English Journal Exploring The Link Between Personality Traits and Preferences For Sweet and Spicy Food

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Exploring The Link Between Personality and Preferences for Sweet and Spicy Food | 2023

Exploring The Link Between Personality Traits and Preferences for Sweet
and Spicy Food

Daneila Ramadhani Ichsan1 , Noorsabah2 , Tatu Zakiyatun Nufus3

Psychology Faculty of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

Every human being has different flavor preferences, the saying goes that "you are what you eat" this is because
a person's personality can e researched from their food preferences. People who have a sweet tooth tend to have
a certain personality and so do people who like spicy food. This study aims to get a comprehensive picture of an
individual's personality and their inclination towards sweet or spicy flavor profiles. The findings highlight a
person's personality through taste preferences with a focus on sweet as well as spicy flavors. The research
problem centred on the behavioral tendencies that arise due to the influence of an individual's food preferences.
The study utilised a qualitative research design with theoretical analysis of relevant previous research.

Keywords: Personality, Food, Sweet, Spicy, Neuroticism, Extroversion, Self-Control, Identity Formation


The famous French gastronomy expert Anton Brillat-Savarin said his thoughts and his much-
quoted adage: “Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you who you are” (Brillat-Savarin,
1835/1884). gests. Food psychologist Greg Tucker reckons which type we plump for reveals
key personality traits.” Daily food choices are influenced not only by physiological needs, but
also by individual personality factors. One interesting aspect that continues to receive
attention is the relationship between personality and food preferences, particularly in relation
to sweet and spicy foods. These choices are not just a matter of culinary tastes, but also
reflect sensory preferences that can be closely linked to a person's personality characteristics.
In this context, this study aims to explore how personality factors such as neuroticism,
extroversion and self-control may play a role in shaping eating habits, specifically focusing
on two flavours that have a particular appeal: sweet and spicy.

Research on sweet and spicy food preferences has significant relevance especially in the
context of health and lifestyle. Although previous research has identified several personality
dimensions that influence eating patterns in general, there is still little understanding of how
personality can influence these specific food preferences. Thus, this study attempts to fill this
knowledge gap and contribute to our understanding of the complexity of the relationship
between personality and eating habits.

A number of previous studies have shown that factors such as neuroticism, extroversion and
self-control can have an effect on food choices. However, this study will make a more
specific contribution by focusing on sweet and spicy foods. By exploring how preferences for
these two flavours can be influenced by personality characteristics, this research is expected
to provide new insights that are beneficial to our understanding of the relationship between
personality and more specific and targeted eating habits.

Literature Review


Exploring The Link Between Personality and Preferences for Sweet and Spicy Food | 2023

a. Some factors that may be involved in this relationship involve diet, lifestyle, and
general health. Here are some aspects that may be considered:
1. Neuroticism: Individuals with high levels of neuroticism may tend to
experience stress and anxiety, which can affect their eating habits. Some
people may tend to overeat or find it difficult to control their diet when faced
with stress.
2. Extroversion: Extroverted people may tend to have a more active social
lifestyle. This can affect food choices and eating habits, especially if they are
often in social settings that influence their food preferences.
3. Meticulousness: Individuals who tend to be very conscientious may have a
tendency to have a regular and organized diet. They may be more likely to
follow a meal plan and choose foods that suit their preferences.
4. Openness: Openness to new experiences and diverse eating habits may be
correlated. People who are more open may prefer to try new foods and have
more flexible eating habits.
5. Awareness: Awareness of food can affect one's eating habits. People who are
more aware may be more likely to choose healthy foods and watch their
6. Self-control: The ability to exercise self-control can play a role in regulating
eating patterns. Individuals with good self-control may be better able to
manage their portions and avoid overeating.
7. Motivation and Goals: Health or physical appearance goals may motivate an
individual to adopt certain eating habits. For example, someone who has a
goal to lose weight may have a different diet than someone who has a goal to
improve physical fitness.

b. Food Behavior: Sweet-Food Lovers

1. Personality Influence on Sweet Flavour Preference
Just as Jung and Eysenck's personality theories include a preference for spicy
foods, personality characteristics can also play an important role in an
individual's tendency towards sweet foods. People who are more extroverted
may tend to seek stimulation, and this could be reflected in their desire for
foods that provide a sweet taste. Conversely, individuals who tend to be more
shy or introverted may have different preferences related to their tendency to
seek quieter experiences.
2. Influence of Sweet Preference on Social and Psychological Interactions
Sweet preferences not only reflect culinary tastes but can also play a role in
social interaction and personal identity formation. Symbolic interaction theory
indicates that identification as a sweet tooth can be a powerful symbol,
reflecting characteristics such as gentleness or a tendency to savor pleasurable
experiences. In this context, a preference for sweets can shape one's personal
identity, creating social connectivity through the exchange of food
c. Food Behavior: Spicy-Food Lovers
1. Personality Influence on Spicy Flavour Preference
Jung and Eysenck's personality theory states that extroverts tend to like
stimulation, including spicy flavors, while bolder people tend to like new
challenges, including spicy food experiences. So, the preference for spicy flavors


Exploring The Link Between Personality and Preferences for Sweet and Spicy Food | 2023

could be explained through personality characteristics related to stimulation-

seeking or boldness.
2. The Psychological and Social Impact of a Preference for Spicy Food
Spicy food preferences can strengthen social interactions through the exchange of
satisfaction. Symbolic interaction theory suggests that identification as a spicy
food lover can be a powerful symbol, reflecting characteristics such as courage or
a tendency to seek new experiences, shaping personal identity.

The research began by detailing the research objectives and formulating the research
questions. It then identifies the scope of the research and the parameters to be explored using
the literature study. Determining the sources of literature to be used is done by outlining the
criteria for relevant and reliable literature, choosing sources published by trusted journals and
official publishers. Data collection is carried out through literature, namely a series of
activities related to library data collection methods, reading and recording and processing
research materials (Zed, 2003: 3). In literature study research, four main characteristics
involve the direct processing of text or numerical data, the use of "off-the-shelf" library data,
the secondary nature of the data, and the availability of data without time and space
constraints. In this study, data collection was conducted through the review and exploration
of various journals, books, and documents.

Result and Findings

1. Sweet Food Preference and Personality:
a. Extroverted individuals tend to seek stimulation, which is reflected in their
desire for foods that provide a sweet taste.
b. People who are more shy or introverted may have different preferences related
to their tendency to seek quieter experiences.
c. A preference for sweets may reflect personal identity, creating social
connectivity through the exchange of food satisfaction.
2. Spicy Food Preferences and Personality:
a. Extroverted and courageous individuals tend to favor new stimulation and
challenges, including spicy culinary experiences.
b. The preference for spicy flavors can be explained through personality
characteristics associated with stimulation seeking or courage.
c. Spicy food may symbolize courage or a tendency to seek out new experiences,
shaping personal identity and influencing social interactions.
3. Psychological and Social Impact:
a. Sweet and spicy food preferences can influence social interactions through the
exchange of food satisfaction.
b. Identification as a sweet or spicy food lover can be a powerful symbol,
reflecting characteristics such as gentleness or courage.
c. Awareness of food preferences can shape personal identity and motivate
individuals to achieve health or physical appearance goals.
In conclusion, the research illuminates the intricate link between personality traits and
preferences for sweet and spicy foods, uncovering the influential role of factors such as
neuroticism, extroversion, and self-control in shaping dietary choices. Extroverted
individuals, driven by a desire for stimulation, tend to favor sweet tastes, while introverts


Exploring The Link Between Personality and Preferences for Sweet and Spicy Food | 2023

exhibit preferences linked to seeking quieter experiences. These flavor inclinations go beyond
culinary tastes, intertwining with personal identity and social interactions.

Moreover, the study highlights the psychological and social impact of sweet and spicy food
preferences. Sweet-toothed individuals symbolize gentleness, fostering social connectivity,
while those favoring spicy flavors reflect courage and a penchant for new experiences,
influencing personal identity. The research emphasizes the role of awareness in shaping food
preferences, motivating individuals toward health or appearance goals. Overall, this study
deepens our understanding of how personality factors intricately shape eating habits,
contributing valuable insights to the complex interplay between psychological traits and
flavor preferen.


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