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T ravel Guider

T ravel Guider

A ccount R esidence T ravel Blog &


T ranspot ation R ecent

Tour Places Package

A ccount T ranspot ation Tour Places R esidence Package D et ails T ravel Blog & review

SignUp L ogin available available Package available Att ached

D estination PL ace Personalize R eceipt R ecent
M odule M odule address R ating N am e photo R ating
D et ails Suggestions V isited
Paym ent Paym ent Places R eview s
paym ent A m ount Blog
D et ails

SignUp M odule L ogI n M odule

U ser Blog D et ails
SignUp L ogin PL ace D et ails Personalized Suggestions
Verification R eset
For m For m User Paym ent User
Password Place Place Place Pictures
Place R ating
N am e L ocation interest info R esidence Post
Database R eview preference M obile
Banking Card
Suggested Com m ent
place & food

R eset Password M obile Banking Card

R equest for
Update Bkash M aster V I SA
N ew Rocket N agad
Password Card Card
Password Ver ification
of User
I dentit y

H igh level to Low level architecture

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