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A member
Member ofofNEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group

Stainless steel components

for pharmaceutical industry

and high purity applications

Stainless steel compo

for pharmaceutical in

and high purity applic

vessels and heat exchangers

vessels and heat excha

GmbH + Co.KG
A r matu ren f a b ri k · A p p a ra t e b a u · S t e ri l t e c h n i k
Valves and fittings for food and pharmaceutical industries
Who is NEUMO

Within 50 years this early start led to the well-known

NEUMO-Group ,which is currently represented with its production facilities
and trading companies in four continents with 1400 employees.
Looking for the nearest contact? Please visit our group's members under "LINKS".
Nowadays NEUMO is producing and supplying tubes,fittings and valves,vessels and heat exchangers
made from stainless steel as well as highly corrosion resistant alloys (like e.g. Hastelloy materials) for the
pharmaceutical, biotechnological, chemical and food processing industries.
NEUMO Germany has specialized in construction,development and production
of components for aseptic technology and high purity systems.
The product range contains special tubes, couplings, all types of fittings and accessories,
vessels etc. as well as special constructions.
NEUMO is offering sophisticated and well-engineered solutions for Your
individual question and demand together in combination with quality products of highest reputation.
Our highly experienced,skilled and motivated team is committed to Your success.
Thinking "STAINLESS" at NEUMO means experience, expertise and the right program.
That's why you should go for NEUMO products.
We are here for You.
Get in contact with us!


NEUMO GmbH + Co. KG Page 2

Content Page 2
BioConnect ® Screwed Version Page 3
BioConnect ® Threaded connection end for screwing Page 4
BioConnect ® Liner for screwing Page 5
BioConnect ® Flanged Version Page 6
BioConnect ® Flange form R Page 7
BioConnect ® Flange form V Page 8
BioConnect ® Clamp Version Page 9
BioConnect ® Clamp formule form R Page 10
BioConnect ® Clamp formule form V Page 11
BioConnect ® Blind Parts Page 12
BioConnect ® blind part form V for BioConnect ® screwed version Page 13
BioConnect ® blind part form V for BioConnect ® flanged version Page 14
BioConnect ® blind part form V for BioConnect ® clamp version Page 15
BioConnect ® Non return Valve Page 16
BioConnect ® Sampling Valve Page 17
BioControl ® Articles I Page 18
BioControl ® Articles II Page 19
BioControl ® Blind Flange Page 20
BioControl ® Block Flange Page 21
BioControl ® Inline Housing Page 22-23
BioControl ® Angle Housing Page 24-25
BioControl ® Sight Glass Set Page 26
BioControl ® Partner Products (Example) Page 27
Connect S ® Flanged Version Page 28
Connect S ® Clamp version Page 29
NEUMO-Pharmatube - High purity tube and fittings Page 30
NEUMO-Fittings DIN 11865 Page 31

2 01/10
PNPN 1616
higher if if
material: ( 1.4404
( 1.4404 // 1.4435
) 316L
) 316L
nut: 1.4301
temperature: -10/+135°C
short-time +150°C
report: EN EN 10204
10204 - 3.1
- 3.1
( if( if
requested AD-W2
AD-W2) )

11850 Dimensions fürfür
Dimensions DIN 11866
DIN line
11866 B, B,
DIN ISO 1127
ISO 1127

DN dd ss LL DD DN
DN dd ss LL DD
6 6 8 8 1 1 6767 SW19
8 8 1010 1 1 6767 SW22
SW22 13,5
13,5 13,5
13,5 1,61,6 6767 SW27
1010 1313 1,51,5 6868 SW27
SW27 17,2
17,2 17,2
17,2 1,61,6 6868 SW30
1515 1919 1,51,5 6868 4242 21,3
21,3 21,3
21,3 1,61,6 6868 4242
2020 2323 1,51,5 7070 4848 26,9
26,9 26,9
26,9 1,61,6 7070 4848
2525 2929 1,51,5 8181 5555 33,7
33,7 33,7
33,7 2 2 8181 5555
3232 3535 1,51,5 8282 6565 42,4
42,4 42,4
42,4 2 2 8282 6565
4040 4141 1,51,5 8383 7070 48,3
48,3 48,3
48,3 2 2 8383 7070
5050 5353 1,51,5 8484 8282 60,3
60,3 60,3
60,3 2 2 8484 8282
6565 7070 2 2 112
112 105
105 76,1
76,1 76,1
76,1 2 2 112
112 105
8080 8585 2 2 112
112 115
115 88,9
88,9 88,9
88,9 2,32,3 112
112 115
100 104
104 2 2 114
114 145
145 114,3
114,3 114,3
114,3 2,32,3 114
114 145

C, C,

DN dd ss LL DD

1/2’’ 12,7
12,7 1,65
1,65 6868 SW27
3/4’’ 19,05
19,05 1,65
1,65 6868 4242
1’’ 1’’ 25,4
25,4 1,65
1,65 7070 4848
1 1/2’’
1 1/2’’ 38,1
38,1 1,65
1,65 8282 6565
2’’ 2’’ 50,8
50,8 1,65
1,65 8484 8282
2 1/2’’
2 1/2’’ 63,5
63,5 1,65
1,65 112
112 105
3’’ 3’’ 76,2
76,2 1,65
1,65 112
112 105
4’’ 4’’ 101,6
101,6 2,11
2,11 114
114 145

® -®O-Rings!
- O-Rings!


01/10 3 3
pressure class: PN 16
higher if requested
material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

temperature: -10/+135°C
short-time +150°C
test report: EN 10204 - 3.1
( if requested AD-W2 )

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

DN d s H M DN d s H M
6 8 1 36 M 16 x 1,5
8 10 1 36 M 18 x 1,5 13,5 13,5 1,6 37 M 22 x 1,5
10 13 1,5 37 M 22 x 1,5 17,2 17,2 1,6 37 M 26 x 1,5
15 19 1,5 37 M 30 x 1,5 21,3 21,3 1,6 37 M 30 x 1,5
20 23 1,5 39 M 36 x 2 26,9 26,9 1,6 39 M 36 x 1,5
25 29 1,5 44 M 42 x 2 33,7 33,7 2 44 M 42 x 2
32 35 1,5 45 M 52 x 2 42,4 42,4 2 45 M 52 x 2
40 41 1,5 46 M 56 x 2 48,3 48,3 2 46 M 56 x 2
50 53 1,5 47 M 68 x 2 60,3 60,3 2 47 M 68 x 2
65 70 2 64 M 90 x 3 76,1 76,1 2 64 M 90 x 3
80 85 2 64 M 100 x 3 88,9 88,9 2,3 64 M 100 x 3
100 104 2 66 M 130 x 4 114,3 114,3 2,3 66 M 130 x 4

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

DN d s H M

1/2’’ 12,7 1,65 37 M 22 x 1,5

3/4’’ 19,05 1,65 37 M 30 x 1,5
1’’ 25,4 1,65 39 M 36 x 2
1 1/2’’ 38,1 1,65 45 M 52 x 2
2’’ 50,8 1,65 47 M 68 x 2
2 1/2’’ 63,5 1,65 64 M 90 x 3
3’’ 76,2 1,65 64 M 90 x 3
4’’ 101,6 2,11 66 M 130 x 4

technical changes reserved

4 01/10
pressure class: PN 16
higher if requested
material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

temperature: -10/+135°C
short-time +150°C
test report: EN 10204 - 3.1
( if requested AD-W2 )

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

DN d s H D DN d s H D
6 8 1 31 13
8 10 1 31 15 13,5 13,5 1,6 31 19
10 13 1,5 31 19 17,2 17,2 1,6 31 23
15 19 1,5 31 27 21,3 21,3 1,6 31 27
20 23 1,5 31 33 26,9 26,9 1,6 31 33
25 29 1,5 37 39 33,7 33,7 2 37 39
32 35 1,5 37 49 42,4 42,4 2 37 49
40 41 1,5 37 53 48,3 48,3 2 37 53
50 53 1,5 37 65 60,3 60,3 2 37 65
65 70 2 48 85 76,1 76,1 2 48 85
80 85 2 48 95 88,9 88,9 2,3 48 95
100 104 2 48 124 114,3 114,3 2,3 48 124

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

DN d s H D
1/2’’ 12,7 1,65 31 19
3/4’’ 19,05 1,65 31 27
1’’ 25,4 1,65 31 33
1 1/2’’ 38,1 1,65 37 49
2’’ 50,8 1,65 37 65
2 1/2’’ 63,5 1,65 48 85
3’’ 76,2 1,65 48 85
4’’ 101,6 2,11 48 124

technical changes reserved

01/10 5
pressure class: PN 16 ( to DN 100 )
PN 10 ( from DN 125 )
PN 100 ( if requested )
material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L
temperature: -10/+135°C
short-time +150°C
test report: EN 10204 - 3.1
( if requested AD-W2 )

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

DN d s L D DN d s L D
6 8 1 88 60
8 10 1 88 60 13,5 13,5 1,6 88 60
10 13 1,5 88 65 17,2 17,2 1,6 88 65
15 19 1,5 88 75 21,3 21,3 1,6 88 75
20 23 1,5 92 80 26,9 26,9 1,6 92 80
25 29 1,5 102 85 33,7 33,7 2 102 85
32 35 1,5 102 95 42,4 42,4 2 102 95
40 41 1,5 102 100 48,3 48,3 2 102 100
50 53 1,5 106 110 60,3 60,3 2 106 110
65 70 2 130 140 76,1 76,1 2 130 140
80 85 2 130 150 88,9 88,9 2,3 130 150
100 104 2 134 175 114,3 114,3 2,3 134 175
125 129 2 118,3 190 139,7 139,7 2,6 118,3 200
150 154 2 118,3 215 168,3 168,3 2,6 118,3 230
200 204 2 118,3 270 219,1 219,1 2,6 118,3 285

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

DN d s L D
1/2’’ 12,7 1,65 88 65
3/4’’ 19,05 1,65 88 75
1’’ 25,4 1,65 92 80
1 1/2’’ 38,1 1,65 102 100
2’’ 50,8 1,65 102 100
2 1/2’’ 63,5 1,65 106 110
3’’ 76,2 1,65 130 140
4’’ 101,6 2,11 134 175

Only for use with BioConnect® - O-Rings!

technical changes reserved

6 01/10
pressure class: PN 16 ( to DN 100 )
PN 10 ( from DN 125 )
PN 100 ( if requested )
material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

temperature: -10/+135°C
short-time +150°C
test report: EN 10204 - 3.1
( if requested AD-W2 )

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

DN d s LG FG D DN d s LG FG D
6 8 1 45 10 60
8 10 1 45 10 60 13,5 13,5 1,6 45 10 60
10 13 1,5 45 10 65 17,2 17,2 1,6 45 10 65
15 19 1,5 45 10 75 21,3 21,3 1,6 45 10 75
20 23 1,5 47 12 80 26,9 26,9 1,6 47 12 80
25 29 1,5 52 12 85 33,7 33,7 2 52 12 85
32 35 1,5 52 12 95 42,4 42,4 2 52 12 95
40 41 1,5 52 12 100 48,3 48,3 2 52 12 100
50 53 1,5 54 14 110 60,3 60,3 2 54 14 110
65 70 2 66 16 140 76,1 76,1 2 66 16 140
80 85 2 66 16 150 88,9 88,9 2,3 66 16 150
100 104 2 68 18 175 114,3 114,3 2,3 68 18 175
125 129 2 60 18 190 139,7 139,7 2,6 60 18 200
150 154 2 60 18 215 168,3 168,3 2,6 60 18 230
200 204 2 60 20 270 219,1 219,1 2,6 60 20 285

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

DN d s LG FG D

1/2’’ 12,7 1,65 45 10 65

3/4’’ 19,05 1,65 45 10 75
1’’ 25,4 1,65 47 12 80
1 1/2’’ 38,1 1,65 52 12 100
2’’ 50,8 1,65 52 12 100
2 1/2’’ 63,5 1,65 54 14 110
3’’ 76,2 1,65 66 16 140
4’’ 101,6 2,11 68 18 175

technical changes reserved

01/10 7
pressure class: PN 16 ( to DN 100 )
PN 10 ( from DN 125 )
PN 100 ( if requested )
material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

temperature: -10/+135°C
short-time +150°C
test report: EN 10204 - 3.1
( if requested AD-W2 )

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

DN d s LB FB D DN d s LB FB D
6 8 1 43 8 60
8 10 1 43 8 60 13,5 13,5 1,6 43 8 60
10 13 1,5 43 8 65 17,2 17,2 1,6 43 8 65
15 19 1,5 43 8 75 21,3 21,3 1,6 43 8 75
20 23 1,5 45 10 80 26,9 26,9 1,6 45 10 80
25 29 1,5 50 10 85 33,7 33,7 2 50 10 85
32 35 1,5 50 10 95 42,4 42,4 2 50 10 95
40 41 1,5 50 10 100 48,3 48,3 2 50 10 100
50 53 1,5 52 12 110 60,3 60,3 2 52 12 110
65 70 2 64 14 140 76,1 76,1 2 64 14 140
80 85 2 64 14 150 88,9 88,9 2,3 64 14 150
100 104 2 66 16 175 114,3 114,3 2,3 66 16 175
125 129 2 58,3 16 190 139,7 139,7 2,6 58,3 16 200
150 154 2 58,3 16 215 168,3 168,3 2,6 58,3 16 230
200 204 2 58,3 18 270 219,1 219,1 2,6 58,3 18 285

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

DN d s LB FB D
1/2’’ 12,7 1,65 43 8 65
3/4’’ 19,05 1,65 43 8 75
1’’ 25,4 1,65 45 10 80
1 1/2’’ 38,1 1,65 50 10 100
2’’ 50,8 1,65 50 10 100
2 1/2’’ 63,5 1,65 52 12 110
3’’ 76,2 1,65 64 14 140
4’’ 101,6 2,11 66 16 175

technical changes reserved

8 01/10
pressure class: PN 16 (to DN 50)
PN 10 (DN 65 to DN 100)
material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L
clamp 1.4301
temperature: -10/+135°C
short-time +150°C
test report: EN 10204 - 3.1
( if requested AD-W2 )

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

DN d s L D DN d s L D
6 8 1 68 39
8 10 1 68 39 13,5 13,5 1,6 68 39
10 13 1,5 68 39 17,2 17,2 1,6 68 39
15 19 1,5 68 39 21,3 21,3 1,6 68 63
20 23 1,5 68 63 26,9 26,9 1,6 68 63
25 29 1,5 76 63 33,7 33,7 2 76 63
32 35 1,5 76 63 42,4 42,4 2 76 63
40 41 1,5 76 76 48,3 48,3 2 76 76
50 53 1,5 76 90 60,3 60,3 2 76 90
65 70 2 96 104 76,1 76,1 2 96 104
80 85 2 96 118 88,9 88,9 2,3 96 118
100 104 2 96 130 114,3 114,3 2,3 96 145

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

DN d s L D
1/2’’ 12,7 1,65 68 39
3/4’’ 19,05 1,65 68 39
1’’ 25,4 1,65 68 63
1 1/2’’ 38,1 1,65 76 63
2’’ 50,8 1,65 76 76
2 1/2’’ 63,5 1,65 76 90
3’’ 76,2 1,65 96 104
4’’ 101,6 2,11 96 130

Only for use with BioConnect® - O-Rings!

technical changes reserved

01/10 9
pressure class: PN 16 (to DN 50)
PN 10 (DN 65 to DN 100)
material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

temperature: -10/+135°C
short-time +150°C
test report: EN 10204 - 3.1
( if requested AD-W2 )

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

DN d s L D DN d s L D
6 8 1 35 25
8 10 1 35 25 13,5 13,5 1,6 35 25
10 13 1,5 35 25 17,2 17,2 1,6 35 25
15 19 1,5 35 25 21,3 21,3 1,6 35 50,4
20 23 1,5 35 50,4 26,9 26,9 1,6 35 50,4
25 29 1,5 39 50,4 33,7 33,7 2 39 50,4
32 35 1,5 39 50,4 42,4 42,4 2 39 50,4
40 41 1,5 39 64 48,3 48,3 2 39 64
50 53 1,5 39 77,4 60,3 60,3 2 39 77,4
65 70 2 49 90,9 76,1 76,1 2 49 90,9
80 85 2 49 106 88,9 88,9 2,3 49 106
100 104 2 49 118,9 114,3 114,3 2,3 49 130

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

DN d s L D

1/2’’ 12,7 1,65 35 25

3/4’’ 19,05 1,65 35 25
1’’ 25,4 1,65 35 50,4
1 1/2’’ 38,1 1,65 39 50,4
2’’ 50,8 1,65 39 64
2 1/2’’ 63,5 1,65 39 77,4
3’’ 76,2 1,65 49 90,9
4’’ 101,6 2,11 49 118,9

technical changes reserved

10 01/10
pressure class: PN 16 (to DN 50)
PN 10 (DN 65 to DN 100)
material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

temperature: -10/+135°C
short-time +150°C
test report: EN 10204 - 3.1
( if requested AD-W2 )

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

DN d s L D DN d s L D
6 8 1 33 25
8 10 1 33 25 13,5 13,5 1,6 33 25
10 13 1,5 33 25 17,2 17,2 1,6 33 25
15 19 1,5 33 25 21,3 21,3 1,6 33 50,4
20 23 1,5 33 50,4 26,9 26,9 1,6 33 50,4
25 29 1,5 37 50,4 33,7 33,7 2 33 50,4
32 35 1,5 37 50,4 42,4 42,4 2 37 50,4
40 41 1,5 37 64 48,3 48,3 2 37 64
50 53 1,5 37 77,4 60,3 60,3 2 37 77,4
65 70 2 47 90,9 76,1 76,1 2 47 90,9
80 85 2 47 106 88,9 88,9 2,3 47 106
100 104 2 47 118,9 114,3 114,3 2,3 47 130

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

DN d s L D
1/2’’ 12,7 1,65 33 25
3/4’’ 19,05 1,65 33 25
1’’ 25,4 1,65 33 50,4
1 1/2’’ 38,1 1,65 37 50,4
2’’ 50,8 1,65 37 64
2 1/2’’ 63,5 1,65 37 77,4
3’’ 76,2 1,65 47 90,9
4’’ 101,6 2,11 47 118,9

technical changes reserved

01/10 11
R for
R for
BioConnect® screwed

BioConnect® screwed
screwed version

formR for
R for
BioConnect® flanged

formVV forfor
BioConnect® flanged
flanged version

R for
R for
BioConnect® clamp

VV forfor
BioConnect® clamp

1212 01/10
pressure class: PN 16

material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

temperature: -10/+135°C
short-time +150°C
test report: EN 10204 - 3.1
( if requested AD-W2 )

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

DN D d N G DN D d N G
6 13 8 7 4
8 15 10 7 4 13,5 19 13,5 7 4
10 19 12 7 4 17,2 23 17,2 7 4
15 27 19 7 4 21,3 27 21,3 7 4
20 33 23 7 4 26,9 33 26,9 7 4
25 39 29 8 4 33,7 39 33,7 8 4
32 49 35 8 4 42,4 49 42,4 8 4
40 53 41 8 4 48,3 53 48,3 8 4
50 65 53 8 4 60,3 65 60,3 8 4
65 85 70 9 5 76,1 85 76,1 9 5
80 95 85 9 5 88,9 95 88,9 9 5
100 124 104 9 5 114,3 124 114,3 9 5

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

DN D d N G
1/2" 19 13,5 7 4
3/4" 27 19 7 4
1“ 33 26,9 7 4
1 1/2" 49 42,4 8 4
2" 65 60,3 8 4
2 1/2" 85 70 9 5
3" 85 76,1 9 5
4" 124 114,3 9 5

technical changes reserved

01/10 13
pressure class: PN 16

material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

temperature: -10/+135°C
short-time +150°C
test report: EN 10204 - 3.1
( if requested AD-W2 )
Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

6 60 8
8 60 8 13,5 60 8
10 65 8 17,2 65 8
15 75 8 21,3 75 8
20 80 10 26,9 80 10
25 85 10 33,7 85 10
32 95 10 42,4 95 10
40 100 10 48,3 100 10
50 110 12 60,3 110 12
65 140 14 76,1 140 14
80 150 14 88,9 150 14
100 175 16 114,3 175 16
125 190 16 139,7 200 16
150 215 16 168,3 230 16
200 270 18 219,1 285 20

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

1/2" 65 8
3/4" 75 8
1" 80 10
1 1/2" 100 10
2" 100 10
2 1/2" 110 12
3" 140 14
4" 175 16

technical changes reserved

14 01/10
pressure class: PN 16 ( to DN 50 )
PN 10 ( DN65 - DN100 )
material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

temperature: -10/+135°C
short-time +150°C
test report: EN 10204 - 3.1
( if requested AD-W2 )

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

6 25 5,5 13,5 25 5,5
8 25 5,5 17,2 25 5,5
10 25 5,5 21,3 50,4 7
15 25 5,5 26,9 50,4 7
20 50,4 7 33,7 50,4 7
25 50,4 7 42,4 50,4 7
32 50,4 7 48,3 64 7
40 64 7 60,3 77,4 7
50 77,4 7 76,1 90,9 7
65 90,9 7 88,9 106 9
80 106 9 114,3 130 9
100 118,9 9

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

1/2" 25 5,5
3/4" 25 5,5
1" 50,4 7
1 1/2" 50,4 7
2" 64 7
2 1/2" 77,4 7
3" 90,9 7
4" 118,9 9

technical changes reserved

01/10 15
body material: 1.4435/1.4404/316L

surface finish interior: product touched

Ra ≤ 0,8 µm, i/o electropolished
poppet: 316L

seat: EPDM

pressure class: PN 16

end connections: extended weld ends

according to DIN 11866

operating pressure: 4,5 bar (65 psi)

line position: vertical

applications: clean fluids ( f.e. WFI )

clean gases

Technical details
DN valve flow @ max differen- cracking
tial pressure pressure
15 VC 1-2 3,6 m3/hr @ 0,2 bar 0,01 bar
25 VC 1-1 4,0 m3/hr @ 0,2 bar 0,02 bar
40 VC 1-3 11 m3/hr @ 0,2 bar 0,02 bar
50 VC 1-4 16 m3/hr @ 0,2 bar 0,02 bar

The sanitary check is a simple check valve which only allows Dimensions according to DIN 11 866 line A
flow into one direction and prevents flow into the opposite
direction. DN d s L D

15 19 1,5 102 100

The valve does not incorperate a spring and it is 25 29 1,5 112 100
designed to be placed vertically into the line with the flow 40 41 1,5 112 110
arrows pointing up. 50 53 1,5 114 140

Dimensions according to DIN 11 866 line B

DN d s L D
flow direction
10 17,2 1,6 102 100
15 21,3 1,6 102 100
20 26,9 1,6 112 100
25 33,7 2,0 115 110
40 48,3 2,0 115 140
50 60,3 2,0 160 175

Dimensions according to DIN 11 866 line C

DN d s L D

1/2’’ 12,7 1,65 100 100

3/4’’ 19,05 1,65 100 100
1’’ 25,4 1,65 112 100
1 1/2’’ 38,1 1,65 115 110
2’’ 50,8 1,65 115 110
technical changes reserved

16 01/10
material: product touched material: 316L
others: 304 (1.4301)
o-ring: EPDM-FDA
bellow: PTFE-TFM 1705

product BioConnect® aseptic clamp

connections: DN 25 or as requested

product touched
surface finish: Ra ≤ 0,8 µm

max.operating pressure: 6,0 bar (PN 6)

operating temperature: max.135 °C

control air pressure: min. 6 bar max.7 bar

test report: EN 10204 - 3.1

Technical details (if requested AD-W2)

d1 d2 L L1 L2 G build in: horizontal

29 x 1,5 12 x 1 161 50 77 1/8’’

cleaning inlet: as requested

cleaning inlet optional

technical changes reserved

01/10 17
block flange for tank welding:
B25, B50, B65 und B80

tank wall thickness max. 4mm!

block flange with welding neck :

B25-Bund, B50-Bund, B65-Bund
and B80-Bund

tank wall thickness max. 12mm!

block flange high version:

B25 x 25, B50 x 40
and B65 x 50

special flanges for tank welding:

B25-Sonder, B50-Sonder, B65-Sonder,

high / diameter as to be agreed

special flanges for tank welding:

B25-Sonder, B50-Sonder, B65-Sonder,

high / diameter as to be agreed

special flanges for tank welding:

B25-Sonder, B50-Sonder, B65-Sonder,

high / diameter as to be agreed

Note: Please observe our welding recommendations for all products depicted above

18 01/10
type G25, G50 und G65

type U25, U50 und U65

blind flange for

block flange / housings G or
type D25, D50, D65 und D80

sight-glass-set for:
type S25, S50, S65 und S80

spare part / accessories for sight glass

type F25, F50, F65 und F80

spare part / accessories for sight glass

type V25, V50, V65 und V80

Note: We reserve the right to deliver the BioControl housings with a modified design!

01/10 19
pressure class: PN 16 ( TÜV tested )

material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

temperature: -10/+135°C,
short-time 150°C
test report: EN 10204 - 3.1
( if requested AD-W2 )

Blind Flange
Typ d D H h Art.-Nr:

D25 30,5 64 20 11 04010.025.000.4100

D50 50,0 90 27 17 04010.050.000.4100
D65 68,0 120 27 17 04010.065.000.4100
D80 87,5 140 37 25 04010.080.000.4100

Please order seal ring seperatly!

Only for use with BioControl® - O-Rings!

technical changes reserved

20 01/10
) )

material: ( 1.4404
( 1.4404
) 316L
) 316L

temperature: -10/+150°C

report: EN EN 10204
10204- 3.1
- 3.1
( if( if
) )

version Block
Block Flange
Flange for
for tank
tank welding
TypTyp d d D D HH Art.-Nr:
Art.-Nr: TypTyp d d D D HH Art.-Nr:

highhigh 30,5
30,5 64 64 25 25 04032.025.000.4100
04032.025.000.4100 B25B25 30,5
30,5 64 64 11 11 04030.025.000.4100
highhigh 50,0
50,0 90 90 40 40 04032.050.000.4100
04032.050.000.4100 B50B50 50,0
50,0 90 90 17 17 04030.050.000.4100
highhigh 68,0
68,0 120120 50 50 04032.065.000.4100
04032.065.000.4100 B65B65 68,0
68,0 120120 17 17 04030.065.000.4100
B80B80 87,5
87,5 140140 25 25 04030.080.000.4100
4 mm
4 mm

TypTyp d d D D HH min.-ø
min.-ø Art.-Nr:

B25B25 30,5
30,5 64 64 11 11 144144 if requested
if requested
B50B50 50,0
50,0 90 90 17 17 170170 if requested
if requested
B65B65 68,0
68,0 120120 17 17 200200 if requested
if requested
B80B80 87,5
87,5 140140 25 25 220220 if requested
if requested
12 12
as agreed
as agreed




01/10 2121
pressure class: PN 16 ( TÜV tested )

material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

temperature: -10/+150°C

test report: EN 10204 - 3.1

( if requested AD-W2 )

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

Typ DN d s h L B U Art.-Nr: Typ DN d s h L B U Art.-Nr:

G25 6 DIN 8 1,0 28 130 70,0 30,5 04001.025.006.4100 G25 13,5 13,5 1,6 32,3 130 72,0 30,5 04101.025.008.4100
G25 8 DIN 10 1,0 30 130 71,0 30,5 04001.025.008.4100 G25 17,2 17,2 1,6 36,0 130 73,5 30,5 04101.025.010.4100
G25 10 DIN 13 1,5 32 130 71,5 30,5 04001.025.010.4100 G25 21,3 21,3 1,6 40,1 130 75,5 30,5 04101.025.015.4100
G25 15 DIN 19 1,5 38 130 74,5 30,5 04001.025.015.4100 G25 26,9 26,9 1,6 45,7 130 78,5 30,5 04101.025.020.4100
G25 20 DIN 23 1,5 42 130 76,5 30,5 04001.025.020.4100

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

Typ DN d s h L B U Art.-Nr:

G25 1/2" 12,7 1,65 31,4 130 71,5 30,5 04201.025.012.4100

G25 3/4" 19,05 1,65 37,75 130 74,5 30,5 04201.025.034.4100
G25 1" 25,4 1,65 44,1 130 78,0 30,5 04201.025.100.4100

technical changes reserved

22 01/10
pressure class: PN 16 ( TÜV tested )

material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

temperature: -10/+150°C

test report: EN 10204 - 3.1

( if requested AD-W2 )

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

Typ DN d s h L D U Art.-Nr: Typ DN d s h L D U Art.-Nr:

G50 25 DIN 29 1,5 60 150 90 50,1 04001.050.025.4100 G50 33,7 33,7 2 63,7 150 90 50,1 04101.050.025.4100
G50 32 DIN 35 1,5 66 150 90 50,1 04001.050.032.4100 G50 42,4 42,4 2 76,4 150 90 50,1 04101.050.032.4100
G50 40 DIN 41 1,5 72 150 90 50,1 04001.050.040.4100 G50 48,3 48,3 2 78,3 150 90 50,1 04101.050.040.4100
G50 50 DIN 53 1,5 84 150 90 50,1 04001.050.050.4100 G50 60,3 60,3 2 90,3 150 90 50,1 04101.050.050.4100
G50 65 DIN 70 2,0 100 170 90 50,1 04001.050.065.4100 G50 76,1 76,1 2 106,7 170 90 50,1 04101.050.065.4100
G50 80 DIN 85 2,0 115 170 90 50,1 04001.050.080.4100 G50 88,9 88,9 2,3 118,3 170 90 50,1 04101.050.080.4100
G50 100 DIN 104 2,0 134 170 90 50,1 04001.050.100.4100 G50 114,3 114,3 2,3 144,3 170 90 50,1 04101.050.100.4100

G65 40 DIN 41 1,5 72 180 120 68,1 04001.065.040.4100 G65 48,3 48,3 2 78,3 180 120 68,1 04101.065.040.4100
G65 50 DIN 53 1,5 84 180 120 68,1 04001.065.050.4100 G65 60,3 60,3 2 90,3 180 120 68,1 04101.065.050.4100
G65 65 DIN 70 2,0 100 200 120 68,1 04001.065.065.4100 G65 76,1 76,1 2 106,7 200 120 68,1 04101.065.065.4100
G65 80 DIN 85 2,0 115 200 120 68,1 04001.065.080.4100 G65 88,9 88,9 2,3 118,3 200 120 68,1 04101.065.080.4100
G65 100 DIN 104 2,0 134 200 120 68,1 04001.065.100.4100 G65 114,3 114,3 2,3 144,3 200 120 68,1 04101.065.100.4100

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

Typ DN d s h L D U Art.-Nr:

45° turned! G50 1 1/2“ 38,1 1,65 68,8 150 90 50,1 04201.050.112.4100
G50 2" 50,8 1,65 81,5 150 90 50,1 04201.050.200.4100
G50 2 1/2“ 63,5 1,65 94,2 170 90 50,1 04201.050.212.4100
G50 3" 76,2 1,65 106,9 170 90 50,1 04201.050.300.4100
G50 4" 101,6 2,11 131,8 170 90 50,1 04201.050.400.4100

G65 1 1/2“ 38,1 1,65 68,8 180 120 68,1 04201.065.112.4100

G65 2" 50,8 1,65 81,5 180 120 68,1 04201.065.200.4100
G65 2 1/2“ 63,5 1,65 94,2 200 120 68,1 04201.065.212.4100
G65 3" 76,2 1,65 106,9 200 120 68,1 04201.065.300.4100
G65 4" 101,6 2,11 131,8 200 120 68,1 04201.065.400.4100

Note: We reserve the right to deliver the

BioControl housings with a modified design!
technical changes reserved

01/10 23
pressure class: PN 16 ( TÜV tested )

material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

temperature: -10/+150°C

test report: EN 10204 - 3.1

( if requested AD-W2 )

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

Typ DN d s h H I D U Art.-Nr: Typ DN d s h H I D U Art.-Nr:

U25 6 DIN 8 1 34 48 65 64 30,5 04002.025.006.4100 U25 13,5 13,5 1,6 37 53 65 64 30,5 04102.025.008.4100
U25 8 DIN 10 1 35 50 65 64 30,5 04002.025.008.4100 U25 17,2 17,2 1,6 39 57 65 64 30,5 04102.025.010.4100
U25 10 DIN 13 1,5 35 51 65 64 30,5 04002.025.010.4100 U25 21,3 21,3 1,6 41 61 65 64 30,5 04102.025.015.4100
U25 15 DIN 19 1,5 41 60 65 64 30,5 04002.025.015.4100 U25 26,9 26,9 1,6 43 66 65 64 30,5 04102.025.020.4100
U25 20 DIN 23 1,5 41 65 65 64 30,5 04002.025.020.4100

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

45° turned! Typ DN d s h H I D U Art.-Nr:

U25 1/2“ 12,7 1,65 36 52 65 64 30,5 04202.025.012.4100

U25 3/4“ 19,05 1 ,65 40 59 65 64 30,5 04202.025.034.4100
U25 1“ 25,4 1 ,65 43 65 65 64 30,5 04202.025.100.4100

technical changes reserved

24 01/10
pressure class: PN 16 ( TÜV tested )

material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

temperature: -10/+150°C

test report: EN 10204 - 3.1

( if requested AD-W2 )

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

Typ DN d s H h I D U Art.-Nr: Typ DN d s H h I D U Art.-Nr:

U50 25 DIN 29 1,5 90 60 75 90 50,1 04002.050.025.4100 U50 33,7 33,7 2 95 63,2 75 90 50,1 04102.050.025.4100
U50 32 DIN 35 1,5 90 60 75 90 50,1 04002.050.032.4100 U50 42,4 42,4 2 95 63,2 75 90 50,1 04102.050.032.4100
U50 40 DIN 41 1,5 95 59 75 90 50,1 04002.050.040.4100 U50 48,3 48,3 2 100 61 75 90 50,1 04102.050.040.4100
U50 50 DIN 53 1,5 105 63 75 90 50,1 04002.050.050.4100 U50 60,3 60,3 2 110 65 75 90 50,1 04102.050.050.4100
U50 65 DIN 70 2,0 130 80 85 90 50,1 04002.050.065.4100 U50 76,1 76,1 2 135 82 85 90 50,1 04102.050.065.4100
U50 80 DIN 85 2,0 145 87,5 90 90 50,1 04002.050.080.4100 U50 88,9 88,9 2,3 150 91 90 90 50,1 04102.050.080.4100
U50 100 DIN 104 2,0 165 98 100 90 50,1 04002.050.100.4100 U50 114,3 114,3 2,3 175 103,2 100 90 50,1 04102.050.100.4100

U65 40 DIN 41 1,5 105 69 90 120 68,1 04002.065.040.4100 U65 48,3 48,3 2 107 68 90 120 68,1 04102.065.040.4100
U65 50 DIN 53 1,5 112 70 90 120 68,1 04002.065.050.4100 U65 60,3 60,3 2 115 70 90 120 68,1 04102.065.050.4100
U65 65 DIN 70 2,0 130 80 100 120 68,1 04002.065.065.4100 U65 76,1 76,1 2 135 82 100 120 68,1 04102.065.065.4100
U65 80 DIN 85 2,0 145 87,5 100 120 68,1 04002.065.080.4100 U65 88,9 88,9 2,3 155 96 100 120 68,1 04102.065.080.4100
U65 100 DIN 104 2,0 165 98 100 120 68,1 04002.065.100.4100 U65 114,3 114,3 2,3 175 103,2 100 120 68,1 04102.065.100.4100

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

Typ DN d s H h I D U Art.-Nr:

U50 1 1/2“ 38,1 1,65 95 60,5 75 90 50,1 04202.050.112.4100

45° turned! U50 2" 50,8 1,65 105 64,0 75 90 50,1 04202.050.200.4100
U50 2 1/2“ 63,5 1,65 130 83,0 85 90 50,1 04202.050.212.4100
U50 3" 76,2 1,65 145 91,5 90 90 50,1 04202.050.300.4100
U50 4" 101,6 2,11 165 99,5 100 90 50,1 04202.050.400.4100

U65 1 1/2“ 38,1 1,65 105 70,5 90 120 68,1 04202.065.112.4100

U65 2" 50,8 1,65 115 74,0 90 120 68,1 04202.065.200.4100
U65 2 1/2“ 63,5 1,65 130 83,0 100 120 68,1 04202.065.212.4100
U65 3" 76,2 1,65 145 91,5 100 120 68,1 04202.065.300.4100
U65 4" 101,6 2,11 165 99,5 100 120 68,1 04202.065.400.4100

Note: We reserve the right to deliver the

BioControl housings with a modified design!
technical changes reserved

01/10 25
pressure class: PN 16 ( TÜV tested )

material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

temperature: -10/+135°C,
short-time 150°C
test report: EN 10204 - 3.1
( if requested AD-W2 )

Sight Glass Set Flange Ring

Typ d1 d2 D H h Art.-Nr: Typ d2 D H Art.-Nr:

S25 30,5 25,0 64 20 11 04020.025.000.4100 V25 25,0 64 9,0 04024.025.000.4100

S50 50,0 40,5 90 27 17 04020.050.000.4100 V50 40,5 90 10,0 04024.050.000.4100
S65 68,0 58,5 120 27 17 04020.065.000.4100 V65 58,5 120 10,0 04024.065.000.4100
S80 87,5 78,0 140 37 25 04020.080.000.4100 V80 78,0 140 18,2 04024.080.000.4100

1 Sight Glass
2 Seal Ring
3 Seal
4 Flange Ring
5 Hexagon Screw

Sight Glass
technical changes reserved

Typ d1 h Art.-Nr:

F25 30,5 13 04021.025.000.64

F50 50,0 17 04021.050.000.64
F65 68,0 17 04021.065.000.64
F80 87,5 17 04021.080.000.64

tool for disassembly

Glas V25 - V65 V80 Art.-Nr.: 04029.050.080.99

Only for use with BioConnect® - O-Rings!

26 01/10
Partners are:
• Endress und Hauser
• Herberts
• Lanthalux
• Malux
• Mettler-Toledo
• Negele
• Papenmeier transmitter
• Siemens with G25

transmitter with manometer

blind flange with blind flange

01/10 27
pressure class*: PN 16 ( to DN 50 )
( *TÜV tested ) PN 10 ( DN 65 to 100 )
PN100 ( on request )
material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

temperature: -10/+150°C, > on request

test report: EN 10204 - 3.1

( if requested AD-W2 )

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

DN d s L D DN d s L D

10 13 1,5 88 65 10 17,2 1,6 88 65

15 19 1,5 88 75 15 21,3 1,6 88 75
20 23 1,5 92 85 20 26,9 1,6 92 85
25 29 1,5 102 97 25 33,7 2 102 97
32 35 1,5 102 105 32 42,4 2 102 105
40 41 1,5 106 115 40 48,3 2 106 115
50 53 1,5 106 125 50 60,3 2 106 125
65 70 2 130 145 65 76,1 2 130 145
80 85 2 130 155 80 88,9 2,3 130 155
100 104 2 134 180 100 114,3 2,3 134 180

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

DN d s L D

1/2“ 12,7 1,65 88 65

3/4“ 19,05 1,65 88 75
1“ 25,4 1,65 92 85
1 1/2“ 38,1 1,65 102 105
2“ 50,8 1,65 106 125
2 1/2“ 63,5 1,65 106 135
3“ 76,2 1,65 130 145
4“ 101,6 2,11 134 180

technical changes reserved

28 01/10
pressure class: PN 10

material: ( 1.4404 / 1.4435 ) 316L

clamp 1.4301
temperature: -10/+150°C

test report: EN 10204 - 3.1

( if requested AD-W2 )

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line A, DIN 11850 Dimensions for DIN 11866 line B, DIN EN ISO 1127

DN d s L D DN d s L D

10 13 1,5 69,5 39 17,2 17,2 1,6 69 ,5 39

15 19 1,5 69,5 39 21,3 21,3 1,6 69,5 63
20 23 1,5 69,5 63 26,9 26,9 1,6 68 63
25 29 1,5 68 63 33,7 33,7 2 68 63
32 35 1,5 76 63 42,4 42,4 2 76 63
40 41 1,5 76 76 48,3 48,3 2 76 76
50 53 1,5 76 90 60,3 60,3 2 76 90

Dimensions for DIN 11866 line C, ASME-BPE

DN d s L D

1/2“ 12,7 1,65 69,5 39

3/4“ 19,05 1,65 68 39
1“ 25,4 1,65 68 63
1 1/2“ 38,1 1,65 76 63
2“ 50,8 1,65 76 76

technical changes reserved

01/10 29

NEUMO keeps one of Europe's biggest stock for High Purity Stainless Steel Tube and Fittings.

Whatever dimensional standard is required in pharmaceutical industries - NEUMO has got it!

NEUMO Pharmatube High Purity Stainless Steel Tube

is produced according technical specifications as follows:

welded acc. DIN 11866/ISO 1127/DIN 17457, PK2

Tolerances: D4/T4
mat.grade: 1.4435/BN2 (316L)
seamless acc. DIN 11866/ISO 1127/DIN 17458, PK2
Tolerances: D4/T4
mat.grade: 1.4435/BN2 (316L)

internal surface roughness:

Ra < 0,8µm
optional Ra < 0,6µm
optional Ra < 0,4µm and better

In addition NEUMO offers to the US-orientated pharmaceutical industries original High Purity tubing
fulfilling all specification details of ASME-BPE including fittings and clamp ferrules.

DN ISO 1127 DIN 11866/11850 ASME-BPE

4 6,0 x 1,0 6,35 x 0,89

6 8,0 x 1,0
8 13,5 x 1,6 10,0 x 1,0 9,53 x 0,89
10 17,2 x 1,6 13,0 x 1,5
15 21,3 x 1,6 19,0 x 1,5 12,7 x 1,65
20 26,9 x 1,6 23,0 x 1,5 19,05 x 1,65
25 33,7 x 2,0 29,0 x 1,5 25,4 x 1,65
32 42,4 x 2,0 35,0 x 1,5
40 48,3 x 2,0 41,0 x 1,5 38,1 x 1,65
50 60,3 x 2,0 53,0 x 1,5 50,8 x 1,65
65 76,1 x 2,0/2,3 70,0 x 2,0 63,5 x 1,65
80 88,9 x 2,3 85,0 x 2,0 76,2 x 1,65
100 114,3 x 2,3/2,6 104,0 x 2,0 101,6 x 2,11

30 01/10

11865, which
was issued
beginning of of
of of
made of of
pharmaceutical areas:
standard committee
mountings 4.14.1
developed thethe
11865 with
with its its
from applications,
standards. These
in in

• •
dimensions with
• •
• •
consistency of of
andand outer
surfacesacc. to
• •
tolerancesof of
• •
permissible wall
thickness reduction
reduction within
of of
• •
qualities / purity
/ purity(e.g.
• •
• •
descriptionandand order
• •
• •
packaging and

standarda further
a further
is is
made available
andand user
of of
to to
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a piping
a piping

of of
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a continuousaseptic
constructionof of
haveto to

DINDIN 11866
11866 "Pipes
made of of
chemical andand
optimal connection
technology, e.g.
NEUMO BioConnect,
ConnectS or or
selectionof of
technology: e.g.
diaphragm valve,
connection system
system NEUMO
NEUMO BioControl
BioControl forfor
or or
temperature measurement
measurement techniques
AsAs farfar
Application of of

of of
of of


T (long)
T (long) Elbow

, form
, form
(short) Elbow

, form
, form
reduced) Reducer
, form
, form

, form
, form
reduced) Reducer
, form
, form

10/10 3131
A r matu ren f a b ri k · A p p a ra t e b a u · S t e ri l t e c h n i k
Bioprocessing equipment

NEUMO Phar matube

DIN 11866
Stai nl es s st eee el
tubi nngg for ASME-BPE
p h ar m aceut
aceu t ic aall a n d
Biotech i nd n d u st r ies
ie s -
Speci al Alloys
A lloys 1.4435

TP 316L



2.4602/ AlloyC22

Table of contents

Ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s page 2

NEUMO Pharmatube ECO , material grade 1.4404 page 3

NEUMO Pharmatube S , material grade 1.4435 page 3

NEUMO Pharmatube XS , material grade 1.4435 page 4

NEUMO Pharmatube BPE , material grade TP 316L page 4

NEUMO Pharmalloy , material grade 1.4539 page 5

NEUMO Alloy C22 , material grade 2.4602 / Alloy C22 page 5

NEUMO fittings,couplings and additional tubing qualities page 6

N E U M O b ro c h u re s page 7

Stainless steel tubes for pharmaceutical,biotechnological and other high purity applications have always been one
of NEUMO’s core businesses.Today NEUMO holds one of Europe’s biggest and most comprehensive stocks for high
purity tubing in her home town Knittlingen in South Germany.Other members of NEUMO-Group in United
States,Switzerland and Israel contribute with additional substantial stocks in pharma tubes of all dimensional
and material grades used in high purity industries.
Our highest quality is based on long term contracts with Europe’s and America’s best tube mills.NEUMO is relying
on only a few specialized ,accredited and certified mills to produce our special pharma brands NEUMO Pharmatube
ECO , NEUMO Pharmatube S, NEUMO Pharmatube XS and Neumo Pharmalloy .This guarantees highest quality
levels for our tubes.
Since many years our engineers have been supporting European and American standardization committees for
bioprocessing equipment like DIN and ASME.BPE.They have substantially influenced the development of standards
like DIN 11866,DIN 11865 and others as well as the comprehensive American standard ASME-BPE 2002 .
Based on this experience and know-how we are offering to our customers all necessary support and advise for
issue or revision of their companies’ own piping classes and standards.

On request we are offering training and seminars regarding international standardization of stainless steel tubing
and other bioprocessing equipment in Your company (or ours).
Please ask us for a proposal!

NEUMO is offering from stock the following tube qualities and executions:

2 10/10
NEUMO Pharmatube ECO
NEUMO Pharmatube ECO

Seamless and welded stainless steel tubes , mat. grade 1.4404/316L acc. DIN 11866,
Seamless and welded stainless steel tubes , mat. grade 1.4404/316L acc. DIN 11866,
Hygienic class H2 with optimized tolerances for orbital welding
Hygienic class H2 with optimized tolerances for orbital welding
Internal surface : Ra. Max. 0,8µm / 1,6µm in longitudinal weld area (radial measurement!)
Internal surface : Ra. Max. 0,8µm / 1,6µm in longitudinal weld area (radial measurement!)
Outside surface: pickled or bright annealed ; on request outside polished
Outside surface: pickled or bright annealed ; on request outside polished
Additional requirement: AD 2000 W2 (important for European Pressure Directive PED!)
Additional requirement: AD 2000 W2 (important for European Pressure Directive PED!)
As an option: Electropolishing of internal surface for improoved roughness profile, improoved cleanability,
As an option: Electropolishing of internal surface for improoved roughness profile, improoved cleanability,
prevention of particle sediments and other substantial advantages according Hygienic Class HE2
prevention of particle sediments and other substantial advantages according Hygienic Class HE2
Available dimensions:
Available dimensions:
DIN 11866, part A DIN 11866, part B
DIN 11866, part A DIN 11866, part B
(DIN 11850,ser. 2) (ISO 1127)
(DIN 11850,ser. 2) (ISO 1127)
dimension (mm) dimension (mm)
dimension (mm) dimension (mm)
15 19,0 x 1,5 15 21,3 x 1,6
15 19,0 x 1,5 15 21,3 x 1,6
20 26,9 x 1,6
20 26,9 x 1,6
25 29,0 x 1,5 25 33,7 x 2,0
25 29,0 x 1,5 25 33,7 x 2,0
32 42,4 x 2,0
32 42,4 x 2,0
40 41,0 x 1,5 40 48,3 x 2,0
40 41,0 x 1,5 40 48,3 x 2,0
50 53,0 x 1,5 50 60,3 x 2,0
50 53,0 x 1,5 50 60,3 x 2,0
65 70,0 x 2,0 65 76,1 x 2,0
65 70,0 x 2,0 65 76,1 x 2,0
80 85,0 x 2,0 80 88,9 x 2,3
80 85,0 x 2,0 80 88,9 x 2,3
100 104,0 x 2,0 100 114,3 x 2,3
100 104,0 x 2,0 100 114,3 x 2,3
125 129,0 x 2,0 125 139,7 x 2,6
125 129,0 x 2,0 125 139,7 x 2,6
150 154,0 x 2,0 150 168,3 x 2,6
150 154,0 x 2,0 150 168,3 x 2,6
200 204,0 x 2,0
200 204,0 x 2,0

NEUMO Pharmatube S
NEUMO Pharmatube S
Seamless and welded stainless steel tubes , mat. grade 1.4435/316L acc. DIN 11866,
Seamless and welded stainless steel tubes , mat. grade 1.4435/316L acc. DIN 11866,
Hygienic class H3 with optimized tolerances for orbital welding
Hygienic class H3 with optimized tolerances for orbital welding
Internal surface: Ra. Max. 0,8µm including weld area
Internal surface: Ra. Max. 0,8µm including weld area
Outside surface: polished or bright annealed
Outside surface: polished or bright annealed
Delta-Ferrit-content: max. 0,5% (dimensions DN 125 – DN 200 max. 3,0%)
Delta-Ferrit-content: max. 0,5% (dimensions DN 125 – DN 200 max. 3,0%)
Additional requirement: AD 2000 W2 (important for European Pressure Directive PED!)
Additional requirement: AD 2000 W2 (important for European Pressure Directive PED!)
As an option: Electropolishing of internal surface for improoved roughness profile, improoved cleanability,
As an option: Electropolishing of internal surface for improoved roughness profile, improoved cleanability,
prevention of particle sediments and other substantial advantages according Hygienic Class HE3
prevention of particle sediments and other substantial advantages according Hygienic Class HE3

Available dimensions:
Available dimensions:
DIN 11866, part A DIN 11866, part B DIN 11866, part C
DIN 11866, part A DIN 11866, part B DIN 11866, part C
(DIN 11850,ser. 2) (ISO 1127) (ASME-BPE)
(DIN 11850,ser. 2) (ISO 1127) (ASME-BPE)
dimension (mm) dimension (mm) dimension (mm)
dimension (mm) dimension (mm) dimension (mm)
4 6,0 x 1,0 4 1/4" 6,35 x 0,89
4 6,0 x 1,0 4 1/4" 6,35 x 0,89
6 8,0 x 1,0 6
6 8,0 x 1,0 6
8 10,0 x 1,0 8 13,5 x 1,6 3/8" 9,53 x 0,89
8 10,0 x 1,0 8 13,5 x 1,6 3/8" 9,53 x 0,89
10 13,0 x 1,5 10 17,2 x 1,6 1/2" 12,7 x 1,65
10 13,0 x 1,5 10 17,2 x 1,6 1/2" 12,7 x 1,65
15 19,0 x 1,5 15 21,3 x 1,6 3/4" 19,05 x 1,65
15 19,0 x 1,5 15 21,3 x 1,6 3/4" 19,05 x 1,65
20 23,0 x 1,5 20 26,9 x 1,6
20 23,0 x 1,5 20 26,9 x 1,6
25 29,0 x 1,5 25 33,7 x 2,0 1" 25,4 x 1,65
25 29,0 x 1,5 25 33,7 x 2,0 1" 25,4 x 1,65
32 35,0 x 1,5 32 42,4 x 2,0
32 35,0 x 1,5 32 42,4 x 2,0
40 41,0 x 1,5 40 48,3 x 2,0 1 1/2" 38,1 x 1,65
40 41,0 x 1,5 40 48,3 x 2,0 1 1/2" 38,1 x 1,65
50 53,0 x 1,5 50 60,3 x 2,0 2" 50,8 x 1,65
50 53,0 x 1,5 50 60,3 x 2,0 2" 50,8 x 1,65
65 70,0 x 2,0 65 76,1 x 2,0 2 1/2" 63,5 x 1,65
65 70,0 x 2,0 65 76,1 x 2,0 2 1/2" 63,5 x 1,65
80 85,0 x 2,0 80 88,9 x 2,3 3" 76,2 x 1,65
80 85,0 x 2,0 80 88,9 x 2,3 3" 76,2 x 1,65
100 104,0 x 2,0 100 114,3 x 2,3 4" 101,6 x 2,11
100 104,0 x 2,0 100 114,3 x 2,3 4" 101,6 x 2,11
125 129,0 x 2,0 125 139,7 x 2,6
125 129,0 x 2,0 125 139,7 x 2,6
150 154,0 x 2,0 150 168,3 x 2,6 6" 152,4x2,77
150 154,0 x 2,0 150 168,3 x 2,6 6" 152,4x2,77
200 204,0 x 2,0 200 219,1 x 2,6
200 204,0 x 2,0 200 219,1 x 2,6

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NEUMO Pharmatube XS

Seamless and welded stainless steel tubes , mat. grade 1.4435/316L acc. DIN 11866,
Hygienic class H4 with optimized tolerances for orbital welding
Internal surface: Ra. max. 0,4µm including weld area
Outside surface: polished or bright annealed
Delta-Ferrit-content: max. 0,5%
Additional requirement: AD 2000 W2 (important for European Pressure Directive PED!)
As an option: Electropolishing of internal surface for improoved roughness profile, improoved cleanability,
prevention of particle sediments and other substantial advantages according Hygienic Class HE4

Available dimensions:

DIN 11866, part A DIN 11866, part B DIN 11866, part C

(DIN 11850,ser. 2) (ISO 1127) (ASME-BPE)

dimension (mm) dimension (mm) dimension (mm)
4 6,0 x 1,0 4 1/4" 6,35 x 0,89
6 8,0 x 1,0 6
8 10,0 x 1,0 8 13,5 x 1,6 3/8" 9,53 x 0,89
10 13,0 x 1,5 10 17,2 x 1,6 1/2" 12,7 x 1,65
15 19,0 x 1,5 15 21,3 x 1,6 3/4" 19,05 x 1,65
20 23,0 x 1,5 20 26,9 x 1,6
25 29,0 x 1,5 25 33,7 x 2,0 1" 25,4 x 1,65
32 35,0 x 1,5 32 42,4 x 2,0
40 41,0 x 1,5 40 48,3 x 2,0 1 1/2" 38,1 x 1,65
50 53,0 x 1,5 50 60,3 x 2,0 2" 50,8 x 1,65
65 70,0 x 2,0 65 76,1 x 2,0 2 1/2" 63,5 x 1,65
80 85,0 x 2,0 80 88,9 x 2,3 3" 76,2 x 1,65
100 104,0 x 2,0 100 114,3 x 2,3 4" 101,6 x 2,11

NEUMO Pharmatube BPE

Available dimensions:
Seamless and welded stainless steel tubes , mat. grade 316L acc.
ASME-BPE, Hygienic class ASME-BPE SFT1 with optimized (ASME-BPE)
tolerances for orbital welding
Internal surface: Ra. max. 0,5µm / average 0,38µm
Outside surface: polished or bright annealed OD AD x WD
dimension (mm)
Additional requirement: ASTM A 249/269/270/S2
1/4" 6,35 x 0,89
As an option: Electropolishing of internal surface for 3/8" 9,53 x 0,89
improoved roughness profile, 1/2" 12,7 x 1,65
improoved cleanability, prevention of 3/4" 19,05 x 1,65
particle sediments and other 1" 25,4 x 1,65
1 1/2" 38,1 x 1,65
substantial advantages according
2" 50,8 x 1,65
Surface Class ASME-BPE SFT4 or
2 1/2" 63,5 x 1,65
ASME-BPE SFT5 3" 76,2 x 1,65
ASME-BPE is a standard for 4" 101,6 x 2,11
„BioProcessing Equipment“ (=BPE) like tubing, fittings,valves 6" 152,4 x 2,77

etc. that was originally developed in the United States

by equipment manufacturers and engineers from the
pharmaceutical industry.
NEUMO and her sister companies VNE (USA) and EGMO (Israel)
have contributed to the development of this standard with their
continous and ongoing work in the American and European com-
mittees of ASME-BPE.

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NEUMO Pharmalloy for highly corrosive liquids

Dimensions acc. ISO 1127

Seamless and welded stainless steel tubes, mat. grade
1.4539/904L acc. DIN 11866, Hygienic class H3 with ISO 1127
optimized tolerances for orbital welding

Internal surface: Ra. Max. 0,8µm including weld area DN AD x WD

Outside surface: polished or bright annealed dimension (mm)
Delta-Ferrit-content: max. 0,5% 8 13,5 x 1,6
10 17,2 x 1,6
Additional requirement: AD 2000 W2 (important for 15 21,3 x 1,6
European Pressure Directive PED!) 20 26,9 x 1,6
25 33,7 x 2,0
32 42,4 x 2,0
As an option: Electropolishing of internal surface for
40 48,3 x 2,0
improoved roughness profile, 50 60,3 x 2,0
improoved cleanability, prevention of 65 76,1 x 2,3
particle sediments and other 80 88,9 x 2,3
substantial advantages according 100 114,3 x 2,6
Hygienic Class HE3

NEUMO Alloy C22 für highest corrosive liquids

Available dimensions:
Seamless and welded Nickel Alloy tubes ;
mat. grade 2.4602/Alloy C22 Dimensions acc. ANSI B36.19
Internal surface: mechanical polished with Ra. Approx..
0,8µm, especially in the weld area
roughness could partially exceed due to DN AD x WD
dimension (mm)
technical reasons. As a result of hardness
1/4" SCH10 13,75 x 1,65
of the material and technical difficulties
3/8" SCH10 17,15 x 1,65
of the polishing process we do partially 1/2" SCH10 21,34 x 2,11
supply these tubes with shortened 3/4" SCH10 26,67 x 2,11
lengths of 2000 mm only. This effects 1" SCH10 33,4 x 2,77
especially the smaller dimensions. 1 1/4" SCH10 42,16 x 2,77
1 1/2" SCH10 48,26 x 2,77
Outside surface: pickled or bright annealed; 2" SCH10 60,32 x 2,77
on request outside polished! 2 1/2" SCH10 73,02 x 3,05
3" SCH10 88,9 x 3,05
4" SCH10 114,3 x 3,05
As an option: Electropolishing of internal surface for
improoved roughness profile, improoved
cleanability,prevention of particle sediments
and other substantial advantages

Neumo Alloy C22-pipes are also available without inside polish from our stock
in Germany and the United States!

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NEUMO is also supplying:


For all above mentioned tube dimensions and material grades NEUMO is offering fittings for automatic machine welding like bends,tees and
reducers from own production as well as flanged,screwed or clamped couplings for high purity applications as f.e.NEUMO BioConnect,
TC-ferrules and DIN 11864. Not to forget our unique , worldwide patented high purity coupling NEUMO ConnectS that works without any
elastomere sealing as well as our special sight glass BioControl, BioCheck sampling valves and other additional equipment.
Please ask for our literature!

Other stainless steel tubes from NEUMO

NEUMO is part of the worldwide acting NEUMO-Group which includes manufacturing facilities and stainless steel warehouses all over
Europe and the United States.This allows us to offer from our group’s stocks nearly all known dimensions and grades for stainless steel tubes
according all international standards.
Please ask us also for

- Dairy tube acc. DIN 11850 in material grades 1.4301 / 304 and 1.4404 / 316L
- Dairy tube acc. SMS 3008 in material grades 1.4301 / 304 and 1.4404 / 316L
- Dairy tube acc. ASTM A 270 in material grades 304L and 316L
- Welded and seamless tubes acc. ISO 1127 in material grades 1.4301, 1.4541,1.4571,1.4404 and 1.4435
- Welded and seamless tubes acc. ASTM A 312 in material grades 304L und 316L
- Tubes in special alloys 1.4539 , 1.4462 , Alloy C22 , C276 and AL6-XN


- according European Pressure Directive PED 97

- according ASME Pressure Vessel Code
- according Chinese and Russian Pressure Vessel Regulations

6 10/10
brochures! !

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GmbH + Co.KG
A r matu ren f a b ri k · A p p a ra t e b a u · S t e ri l t e c h n i k
Valves and fittings for food and pharmaceutical industries
Who is NEUMO

Fittings made of stainless steel for aseptic, chemical and pharmaceutical techniques:

The DIN standard 11865, which was issued beginning of 2003 defines the design of fittings (T-pieces, bends, reducing
parts for welding) made of stainless steel for the aseptic, chemical and pharmaceutical areas:

The DIN standard committee for mountings 4.1 has developed the DIN 11865 with its explicit specifications,
based on previous experiences from applications, practical usage and works standards. These are in particular:

• basic dimensions with tolerance indications

• hygienic classes
• surface consistency of the inner and outer surfaces acc. to the applied hygienic class
• tolerances of the wall thickness and sphericity
• permissible wall thickness reduction within the area of forming
• materials and their qualities / purity (e.g. ferrite content)
• labeling
• product description and order designations
• inspections and documentation
• packaging and transport

With this new DIN standard a further building block is made available for both, the planner
and user of the plant, to achieve an optimal design of a piping for the aseptic area.

For the objective of applying a continuous aseptic concept for the construction of the plant,
further issues and standards besides the DIN 11865 have to be taken into consideration:

• DIN 11866 "Pipes made of stainless steel for the aseptic, chemical and pharmaceutical area"
• optimal connection technology, e.g. NEUMO BioConnect, Connect S or DIN 11864
• best possible selection of the valve technology: e.g. diaphragm valve, aseptic globe valves
• e.g. connection system NEUMO BioControl for applications such as pressure
or temperature measurement techniques
• As far as technically feasible: Application of orbital welding technology

...and of course: Sufficient experience of the planner, the future operator and the supplier!

We will gladly provide advise on the complex task: STERILE TECHNOLOGY.

Approach our specialized staff. Call for us!


NEUMO GmbH + Co. KG, Meaning page 2

Overwiew Fittings DIN 11865 page 3

T-pieces, form T (long) page 4

T-pieces, form TK (short) page 5

T-pieces, form TR (long, reduced) page 6+7

T-pieces, form TKR ( short, reduced) page 8+9

Elbows 90°, form BL.-90 page 10

Elbows 45°, form BL.-45 page 11

Reducer concentric, form RK page 12+13

Reducer eccentric, form RE page 14+15

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T-pieces, form T (long)

T-pieces, form TK (short)

T-pieces, form TR (long, reduced)

T-pieces, form TKR (short, reduced)

Elbows 90°, form BL.-90

Elbows 45°, form BL.-45

Reducer concentric, form RK

Reducer eccentric, form RE

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T-Pieces, Form T (long), DIN 11865 line A, according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe d1 s1 L l0 l2

MPa (bar) dimension
6 2,5 (25) 8x1 6 1 60 30 30
8 2,5 (25) 10 x 1 8 1 60 30 30
10 2,5 (25) 13 x 1,5 10 1,5 70 35 35
15 2,5 (25) 19 x 1,5 16 1,5 70 35 35
20 2,5 (25) 23 x 1,5 20 1,5 80 40 40
25 2,5 (25) 29 x 1,5 26 1,5 100 50 50
32 2,5 (25) 35 x 1,5 32 1,5 110 55 55
40 2,5 (25) 41 x 1,5 38 1,5 120 60 60
50 2,5 (25) 53 x 1,5 50 1,5 160 80 80
65 1,6 (16) 70 x 2 66 2 210 105 105
80 1,6 (16) 85 x 2 81 2 260 130 130
100 1,25 (12,5) 104 x 2 100 2 310 155 155
125 1,0 (10) 129 x 2 125 2 375 187,5 187,5
150 0,8 (8) 154 x 2 150 2 450 225 225
200 0,5 (5) 204 x 2 200 2 600 300 300
technical changes reserved

T-Pieces, Form T (long), DIN 11865 line B, according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe d1 s1 L l0 l2

MPa (bar) dimension
10,2 2,5 (25) 10,2 x 1,6 7,0 1,6 60 30 30
13,5 2,5 (25) 13,5 x 1,6 10,3 1,6 64 32 32
17,2 2,5 (25) 17,2 x 1,6 14,0 1,6 68 34 34
21,3 2,5 (25) 21,3 x 1,6 18,1 1,6 72 36 36
26,9 2,5 (25) 26,9 x 1,6 23,7 1,6 110 55 55
33,7 2,5 (25) 33,7 x 2 29,7 2 120 60 60
42,4 2,5 (25) 42,4 x 2 38,4 2 130 65 65
48,3 2,5 (25) 48,3 x 2 44,3 2 130 65 65
60,3 2,5 (25) 60,3 x 2 56,3 2 180 90 90
76,1 1,6 (16) 76,1 x 2 72,1 2 220 110 110
88,9 1,6 (16) 88,9 x 2,3 84,3 2,3 260 130 130
114,3 1,25 (12,5) 114,3 x 2,3 109,7 2,3 320 160 160
139,7 1,25 (12,5) 139,7 x 2,6 134,5 2,6 400 200 200
168,3 1,0 (10) 168,3 x 2,6 163,1 2,6 500 250 250
219,1 0,7 (7) 219,1 x 2,6 213,9 2,6 600 300 300

T-Pieces, Form T (long), DIN 11865 line C, according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe d1 s1 L l0 l2

MPa (bar) dimension
1/2" 2,5 (25) 12,7 x 1,65 9,40 1,65 95,2 47,6 47,6
3/4" 2,5 (25) 19,05 x 1,65 15,75 1,65 101,6 50,8 50,8
1" 2,5 (25) 25,4 x 1,65 22,10 1,65 108 54 54
1 1/2" 2,5 (25) 38,1 x 1,65 34,80 1,65 120,6 60,3 60,3
2" 2,5 (25) 50,8 x 1,65 47,50 1,65 146 73 73
2 1/2" 1,6 (16) 63,5 x 1,65 60,20 1,65 158,8 79,4 79,4
3" 1,6 (16) 76,2 x 1,65 72,90 1,65 171,4 85,7 85,7
4" 1,25 (12,5) 101,6 x 2,11 97,38 2,11 209,6 104,8 104,8
6" 1,2 (12) 152,4 x 2,77 146,86 2,77 285,8 142,9 142,9

4 10/10
T-Pieces, Form TK (short), DIN 11865 line A, according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe d1 s1 L l0

MPa (bar) dimension
15 2,5 (25) 19 x 1,5 16 1,5 70 35
20 2,5 (25) 23 x 1,5 20 1,5 80 40
25 2,5 (25) 29 x 1,5 26 1,5 100 50
32 2,5 (25) 35 x 1,5 32 1,5 110 55
40 2,5 (25) 41 x 1,5 38 1,5 120 60
50 2,5 (25) 53 x 1,5 50 1,5 160 80
65 1,6 (16) 70 x 2 66 2 210 105
80 1,6 (16) 85 x 2 81 2 260 130
100 1,25 (12,5) 104 x 2 100 2 310 155
125 1,0 (10) 129 x 2 125 2 375 187,5
150 0,8 (8) 154 x 2 150 2 450 225
200 0,5 (5) 204 x 2 200 2 600 300

technical changes reserved

T-Pieces, Form TK (short), DIN 11865 line B, according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe d1 s1 L l0

MPa (bar) dimension
17,2 2,5 (25) 17,2 x 1,6 14,0 1,6 68 34
21,3 2,5 (25) 21,3 x 1,6 18,1 1,6 72 36
26,9 2,5 (25) 26,9 x 1,6 23,7 1,6 110 55
33,7 2,5 (25) 33,7 x 2 29,7 2 120 60
42,4 2,5 (25) 42,4 x 2 38,4 2 130 65
48,3 2,5 (25) 48,3 x 2 44,3 2 130 65
60,3 2,5 (25) 60,3 x 2 56,3 2 180 90
76,1 1,6 (16) 76,1 x 2 72,1 2 220 110
88,9 1,6 (16) 88,9 x 2,3 84,3 2,3 260 130
114,3 1,25 (12,5) 114,3 x 2,3 109,7 2,3 320 160
139,7 1,25 (12,5) 139,7 x 2,6 134,5 2,6 400 200
168,3 1,0 (10) 168,3 x 2,6 163,1 2,6 500 250
219,1 0,7 (7) 219,1 x 2,6 213,9 2,6 600 300

T-Pieces, Form TK (kurz), DIN 11865 line C, according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe d1 s1 L l0

MPa (bar) dimension
3/4" 2,5 (25) 19,05 x 1,65 15,75 1,65 101,6 50,8
1" 2,5 (25) 25,4 x 1,65 22,10 1,65 108 54
1 1/2" 2,5 (25) 38,1 x 1,65 34,80 1,65 120,6 60,3
2" 2,5 (25) 50,8 x 1,65 47,50 1,65 146 73
2 1/2" 1,6 (16) 63,5 x 1,65 60,20 1,65 158,8 79,4
3" 1,6 (16) 76,2 x 1,65 72,90 1,65 171,4 85,7
4" 1,25 (12,5) 101,6 x 2,11 97,38 2,11 209,6 104,8
6" 1,2 (12) 152,4 x 2,77 146,86 2,77 285,8 142,9

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technical changes reserved

T-Pieces, Form TR (long, reduced), DIN 11865 line A, pipe according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe dimension pipe dimension d1 s1 d2 s2 L l0 l2

MPa (bar) for d1 for d2
8/6 2,5 (25) 10 x 1 8x1 8 1 6 1 60 30 30
10 / 6 2,5 (25) 13 x 1,5 8x1 10 1,5 6 1 60 30 30
10 / 8 2,5 (25) 13 x 1,5 10 x 1 10 1,5 8 1 60 30 30
15 / 8 2,5 (25) 19 x 1,5 10 x 1 16 1,5 8 1 70 35 35
15 / 10 2,5 (25) 19 x 1,5 13 x 1,5 16 1,5 10 1,5 70 35 35
20 / 10 2,5 (25) 23 x 1,5 13 x 1,5 20 1,5 10 1,5 80 40 40
20 / 15 2,5 (25) 23 x 1,5 19 x 1,5 20 1,5 16 1,5 80 40 40
25 / 15 2,5 (25) 29 x 1,5 19 x 1,5 26 1,5 16 1,5 100 50 50
25 / 20 2,5 (25) 29 x 1,5 23 x 1,5 26 1,5 20 1,5 100 50 50
32 / 15 2,5 (25) 35 x 1,5 19 x 1,5 32 1,5 16 1,5 110 55 55
32 / 20 2,5 (25) 35 x 1,5 23 x 1,5 32 1,5 20 1,5 110 55 55
32 / 25 2,5 (25) 35 x 1,5 29 x 1,5 32 1,5 26 1,5 110 55 55
40 / 20 2,5 (25) 41 x 1,5 23 x 1,5 38 1,5 20 1,5 120 60 60
40 / 25 2,5 (25) 41 x 1,5 29 x 1,5 38 1,5 26 1,5 120 60 60
40 / 32 2,5 (25) 41 x 1,5 35 x 1,5 38 1,5 32 1,5 120 60 60
50 / 25 2,5 (25) 53 x 1,5 29 x 1,5 50 1,5 26 1,5 160 80 80
50 / 32 2,5 (25) 53 x 1,5 35 x 1,5 50 1,5 32 1,5 160 80 80
50 / 40 2,5 (25) 53 x 1,5 41 x 1,5 50 1,5 38 1,5 160 80 80
65 / 32 1,6 (16) 70 x 2 35 x 1,5 66 2 32 1,5 210 105 80
65 / 40 1,6 (16) 70 x 2 41 x 1,5 66 2 38 1,5 210 105 80
65 / 50 1,6 (16) 70 x 2 53 x 1,5 66 2 50 1,5 210 105 80
80 / 40 1,6 (16) 85 x 2 41 x 1,5 81 2 38 1,5 260 130 105
80 / 50 1,6 (16) 85 x 2 53 x 1,5 81 2 50 1,5 260 130 105
80 / 65 1,6 (16) 85 x 2 70 x 2 81 2 66 2 260 130 105
100 / 50 1,25 (12,5) 104 x 2 53 x 1,5 100 2 50 1,5 310 155 130
100 / 65 1,25 (12,5) 104 x 2 70 x 2 100 2 66 2 310 155 130
100 / 80 1,25 (12,5) 104 x 2 85 x 2 100 2 81 2 310 155 130
125 / 65 1,0 (10) 129 x 2 70 x 2 125 2 66 2 375 187,5 155
125 / 80 1,0 (10) 129 x 2 85 x 2 125 2 81 2 375 187,5 155
125 / 100 1,0 (10) 129 x 2 104 x 2 125 2 100 2 375 187,5 155
150 / 80 0,8 (8) 154 x 2 85 x 2 150 2 81 2 450 225 187,5
150 / 100 0,8 (8) 154 x 2 104 x 2 150 2 100 2 450 225 187,5
150 / 125 0,8 (8) 154 x 2 129 x 2 150 2 125 2 450 225 187,5
200 / 100 0,5 (5) 204 x 2 104 x 2 200 2 100 2 600 300 225
200 / 125 0,5 (5) 204 x 2 129 x 2 200 2 125 2 600 300 225
200 / 150 0,5 (5) 204 x 2 154 x 2 200 2 150 2 600 300 225

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T-Pieces, Form TR (long, reduced), DIN 11865 line B, pipe according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe dimension pipe dimension d1 s1 d2 s2 L l0 l2

MPa (bar) for d1 for d2
13,5 / 10,2 2,5 (25) 13,5 x 1,6 10,2 x 1,6 10,3 1,6 7,0 1,6 64 32 32
17,2 / 10,2 2,5 (25) 17,2 x 1,6 10,2 x 1,6 14,0 1,6 7,0 1,6 68 34 34
17,2 / 13,5 2,5 (25) 17,2 x 1,6 13,5 x 1,6 14,0 1,6 10,3 1,6 68 34 34
21,3 / 10,2 2,5 (25) 21,3 x 1,6 10,2 x 1,6 18,1 1,6 7,0 1,6 72 36 36
21,3 / 13,5 2,5 (25) 21,3 x 1,6 13,5 x 1,6 18,1 1,6 10,3 1,6 72 36 36
21,3 / 17,2 2,5 (25) 21,3 x 1,6 17,2 x 1,6 18,1 1,6 14,0 1,6 72 36 36
26,9 / 13,5 2,5 (25) 26,9 x 1,6 13,5 x 1,6 23,7 1,6 10,3 1,6 110 55 55
26,9 / 17,2 2,5 (25) 26,9 x 1,6 17,2 x 1,6 23,7 1,6 14,0 1,6 110 55 55
26,9 / 21,3 2,5 (25) 26,9 x 1,6 21,3 x 1,6 23,7 1,6 18,1 1,6 110 55 55
33,7 / 17,2 2,5 (25) 33,7 x 2 17,2 x 1,6 29,7 2 14,0 1,6 120 60 60
33,7 / 21,3 2,5 (25) 33,7 x 2 21,3 x 1,6 29,7 2 18,1 1,6 120 60 60
33,7 / 26,9 2,5 (25) 33,7 x 2 26,9 x 1,6 29,7 2 23,7 1,6 120 60 60
42,4 / 21,3 2,5 (25) 42,4 x 2 21,3 x 1,6 38,4 2 18,1 1,6 130 65 65
42,4 / 26,9 2,5 (25) 42,4 x 2 26,9 x 1,6 38,4 2 23,7 1,6 130 65 65
42,4 / 33,7 2,5 (25) 42,4 x 2 33,7 x 2 38,4 2 29,7 2 130 65 65
48,3 / 26,9 2,5 (25) 48,3 x 2 26,9 x 1,6 44,3 2 23,7 1,6 130 65 65
48,3 / 33,7 2,5 (25) 48,3 x 2 33,7 x 2 44,3 2 29,7 2 130 65 65
48,3 / 42,4 2,5 (25) 48,3 x 2 42,4 x 2 44,3 2 38,4 2 130 65 65
60,3 / 33,7 2,5 (25) 60,3 x 2 33,7 x 2 56,3 2 29,7 2 180 90 90
60,3 / 42,4 2,5 (25) 60,3 x 2 42,4 x 2 56,3 2 38,4 2 180 90 90
60,3 / 48,3 2,5 (25) 60,3 x 2 48,3 x 2 56,3 2 44,3 2 180 90 90
76,1 / 42,4 1,6 (16) 76,1 x 2 42,4 x 2 72,1 2 38,4 2 220 110 90
76,1 / 48,3 1,6 (16) 76,1 x 2 48,3 x 2 72,1 2 44,3 2 220 110 90
76,1 / 60,3 1,6 (16) 76,1 x 2 60,3 x 2 72,1 2 56,3 2 220 110 90
88,9 / 48,3 1,6 (16) 88,9 x 2,3 48,3 x 2 84,3 2,3 44,3 2 260 130 110
88,9 / 60,3 1,6 (16) 88,9 x 2,3 60,3 x 2 84,3 2,3 56,3 2 260 130 110
88,9 / 76,1 1,6 (16) 88,9 x 2,3 76,1 x 2 84,3 2,3 72,1 2 260 130 110
114,3 / 60,3 1,25 (25) 114,3 x 2,3 60,3 x 2 109,7 2,3 56,3 2 320 160 130
114,3 / 76,1 1,25 (25) 114,3 x 2,3 76,1 x 2 109,7 2,3 72,1 2 320 160 130
114,3 / 88,9 1,25 (25) 114,3 x 2,3 88,9 x 2,3 109,7 2,3 84,3 2,3 320 160 130
139,7 / 76,1 1,25 (25) 139,7 x 2,6 76,1 x 2 134,5 2,6 72,1 2 400 200 160
139,7 / 88,9 1,25 (25) 139,7 x 2,6 88,9 x 2,3 134,5 2,6 84,3 2,3 400 200 160
139,7 / 114,3 1,25 (25) 139,7 x 2,6 114,3 x 2,3 134,5 2,6 109,7 2,3 400 200 160
168,3 / 88,9 1,0 (10) 168,3 x 2,6 88,9 x 2,3 163,1 2,6 84,3 2,3 500 250 200
168,3 / 114,3 1,0 (10) 168,3 x 2,6 114,3 x 2,3 163,1 2,6 109,7 2,3 500 250 200
168,3 / 139,7 1,0 (10) 168,3 x 2,6 139,7 x 2,6 163,1 2,6 134,5 2,6 500 250 200
219,1 / 114,3 0,7 (7) 219,1 x 2,6 114,3 x 2,3 213,9 2,6 109,7 2,3 600 300 250
219,1 / 139,7 0,7 (7) 219,1 x 2,6 139,7 x 2,6 213,9 2,6 134,5 2,6 600 300 250
219,1 / 168,3 0,7 (7) 219,1 x 2,6 168,3 x 2,6 213,9 2,6 163,1 2,6 600 300 250

T-Pieces, Form TR (long, reduced), DIN 11865 line C, pipe according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe dimension pipe dimension d1 s1 d2 s2 L l0 l2

MPa (bar) for d1 for d2
3/4" / 1/2" 2,5 (25) 19,05 x 1,65 12,7 x 1,65 15,75 1,65 9,40 1,65 101,6 50,8 50,8
1" / 1/2" 2,5 (25) 25,4 x 1,65 12,7 x 1,65 22,10 1,65 9,40 1,65 108 54 54
1" / 3/4" 2,5 (25) 25,4 x 1,65 19,05 x 1,65 22,10 1,65 15,75 1,65 108 54 54
1 1/2" / 3/4" 2,5 (25) 38,1 x 1,65 19,05 x 1,65 34,80 1,65 15,75 1,65 120,6 60,3 60,3
1 1/2" / 1" 2,5 (25) 38,1 x 1,65 25,4 x 1,65 34,80 1,65 22,10 1,65 120,6 60,3 60,3
2" / 1" 2,5 (25) 50,8 x 1,65 25,4 x 1,65 47,50 1,65 22,10 1,65 146 73 66,7
2" / 1 1/2" 2,5 (25) 50,8 x 1,65 38,1 x 1,65 47,50 1,65 34,80 1,65 146 73 66,7
2 1/2" / 1 1/2" 1,6 (16) 63,5 x 1,65 38,1 x 1,65 60,20 1,65 34,80 1,65 158,8 79,4 73
2 1/2" / 2" 1,6 (16) 63,5 x 1,65 50,8 x 1,65 60,20 1,65 47,50 1,65 158,8 79,4 73
3" / 1 1/2" 1,6 (16) 76,2 x 1,65 38,1 x 1,65 72,90 1,65 34,80 1,65 171,4 85,7 79,4
3" / 2" 1,6 (16) 76,2 x 1,65 50,8 x 1,65 72,90 1,65 47,50 1,65 171,4 85,7 79,4
3" / 2 1/2" 1,6 (16) 76,2 x 1,65 63,5 x 1,65 72,90 1,65 60,20 1,65 171,4 85,7 79,4
4" / 2" 1,25 (12,5) 101,6 x 2,11 50,8 x 1,65 97,38 2,11 47,50 1,65 209,6 104,8 98,4
4" / 2 1/2" 1,25 (12,5) 101,6 x 2,11 63,5 x 1,65 97,38 2,11 60,20 1,65 209,6 104,8 98,4
4" / 3" 1,25 (12,5) 101,6 x 2,11 76,2 x 1,65 97,38 2,11 72,90 1,65 209,6 104,8 98,4
6" / 4" 1,2 (12) 152,4 x 2,77 101,6 x 2,11 146,86 2,77 97,38 2,11 285,8 142,9 130,2

10/10 7
technical changes reserved

T-Pieces, Form TKR (short, reduced), DIN 11865 line A, pipe according DIN 11866

DN max. Druck pipe dimension pipe dimension d1 s1 d2 s2 L l0

MPa (bar) for d1 for d2
15 / 8 2,5 (25) 19 x 1,5 10 x 1 16 1,5 8 1 70 35
15 / 10 2,5 (25) 19 x 1,5 13 x 1,5 16 1,5 10 1,5 70 35
20 / 10 2,5 (25) 23 x 1,5 13 x 1,5 20 1,5 10 1,5 80 40
20 / 15 2,5 (25) 23 x 1,5 19 x 1,5 20 1,5 16 1,5 80 40
25 / 15 2,5 (25) 29 x 1,5 19 x 1,5 26 1,5 16 1,5 100 50
25 / 20 2,5 (25) 29 x 1,5 23 x 1,5 26 1,5 20 1,5 100 50
32 / 15 2,5 (25) 35 x 1,5 19 x 1,5 32 1,5 16 1,5 110 55
32 / 20 2,5 (25) 35 x 1,5 23 x 1,5 32 1,5 20 1,5 110 55
32 / 25 2,5 (25) 35 x 1,5 29 x 1,5 32 1,5 26 1,5 110 55
40 / 20 2,5 (25) 41 x 1,5 23 x 1,5 38 1,5 20 1,5 120 60
40 / 25 2,5 (25) 41 x 1,5 29 x 1,5 38 1,5 26 1,5 120 60
40 / 32 2,5 (25) 41 x 1,5 35 x 1,5 38 1,5 32 1,5 120 60
50 / 25 2,5 (25) 53 x 1,5 29 x 1,5 50 1,5 26 1,5 160 80
50 / 32 2,5 (25) 53 x 1,5 35 x 1,5 50 1,5 32 1,5 160 80
50 / 40 2,5 (25) 53 x 1,5 41 x 1,5 50 1,5 38 1,5 160 80
65 / 32 1,6 (16) 70 x 2 35 x 1,5 66 2 32 1,5 210 105
65 / 40 1,6 (16) 70 x 2 41 x 1,5 66 2 38 1,5 210 105
65 / 50 1,6 (16) 70 x 2 53 x 1,5 66 2 50 1,5 210 105
80 / 40 1,6 (16) 85 x 2 41 x 1,5 81 2 38 1,5 260 130
80 / 50 1,6 (16) 85 x 2 53 x 1,5 81 2 50 1,5 260 130
80 / 65 1,6 (16) 85 x 2 70 x 2 81 2 66 2 260 130
100 / 50 1,25 (12,5) 104 x 2 53 x 1,5 100 2 50 1,5 310 155
100 / 65 1,25 (12,5) 104 x 2 70 x 2 100 2 66 2 310 155
100 / 80 1,25 (12,5) 104 x 2 85 x 2 100 2 81 2 310 155
125 / 65 1,0 (10) 129 x 2 70 x 2 125 2 66 2 375 187,5
125 / 80 1,0 (10) 129 x 2 85 x 2 125 2 81 2 375 187,5
125 / 100 1,0 (10) 129 x 2 104 x 2 125 2 100 2 375 187,5
150 / 80 0,8 (8) 154 x 2 85 x 2 150 2 81 2 450 225
150 / 100 0,8 (8) 154 x 2 104 x 2 150 2 100 2 450 225
150 / 125 0,8 (8) 154 x 2 129 x 2 150 2 125 2 450 225
200 / 100 0,5 (5) 204 x 2 104 x 2 200 2 100 2 600 300
200 / 125 0,5 (5) 204 x 2 129 x 2 200 2 125 2 600 300
200 / 150 0,5 (5) 204 x 2 154 x 2 200 2 150 2 600 300

8 10/10
T-Pieces, Form TKR (short, reduced), DIN 11865 line B, pipe according DIN 11866

DN max. Druck pipe dimension pipe dimension d1 s1 d2 s2 L l0

MPa (bar) for d1 for d2
17,2 / 10,2 2,5 (25) 17,2 x 1,6 10,2 x 1,6 14,0 1,6 7,0 1,6 68 34
17,2 / 13,5 2,5 (25) 17,2 x 1,6 13,5 x 1,6 14,0 1,6 10,3 1,6 68 34
21,3 / 10,2 2,5 (25) 21,3 x 1,6 10,2 x 1,6 18,1 1,6 7,0 1,6 72 36
21,3 / 13,5 2,5 (25) 21,3 x 1,6 13,5 x 1,6 18,1 1,6 10,3 1,6 72 36
21,3 / 17,2 2,5 (25) 21,3 x 1,6 17,2 x 1,6 18,1 1,6 14,0 1,6 72 36
26,9 / 13,5 2,5 (25) 26,9 x 1,6 13,5 x 1,6 23,7 1,6 10,3 1,6 110 55
26,9 / 17,2 2,5 (25) 26,9 x 1,6 17,2 x 1,6 23,7 1,6 14,0 1,6 110 55
26,9 / 21,3 2,5 (25) 26,9 x 1,6 21,3 x 1,6 23,7 1,6 18,1 1,6 110 55
33,7 / 17,2 2,5 (25) 33,7 x 2 17,2 x 1,6 29,7 2 14,0 1,6 120 60
33,7 / 21,3 2,5 (25) 33,7 x 2 21,3 x 1,6 29,7 2 18,1 1,6 120 60
33,7 / 26,9 2,5 (25) 33,7 x 2 26,9 x 1,6 29,7 2 23,7 1,6 120 60
42,4 / 21,3 2,5 (25) 42,4 x 2 21,3 x 1,6 38,4 2 18,1 1,6 130 65
42,4 / 26,9 2,5 (25) 42,4 x 2 26,9 x 1,6 38,4 2 23,7 1,6 130 65
42,4 / 33,7 2,5 (25) 42,4 x 2 33,7 x 2 38,4 2 29,7 2 130 65
48,3 / 26,9 2,5 (25) 48,3 x 2 26,9 x 1,6 44,3 2 23,7 1,6 130 65
48,3 / 33,7 2,5 (25) 48,3 x 2 33,7 x 2 44,3 2 29,7 2 130 65
48,3 / 42,4 2,5 (25) 48,3 x 2 42,4 x 2 44,3 2 38,4 2 130 65
60,3 / 33,7 2,5 (25) 60,3 x 2 33,7 x 2 56,3 2 29,7 2 180 90
60,3 / 42,4 2,5 (25) 60,3 x 2 42,4 x 2 56,3 2 38,4 2 180 90
60,3 / 48,3 2,5 (25) 60,3 x 2 48,3 x 2 56,3 2 44,3 2 180 90
76,1 / 42,4 1,6 (16) 76,1 x 2 42,4 x 2 72,1 2 38,4 2 220 110
76,1 / 48,3 1,6 (16) 76,1 x 2 48,3 x 2 72,1 2 44,3 2 220 110
76,1 / 60,3 1,6 (16) 76,1 x 2 60,3 x 2 72,1 2 56,3 2 220 110
88,9 / 48,3 1,6 (16) 88,9 x 2,3 48,3 x 2 84,3 2,3 44,3 2 260 130
88,9 / 60,3 1,6 (16) 88,9 x 2,3 60,3 x 2 84,3 2,3 56,3 2 260 130
88,9 / 76,1 1,6 (16) 88,9 x 2,3 76,1 x 2 84,3 2,3 72,1 2 260 130
114,3 / 60,3 1,25 (25) 114,3 x 2,3 60,3 x 2 109,7 2,3 56,3 2 320 160
114,3 / 76,1 1,25 (25) 114,3 x 2,3 76,1 x 2 109,7 2,3 72,1 2 320 160
114,3 / 88,9 1,25 (25) 114,3 x 2,3 88,9 x 2,3 109,7 2,3 84,3 2,3 320 160
139,7 / 76,1 1,25 (25) 139,7 x 2,6 76,1 x 2 134,5 2,6 72,1 2 400 200
139,7 / 88,9 1,25 (25) 139,7 x 2,6 88,9 x 2,3 134,5 2,6 84,3 2,3 400 200
139,7 / 114,3 1,25 (25) 139,7 x 2,6 114,3 x 2,3 134,5 2,6 109,7 2,3 400 200
168,3 / 88,9 1,0 (10) 168,3 x 2,6 88,9 x 2,3 163,1 2,6 84,3 2,3 500 250
168,3 / 114,3 1,0 (10) 168,3 x 2,6 114,3 x 2,3 163,1 2,6 109,7 2,3 500 250
168,3 / 139,7 1,0 (10) 168,3 x 2,6 139,7 x 2,6 163,1 2,6 134,5 2,6 500 250
219,1 / 114,3 7 (7) 219,1 x 2,6 114,3 x 2,3 213,9 2,6 109,7 2,3 600 300
219,1 / 139,7 7 (7) 219,1 x 2,6 139,7 x 2,6 213,9 2,6 134,5 2,6 600 300
219,1 / 168,3 7 (7) 219,1 x 2,6 168,3 x 2,6 213,9 2,6 163,1 2,6 600 300

T-Pieces, Form TKR (short, reduced), DIN 11865 line C, pipe according DIN 11866

DN max. Druck pipe dimension pipe dimension d1 s1 d2 s2 L l0

MPa (bar) for d1 for d2
3/4" / 1/2" 2,5 (25) 19,05 x 1,65 12,7 x 1,65 15,75 1,65 9,40 1,65 101,6 50,8
1" / 1/2" 2,5 (25) 25,4 x 1,65 12,7 x 1,65 22,10 1,65 9,40 1,65 108 54
1" / 3/4" 2,5 (25) 25,4 x 1,65 19,05 x 1,65 22,10 1,65 15,75 1,65 108 54
1 1/2" / 3/4" 2,5 (25) 38,1 x 1,65 19,05 x 1,65 34,80 1,65 15,75 1,65 120,6 60,3
1 1/2" / 1" 2,5 (25) 38,1 x 1,65 25,4 x 1,65 34,80 1,65 22,10 1,65 120,6 60,3
2" / 1" 2,5 (25) 50,8 x 1,65 25,4 x 1,65 47,50 1,65 22,10 1,65 146 73
2" / 1 1/2" 2,5 (25) 50,8 x 1,65 38,1 x 1,65 47,50 1,65 34,80 1,65 146 73
2 1/2" / 1 1/2" 1,6 (16) 63,5 x 1,65 38,1 x 1,65 60,20 1,65 34,80 1,65 158,8 79,4
2 1/2" / 2" 1,6 (16) 63,5 x 1,65 50,8 x 1,65 60,20 1,65 47,50 1,65 158,8 79,4
3" / 1 1/2" 1,6 (16) 76,2 x 1,65 38,1 x 1,65 72,90 1,65 34,80 1,65 171,4 85,7
3" / 2" 1,6 (16) 76,2 x 1,65 50,8 x 1,65 72,90 1,65 47,50 1,65 171,4 85,7
3" / 2 1/2" 1,6 (16) 76,2 x 1,65 63,5 x 1,65 72,90 1,65 60,20 1,65 171,4 85,7
4" / 2" 1,25 (12,5) 101,6 x 2,11 50,8 x 1,65 97,38 2,11 47,50 1,65 209,6 104,8
4" / 2 1/2" 1,25 (12,5) 101,6 x 2,11 63,5 x 1,65 97,38 2,11 60,20 1,65 209,6 104,8
4" / 3" 1,25 (12,5) 101,6 x 2,11 76,2 x 1,65 97,38 2,11 72,90 1,65 209,6 104,8
6" / 4" 1,2 (12) 152,4 x 2,77 101,6 x 2,11 146,86 2,77 97,38 2,11 285,8 142,9

10/10 9
Elbows 90°, Form BL-90, DIN 11865 line A, according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe d1 s R l1 l3

MPa (bar) dimension
6 2,5 (25) 8x1 6 1 20 45 25
8 2,5 (25) 10 x 1 8 1 25 50 25
10 2,5 (25) 13 x 1,5 10 1,5 26 51 25
15 2,5 (25) 19 x 1,5 16 1,5 35 60 25
20 2,5 (25) 23 x 1,5 20 1,5 40 65 25
25 2,5 (25) 29 x 1,5 26 1,5 50 90 40
32 2,5 (25) 35 x 1,5 32 1,5 55 95 40
40 2,5 (25) 41 x 1,5 38 1,5 60 100 40
50 2,5 (25) 53 x 1,5 50 1,5 70 110 40
65 1,6 (16) 70 x 2 66 2 80 120 40
80 1,6 (16) 85 x 2 81 2 90 145 55
100 1,6 (16) 104 x 2 100 2 100 155 55
125 1,0 (10) 129 x 2 125 2 187,5 270 82,5
150 1,0 (10) 154 x 2 150 2 225 325 100
200 1,0 (10) 204 x 2 200 2 300 400 100
technical changes reserved

Elbows 90°, Form BL-90, DIN 11865 line B, according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe d1 s R l1 l3

MPa (bar) dimension
10,2 2,5 (25) 10,2 x 1,6 7,0 1,6 20 45 25
13,5 2,5 (25) 13,5 x 1,6 10,3 1,6 20 45 25
17,2 2,5 (25) 17,2 x 1,6 14,0 1,6 28 53 25
21,3 2,5 (25) 21,3 x 1,6 18,1 1,6 30 55 25
26,9 2,5 (25) 26,9 x 1,6 23,7 1,6 28,5 68,5 40
33,7 2,5 (25) 33,7 x 2 29,7 2 38 78 40
42,4 2,5 (25) 42,4 x 2 38,4 2 47,5 87,5 40
48,3 2,5 (25) 48,3 x 2 44,3 2 57 97 40
60,3 1,6 (16) 60,3 x 2 56,3 2 76 116 40
76,1 1,6 (16) 76,1 x 2 71,5 2 95 150 55
88,9 1,6 (16) 88,9 x 2,3 84,3 2,3 114,5 169,5 55
114,3 1,6 (16) 114,3 x 2,3 109,7 2,3 152,5 207,5 55
139,7 1,0 (10) 139,7 x 2,6 134,5 2,6 190,5 245,5 55
168,3 1,0 (10) 168,3 x 2,6 163,1 2,6 228,5 283,5 55
219,1 1,0 (10) 219,1 x 2,6 213,9 2,6 305,5 385 80

Elbows 90°, Form BL-90, DIN 11865 line C, according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe d1 s R l1 l3

MPa (bar) dimension
1/2" 2,5 (25) 12,7 x 1,65 9,40 1,65 25,4 76,2 50,8
3/4" 2,5 (25) 19,05 x 1,65 15,75 1,65 25,4 76,2 50,8
1" 2,5 (25) 25,4 x 1,65 22,10 1,65 38,1 76,2 38,1
1 1/2" 2,5 (25) 38,1 x 1,65 34,80 1,65 57,2 95,3 38,1
2" 2,5 (25) 50,8 x 1,65 47,50 1,65 76,2 120,7 44,5
2 1/2" 1,6 (16) 63,5 x 1,65 60,20 1,65 95,3 139,7 44,4
3" 1,6 (16) 76,2 x 1,65 72,90 1,65 114,3 158,8 44,5
4" 1,6 (16) 101,6 x 2,11 97,38 2,11 152,4 203,2 50,8
6" 1,0 (10) 152,4 x 2,77 146,86 2,77 228,6 292,1 63,5

10 10/10
Elbows 45°, Form BL-45, DIN 11865 line A, according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe d1 s R l2 l3 H1 H2

MPa (bar) dimension
6 2,5 (25) 8x1 6 1 20 33,3 25 56,8 59,7
8 2,5 (25) 10 x 1 8 1 25 35,4 25 60,4 64,0
10 2,5 (25) 13 x 1,5 10 1,5 26 35,8 25 61,1 65,7
15 2,5 (25) 19 x 1,5 16 1,5 35 39,5 25 67,4 74,1
20 2,5 (25) 23 x 1,5 20 1,5 40 41,6 25 71,0 79,1
25 2,5 (25) 29 x 1,5 26 1,5 50 60,7 40 103,6 113,9
32 2,5 (25) 35 x 1,5 32 1,5 55 62,8 40 107,2 119,6
40 2,5 (25) 41 x 1,5 38 1,5 60 64,9 40 110,8 125,3
50 2,5 (25) 53 x 1,5 50 1,5 70 69,0 40 117,8 136,5
65 1,6 (16) 70 x 2 66 2 80 73,1 40 124,8 149,5
80 1,6 (16) 85 x 2 81 2 90 92,3 55 157,6 187,6
100 1,6 (16) 104 x 2 100 2 100 96,4 55 164,6 201,3
125 1,0 (10) 129 x 2 125 2 187,5 160,2 82,5 273,5 319,1
150 1,0 (10) 154 x 2 150 2 225 193,2 100 329,9 384,3
200 1,0 (10) 204 x 2 200 2 300 224,3 100 382,9 455,0
technical changes reserved

Elbows 45°, Form BL-45, DIN 11865 line B, according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe d1 s R l2 l3 H1 H2

MPa (bar) dimension
10,2 2,5 (25) 10,2 x 1,6 7,0 1,6 20 33,3 25 56,8 60,5
13,5 2,5 (25) 13,5 x 1,6 10,3 1,6 20 33,3 25 56,8 61,6
17,2 2,5 (25) 17,2 x 1,6 14,0 1,6 28 36,6 25 62,5 68,6
21,3 2,5 (25) 21,3 x 1,6 18,1 1,6 30 37,4 25 63,8 71,4
26,9 2,5 (25) 26,9 x 1,6 23,7 1,6 28,5 51,8 40 88,4 97,9
33,7 2,5 (25) 33,7 x 2 29,7 2 38 55,7 40 95,1 107,0
42,4 2,5 (25) 42,4 x 2 38,4 2 47,5 59,7 40 101,9 116,9
48,3 2,5 (25) 48,3 x 2 44,3 2 57 63,6 40 108,6 125,6
60,3 1,6 (16) 60,3 x 2 56,3 2 76 71,5 40 122,0 143,4
76,1 1,6 (16) 76,1 x 2 72,1 2 95 94,4 55 161,2 188,1
88,9 1,6 (16) 88,9 x 2,3 84,3 2,3 114,5 102,4 55 174,8 206,2
114,3 1,6 (16) 114,3 x 2,3 109,7 2,3 152,5 118,2 55 201,8 242,2
139,7 1,0 (10) 139,7 x 2,6 134,5 2,6 190,5 133,9 55 228,6 278,0
168,3 1,0 (10) 168,3 x 2,6 163,1 2,6 228,5 149,7 55 255,6 315,1
219,1 1,0 (10) 219,1 x 2,6 213,9 2,6 305 206,3 80 352,2 429,7

Elbows 45°, Form BL-45, DIN 11865 line C, according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe d1 s R l2 l3 H1 H2

MPa (bar) dimension
1/2" 2,5 (25) 12,7 x 1,65 9,40 1,65 25,4 57,2 46,7 97,6 102,1
3/4" 2,5 (25) 19,05 x 1,65 15,75 1,65 25,4 57,2 46,7 97,6 104,4
1" 2,5 (25) 25,4 x 1,65 22,10 1,65 38,1 57,2 41,4 97,6 106,6
1 1/2" 2,5 (25) 38,1 x 1,65 34,80 1,65 57,2 63,5 39,8 108,4 121,9
2" 2,5 (25) 50,8 x 1,65 47,50 1,65 76,2 76,2 44,6 130,1 148,0
2 1/2" 1,6 (16) 63,5 x 1,65 60,20 1,65 95,3 85,7 46,2 146,3 168,8
3" 1,6 (16) 76,2 x 1,65 72,90 1,65 114,3 92,1 44,8 157,2 184,2
4" 1,6 (16) 101,6 x 2,11 97,38 2,11 152,4 114,3 51,2 195,1 231,0
6" 1,0 (10) 152,4 x 2,77 146,86 2,77 228,6 158,8 64,1 271,1 325,0

10/10 11
technical changes reserved

Reducer concentric, Form RK, DIN 11865 line A, pipe according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe dimension pipe dimension d1 s1 d2 s2 l1 l2 l3

MPa (bar) for d1 for d2
8/6 4,0 (40) 10 x 1 8x1 8 1 6 1 38 19 19
10 / 6 4,0 (40) 13 x 1,5 8x1 10 1,5 6 1 38 19 19
10 / 8 4,0 (40) 13 x 1,5 10 x 1 10 1,5 8 1 38 19 19
15 / 8 4,0 (40) 19 x 1,5 10 x 1 16 1,5 8 1 60 25 25
15 / 10 4,0 (40) 19 x 1,5 13 x 1,5 16 1,5 10 1,5 60 25 25
20 / 10 4,0 (40) 23 x 1,5 13 x 1,5 20 1,5 10 1,5 60 25 25
20 / 15 4,0 (40) 23 x 1,5 19 x 1,5 20 1,5 16 1,5 60 25 25
25 / 15 2,5 (25) 29 x 1,5 19 x 1,5 26 1,5 16 1,5 70 25 25
25 / 20 2,5 (25) 29 x 1,5 23 x 1,5 26 1,5 20 1,5 70 25 25
32 / 20 2,5 (25) 35 x 1,5 23 x 1,5 32 1,5 20 1,5 80 30 25
32 / 25 2,5 (25) 35 x 1,5 29 x 1,5 32 1,5 26 1,5 80 30 25
40 / 20 2,5 (25) 41 x 1,5 23 x 1,5 38 1,5 20 1,5 90 30 25
40 / 25 2,5 (25) 41 x 1,5 29 x 1,5 38 1,5 26 1,5 90 30 25
40 / 32 2,5 (25) 41 x 1,5 35 x 1,5 38 1,5 32 1,5 90 30 30
50 / 25 2,5 (25) 53 x 1,5 29 x 1,5 50 1,5 26 1,5 90 30 25
50 / 32 2,5 (25) 53 x 1,5 35 x 1,5 50 1,5 32 1,5 90 30 30
50 / 40 2,5 (25) 53 x 1,5 41 x 1,5 50 1,5 38 1,5 90 30 30
65 / 40 2,5 (25) 70 x 2 41 x 1,5 66 2 38 1,5 110 40 30
65 / 50 2,5 (25) 70 x 2 53 x 1,5 66 2 50 1,5 110 40 30
80 / 50 1,6 (16) 85 x 2 53 x 1,5 81 2 50 1,5 110 40 30
80 / 65 1,6 (16) 85 x 2 70 x 2 81 2 66 2 110 40 40
100 / 65 1,6 (16) 104 x 2 70 x 2 100 2 66 2 135 40 40
100 / 80 1,6 (16) 104 x 2 85 x 2 100 2 81 2 135 40 40
125 / 80 1,6 (16) 129 x 2 85 x 2 125 2 81 2 150 55 40
125 / 100 1,6 (16) 129 x 2 104 x 2 125 2 100 2 150 55 40
150 / 100 1,6 (16) 154 x 2 104 x 2 150 2 100 2 170 55 40
150 / 125 1,6 (16) 154 x 2 129 x 2 150 2 125 2 170 55 55
200 / 125 1,6 (16) 204 x 2 129 x 2 200 2 125 2 230 55 55
200 / 150 1,6 (16) 204 x 2 154 x 2 200 2 150 2 230 55 55

12 10/10
Reducer concentric, Form RK, DIN 11865 line B, pipe according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe dimension pipe dimension d1 s1 d2 s2 l1 l2 l3

MPa (bar) for d1 for d2
13,5 / 10,2 4,0 (40) 13,5 x 1,6 10,2 x 1,6 10,3 1,6 7,0 1,6 38 19 19
17,2 / 10,2 4,0 (40) 17,2 x 1,6 10,2 x 1,6 14,0 1,6 7,0 1,6 60 25 25
17,2 / 13,5 4,0 (40) 17,2 x 1,6 13,5 x 1,6 14,0 1,6 10,3 1,6 60 25 25
21,3 / 13,5 4,0 (40) 21,3 x 1,6 13,5 x 1,6 18,1 1,6 10,3 1,6 60 25 25
21,3 / 17,2 4,0 (40) 21,3 x 1,6 17,2 x 1,6 18,1 1,6 14,0 1,6 60 25 25
26,9 / 17,2 2,5 (25) 26,9 x 1,6 17,2 x 1,6 23,7 1,6 14,0 1,6 60 25 25
26,9 / 21,3 2,5 (25) 26,9 x 1,6 21,3 x 1,6 23,7 1,6 18,1 1,6 60 25 25
33,7 / 21,3 2,5 (25) 33,7 x 2 21,3 x 1,6 29,7 2 18,1 1,6 70 30 25
33,7 / 26,9 2,5 (25) 33,7 x 2 26,9 x 1,6 29,7 2 23,7 1,6 70 30 25
42,4 / 26,9 2,5 (25) 42,4 x 2 26,9 x 1,6 38,4 2 23,7 1,6 80 30 25
42,4 / 33,7 2,5 (25) 42,4 x 2 33,7 x 2 38,4 2 29,7 2 80 30 30
48,3 / 26,9 2,5 (25) 48,3 x 2 26,9 x 1,6 44,3 2 23,7 1,6 90 30 25
48,3 / 33,7 2,5 (25) 48,3 x 2 33,7 x 2 44,3 2 29,7 2 90 30 30
48,3 / 42,4 2,5 (25) 48,3 x 2 42,4 x 2 44,3 2 38,4 2 90 30 30
60,3 / 33,7 2,5 (25) 60,3 x 2 33,7 x 2 56,3 2 29,7 2 100 30 30
60,3 / 42,4 2,5 (25) 60,3 x 2 42,4 x 2 56,3 2 38,4 2 100 30 30
60,3 / 48,3 2,5 (25) 60,3 x 2 48,3 x 2 56,3 2 44,3 2 100 30 30
76,1 / 48,3 2,5 (25) 76,1 x 2 48,3 x 2 72,1 2 44,3 2 110 40 30
76,1 / 60,3 2,5 (25) 76,1 x 2 60,3 x 2 72,1 2 56,3 2 110 40 30
88,9 / 60,3 1,6 (16) 88,9 x 2,3 60,3 x 2 84,3 2,3 56,3 2 110 40 30
88,9 / 76,1 1,6 (16) 88,9 x 2,3 76,1 x 2 84,3 2,3 72,1 2 110 40 40
114,3 / 76,1 1,6 (16) 114,3 x 2,3 76,1 x 2 109,7 2,3 72,1 2 135 40 40
114,3 / 88,9 1,6 (16) 114,3 x 2,3 88,9 x 2,3 109,7 2,3 84,3 2,3 135 40 40
139,7 / 88,9 1,6 (16) 139,7 x 2,6 88,9 x 2,3 134,5 2,6 84,3 2,3 150 55 40
139,7 / 114,3 1,6 (16) 139,7 x 2,6 114,3 x 2,3 134,5 2,6 109,7 2,3 150 55 40
168,3 / 114,3 1,6 (16) 168,3 x 2,6 114,3 x 2,3 163,1 2,6 109,7 2,3 170 55 55
168,3 / 139,7 1,6 (16) 168,3 x 2,6 139,7 x 2,6 163,1 2,6 134,5 2,6 170 55 55
219,1 / 139,7 1,6 (16) 219,1 x 2,6 139,7 x 2,6 213,9 2,6 134,5 2,6 230 55 55
219,1 / 168,3 1,6 (16) 219,1 x 2,6 168,3 x 2,6 213,9 2,6 163,1 2,6 230 55 55

Reducer concentric, Form RK, DIN 11865 line C, pipe according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe dimension pipe dimension d1 s1 d2 s2 l1 l2 l3

MPa (bar) for d1 for d2
3/4" / 1/2" 4,0 (40) 19,05 x 1,65 12,7 x 1,65 15,75 1,65 9,40 1,65 60 25 25
1" / 1/2" 4,0 (40) 25,4 x 1,65 12,7 x 1,65 22,10 1,65 9,40 1,65 60 25 25
1" / 3/4" 4,0 (40) 25,4 x 1,65 19,05 x 1,65 22,10 1,65 15,75 1,65 60 25 25
1 1/2" / 3/4" 2,5 (25) 38,1 x 1,65 19,05 x 1,65 34,80 1,65 15,75 1,65 80 30 25
1 1/2" / 1" 2,5 (25) 38,1 x 1,65 25,4 x 1,65 34,80 1,65 22,10 1,65 80 30 25
2" / 1" 2,5 (25) 50,8 x 1,65 25,4 x 1,65 47,50 1,65 22,10 1,65 90 30 25
2" / 1 1/2" 2,5 (25) 50,8 x 1,65 38,1 x 1,65 47,50 1,65 34,80 1,65 90 30 30
2 1/2" / 1" 2,5 (25) 63,5 x 1,65 25,4 x 1,65 60,20 1,65 22,10 1,65 100 30 25
2 1/2" / 1 1/2" 2,5 (25) 63,5 x 1,65 38,1 x 1,65 60,20 1,65 34,80 1,65 100 30 30
2 1/2" / 2" 2,5 (25) 63,5 x 1,65 50,8 x 1,65 60,20 1,65 47,50 1,65 100 30 30
3" / 1 1/2" 2,5 (25) 76,2 x 1,65 38,1 x 1,65 72,90 1,65 34,80 1,65 110 40 30
3" / 2" 2,5 (25) 76,2 x 1,65 50,8 x 1,65 72,90 1,65 47,50 1,65 110 40 30
3" / 2 1/2" 2,5 (25) 76,2 x 1,65 63,5 x 1,65 72,90 1,65 60,20 1,65 110 40 40
4" / 2" 1,6 (16) 101,6 x 2,11 50,8 x 1,65 97,38 2,11 47,50 1,65 135 40 30
4" / 2 1/2" 1,6 (16) 101,6 x 2,11 63,5 x 1,65 97,38 2,11 60,20 1,65 135 40 40
4" / 3" 1,6 (16) 101,6 x 2,11 76,2 x 1,65 97,38 2,11 72,90 1,65 135 40 40
6" / 4" 1,6 (16) 152,4 x 2,77 101,6 x 2,11 146,86 2,77 97,38 2,11 170 55 40

10/10 13
technical changes reserved

Reducer eccentric, Form RE, DIN 11865 line A, pipe according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe dimension pipe dimension d1 s1 d2 s2 l1 l2 l3

MPa (bar) for d1 for d2
8/6 4,0 (40) 10 x 1 8x1 8 1 6 1 38 19 19
10 / 6 4,0 (40) 13 x 1,5 8x1 10 1,5 6 1 38 19 19
10 / 8 4,0 (40) 13 x 1,5 10 x 1 10 1,5 8 1 38 19 19
15 / 8 4,0 (40) 19 x 1,5 10 x 1 16 1,5 8 1 60 25 25
15 / 10 4,0 (40) 19 x 1,5 13 x 1,5 16 1,5 10 1,5 60 25 25
20 / 10 4,0 (40) 23 x 1,5 13 x 1,5 20 1,5 10 1,5 60 25 25
20 / 15 4,0 (40) 23 x 1,5 19 x 1,5 20 1,5 16 1,5 60 25 25
25 / 15 2,5 (25) 29 x 1,5 19 x 1,5 26 1,5 16 1,5 70 25 25
25 / 20 2,5 (25) 29 x 1,5 23 x 1,5 26 1,5 20 1,5 70 25 25
32 / 20 2,5 (25) 35 x 1,5 23 x 1,5 32 1,5 20 1,5 80 30 25
32 / 25 2,5 (25) 35 x 1,5 29 x 1,5 32 1,5 26 1,5 80 30 25
40 / 20 2,5 (25) 41 x 1,5 23 x 1,5 38 1,5 20 1,5 90 30 25
40 / 25 2,5 (25) 41 x 1,5 29 x 1,5 38 1,5 26 1,5 90 30 25
40 / 32 2,5 (25) 41 x 1,5 35 x 1,5 38 1,5 32 1,5 90 30 30
50 / 25 2,5 (25) 53 x 1,5 29 x 1,5 50 1,5 26 1,5 90 30 25
50 / 32 2,5 (25) 53 x 1,5 35 x 1,5 50 1,5 32 1,5 90 30 30
50 / 40 2,5 (25) 53 x 1,5 41 x 1,5 50 1,5 38 1,5 90 30 30
65 / 40 2,5 (25) 70 x 2 41 x 1,5 66 2 38 1,5 110 40 30
65 / 50 2,5 (25) 70 x 2 53 x 1,5 66 2 50 1,5 110 40 30
80 / 50 1,6 (16) 85 x 2 53 x 1,5 81 2 50 1,5 110 40 30
80 / 65 1,6 (16) 85 x 2 70 x 2 81 2 66 2 110 40 40
100 / 65 1,6 (16) 104 x 2 70 x 2 100 2 66 2 135 40 40
100 / 80 1,6 (16) 104 x 2 85 x 2 100 2 81 2 135 40 40
125 / 80 1,6 (16) 129 x 2 85 x 2 125 2 81 2 150 55 40
125 / 100 1,6 (16) 129 x 2 104 x 2 125 2 100 2 150 55 40
150 / 100 1,6 (16) 154 x 2 104 x 2 150 2 100 2 170 55 40
150 / 125 1,6 (16) 154 x 2 129 x 2 150 2 125 2 170 55 55
200 / 125 1,6 (16) 204 x 2 129 x 2 200 2 125 2 230 55 55
200 / 150 1,6 (16) 204 x 2 154 x 2 200 2 150 2 230 55 55

14 10/10
Reducer eccentric, Form RE, DIN 11865 line B, pipe according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe dimension pipe dimension d1 s1 d2 s2 l1 l2 l3

MPa (bar) for d1 for d2
13,5 / 10,2 4,0 (40) 13,5 x 1,6 10,2 x 1,6 10,3 1,6 7,0 1,6 38 19 19
17,2 / 10,2 4,0 (40) 17,2 x 1,6 10,2 x 1,6 14,0 1,6 7,0 1,6 60 25 25
17,2 / 13,5 4,0 (40) 17,2 x 1,6 13,5 x 1,6 14,0 1,6 10,3 1,6 60 25 25
21,3 / 13,5 4,0 (40) 21,3 x 1,6 13,5 x 1,6 18,1 1,6 10,3 1,6 60 25 25
21,3 / 17,2 4,0 (40) 21,3 x 1,6 17,2 x 1,6 18,1 1,6 14,0 1,6 60 25 25
26,9 / 17,2 2,5 (25) 26,9 x 1,6 17,2 x 1,6 23,7 1,6 14,0 1,6 60 25 25
26,9 / 21,3 2,5 (25) 26,9 x 1,6 21,3 x 1,6 23,7 1,6 18,1 1,6 60 25 25
33,7 / 21,3 2,5 (25) 33,7 x 2 21,3 x 1,6 29,7 2 18,1 1,6 70 30 25
33,7 / 26,9 2,5 (25) 33,7 x 2 26,9 x 1,6 29,7 2 23,7 1,6 70 30 25
42,4 / 26,9 2,5 (25) 42,4 x 2 26,9 x 1,6 38,4 2 23,7 1,6 80 30 25
42,4 / 33,7 2,5 (25) 42,4 x 2 33,7 x 2 38,4 2 29,7 2 80 30 30
48,3 / 26,9 2,5 (25) 48,3 x 2 26,9 x 1,6 44,3 2 23,7 1,6 90 30 25
48,3 / 33,7 2,5 (25) 48,3 x 2 33,7 x 2 44,3 2 29,7 2 90 30 30
48,3 / 42,4 2,5 (25) 48,3 x 2 42,4 x 2 44,3 2 38,4 2 90 30 30
60,3 / 33,7 2,5 (25) 60,3 x 2 33,7 x 2 56,3 2 29,7 2 100 30 30
60,3 / 42,4 2,5 (25) 60,3 x 2 42,4 x 2 56,3 2 38,4 2 100 30 30
60,3 / 48,3 2,5 (25) 60,3 x 2 48,3 x 2 56,3 2 44,3 2 100 30 30
76,1 / 48,3 2,5 (25) 76,1 x 2 48,3 x 2 72,1 2 44,3 2 110 40 30
76,1 / 60,3 2,5 (25) 76,1 x 2 60,3 x 2 72,1 2 56,3 2 110 40 30
88,9 / 60,3 1,6 (16) 88,9 x 2,3 60,3 x 2 84,3 2,3 56,3 2 110 40 30
88,9 / 76,1 1,6 (16) 88,9 x 2,3 76,1 x 2 84,3 2,3 72,1 2 110 40 40
114,3 / 76,1 1,6 (16) 114,3 x 2,3 76,1 x 2 109,7 2,3 72,1 2 135 40 40
114,3 / 88,9 1,6 (16) 114,3 x 2,3 88,9 x 2,3 109,7 2,3 84,3 2,3 135 40 40
139,7 / 88,9 1,6 (16) 139,7 x 2,6 88,9 x 2,3 134,5 2,6 84,3 2,3 150 55 40
139,7 / 114,3 1,6 (16) 139,7 x 2,6 114,3 x 2,3 134,5 2,6 109,7 2,3 150 55 40
168,3 / 114,3 1,6 (16) 168,3 x 2,6 114,3 x 2,3 163,1 2,6 109,7 2,3 170 55 55
168,3 / 139,7 1,6 (16) 168,3 x 2,6 139,7 x 2,6 163,1 2,6 134,5 2,6 170 55 55
219,1 / 139,7 1,6 (16) 219,1 x 2,6 139,7 x 2,6 213,9 2,6 134,5 2,6 230 55 55
219,1 / 168,3 1,6 (16) 219,1 x 2,6 168,3 x 2,6 213,9 2,6 163,1 2,6 230 55 55

Reducer eccentric, Form RE, DIN 11865 line C, pipe according DIN 11866

DN max. press. pipe dimension pipe dimension d1 s1 d2 s2 l1 l2 l3

MPa (bar) for d1 for d2
3/4" / 1/2" 4,0 (40) 19,05 x 1,65 12,7 x 1,65 15,75 1,65 9,40 1,65 60 25 25
1" / 1/2" 4,0 (40) 25,4 x 1,65 12,7 x 1,65 22,10 1,65 9,40 1,65 60 25 25
1" / 3/4" 4,0 (40) 25,4 x 1,65 19,05 x 1,65 22,10 1,65 15,75 1,65 60 25 25
1 1/2" / 3/4" 2,5 (25) 38,1 x 1,65 19,05 x 1,65 34,80 1,65 15,75 1,65 80 30 25
1 1/2" / 1" 2,5 (25) 38,1 x 1,65 25,4 x 1,65 34,80 1,65 22,10 1,65 80 30 25
2" / 1" 2,5 (25) 50,8 x 1,65 25,4 x 1,65 47,50 1,65 22,10 1,65 90 30 25
2" / 1 1/2" 2,5 (25) 50,8 x 1,65 38,1 x 1,65 47,50 1,65 34,80 1,65 90 30 30
2 1/2" / 1" 2,5 (25) 63,5 x 1,65 25,4 x 1,65 60,20 1,65 22,10 1,65 100 30 25
2 1/2" / 1 1/2" 2,5 (25) 63,5 x 1,65 38,1 x 1,65 60,20 1,65 34,80 1,65 100 30 30
2 1/2" / 2" 2,5 (25) 63,5 x 1,65 50,8 x 1,65 60,20 1,65 47,50 1,65 100 30 30
3" / 1 1/2" 2,5 (25) 76,2 x 1,65 38,1 x 1,65 72,90 1,65 34,80 1,65 110 40 30
3" / 2" 2,5 (25) 76,2 x 1,65 50,8 x 1,65 72,90 1,65 47,50 1,65 110 40 30
3" / 2 1/2" 2,5 (25) 76,2 x 1,65 63,5 x 1,65 72,90 1,65 60,20 1,65 110 40 40
4" / 2" 1,6 (16) 101,6 x 2,11 50,8 x 1,65 97,38 2,11 47,50 1,65 135 40 30
4" / 2 1/2" 1,6 (16) 101,6 x 2,11 63,5 x 1,65 97,38 2,11 60,20 1,65 135 40 40
4" / 3" 1,6 (16) 101,6 x 2,11 76,2 x 1,65 97,38 2,11 72,90 1,65 135 40 40
6" / 4" 1,6 (16) 152,4 x 2,77 101,6 x 2,11 146,86 2,77 97,38 2,11 170 55 40

10/10 15

Aseptic multi tube heat exchangers and steam generators

Member of NEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group

Our Quality Workmanship Ensures

Your Pharma Process Integrity
Top-class pharmaceutical vessels and aseptic equip-
ment made of stainless steel and special alloys
Member of NEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group 2

Hidden gem

NEUMO tends to shun the limelight. Firmly rooted in the local tradition of
Southwest Germany, NEUMO prefers understatement and believes that
actions speak louder than words. Customers around the world value the
quality workmanship of NEUMO products and solutions.

Based on its own unique approach, the company has become one of the
leading suppliers of pharmaceutical vessels and equipment which are
used at many of the world’s pharmaceutical and biotechnology plants. Our
products and solutions do not attract a great deal of attention, but every
one of them is rugged, cGMP compliant and solidly designed and built. They

deliver the latest functionality and are the result of excellent workmanship.

It is what is on the inside that counts

Whoever makes them, polished stainless steel vessels and equipment al-
ways look great from the outside. However, it is what is on the inside which
sets NEUMO apart. These “hidden” features are highly valued by NEUMO
customers around the world. The knowledgeable NEUMO customer base
includes the people who design, build and operate pharmaceutical and
biotechnology plants as well as the teams that have responsibility for the
3 Member of NEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group


    





NEUMO – an integral part of the pharmaceutical value-add chain

pharmaceutical production process and product quality or work with the

vessels and equipment on a day-to-day basis. Our mission is to satisfy their
needs. The onus is on us to understand exactly what they do. Our solutions,
which are based on that understanding, make a vital contribution to the
integrity of the pharmaceutical process.
Business model and service delivery

NEUMO rarely supplies products and solutions directly to end customers,

i.e. plant operators such as multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnol-
ogy companies. We normally act as an OEM and project partner for plant
design and construction companies as well as for large engineering firms
with worldwide operations which have responsibility for realizing projects of
any size right up to large-scale turnkey plants.

At the start of the project, NEUMO is given a specification which defines

the basic product design and requirements profile. Leveraging its wealth of
experience, NEUMO implements the specification as a conceptual design.
A liaison team which brings together the expertise of the three main players
then reviews the results (see illustration). This advisory service combined
with NEUMO’s in-depth implementation and manufacturing expertise is the
key to success for NEUMO customers. NEUMO supplies exceptional solu-
tions and products which deliver the “inner values” which these customers

INTEGRITY have been looking for.

Member of NEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group 4

Pharmaceutical vessels

A lot of companies make tanks and vessels. Some even know how to handle
stainless steel. NEUMO is different because it would be hard to find an-
other company which understands how to translate a basic set of data and
specifications for a particular vessel into a unique, functional solution which
meets 110% of the user‘s needs and expectations. Nothing is supplied off
the shelf. Each vessel is individually manufactured based on a specific de-
sign and a specific set of engineering drawings. Everything conforms to ap-
plicable standards such as DGRL 97/23/EG, ASME and TSG R0004. NEUMO
uses cutting-edge 3D CAD/CAM technology to ensure that every vessel is
perfectly suited to the particular production environment. People often talk
about tailored solutions, but NEUMO actually delivers them.

Primary Pharmaceutical Secondary Pharmaceutical

Production Bio API Production

Grafik, 3er Team
Chemical API

NEUMO vessels in pharmaceutical production NEUMO consultancy in the team environment

NEUMO vessels have capacities ranging from 0.5 to 8,000 liters. They are
designed to withstand pressures up to 8 bar (in some cases as much as 40
bar). NEUMO vessels are used primarily in two broad sets of applications,
namely API production and processing (“small” molecules) and biotech-
nology where “larger” molecules such as long-chain peptides, proteins
or monoclonal antibodies are genetically engineered. NEUMO only uses
approved, pharmaceutical-grade stainless steel which is procured from
reliable suppliers. When even higher corrosion resistance is needed for the

process, NEUMO uses high-grade duplex steel or nickel-based alloys such
as Hastelloy® und Alloy® for its products. NEUMO belongs to the elite and
exclusive group of companies worldwide which are able (and certified) to
produce vessels made of these special materials.
5 Member of NEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group

Perfection down to the last detail

All NEUMO vessels are process optimized to ensure that the stirring geom-
etry and temperature control meet the specific needs of the process. The
same applies to the peripherals such as media supply, gas injection and
condensate separation in bioreactors. NEUMO vessels are designed to be
100% self-emptying, and the outstanding anti-fouling properties are the
result of uncompromising attention to detail. The finish on the media con-
tact parts is hand polished (and electro-polished if necessary) to perfection,
virtually eliminating the risk of incrustation. The biotechnology vessels are
designed to meet the most demanding sterile requirements. NEUMO pays
particular attention to the cleanability of its biotech vessels which can be
sterilized using short Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) and Steaming-in-Place(SIP)
cycles. The cell cultures are able to express and synthesize the target biop-
harmaceuticals undisturbed.
NEUMO pharmaceutical and biotechnology vessels deliver unparalleled
cleanliness, cleanability and cGMP compliance. Users particularly appreci-
ate the design details in day-to-day application. At NEUMO, “zero defects”
is not a quality buzzword. It is the reality. NEUMO simply does not receive
complaints about its vessels.

NEUMO pharmaceutical vessels for handling APIs – NEUMO pharmaceutical vessels for biotechnology – a class on their own
tailored design, impeccable workmanship

Sterile heat exchangers

Heat exchangers are one of the most critical unit operations in sterile
process applications. They are often used as a source of aseptic ultra-pure
water or WFI (Water for Injection) which is needed in large volumes at many
stages in biotechnology production including preparation of the media,
fermentation and downstream processing. The design of each NEUMO heat
exchanger used to produce sterile water is based on the underlying process
characteristics of the specific application. Every heat exchanger supplied
by NEUMO is designed for optimal compatibility with the material and heat
parameters, material streams, flow volumes and the actual installation
configuration on site. Functionality which is second to none, ease of main-
tenance, the safe and reliable supply of ultra-pure, biotechnology-grade
water in sufficient volumes and maximum energy efficiency are the key
features of our sterile heat exchangers. Considering all of these factors, it
should come as no surprise that NEUMO has a global footprint and mar-
ket share in excess of 50% in this product segment. Once again, cGMP par
excellence and zero defects are top priorities.


NEUMO sterile heat exchangers are the standard setters

7 Member of NEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group


NEUMO – the partner for machinery manufacturers

who need parts and subassemblies for sterile applications

Components and subassemblies

Component and module production is another impressive growth segment

at NEUMO. Leveraging its wealth of specialized expertise, NEUMO supplies
components and subassemblies which large machinery manufacturers de-
sign into their equipment and special machines. The company has built up
an enviable reputation particularly in the sterile applications sector which
includes beverage fillers for beer and dairy products and packaging lines
for liquids in the pharmaceutical industry. NEUMO components and subas-
semblies are often the solution of choice for exceptionally delicate tasks or
they are installed at critical points on the equipment. It would appear that
NEUMO‘s expertise in eliminating destructive microbes and its ability to de-
liver safe, dependable components and subassemblies is the decisive factor
for these customers. This is another example of NEUMO‘s uncompromising
commitment to quality, zero defects and total compliance with tolerance

Innovative interface technology

Vessels and other pieces of equipment which are part of the process always
need an external „conduit“ and they have to be integrated into the overall
network of unit operations. Pipe fittings are needed to provide liquid and
gas inlets during fermentation. Fittings which hold probes are mounted on
fermenters, enabling operators to monitor the operating state in the biore-
actor, manage major process parameters and control fermentation. A sight
glass can be an invaluable feature for keeping an eye on what is going on in
a fermenter or ensuring that things are as they should be in a pharmaceuti-
cal vessel.
The connection and interfacing technology for these items which are
mounted on or fitted into vessels and other equipment are absolutely es-
sential for proper operation. However in many cases, conventional connec-
tions, flanges and nozzles generate significant amounts of dead volume or
low-flow zones. They are often weak points in the pharmaceutical produc-
tion process, causing fouling and creating problems during cleaning and
In order to eliminate these deficiencies at the connections and interfacing
points on vessels and other equipment, NEUMO has taken a different ap-
proach. NEUMO’s patented innovative LowVoid® and CleanLip® technology
sets new standards in vessel and equipment connection technology and it is
attracting an increasing number of adherents worldwide.


Vessel cover with BioControl® CS probes

9 Member of NEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group

LowVoid® Technology

There is of course good reason why that is the case. The innovative
LowVoid® sealing mechanism has an O-ring made of EPDM, Viton, Kalrez,
etc. which is almost completely encapsulated and tightened with uniform
torque. With this design, the medium cannot penetrate behind the seal-
ing element and dead volume is minimized. The risk of incrustisation and
infestation by foreign microbes is virtually eliminated. As one of the out-
standing features of the patent-protected BioControl® products, LowVoid®
technology is available for all types of connections and probes on vessels
and other equipment. You can view the list of licensees who use BioControl®
connection technology on their instrumentation at



Male O-ring 


Unique NEUMO LowVoid® sealing mechanism

A Flange joint

B Sealing mechanism
 Small gap > minimal dead volum
 Full surround O-ring clamping
 O-ring expansion space
 Defined stop
Member of NEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group 10

CleanLip® Technology

NEUMO goes one step further with its CleanLip® Technology. This type
of connection uses no soft elastomer seal to isolate two mating flanges
from the outside environment. Instead, a spring-loaded sealing lip on the
female end is formed, for example on a stainless steel block flange. Under
controlled tightening, the lip mates perfectly with the sealing surface on
the male end. This operation is reversible. When the CleanLip® joint is
disconnected, the sealing lip “snaps” back to its original position. It can be
tightened again hundreds of times to create a sealed joint with no problems.
As already mentioned, there is no soft seal made of rubber-like material.
The sealing action is metal to metal. CleanLip® is the first sealing technol-
ogy on the market that can be described as void-free. CleanLip® connec-
tions are suitable for any medium (organic and aqueous) without restriction.
They are marked under the BioControl® CS brand and are the connection of
choice for any type of vessel in pharmaceutical production. You can view the
list of licensees who use BioControl® CS housing on their instrumentation

A Flange joint

B Sealing mechanism
 Metal/metal seal (no soft rubber),
virtually no dead space
 Contoured design
 Defined stop


Seal surface Seal lip

Male 


CleanLip® Technology, the new standard for connections with minimizeddead volume
11 Member of NEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group

The new standard

NEUMO vessels and equipment featuring LowVoid® and CleanLip® technol-

ogy set new standards for minimization or elimination of dead space as well
as anti-fouling, cleanability and sterilization-friendly design. These stand-
ards are likely to be incorporated into applicable norms and could act as a
model for cGMP compliant vessel design. Vessels and equipment with this
type of connections make the pharmaceutical production process simpler
and safer. They make a vital contribution to process integrity in the pharma-
ceutical industry, and they will continue to do so in the future.


Demonstrator with traditional connections and

NEUMO’s innovative built-in connections

Connections with minimal dead space in a NEUMO vessel

NEUMO worldwide


NEUMO Ehrenberg Group is a privately owned, globally

operating group of companies with more than 1,800

Founded in 1947, NEUMO GmbH + Co. KG, the group’s

parent company, now develops, manufactures and
supplies fittings, equipment and tubes made from
stainless steel and highly corrosion resistant special NEUMO GmbH + Co. KG
alloys for the pharmaceutical, chemical, semicon and Henry-Ehrenberg-Platz
solar industries. D-75438 Knittlingen
Telephone: +49 7043 36-0
NEUMO products provide a significant contribution to Fax: +49 7043 36-130
safety and integrity of production processes. Email:

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