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Part A • Grammar, Vocabulary and How to … 4 I’m disappointed at ___ considered for the job.
a being not b to not be c not being
5 Originally, he was thought to ___ from flu, but it was
1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. more serious than that.
There are two extra words you do not need. a suffer b have been suffering
c having suffered
all aptitude fully guaranteed imperative
odds requirement strong undoubtedly /5
1 The __________ are that he’ll get the news about his
promotion later today. 4 Choose the correct options (a, b or c) to complete
2 This email is __________ a scam – look at the address. the sentences.
3 There’s a(n) __________ likelihood that we’ll finish early 1 The pay ___ between men and women is still far too
today. wide.
4 It seems __________ that this time last week we were a bridge b space c gap
sunbathing. 2 His politics are definitely to the ___ left of the party.
5 It’s a __________ to have at least six months on your a very b extreme c distant
passport when you travel outside the EU. 3 I’ll ___ my vote on my way home later.
6 If your child shows a(n) __________ for painting, she’ll a drop b cast c deliver
be given special attention to develop her skills. 4 We’re holding a secret ___ to choose a school
7 It’s __________ that you arrive fifteen minutes before representative to attend the meeting.
the meeting to discuss the agenda. a survey b ballot c questioning
8 In __________ probability, they’ve stopped off on the 5 Do most countries have a written ___ like ours?
way to get fish and chips. a policy b regulation c constitution
/8 6 The exit ___ are showing a swing to the Green Party.
a opinions b comments c polls
7 Several European countries still have a hereditary ___
2 Choose the correct words to complete the as head of state.
a monarch b politician c president
1 He is meticulous about to leave / leaving his room tidy. 8 In its ___, the party pledged to make considerable social
2 It’s amazing to have been relaxing / to be relaxing reforms.
here in Greece after dreaming about it for so long. a articles b manifesto c description
3 I’d love to have studied / studying Japanese at school, 9 With luck the new government will ___ more resources
but we didn’t have the option to do so. to fund local community groups.
4 By the time he gets here, he’ll be driving / he’ll have a allocate b choose c denote
been driving for four hours non-stop. 10 I doubt that ___ in the workplace will be eliminated
5 Did it ever occur to you contacting / to contact me within the next decade.
about the problem? a priorities b distortions c discrimination
6 There’s just too much seeing / to see here in one day. /10
7 Edmund Hillary was the first person to have climbed /
climbing Mount Everest.
/7 5 Complete the sentences with the correct adverbs.
1 The answer is b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ obvious if you read the
question carefully.
3 Choose the correct options (a, b or c) to complete
2 Local people are v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ opposed to any new
the sentences.
buildings in the area.
1 The meeting is ___ in the main committee room at 3 Your salary is l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ low for what you’re
12.30. expected to do.
a to being held b to be held c to be holding 4 These figures are w _ _ _ _ _ inaccurate and need to be
2 There’s not a great deal ___ gained by continuing this revised before the presentation.
discussion further. 5 You’re g _ _ _ _ _ _ mistaken if you think I’m going to
a to be b being c to have been change my mind on this.
3 Three trees ___ down in last night’s storm.
a get blown b blown c got blown

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6 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the

box. There is one extra word you do not need.

aloof appreciative compassionate

conscientious distinctive enterprising

1 The teachers were really __________ of the

contributions from the school representatives.
2 Our new colleague seemed rather __________ and
didn’t talk to anyone on her first day.
3 If you’re __________, you can earn a good income from
setting up your own business.
4 My sister was a __________ student, but I was the
opposite – very lazy.
5 It’s important for everyone to be __________ and
consider those who are less fortunate than themselves.

7 Choose the correct words to complete the
1 In other / different words, you are not going to vote in
favour of the development. Why?
2 Let me put that another form / way. I’m happy to
contribute some of my time to the project, but not a
great deal.
3 You’re mixing / twisting my words. That is not what I
meant at all.
4 If I’ve got this accurate / right, you would be against
any changes at all.
5 Am I right by / in thinking that you’d be willing to help on
the project?

8 Complete the sentences with the missing words.

1 Most r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ seemed to like the proposal.
2 When putting these results a _ _ _ _ _ _ those of last
year’s survey, it’s clear that attitudes are changing.
3 An interesting f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was in the number of
responses compared to last year’s.
4 The o _ _ _ _ _ _ picture is a positive one.
5 The negative responses presumably r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
the number of complaints received about the issue.

Total: /50

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Part B • Listening and Reading READING

LISTENING 3 Read the article about intergenerational care.
Which points (1–5) are mentioned?
1 [Audio PT2.01] Listen to an extract from a radio
programme. Choose the correct options, A, B or C. 1 a surprise for visitors to a care home
2 the history of intergenerational care
1 The presenter’s personal interest in the upcoming
3 comments from elderly residents
discussion is about
4 a study of benefits for elderly
A the reasons certain people become entrepreneurs.
5 the attitude of staff to this type of care
B the routes people take to become entrepreneurs.
C how to react if a child shows entrepreneurial signs. /5
2 In Anna’s opinion, most successful entrepreneurs
A have tried a variety of different routes to the top. Intergenerational bonding
B want to escape a background of poverty. A crescendo of nursery rhymes is not what you’d expect to
C do not share a common motivation for their success. hear in a care home for older people, but arriving
3 Anna believes her own success was due to at Nightingale House in southwest London, you can hear the
children before you can see them.
A an early initiative to make money.
B her parents’ opposition to her plans. The Apples and Honey Nightingale nursery, run by founder
Judith Ish-Horowicz, was the first of its kind in the UK. The
C her superior online skills. concept of intergenerational care began in 1976 when a
4 Matt thinks that entrepreneurial children nursery school and a care home were combined in Tokyo.1___
A require parental support to become successful. In Singapore, the government committed £1.7bn to initiatives
B show an instinctive understanding of how money to improve ageing in the country, including ten new
works. intergenerational housing developments.
C should be paid for household chores as The UK is still catching up with the idea, and interest is
encouragement. continuing to grow. Many nurseries are run near to care
5 Anna and Matt agree that homes, but Apples and Honey was the first to run a nursery
within a care home itself, with daily joint activities for the
A parents can be too controlling of their children. children and residents including exercising, reading, cooking
B parents cannot prevent a talented child from and eating meals. It is thought that all generations could
achieving. benefit from increased communication between the different
C parents like to live through their children. age groups. 2___
/10 Both sides benefit from the arrangement. Older residents who
often feel lonely and socially isolated enjoy the interaction
with the children. They tell stories and relive moments from
2 [Audio PT2.02] Listen to an extract from a talk about their past which the children love. 3___
social commentary. Are the statements Ish-Horowicz came up with the idea many years ago after
True (T) or False (F)? bringing children from her first nursery in Wimbledon to visit
According to the speaker, Nightingale House each term. The new nursery, housed in the
1 the majority of people care and show kindness to others. care home’s refurbished maintenance block, has 30 places for
T/F two- to four-year-olds and a number of spots reserved for the
children of care home staff.
2 the community work people do is related specifically to
poverty. T / F There can also be economic benefits for care homes
considering sharing their sites, says Burke, including gaining
3 more people from the super-rich bracket should share additional rent and sharing administrative, ground
their wealth. T / F maintenance and catering costs. 4___
4 a large number of people have been involved in money Increased social interaction is linked to a reduced risk of
raising activities. T / F disease in elderly people. Eleven residents of Bristol-based
5 the media educates people about social deprivation. St Monica Trust were found to have improved moods,
T/F mobility and memory after spending six weeks with children.
6 Dickens wrote about social injustice in at least three of The trust has since committed to adding a full-time nursery to
his books. T / F one of its residential care homes, playgrounds at a number of
other sites, and is developing a new retirement village.
7 London is a main character in Dickens’ books. T / F
As Apples and Honey Nightingale welcomed its first class of
8 homeless women and children in Victorian England
nursery children, Ish-Horowicz was optimistic for the future of
went to prison. T / F intergenerational care. 5___ Generations learning and caring
9 social injustice was a concern for other writers at a about each other can change society and the community.
similar time to Dickens. T / F
10 we should consider whether we have eradicated the
problems Dickens mentions or not. T / F

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4 Read the article again. Match the sentences (A–F) Andres

with the gaps (1–5). There is one sentence you do Retire? Yes please. Oh, yes please. Unfortunately, that time is
not need. an exceedingly long way off. In the meantime, I shall continue
A And in turn, the children benefit from increased to do what I’ve been doing since, well, it feels like forever.
confidence and often develop strong bonds with the The job itself is not a big issue. I’m a civil servant working in
London, and many of the daily tasks and meetings are not too
elderly they share their time and activities with. monotonous, with room for new initiatives and using my
B It could break barriers and get rid of some of the imagination as opposed to the regular mind-numbing form
stereotyping that goes on regarding older people. filling and other admin. And I can’t complain about my
C She, like many others, believe it is the way forward. colleagues. They are, for the most part, competent, sociable
D Since then, there have been successful schemes across and team players with whom I get on reasonably well. Having
Europe, Australia and the US. said that, we never meet up outside work – we don’t have
anything in common at all apart from work. But my real
E Her proposal came when the home was reassessing its
bugbear is the commuting. Since our main offices were moved
own approach to care. to London four years ago, I’ve been having to commute there
F Co-location can also improve recruitment and retention every day by train, which puts an extra three and a half hours
of staff, who take advantage of flexible on-site childcare on my working day. Add to that the cancellations, delays
or find satisfaction in the increased variety in their roles. caused by signal failures and the like, driving and parking at
the station, and my hours away from home are ridiculous. I
wouldn’t mind so much if the travel conditions were better,
but, in general, the carriages are crowded, either too stuffy and
5 Read two blogs about people’s attitudes to hot, or too cold. So, given the option – that would be a definite
retirement. Which comment (A or B) might Parveen yes. Retirement can’t come too soon.
and Andres be more likely to make?
1 Parveen 6 Read the blogs again. Are the statements True (T) or
A Sorry, I’ve got to meet a deadline today. False (F)?
B Let’s meet up for lunch. 1 Parveen feels that she’s being selfish in not accepting
2 Andres invitations. T / F
A Would you like a lift to work? 2 Parveen wonders whether she may be too critical of
B Apologies for being late for the meeting. others. T / F
/4 3 Parveen fully appreciates how fortunate she is. T / F
4 Parveen socialises a lot. T / F
Parveen 5 Parveen is a popular and financially successful writer.
I am frequently asked by family and friends why, at the T/F
advanced age of sixty-nine, I continue to work. Why don’t you 6 Parveen has specific ideas about what will make her
retire, they ask? Why insist on spending nearly every available stop writing. T / F
minute at the computer? Personally, I think the underlying 7 Andres will welcome his retirement in the near future.
reason for the questions is a relatively selfish one – why aren’t
you available for a coffee with me, a shopping outing with me,
a trip to the beach with me or whatever other social events I’d 8 Andres dislikes nearly every aspect of his job. T / F
like to see you at? Maybe I’m being overly harsh here. It is 9 Andres has different interests to the people he works
lovely to be invited places, and perhaps these people are with. T / F
concerned that I might be overworking and endangering my 10 Andres had to move home for his job. T / F
health – but the bottom line is, it’s my choice. And I choose to 11 Andres considers that work and travelling take up an
work because it’s a joy for me and I thoroughly enjoy it. I excessive amount of time. T / F
never cease to be amazed at how lucky I am, to do something
that I almost yearn to get up to do and find it hard to tear /11
myself away from. It’s not that I have no social life at all – it’s
just that I often find more pleasure in my work than in small Total: /50
talk or group gatherings. I’ve been called many things –
reclusive, a workaholic, boring, and I guess I would agree with
all these to a certain extent. I am a writer and for me creating a
fictional world is an absolute delight and, in many ways, I find
living in my imaginary worlds preferable to the one I
physically inhabit. Also, getting paid, albeit not large amounts,
for doing something I love is a bonus. So, thank you everyone
for your concern, but I shall retire when my imagination is no
longer able to conjure up worlds, characters, and plots. That
may be sooner, or later, but I shall know when and then I’ll
begrudgingly leave the computer for the real world.

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Part C • Speaking and Writing WRITING

SPEAKING 4 Choose the correct words to complete sentences
from a cover letter.
1 Describe and compare the pictures showing people
who are campaigning for change. How effective do 1 I have a good knowledge / grounding in the basics
you think these types of campaigns are? required for the job.
2 Could you please let me know to what / how extent I
would be involved in management decisions.
3 Such a role would definitely portray / showcase my
4 Good interpersonal / interactive skills would be
essential I imagine for such a position.
5 I believe I can adapt well to the requests / demands of
the different roles involved.

5 Read the appeal. Write your cover letter for the role
in 200–300 words, explaining why you would be
suitable and what you can bring to it.
Volunteers needed to help develop and assist in our new ‘Care
in the Community’ programme. We are looking for creative,
caring, compassionate and enthusiastic people of any age to
help those in need who are still living independently.


Total: /40


2 Answer your partner’s question.


3 Listen to your partner talk about their pictures. Ask:

How well informed do you think the people are
about the changes they want to make?

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