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Physics Division

Physics 1B

Semester 2, 2019

Assignment 2

Question 1
Two equal charges are located as such on an equilateral triangle. Determine the electric field E at
Point P as shown in Figure 1. [10marks]

Figure 1

Question 2
Resistors A (4.0 Ω), B (2.0 Ω), C (1.0 Ω), D (5.0 Ω) and E (1.0 Ω) are arranged as shown in Figure 2.
(a) Determine the power that is dissipated across Resistor D.
(b) If all the resistors were replaced with bulbs, each having the same resistance values as the
resistors with which they replaced, how much energy would be used up by Bulb A if it were
to be run for 10 minutes?

Figure 2

Question 3
In Figure 3 below, Switch S is first thrown to the left side until Capacitor 1 reaches equilibrium. Then
the switch is thrown to the right. When equilibrium is again reached, how much charge is on capacitor
1? Take C1= 5µF and C2= C3 = 15 µF. [6marks]

Figure 3

Question 4
Determine the value of the currents passing through each resistor shown below in Figure 4.
Take R1 = R3 = R5 = 1kΩ and R2= R4= 200Ω. [6marks]

Figure 4
Question 5
A 1.5m copper wire is placed within a 5-T uniform magnetic field, such that only half its length is
exposed to the field. If a current of 50mA passes through the wire: [4marks]
(a) Determine the magnitude of the magnetic force that the wire will experience.
(b) Will this force act into or out of the page? Explain.

Figure 5

Total: x/36 Marks

Due Date: Thursday 1st August,

by 4:06pm SHARP!

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