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Local Area Network(LAN)
Introduction to Network Packet Creation and Transmission
Types of Computer Network Types of Data Transmission
Physical Types of Networks Internet Protocols
Server Roles IP Address
Network Topologies Intranet and Extranet
Network Hardware Proxy Servers
Network Devices Any Question
OSI Model
OSI Layers
▪ A computer network, or simply a
network, is a collection of computers and
other hardware components
interconnected by communication
channels that allow sharing of resources
and information.
▪ A network provides two principle benefits:
the ability to communicate and the ability
to share.
▪ A network can consist of two computers
connected together on a desk or it can
consist of many Local Area Networks
(LANs) connected together to form a Wide
Area Network (WAN) across a continent.
▪ LAN: A group of interconnected computers
under one administrative control group.
▪ WAN: A networks that connects LANs in
Geographically separated locations.
▪ WLAN: Group of wireless devices that
connect to access points within a specified
Types of area.
Computer ▪ MAN: metropolitan area network falls in
middle of LAN and WAN, It covers large
Network span of physical area than LAN but smaller
than WAN, such as a city.
▪ SAN: Storage area network connects servers
to data storage devices .
▪ CAN: Campus Area Network
▪ Physical topology refers to the placement
of the network's various components,
including device location and cable
installation, while logical topology shows
how data flows within a network,
regardless of its physical design
P h y s i c a l Ty p e s o f N e t w o r k
▪ Peer-to-peer networks: ▪ Client Server network:
Devices which are connected In a client/server model, the client
directly to each other without any requests information or services
additional networking devices from the server. The server provides
between them. Each device has the requested information or service
equivalent capabilities and to the client.
▪ In most common use, a server is a
physical computer (a computer
hardware system) dedicated to run one or
more services (as a host), to serve the
needs of the users of other computers on
the network.
Server Roles ▪ Depending on the computing service that
it offers it could be a database server, file
server, mail server, print server, web
server, gaming server, or some other kind
of server.
Roles of Server
Database Server Mail Server Fax Server


File and Print Server Directory Services


Client Computer
▪ Network topology is the arrangement of
the various elements (links, nodes, etc.)
of a computer or biological
network. Essentially, it is the
topological structure of a network, and
may be depicted physically or logically.
N e t w o r k To p o l o g y
BUS Networks:



Terminator Terminator
N e t w o r k To p o l o g y
RING Networks:
▪ Physical topology refers to the placement
of the network's various components,
Network including device location and cable
Hardware installation, while logical topology shows
how data flows within a network,
regardless of its physical design.
Network Hardware
▪ Coaxial
UTP Cable:

Outer shield

Insulation (PVC, Teflon)

Conducting core
Copper wire mesh or
aluminium sleeve
Network Hardware
▪ Connector & Jack for UTP Cable
▪ Computer networking devices are units that
mediate data in a computer network. Computer
networking devices are also called network
equipment, Intermediate Systems (IS) or Inter
Working Unit (IWU).
Network ▪ LAN Equipment
Devices o
Network Cards
o Hub
o Switch
o Bridges
▪ WAN Equipment
o Routers
LAN Equipment
▪ Network Card
A network interface controller (also
known as a network interface card,
network adapter, LAN adapter and by
similar terms) is a computer
hardware component that connects a
computer to a computer network.
LAN Equipment
▪ Repeater
A repeater is an electronic device
that receives a signal and retransmits
it at a higher level or higher power, or
onto the other side of an obstruction,
so that the signal can cover longer
LAN Equipment
▪ Hub
An Ethernet hub, active hub, network
hub, repeater hub, multiport
repeater or hub is a device for
connecting multiple Ethernet devices
together and making them act as a
single network segment.
A hub works at the physical layer
(layer 1) of the OSI model.
LAN Equipment
▪ Switch
A switch is a telecommunication device which receives a message from any
device connected to it and then transmits the message only to the device for
which the message was meant. This makes the switch a more intelligent
device than a hub (which receives a message and then transmits it to all the
other devices on its network).
LAN Equipment
▪ Bridge
Network bridging describes the
action taken by network equipment
to allow two or more communication
networks, or two or more network
segments creating an aggregate
network. Bridging is distinct from
routing which allows the networks to
communicate independently as
separate networks
WA N E q u i p m e n t
▪ Router
A router is a device that forwards data
packets between computer networks,
creating an overlay internetwork. A
router is connected to two or more
data lines from different networks.
When a data packet comes in one of
the lines, the router reads the address
information in the packet to determine
its ultimate destination. Then, using
information in its routing table or
routing policy, it directs the packet to
the next network on its journey.
• Bandwidth is the amount of data that
can be transmitted within a fixed time
• Bandwidth is measured in bits per
second and is usually denoted by the
Bandwidth following:
• bps - bits per second
• Kbps - kilobits per second
• Mbps - megabits per second
▪ Short for Carrier Sense Multiple Access /
Collision Detection, a set of rules
determining how network devices
respond when two devices attempt to use
a data channel simultaneously (called a
collision). Standard Ethernet networks use
CSMA/CD to physically monitor the traffic
on the line at participating stations.
▪ If no transmission is taking place at the
time, the particular station can transmit. If
two stations attempt to transmit
simultaneously, this causes a collision,
which is detected by all participating
Transmits signal Detects signal Collision detected

Characteristics Description
Access Method CSMA/CD
Standard Ethernet – 10 Mbps
Transfer Speed Fast Ethernet – 100 Mbps
Gigabit Ethernet – 1 Gbps (1000 Mbps)
▪ Short for Carrier Sense Multiple Access /
Collision Detection, a set of rules
determining how network devices
respond when two devices attempt to use
a data channel simultaneously (called a
collision). Standard Ethernet networks use
OSI Layer CSMA/CD to physically monitor the traffic
on the line at participating stations.
▪ If no transmission is taking place at the
time, the particular station can transmit. If
two stations attempt to transmit
simultaneously, this causes a collision,
which is detected by all participating
▪ The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
model (ISO/IEC 7498-1) is a product of the
Open Systems Interconnection effort at
the International Organization for
Standardization. It is a prescription of
characterizing and standardizing the
functions of a communications system in
terms of abstraction layers.
▪ Communication functions are grouped
into logical layers.
▪ A layer serves the layer above it and is
served by the layer below it.
OSI Layers
Application Layer

Presentation Layer

Session Layer

Transport Layer

Network Layer

Data Link Layer

Physical Layer
OSI Layers
Application Layer

▪ Responsibilities:
- Provides virtual end-to-end links between peer
- End-to-end flow control
▪ Issues:
- Headers
- Error detection
- Reliable communication
OSI Layers
Presentation Layer

▪ Responsibilities:
- Data encryption
- Data compression
- Data conversion
Many protocol suites do not include a Presentation
OSI Layers
Session Layer

▪ Responsibilities:
- Establishes, manages, and terminates sessions between
Many protocol suites do not include a Session Layer.
OSI Layers
Transport Layer

▪ Responsibilities:
- Provides virtual end-to-end links between peer processes.
- End-to-end flow control
▪ Issues:
- Headers
- Error Detection
- Reliable Commination
OSI Layers
Network Layer

▪ Responsibilities:
- Path selection between end-systems (routing).
subnet flow control.
- Fragmentation & reassembly
- Translation between different network types. End-to-end flow
▪ Issues:
- Packet Headers
- Virtual Circuits
OSI Layers
Data Link Layer

▪ Responsibilities:
- Provide an error-free communication link.
▪ Issues:
- Framing(Dividing data into chunks)
- Addressing
OSI Layers
Physical Layer

▪ Responsibilities:
- Transmission of raw bits over a communication channel.
▪ Issues:
- Mechanical and electrical interfaces
- Time per bit
- Distances
P a c k e t C r e a t i o n & Tr a n s m i s s i o n
Ty p e s o f D a t a Tr a n s m i s s i o n

Unicast Broadcast Multicast

▪ Network Protocols are the formal
description of a set of rules and
conventions that govern how devices on
the network layer (layer 3 of the OSI
model) exchange information.
▪ Protocols provide the link by which
Protocol systems connected to a network may talk
to each other
▪ For two end systems to talk to each other,
they must effectively “speak the same
language traffic”
▪ An Internet Protocol address (IP address)
is a numerical label assigned to each
device (e.g., computer, printer)
participating in a computer network that
uses the Internet Protocol for
communication. An IP address serves two
principal functions: host or network
interface identification and location
IP Address

S.No. Class Range Allocation

1 A 1 – 126 N.H.H.H
2 B 128 – 191 N.N.H.H
3 C 192 – 223 N.N.N.H
4 D 224 – 239 Not applicable
5 E 240 – 255 Not applicable
N = Network
H = Host
▪ An intranet is a set of Internet services
(for example a web server) inside a local
network, i.e. only accessible from
workstations of a local network, or rather
a set of well-defined networks that are
invisible (or inaccessible) from the
▪ It involves the use of Internet client-server
standards (using TCP/IP) protocols such
as, for example, the use of Web browsers
(HTTP protocol-based client) and Web
servers (HTTP protocol), to create an
information system inside of an
organization or enterprise
▪ An extranet is an extension of the
information system of the company
to its partners located outside of the
▪ Access to the extranet must be
secured to the extent that the same
provides access to the information
system for persons located outside of
the enterprise.
Intranet & Extranet



Proxy Server
LAN Web Site

LAN Internet

Proxy Server

LAN Web Site
Any Question
Thank you
Made by
Mayank Panchal
E - m a i l - m aya n k h d l a b s @ g m a i l . c o m


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