t alter the body. John let Luke sleep for another two hours
in case he woke up too soon.
John created another poisonous gas that acted like smelling salt and
woke Luke up.
He then whispered, “Don’t get up straight away. Get used to the
heightened senses first.”
It took an hour for Luke to get used to his new vision and hearing
senses. Luke stood up and stretched. He took a step forward and lost
balance due to walking further than he had before, but when he tried to
rebalance himself, his whole body was thrown backwards.
John chuckled a little but didn’t say anything. It took Luke another hour
to get used to walking properly with the new strength in his legs, and John
knew he would need to work on jogging, running, and other exercises to
control the new strength properly.
Taking out a parchment, envelope and pen, John wrote down the same
thing he wrote for Dylan and Fred and told Luke about O’Malley hunting
down people with Silver Grade Life Power. He also told him what to do if
O’Malley came for him.
After he made sure Luke knew what to do, he said goodbye and went to
see Dylan.
While sitting down in Dylan’s house, John remembered the library he
had built for the information sphere in his previous life and told Dylan
about it.
Dylan thought it was a great idea and wrote down some notes before
telling John they would build it.
“Has Luke started the information department of your sect?”
“Yes.” Dylan nodded. “Though there aren’t many people who can
gather the information yet, we’ve started it up and we’ve begun to recruit
“Great. I’ve helped Luke become much stronger and he’ll be able to
start earning Life Stones for you soon. But that’s not the reason why I came
“Why are you here, then?” Dylan tilted his head in confusion.
John put two of his fingers up. “Two things. First is to tell you that the
Anti-assassin Sect was destroyed like I said it would be.”
John almost laughed after Dylan did a guts pose and almost broke into a
celebratory dance.
He waited for Dylan to calm down before continuing. “Secondly, there
will be a war starting in about three months from now. The Adventurers’
Guild, Sword Sect, Dual Cultivating Sect, and a few other smaller sects will
join hands and fight the Death Sect. This time, they plan to completely
eradicate the Death Sect.”
Dylan’s eyebrows arched up, his mouth agape in surprise.
“I know you’ve got spies inside the Death Sect and I need you to ask
them to find all the Death Sect’s hideouts, hangouts, and meeting spots
within the next month. Luke needs to put all that information in one of his
spheres to sell to somebody from the Adventurers’ Guild. They will contact
you soon about the trade.
“You can ask for a high price, but don’t go overboard as that
information is crucial to the war and it must be sold no matter what. I’m not
sure how they’re going to get in contact with you, but it might be the same
person I warned you about.”
“You mean O’Malley?”
John nodded his head.
Dylan wrote down what John had said as well as a few key instructions
for his spies.
John couldn’t think of anything else he needed to point out, so he stood
up, said goodbye, and left. He went behind a few houses, made sure nobody
was watching, and used the light element to turn invisible.
Opening the universal map, he found the Sword Sect’s private planet
and teleported.
There was one last thing he needed to do before going back to the
pressure tunnel, but he only had half the information needed to get it done.
Looking around, he found himself in the Great sword section of the
sect. He went to the school where the grand elders and elders taught the
disciples, found a grand elder inside the school, and used the Soul
Manipulation skill on her.
Creating an Information Sphere, he gave it to the grand elder and
ordered her to put it on her forehead and concentrate on the information.
“Do you know those people?” John asked.
The woman shook her head. John walked away and found another grand
elder and repeated the process. He went through the entire staff and elders
of the Great sword section, but he still couldn’t find answers.
He teleported to the Spear, Hammer, Sword, Dagger, Gun, and Poleaxe
sections before he found the information he was searching for.
The people he was after were workers inside the Poleaxe section’s
administrative building. He created some threads and used the Soul
Manipulation on all nine of them before telling them to quit work and go to
their leader’s house.
They did as they were told and John followed them to the leader’s
house. Once inside, John asked them if there were any other spies from the
Anti-assassin Sect inside the Sword Sect. Luckily they were the only ones.
After he killed them all, John snuck into the pressure tunnel and found
Sarah. She was still cultivating, but when he turned visible, she stopped to
welcome him back.
John kissed her before speaking. “I’ve got rid of all our enemies
topside, but now it’s time to defeat our greatest enemies down here:
boredom and loneliness.”
Sarah laughed as her arms wrapped around John’s neck. “You used that
line last time.”
“It worked, didn’t it?”
Chapter 34: Friends Once Again

Five days later, Sarah had created enough storage inside her neurons to
reach Rank 5, Level 4.
She stood outside the four cave doors in the middle of the corridor,
looking at the wall. Grabbing her short sword, she carved “John & Sarah
Allen” in big letters and enclosed them within a gigantic heart.
The wall was bright yellow, and the sword etches turned black, making
it very noticeable.
Both John and Sarah smiled while staring at it. It was exactly the same
as in John’s past life, including the fact that nobody else would ever know
about it. John thought Kelly might know in the future, but he couldn’t tell
that to Sarah yet.
After staring at it for a while, they started their journey back to the
Two hours later, they arrived outside the advanced cultivation cave.
Lexis was sitting inside the cave while pushing Life Power to resist the
pressure around her. She was drenched in sweat and didn’t appear to be
doing so well.
John looked over at Sarah who smiled and nodded before walking into
the cultivation cave. She knocked on the door, alerting Lexis. After Sarah
told her it was time to return, Lexis thanked her for the reminder.
John had already turned off his Scan since he knew Lexis would get
changed in the cave.
“We’ve got almost sixteen hours left to get out,” Sarah shouted to Lexis
from behind the door.
“Oh, crap!” Lexis’ muffled voice was genuinely shaken by the news. “I
took over fifty hours to get here! What am I going to do? Man, I really lost
track of time…”
John almost burst out laughing because this was the exact same
sentence Lexis said in his previous life and since Sarah had those memories,
she replied with the same sentence too.
“I’ll take you to the entrance in time,” Sarah said. “Don’t worry.”
“Thank you!” Lexis’ muffled voice responded. “Thank you, thank you!
I’ll forever be grateful! Ah, we’ve never introduced ourselves!”
This part is a bit different because only us three entered the tunnel this
time. The spear and bow users didn’t tie with Lexis in this life.
The door suddenly pushed forward, revealing Lexis. She stepped out of
the cave, a wide smile spreading across her face.
“I’m Lexis Arnold!”
Lexis stuck her hand out, but when Sarah went to shake it, Lexis reeled
her in for a hug instead. Sarah wasn’t surprised this time and she hugged
Lexis back.
“I’m Sarah,” Sarah said while still hugging Lexis. When they finished,
Sarah gestured to John. “And this is my husband, John.”
“Hello.” John waved.
Lexis was lifted onto Sarah’s back after the introductions were finished.
Lexis’s short legs wrapped around Sarah’s waist, holding on as tightly as
she could manage in her worn out state.
Both John and Sarah started their journey back to the surface at a much
lower travelling speed, but they were going much faster than any other
disciple would be able to. Sarah would land on a step to push herself
forward every now and then to make sure Lexis wouldn’t find out she was
flying without a sword acting as a medium.
John, Sarah, and Lexis travelled back to the surface within an hour’s
time. They went through the boulder and then the hatch, greeting the grand
elder on his final day of duty. From that point, they started walking towards
the administration building to teleport back to their homes.
Along the way, Sarah and Lexis became friends. By the time they
arrived at the teleports, Sarah and Lexis had made plans to meet at noon in
the Neutral section to go shopping the next day. Unlike before, John
wouldn’t meet them there by accident since he already had the worker
puppets. He got other plans that needed to be done instead.
Finally, they said goodbye to each other and used different teleport
runes to get home.
When they reached their home, John gave Sarah a few million Life
Stones of different grades so she wouldn’t have to worry about running out
of funds while shopping tomorrow.
After she put them all inside her Storage Space, she asked where they
came from. John didn’t want to lie and told her he had robbed the Anti-
assassin Sect before destroying it, but he made sure she knew the people
inside the village near where she came to this universe and all the mortals
on the planet were left unharmed.
Sarah smiled and thanked John.
John could see tears in her eyes. He knew she was hurt about their
deaths in his previous life, but she wouldn’t say it because of the reason
behind the planet being destroyed.
I didn’t have the chance to tell her about the people in the village and
Lexis being alive in my last life, that’s not gonna happen this time.
After they talked for more than an hour, John went out for an hour
before they went to bed.
The next day, John and Sarah left the house at the same time. They
walked together to the admin building where the teleport runes were
located. They split up with Sarah heading towards the Neutral section, and
John wouldn’t say where he was going.
Sarah and Lexis met at the location they agreed upon and began
The whole area was buzzing with life. There were shops of every kind
in all directions. The two chatted happily as they went through almost every
shop available. Their eyes lingered over the newest fashions, jewellery fit
for a queen, and all sorts of luxury items from their wildest dreams.
As the day passed, they gradually gave in to temptation and wound up
purchasing several items.
After they finished shopping, they checked out a few of the
entertainment attractions. The places she spoke of were a few miles away
from the shops, and on the way, Lexis listed some of the sports they could
watch and bet on.
However, before they could reach any of the entertainment attractions,
Lexis abruptly turned around and hid behind Sarah’s back.
“What’s wrong?” Sarah whispered. She only followed the script, but she
already knew the answer.
“See that man over there? Following the bigger woman?” Lexis’ voice
was hushed. “That man is the person my family tried to arrange my
marriage with before I ran away to the Sword Sect. I was lucky to get in
because my master invited me to become his disciple.”
“Ah, I see…” Sarah turned around and warmly patted Lexis’ shoulder.
“Your problem isn’t that big of a deal. I can sort it out with a few sentences.
Wait here.”
Lexis was taken aback by Sarah’s quick response and tried to stop her.
Sarah was too quick for her and had already started walking towards
Camella and Lexis’ ex-fiancé.
While she made her way over, she created a thread and placed it on the
man’s head before she used the Soul Manipulation skill on him. She then
used the Soul Manipulation’s Voice skill and ordered the man to do
Lexis nervously watched Sarah walking over to the two people, but
before Sarah could even get to them, she saw her ex-fiancé lose it and start
yelling at Camella.
He went on about how it wasn’t worth dating her to try and get his ex-
fiancée back. After ranting for a few minutes, he stormed off, leaving
Camella stunned before tears filled her eyes.
Sarah walked up to Camella and hugged her while telling her that man
wasn’t worth the tears. Lexis walked over and began consoling Camella
too, but at that moment, she was the happiest person in the world.
Earlier that day, John watched Sarah walk inside the administrative
building before he turned around and walked towards a deserted plot of
After he made sure nobody could see him, he used the light element to
turn himself invisible. He created an air pocket around him with the soap
bubble barrier and flew into the sky.
Passing through the atmosphere and stratosphere, he entered outer
Focusing his sight, he tried searching for an asteroid, but he couldn’t see
one. The planet didn’t even have a moon orbiting it, so he couldn’t take
some rocks to create an asteroid from that either.
John sighed as he realised this was going to be more work than he had
After going through my previous life and all the memories of the
transcendents who have done tests, I can calculate I need an asteroid close
to four hundred feet long, about one hundred feet wide, and going at about
thirty thousand miles an hour for my plan to work.
But I’ll go a little shorter and slower in case something unexpected
Lifting up his hands, he pushed Toxin Power to transform into the metal
and earth elements. A small ball was soon formed outside the air pocket,
causing John to push more Toxin Power.
It took over an hour to create a one-hundred-foot long, few feet wide
asteroid, and John had exhausted billions of Toxin Power.
Almost five hours later, John had finally got the size and shape he
wanted the asteroid to be. He had spent over two trillion Toxin Power and
even the Recovery skill couldn’t keep up with the expenditure.
John created all one million threads to wrap around the asteroid he had
created and then dragged it with him as he flew back into the planet’s orbit.
He flew closer to the planet to find his target, but then he realised that
people would see the asteroid if he got too close.
I wonder if I can use the elements on other people or objects not
attached to me in some way. None of the transcendents needed to try it so
they didn’t experiment with it, and I’ve only ever done it with objects I’ve
created from my threads still attached to me.
John used the light element through the threads and on the asteroid. He
then destroyed his threads, causing the asteroid to fall towards the Earth. To
his amazement, the asteroid stayed invisible like himself. He could sense
where the asteroid was due to the light element he had created still attached
to it, and he soon wrapped the asteroid in his threads once more.
After he had solved this problem, John flew closer to the planet to find
his target. It didn’t take long for him to find it, but instead of using the
asteroid right away, he turned on his Life Vision and used the Immortal Eye
skill on the people there.
When he first entered the Sword Sect, he went to this place and used the
Soul Manipulation on the head of the family. John ordered the man to call
everyone in his family back by saying there was an emergency meeting and
John knew it would take months for everybody to come back.
When John went out last night for an hour, he found out that everybody
in the family had returned.
John used the light element to cancel the invisibility of the asteroid. At
the same time, he pushed the asteroid from zero to tens of thousands of
miles an hour instantly. To make sure there were no mistakes, John used the
light element on himself to get to the ground faster than the asteroid could.
On the ground, John used the space element to compress the space
around the family estate to create four red walls to stop any impact force
from spilling out.
Looking up, he watched the asteroid fall incredibly fast and hit the large
mansion in the centre of the estate.
Chapter 35: The Spies Are Dead

The noise was loud enough for immortals to hear it from thousands of
miles away. The walls John had created with the space element arched as
the sound vibrations were strong enough to knock buildings down. The
vibrations bounced back and eventually dissipated.
A second after the sound waves had dissipated, a large mushroom cloud
formed over the Maddox family estate. John used the space element to
create a roof on his walls, sealing the cloud inside the estate.
At the same time, the force of the impact spread across the ten-mile
estate. Concrete, trees, and other debris were dragged and thrown about as
the force headed towards the walls John had made using the space element.
It was lucky John decided to create the walls in case the force was more
than he thought. If the surrounding buildings had managed to survive the
overwhelmingly strong sound vibrations, the impact force of the blast
would have finished them off. If he hadn’t created the walls, the
surrounding buildings would have been destroyed for sure, causing
innocent victims to suffer or lose their lives.
I think the size was accurate, but using the light element pushed the
speed of the asteroid over thirty thousand miles per hour which caused the
impact to be over what I had thought it would be.
It took over twenty minutes for everything to calm down, and a large
crowd had gathered to try to catch a glimpse of what was going on. Despite
their curiosity, nobody could see what was happening inside. The debris had
stacked up against the four walls John had created, reaching the ceiling in
Using the space element, John shrunk all the walls and ceiling, causing
the piled up dirt and rocks to be dragged towards the centre of the estate.
There was a large impact crater where the asteroid had hit, but John was
filling it back up.
When the walls reached the centre, John made them disappear. The
crowd that was watching could finally see that the entire estate was flat with
soft dirt that had been dug up recently. The trees, gates and other structures
that were there before were now buried underground, if they survived the
impact at all.
More importantly, the people of the Maddox family had disappeared.
John transformed his clothes into a black Daoist robe with a white mask
and flew towards the gorge where Fred was staying.
Outside Fred’s hut, John used the light element to turn visible and
knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
John opened the door and found Fred in the same place as last time.
“You’re going to get some information soon about the Maddox family
being wiped out by an asteroid. With this, my end of the deal is completed.”
Fred’s eyebrows arched up and he shot up out of his seat. “The spies
were the Maddox family? That’s impossible!”
“You say it’s impossible, yet they were spies for the Death Sect. They
had a technique that could control a person’s soul and if you’re not looking
for it, you would never find the evidence. I knew what to look for, and
when my descendant and son-in-law came to join your sect, I did a recon of
your entire sect and found them.
“Since I owed you from a previous life, I decided to get rid of them for
you. I had to wait for all of them to gather in their estate before acting
though. To do that, I used their own soul controlling technique on them,
then dropped an asteroid on the estate while making sure no other member
of your sect was harmed.
“As an added bonus, I’ve killed the spies of the Anti-assassin Sect since
that sect was destroyed recently too. I know you’ve been using them, trying
to get information, but they’re useless now.”
John turned around and walked out of the hut, but he stopped before he
shut the door.
“Oh, two quick things. Leo Cox was beaten up by my son-in-law
because of me and my divination. He knew Leo would have caused some
harm against my descendant when he lost the battle. Tell the Cox family to
be happy that Leo is alive, and that they shouldn’t seek revenge.
“Since you’ll be doing me a favour by telling the Cox family to stop any
retribution, I’ll give you some information that should be useful to you.
“My divination technique has also shown me that the Adventurers’
Guild will be going to war with the Death Sect soon, and they will easily
win. My descendant is a brilliant doctor who can cure the poisoning from
the Death Sect members’ miasma; put her in the medical unit if you want to
save some of your men’s lives.”
Having the knowledge to pretend to be a transcendent is easy, actually
doing something to show you’re a transcendent is very hard. I hope to never
pretend to be one again.
John shut the door before Fred could ask any questions. He knew Fred
would come out and try to catch him, so he turned invisible before Fred
could open the door.
As he suspected, Fred had rushed out of his hut, but when he saw
nobody was around, he went back inside.
John flew back home after the coast was clear. He made sure to change
his clothes back to the Sword Sect’s Daoist robe while his mask turned into
an earring.
Later that night, Sarah walked in with a huge grin on her face.
“Had a good time?”
Sarah jumped onto the couch next to John and rested her head on his
shoulder. “Yeah, I had a great time, but I also changed the future a little.”
John turned his head to look at her. “How’d you manage to do that?”
“I made Lexis’ ex-fiancée—and the person who would’ve been left at
the altar of Camellia’s wedding—publicly break it off with Camellia. With
the things he said, there’s no way Camellia would take him back.” Sarah
“You’re more evil than I thought. I’m kind of proud of that.” John
kissed the top of her head.
Sarah’s smile soon turned into a frown. “I just need to figure out how to
change Lexis’ future. She doesn’t deserve to die because of me.”
“Oh, there’s no need to worry about that.”
“Huh?” Sarah made a strange sound.
John laughed. “I never got the chance to tell you. Lexis never died; her
clone did. In this timeline, Scott is already dead and can’t even kill Lexis’
clone. You’ll hear about it soon so I might as well tell you now, I destroyed
the Maddox family. Don’t tell anybody.”
Sarah was so shocked she didn’t move an inch for at least a minute.
Sarah came out of her shock. “Why didn’t you get the chance to tell
John closed his eyes and shook his head. “I can’t tell you yet, otherwise
the future might change. Like I’ve told you before, I’m trying to change it
for the better. If you know that part of the future, you might convince me to
do something else or do something yourself.”
He could see Sarah had questions, but he changed the subject.
“What we need to discuss now is what we’re going to do next. I still
have a couple of things I need to do, but you’ve just become friends with
Lexis and Camellia again. Lexis will go with her master in about four and a
half years from now and I don’t know how long they’ll be gone for.
“Before any of that, there will be a war with the Death Sect in about
three months. You’ve got the memories of this war and you can join the war
as a medic in this life.”
Sarah nodded. “Saving that many people from the miasma of the Death
Sect’s members is something I was proud of in my past life and I want to do
it in this life too.”
“It shouldn’t take me that long to return, but we’ll have to leave the
Sword Sect ten years from now, and we won’t return for a very long time.”
“Why do we have to leave the sect?”
I can’t tell her about being forced to the battlefield by O’Malley or the
fact that we wanted Kelly to live a normal life.
John took a few seconds to answer. “Because the sect master is petty,
when he finds out how strong I am, he’ll try to marry me with his daughter
to try and control me.
“Her name is Rebecca and in my previous life, this happened ten years
from now when she became twenty-five years old. She became friends with
you under Frank’s orders so when Frank brought up the marriage, he told
me that you and her were like sisters.”
Sarah closed her eyes, trying to remember. “I’ve got some memories of
Rebecca that you’ve given me, but I don’t have any memories of what
happened with her afterwards.”
“I told Frank I’m a one-woman man, then we simply left and never
looked back.”
John created an Information Sphere with the conversation they had after
turning Frank’s marriage offer down. He wanted to make sure Sarah knew
that he thought men who cheated were weak and stupid.
Sarah couldn’t help but laugh at that memory. When she regained her
composure, she asked John what he had to do before the war against the
Death Sect started.
John told her the two things he wanted to do.
“Alright.” Sarah decided what to do after hearing John’s plan. “I’ll stay
here until they release the sign-up for people to join the war against the
Death Sect. If you’re not back before that happens, then I’ll sign you up as
John shook his head. “Don’t sign me up. I’m going to rob the Death
Sect again and I can’t do that if they’ve got a record of where I’m supposed
to be or a superior trying to boss me around.”
“I’ll just sign myself up, then. When are you leaving?”
“Tomorrow,” John replied. “It’s going to take a bit of travelling and the
war starts in three months. I might make it back just in time.”
Looking outside, it had turned dark while they talked. They both went
to bed after finalising their plans.
Chapter 36: *Spoiler*

The next morning, John opened the universal map and looked for the
closest planet to his goal that he could teleport to. Before he used the skill
to teleport, he kissed Sarah goodbye.
Arriving on the planet, he got his bearings before he flew towards the
Rogue Sect’s teleport room. It only took a few minutes for him to arrive,
and after entering the room, he went through his memories to figure out the
route he needed to take.
It took almost two months for him to reach the planet next to his goal.
After he arrived, he had to use the next teleport to go to the surface of the
When on the planet’s surface, he held his breath and he flew high in the
He soon arrived in outer space. Opening the universal map, he figured
out the way he needed to go. He then used the light element to make his
travel speed go as fast as possible.
Using Toxin Power as a substitute for Chaos Power when creating the
elements made their strength only a fifth of what they were in his previous
His top speed when using the light element was a fifth too, but he was
still travelling over one hundred and thirty million miles an hour. He shut
his eyes since they couldn’t capture the light quick enough for him to see as
he started travelling at that speed.
He could feel his body being ripped apart by the few small bits of debris
that were hitting him at that speed.
The tenth Mind Strength’s Senses skill must not have recognised the
particles as a third party as he could feel every cell in his body screeching in
agony when he flew into them. He wanted to scream in pain, but he had to
hold his breath to keep travelling in space.
The only reason his body remained whole was because of his healing
skills, but at the rate it was going, those skills wouldn’t be able to keep up
with the damage after a while.
When it got to a certain point, he had to stop and let his body heal all
the damage that was done.
I have to keep going at this speed if I want to make it back to Sarah
before the war starts. I told Fred that she would be useful in the medic unit,
but I don’t know if that will happen.
If it doesn’t happen, I’ll need to go with her wherever they send her to
guarantee her safety.
Unlike the time I travelled through space to the transcendents’ castle, I
can’t use the soap bubble for protection as I don’t have enough Toxin Power
to keep it up throughout the entire journey. Healing myself from these
wounds costs much less Toxin Power overall.
Gritting his teeth, he continued travelling at his fastest speed. If his
body went past the tipping point where it couldn’t heal itself, he knew the
Blood’s Attachment skill would kick in.
He was a little worried that something would hit his chest, forcing him
to be unable to hold his breath and would force him to teleport back to start
his journey again, so he crossed his arms over his chest, trying not to let that
A little over half an hour later, he felt he had passed a thin, invisible
barrier. He knew he had become much more sensitive to the elements
compared to the last time he was here, and feeling the barrier as he passed
through it caused him to remember the memories he had obtained from the
In his past life, he tried using the space element to fold space so he
could travel much faster, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t do it.
Now, he knew there were twenty-five transcendents that positioned
themselves around Planet Zero and used the space element to create a half-
sealed space that was still easily traversable.
This was to stop immortals from using the space element within fifty
million miles of the planet. They didn’t want immortals to easily transcend,
nor let Lisa’s plan get closer to completion.
One of the transcendents had foreseen a problem, and that was why they
created an asteroid which circled a few planets, including Planet Zero, for
the immortal to reach the planet if needed. It was this asteroid that John
rode on in his previous life to get here.
Another half an hour passed before he used the light element to slow
down. When he came to a complete stop, he could feel his body rapidly
He could see himself inside his Scan and could see that he was in a
really bad condition.
Large wounds had appeared all over him—John could even see his
bones poking through a few of them. The blood that reached the surface
from these wounds got frozen due to the temperature of outer space. His
healing skills were melting the blood as they closed the wounds, but if this
went on for another twenty minutes, then he might not have been able to
John opened his eyes since he could see again. In front of him was
Planet Zero. He entered the atmosphere of the almost-entirely-red planet
and flew to the island which housed a large mountain. John now knew why
the old and new maps he had in his previous life didn’t match.
O’Malley created the mountain when he came here to update the
Adventurers' Guild’s world map and update the origin language translation
book next to the transcending room, but found out the lava on the planet
was rising. The tall mountain made sure the lava couldn’t submerge the
transcending room underground, preventing it from being inaccessible to
the immortals.
Once atop the mountain, John entered the tunnel entrance and made his
way to the transcending room.
Stopping outside the door, John lifted his arm, spread his hand open,
and used a different basic element on each finger and thumb. He used fire,
water, earth, metal, and wood.
The door made a loud bang before dust fell off them as they swung
away from him.
John walked through the doors and entered the perfectly round room.
He stepped in the middle of the room and turned his head, making sure the
doors shut behind him.
John ignored the pictures and writings on the dome-shaped walls this
time. He made his clothes turn into their default silver armour look and took
them off, placing each piece next to each other. He also took off his
wedding ring and placed it next to the gauntlets.
He sat down and created a small amount of the thirteen elements. They
gradually merged, creating a dark-purple ball that was only a few inches
wide in diameter.
When it had formed, John started pushing Toxin Power and Soul Power
out of his body. He opened the system and checked the counters.
Life Pool: 0
Toxin Pool (Brain): 0
Toxin Pool (Body): 0
Soul Pool: 0
Like last time, the passive skills that needed Life Power had all stopped
John looked at the ball he had created. He knew what was going to
happen and he wasn’t looking forward to it. It was something that had to be
done though. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed the purple ball, opened his
mouth, and swallowed it.
After a minute, a tingling sensation started in his stomach. A few
seconds after that, his whole body tensed up, forcing him to lie down,
clutching his stomach while gritting his teeth.
His back arched up when the pain increased, and his legs spasmed out
of control, forcing his back to straighten up again.
John’s teeth cracked from clenching too hard. He felt dizzy and large
spots appeared in his vision. He didn’t know how long this had gone on for,
but it felt like a lifetime.
With no energy left, he lay sprawled on the floor. His arms and legs
were spread out and his laboured breathing wouldn’t slow down.
A few seconds later, he looked at his right arm to find half of it was
The pain isn’t the worst part—this is. Feeling your own body
disappearing is the worst thing possible, especially when the organs
disappear one by one.
John closed his eyes, going over his memories of Sarah and Kelly,
trying to distract himself from his body disappearing.
His head disappeared shortly after.
All that was left now was his soul. Its bright-blue colour lit the entire
room. A few seconds later, the soul’s colour started changing to a dark
purple. When it had finished its transformation, the entire floor of the room
lit up in the same dark-purple colour. John’s soul disappeared and the floor
became dull once more.
John’s soul started sending out small pulses of purple rings before his
brain started regenerating around it. His skull was soon whole again and the
eyes, teeth, and muscle started to form over the skull before the skin finally
wrapped around it.
John woke up when his head was reformed. He knew where he was and
simply waited for his body to be whole again. Afterwards, he stood up and
walked over to his clothes and ring. He put them on, changed them to his
black overcoat look, and put his wedding ring back on.
John stretched while he opened the system and turned the Absorb option
off. He then realised his Scan was working, meaning the system had already
been completely updated.
He then checked the system.
Welcome to the Idle System.
Name: John
Title: A Selfish Punisher
Age: 39
Idlers: 2160/2160
Skill Points: 0
Chaos Pool: 1
Time Pool: 0
Sin: 8.2B
Misc List:
??? - Idlers 0/2160, ??? 0/1 (Unlocks ???)
John was surprised there was a skill in the system after he transcended.
He tried placing the Idlers in the locked skill, but they never moved.
Is this the prestige skill that’s locked again? I don’t know the
requirements to unlock it. It wasn’t until I was on the verge of dying that it
got unlocked in my previous life. If that’s what I need to do to unlock it, then
it’s better it stays locked.
John flew into outer space and at the same time, he transferred all the
sins he had to Life Power which got him almost a tenth of a Chaos Power
He turned the Scan option off, closed the system, and used all seven
mind parts for the absorbing technique.
A day later, he stopped cultivating and checked how much Chaos Power
he had gained.
Chaos Pool: 201,601
That’s more than enough Chaos Power for me to do my next task.
He turned the Scan option back on and used four mind parts to filter it.
Two mind parts were left using the absorbing technique. Even though he
wouldn’t earn even a Chaos Power unit every minute without being in outer
space, it was still better than nothing. He left one mind part free for him to
When he finished, he used the space element made out of Chaos Power
and opened a wormhole to where he wanted to go.
His system’s teleport skill couldn’t get him to where his next goal was
since he hadn’t visited that planet in this life, but he knew where it was
thanks to his universal map. That allowed him to create the wormhole there.
John jumped into the wormhole before it closed behind him.

Title: Transcending Once More
Chapter 37: Iwan Veurink

John came out of the other end of the wormhole and it closed behind him.
In front of him was a small, blue planet. John used the light element to turn
invisible before he entered the atmosphere.
When he landed on the planet’s surface, John used the Soul
Manipulation skill on a random person and asked where the justice
department was. He found his answer, let the man go, and flew to his goal.
When he arrived at the location, he landed outside of a large courthouse
and walked up the wheelchair access ramp.
Inside the courthouse, the floor was white with light-red shapes traced
all over it. The patterns repeated in squares, giving the illusion of a tile floor
despite it all being just one piece. The walls were made from a bright-white
marble without any other colours.
Not far from the entrance were a few large metal door frames. Each one
was eight feet high and five feet wide.
John was slightly shocked because he could see over a hundred people
inside a few rooms around the courtyard in his Scan. They were playing
games, sleeping, or talking.
When I was escorted here in my previous life, my Scan didn’t work due
to the life cuffs. I didn’t know these people were here, but what are they here
for exactly?
He continued to walk through the door frames, but unexpectedly, there
was a beeping noise when he did.
What was that beep? I’m not wearing a mask and these mask detectors
shouldn’t pick up anything, especially when I’m invisible.
The doors of the courthouse behind him closed on their own and it took
only a few seconds for the people he saw in his Scan to rush towards the
detectors from all directions. Seeing as it was getting a little crowded, John
turned on the Hover option in his system and flew to the ceiling.
He watched as the swarm of people kept knocking into each other for a
few minutes and then left as quickly as they came.
Two people came and stood near the detectors not long after.
“The detectors definitely picked up someone invisible entering the
“But none of the people bumped into somebody invisible in the area.
They only bumped into each other,” someone else replied.
“Is the detector malfunctioning, then? This is the first time it has gone
off and we still don’t know if people can really go invisible or not.”
The other man shrugged his shoulders and took one last look around
before the two of them walked away.
I didn’t know there was something like this that could detect an invisible
Since the war against the beastman started, the knowledge of using
elements was lost in the outside universe and this couldn’t be invented. This
must be ancient technology that they’ve fixed or kept using.
I only got away with it because of the lost information during the war,
otherwise they would have known that some people can fly without a sword.
Surely those people would have swarmed into the air too, making me easily
None of the memories I got from the transcendents had anything like
this in them. That means there are still things I need to learn and watch out
for in the future.
After making sure the coast was clear in his Scan, John turned off the
Hover option and went towards the room where his target was. Though,
when he arrived at the room, the door was closed.
John opened the area map in the system and used the icon to teleport
inside the room without alerting the person inside of it.
Sitting at a large desk was a wide man with curly, blond hair. He was
reading a parchment with bloodshot, blue eyes. The man had a Greek nose
that sat low, perched above his fallen lips. If this man stood up, he would be
shorter than most men.
John used his Immortal Eye on the individual.
Grant Rivers
Rank: 4
Level: 2
Sin: 0
John created a thread, placed it on Grant’s head, and used the Soul
Manipulation skill on him. He then used Soul Manipulation’s Voice to order
Grant to go to a certain location.
Grant immediately put down the parchment, walked out of his office
and down the corridor. John followed him and watched as people greeted
Grant along the way. Thankfully, the order didn’t stop Grant from acting
normal, otherwise people would have become suspicious after a while.
The people guarding the Adventurers’ Guild’s private teleport system
were surprised when Grant came to use it, but he had authorisation, so they
didn’t try to stop him. John made sure to be on the same teleport rune when
Grant used it.
It took nineteen days for them to reach the prison. In John’s past life, he
used spies and his secret identity, Jonathan, to become the main suspect for
destroying the Anti-assassin Sect’s planet. He purposely got arrested and
pleaded guilty in the trial to get here so he could earn billions of sins to save
Sarah from her coma.
He had killed all the prisoners, manipulated all the guards, and used one
of his leather teleport scrolls to escape.
The guards who had escorted him to the prison after the trial kept
shoving bags on his head, blocking his view. Also, his Scan wasn’t working
at the time due to the life cuffs stopping his Life Power from circulating, so
he didn’t know how to get to this prison. John didn’t have a universal map
at the time, and after he escaped, he didn’t know where the planet was in
the universe.
That was where the honourable judge, Grant Rivers, was needed. He
was a much better option since he had more authority than the guards.
In front of him was a round, black door with a circular handle in the
middle, much like a giant bank vault.
After Grant had shown his authorisation token to the guards, one of
them walked up a ramp and spun the handle in a precise order, unlocking
the door, and allowing Grant access to the elevator within.
John could tell the guards wanted to ask Grant what he was doing here,
but they knew they didn’t have the right to question him. It was one of the
reasons why John picked Grant to be the escort.
Grant walked inside the elevator and told the guards that he would be
going down alone before pushing the button for the first floor.
John had ordered Grant to find a Rank 1 immortal he had sentenced to
this prison and do a survey. This would give him the excuse that he was
doing research in case someone were to ask.
While the elevator was moving, John opened the hatch on the roof and
climbed out of the elevator and flew downwards. When he reached the
bottom of the elevator shaft, he opened the area map and used it to teleport
on the other side of the elevator doors. The runes of the prison couldn’t stop
John from using Chaos Power and he wasn’t in an iron maiden or wearing
life cuffs for the runes’ power to be boosted.
John was soon standing in front of the much larger vault door. He
remembered that Orvo, the guard who had escorted him in his previous life,
had explained that this was made out of osmium. Since it was one of the
densest and strongest metals in this universe, Rank 9’s couldn’t destroy the
With the area map, he found that he could bypass this checkpoint, so he
teleported behind the osmium vault door and walked down the ramp. There
were two Rank 9 guards posted every two hundred feet down the ramp, but
none of them noticed John.
At the bottom of the ramp, he turned left and came to another
checkpoint with another large bank vault door in the way. John easily
bypassed the door and kept going.
He finally came to the only room on this side of the ramp and John
found two guards standing outside of it. In his Scan, he could see another
guard inside the room and a prisoner sitting inside an iron maiden
Using the area map once again, John arrived inside the room. He
walked behind the guard and created a strong knockout poison, but
surprisingly, it didn’t work right away.
The guard panicked when he felt drowsy all of a sudden and turned to
bang on the door to alert the other guards. Fortunately, John stopped him by
creating one million threads and wrapping them around the guard. He also
used the space element to trap the knockout poison around the guard’s head,
rendering him unconscious within a few seconds.
Turning around, John used his Immortal Eye on the prisoner.
Iwan Veurink
Rank: 9
Level: 9
Sin: 43.2B
In my previous life, this man wouldn’t tell me his history and his only
wish was to be set free, but it wasn’t until much later that I figured out why.
He had a transcendent enemy and wanted revenge.
The memories I gained from those transcendents included this man and
I was shocked when I found out that his past was similar to mine. A
transcendent tried creating a Demonic Sider by making this man blow up a
planet, but it didn’t work. He didn’t regret what he had done, and that
makes this man more dangerous than me.
The iron maiden wheelchair that he’s in is in the transcendent’s
memories too. It’s an ancient piece of technology like the mask detectors
and its main function is to take the Life Power in the air and convert it into
vitality, which it then pumps into the human sitting inside it. That way, the
person can’t commit suicide or die of old age, even if the person isn’t a
Rank 9.
I don’t need Iwan’s Sider skills, sins, or the iron maiden wheelchair, but
I want to put him out of his misery simply because that could’ve been me. I
can’t release him since he’s too dangerous to be let loose.
John then thought about how he killed Iwan in his previous life.
My system didn’t tell me that my absorb attack worked on a Sider and I
still can’t figure out why.
Wait, the system has only ever told me when I attacked a Sider or a
Sider attacked me, and it didn’t work. If the attack is successful, no
notification shows up! Damn it, that’s a loophole when you don’t know the
other person is a Sider!
John pushed the force element all around Iwan, crushing his body,
brain, and the iron maiden into a bloody mess.
Opening his system, he transferred the sins to Life Power which got him
another four hundred and thirty-two Chaos Power. He then went into the
universal map and teleported back to the Sword Sect’s private planet.
Chapter 38: Back to the Death Sect

John took a few minutes to figure out where he was on the planet and then
he flew home. His Scan didn’t pick up Sarah in the house so he walked to
the couch and lied down.
On my way here, I saw everybody preparing to go to war, meaning I
managed to make it back before the official beginning of the war. Sarah
should be hanging out with Lexis or Camellia. If so, then she won’t be back
for a while.
John closed his eyes and fell asleep after a few minutes.
When he opened them again, he saw Sarah on a seat not far from him,
reading a book.
“Welcome back to the land of the living.”
“How long was I asleep for?”
“Three days.”
John’s eyebrows arched up in surprise as he looked at the ceiling. “I
must have been more tired than I thought.”
The room became silent. Sarah kept staring at him while he kept staring
at the ceiling.
Turning his head to look at Sarah with a wide smirk, he said, “I
Sarah excitedly congratulated him and then asked all the questions she
could think of without giving him time to answer any of them.
John created an Information Sphere containing everything that
happened on Planet Zero and held it out for Sarah to take. “It’s not pretty,
and it could even make you hesitate on transcending, but if you want to
know, it’s all there.”
Sarah walked over and took the sphere. She thought about knowing or
not for a few seconds before saying, “After we got together in your
previous life, we made plans to be together for an eternity because
immortality was possible. Even in this life, those plans didn’t change.
“Rank 9’s can still die in all sorts of ways, and that eternity could come
to an end. You’ve told me that in your past life only one Sider in the entire
universe was able to kill transcendents besides yourself, and we’ve got a
much better chance of making eternity a reality.”
After speaking, she placed the sphere on her forehead.
“It’s that bad?” Sarah was a little shaky as she imagined her going
through it to transcend.
A few seconds later, she sighed. “It’s got to be done if we want our
plans to succeed.”
John stood up and stretched while changing the subject. “Heard
anything about the war?”
Sarah nodded. “Some of the disciples and elders have already left for
the front line. I’m in the medic unit again; we leave tomorrow afternoon.”
John smiled. I’m glad my worries about her going to the front line were
just that, and not a premonition for what’s to come.
“What about Lexis and Camellia? In my previous life, neither of them
joined the war since Lexis was away from the sect and Camellia is a
princess of the Marcellas family.”
Sarah laughed. “Camellia doesn’t have to go since she’s a princess. She
got her way when she complained to her father about her friends going to
war. To please Camellia, her father got Lexis out of the mandatory duty and
got her a cushy job in her family for the duration of the war, making her
stay inside the sect where it’s safe.
“Camellia told her father to get me a cushy job alongside Lexis too, but
when I told them I’m in the medic unit and won’t be actually fighting, she
dropped it. But at least I don’t have to worry about their safety while I’m
John laughed. “Yeah that sounds like the Camellia you’ve told me
He then thought about what was different. “I wonder what changed with
the war compared to my previous life. Joining the war was never
mandatory, and that would anger a lot of people. The Adventurers’ Guild
will seem like a dictator by doing this.”
Sarah thought about it. “In your previous life, this war happened after
the Adventurers’ Guild thought their prisoners had escaped and the Death
Sect’s mortals went to war against each other. They both came to me to ask
about what connections we had with them due to the circumstantial
evidence they had on us, and I managed to get them to argue about a hidden
Sider inside the Adventurers’ Guild which eventually sparked the war.
“This time, none of that happened, and instead you’ve asked that
transcendent to start the war. From what you’ve told me about those
transcendents that have lived too long, they don’t care about immortals, and
instead of thinking about the best way to get what you need done, he’s
ordering everyone to do what he says or else. The sects felt threatened since
he’s a transcendent and made it mandatory to do it.”
“Well, I did kill Ivan again, but nobody will know I did it.” John sighed.
“As for the transcendent not caring about the immortals, there’s no doubt
you’re right. The Adventurers’ Guild would rather look like a dictator to the
whole universe than deny O’Malley’s request.”
After another hour of talking, Sarah went to cultivate while John went
roaming around the shops. He didn’t find anything he or Sarah needed or
wanted though.
The next day, Sarah and the rest of the medic team left the sect. John
turned invisible and followed them.
Two months later, they had arrived at the Adventurers’ Guild’s giant
medical facility set up on a planet halfway between their home planet and
the Death Sect’s private planet.
Knitting his brows, John whispered to Sarah, “How come it took only
two months to arrive here and it took me ten months to arrive on the Death
Sect’s private planet? The memories you shared with me in my previous life
didn’t include how you travelled between planets.”
After making sure nobody was around to overhear her, Sarah whispered
back, “The Rogue Sect’s teleport system goes from planet to planet, but we
used the Adventurers’ Guild’s private teleport system which has teleport
runes that skip less important planets to reduce the time needed to get here.”
“Oh.” John thought it made sense. “I’m going to repeat my actions from
my previous life, but I don’t have to leave just yet. I can watch you work
your magic for a while, but I’m going to stay invisible outside.”
John kissed Sarah on the cheek and then flew onto the roof of the
medical facility. He waited and watched Sarah for four months because he
couldn’t steal from the Death Sect’s vault so early in the war without people
spreading the information of what happened.
If he waited until near the end of the war instead, then most Death Sect
members would be dead, and when the Adventurers’ Guild and other sects
found the vault empty, they would assume one of the grand elders took it
and ran, forcing everyone to go on a goose chase searching for John’s
Once he felt he had waited long enough, he created a wormhole in front
of him, and walked inside it.
The wormhole he created had taken him above the Death Sect’s public
planet in outer space. He needed to know how far the war had reached and
this was the perfect place to find out.
After arriving on the planet, he flew to the local teleport system. He
went through it and arrived at the biggest town on the planet.
The town was the same as he remembered from his previous life:
deserted. Most of the buildings were damaged or condemned.
The war has reached here much sooner than last time. The people must
be working extra hard because of O’Malley. Luckily, I didn’t wait the ten
months it took the war to reach here in my previous life.
John was still using the light element to stay invisible so he didn’t have
to worry about people finding him this time. He walked to the building that
housed the teleport system and inside of it was a large sign which had the
words “Death Sect” written on it. He went inside and used the teleport
When he appeared, he saw people wearing shiny armour in his Scan. As
soon as John arrived on the other side, he turned the Hover option on and
flew to the ceiling since he knew they had at least one thing that could
detect invisible people.
The teleport rune had lit up when he used it and those people had their
weapons pointing towards it. They were all highly confused when they saw
nothing come through.
John even saw Adam Perry, the Adventurers’ Guild’s general
commander of the security faction. John almost laughed at Adam’s
confused face since his memories of Adam were all of him having a poker
They didn’t do anything afterwards, so John knew they didn’t have any
other way to find somebody invisible. He turned the Hover option off then
flew out of the building towards the main area of the Death Sect.
In his Scan, he found an airtight area underground. He used the area
map to teleport inside the vault.
Before him were millions of Grade 8 and 9 Life Stones, rare herbs,
equipment, and a few miles of bookshelves full of books.
John remembered he felt like a child in a candy shop the last time he
was here.
This time, he only took the Life Stones, herbs, and blank runes. The
herbs were useless to him and Sarah, but Kelly would make great use of
them as an immortal. The Storage Space froze time so the herbs would
never rot inside it.
He left everything else for the Adventurers’ Guild and other sects since
they were useless to him. John teleported back on the surface of the planet
and watched the war. He decided not to get too involved since he didn’t
need the sins.
While he watched the fights, he used his threads to make any Death
Sect member lose their advantage against the person they were fighting.
The people fighting the Death Sect members soon had an overwhelming
advantage in numbers and strength and broke past all defences that were set
John knew the war was over now when he saw the commanders of the
Death Sect’s defensive line getting massacred.
He then used the universal map to teleport back to Sarah.
Chapter 39: Present

When John found her, she was curing a patient who had survived being
infected by the Death Sect’s miasma.
The war is over, but the injured will still continue to come here for a
while. I need to retrain my body after transcending and since Sarah’s busy,
there’s no point putting it off anymore.
John flew to the nearest forest, chopped down a large tree, and used the
elements to make an axe. He tried using the axe to chop the wood the same
way as a mortal would, but the first attempt ended in most of the forest
being destroyed. He used the earth and wood elements to restore the forest.
With the experience and knowledge of doing this before, it shouldn’t
take me very long to perfect everything. This time, I’m starting from a
transcendent’s body, not a Rank 9 body like in my previous life. That’s the
only reason why my first swing destroyed the forest.
John’s next swing was much better, only the ground underneath the
wood was destroyed and it took only a few seconds for him to restore it.
It took only an hour for him to reach the same results he had in his
previous life and could pass as a mortal. He then moved onto the next set of
movements to train.
Six days later, John had trained every muscle in his body. Now he could
control any of his actions with any amount of strength he wanted.
The first time I met Kelly after coming back from the war, I couldn’t
control my strength very well. When I carried her, my greatest fear was
hurting her and that fear stopped me from holding her properly or giving
her a real hug.
In this life, I’m going to be there when Kelly’s born and because I’ve
already trained my body to control my strength, I can hold her in my arms
even as a new born without fear of injuring her.
John opened his system to check how many more years were left until
Kelly’s suspected birth date.
Age: 40
Oh, it’s our birthday? Me and Sarah only ever celebrated our birthdays
after Kelly was born so we would seem normal. Since the war is over, we
can take a few days off to start the tradition early. The only problem is that
I haven’t got Sarah a present.
I need to get her something that will leave her speechless and last
throughout the ages so if ever I screw up, I can use it, and she could still
use or show it back on Earth too. But what?
John thought about what to do for her birthday. But even after an hour,
he couldn’t think of anything that Sarah would actually like that she didn’t
already have or he had not already done. He could take her shopping, but
they went shopping quite often and it wouldn’t feel special. Taking her to a
restaurant was fine but not special either.
I’m out of options. The only thing I can do is go the safe route…
But… nobody in this universe makes any kind of jewellery at all. They
use the precious ores they mine to make currency, weapons, and other
practical things.
The only thing that even comes close to jewellery that I’ve seen is made
by a small group of mortals collecting the teeth from their hunts to make a
necklace, and I doubt Sarah wants something like that.
I’ve got to make something myself, then, but I’m not exactly the best
when it comes to style and knowledge of jewellery. I can only hope Sarah
loves what I make.
John thought about an experiment he had thought of a while ago which
could be useful for him now.
Using the metal and earth element under his feet, he tried to make a
radar from the elements. He was shocked it had worked in the first try, and
since he used Chaos Power, the elements mapped out hundreds of miles
underground and thousands of miles around him. It was much stronger than
his Scan and he was surprised his brain could handle that much information
all at once too.
He could see any and all precious metals and gems that were buried,
waiting for him to unearth them.
I should test this out a little more, see if it’s more useful.
John used the wind element like a radar all around him this time, and he
could see what was happening around him for thousands of miles too. It
wasn’t perfect as he could only make out shapes of people, buildings, and
animals. He wouldn’t be able to lip read or do anything his Scan could do.
He couldn’t use a mind part to use all the elements as a radar either; one
mind part could only do one element. If he still wanted to filter out the Scan
so he wouldn’t see anything disturbing again and still gain Chaos Power,
then he could only use two elements as a radar and he wouldn’t get any
useful information from doing it either.
Forget it. I think it’s better to try and find a way to update the Scan skill
After his experiment, he used the elements again to lift up enough
adamantine, platinum, gold, rhodium, and any other metal he had used to
create their wedding rings for his idea.
He thought he should make a necklace that matched Sarah’s ring,
making it a set. He stored the items in his Storage Space and used the earth
element to make a hole underneath him before sinking underground. He
kept using the earth and metal elements as he sank deeper, and it wasn’t
until he was over a thousand miles underground that he found what he was
looking for.
In front of him was a white rock that was clouded for the most part but
clear and see-through in some places. The rock was oblong, but it had rough
and sharp edges. It was about five inches long, three inches wide, and two
inches in depth.
I don’t know how many carats this thing has, but it’s more than enough
for what I have planned.
John used the earth and metal elements to remove the dirt, rocks, and
other things from around the large diamond while using the force element to
keep it in the air.
Once it was clear of everything, he created a few threads and used them
to carefully cut the large diamond into an emerald shape. He then used the
metal element on the perfectly shaped diamond to make it crystal clear.
Taking out the precious metals he gathered earlier, he used the metal
element to morph them together and around the diamond, making sure the
precious gem was properly secured and wouldn’t come loose even if Sarah
travelled faster than the speed of sound.
Once the metal was able to hold the diamond in place, he created the
chain of the necklace. He made the chain only a centimetre thick since that
was the style he remembered from women’s necklaces on Earth.
John had done his best and the emerald shaped diamond had retained
most of its size before the cut. It was roughly four inches long, two and a
half inches wide and an inch and a half in depth.
He placed the finished necklace inside his Storage Space.
Perfect. If Sarah doesn’t like this, then she won’t like any jewellery in
any universe. The only downside is that she shouldn’t wear this all the time
since it’s too eye-catching. It’s more of a special occasion thing.
John stored the necklace, went back to the planet’s surface, and used the
wood element on a tree to make a wooden box.
When he took out the diamond, an area of a few feet around him lit up
in the colours of the rainbow as the sun hit the gem, making it sparkle
brightly. Even John was captivated by its beauty.
Coming out of his daze, he placed the necklace neatly in the box, closed
it, and placed it inside his Storage Space. John then flew back to the
medical facility that Sarah was working at.
In his Scan, he could see there was chaos inside as hundreds of people
were waiting to be treated. Since Sarah had the Hide option turned on, he
couldn’t see her, but he knew that she would be at her work station treating
the wounded. Making his way to her, he took a deep breath and walked over
to the area.
“Are you here to be treated?”
John turned his head to the nurse who had spoken to him. “No, I’m here
for my wife.” He pointed towards Sarah.
Looking at where John was pointing too, the woman saw Sarah and
quickly panicked. “Your wife is busy saving lives! She can’t be disturbed!”
John chuckled. “Don’t worry, I can guarantee nobody will die.”
Ignoring the woman’s shock, John walked towards Sarah before the
woman could rebuke. When he got there, she had just finished treating the
patient on the bed, but she didn’t look happy.
“What’s wrong?”
Turning around, Sarah saw John staring at her.
“Even though I’ve got rid of the miasma inside his body, it’s done too
much damage. There’s nothing I can do, even the medicine I create can’t
heal this person fast enough.”
John sighed, walked around the bed, and placed his index finger on the
man’s forehead.
A few seconds later, the man’s colour returned to his face. His breathing
became steady and he started to open his eyes.
Sarah looked at John in shock. “How?”
“I’ll tell you later. Anyway, come with me for a while. Don’t worry
about these patients as they’ll still be here, alive, and in the same condition
as when you leave.”
Sarah looked around and saw the room full of people—hundreds of
them—waiting to be treated in her Scan.
She nodded her head. “Okay. I trust you and I know you wouldn’t lie to
With Sarah in tow, John walked towards the exit under the shock and
panic of begging faces from both patients and staff.
Before they exited the facility, John created one thread for every human
that needed Sarah’s treatment, made them touch the person’s forehead, and
injected them with a little bit of vitality. It was the vitality John had given to
Sarah’s patient that saved him.
After transcending, his body and soul were remade using Chaos Power
and John didn’t need to produce vitality to live forever, but his soul still had
the ability to do so.
The method of giving other people vitality wasn’t known by many
people. Only Rank 9, Level 9’s or transcendents could do it.
Chapter 40: Birthday Meal

While leaving the facility, John had his universal map open to make sure
he could pinpoint where he wanted to go. He hadn’t visited the planet he
wanted to take Sarah to yet so he couldn’t use the universal map to teleport
As soon as they were alone, John used the elements to create a
wormhole which led to the planet he wanted, held Sarah’s hand, and walked
through it with her.
When they exited the wormhole, they were in outer space. A large,
blue-and-green planet was in front of them. John used the space and wind
elements to create an air bubble around Sarah in case she wasn’t holding
her breath, but he soon realised it wasn’t needed.
They were close enough to the planet to see a large city on its surface
and after the wormhole closed behind them, they flew towards that city.
John made sure they went slow enough to enter the atmosphere without
creating a fire trail behind them so no immortals would come and
After they landed in the middle of the city, John looked at Sarah.
“Welcome to the Adventurers’ Guild’s public planet. This is the biggest city
on this planet and it also has the best technology in the universe.”
“I remember you telling me about them having steam engine trains and
things that look like cars, but why are we here?”
“You’re not worried about those patients, are you? I gave you my word
they would be fine. Don’t you believe me?” John widened his eyes a little
while frowning, trying to look hurt.
“I believe you.”
“Good.” John laughed. “Come. Our destination isn’t far from here. But
before that, turn your Scan off or else it’ll ruin the surprise.”
Sarah nodded her head, and John trusted that she did what he asked.
They walked down the street until they reached a tall building. It was
the hotel John stayed at when he attended the annual auction hosted by the
Adventurers’ Guild. At that time, he stayed in the penthouse on the thirty-
fifth floor.
Looking up at the building, John said, “This hotel is one of the few
skyscrapers in this entire universe. The rooms are decent, but that’s not
what we’re here for.”
“If we go by modern times on Earth,” Sarah replied, “then this
technically isn’t a skyscraper, just a tall building. It would need at least
forty floors to be a skyscraper, and then those skyscrapers are called
supertall if they’re above three hundred metres and megatall if they reach
six hundred metres.”
“How’d you know that?”
“I had a really good education.” Sarah giggled.
“Alright, smartass, just follow me,” John chided.
John led Sarah through the hotel’s elevator and pushed the button for
the thirty-fourth floor. The doors closed and they felt the elevator being
lifted, though the ride wasn’t as smooth as those back on Earth.
It took less than a minute for them to reach their floor. When the doors
opened, there was a young man wearing a tuxedo in front of them.
“Table for two,” John said, giving the man an adamantium coin.
The young man bowed slightly. “Certainly, sir. Please follow me.” He
then stood up straight, turned around, and walked through a large, double
“Is this a restaurant?” Sarah asked.
“Yup. The highest restaurant in the universe. It’s really expensive and
they serve high-ranked, immortal creature meat.”
Sarah’s eyebrows arched up in surprise, but after a few seconds, they
scrunched up. “But why are we here?”
“To eat obviously. Come on, that man’s gonna think we got lost.”
John walked into the restaurant, not letting Sarah ask anymore
She followed him, but she was perplexed as to why they came all the
way over here to eat.
The young man guided them to a round, two-person table next to the
window. John pulled out the chair for Sarah before sitting himself down on
the opposite side.
After giving them a menu each, the young man walked away to give
them time to decide what to order. When he returned, they both ordered the
Rank 9 creature meat.
“Are you going to tell me why we’re here now?” Sarah asked after the
waiter took their order.
John smiled as he looked at Sarah. “In my past life, when I came back
from my closed-door cultivation and the war on the Death Sect was over, I
found out you had worked nonstop the entire time you were inside the
medical facility.
“A long time ago, you told me that a doctor’s first responsibility was to
themselves. If they can’t even look after themselves, then how can doctors
look after others? Yet, all that went down the drain in this universe.”
“That’s because of the skills you’ve shared with me! I don’t need food,
water, sleep, and I don’t get tired. I’m always in my best state so I’m able to
look after others all the time.”
John shook his head. “It’s not the skills, it’s how you are. It’s fine when
there’s nobody that needs saving, but when there’s a group, you go nuts.
That’s just who you are though, and I wouldn’t want you to change.
“But there’s something you don’t know. The system affects your mind
when you’re Rank 9 in different ways, depending on what you experienced
on Earth. For the most part, you’ll stay the same and the only thing that’ll
change with you is how you handle people who harm others, especially if
there’s corruption mixed in.”
He went on to explain what Sarah might do when she found corrupted
people according to O’Malley’s memories and theories.
While they were talking, their dishes were served. John and Sarah went
silent as soon as anybody came close to them so nobody would overhear
In front of them was a large, sizzling piece of medium-rare meat sitting
atop a hot plate. There were a few vegetables and other edible things on the
plate, and the food was presented beautifully.
They continued to talk while they ate and when they finished, Sarah
asked, “Why are we here, then?”
John took a wooden box out of his Storage Space and placed it in front
of Sarah. “Happy birthday.”
Sarah’s mouth fell agape as she stared at the little wooden box.
“Since when do we celebrate birthdays?” Sarah asked, her expression
“Well, if you look in the system, we’ve turned forty today. Since we’re
immortals and can have millions of birthdays, we don’t have to celebrate
every one. We could celebrate it once every decade, century, or millennium.
It’s up to us.”
“Did we celebrate birthdays in your previous life?”
John nodded. “We did, but only after our fiftieth birthday.”
“So why start ten years earlier in this life?”
“Because I felt like it.” John laughed.
I need to meet O’Malley again soon and tell him to do me another
favour. Not long after that, I need to enter the battlefield and make humans
win the war again. I won’t have any time to celebrate birthdays during that
With the memories I have from the transcendents, I now know that after
the war, they’re planning on setting up a trade between the two species in a
plane like the wars being fought on.
To make up for the war they started over a bet, the transcendents will
give the winning species of the war the money from the trading taxes they
will place on all the trades that will happen.
The first few years or decades might not matter due to the animosity
each species feels towards each other, but after they get over that, millions
of humans and beastmen will start trading and it’ll be a huge amount every
The winning species will certainly get stronger while the loser will fall
behind further and further every year. If I don’t make humans win the war,
the beastmen will one day get strong enough to invade, enslave, or kill our
entire species.
While he was thinking of what he needed to do, Sarah was staring at
him. John looked back at her after he finished thinking and then looked at
the box.
She saw him look down and then remembered the gift John had placed
in front of her. She carefully placed both hands on the box and opened it.
As soon as a little bit of light hit the diamond, the entire area around her
lit up in a rainbow of colours as the light reflected off the perfectly clear
Sarah’s hands were shaking as soon as she saw the diamond. “Holy
Chapter 41: Fear

John couldn’t help but burst out laughing at Sarah’s reaction.

In his Scan, he could see the other people inside the restaurant were
looking over, curious about the object inside the box. Some were just
annoyed at Sarah’s outburst, but John didn’t care what they thought.
She picked up the diamond necklace and kept staring at it as she turned
it over and over in her palm. As she did so, the gem lit up the majority of
the room. Other women looked on in curiosity, trying to catch a glimpse of
the object that was casting such a beautiful light. If not for their respectful
counterparts, they’d have surrounded Sarah to get a better look.
John stood up and walked behind Sarah to help her put the necklace on.
Lifting up the gold chain a bit, he made sure the diamond rested just below
Sarah’s neck before he used the metal element to remove any excess bits of
the chain.
Sarah took out a mirror from her Storage Space and kept staring at the
diamond below her neck in the reflection.
John smiled at her actions. “You love your present, then?”
Sarah could only nod at John as she was still speechless. It took her
almost twenty minutes to find her voice again. “I love it, but where did you
get it?”
“I found the raw diamond underground and did the cutting and metal
work myself.”
“I didn’t know you could do something like that,” Sarah replied. She
looked around to make sure nobody could hear them before whispering, “I
need to know how you’re going to guarantee nobody dies in the hospital.”
“Well, I want to try and see if I can use the time element to return you
back to the medical facility a second after you left. If that doesn’t work, I
have another way to do it.”
“Wouldn’t that be changing the past and you’d get punished for it?”
“No. I’m not going to get into the specifics because it’s complicated, but
it’s not changing the past and nothing will happen.”
“Good, we can spend a few more days here, then.”
John smiled as he knew what she meant. He paid two Grade 8 Life
Stones for the meal before he went to the hotel lobby and rented the
penthouse suite.
They spent the next few days behind closed doors.
Inside the room, both of them were dressed and had got ready to go
back. Sarah asked what she needed to do and John said he just needed to
hold her hand while he used the time element.
“Before we go, tell me how you saved that patient.”
John smiled and explained the process that he used. After she got her
answers, Sarah was happy and with nothing left to do, she held her hand
out. “Alright, then. Let’s go back.”
When John moved his hands towards Sarah’s, his arm could hardly
move as his shoulders were stiff. He noticed the veins in his arm were
pulsating, and when his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, his chin and
lips trembled.
This happened in my previous life just before I transcended. This is what
happens when I fear something, but what am I afraid of?
It took a while, but he thought he had figured it out... Turning back
The last time he used the time element to go back in the past, Sarah and
Kelly were killed. He remembered how devastated he had felt after finding
out they were wiped from existence, and somewhere in the back of his
mind, he connected their deaths to using the time element.
That’s wrong! It wasn’t me using the time element that got them killed. It
was O’Malley forcing me to kill them without telling me about Lisa’s plan
with the transcendents.
If I turned back time without killing the transcendents, nothing would
have happened to Sarah and Kelly.
Wait, is this the reason why I didn’t even consider taking my time
travelling to Planet Zero and then using the time element to return to
Sarah’s side before the war started despite having transcended?
I travelled to Planet Zero at such speeds that I even put my own life on
the line just to avoid using the time element without even realising it?
I hate how the mind works! Why can’t I just have an epiphany where I
realise I am scared, get over it, then take the easy route to transcending!
Instead, my own mind manipulated me into doing something I didn’t need to
do to avoid something it didn’t want to do!
Well, brain, in this life, no matter what happens, Sarah and Kelly will be
He kept reassuring himself that it wasn’t the time element that caused
their deaths and his plans to keep them safe were guaranteed to work.
He eventually felt his shoulders relax. His chin and lips stopped
trembling and he could feel his raging heartbeat had calmed down.
His hand finally held Sarah’s. “You ready?”
Sarah nodded, so John used the time element to turn back time.
However, as soon as he used the time element, he felt Sarah’s hand
He stopped using the element, only to find Sarah had disappeared. His
heartbeat and fear of her being killed came back and he instantly used the
time element to return back to the present.
Sarah was standing there with her hand held out still. John calmed down
as soon as he saw her standing there.
Knitting her brows, Sarah asked, “Are you going to do it or not?”
“I just did, but you didn’t come with me. Don’t worry though, I’ve got
an idea why.”
Sarah isn’t a transcendent and the universe hasn’t recognised her as
part of itself, so it’ll take more than holding her hand for the time element
to work on her.
Using the time element in an attack to make the enemy wither away like
Keket did is much simpler than making a passenger safely go through time
with you.
Unless I’m overthinking all of this and it’s simply my immunity to the
time element which I’ve shared with her that’s stopping this from working.
John created a sealed space around Sarah before using the time element
on himself and the sealed space. He was hoping this would work or else his
guarantee of nobody dying might not come true.
Looking at the sealed space after he used the time element, he noticed
Sarah was still standing inside it, giving him relief.
He used the universal map to teleport them back to the medical facility,
and they watched their past selves walk out before using a wormhole to
John removed some of the sealed space to let Sarah out.
“I need to return to the hotel at the present time. Before we left this
hospital, I gave all your patients a bit of vitality and it should be a bit easier
for you to cure them. The war is over now and you’ll finish treating all the
patients soon.
“When I’ve finished a bit of business and you’ve saved all the patients
you can, we’ll go see Riley and hopefully you can get another Saint Point.”
John had already explained how the time element worked and the rules
behind it. Sarah knew he had to return and after the initial shock from the
news of the war being over, she simply said goodbye and tried to walk out
of the sealed space.
However, an invisible force stopped Sarah from leaving. Neither of
them knew what it was, but it wouldn’t let Sarah budge a millimetre outside
the sealed space. John tried using the elements separately and even Chaos
Power, trying to remove the invisible force, but it wouldn’t budge.
Having no other choice, John sealed the space around Sarah once more
before he used the universal map to teleport back to the Adventurers’
Guild’s public planet.
He arrived at the hotel room with the sealed space and made sure
everything was in its original position before using the time element to
return to the present time.
After he made sure everything was in order, he removed the sealed
space and waited to see if anything happened. Sarah stood there, but
nothing happened. She then tried to move out of the area John had sealed,
only to find out that nothing was blocking her.
When John realised the space wasn’t tearing apart, creating a void, he
knew everything had returned back to normal. Seeing Sarah could move
freely, his tense body relaxed.
For the next few hours, John and Sarah talked about what had
happened. He had thought he found a loophole by sending somebody back
in time to live there, but the universe had already plugged that hole up.
John had no choice but to turn invisible and go back in time for the days
he and Sarah were inside the hotel. He kept all the patients alive by sharing
his excess vitality through his threads. When it was near the time he
actually left Sarah at the hotel to come back to the past, he went back to the
hotel and returned to the present.
After he came back, they walked to the hotel lobby, checked themselves
out, and John paid the bill. They walked outside, made sure nobody was
around to see them, and they used the universal map to teleport to different
Sarah went back to the medical facility and John went to find O’Malley.
In front of him was the transcendent’s castle that was made from
nanometal. He was currently standing on the teleport rune etched on the
ground and his Scan picked up two people talking in the courtyard.
It was O’Malley and Finlay.
As soon as John saw O’Malley again, his hands subconsciously
tightened into fists as he wanted to go over there and pummel him non stop
for the next hundred years. Only the thought of Sarah and Kelly needing
him had stopped him from acting.
He calmed himself down, unclenched his fists, and walked inside the
big, open doors and into the courtyard.
Before O’Malley or Finlay could welcome him, John pointed at Finlay.
“You keep quiet. You know I can’t stand the way you speak.”
He then pointed at O’Malley. “You need to do one last thing and the
Sider will be able to fulfil your wish. In the war against the beastmen,
there’s a person named Leon Mitchell and he’s the field-marshal in charge
of the army personnel.”
John took out some parchment, pen, and an envelope. He wrote
something on the parchment before sealing it away and handing it to
“The Sider will be joining that war with the goal of making humans
win. Before he or she joins, you need to get this to Leon and, at the same
time, fire him from the army.”
Chapter 42: Riley

“How does firing this person help the Sider’s Demon awaken?” O’Malley
“You don’t need to know,” John replied. “It’s up to you if you want to
get your wish fulfilled or not, but this is the most important and final thing
you need to do besides wait for the Sider to come.”
O’Malley turned around and looked at Finlay. Finlay nodded his head,
making O’Malley turn back. “I promised Coby and Osmin I wouldn’t
interfere in the war and I aim to keep my promise.”
John was about to rebuke O’Malley for his answer, but he didn’t have a
“However...” O’Malley grinned. “Not doing what you asked would cost
me too much and firing somebody isn’t really interfering in the war, but
that’s the only thing I’m able to do.”
As soon as O’Malley had finished speaking, he snatched the parchment
off of John like he feared John would change his mind any second.
“Don’t read it, or else I’ll make sure the Sider singles you out and lets
you live.” John turned around and started walking out of the courtyard after
“Do you have a grudge against me for something?”
“Yes,” John replied without turning around.
John created a wormhole and left, leaving behind a confused O’Malley
and Finlay.
O’Malley looked at Finlay. “What did I ever do to him?”
Finlay shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.
John came out of the wormhole near Sarah’s location, but instead of
bothering her at work, he turned invisible and laid down on the grass not far
from the medical facility.
On the battlefield, Leon Mitchell was sitting at a large, square desk that
was in the middle of the briefing room. He was currently going through
some paperwork.
Knock, knock.
Leon looked up and saw his general come into the room holding a few
pieces of rolled up parchment and a sealed envelope.
“Sir.” The general saluted. “These have just come for you.”
“Place them on the desk then you're dismissed.”
“Yes, Sir.”
After the general left, Leon picked up the envelope and opened it. Inside
was a folded piece of parchment. He took it out and read its contents.
Dear Leon,
I know about the deal you made to save your son, and I applaud your
actions. I also know about the loophole in the deal you made, and I’ve
made your wish come true.
You might not understand this, but I owed you from a previous life, and
now I’ve repaid my debt.
Leon’s heartbeat started racing as soon as he read that somebody else
knew about the deal, but he calmed down after reading the entire letter.
Before he started thinking about what the writer meant by his wish
coming true, Leon grabbed the rolled up parchment and read the content.
Effective immediately, Field-marshal Leon Mitchell is dismissed from
his position and will need to report to headquarters by 08:00 the following
day for his new post.
As soon as he read the parchment, Leon burst out laughing. He laughed
so hard that tears formed in his eyes.
“Finally! Somebody took notice and fired me! I didn’t expect to not get
charged with treason. I can go spend time with my son! If I find out who
made my wish come true, I’m going to treat him to a lavish meal at the very
“I wonder what I did in his previous life that indebted him to me.”
He took both parchments with him and, after coming out of his office,
told the general who delivered them that he was in charge until further
Leon then raced to the teleport rune to exit the battlefield, shocking
every soldier that saw him leave.
For over two months, John watched more patients come to have the
Death Sect’s miasma removed from their bodies.
During that time, Sarah kept wearing the diamond necklace he had
given her. She even showed it to other women who worked with her,
making John believe she really loved it.
On this day, Sarah had finished treating her final patient. No new cases
had arrived at the clinic over the last two days, letting everybody know it
was all over.
The co-workers Sarah had got close to invited her to a celebration party.
The head doctor said they shouldn’t forget the people they couldn’t save,
but they should learn from them. The celebration was to celebrate their
victory and honour the fallen.
Sarah refused to go to the celebration party, but she gave a lot of the
people her information and where to find her. She told them she would
welcome any professional information exchange in the future.
Sorrowfully, the others gave up and said their goodbyes as they watched
her leave.
John turned visible and stood in front of Sarah. “You sure you don’t
want to celebrate even a little bit with them?”
“It’s fine. We’ve got more important things to do.”
“We’ve got plenty of time. When you met Riley in my previous life,
you were a few years older than you are now. That tells us we’ve got at
least a few years, maybe a few decades before Riley succumbs to the
Sarah shook her head. “The poison that Riley’s infected with makes
everyday a living hell. That’s why Riley always drinks—to dull the pain.
“It’s also why Robert had given up hope. If not for his family, Robert
would’ve ended it himself. Now that nobody needs saving and we’ve got
time, I want to get rid of Riley’s pain.”
John shrugged. He knew he couldn’t change her mind when it involved
saving somebody.
After he opened the universal map, he found the planet where Riley’s
firecross mercenaries were stationed and then used the space element to
create a wormhole there. John and Sarah walked hand-in-hand through the
They arrived in outer space and had to fly the rest of the way.
When they arrived outside the town, John and Sarah compared what
they saw through their Scans to the memories they had.
There were people in full suits of armour patrolling around the town,
and to the east was a farm with animals and crops.
The town had no walls and the buildings were made out of bricks and
mortar. There was an open market in the middle of the town, and they could
hear people yelling out strange names for the goods they had for sale.
At the other end of the town was a big building marked with the same
symbol they had in their memories. It was a flaming cross on top of a
When they arrived outside the building, John looked at the half-opened,
wooden doors and chuckled before asking, “Are you going to do what you
did in my previous life?”
“I only did that because I thought they were enemies responsible for
Lexis’ death. We’re here to help Riley, and I’ve got you as a shield if
John smiled before walking through the doors.
The members of the mercenary group were sitting at different long
tables, drinking. Riley sat on a large seat at the back and he had two large
war hammers leaning on his seat.
Both John and Sarah couldn’t believe Riley looked as good as he did
considering the type of poison he was infected with.
John then used the Immortal Eye skill on Riley.
Riley Hamilton
Rank: 8
Level: 3
Sin: 2
Status: Poisoned
“Do you need something?” a man sitting near the door asked.
“We’re friends with Riley. Just need to speak with him for a little
while,” John replied. “Go back to your drink.”
John and Sarah then walked towards Riley.
When they got close, they heard Riley speak. “I don’t remember having
friends that look like you.”
John laughed. “If that’s true, then we’ll leave.” He then looked at Sarah.
“I suppose when Robert sincerely requested our services for his friend, he
didn’t take into account that Riley wouldn’t want it.”
Riley shot up out of his seat. “Robert’s request?”
John nodded his head. “Yeah. A middle-aged man with short, blond
hair, thick and black eyebrows… He said his name is Robert, ring a bell?”
Sarah walked from behind John. “Stop fooling around.” She looked at
Riley. “I cured Robert’s poison and he told me everything that happened.
Before we left, he told me about you and asked me to help. That’s why
we’re here.”
“For real? You’re not playing some kind of cruel joke?” Riley’s shaky
voice was obvious to all present.
Sarah took out a vial of coloured water. “Sit on the floor, take this, and
I’ll help you purge the poison from your body.”
Riley took the vial and kept staring at it. He only sat down and drank it
after Sarah brought him back to reality.
Sarah placed her hands on Riley’s back and used the system to remove
the poison. When it was all over, she walked over to John and whispered, “I
got another Saint Point.”
“Great,” John whispered back before talking to Riley. “Alright, since
we’ve done what we came to do, we’re going to go.”
“Wait!” Riley stood up. “At least let me thank you with a meal or
something. Did Robert pay you for this request? Maybe I can give you a
“No need,” Sarah replied.
“We’ve already been paid.” John shook his hand to decline Riley’s offer.
“If you want to pay us some kind of bonus, then make sure your mercenary
group only takes on jobs that help people one way or another. If you don’t,
then who knows what’ll happen in the future.”
When Sarah’s system affects her when she’s a Rank 9, Riley’s entire
mercenary company might get wiped out if she finds out Riley became
corrupt after she helped him. I don’t care about Riley or his mercenaries,
but Sarah will live with regret for curing Riley and killing everybody after
After he finished speaking, both of them left the building.
“What about that general who helped Scott kill Lexis?”
Shaking her head, Sarah replied, “We don’t know if the general was
bribed or forced. If I find out he’s done anything wrong, I’ll punish him
myself. Until then, leave him alone.”
John shrugged, opened up the universal map, held Sarah’s hand, and
Chapter 43: I’m Going

When John and Sarah arrived home, they sat on the couch in the living
room after they made sure the worker puppets were doing their jobs.
Sarah rested her head on John’s shoulders and they both just sat in
silence for a little while.
“What plans do you have left?”
“We’re a little over a decade ahead of the events that happened in my
previous life,” John explained. “We can relax and take a little break for a
while, but I need to go to the battlefield and make humans win the war.”
He then explained that the transcendents would create a trading plane
between the humans and beastmen after the war. The winner of the war
would get the taxes generated from the trades.
Sarah’s eyebrows arched up in surprise. “That would make the winning
species have a major advantage if ever another universal war starts.”
“You see why I need to go, then. The tricky part is transcendents can’t
use their power inside the plane. In my previous life, me and another Sider
fought inside the battlefield and we combined the elements inside our
weapons, making the entire plane shake, causing it to almost break down.
“I used a giant sword while the beastman used its nails, and thankfully,
the weapons caused the elements to not combine together completely. To
create Chaos Power, you can’t use anything when combining the elements
together. If you do, it’ll create a pseudo-Chaos Power at best. We’re lucky
that happened. If our attacks had used genuine Chaos Power, the plane
would have been destroyed and nobody would have survived, including
“How are you going to help them win the war if you can’t use your
strength, then?” Sarah asked.
“That’s what I’ve got to figure out.”
The room went silent again. John closed his eyes and kept trying to
think of ways to use his strength without causing the battlefield’s plane to
be destroyed.
“I want to go with you to the battlefield.”
John’s eyes were suddenly wide open and he moved his head to look at
Sarah. “Why?”
“You haven’t given me any memories of the battlefield and I don’t
know why,” Sarah replied. “But I figured that’s the best place to put my
medical expertise to good use and save the most lives. When you figure out
how to use your powers without destroying the whole place, I doubt the war
will last that long anyway.”
John thought about it for a while. “If you want to go, I won’t stop you,
but you need to reach Rank 8 at the very least since Life Power isn’t present
on the battlefield. That way, you can store as much Toxin Power in your
neurons as you can before we leave.
“At Rank 7, you’ll have at least two trillion Toxin Power and can stay in
the battlefield for a long time. With the proper cultivation method and a
nourished body, the natural defence phenomenon won’t make you lose the
Toxin Power completely as it will simply move to your body and be stored
“But if you don’t get Rank 8, the Toxin Power in the neurons will
continue to leak into your body. You will eventually regress back to Rank 6
and will keep regressing unless you reach Rank 8.
“We never tested what happens to the Life Power leaking from your
neurons when you’re still a Rank 7 and have the maximum amount of Life
Power stored inside your nourished body. I don’t want you to be the guinea
pig, so Rank 8 is the minimum strength you need to come with me.
“Since we’re a decade ahead of schedule, we can wait seven or eight
years before leaving. That should be enough time for you to get Rank 8.”
We can’t wait for the full decade before leaving or else Sarah will be
pregnant with Kelly while she’s on the battlefield. That’s the last thing I’d
ever want to happen.
A year or two is more than enough time to make humans win the war.
“But,” John continued, “I’ve got to ask if you really want to go,
knowing all that. If you want to get to Rank 8 within the time limit, you
can’t go out and see your friends. You’ll need to concentrate on cultivating
all this time.”
Sarah stood up and looked at John. “I want to go. I’ll get Rank 8 as soon
as possible.”
John smiled. “I hope your determination is real. If you don’t make it, I’ll
leave you here and go alone.”
He knew Sarah was going to say something smart as a comeback, but he
didn’t give her a chance. “Are you going to start now or do you want to tell
Lexis and Camellia that you’re going into a closed-door cultivation
“I’ll start now. I’ll need to gather trillions of Toxin Power and the
cultivation rooms under this house aren't good enough. I need to sneak into
the pressure tunnel. Can you tell Lexis and Camellia I’ll be busy for a
“Sure. I’ll help you get into the tunnel, and then I'll tell them.”
Sarah and John walked out of the house and towards the entrance of the
pressure tunnel. When they got close, John turned himself and Sarah
invisible. He then used the earth element to make them sink into the ground,
past the boulder, and into the tunnel.
John kissed Sarah for a long time before parting as he knew she’d be
busy for the next half a decade at least. He watched Sarah enter the tunnel
and run down the stairs before he returned to the surface to find Lexis and
After delivering the message to them, John returned home and
wondered what he should do. He decided not to go travelling or get mixed
up in anything while Sarah was cultivating.
John decided to use the earth element to create a pool table. He made
the pool balls from different metals with the metal element. Seven silver,
seven red, one black, and one smaller white ball.
As time went on, he created different things like a chess set for him to
entertain himself.
A few hours after leaving John, Sarah was already at the bottom of the
tunnel and inside one of the cultivation rooms.
When she wasn’t in a large city, she had five of the seven mind parts
creating more storage inside her neurons. The last two were used for her
Scan and thinking.
Now that she was in a closed-door cultivation session, she made all
seven parts work on creating more storage.
Twenty-one days and seven hours later, Sarah created enough storage in
her neurons to advance to Rank 5, Level 7.
Sarah needed to create one trillion storage spaces in her neurons for
every level in Rank 5 and while using all seven mind parts, each level
advancement took her two months, twenty-six days, and sixteen hours.
Eight months and twenty-six days later, Sarah created all the space she
needed to enter Rank 6.
Sarah looked at her system.
The Toxic System:
Name: Sarah
Title: Saint
Age: 40
Toxins (Brain): 1T
Toxins (Body): 420B
SP: 2
Rank: 6
Level: 1
Branches Strengthened: 0%
Molecule Storage: 60,284
She decided not to strengthen the branches straight away.
Instead, she made four of her mind parts use the absorbing technique
and three mind parts merged them together. She was getting 1.6 billion
Toxin Power every minute this way. If she hadn’t come to the pressure
tunnel then she would have used countless Life Stones.
She wanted to gather the full 68.5 trillion Toxin Power all at once since
she was here. Twenty-nine days, eighteen hours, and twenty-three minutes
later, she had done just that.
She looked at her system again.
Toxins (Brain): 10T
Toxins (Body): 60T
Sarah took a deep breath after she finished gathering the Toxin Power.
Her determination was just as strong as when she first started, so she didn’t
take a break. She used all seven mind parts to focus on strengthening the
branches in her feet.
She still followed the normal cultivation routine. Feet to ankles, ankles
to knees, knees to hips, hips to stomach, stomach to shoulders, shoulders to
elbows, elbows to wrists, hands, and finally the neck and head.
However, the most surprising thing happened. With all her mind parts
focused on the task, it took less than a day for Sarah to strengthen all the
branches in her feet to her ankles and enter Rank 6, Level 2.
She didn’t let the advancement make her lose focus. Instead, she
pumped her focus into her shins next.
Again, in less than a day, she had advanced to another level.
Since she had already gained all the Toxin Power her brain could store,
the Toxin Power requirement to advance a level no longer existed and she
went through Rank 6 and entered Rank 7 in under ten days.
Sarah didn’t celebrate the small goal and kept rushing towards her main
goal. She used all the mind parts to focus on strengthening the cells in her
It took a little over six months for her to advance to the next level, and
then she followed the same routine in the cultivation.
In total, it took a little under four years and seven months for Sarah to
strengthen all the cells throughout her body and go through Rank 7 to reach
Rank 8.
Inside her system was a new counter.
Soul Pool: 0
John had already taught her how to create Soul Power, so she created a
single unit. As soon as that first unit of Soul Power was formed, she could
tell her soul was in the centre of her brain and its size was about three
inches in diameter.
She could sense it was both there and not there, which was exactly how
John had described it. She also knew she needed to create Soul Power to
advance in levels, but she knew she didn’t need it right away.
Four mind parts were thus operating and filtering the Scan, one was
creating Soul Power at a rate of two thousand a minute, one was using the
Soul Power in a cultivation method to grow the soul, and the last was left
free for her to think.
Sarah stood up, stretched her body, and walked out of the cultivation
She stared at the heart that she had etched into the wall the last time she
was here. When she had finished looking, she opened the universal map and
used it to teleport back to the surface.
It took half an hour to fly back to their home. She had been in her
closed-door cultivation session for a little over five and a half years.
Chapter 44: They’re Coming

John was sitting inside the living room, playing chess against himself. All
the worker puppets besides the butler puppet were inside the puppet room
upstairs. The butler puppet was standing to John’s left and would turn the
chessboard around while making sure none of the pieces shifted or fell over
after John moved a piece.
While he was thinking of the next move, John saw the front door open
by itself in his Scan. His eyebrows arched up as he thought of a possibility
and he ran to the front door.
Standing in front of him was Sarah. He laughed, opened his arms, and
walked towards her. Sarah jumped into his embrace while wrapping her
arms around John’s neck.
John spun, holding Sarah. When his movement ended, they kissed each
“I’m back.”
“Welcome home,” John said warmly.
They walked into the living room and sat down on the couch while
holding hands.
“How did it go, then?”
“I thought you would have used the Immortal Eye skill on me,” Sarah
replied. “I reached my goal of Rank 8.”
John smiled. “Congratulations. You still want to go to the battlefield?”
“Of course! I didn’t train all this time just to change my mind at the last
John nodded his head. “We’re still around five years ahead of the
events. You can spend a little time with Lexis and Camellia if you want, and
then we’ll leave for the battlefield in about a year.”
“I’ll go spend a little time with them, but we don’t need to wait a year to
leave. I prefer we go do what needs to be done earlier and not have to worry
about anything after it’s done.”
“Alright, then let’s leave in a few days?”
Sarah jumped off the couch and looked at John. “Great! I’ll go see Lexis
and Camellia for a bit and when I get back, we’ll go over everything.”
John didn’t even get a chance to answer as Sarah ran out of the room
and through the front door. As she closed the door behind her, there was a
loud bang.
The front door went through the door frame and took quite a few pieces
of the house around the door frame with it before it dropped onto the floor.
Sarah stood a few feet away from the door in shock. She kept staring at
the door and the pieces of the house on the floor.
John walked over to look at the damage. He saw what the front door did
in his Scan, but he couldn’t see how Sarah shut the door for this to happen.
“What did you do?” John asked as he touched what was left of the
“I shut the door as I ran out, nothing else.”
“Seriously?” John was surprised but then thought of something. “Can
you tell me how long it took you to get through Rank 7 and into Rank 8?”
“A little under four years and seven months, why?”
“In between each level, did you do anything else?” John asked, to which
Sarah shook her head.
He picked up a small piece of what used to be part of the house and
gave it to her. “Throw that in the air, but only so it goes a few feet in the
Sarah looked at him with her eyebrows scrunched in confusion and did
what he asked. She lifted her hand a little so the small piece wouldn’t go
that far, but she was completely surprised when it was shot a few hundred
feet in the air and kept going.
John laughed. “I knew it.”
“Can you stop being smug and actually tell me what you’ve figured
“When you pulled the door behind you, you thought you used the
appropriate amount of strength to do it, but you’ve ranked up too fast for
your body to get used to the new strength.
“In my previous life, you didn’t have this problem because you didn’t
rank up this fast. It took us much longer to get the two trillion Toxin Power
needed to get Rank 7 and then you took even longer to reach Rank 8. The
biggest difference is that in my previous life, you did other things to get
used to the new strength as you went along.
“I had this problem too. That’s why I could figure out what was wrong.
There’s a way to get you used to your new strength and even improve the
control of your strength, but it’ll take time and I’m afraid you can’t go see
Lexis or Camellia now, or you might accidentally hurt them.”
When John finished explaining, the small rock that Sarah threw in the
air came down and landed on the floor in between them.
Sarah sighed. “What do I need to do to fix it?”
John created an Information Sphere which only showed what he did to
gain control of his strength in both his past life and after he transcended in
this life.
Sarah placed the Information Sphere on her forehead and extracted all
the information. It broke a few seconds later, signifying that the transfer
was complete.
Both John and Sarah ignored the broken door and went into the garden
behind the house. John used the wood element on a tree and created an axe
for Sarah to chop wood. He chopped the tree down so only a stump was left
while the rest was split into pieces for Sarah.
He then used the earth, metal, and wood elements all around him to
prevent an earthquake from Sarah’s first swing.
Luckily, it wasn’t needed as Sarah’s swing only caused the piece of
wood to explode and the stump underneath to sink into the ground and split
in half.
John fixed the ground and the stump before instructing Sarah to do it
It took her over a week to get used to controlling her strength, and John
practised with her so she could punch and kick without destroying trees or
other objects.
John kept creating a tree for Sarah to punch and kick in the end though
as that was the only way to gauge if she could use the same amount of
strength a mortal would have.
It took a total of six months for Sarah to gain complete control of her
strength with normal actions. John told her to remember this practice and
the feeling of total control as she would need to do it all over again after she
transcended and gained a new, stronger body.
The day Sarah could control her strength, John told her that they should
set off to the battlefield within a week, so she went out to meet Lexis and
Later that night, Sarah came home and sat opposite John. She looked
him in the eyes and spoke. “Lexis and Camellia want to come with us to the
“You do know what that actually means, right?”
Sarah shook her head.
“First, we wouldn’t be able to travel through the wormhole, universal
map, or even the Rogue Sect’s teleport system. We’ll have to go through the
Adventurers’ Guild’s public teleport system and they’ll need to eat and
sleep, which would add months onto the travel time.
“Then, the proper cultivation method is on the battlefield, and when
they learn about it, they’ll spend the first year and a half fixing their
cultivation. By the time we’ve fixed their problems, I’m hoping the war will
be over.”
“Does that mean they can come with us?” Sarah looked at John with
wide eyes, a big smile, and her hands together like she was begging.
John sighed. “Fine, they can come with us. Why do they want to go
“Lexis wants to become stronger and Camellia wants to experience
things to help her family when she takes over as family head.”
“I don’t think Lexis will survive a fight with a beastman,” John replied.
“What would help Camellia the most? Looking at how the army works or
the mercenaries maybe? Well, I suppose I can help them while you save
lives. Tell them to stock up on food and water since the battlefield doesn’t
produce anything. There’s no way they’d get Rank 8 in time, so tell them to
take as many Life Stones as they can too.”
“Thank you. I’ll tell them the good news.” Sarah kissed John then ran
John chuckled as he hadn’t seen Sarah this excited for a while.
Almost a week later, John, Sarah, Lexis, and Camellia were standing
outside the administrative building in the sect.
Kian Willis and Rolf Marcellas, Lexis’ master and Camellia’s father,
were there trying to convince them not to go. They had heard a few rumours
about the battlefield and didn’t want the women to experience it.
After they exhausted all their excuses of why they shouldn’t leave, both
men looked at John, defeated.
John felt their hostility and he looked back at them, releasing a little
Chaos Power as a warning to not try anything.
It seemed to work as both men eased up before hurriedly saying
goodbye to Lexis and Camellia, who were both stunned and confused at
what just happened.
Lexis and Camellia haven’t got enough experience to feel the threat and
power of Chaos Power. Kian and Rolf are different. Even though they’re not
the strongest, they’ve fought more battles and are more sensitive to
dangerous situations.
The party of four then began their journey towards the battlefield,
taking five months to arrive.
Chapter 45: Black Flame

During their journey, Sarah had reached Rank 8, Level 2.

John remembered that cultivators in Rank 8 generated Soul Power and
used that to grow the soul, increasing the limit of how much Soul Power
they could store. Sarah wasn’t an exception to this, but his system was, and
in his previous life, he had been caught by surprise when he finished
growing the soul but didn’t have enough Soul Power to gain any levels in
strengthening the soul.
While travelling, John made an effort to get along with Lexis and
Camellia since they were Sarah’s friends. He introduced them to the proper
cultivation method, emphasising that they wouldn’t survive on the
battlefield without nourishing their bodies. When they heard about it, Lexis
and Camellia panicked since they thought their survival rate would be next
to zero. However, with the proper technique, most of their branches had
died out by the time they reached their destination.
John described everything he knew about the beastmen and the plane,
but he didn’t mention anything about the etiquette rule since that should
have been abolished before they had arrived.
When Lexis asked how John knew so much, he replied that he had
fought there before. That must have impressed them as he felt like they
looked at him differently afterwards.
The party of four exited the teleport building and walked through the
city towards the teleport leading to the battlefield.
In John’s Scan, the city that he remembered to be packed in his previous
life was now deserted. The only people left in the city were the guards
stationed around the battlefield’s teleport rune.
When they walked inside, John went to the guard who asked him for his
paperwork in his previous life and asked, “Why is the town deserted? The
last time I was here, this place was packed.”
The guard looked at John and then the women behind him. “You from
the Sword Sect?”
All four people nodded their heads. John and Sarah were still dressed in
the white Daoist robes since Lexis and Camellia were with them.
“Your sect normally donates supplies. Though, this is the first time I’ve
seen people from there,” the guard mumbled. “Anyway, not too long ago,
the field-marshal position changed hands and the person who took over had
ordered the teleport rune to be opened to everyone. “You no longer need to
prove your strength and knowledge to enter, but I advise you to stay out
unless you have absolute confidence. Since teleports have been unrestricted,
we’ve seen at least a hundredfold in death notifications.”
John thanked the guard by giving him a Grade 3 Life Stone and walked
onto the teleport rune with the others.
When he entered the battlefield, his Scan showed him that everything
was normal. There were still guards eating, sleeping, or cultivating in the
buildings around the teleport rune, but John knew they were there before
the influx of people entered.
After coming out of the building, John led the party towards sections K
to O at the east side of the city. He was still part of the Sword Sect in this
life, so he went there instead of the Mercenary section.
However, when they got there, his Scan showed that a lot of the
buildings were full. He didn’t know what had happened for this section to
be this full, so he grabbed somebody and asked.
He was soon shocked to find out that this was part of the Mercenary
section, and that there never was any sect section at all.
I get it! I never gave Frank the suggestion for the disciples to get
experience in battle in this life, so the Sword Sect never negotiated with the
army for the disciples to come here, which means other sect disciples never
came with them. There was no need for a sect section on the battlefield
without that negotiation.
Instead, Leon stepped down and the new field-marshal opened up the
way for all the mercenaries and army personnel that were stuck in the city
outside the battlefield to rush inside.
Does that mean the sect section in my previous life was created only a
decade before I joined?
John turned to the three women behind him. “The new field-marshal has
changed a few things since the last time I was here, but we should be able to
find a place.”
It took them a while, but they soon found three rooms that were next to
each other. John and Sarah took one room while Lexis and Camellia took
the others.
Before Sarah went to the hospital, John asked her if she was going to
perform the fat burning procedure for Camellia like she did in his past life.
Sarah didn’t even think about it, but as soon as John brought it up, she
went over and asked Camellia if she wanted it. Camellia soon said yes, but
this time, Sarah made sure Camellia was knocked out cold while she did the
While there were rules inside the battlefield, the strong pretty much did
whatever they wanted in his past life. This time shouldn’t be any different,
but it could also be much worse since a lot more people joined under a new
With that in mind, John created two masks made out of the spare
nanometal he got from the Rogue Sect.
He handed one over to Lexis and told her to wear it while on the
battlefield. He also gave her instructions on how to find the library so that
she could gain as much knowledge as she could while she fixed her
cultivation method. The masks were simply to stop people from bothering
them and causing trouble, especially while they were defenceless.
After he saw Lexis off, John flew towards the jungle west of the city. He
landed next to one of the large trees and started experimenting.
He knew he couldn’t use any Chaos Power or else the battlefield would
get destroyed. Even creating threads or using the elements in their weakest
strength was out of the question since that was only possible by using
Chaos Power after transcending.
With any luck, he’d be able to use a single unit of Chaos Power to
create as many of the elements inside his body at the same time, diluting
their strength by a large margin.
With that plan in mind, he tried creating as much of the light element as
he could from a single unit of Chaos Power, but at the same time, spread the
element throughout his body so it wouldn’t stack together to become more
To his surprise, any light element he created travelled throughout his
body and pooled together. Even if he created it inside his head or foot, it
would move to the biggest piece of light element near his stomach. He
stopped creating the light element, and what was already made turned back
into Chaos Power.
Thinking about what to do, he had a sudden thought. John created a
small amount of all thirteen elements from a single unit of Chaos Power.
The results surprised him again as every element stayed away from each
other. When he created one element in his foot, it would still move
throughout his body, but would avoid the other elements before merging
with its own kind.
Looking at the large tree not far away from him, John raised his hand
and used the fire element he had created in his body.
The plane didn’t shake, but the fire was too weak to burn the large tree.
John turned the other twelve elements inside him back into Chaos
Power before creating another small amount of elements.
This was a step he had to do to prevent the remaining elements from
gathering too much strength and would be unable to be released in the
plane. He either had to use all thirteen elements or turn what was left back
into Chaos Power before creating another set.
This time, he used a single unit of Chaos Power to create only twelve
elements. Each element he created would be a little stronger this time.
Again, he used the fire element on the large tree.
When he did, his heart skipped a beat as the plane started to shake! It
only stopped after he took back the fire element.
Spreading the Chaos Power over thirteen elements makes them too
weak to use in combat, but spreading it over twelve elements is too much
for the plane?
Are using hand-to-hand combat and walking to the beastman’s city my
only options?
As he was thinking, his Scan picked up two people arguing while flying.
They soon passed over John and kept on flying. But before they went out of
the Scan’s range, one of the people released some killing intent and almost
lashed out at the other person. They flew in different directions soon after
That was enough for John to think of something.
He created another thirteen elements using only a single unit of Chaos
Power, but instead of releasing it straight into the open, John released his
killing intent.
After the blood-red veil covered his entire body, John released the light
element inside it. The yellow and red colours mixed, and soon John was
covered in an orange veil.
While keeping an eye on the plane, John released the dark element into
his killing intent and soon, he was covered in a black veil.
He kept adding in the elements, waiting for the plane to shake to tell
him where the limit was, but even after he mixed all thirteen elements
together, nothing happened.
John was surrounded by black flames which stretched out in a three foot
radius. On all sides, the flame-life power flickered black, reaching fourteen
feet into the air.
The surrounding temperature began fluctuating from freezing cold to
scorching hot due to the different elements. The strength of the black flames
emitting from John began generating wind in all directions. A few small
tornadoes formed around him due to the hot and cold air, but the tornadoes
didn’t reach more than a few feet high and dissipated once they got a few
feet away from him.
In his Scan, John could see that there were black flames spinning
ferociously where his eyes were supposed to be.
Just to make sure, he opened the system and looked at the Chaos Pool.
But even after a few seconds, it didn’t go down.
If it’s the same rate of use as when I used this against Jeremy May, then
I can safely use this for a long time.
John took out his nano sword from the Storage Space since he knew the
nanometal could survive the black flames. He then swung at the giant tree,
causing a half-moon blade of black flames to shoot out.
The attack easily sliced through the giant tree and kept going. Wherever
it passed, it either lit the trees on fire or encased them in ice.
I haven’t used this attack in a while. It brings back some bad memories.
But why would the plane not shake at this kind of power?
John couldn’t think of the answer no matter how much he thought about
Chapter 46: Waiting

John decided not to worry about it since he was there to end a war, and he
had no plans to create a plane himself.
He watched the trees return to normal after only a few seconds. Creating
another thirteen elements from a single Chaos Power unit inside his body,
John fired another half-moon blade at the trees.
John noticed a slight delay between creating the elements and using
them in his attack. He began to practice to get the delay as short as possible,
and after a few hours, he had mastered it. He found the perfect balance and
he could constantly use the black flames without any problems.
John put his sword away and flew back home.
Lexis was still out while Sarah was treating Camellia in her room. Three
days later, Sarah came out of Camellia’s room and went into their room to
rest. John didn’t disturb her since he knew how tired she was.
Half a day later, Sarah woke up.
John didn’t ask how it went since he knew she got the job done. He
simply handed the mask he had made for Camellia and asked Sarah to make
one with the same design out of her nano helmet.
When asked why, John replied it was to prevent trouble as Lexis and
Camellia would be seen in the same group as her in case anything
He then created an Information Sphere and handed it to her. It included
all the information he had gained inside the battlefield, including where the
hospital was in section D. The only thing he didn’t include was where the
bounty guild was located.
Sarah said she wanted to go treat patients and save lives before she
kissed John goodbye and headed for the hospital.
A few hours later, Camellia came out of her room and knocked on the
door. After answering it, John explained where Lexis and Sarah were before
giving her the other mask.
He then used his Immortal Eye on her.
Camellia Marcellas
Rank: 4
Level: 7
Sin: 18
Her body figure had become something any man would dream of
snuggling up to since Sarah’s treatment. With John and Sarah’s warning,
she decided to wear the mask John had made and a slightly bigger and
baggier Sword Sect’s robe.
“Sarah said you wanted to learn a few things about managing resources
and personnel, right?” John asked.
When she nodded her head, John walked out the room, locked the door
behind him, and told her to follow him.
John took her to the largest building in section A since he knew the
field-marshal’s office was here. Any army personnel that tried to stop him
were rendered unconscious.
Knock, knock.
“Come in.”
John opened the door to see a well-built man with black eyes and hair
sitting behind the desk.
John walked to one of the seats and sat down while the field-marshal
was busy with paperwork. Camellia followed behind him and sat down in
the other seat after closing the door behind her.
They waited for him to finish what he was doing and acknowledge
When the man opened his mouth to speak, John interrupted him. “I need
you to put this woman in a management-only role. She needs to learn the
best way to divide resources and personnel depending on the situation and
anything else she might need to learn to successfully run a large family
“Who are you?”
John sighed, looked at Camellia, and asked her to step outside for a
moment. After she shut the door behind her, John whispered, “Have you
figured out why Leon was transferred outside the battlefield yet?”
The man’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“If you don’t do me this favour, I can always get one of your generals to
take over your position and ask the same thing of them.”
Unexpectedly, the man simply laughed. “You want me to believe...”
John interrupted him once more and warned him to keep his voice down in
case someone was listening.
The man continued in a whisper. “You want me to believe you’re the
reason Leon was abdicated from his position? Even if you’re the person
responsible, it would take you a long time to use whatever means you used
to remove Leon, and by that time, I’d have the full support of the army and
mercenaries inside the plane. It would be impossible to remove me.”
John created the thirteen elements inside him and merged them with his
killing intent. After practising, he could make it act like a veil and not
spread out a few feet around him.
But the effects of the flame didn’t diminish while doing this, and the
temperature in the room began fluctuating between scorching hot and
freezing cold. John stood up after the chair caught on fire.
The flame separated where his mouth was as John spoke. “I could just
remove you myself if you prefer the direct option.”
The man put up his arms in surrender. “Fine, fine. It’s not worth the
trouble for someone wanting a management job.”
“There are two other women wearing the same mask as that woman.
One is working as a doctor at your hospital in section D while the other is
out training. While they’re inside the battlefield, I want your army
personnel to ensure their safety. If anything happens to any one of them,
you will regret the day you stepped foot on this plane.”
John stopped his black flames and walked out of the office. When he
saw Camellia outside the door, he told her to follow the man’s instructions
and to work hard.
He made sure the field-marshal put Camellia in a decent position before
he flew west. What surprised him the most was how far the humans had
pushed back.
It wasn’t until he arrived at the desert border that he found a fight that
was still ongoing. Every beastman in battle was surrounded by at least six
humans, and as soon as the beastman showed any kind of weakness, the
humans pounced.
John even saw the humans fight each other after ripping apart the
beastman’s body and getting the core.
Compared to the fights he had on this battlefield in his previous life, this
was hell.
But after he watched for a while, he simply turned around and flew back
to the room he and Sarah were staying at.
When he was alone in his room, he took out his pool table, chess set,
and other things to keep himself occupied. He set up each game and
prepared to play against himself.
Lexis and Camellia needed time to better themselves in the area they
had chosen while Sarah wanted to save as many lives as possible.
John decided to not end the war straight away after Sarah went to work.
With the amount of people on this battlefield and the battle I just
witnessed, Sarah will have her hands full no matter how long she works.
Hopefully, the side effect of Sarah’s system when she reaches Rank 9 will be
curbed by the amount of people she saves on this battlefield.
He kept himself busy for the next three years. During this time, he kept
an eye on Sarah, Lexis, and Camellia.
The field-marshal did what John requested, and anybody who tried to
mess with them was imprisoned or lynched. After the first few people were
punished and the bodies were found, nobody tried anything else.
While she was working most of the time, Sarah still used the mind parts
to cultivate and went from Rank 8, Level 2 to Level 6, and she was close to
Level 7.
Both Lexis and Camellia had finished switching to the proper
cultivation method long ago, and it took them both close to five months to
nourish their bodies afterwards.
Lexis carried on reading all the techniques in the library, and over the
next three years, John would spar with her every now and then on the
rooftop. She also became Rank 4, Level 8.
Camellia also carried on working in the army during the three years and
had learned different ways to manage large amounts of resources and
personnel. After only a few months, all Camellia needed was experience in
making decisions that affected large numbers of people. She had also
reached Rank 5 not too long ago.
But now, Camellia had got everything she wanted out of the battlefield.
Lexis wanted to go and fight the beastmen for experience, but John told her
she was too weak to survive and it was time for them to leave the
Sarah wanted to stay and help save more lives, but John told her she
needed to leave with Camellia and Lexis since he was going to end the war
He didn’t know what would happen afterwards and he didn’t want
Sarah nor her friends on the battlefield in case the plane was destroyed.
John, Sarah, Lexis, and Camellia were standing outside the building
with the teleport rune inside it.
Lexis and Camellia were off to the side, chatting about their
experiences, while John and Sarah were whispering to each other.
Sarah was reluctant to leave the battlefield since there was an unlimited
amount of patients she could save, and to make sure she did leave, John
created an Information Sphere with the events of what happened in his
previous life.
After Sarah went through the information, she stared at John in
John smiled and whispered, “Now you know why I want you to leave
before I end the war. While it wouldn’t be caused by a planet core, the
events in my previous life might still happen.
“If it doesn’t happen, everybody on this battlefield might be forced to
exit and you might get quite a few patients from here on the other side.”
Sarah agreed to leave with Lexis and Camellia, but they would head
back to the Sword Sect while she waited for John and the patients.
He watched them exit the battlefield before he turned and headed west.
It was time to end the war.
Chapter 47: Invading

John could only use his leg muscles to run as fast as possible since he
couldn’t use any of the elements or Chaos Power to fly. But the muscles in
his legs held tremendous power after his body was remade upon
He had to sidestep around the buildings in the city, but he ran over six
hundred miles and entered the forest area in a matter of minutes.
After he entered the desert, he found that humans had pushed the
beastman back even further and they had reached the sea area to start
This is only temporary. When the beastmen get the birdmen and
beetlemen to join the war, the humans will get pushed back again.
John took out his nano long sword and strapped it to his back. He then
covered himself with the black flame before he collected a dozen beastmen
corpses and walked on the sea.
When his foot first touched the water, John heard a sizzling sound as
steam rose up from the water. When his other foot touched the water, a
layer of ice a foot diameter in size was formed.
Any fish that approached would be killed by the half-moon blade made
from his black flames. He would then collect the core and butcher the fish’s
corpse to lure more.
It took over an hour for him to collect almost two hundred cores of
every element. He wished he could use his threads, but they would easily
destroy the plane.
After he finished collecting the cores, John continued to run west.
When he reached nine hundred and fifty miles west of the desert area,
John was surprised to see the outline of a small island.
As he got closer, he could see it was only a few square miles in size and
it was completely made up of sand. Oddly, there were about a hundred
beastmen resting on the island.
Is the island a halfway point—an area to rest? The beastmen on the
island must be the weaker specimen of the species since the stronger ones
wouldn’t need to rest.
John unsheathed his nano long sword and made his black flame cover it
before he swung it horizontally towards the island. A half-moon, black
blade glided above the sea slicing through the unsuspecting beastmen with
no resistance.
His Scan showed him that most of the beastmen were killed by his
attack, but there were still a few survivors that were now panicking.
Once he reached the island, he swung his sword a few times and
whatever was left alive died instantly. He didn’t bother collecting the cores
and was about to continue his journey westward when he saw the silhouette
of a beastman running towards the island.
When the beastman was in range and his Scan showed him who it was,
he was slightly surprised.
The beastman had long, silver hair that came down to its waist. Silver,
cat-like eyes, pointed ears, and a long, thin tail. Although the creature’s
limbs were human-like, it had black fingernails and long, pointed toenails
that were too long to fit into any shoes. It was wearing a full plate of golden
armour set that covered everything except for its hands, feet, and head.
John was about to say something, but the beastman sped up after it saw
the bodies scattered about.
It tried getting into his blindside, but John turned on the spot and used a
single finger to block its fingernails that were thrusting towards him. The
nails were undamaged from the effects of his black flames, but the
beastman jumped backwards after the attack failed. She opened and closed
her fist as though she had been shocked.
She stood not far from John, slightly crouched, and ready to pounce.
The flames in front of John’s mouth split open as he spoke, “Keket.”
The beastman’s tail and ears stood up in shock after John spoke, and
John almost burst out laughing as it reminded him of a scared cat.
“Bastet asked me to find you. We need our questions answered.”
In his previous life, Keket told him which god she worshipped, and
when he went back to Earth, he used the internet to find the information
about the god. He also had a suspicion about something in his previous life
and wanted to find out the truth.
Keket dropped to her knees as soon as John mentioned the goddess
“Did a human woman come to you for anything? She is about this
high.” John put his hand slightly lower than his shoulder. “Has long brown
hair to her hips, thin eyebrows, brown eyes, and is on the slimmer side.”
Keket nodded her head.
I knew it. “What did she ask of you?”
“She wanted me to prolong this war against the humans!” Keket’s
forehead touched the floor as she spoke. “She wanted more beastmen to
transcend and she said she couldn’t come here herself, and so she put me in
charge of figuring out how to do it for her.”
“Is that why you offered the deal with the human male who wanted to
save his son?”
“Yes! He is the leader of the humans and he can weaken the human side,
which would prolong the war and let more beastmen transcend, just like she
“Bastet is disappointed!” John shouted. “She didn’t guide you through
death as a reward for your service just for you to follow a false god! One of
Bastet’s roles is to bless women for childbirth and Bastet believes every
child is a part of her. Why would you think using a child’s life in a deal
wouldn’t anger her?
“Your goddess will soon appear once more, so I suggest you get off the
battlefield and help as many innocents and children as possible. If you do
that, I will tell her to forgive you.”
John was a little nervous as the information on Bastet was still in
dispute within the scientific community on Earth. What he just said could
be completely wrong and Keket could make ending this war a lot harder for
“I will! Please forgive me!” Keket shouted.
He knew what he had just said was at least believed by Keket now,
letting him breathe a little easier.
John swung his arm and pointed to the west. “Then go! Go back to
where you came from and warn everyone you pass along the way! I am
ending this war that the false god started. Anyone who gets in my way will
receive the wrath of the gods!”
Keket fumbled a bit before running west as fast as possible.
He decided to wait a couple of hours after Keket was out of view
because he suspected Keket to be either the leader of the beastmen, or at the
very least, one of the decision makers. If Keket could make some beastmen
leave, then John would have an easier time winning the war. It was worth
waiting a couple of hours to see if his efforts would come to fruition.
A couple of hours later, John started running across the sea once more.
It took only a few minutes for him to reach the desert. He carried on
running west, but he thought it was a good sign that there were no beastmen
in sight.
When he entered the mountain area, the reason why it looked familiar
dawned on him. It was a mirror of the human’s mountain area. The same
mountains with snow caps and even the same length of the area too.
After he entered the jungle, there were giant trees like the ones near the
human city.
John soon found himself outside the beastman’s city, and he could see
tens of thousands of birdmen and beetlemen in his Scan. They were all
lined up in a defensive formation.
As soon as they saw him, the creatures started making noises at him.
John assumed it was either to warn him not to come closer or to warn the
other creatures that were evacuating still.
“I see a human covered in a strange flame, but no god!” a voice
bellowed throughout the city.
John turned his head to look at the source of the noise and saw a tall
man with a curved beak and large, brown feathered wings on his back.
That must be the leader of the birdmen. In my previous life, the birdmen
and beetlemen didn’t come en masse until near the end of the war to help
push back the humans after I armed the masses.
This time, the humans haven’t been making steady progress due to the
lack of equipment, and I’m assuming the beastmen never asked the birdmen
and beetlemen to reinforce them. Well, that would’ve changed soon since
the field-marshal changed and the humans quickly took back a lot of
If that’s true, then the ones I see before me are the only ones in the
battlefield and Keket might have managed to convince the beastmen to exit
the battlefield.
This could also be a test and a beastman or Keket could be watching. If
I don’t do something grand, the beastmen might come back.
I’ve got something that’ll make a grand sight to see.
John didn’t try to talk to the birdman that had shouted. Instead, he
sheathed his nano long sword and lifted both of his arms up to his sides.
He kept creating more elements inside him and pushed them into his
killing intent, creating more black flames. Those flames created an eight-
inch sphere in both palms.
Once the spheres became stable, millions of bullets made from the black
flames shot out towards the defensive formation.
Each and every one of the tens of thousands of creatures in the
defensive formation got shot by at least three hundred bullets, with the head
and heart being the main targets.
John had used his Rapid Fire attack. That was the best, visually
shocking attack he could use while killing all the enemies.
John put his arms down and looked at the birdman who had shouted. He
had let it live so it could tell the other birdmen and beetlemen to follow the
beastman’s example and evacuate the battlefield.
It did just as John wanted as it flew towards the heart of the city while
yelling to escape for their lives. Though few were alive to hear it.
John took his time as he walked into the centre of the city. In his Scan,
he could see that it was a mirror version of the human’s city so he knew
where the teleport was.
When he got there, there were still beastmen evacuating. He didn’t feel
like killing them all, so he waited and watched them all leave.
Once the last beastman left, John removed the black flame covering him
and stood on the teleport rune. He knew this would end the war.
Chapter 48: Leaving

As soon as John stepped on the teleport rune, the plane started shaking. It
got so bad that John was about to create a wormhole to get away, but then
his Scan showed that the metal buildings in the city were dissolving.
A few minutes later, the entire city was flat with a teleport rune in the
middle. Instead of seeing what happened next, John ran towards the jungle.
When he got there, he saw… nothing. The trees and even the earth were
gone. The only thing left was a flat metal surface like in the city.
John carried on east and saw that the mountain, desert, and sea areas
were the same. When he estimated he had entered the desert area on the
human’s side, he still saw nothing. Everything had disappeared.
He finally got to where the human city was, only to find the people
surrounding the teleport rune in the middle and everything else had
disappeared too.
This must be the setup for the trade after the war. I’m sure buildings and
other things will be built all across the plane soon.
John quickly walked onto the teleport rune and disappeared—he didn’t
want to meet the two gambling addict transcendents. He knew they were
watching the war thanks to the memories he had gained, but he didn’t want
to meet them.
If they found out that another transcendent disguised himself as an
immortal and won the war, they might restart the war saying the previous
result was null and void. That would make all of John’s efforts a waste.
On the other side of the teleport rune, John’s Scan picked up what could
only be described as chaos. There were millions of people that had come
out of the battlefield and at least half of them were injured. They were being
carried on stretchers and on people’s backs or shoulders.
John flew out of the building and asked around for the largest hospital
in the city. When he found it, he searched the building and eventually found
He decided to wait and let Sarah save as many lives as she could since
the war was over.
She worked non-stop for the next ten days until there were no more
people coming in and the last patient had been helped.
John walked up behind her as she was rubbing the back of her neck and
kissed it, making her jump.
John laughed at her reaction. “Good work.”
“You need to turn off the Hide option!”
“Then I wouldn’t be able to sneak up on you. Are you ready to go back
now? There are no more patients left.”
Sarah nodded her head and left with John.
They found a place where nobody would see them, held hands, and used
the universal map to teleport back to the Sword Sect.
Once there, John gave Sarah half of the cores he had for her to gain
control of the elements. She thanked him before she went off to inform
Lexis and Camellia that they were back, safe and sound.
John went towards their home to check on the worker puppets, but
before he could get home, he was stopped by a man.
“Is your name John?”
John didn’t recognise the grey-haired, bushy-bearded, old man. He
looked at the man’s Daoist robes, saw a GE symbol, and replied, “Yes. Is
there something I can do for you, Grand Elder?”
“The sect master has been looking for you and wishes to meet you.”
John’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. Why would Frank want to meet
me? We haven’t met in this life and he shouldn’t know me. Has Fred figured
out who I am or told Frank about me? Or is this about taking Camellia and
Lexis to the battlefield against their master and father’s wishes?
“I’ve never been to where the sect master stays. Do I follow you or find
my own way?” John asked. He acted like a normal disciple who was a little
frightened at the thought of meeting the sect master.
The grand elder smiled. “I can guide you. Follow me.”
John did what was asked of him and followed the man. They went to the
closest administrative building and—after using the man’s identity as a
grand elder—cut in line to use the teleport rune.
When they arrived, a guard escorted John to see the sect master, but the
grand elder was told to wait outside.
The elders’ meeting room was empty besides Frank who sat in his seat
at the end of the room.
“I’ve heard about you,” Frank stated as soon as John walked inside.
“When the disciples, Lexis and Camellia, came back from the
battlefield, they told Kian and Rolf everything that happened. Of course,
those two told me.
“Camellia could handle the entire Marcellas family estate and personnel
within minutes of being given access to the records, and Lexis even crushed
her master in a spar that lasted only five seconds. From what they’ve said,
that was all thanks to you.
“Plus the fact that you helped fix their cultivation method on the way to
the battlefield and you won the last tournament of the decade, I can only
come to the conclusion you’ve been hiding your strength for some reason.”
John smiled. Even though Frank is petty and insecure, he’s not stupid.
“After thinking things through, I’ve realised that I’ve come to admire
what you’ve done. So, I did some thinking. My daughter isn’t much
younger than you, and when she’s ready, you could—”
“I’m sorry, but I’m a one woman man,” John interrupted.
Without giving Frank time to regroup his thoughts, John turned around
and left the meeting room.
When he arrived back home, he found Sarah sitting on the couch. He sat
down next to her and said, “The petty sect master still found out how strong
I am and tried to marry his daughter off to me. It’s time to leave the sect.”
Sarah looked shocked. “Already?”
John nodded. “Don’t worry, you can visit Lexis and Camellia anytime
you want thanks to the system’s skills.”
Sarah sighed. “Fine. I’ll start packing.”
She stood up and walked to the kitchen to put all the utensils, chairs,
tables, and food inside her Storage Space. She then put the worker puppets
in her Storage Space before going room to room, making sure there was
nothing in the house they would miss after leaving.
In my previous life, we were Honourable Elders of the sect. So, even
though I rejected marrying Frank’s daughter, there wasn’t much Frank
could do to us. That’s why we could stay inside the sect for an additional
This time, we’re normal disciples and Frank wouldn’t let us be for long.
He might have already given an order to get rid of us one way or another.
If I owed Fred another favour due to the seeded tokens for the
tournament, then not punishing Frank is my payback.
After Sarah had finished packing, she came back to John and took the
couch he was sitting on. “Where are we going to live now?”
“You’ll see.” John grabbed Sarah’s hand and used the space element to
create a wormhole. He hadn’t been to the planet he wanted to go to in this
life so the universal map was useless.
A few days after John and Sarah left, Frank was sitting in his seat in the
meeting room. He was alone, reading a parchment that Lexis and Camellia
had written for him about the proper cultivation method.
“What did you do?”
Frank jumped out of his seat in shock as he recognised the voice.
Looking around, he saw his father standing not too far away behind his seat.
“Skip the pleasantries! What did you do to the husband and wife who
won the last tournament?”
Frank put his hands up. “I’ve done nothing! Why?”
“Let me rephrase the question. Why have they left the sect?”
“They left on their own accord, but it was for the best.”
Fred’s eyes squinted. “Why is it for the best?”
“The husband wasn’t loyal to the sect and he hid his strength during the
time he was here. He couldn’t be trusted, and if he didn’t leave, I would’ve
found a way to get rid of them or banish them from the sect. But because of
what he did for Rolf’s daughter and a disciple of an elder of the sect, I tried
suggesting that he become my son-in-law.”
Fred ran over to Frank and slammed his fist into his son’s face. “You
Frank got knocked to the ground. He put his fingers on his nose, trying
to block the blood flow while he looked at his father in shock.
“Do you know what you’ve done?” Fred shouted as loud as he could.
“That woman was a descendant of a transcendent who came to me and
asked me to look after them! The husband only came here to protect his
wife and doesn’t care about political power inside the sect!
“You’ve basically insulted the transcendent by asking their descendant
to share her man with your daughter so you can feel better about him
having strength!”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Frank’s voice quivered and became much
harder to understand with his nose pinched.
“They only wanted to stay in the sect to make friends and participate in
the tournament. They didn’t want any kind of power in the sect, thus you
didn’t need to know. I never thought you to be so insecure of someone
taking political power off you. But alas, at the first sign of a strong disciple,
you felt inspired to marry your daughter off!
“Your insecurities will affect your mind and render you unable to
cultivate. To make sure that doesn’t happen, I’m removing you as sect
master! Your eldest son will take over once he comes out of seclusion. Until
then, I am the acting sect master! You’re to enter seclusion for two hundred
years to reflect on your actions!”
John and Sarah came to a small, run down village after exiting the
Sarah knitted her eyebrows. “Why have we come here?”
“In my previous life, you set up a medical practice here. It took a while,
but thousands of people moved into this village to get themselves or their
family members treated. Because of your medical skills, this village became
one of the biggest towns in this kingdom before I left to transcend. It might
take a while for that to be repeated, but I can promise you’ll be happy here.”
“That sounds good.” Sarah laughed.
John asked Sarah to wait there before running off. He went to the largest
house in town and knocked on the door.
A tall, well-built man answered the door and John created a thread to
use the Soul Manipulation on him. “Get out.”
The man nodded and left the house. As John watched the man leave, he
had an idea and told the man to move into one of the smaller houses. John
could train the children in this life, but that knight could help him keep his
cover story better than what he did previously.
John used his threads, placed everything inside the large house into his
Storage Space, and then took it to the knight’s new home.
He then went and fetched Sarah to show her their new living space. It
was the same one they had lived in while raising Kelly.
Chapter 49: Family

After they were settled in, John ran to the second largest house in the
village. This was where the village head lived.
He knocked on the door and entered when invited in. Sitting at a desk
was a plump, old man with a shaggy beard. In his previous life, this old
man treated him, Sarah, and Kelly very well, but he died before the village
“Hello, you must be the village head. I’m here with my wife and I’m
taking over a part of the knight’s duties. While the other knight deals with
the crime, I’ll be training the children and young men to become knights
and teaching them how to hunt. Since I’m taking over a vast majority of the
responsibilities, the other knight graciously moved into a smaller house and
gave us his.
“I’m here to ask you to build a medical practice next to our house. My
wife’s a doctor who has cured tens of thousands of people from rare poisons
to unheard of diseases.”
While he was speaking, John created a thread, touched the old man’s
forehead with it, and pushed a lot of vitality into the old man. It was enough
for the old man to live another ten years and John thought that was a good
enough reward.
The old man was stunned with the information John had just given him,
but after a few seconds, he shot up out of his seat and started speaking
pleasantries with John. He promised to build the medical facility, but in
return, he first asked John to hunt some animals to give the people in the
village some energy to do such a task.
John agreed and walked off into the jungle. Half an hour later, he came
back with dozens of large, rodent-like creatures which he had skinned and
bled himself.
After the village was fed, they began planning and gathering materials
for the new building.
While they did that, John left the village and flew towards the Bahan
Kingdom’s capital city.
He entered the castle’s throne room and was slightly surprised to see a
middle-aged woman sitting on a throne next to the king and a baby in a crib
next to her.
That must be the queen. In my previous life, I learned she died a few
years after giving birth to Carola, the youngest princess. Going by the
timeline, that should be in a couple of years from now.
“Tell all your knights to leave.”
All the knights grabbed their weapons and pointed them at John.
John ignored the knights and spoke again. “This is about the book your
ancestor wrote. I promise you no harm, and if you still turn me away, you’ll
regret it for the rest of your life.”
After a few seconds of silence, the king ordered all the knights to leave.
They protested and tried to change the king’s mind, but to no avail.
When the queen got up to leave, John said she could stay before he
explained that he was an immortal, and due to an accident, he had read the
book’s contents and felt he owed the king.
To make them even, John pushed vitality and some strong medicine
made from the poison molecules into the queen so she wouldn’t die in a
couple of years. He then made the king and queen immortals while giving
them a Grade 9 Life Stone each. John promised to come back when both
their son and daughter were over twenty-one to turn them into immortals.
When that task was done, he flew to the Gralux Kingdom’s capital
while using the light element to turn himself invisible.
Inside the castle, the four-year-old prince was playing outside. John
stood next to a tree and watched him. He had created a bullet made from the
metal element and was aiming it at the young prince, but he couldn’t shoot
Damn it all! Even though I know what kind of person this guy will grow
up to be, I can’t do it. Right now, he’s innocent!
He created a thread and placed it on the prince’s forehead as he used the
Soul Manipulation skill on him. John told the prince to treat the people well
and not to use, abuse, and throw people away after he was finished with
them, otherwise he would die on his twenty-first birthday.
When he got back home, he saw that the villagers had already marked
out where the building was going to be, and a few logs were laying off to
the side. With a satisfied smirk, he walked into their home to rest.
The construction lasted for a week. On the seventh day, Sarah came to
John and told him that she was pregnant.
John laughed, lifted her up high, and spun her around.
When her feet touched the ground again, Sarah asked if they had
children in John’s previous life. John nodded and told her about Kelly. He
mentioned that it was a little earlier than in his previous life, but it shouldn’t
be a problem.
As he was talking about Kelly, he realised something.
His future self probably brought Kelly’s soul here like he did in his
previous life, but there was no way to make sure Kelly would be born in a
woman’s body.
What if Kelly’s soul is put into Sarah’s womb, but a male body is born?
The only thing they could do was wait.
John told Sarah to eat and drink again since he wasn’t sure if his skills
would work on the unborn baby.
Four days after giving John the news, Sarah entered Rank 8, Level 7.
Over the next nine months, the village started to prosper and the
chubby, old man was happy. John also took over the medical practice when
Sarah’s due date came near. He could cure almost everything Sarah could,
but his bedside manner was horrible.
On a beautiful, sunny day, Sarah’s water broke. Like before, Sarah’s
fighter puppet acted as the obstetrician, and it took fifteen hours for Kelly to
be born.
John’s worries faded after he found out he had a daughter. He was
sitting in a chair next to his wife’s bed with Kelly in his arms.
Kelly’s eyes darted around the room, but after a few minutes, she
couldn’t keep them open and soon fell asleep.
John chuckled. That must be her realising what happened and the fact
that she’s been reincarnated. But as a new born baby, she can’t stay awake
very long.
I’ll wait until she’s a little older to tell her everything.
And so, a mortal, immortal, and a transcendent started living together.
A little under two years later, Sarah entered Rank 9, making John a little
worried about the side effects of the system.
A month later, on Kelly’s birthday, John picked her up and placed her
on the kitchen table while he sat down in front of her.
“Kelly, pay attention to what I’m about to tell you. I know you can
because I know you’re a person reincarnated from Earth.”
John laughed as Kelly’s whole body became stiff after he spoke.
He then stroked her head gently. “Don’t worry, your mother and I are
the same. We’re from Earth too.”
Kelly’s mouth stayed open and John knew this was her shocked state so
he let her calm down a little before continuing.
“Since you’ve been reincarnated, you must believe that many things you
thought were impossible could be real, right? Well, would you believe that
after I reincarnated from Earth and ended up here, I died once more and was
sent back into the past?”
He saw Kelly nod her head a little, making him smile.
“In my previous life, we didn’t tell you anything because we wanted to
know what type of person you were. But after we figured that out, we told
you everything and you told us everything.
“I know you're a kind person who loves to bring wonder and mystery to
people, and that you were born into a circus family before becoming a
magician’s assistant and creating illusions in your previous life.
“I know what your system is and the fact that it hasn’t started up yet.
When the time is right, I’ll help you get it started and tell you everything I
know about it.”
John then explained that there were immortals in this universe and John
knew how to get back to Earth as well as anything else he could think of
which would benefit Kelly knowing sooner rather than later.
He opened the Share tab in his system and was surprised he could share
all the mortal skills he had with Kelly even though her system was still
He answered all of the questions Kelly had for him after sharing his
Five years and three months later, Sarah generated enough vitality
throughout her body to become a Rank 9, Level 7 immortal. She then used
her two Saint Points to reach Level 9.
Since Sarah entered Rank 9, John kept an eye on her and was relieved
when she didn’t present any side effects from her system.
John asked Kelly to look after herself for a little while since her mother
needed to transcend. He then used the universal map to take Sarah to Planet
Though, before she could transcend, John used the universal map to
arrive at the transcendents’ castle and put up a black veil so nobody could
see Sarah when she arrived because she would be naked.
An hour later, Sarah emerged from behind the veil. She was fully
dressed and John used his Immortal Eye on Sarah.
Name: Sarah Allen
Rank: Transcendent
Class: 0
Sin: 0
John laughed uncontrollably and gave Sarah a big hug. Sarah
complained about how hard it was to transcend but started crying after she
realised that their plan to spend eternity together was complete.
They went back home to tell Kelly they were alright, but Sarah had to
retrain to gain control of her new strength and couldn’t hug Kelly until she
mastered it.
John trained Kelly and the other children in the village then and helped
Kelly’s system start up. Over the years, Kelly told him what the system did.
On her twenty-first birthday, Kelly became an immortal. John and Sarah
held a small party as a celebration, and later that night, John shared all the
other skills he had with Kelly. It took her a while to get used to the new
abilities and senses. He then gave her all the cores she needed to gain
control over all the elements.
Things went back to normal the next day.
This time, thanks to John’s skills, Kelly had Sarah’s skills too, which
meant she could generate Toxin Power from the start. John gave her the
absorbing and breathing techniques and told her everything he knew about
immortality ranks.
Kelly didn’t reach Rank 2 until six months later since she started off
with the proper cultivation method.
A little over twenty-six years later, Kelly had reached Rank 9, Level 9.
During those years, Kelly’s skills kept merging and evolving, making John
realise her system was like O’Malley’s where a single overpowered skill
would emerge at the end. Kelly did suffer from her system’s side effects in
Rank 9, but John made sure to keep it in check.
John took her to Planet Zero while Sarah went to the castle and made a
veil for when she reappeared.
When Kelly transcended, her remaining two skills merged and when
John saw it in his system’s Share tab, he was shocked.
Coming out of his shock, John closed his system and took Sarah and
Kelly to a restaurant that served immortal beast meat to celebrate.
In this life, his family had taken the last step to transcend which didn’t
happen in his previous life. That made his main worry disappear.
Chapter 50: Luring

After celebrating, John took Sarah and Kelly to the dark-purple Chaos
Power barrier that surrounded the entire universe that housed Earth. He
explained that Earth was on the other side, but Chaos Power wasn’t present
there, so they had to cultivate for a while first.
Once he finished explaining, the family drifted in space for a month
while using all seven mind parts to absorb Chaos Power.
John used the Soul Separation skill and travelled through the barrier. It
took a while, but he found a large asteroid to land on before going back
through the barrier and into his body.
Opening the universal map, he spotted the asteroid which had a green
colour on it, allowing him to teleport to it. Grabbing Sarah and Kelly’s
hand, he used the universal map to teleport.
The family used the light element to turn invisible before walking into a
wormhole that John had created, and it didn’t take long for them to arrive
on Earth.
As soon as Sarah and Kelly landed on Earth, John went into his
system’s Share skill and unshared the Mythical Movement and Soul
Separation skills with them both.
“What are you doing?” Sarah asked.
“I need you two to stay here while I go finish some business in the other
Sarah grabbed John’s hands so he couldn’t teleport or use the space
element without taking her along. “What business?”
John didn’t expect Sarah to grab him and could only come clean. He
explained what happened at the end of his previous life and who it was that
killed them.
“Why don’t you just leave her alone and we’ll get on with our lives?”
“Because she plans to use the transcendents to break the barrier and
come to Earth. It might not be tomorrow or even a million years from now,
but she will eventually come here. When she does, all three of us might get
“Then let someone else deal with her.”
John shook his head. “Nobody else can. Only Demonic Siders can kill
transcendents. I have to do it now. Since Kelly’s skills have merged and
evolved, I have at least an eighty percent chance of killing her now, but
things could change. If I leave it for a while, Lisa might get another helper
who changes that chance down to ten percent and I wouldn’t know about it.
“She died because of me… became a Demonic Sider because of me.
The Lisa that I knew is already gone because the demon personality took
over her body, and I feel like I need to put down the demon so Lisa can rest
in peace.”
“Then why won’t you let us come with you and help you? If all three of
us use whatever tactic you’ve come up with, then that eighty percent chance
should become a guarantee!”
“I don’t want you taking the risk!” John shouted. “In my previous life,
after I found out you two were killed, I gave up! I didn’t care if I died or not
and used a suicidal attack to kill her in revenge!”
John calmed down a little and talked normally. “I can face-off against
the entire universe of beastmen and not blink as long as you two are safe.
But if you come with me, I will constantly worry that the events in my
previous life will be repeated.”
Sarah and Kelly got closer to John and wrapped their arms around him.
“Don’t worry. This isn’t goodbye. While I’m gone, both of you need to
figure out what you want to do. Stay here on Earth, carry on with what you
did in your previous lives, or do something completely different. I’ll leave it
all up to you.”
He eventually let them go, opened the universal map, and used it to
Two men came into his Scan’s range as soon as he reappeared. One was
brawny, over six feet tall with short, brown hair, and brown eyes. His face
was oval with a pointed chin, hooked nose, and small ears.
The other man was clean-shaven with slicked back hair, and he wore a
grey-striped, three-piece suit.
John walked towards the transcendents’ castle where O’Malley and
Finlay were sitting.
As he passed through the castle’s doors, John picked up his walking
“Oh, hey!” O’Malley had spotted John. Finlay turned around and
looked at John after too.
John ignored his friendly gesture and quickly walked up to O’Malley,
clenched his fist, and clobbered O’Malley right on the nose.
O’Malley flew through the air and hit the main castle. John ignored
Finlay and ran to where O’Malley landed. He grabbed O’Malley’s collar
with his left hand and repeatedly hit him with his other hand.
If anyone was awake, they would think thunder was striking next to
their ear as loud bangs were repeatedly produced.
An hour later, John had vented a lot of his anger and stopped. He
walked to the middle of the courtyard and sat down before telling Finlay not
to talk once more.
A few minutes later, O’Malley walked out of the large hole that he was
pummelled into and sat down in the courtyard while looking at John.
“I suppose I should tell you what this is all about now.” John broke the
“It would be nice to know why you’re angry at me.”
“I’m the Demonic Sider you’ve been looking for.”
“Impossible!” O’Malley and Finlay shouted in unison.
“You knew about the rules and everything else when I first met you,”
O’Malley spoke.
“That’s because this is my third life. In my previous life, I transcended
and killed you all. Before that happened, everyone gave me their knowledge
about the universe, how it works, and other things.
“However, you didn’t tell me about Lisa’s plans and what would happen
after killing you! You manipulated someone to hand me a letter after I killed
you, telling me about her plans. Like you thought, Lisa came for revenge.
You got my family killed!” John’s voice increased the more he spoke.
“Ever since I first saw you in this new life, I’ve wanted to pummel you!
It was just a shame that I was only a Rank 3 when we first met. I’m even
tempted to kill all the transcendents except you for what you did to me and
my family!”
O’Malley’s eyebrows shot up a second before he jumped out of his seat.
“Anything but that! I’m sorry about your family and what I did, but you got
a third life. From what you’ve said, this life of yours started at the same
timeline as your previous, right? Doesn’t that mean your family is safe in
this timeline?”
“Yes.” O’Malley’s too damn smart. He can put the puzzle together after
hearing just a few pieces of information.
“Then no harm, no foul.”
John shook his head. “What about emotional harm? I had to go through
the horror of finding my family dead, and even today, that memory and
heartache still reside in my memories.”
“What do you want?”
“Information. I killed you all and went back into the past to help it like
you once explained to me. When I came back, Lisa and her beastmen were
waiting for me. How did they know I killed you that fast?”
“She has a skill called Animal Instincts. She puts every transcendent
into that skill, and when one dies, it tells her.”
“And you didn’t tell me something that important before I killed you in
my past life?” John shouted again. “Would you have warned me about any
of this in this life if I hadn’t already experienced the consequences of killing
you all?
“No. Don’t answer. I already know. If it meant even a small possibility
of you not getting what you want, you wouldn’t do it. Regardless of who or
how many it could save.”
John sighed. “I’m going to kill you like you want, but only because I
know how much damage you’ll do to the universe when you’re angry, and I
know you’ll go after my family if I leave you alive.”
He created one million threads from his Chaos Power and used half of
them to wrap around O’Malley and Finlay. He turned on the Absorb option
not long after. He didn’t ask for any last words since this had happened in
his previous life.
But after he removed their souls from their skin, he didn’t destroy them.
Instead, he wrapped them in tens of thousands of threads to stop their
regenerative powers working, and then he carried them with him as he
walked inside the castle.
He visited each room, took a transcendent’s soul, wrapped it up, and
then moved on.
After an hour, he had a little over two hundred souls wrapped in his
threads behind his back.
If O’Malley’s right, then destroying these souls should lure Lisa here
and maybe even the beastman who went back in the past to kill Sarah and
Kelly under her orders.
John pushed Chaos Power through all his threads while tightening them
around the souls. All of the souls broke after a few seconds, and when he
removed the threads, they crumbled onto the floor, a piece at a time.
He then used the force element to create gravity, and placed all the
furniture back on the floor before sitting in a seat to wait for Lisa.
Chapter 51: End

A few hours later, a few wormholes were created directly above the castle.
John saw a woman who was about five feet, seven inches tall. She had long,
brown hair down to her hips, thin eyebrows, brown eyes, and was on the
slimmer side.
Fifteen beastmen of different subspecies came with her.
John ignored Lisa and looked at the beastmen in his Scan. Their
physical features matched his memory, meaning that one of these beastmen
killed Sarah and Kelly in his previous life.
“Were you the one that killed the transcendents?” Lisa asked.
Lisa walked closer to John as she spoke. “Who was it that helped you
develop the demon side? They knew my rule about letting a Demonic Sider
Lisa’s fist went through the table that was in the middle of the
courtyard. “I should’ve disabled all of them!”
“Please calm down,” one of the beastmen begged, putting its hands
“How can I calm down? One of the transcendents disobeyed me and
allowed a Demonic Sider to transcend, and my plan was pushed back by
who knows how many millennia because the same Sider killed all the
human transcendents!”
“That’s not your only problem,” John chimed in.
Lisa and all the beastmen looked at John in confusion. “And what are
my other problems?” she scoffed.
“Your biggest problem is me.” John stood up. “I’m here to kill you all.”
“Hahaha!” Lisa and all fifteen beastmen started laughing.
“While only you and I are able to kill transcendents, I have hundreds of
beastmen transcendents backing me up. Even if I didn’t, I’m much stronger
than you.”
John couldn’t help but chuckle. “While I was an immortal, I learned that
the visual effects of releasing Life Power were basically meaningless. You
might generate a bit of wind, maybe scare a few enemies off, but the really
strong people will attack regardless.
“However, it’s different as a transcendent. The higher your class, the
more elements you can control, and thus you can control more Chaos Power
too. So, a little demonstration is in order to let your lackeys know not to
interfere in our fight.”
A dark-purple glow covered his body as soon as he finished speaking.
The purple glow spread around him, destroying the nanometal as it grew.
Inside the area, black lightning generated and disappeared.
Lisa and the other beastmen retreated as it grew.
It took only a few seconds for the dark purple glow to cover a few
hundred thousand feet in every direction with John in the centre.
Lisa’s eyes scrunched while glaring at John. “Class 0.”
Dylan and Luke were taking shelter inside a large house. Looking out of
a window, Dylan noticed the wind had picked up a few houses and was
carrying them high into the sky, blocking out the sun.
Using a large sword, Dylan hovered in the air while carrying Luke for
his safety, but he didn’t dare go too high in case the wind would take him
What’s going on?
When the houses and debris cleared a little, he found a large, dark-
purple star brightly gleaming in the sky.
Fred was still punishing Frank on the Sword Sect’s private planet when
the skies darkened.
The sect had just been hit with a large tsunami, but the immortals
managed to reduce the damage thanks to the Life Power they used.
They were staring at a large, dark-purple star in the sky that showed up
only minutes before the tsunami.
“I don’t know if this is an omen or a blessing,” Fred whispered.
John stopped pushing out Chaos Power and the elements, and instead,
retained it back inside.
Staring at Lisa, John shouted, “Unlike you who let the demonic side
take over, I wasn’t weak and I maintained my sanity while taking on the
demon’s abilities. I have everything you have and more. Do you still think
you can kill me easily?”
Lisa rushed him as soon as he finished speaking. John put up his hands
to defend himself, but the strength behind Lisa’s punch caused him to fly
through space with numb arms.
As he was flying, Lisa was chasing after him. He used Kelly’s new skill
while using the light element to turn invisible.
An object flew through space, but John had flown to the side and
The object was a complete replica of himself.
Create Illusion:
Create an illusion using any parts of a creature you’ve killed. It will
sound and act like any creature you want, and acknowledge other
illusions if needed. If the illusions are given Chaos Power, they will turn
from illusion into reality, but won’t have any special features by
default. Before the transformation into reality is set in, you are able to
change any of the features of the creature into anything you want.
While Lisa was fighting the illusion, John flew back to the transcendent
beastmen and created hundreds of human illusions, not caring about any
special features. The illusions didn’t have any facial features.
But that wasn’t all he did.
He gave each and every one of those puppets a strong poison made from
Sarah’s Molecule Creation skill. The poison was silently flowing around the
puppet’s body, and when physical contract was made when they attacked or
got attacked, the poison would get transferred.
At the same time, John’s Recovery Skill kicked in, and with some of his
mind parts cultivating, he was making more puppets every minute.
Around his right hand were eight blades facing outward. He had made
them from his threads. They started a few inches above his wrist and they
wrapped down and around his hand before coming to a single point a few
inches in front of his hand.
As soon as he finished creating the blades, he ran towards the closest
beastman as the puppets ran towards the others.
John was soon holding the beastman’s core in his hands and crushing it
using Chaos Power before moving on to the next target. The puppets were
keeping them at bay, and unlike him, they couldn’t kill a transcendent.
It took only a minute for John and his puppets to kill all but one
beastman. John was holding the beastman’s core in his hands as he looked
at the bodies floating in space.
At least I’ve got revenge for what happened in my previous life.
Lisa came back as soon as he crushed the last beastman core and started
attacking the faceless puppets.
Looking over at Lisa, he could see she was able to kill the puppets, but
John was making almost as many as she was killing every minute. He
watched them fight a bit longer to learn her fighting style.
He already knew her system’s capabilities from his previous life when
Lisa bragged about it to him, but now he noticed that she was only using
four different skills.
If a picture of a large cat appeared, her speed increased. A rhino would
let her ram the opponent with incredible force. A crocodile would make her
grip insanely strong, and the last one was an elephant that made her strength
John kept making puppets and Lisa kept killing them. This lasted for an
He noticed Lisa didn’t have unlimited stamina and was already slowing
down her movements. The poison on the puppets had transferred onto Lisa,
contributing to her hindered movements. Lisa was now favouring her left
If this carries on, she might just put all her effort into escaping. If that
happens, I don’t think I can stop her.
John created more puppets, but he made them all look like himself
before hiding behind a puppet which was headed towards Lisa. John even
grabbed the puppet’s shoulder so it would drag him along instead of him
using Chaos Power or one of the elements to move.
He removed the eight blades around his wrist and made his long, black
nails grow to their maximum length. He was worried Lisa would notice the
Chaos Power that the blades were made of too.
When the puppet reached Lisa, it was behind her. It attacked as soon as
it got in range. Lisa turned and used the elephant power in her left arm as
she swung downwards like an elephant’s trunk, smashing the puppet’s head
As Lisa finished her swing, from behind the headless puppet John
thrusted his right hand’s nails at Lisa’s neck. At the same time, he pushed
the light element in his body to go as fast as possible for the most impactful
Lisa was caught by surprise, and the nails with the elements sliced
through her neck.
John knew it wasn’t over as he created threads from Chaos Power to
wrap around her head and drag it with him. He wasn’t sure if Lisa had a
skill that could reattach her head like him, so he took all the precautions he
A few million miles away, John slowed down.
He lifted Lisa’s head up by her hair and looked at her. Lisa was looking
back at him.
“My little show of power worked better than I thought. I showed you I
was a real threat, making you too focused on the fight and miss my little
tricks. You didn’t notice the swap with the puppets, letting me kill the
beastmen you brought with you.
“I watched you for almost an hour as you beat those puppets. Trying to
come up with some new fighting method, a way to surprise you, because I
know you’ve seen all the fighting tactics possible and with your intuition
and experience, nothing else would work.
“But then I remembered something my wife once said when I was stuck
on another problem. Occam’s Razor. You wouldn’t expect a simple
assassination technique from a transcendent you were currently fighting,
which caught you by surprise. You’ve been at the top of the food chain for
too long that you got sloppy.
“Anyway, I’m rambling. I think somewhere in my mind I’m trying to
avoid saying ‘I’m sorry.’”
“If you’re that sorry, then let me go,” Lisa replied.
John shook his head. “I’m not sorry for killing you. I’m sorry for
making you what you are.”
Lisa’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion and opened her mouth to
speak, but John interrupted her.
“Back on Earth, I should have taken you to a safe location before trying
to hand my job over to my friend. Or I should have realised what would
happen if I gave my business to a gang which was in a delicate balance of
power with other gangs. I got you, an innocent, killed. I regretted that for
“Then in this new universe, that same incident caused the person I knew
to get taken over by you, a demon personality. I owe Lisa too much to ever
repay her, but when I’m back on Earth, I’m going to at least try.”
“IT’S YOU!” Lisa’s head yelled.
John nodded. “I really wish that after this, the real Lisa gets a happy,
peaceful life somehow.”
As soon as he finished speaking, he created threads to cover Lisa’s head
before she could yell some more. He turned the Absorb option on and soon
took out her soul.
Placing his hands over the threads holding her soul, he pushed ten times
more Chaos Power and strength into crushing this soul than other
transcendents, a loud boom sounded out along with a large purple ring that
spread from the soul outwards.
Once the threads were gone, he saw Lisa’s soul crumble into pieces.
John sighed. It’s over.
All the puppets that were left disappeared as he took the Chaos Power
back from them.
Instead of going back to Earth straight away, there were a few things he
needed to do. Opening up the universal map, he teleported to Planet Zero.
On the planet, he went through the mountain and went into the room
where he, Sarah, and Kelly had transcended. He created a ball of Chaos
Power and slammed it onto the ground, causing the entire mountain to
Floating in the air, John made sure everything was destroyed as he
watched the lava engulf the island.
He then went to the beastmen universe. He didn’t know where the
transcending platforms were, so he used the combination of his Recovery
skill, Kelly’s Create Illusion skill, and Sarah’s Molecule Creation skill to
spread his puppets across the universe and use the truth serum on beastmen.
After finding the platforms, he destroyed them. He then set about
finding and killing all the other four hundred odd beastmen transcendents in
the universe. If beastmen were the only ones with transcendents, then the
humans would eventually be enslaved or wiped out of existence.
What he found odd was there were no birdmen or beetlemen
transcendents, only beastmen.
When all of them were killed, he went back in time on Earth to collect
his and Sarah’s soul and hair, and Kelly’s soul to make the three of them
appear in the other universe.
John used the time element to go back and help the past. Just like he had
thought, he had to kidnap the tournament contenders and also lead Jason to
his death for a second time. At least he knew it was the very last time he’d
have to see Jason and the Anti-assassin Sect members.
Once everything was finished, he used the universal map to go back to
Sarah and Kelly cried when he got back as relief washed over them.
After they settled down, they told John what they wanted to do, at least
for a while.
True to her nature, Kelly brought mystery and wonder to the world.
Using her transcendent powers, she went back in time and created
myths and legends for the people. She went back to Ancient Greece to
create Medusa, Cyclops, the Minotaur, Zeus, and many other things people
were fascinated and awed by.
Scotland’s Loch Ness monster and Bigfoot were a few others she created
I once asked why she was doing all this, and she told me that life
without mystery makes the world black and white, not colourful.
I don’t really get it, but as long as she’s happy, then she can do whatever
she wants.
Sarah, on the other hand, visits Lexis and Camellia every now and then.
She also started working at the same hospital she did before dying. She
easily got someone from the government to create her a new identity as a
doctor, and then she dove right in.
It took only a few weeks for the news to leak that a legendary doctor
had been discovered as she never lost a patient she treated, and she treated
hundreds a day.
I had to tell her to slow down if she ever wanted to keep working as a
doctor since she’d eventually need to make that identity die or get a new
At least she listened to me… for now.
And as for me? Well, the first time I got bored, I used the time element
and watched the universe be born until this point in time.
I now know Chaos Power was in this universe at the beginning, and
after the universe stopped growing, Chaos Power began gathering at the
edges. It became the thick barrier that created the systems in the souls that
passed through it.
The universe that we reincarnated in must be much younger as it’s still
growing, but it might end up in the same way.
After that little adventure, I tried writing a book.
It was kind of easy to come up with the plot since it was basically an
autobiography of what I went through in my life, but everyone else would
call it a fantasy novel.
If I do say so myself, I was rough at the start, but I’ve definitely
Now that I’ve finished the books, I don’t know what to do. I need to find
a new project to work on.
Unlocked skill.
Prestige - Reset
Do you wish to use Prestige’s Reset skill?
John’s eyes widened at the interruption of the system, shook his head,
and answered no.
I’ve got everything I ever wanted, and I don’t want to lose it.
John closed the document on the computer, stood up, and stretched.
Kelly’s putting on a magic show in Las Vegas tonight. I’ll go now and
do a bit of wandering around.
Opening the world map, he moved his icon to teleport there and
When he got there, it had just started turning dark as the lights of Las
Vegas lit up. He walked down the street for a while, staring at the light
Being in the other universe for over a century and a half through two
lives made me miss the small things, like an actual light bulb and electricity.
John turned his head towards the sound of the scream just in time to see
a woman being dragged into an alley. Some people saw it too, but they
walked away while trying hard not to draw attention to themselves. A few
people were on their phones, possibly calling the police.
Walking to the end of the alley, he saw four men dragging the woman
into a car.
After the woman was locked inside the boot, one man walked up to
John and pulled out a gun. He pointed it at John’s forehead. “No witnesses.”
The gun’s silencer cancelled most of the noise.
John stood there, staring at the man.
Mouth open and eyes wide, the man who shot John stared at the crushed
bullet that hit the ground.
“I’m not a monster. I’m just better than you.”
Grabbing the man’s neck, John dragged him towards the car and out of
view. All one million threads came out of his back and grabbed the three
people near the car.
While making sure the threads rendered the men immobile, John
controlled their every action. The other three people had a gun stashed
away, and John made them all hold a gun in their hands.
Placing the four people in a square formation, he used his threads to lift
their gun holding arm, pointing it to the person on their right.
“I made a promise to not get involved in mortal affairs, but since you
tried to kill me, you got me involved. Technically, this doesn’t break my
“From the very start, I told my wife the best way to save as many lives
as possible is to remove the people threatening those lives. I still hold that
belief today, but I’ve been passive during this life since I had a set goal and
had no need to kill people to reach it.”
John noticed sweat was dripping down each of the men’s foreheads and
their eyes were wide open, shaking out of extreme fear.
Checking the time in his system, John realised he needed to get going if
he wanted to make it in time for Kelly’s magic show.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Pew...
Three loud gunshots and one silenced shot echoed throughout the alley
as four bodies dropped to the floor.
John used his threads to unlock the car’s boot for the woman to escape.
Afterwards, he flew onto the roof of the building.
“Maybe I should take more walks to see if I get threatened again. As
long as I don’t break my promise, anything is possible.”
As he was thinking of what to do next, he saw four small, blue balls
float towards the sky.
Ah, the souls of those criminals.
Wrapping his threads around the souls, he dragged them back to him as
he inspected them.
Since I’ve got plenty of time, why don’t I start experimenting on the
souls of criminals? I know the barrier creates a system in the soul that
passes through it. I could make it create systems in these souls, not let them
reincarnate, and try a few things.
I know the souls hold the memories of our past lives, maybe I can find a
way to unlock, alter, or remove them.
Who knows... Maybe I can find a way to create a system of my own for
those that deserve a second life.
This should at least keep me busy for a long time.
A smile crept upon his face. “Who knows what the future holds.”

Thank you for reading the eighth and, I’m sad to say, the final book of
The Idle System series! I hope you enjoyed the story.
Honestly, I do not know what to put here.
The series has been a rollercoaster, and I hope you loved the ride just as
much as I did.
I’m still sad that John’s, Sarah’s, and Kelly’s story is over. I’ve been
asked to write a prequel on John and Sarah, or a sequel about Kelly, and I’m
still thinking about it.
I’ve already started a new series that I’m excited about, and I hope you
will read it when it’s out.
It’s been interesting getting comments on Facebook, Reddit, and
Discord from fans who asked about the hidden plots and goals of different
characters. I would love for you to continue contacting me after my next
series is out to see if you’ve figured out some of the plots of the characters
Please leave a review on Amazon (I’m hoping for five stars) if you
enjoyed the story as it helps me more than you can imagine.
Thanks for reading once again!
Until next time.
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