IMCA UK Legislation

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U. K.

Legislation & Guidance

1. What is the legal minimum crew for Offshore Air Diving under SI 2776?

The ACoP (Approved Code of Practice) for Commercial Diving Operations

Offshore, states that 5 people - Supervisor, working diver, standby diver and two
tenders are required.

2. You have a diver at 140 fsw. Your company’s decompression tables have a
maximum of 140fsw and a maximum 20 minute bottom time. Your diver is held
up for 5 minutes, thereby exceeding the maximum bottom time allowed. What
action would you take?

Decompress the diver on the 140 / 20 table and then treat for omitted
decompression-give him a therapeutic table eg; Table 6.

3. If a diver works hard not long after completing his decompression, he would be…?

More prone to decompression Illness.

4. There is a delay in getting a diver into the DDC for deco, what action should be

Treat as omitted decompression and give him a therapeutic Table 5.

5. You are unable to diagnose neurological DCS from a gas embolism; What action
should be taken…?

Compress to 60 fsw or 18 msw on Oxygen, then carry out a neurological

examination and act accordingly.

6. After a fast ascent, a diver suffers from visual distortion and loss of co-ordination.
What is wrong?

Acute neurological DCS.

7. *** DMAC-07, recommends not flying after an air dive requiring decompression stops
12 hours.

8. DMAC recommends not flying after an air dive not requiring decompression stops
2 hours.

9. A skip used to deploy a stand-by diver should be…?

Large enough for two divers with all their equipment.

10. To ensure safety in Oxy - Arc cutting, there should be installed...?

A Twin pole knife switch.
11. *** The maximum allowable depth for the Standby Diver - in surface oriented diving
50 msw.

18. *** The minimum compressed air required for DDC use in surface oriented diving
Sufficient compressed air to pressurise both DDC locks to the maximum possible
treatment depth, plus sufficient air for three complete surface decompressions.

160. How many times more dangerous is Alternating Current than Direct current?

(a) 5 times (b) 10 times

(c) 20 times (d) 300 times

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