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3/22/22, 10:44 PM LTMC for Master Data Step by Step Process | SAP Blogs


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Ruthvik Chowdary
April 26, 2019 | 4 minute read

LTMC for Master Data Step by Step

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Dear All,
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When We are Implementing SAP S/4HANA solution, We can migrate our master data
and business data from SAP systems or non-SAP systems to SAP S/4HANA. By
 RSS Feed using SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit.

The SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit uses migration objects to identify and transfer
the relevant data. A migration object describes how to migrate data for a specific
business object to SAP S/4HANA. It contains information about the relevant source
and target structures, as well as the relationships between these structures. It also
contains mapping information for the relevant fields, as well as any rules used to
convert values that are migrated from source fields to target fields. SAP provides
predefined migration objects that you can use to transfer your data.

The Tool used to perform Migration is LTMC – (Legacy Transfer Migration Cockpit)

You can access the SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit by using transaction LTMC.

Note the following considerations when deciding on the most suitable approach for
your project:

Consideration Files Staging Tables 1/18
3/22/22, 10:44 PM LTMC for Master Data Step by Step Process | SAP Blogs

Size Limit 160MB limit for SAP No Limit.

S/4HANA Migration
Cockpit .*

System Considerations None. Staging system uses an

SAP HANA database.

Data Provisioning Enter data manually in Fill tables manually or by

each Microsoft Excel using preferred tools
XML file. (for example SAP Agile
Data Preparation).

* For on-premise systems, parameter icm/HTTP/max_request_size_KB controls the

size of the http request. The value of this parameter is the maximum size (in KB) of
an HTTP request. This parameter has the standard value 102400 kb (100MB) but
can be changed if required. For more information, see

Steps to Use LTMC

1. Enter LTMC T.Code

2. LTMC Web page / Fiori App will get opened 2/18
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3. Click on Create for Starting New Migration Project

4. Provide Project Title & Data Retention Time and hit Create

5. In the Search bar, we can look for an object which we want to use and upload data 3/18
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6. Select Required Object and click open

It’s just an information and press ok 4/18
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7. Click on Download Template so XML file will be downloaded

8. A pre-filled Template with detailed of each field and business is available 5/18
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9. In Field, List Sheet will find each sheet which and all are mandatory based on that
we will fill data and upload

10. In Basic Data Sheet highlighted column is mandatory and fill the remaining fields
and sheets as per requirement. 6/18
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11. In the last Sheet, “Maintenance Status Settings” Sheet will be activating which
screens are required as per business.

12. Once the template is ready with all required data need to follow below Steps

A. Upload File
B. Activate
C. Start Transfer
D. Data Validate
E. Convert values
F. Simulate
G. Execute Import 7/18
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13. Click Activate

14. Click Start Transfer

15. Data will get Transferred once its done Close button will get enabled 8/18
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16. If any error or data is missing will get error hear if all data in templet is good we
can proceed further

17. Click next

18. When we are executing for the first time particular object in a project we need to
Map fields.

19. Click each line item and do Mapping of Values 9/18
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20. Select Line Item and Click check once status turns in to Green Light click save so
next time system will do the mapping automatically

21. Once all the mapping is completed and no open items click next to simulate
Import 10/18
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22. Similar to upload once its completed click close to proceeding further

23. Backed Program will execute and data gets simulated if any missing data of
mandatory fields and fields Mapping is wrong

24. If any error go back and fix and repeat same if no error click Next

25. If all the steps are completed without any error will get above message then click
finish. 11/18
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Migration Status is now Finish

1. Now Check whether Material is created or not

2. Go to Display Material Fiori App and Search with the Material Number which you

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Assigned Tags

SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit

3. Select required Fields 12/18
3/22/22, 10:44 PM LTMC for Master Data Step by Step Process | SAP Blogs

MAN Production Planning (PP)

MM (Materials Management)


SAP Fiori

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May 15, 2021 at 8:19 am

Hi Ruthvik Chowdary ,

Can you help me to suggest some tool like LSMW / LTMC for the below details.

I have a huge data which need to be loaded on the system at one go. Kindly help me to provide the tool for the
below details.

Create Equipment BOM

Functional Location BOM
Create Equipment Task List
Functional Location task List


Sambit Sahoo

Mob- 8886051114

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3/22/22, 10:44 PM LTMC for Master Data Step by Step Process | SAP Blogs

May 22, 2021 at 1:45 am

Very Nice informative good explanation about the steps for data migration in blogs keep it up

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Ruthvik Chowdary | Blog Post Author

June 10, 2021 at 5:24 am


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November 8, 2021 at 12:38 pm

Hi Ruthvik

I need a way to create QM views for a bunch of materials in mass.

Is there a standard template available for the same?

Under the older LSMW, I would have created a recording of MM01, where I select the QM view
for the required plant and proceed with maintaining the fields which I wish to update for my

In fact, I need to update only these four fields for my material-plant combinations:

MARA QMPUR QM in Procurement is Active

MARC SSQSS Control Key for Quality Management in


MARC QMATA Material Authorization Group for Activities

in QM

MARC KZDKZ Documentation required indicator

Can you guide me as how to go about it? is there a standard way to extend a particular view in
MMR , in my case , the QM view? 15/18
3/22/22, 10:44 PM LTMC for Master Data Step by Step Process | SAP Blogs

Any inputs will be appreciated.

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Gnanu yadav
June 15, 2021 at 6:38 am

Hi , could you please let me know which migration data object to use for " conversation - tax depreciation " I
could see there is no migration data separately available for tax depreciation

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Ruthvik Chowdary | Blog Post Author

June 17, 2021 at 10:07 am

I think its not there till 1909 version

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venkateswarareddy Medam
September 29, 2021 at 8:58 am

Hi Ruthvik,

Excellent document.

I have a small doubt in Material Load. My question is if we are loading different material types then we have the
different views( Raw Material - No Sales views required, FERT - required all views). How to handle this in a
single file?

Thanks in advance.


Venkat. 16/18
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Ruthvik Chowdary | Blog Post Author

October 6, 2021 at 6:48 am

LTMC will automatically detect views based on material type no need to maintain manually based on
information we maintain views will get selected

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Janos Baumann
November 12, 2021 at 4:26 pm

Hi Ruthwik

LTMC is out good old friend. Quite innovative one is it, indeed.

I just looked at CVT_MATNR, starts with statics: ... well, I am prepared to find go to as well.

We still have a bad clue that 65% and 83% are somehow hardwired...



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