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In Kebata secondary school grade 12th history model exam year 2015

Time allowed 100

I. Instruction one :- choose the best answer from the following question
1. Which of the following is not a problem in the study of Ethiopian history? A/ lack of
objectivity B/ in balance of sources C/ limited and scanty sources in the as art hem
D/ wrong in perpetration of the facts of the past
2. Per iodization is the set in terms of the pro- colonial, colonial and post colonial in
A/ Ethiopian B/ lotion America C/ Asia D/ Africa
3. Which of the following dates in the first quarter of the 16 Cth? A/ 1621 B/ 1542 C/ 1633
D/ 1522
4. Which as of the tools is considered simply and naturally available? A/ Bones, Bronze, iron
B/ wood, steel, copper C/ Bronze, stone, Copper D/ stone, Bone wood
5. In the old stone age, man know how to A/ make fere B/ mold Clay C/ use wheels
D/ domesticate horses
6. Which of the following was the capital of the ancient king doms of Egypt? A/ casino
B/ Thebes C/ the senet D/ the bourgeoisie
7. Among the Roman Citizens the nobles were known as A/ patricians B/ the plebs C/ the
senet D/ the bourgeoisie
8. The absolute kings who nuked the Sumerians cities were know as A/ Emperors B/ pharaohs
C/ motalami D/ Tona
9. Who were the first group of people who persecuted the prophet kaaba Mohammad?
A/ Muslims of Mecca B/ Wealthiy kuraish merchants C/ Bedowins D/ vixtors of
10. A leading trade centers of mediaval times in southern Europe was A/ A themes B/ Madhid
C/ Rome D/ Venice
11. What was the intention of Christopher Columbus? A/ To dis cover the west undies B/ To
sail around the world and reach China & India C/ To discover a sea routa to the cape
D/ To discover the American continent
12. By the 17th the chief expont from Afirca to the new world was A/ gold B/ rubber C/ Slaves
D/ spices
13. Which of the people invaded China in the 17th and established a ruling dynasty?
A/ the mongo us B/ the Japanese C/ the munches D/ the Cantonese
14. Which country was the first development the industrial revolution?
A/ USA B/ USSR C/ Germany D/ England & France
15. In which one of these counties did the industrial revolted occur last?
A/ france B/ USA C/ Russia D/ Germany
16. In which one of these asian Countries did the dustrial revolution last?
A/ India B/ Japan C/ China D/ Burma
17. The halian who for med the young Italy so wety was A/ Cavour B/ victor Imanuel
C/ Mazzini D/ Roberto
18. As the resut of austro- prussian war of 1866 Italy restored A/ venetia B/ Papal state
C/ Sicily D/ Pauma
19. The first king of united Italy was A/ Cavour B/ Mazzini C/ garibaldi D/ victor Immanuel
20. Which one of the following was called the brain of Italy unification? A/ Garibaldi B/
Cavour C/ victor Emanuel D/ Mazzini
21. Dtto von Bismarck be came chancellor of prssia in A/ 1862 B/ 1866 C/ 1871 D/ 1826
22. Which state become the nucleus for german unification? A/ Austia B/ Prussia B/ Bavaria
C/ Munich
23. In 1866 Prussian won an important victory over Austia at the battle of A/ sedam B/ Verdun
C/ Sadow D/ magenta.
24. The final war that completed Germany unification was the A/ the Danish war B/ Austro –
Prussian war C/ the seven week’s war D/ frowco- Prussian war
25. Bismark a chieved the unification of Germany A/ by means of three wars B/ by peaceful
war C/ by diplomacy D/ revolutionary action of the Gr
26. The a merged victorious at the battle of sedan (1871)? A/ the france B/ the Austrians
C/ the Germany D/ Denmark
27. The period of the American civil war was A/ 1861-1865 B/ 1856-1861 C/ 1773-1783
D/ 1661-1665
28. The law that made slaves in the south free was called A/ homes feed low B/ Emancipation
Proclamation C/ slave law D/ criminal law
29. On 18, June Germany signed the treaty of Versailles. A/ 1919 B/ 1918 C/ 1914 -1918
D/ 1920
30. One of the following was not the major couse of WWI A/ Nationalism B/ militarism
C/ in perialism D/ in ternational Organization
31. The crisis in 1914 which set off world war I happened in A/ morocco B/ Bosnia C/ Poland
D/ Vienna
32. During the world war I Japan joined the A/ canted B/ Allies C/ Entente D/ Axis powers
33. The leagues nations lead quar fers were at A/ Geneva B/ Paris C/ Bonn D/ American
34. In 1914 the c zar of Russian was A/ an absolute B/ a figure head C/ social democratic
D/ all
35. Soviet is a Russian word meaning A/ council B/ Dictatorial C/ Democratic
D/ Communism
36. ______ was formed in Germany A/ Nazism B/ Fascism C/ Capitalism D/ all
37. Italy under the fascism from ____ to ))) A/ 1920---1943 B/ 1921-1943 C/ 1922-1943 D/ all
38. Dictatorship do not accept the principle that A/ the state exists for the individual B/
Democracy C/ Right D/ all
39. The fascist favored A/ Pluralism B/ Dictatorship C/ Communism D/ multi party system
40. The rise of the antiparty was helped by A/ fear of war B/ hard times in Germany
C/ A & B D/ all
41. The two nations that emerged as major world power following world war were
A/ USA & USSR B/ France & England C/ Gr & Fr D/ all
42. Which nations were behind the iron curtain? A / hung any B/ Austria
C/ Greece D/ Turkey
43. Japan occupied Formosa or Taiulan in A/ 1895 B/ 1937 C/ 1931 D/ 1945
44. ____ Peoples was located in southern Africa A/ Oromo B/ Shone C/ Amlara D/ Somalia
45. ___was located in the horn of Africa? A/ Tanzania B/ Uganda C/ Ethiopia D/ none
46. Berlin conference took place in ___ A/ 1874-1875 B/ 1884-1885 C/ 1894-1895 D/ all
47. The suey canal was built by the help of A/ Fr B/ Egypt C/ Br D/ Gr
48. Which Europeans powers was late comer to the world colonialism? A/ England
B/ Germany C/ Portugal D/ France
49. One of the following was not a Ger many colony in Africa A/ central Africa
B/ Togoland C/ Came room D/ all
50. Which one was Portuguese colony in Africa A/ Mozambique
B/ chad C/ Gambia D/ France
51. An African area not under British colony are was A/ Uganda B/ Ruwanda C/ Angola
D/ Nigeria
52. A European nation that still held its held its held African colonies in 1970 was A/ Portugal
B/ Belgium C/ Germany D/ all
53. Which secret was active in Kenya? A/ Maji Maji B/ Mau Mau C/ Kiswahili D/ Vabaka.
54. The organization of African unity was a A/ Military alliance B/ Tarot union
C/ Politcal union D/ national union
55. Which languages of not spoken in Ethiopia A/ Chadic B/ Cushitic C/ Omotic D/ Sematic
56. One of the language is not Cushitic language A/ Oromo B/ Kafe C/ Somali D/ Bonso
57. The main trading point of Aksum was A/ Zeila B/ Massawa C/ Adulis D/ Suabin
58. Who was supposed to be the founder of the Zague dynasty? A/ Ezana B/ Merara
C/ Adafa D/all
59. By the 8th Daliek was occupied by; A/ ottoman Turkey B/ Umayyad dynasty
C/ Abbasid dynasty D/ Zabid dynasty
60. The makhzumite dunasty was founded in A/ 1332 B/ 896 C/ 128 D/ 1316
61. All were Islamic kingdoms except A/ whlayata B/ Hadya C/ sharka D/ Dawaro
62. The rules of hadya used the title of A/ Tato B/ Garad C/ Amano D/ Dhona
63. The former nuling family of kafa king domuces know A/ Minijo B/ Mula C/ Tato
D/ mikrechu
64. Tato was a royal title of the nilers of A/ Kaffa B/ Walayta C/ Hadya D/ Dera
65. The nuing family clan in I am was known as A/ miniso B/ Tato C/ Mual D/ Mizrecho
66. Amaro was the Nuler of A/ Hadya B/ Dawaro C/ Jajero D/ yamo
67. In the Oromo graditions the fathers of the scepter was known as A/ Abba sera B/ abba Boku
C/ Abba Dula D/ Abba Baqibo
68. The oromo religions institution was called A/ Qallu system B/ Gada System C/ waqa
D/ Folie
69. The eanliest Gibe Oromo state were A/ Gumma B/ Limu Enamy C/Gomma D/ all of the
70. Each Gada age or grade lasted for a period of A/ 5yrs B/ 9 yrs C/ 14 yrs D/ 8 yrs
71. The was leader in the Oromo system was known as A/ Abba Sena B/ Abba Dula C/ Mote
D/ Luba
72. The Portuguese and the ottoman Turkey nivaled over the A/ Indian ocean B/ Red sean
region c.Gulf of aden D . Meditranian sea
73. The first peasant rebellion against susenyos brave out in
A. 1617 B. 1620 C. 1621 D.1613
74. Who expelled the Jesuits from Ethiopia. A/ 1617 B/ 1620 C/ 1621 D/ 1613
75. The medium of exchange of the 19th c Ethiopia was A/ Made B/ barfering C/ Maniathere
D/ all
76. The period of zemene mesafint was A/ 1332-1527 B/ 1769-1855 C/ 1527-1543
D/ 1492-1769
77. The most important titile during that zemene mesafint was that of A/ Negadras B/ Ras
Bitwaded C/ Ras D/ Deiaxmach
78. One of the characteristics of Zemene mesafint A/ No foregim threates B/ fre quent civil war
C/ regionalism D/ all
79. The last king of kaffa was A/ gaki sharochi B/ kase sharochi C/ kawe erochi D/ Gali
80. The Articles Tseyon was defeated the sultanate of lfat in A/ 1364 B/ 1343 C/ 1332
D/ 1527
81. The first written constitution of Ethiopia was in traduced in A/ 1935 B/ 1343 C/ 1332
D/ 1527
82. The first written constitution of Ethiopia was in traduced in
A/ 1935 B/ 1931 C/ 1948 D/ 1991
83. Empress taytu was A/ Menilkis wife B/ sister of gugsa wole C/ danghter wenelik
D/ Regent of iyasu
84. The addis ababa municiral police under the reign of his masu was called A/ Lebashal
B/ Tunnbule C/ Naftacha D/ Asrat
85. The Itab Ethiopian war was started from ___-to___
A/ 1934-1941 B/ 1935-1940 C/ 1935 -1941 D/ all
86. From 1935-1936 southern front was led by the factist General A/ Duka of Aosta B/ Graziani
C/ Mussolini D/ all
87. The completion o f the Dibouti –Addis Ababa rail was in
A/ 1886 B/ 1917 C/ 1930 D/ 1900
88. Ethiopian become ubder the league of nation in A/ 1928 B/ 1925 C/ 1923 D/ 1930
89. Ras Teferi Mekonnen School was opened in A/ 1930 B/ 1931 C/ 1925 D/ 1928
90. Meneliki II modern school was opened in A/ 1908 B/ 1905 C/ 1917 D/ 1919
91. The rist land was know as A/ rist B/ Gulf C/ Geber D/ Rist gult
92. The ministry qeducation was established in A/ 1936 B/ 1940 C/ 1925 D/ 1928
93. The prominent of leader of bale peoseant rebellion agains H/S was A/ Jegame Kello
B/ Wako Gutu C/ Blatta H/Manin D/ Awate
94. The armed rebellion in Bale stunted in A/ 1963 B/ 1960 C/ 1965 D/ 1950
95. One of the following is not secondary source? A/ Garden of Babylon B/ Cuniform
C/ Hammurabi D/ hieroglyphic
96. One of the following is not secondary source A/ text books B/ poems C/ novels
D/ Buildings
97. All the events after the birth of jesns chrts are dated as
A/ A.D B/ B.C C/ BP D/ A .H
98. The first decade of the 3rd millennium is A/ 3rd B/ 1st C/ 2nd D/ 4th
99. Which one of the not the about A.D
A/ B.C B/ After Christ C/ they ear of the lord D/ anno Domini
100. Who was the father of the study of history?
A/ Herodotus B/ Atistotle C/ Socrated D/ plato

In Kebata secondary school grade 12th Maths model exam year 2015

1. Which one of the following is not polynomial function ?

a. F(x)= √ x B. F(x)=sin x C F(x)= 1x1 D. All

2. If F(X) ¿
√ x +2 and q(x) 1 - -2 then f(q(x)) is equal to
x +2 x

a. √ x-2 B.√ x+ 2 C√ x D.
3. If f(x)+in (¿ +2 ) for x>1,then which one of the following is the inverse of f ?
x x x
e −2 e −2 e x
A q(x)= x B. q(x) )= x C,q(x) )= x 2 D q(x)= )= e x -2
e −3 e −1 e −1 e −1
4. Giner f(x)= 1n(x-1)and q(x)√ 1−2 x which one of the following is the domain of foq ?
A {xe1R:x>1} B{xe1R:x≤ ½ } C {xE1R:x<o} D{xE1R:x >½ }
5. What is the value of (log 2/37) A 0 B-1 C 01 D 0.1
2 x +10
6. Which of the following is the range of F(x)= ?
2 x−4
A lRl {2} B lRl {1} C lR {-5} D.IR
7. Which one of the following is not rational expression?
ax +b a+1
A B √ 2+bx C D ax2+bx+c
cx +d 3 b−4
x −1
8. Which of the following is not true about the graphy of q(x) = 2 ?
x ∓1
A the range of q is (-∞ , 1) B q is an even function
C the line y=1 is a horizontal asymptote D. As x→ -∞ q(x)→1
9. The equation of the circle tangent to the x-axis at (6,0) whose center is on the line y= x is
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
A(x-6) +y = q B (x-6)2+(y-3)2 = 36 C (x-6) +y = 6 D (x-6) +(y-3) =9
10. What is the vertex and the equation of the directr x respectively of the parabola x+y=2y+=0?
A. (0,1)x= -1/4 B (-1,0),y=-1/4 C (0,-1),y=1/4 D (-1,0)y=1/4
11. 11. if x2 6x+y2+k=0 is equation of a circle with radius 2 than what is the value of k? A 13
B5 C4 D -4
12. 12. if (pnq) false which of the following is true?
A. S→ R B>p > s C (p Q)→ R D P n R
13. for real number x and y which one of the following statement is true ?
A(Ax)(Ey)(z2+y+10)=01 B (2x)(ay) (x2+y+=0)
C(ay)(Ax)(x2+y1=0) D (Ay)(Ex)(z2+y+1=0)
14. which one of the following is a valid logical argument ?
A P→ q , q+ p B P→ q , p → q +q C 7p7q,q→ r r r D7p,7vq,r→ qrr
15. if a and B are two events such that p(A)= ¼ P(B)= ½ and p(anb)=1/8 than find p()anb?
A, 6/8 B 5/8 C3/8 D 7/8
16. if how many ways can be 6 differently colored marbles be arranged in a row?
A 360 B. 720 C710 D 510
17. 1 if distinct codes words as letters are formed by rearranging the letters in word ABBEBAYE
how many of the codes begin with B or Y?
A. 840 B. 630 C.1680 D. 420
18. 18 Which one of the is true about properties of matrices?
A(At)t=A B (A+ b)T=A t+ B T C (r A)t=r A T where is scalar D All
19. Find the determinates of A? A=[2/4-1/3] is give
A 2 B.3 C-2 D. 4
20. Let A=[2/6/-1/3] then find A ?
A-1=[1/0-0/1 B A-1 [1/3- 2/6] C A-1=[ 0/1-1/0] D, doesn’t exist
21. If A is a square matrix of order 3 and det(A) = 5 ther whwt is the volie of det (A adj (A)) A125
B 5 C. 25 D. 3
22. If Z=cos( ) t is sin () the what is the valus of Z5?
A. B ½=1/2 C I D l+i
4−3 i
3+4 i √
23. Which one the following is the simplest form of + 1−2 i
A. 1+I B. 1+3i C. 2-I D. 1-3i
24. What is the simplest ferm of (2− −i) (1+i/2+3i)?
12/13 -5/13 B 12/11-5/11i C 12/13/+3/13i D none
25. If u=2i j lvl =5 and u and v are perpendicular vectors, then ( u+3v) is equal to A. √ 55 B 9√ 5
C √ 230 D 20
26. Let f(x)=-3 sin (1/2 x) which of the following is true?
A. The amplitude of the graphy of ir-3
B. The range of f is [-1,1]
C. F is decreeing on [-2 π,0]
D. F is increasing on [π,3 π]
27. If θ=2 are tar (1/2 ) then which one of the following is equal to sec (θ)?
A 25/3 B4/5 C 5/3 D/ 5/4
28. Suppose a emetic sequence {Gr}∞ n =1 has terms G10= 192 and G6= 12 which of the
following is equal to G2 ? A. 3/2 B ¾ C 3/8 D 3/16
29. what is the sum of the series E(-1)n32n
A -1/8 B0.13 c-0.1 D1/8
30. what is the 50th lerm of the sequence 3
A310 B 346 C510 D512
31. if {Ar} is an arithmetic sequence with first term al=5 and fifth term A5=21,then the partial sum

∑ Ar is equlto:-
n =1
A 760 B. 780 C.860 D 870

( )
32. lim 1+ A e4 B e3 Ce5 D none
n→∞ x
❑ 2 n 2−n+ 1
33. lim ❑ 2 is equal to? A 2 B 1/3 C 2/3 d∞
n→∞ 6 n +1

34. Which of the following is a divergent sequence? {√ 2−n } ( 1n )

B 5+ C ( π3 ) n D {1+}

❑ 1 x 1−xex
35. What is the lest hand limit lim ❑ ?
n→∞ x
A0 B -2 C 1 D doesn’t exist
❑ 6 x−12
36. lim ❑ is equal to ? A 0 B -2 C 1 D ∞
x→ ∞ x 2−x−2
❑ x−1
37. Which one of the following is equal to lim ❑ A∞ B ½ C ¼ D. o
x→ ∞ x 2−1
❑ x
38. Which one of the following is equal to lim ❑ A e6 B e-3 C-32 De-6
x→ ∞ x +2
3 3 3 3
39. If f(x) in (x )then F (x)=__? A B x C lnx D. All
5 5x 2 5
40. If f(x) =ax then F(x)___? A a in a B a ln10 C ax D, none
x x

41. If f(x)=π2 then F(1) is age to A 2 π B π 2 C 1 D. 0

6x 1
42. Lest f(x)= for what value of a is F(a)= 1? A B.2/3 3/2 D3
x+ a 3
1+ sinx
43. The simplified frm of the derivative of F(x)= is
1+ sinx 1 cos x
A see x +tan x B C D
cos 2 x 1+ tanx sin 2 x

C 18 D 17

44. If f(x)=x2 2 x +2 ¿ what is the slop of the tangent line to the graph of F at X = 2? A-4 B 2

45. If f(x) xe3x cos (2x)then F(0) equal to =-? A 0 B2 C 6 D 10

46. If f(x) x2+2x+1 then find the equation of line at point (3.0) A. Y=8X-23 B Y=8x-24 C
y=4x-12 D none
47. If b2-4a <0 then the solution has? A, 2 solution B one solution C no solution D none
48. If a [2x-3]=-3 then find the solution let ? A {-2,-3} B{0.3} C has no solution D has one solution
1 nx
49. If leg x2 is equal to =? A2leg x B leg x C, D. none
ln 10
50. If leg (2x)(ex) is equal to =? A leg 2x+ leg ex B ln2x+ln3x C leg 2x- leg ex D. All
51. Sgr(100)is equal to A-1 B -1C 0 D none
52. If y=ex then which one is true about the given function?
A. Domain is set of all real number
B. Range is set of all real number
C. Domain is set of all positive real number D/ none
53. If x2x+1, then find the value of x? A-1 B 1 C 2 D -2
54. If f(x)=x+1 and q(x)= 2x then find foq (x) 2x+1 Bx+1 C2x-2 D 2x
55. [2.5] is equal to ?A2 B.3 C2.5 D. none
56. If f(x)=sgr x, then the daman of f? A lR B {-1,0,1} C lR+ D none
x3 x2
57. 5x2dx is equal to :- A B C D. none
3 2
58. 5 cos x d x is equal to I ?A sin x B cos x C Set x Tan x
59. 5(x2+1)d x is equal to? A 2/5 B 5/2 C D. none
60. If{ x +3 y=2
4 x−3 y =1
2 3
then find the solution set? A { , }
5 5
34 1 3
B. { } C{ } D All
55 5, 5
Kabate 2ndary school Geography model exam for grade 12th 2015 /2023
1. Which of the following geographical approaches is used for confirming a given theory?
A/ Quantitative approach B/ Quantitative approach C/ A & B D/ Descriptive approach
2. Thematic maps are different from to geographic maps their difference lie in A/ purpose
B/ scale C/ areal coverage D/ all of the above
3. Which standared colour is wrongly associated? A/ Brown- relief B/ blue-water bodies
C/ green –vegetation cover D/ yellow –urban centers
4. Which of the following features is not included in the topographic sheet of addis Ababa?
A/ roads B/ settlements C/ built –up areas D/ weather and climate
5. Which of the following maps are used to show population density?
6. Which of the following Drainage pattern is usually formed in areas homogeneous rock?
A/ denderic drainage pattern B/ trellis drainage pattern C/ radial drainage pattern
D/ rectangular drainage pattern
7. Which of the following is not true about intermediate counters A/ resembled dashed or
broken lines B/ it falling b/n index contours C/ do not their elevation D/ B&C
8. Contour lines are gerated from____
A/ maps B/ contour lines C/ spot heights D/ A & B
9. ___ is deeper and more pronounced depration than acol b/n two hills or mountains
A/ pass B/ col C/ saddle D/ B&C E/ contour lines
10. ___- are short broken lines that are used that are used to show relief
A/ contour lines B/ shaded relief C/ hachures D/ form lines
11. Less –developed stream course that are smaller than valley is known as:-
A/ valley B/ gorge C/ re-entrant D/ spur
12. Which one is true about environmental possiblism A/ It mareted by the beginning of new
era in geography B/ It was driven by the development computer and its ability
C/ Environment control human activities D/ the two way r/ship b/n human kinds and nature
13. The river that flows the basin of the other river is known as A/ Elbow of capture B/ reverse
drainage C/ victim stream D/ pirate stream
14. Which sub-sector of the service sector showed the best growth per formance during the fiscal
A/ Hotelsand restaurants B/ Banking and insurance C/ eduation D/ transport &
15. 15. which country has been the single most important destionation for Ethiopia’s
exports? A/ England B? Japan C/ Germany D/ USA
16. 16. which one of the following might facilitate Ethiopia’s socio-economic development?
A/ expansion exports by diversifying exportable items B? slowing dawn the existing
rapid population growth C/utilizing the potential Ethiopia’s women D/ all of the
17. 17. which of the following areas is in the most sparsely populated areas of Ethiopia?
A/ Kambata B/ Sidama C/ Borena D/ Hadiya E/ B &D
18. 18. in Ethiopia socio-economic conditions affects all of the following except.
A/ urbanization density B/ population density C/ age ctructure E/ non of the above
19. 19. the awash riker rises from the plateau of
A/ Hararge B/Bale C/ Shewa D/ south Wello
20. 20. which of the following rives does not end in alake?
A/ spen B? Awash C/ omo-ghibe D/ Baro-Akobo
21. 21. all the rivers below drain the south eastern high lands expt
A/ Wabeshabelle B/ Ghenallee C/ OMoghibe D/ Juba
22. 22. Ethiopia’s largest surtace water is found in the
A/ south and northwest B/ rift valley system C/ western low lands D/ A and B
23. 23. the southeastern drainage system consists of
A/ Gemalle and wabeshabelle B/ Omo& Gibe rivers
C/ Baro and Akobo D/ Tekezze and Gereb
24. 24 .which one of the following lakes is not Ethiopia are respect kely
A/ Ziway and shalla B/ Shalla & Zeway C/ Tana & shalla D/ Abbay and Abyatta
25. 25. whixh one od the following lake is not carter lakes?
A/ lake Ashenge B/ lake Wonch C/ Hawassa D/ lake Arsedi
26. 26. No Ethiopian river is navigable expect
A/ abbay B/ Athbar C/ Baro- Akobo D/Omo
27. 27. Mt. kolo is found in a/ semein B/ lasta C/ Amhara D/ Gojjam
28. the most extended table and in morthern part of Ethiopia is the plateau of A/ showa
B/ Gojjam C/ southern Gondern D/ Tigray
29. 29 the plateau of Tigray is separated from the setit river Eritrea by the A/ Terezze
River B/ mereb river C/ tributaries of the setit river D/ the Danakil low lands
30. 30. the difference in altitude b/n the lowest and highest point in Ethiopia is
A/ 4736m B/ 4504m C/ 4760m D/ 4620m
31. 31. as the highest point is in the semein the lowest point is in the A/ western margins
B/ elkere low lands C/ Afar low lands d/ Ogaden low lands
32. 32. which geological era is known as an era of amphiibians A/ precambbbbbbrian
B/ Paleozoic C/ Cenozoic D/ Mesozoic
33. 33. a very wide space b/n successive contours represents
A/ Gentle scope B/ steep scopes C/ convex scope D/ plian
34. 34.contour lines interest in the case of A/ water fall B/ an undulating plian
C/ a concave slope D/ convex slope
35. 35. whichtype of crops most extensively produced in the northern and north central
high lands of Ethiopia. A/ cereals B/ inset C/ coffee D/ polse
36. 36. which of the following rivers is tributary of the bileriver
A/ Ghibe B/ Bilate C/ sobat d/ pulse
37. 37. which of the following plateaus serve as water shed between Abbay and Awash
river basins a/ the plateaus of shewa B/ the plateaus of hararghe
C/ the plateaus of Arsi D./ the plateaus of Sidama
38. 38. -----is a method of showing relief feature on map by using d/t intensities of the
same color A/ Hachurs B/ layer tinting C/ form line D/ relief shading
39. 39. all of the following are hierarchy of ettementaxept
A/ city B/ Towns C/ village D/ Delta
40. 40. a type of settlement which has an elongated pattern is
A/ linear pattern B/ nucleated pattern C/ scattered pattern D/ all
41. 41. the key focus of ecclesiastical cities function is A/ focus on head quarters of the
gov’t B/ focus on historical and reliqious centers C/ it describes recreation center
42. 42. all of the following features belong to river capture except one
A/ misfit B/ wind gap C/ centripetal D/ reverse drainage
43. 43. the point at which the tributaries meat with major river refers to:
A/ source B/ Tributaries C/ confluence D/ all
44. 44. A fairly Shallaw depression between two summits is known as
A/ wind gap B/ pass C/ Gap D/ saddle
45. 45. what type of slope shown by the line that connects spots lines
A/ an even slope B/ steep slope C/ A concave slope D/ A convex slope
46. 46. ____is used to describe the relief of area bed or bottom of a lake
A/ Is lacustrine B/ Isobath C/ Isophyses D/ Isomaribes
47. 47. which of the the following branches of geography studies the anthroposphere?
A/ population geography B/ climatology C/ cultural geography D/ gydro- geography
48. 48. _____ is the scholal who supported the school of determinesimwere
A/ Charles Darwin B/ febvre C/ van thumboldt D/ karlritter
49. 49. thehiephestgrasdient in Ethiopia is ---- percent
A/ 25% B/ 15% C/ 10% D/ 12%
50. 50. which of the following means of transportation avoids canqestiion and causes less
pollution? A/ Road B/ water C/ Air D/ Railways
51. 51. the process of energy transmission from one object to an other with no substance
carriesr is A/ convection B/ radiation C/ conducation D/ reflection
52. 52. I dentify the wrong combination
A/ Barch—sea wave B/ bearch –sea waves C/ lapoon –wind erosion
D/ Gorge –rumning water
53. 53. Geographic al information system (GIS) can be applies to all of the following expt
A/ building construction sites B/ the management of trausport and logistic problems
C/ Env’t and natural resorce management D/ the analysis of urban growth &expausion
54. 54. which one of the following does not intluence the development of road transport net
works? A/ to pography B/ language diviersity C/ technological development D/ land
use and settlement patterns
55. 55. ____ refers to a place where apriate river diverts the head water of its victim river
A/ Elbow of capture B/ base level C/ incision D/ wind gap
56. 56. what distinguish an urban settlement from rural settlement A/ population size of
the settlement B/ physical size of the settlement C/ mian occupation of the population
D/ physical intralture
57. 57. the relative proportion of male and female population is expreressed by
A/ sex ration B/ economic ration C/ age strucute D/ dependency ration
58. 58..Gibra and Asta are examples of A/ steppe vegetation
B/ Afro-Alpine vagettion C/ savanna vegetatioin D/ wood land vegetation
59. 59. where is mount TulluDimtu is found?
A/ Harargheplllateau B/ Shawanplatua C/ Bale massits D/ Arsiplatea
60. 60. countries map types use lines of egual value to show areas with continuous
distribution A/ vicinal location B/ Absolute location C/ Geolopical location
D/ relative location
61. 61. which map types use lines of egual value to show areas with continuous distribution
A/ Isopleth maps B? flow maps c/ sketch maps D/ choropleth maps
62. 62. thetachniques and procedures used to under take research is termed as
A/ research method B/ research approach C/ research methodology
D/ research project
63. 63. which one of the following characterizes the African population A/ low
intantmortality B/ high rate of natural increase
C/ high life expectancy at birth D/ low dependency ratio
64. 64. in which part of arriver courses the presence of water falls rapids and cataracts
objserved A/ upper course B/ middle course C/ lower course D/ in the river delta
65. 65. ___ Represents the earth’s life sphare A/ the troposphere B/ the biosphere
C/ the ionosphere D/ the anthroposhere
66. 66. Ethiopia shares the langelt and shortest boundary with-and –respectively
A/ sudan&Jibouti B/ Eritea& Somalia C/ Somalia &Jibouti D/ Jibouti& Sudan
67. 67. which of the following refers to the rock structure of the earth.
A/ lithosphere B/ hydrosphere C/ Atmosphere D/ Biosphere
68. 68. which is different from the others?
A/ plant b/ soil C/ Air D/ water
69. 69. in most developed world which sector employes the majority of the labour force?
A/ manufacturing B/ faaarming C/ mining D/ tourism
70. 70. the oldest rocks in Ethiopia are geolopicallycermed as
A/ basement complex B/ upper rock layer C/ hintalo limestone d/ adigrat sandstone
71. 71. the meaning of the symbousan a map kan be obtained from
A/ title B/ key C/ scale D/ grids
72. 72. the difference between magnetic north and true north is
A/ north Arrow B/ latitude C/ longitude C/ latitude D/ magnetic declamation
73. 73. which method of maintaining soil fertility different from the others?
A/ contour ploughing B/ fallowing C/ crop rotation D/ strip cultivation
74. 74. sever from of erosion and land degradation is A/ rill erosion
B/ sheet erosion C/ rill & sheet erosion D/ Gully erosioa
75. 75. which soil are found in the lower couse of river and are very firtile
A/ can bisols B/ Alluvial sols C/ Nito sols D/ verti sols
76. 76. in high land of Ethiopia summer is wet and cool reterred to as A? Belg B/ meher
C/ Bega D/ keremt
77. 77. all of the following conditions are examples of the out come drought problem
A/ drying up of surface water B/ disease like malaria C/ crop failure D/ loss of
78. 78. where is the origin of that brings spring and Autumn rain to Ethiopian?
A/ Indian ocean B/ mediterranian sea C/ atilantic ocean D/ red sea
79. 79. which one of the following is a major climatice control in Ethiopia
A/ wind B/ Altitude D/ Ocean current
80. 80. which of the following little effect on population change in Ethiopia little on
population size? A? fertility B/ migration C/ mortality D/ intant mortality
Kabete secondary school Civils and Ethical Education model Examination for Grade
12th YEAR 2015/2023
I . Choose the best answer Among the different Alternatives
1. Of the following which one is among the pre-requisites for political social and economic
development of a country? A/ transfer of power B/ rule of law
C/ periodic election D/ multi party system
2. A state where Religion and state are separate is called A/ theoretical B/ era stain
C/ secular D/ neutral
3. Who is the source of the legitimate power of the FDRE? A/ the parliament
B/ the supplement court C/ the people D/ the army
4. National resources are _____ A/ the wealth of political officials B/ the wealth of the ruling
party C/ the wealth of nation D/ the wealth of section group of people
5. Which of the following is not true about the functions of the court? A/ keeping peace
B/ formulating the laws C/ deciding controversies D/ None
6. Equality of citizen’s could result in A/ development B/ instability
C/ intolerance D/ stereotyping
7. Among the following which one is not true about Ethiopia and international relations
A/ Ethiopia joined the league of nations in 1923 B/ Ethiopia contributed peace keeping
force to UN mission in Korea. C/ Ethiopia Played commendable role to end of colonialism
in Africa D/ None
8. Which one is odd? A/ right to equality B/ freedom of movement
C/ Rights of nationality D/ Rights of women
9. Who has the power to introduce laws at regional state level in FDRE?
A/ state administration B/ state council C/ state president D/ all
10. The basic function of constriction is _____ A/ granting unlimited power to the official
B/ embedding rights & duties of people by limiting power of officials
C/ embedding rights & duties of people by limiting power of official
D/ embedding rights & duties of people by going limited power
11. Which one of the following is true about moral obligations? A/ its duty according to legal
law B/ the acts are for bidden & permitted by law
C/ rests mainly upon ethical considerations. D/ its forced by public anchorites
12. ___is increasing inter connectedness among individuals across nation & their people
A/ Globalization B/ Global wetware C/ Urbanization D/ civilization
13. A specialized UN agency that is committed to preserving world heritage from damage is
14. Which statement is not true about job satins tuition? A/ Financial reward
B/ interests of work C/ career growth D/ punctuality
15. A feminist who fought for the rights of women was
A/ char lotte Gilman
B/ Rosa Park C/ Hilary Clinton D/ ana Gomes
16. ___ is one of the issues that has affected the world of work A/ Ethical standard B/ smoking
C/ level of social interaction D/ sexism
17. Which statement is not correct about civilization? A/ community built on culture
B/ community built on knowledge C/ updating culture & knowledge through education
D/ sharing similar values & principles
18. Except one all are correct about Globalization A/ increasing over time B/ both Negative &
positives impact C/ access to cheaper products is Negative impacts of globalization
D/ causes dependency between countries
19. Among the type of work which exert a lot of energy that is called physical lab our
A/ white collar worker B/ ethno centrism C/ regular election
D/ Tolerance
20. Active community participation like voting is categorized as __ A/ Economic B/ Religious
C/ political D/ cultural
21. Active community participation like voting is categorized as A/ economic
B/ Religious C/ political D/ cultural
22. Except one all are true about assertive person A/ speaks softly B/ speaks loudly
C/ speaks openly D/ control groups
23. Which one not true about oppressing person? A/ looks down on others
B/ internpts others C/ isolate self form groups D/ cross arms
24. Which statement is correct about impacts of dependency? A/ psychological impact
B/ economic dependency C/ social impact D/ all
25. Knowing one’s strength & weakness is referred as A/ self- direction B/ self- awareness
C/ self-respect D/ self-motivation
26. Passive person is manifested in A/ looking others down B/ isolate self from group
C/ hurting others to achieve goals D/ controlling groups
27. According to kant’s moral theory when do stings which is morally right we must consider__
A/ both the acts & the motive are morally relevant B/ only the motive is moral relevant
C/ only the acts is morall relevant D/ neither motive nor the act as morally relevant
28. Among the following ethical theory which one is referred as the greatest happiness principle
A/ Teleology B/ right approach C/ ethical relativism D/ utilitarianisms
29. Which one correct statements about the method of selling A/ planning &consumption
B/ protecting Environments Included Natural C/ it determined by gross domestic product
(GDP) D/ all
30. Except one all are the tree market economic principles A/ freedom of decision to economic
agents B/ high government involvement in the market C/ lower government in evolvement
in the market D/ all
31. Among types of economy which one is to be a birds eye view of the economic A/ macro
economy B/ micro economic C/ command market D/ tree market
32. Equality of a leader to be adaptable edible, resourceful and multistate refers to A/ Engaging
B/ planner C/ realistic D/ versatile
33. The process of influencing others work to ward the achievement of organizational objective
is A/ leadership B/ Motivation C/ planning
D/ community participation
34. The data which describes all facts that cannot expressed by numerically is
A/ raw data B/ qualitative data C/ quantitative data D/ information data
35. The term refers to an unscientific stories that people would like to tell and believe__
A/ Traditions B/ Truth C/ myths D/ centre
36. The red terror & summary execution of derg regime indicated that
A/ breakdown & rule of law B/ prevalence of good governed C/ existence of constitutional
monarchy D/ all
37. The last cout of appeal during the regime of Haile selassie was A/ supreme court
B/ zufan chilot C/ high court D/ first instance court
38. Which of the following is wrongly matched A/ legislative branch – house of people
representatives B/ Judicial branch – courts C/ executive branch – councils of ministers
D/ legislative branch – state administration
39. The constitution of FDRE does contain all the following except one
A/ serving as a supreme law of the land B/ giving absolute authority to the state officials
C/ stating the functions of the federal government D/ for umlauting the principles of external
40. If we say 1955 constitution & the monarchy then we have to say the 1987 constitution &___
A/ democratic government B/ military Dictatorship
C/ constitutional monarchy D/ zutan chilot
41. The traditional saying women should stay in the kitchen reflects. A/ affirmative action
B/ division of lab our C/ feminist attitude D/ Gender bias
42. Among the following one is not non-material culture A/ Norms B/ language C/ beliefs
D/ tools
43. Which one of the following is typically an examples of extravagant practice in Ethiopia
A/ Iddir B/ Iqub C/ Tezkar D/ Nahber
44. Which of the following is a character of self reliant person A/ confidence
B/ immorality C/ Guilt feeling D/ dishonesty
45. The well known big international financial institutions that give out loan & grant for
development countries are A/ world Trade organization world bank B/ UNESCO & IMF
C/ international monetary fund world bank D/ world bank & world health organization
46. The red terror & summary execution of dreg regime indicated that
A/ breakdown & rule of law B/ prevalence of good governed C/ existence of constitutional
monarchy D/ all
47. __- is in today play a siprificant role in the accumulation of the capital
A/ insurance B/ Banks C/ Equb D/ iddis
48. Among the following ethical theory which one is referred as the greatest happiness principle
A/ Teleology B/ right approach C/ ethical relativism D/ utilitarianisms
49. The process of influencing others work toward the achievement of organizational objective is
A/ leadership B/ Motivation C/ planning
D/ community participation
50. Which statement is not true about job satins tuition? A/ Financial reward
B/ interests of work C/ career growth D/ punctuality
51. Passive person is manifested in A/ looking others down
B/ isolate self from group C/ hurting others to achieve goals
D/ controlling groups
52. Which one of the following is true about moral obligations? A/ its duty according to legal
law B/ the acts are for bidden & permitted by law C/ rests mainly upon ethical
considerations. D/ its forced by public anchorites
53. The basic function of constriction is _____ A/ granting unlimited power to the official
B/ embedding rights & duties of people by limiting power of officials
C/ embedding rights & duties of people by limiting power of official
D/ embedding rights & duties of people by going limited power
54. Which one correct statements about the method of selling A/ planning &consumption
B/ protecting Environments Included Natural C/ it determined by gross domestic product
(GDP) D/ all
55. Of the following which one is among the pre-requisites for political social and economic
development of a country? A/ transfer of power B/ rule of law
C/ periodic election D/ multi party system
56. A state where Religion and state are separate is called A/ theoretical B/ era stain
C/ secular D/ neutral
57. Who is the source of the legitimate power of the FDRE? A/ the parliament
B/ the supplement court C/ the people D/ the army
58. National resources are _____ A/ the wealth of political officials B/ the wealth of the ruling
party C/ the wealth of nation D/ the wealth of section group of people
59. The Ethiopia domestic economic is based on A/ Aid B/ loan C/ agriculture D/ industry
60. Among the following one is not the important teacher of leadership
A/ influence or support B/ voluntary effort Natural C/ it determined by gross domestic
product (GDP) D/ all
61. The good use of knowledge is known as A/ facts B/ information
C/ generalization D/ wisdom
62. The basic function of constriction is _____ A/ granting unlimited power to the official
B/ embedding rights & duties of people by limiting power of officials C/ embedding
rights & duties of people by limiting power of official
D/ embedding rights & duties of people by going limited power
63. The well known big international financial institutions that give out loan & grant for
development countries are A/ world Trade organization world bank B/ UNESCO & IMF
C/ international monetary fund world bank D/ world bank & world health organization
64. What are the components of knowledge A/ information B/ Truth C/ date
D/ all are answer
65. One of following is not the behavior of responsible citizens A/ treating people as equal
B/ protecting cultural & natural heritages C/ working hard to improve livening conditions
D/ charging extra payment for official service
66. Impartiality in giving public service refers to ____ A/ treating citizens equally B/ keeping
the ruling classes interest C/ working for self interest D. creating inequality
67. The red terror & summary execution of dreg regime indicated that
A/ breakdown & rule of law B/ prevalence of good governed C/ existence of constitutional
monarchy D/ all
68. The well known big international financial institutions that give out loan & grant for
development countries are A/ world Trade organization world bank B/ UNESCO & IMF
C/ international monetary fund world bank D/ world bank & world health organization
69. Among the following one is not the important teacher of leadership
A/ influence or support B/ voluntary effort Natural C/ it determined by gross domestic
product (GDP) D/ all
70. Which one of the following is true about moral obligations? A/ its duty according to legal
law B/ the acts are for bidden & permitted by law C/ rests mainly upon ethical
considerations. D/ its forced by public anchorites
71. The red terror & summary execution of derg regine indicated that
A/ breakdown & rule of law B/ prevalence of good governed C/ existence of constitutional
monarchy D/ all
72. Chauvinism is different from war mongering in that chauvinism is A/ a ct of pacifying a
region B/ a ct of invading other country C/ a personality of leaders to push their nation to
war D/ a believe that one group of people is superiors
73. Planning enables people to achieve their goals A/ luckily B/ rarely C/ step by steo
D/ at once
74. Among the following which one is incorrect about the 1931 constitution of Ethiopia
A/ it was first written constitution B/ it service the rights of citizens C/ it creates
bicameral parliament D/ all
75. National resources are _____ A/ the wealth of political officials B/ the wealth of the ruling
party C/ the wealth of nation D/ the wealth of section group of people
76. Among the following one is not the important teacher of leadership
A/ influence or support B/ voluntary effort Natural C/ it determined by gross domestic
product (GDP) D/ all
77. The term anarchy is closed related to A/ constitutionalism B/ protection of right
C/ Absence of supreme low D/ the prevalence of equality
78. Which one of following is not source of contlict? A/ power B/ resource
C/ identity D/ none
79. __-are considered as secondary legislation A/ laws B/ Rules C/ constitution
D/ none
80. Among peaceful ways of setting a dispute which one is reaching agreement without the
parity A/ mediation B/ Negotiation C/ Arbitration D/ litigation
81. Which of the following statement goes with the principle of equality within diversity
A/ Ethnocentrism promotes unity within diversity B/ Equality with cliversity is obstacle for
development C/ all citizen’s are equal before the law regardless of cultural back pounds
D/ equality within diversity erodes national unity
82. Which statement is not correct about quality of a patriot? A/ scruple for respect of human &
democratic rights B/ Fairness C/ narrow nationalism D/ truth tallness
83. ___ is approval of signing of international conventions by the house of the people
representations A/ domestication B/ localization C/ ratification
D/ Arbitration
84. Which one is true about self –determination of nation nationality & people
A/ to preserve its history B/ to express development & promote its culture
C/ right to self –governed D/ all
85. What was the students movements slogan in the 1964 A/ land to the emperor B/ land to the
land lords C/ land to the tiller D/ land the investor
86. An illegal action to ken by government officials in favors of their own relatives in time of
service delivery is said to be A/ bribery B/ nepotism C/ Embezzlement D/ Abuse of
87. A philosophical belief that said law should be supported by & scientific discoveries is
named as A/ common law B/ international law C/ decline law D/ natural law
88. It budget allocation to the regional governments of Ethiopia is unfair it violates the principle
A/ distributions justice B/ corrective Justice C/ procedural justice D/ political justice
89. One of the following is not an indicator of laves of poverty in poor countries A/ low life
expectancy B/ low death rate C/ thigh fertility rate D/ few numbers of doctors
90. Which one is a component of concept A/ evaluation B/ discussion
C/ enumeration D/ Recuperation
91. A political doctrine that closely related with democratic governance and restrict observance
of the law of the land refers to A/ confederation
B/ constitutionalism C/ centralism D/ Unitarianism
92. Of the following one is not the competent of justices system which one
A/ prison B/ court C/ Judge D/ attorney
93. During emperor Haile selessies monarchic rule there were peasant uprising in some parts of
the country. This happened due to A/ equal treatment of people B/ fair relationship
between the Tindal lords & peasants C/ wide spread poverty & inequality D/ the kind’s
wise & generosity
94. Which of the following country is considered as a model of the parchiamentary democracy?
A/ united kingdom B/ South korea C/ Russia federation
D/ united states of America
95. Which of the following is a democratic night? A/ riphts to bife & liberty
B/ freedom of religion and belief C/ rights of assembly demonstration
D/ the right to the security of persons
96. Which of the following is true about the organization of African unity (DAU)? A/ its head
quarter was changed three times B/ it was founded by independent African countries
C/ its first head quarter was in Dakar Senegal D/ it was established by former british
97. The author of the declaration of independence is A/ George Washington
B/ Abraham Lincoln C/ John F-Kennedy D/ Thomas Jefferson
98. A belief in the suzerainty of ones cultural groups refers to A/ ethnocentrism B/ prejudice
C/ cultural relativism D/ cultural universalism
99. The major purpose of interest groups is A/ taking political power
B/ supporting the ruling party C/ straggling against government D/ intending government
100. Which of the following is true about the daring period? A/ multiparty system was
encouraged B/ A democratic system was promoted C/ land to the tiller was declared D/ A
civilian Government ruled the country


2.D 42.C
3.D 43.C
4.D 44.D
5.C 45.A
6.A 46.A
7.D 47.C
8.C 48.A
9.A 49.D
10.C 50.D
11.C 51.B
12.D 52.C
13.D 53.A
14.B 54.B
15.C 55.A
16.D 56.C
17.C 57.A
18.E 58.B
19.C 59.C
20.D 60.B
21.D 61.A
22.A 62.A
23.A 63.B
24.A 64.A
25.B 65.B
26.C 66.A
27.B 67.A
28.A 68.A
29.B 69.A
30.A 70.A
31.A 71.B
32.C 72.D
33.B 73.D
34.A 74.D
35.A 75.B
36.C 76.D
37.A 77.B
38.B 78.A
39.D 79.B
40.A 80.B
2.C 42.C
3.A 43.B
4.C 44.D
5.C 45.D
6.B 46.B
7.B 47.C
8.A 48.C
9.D 49.A
10.C 50.A
11. B 51.A
12.C 52.A
13.A 53.A
14.B 54.A
15.B 55.A
16.B 56.D
17.A 57.A
18.D 58.A
19. C 59.B
20.D 60.C
22. C
23. A
24. A
34. D
36. B
39. A


2.B 42.D
3.B 43.C 81.A
4.C 44.B 82.A
5.D 45.B 83.C
6.B 46.D 84.C
7.B 47.C 85.D
8.C 48.B 86.B
9.A 49.D 87.A
10.A 50.A 88.C
11. B 51.A 89.A
12. B 52.A 90.D
13. B 53.B 91.D
14. C 54.C 92.D
15. B 55.C 93.A
16.B 56.B 94.C
17. B 57.B 95.A
18.B 58.C 96.D
19. C 59.A 97.C
20.D 60.C 98.A
21.C 61.C 99.C
22. C 62.C 100.B
23. B 63.A
24. C 64.A
25.C 65.A
26. D 66.B
27.C 67.B
28.A 68.B
29. A 69.B
30.A 70.D
31.B 71.A
32.D 72.C
33.C 73.B
34.B 74.B
35.C 75.D
36. C 76.C
37. C 77.C
38.A 78.C
39. D 79.A
40.C 80.D

2.D 42.A
3.D 43.D 81.C
4.D 44.B 82.B
5.A 45.D 83.A
6.A 46.B 84.B
7.A 47.C 85.C
8.A 48.A 86.B
9.B 49.A 87.B
10.D 50.A 88.C
11. B 51.C 89.C
12. C 52.A 90.A
13. C 53.B 91.D
14. D 54.D 92.A
15. C 55.A 93.D
16.B 56.B 94.A
17. C 57.C 95.A
18.A 58.B 96.D
19. D 59.C 97.A
20.B 60.B 98.A
21.A 61.A 99.A
22. B 62.C 100.D
23. C 63.A
24. D 64.A
25.A 65.D
26. C 66.C
27.B 67.B
28.A 68.A
29. D 69.D
30.B 70.D
31.A 71.B
32.B 72.B
33.A 73.A
34.B 74.D
35.A 75.D
36. A 76.B
37. C 77.B
38.A 78.D
39. B 79.A
40.B 80.C

1.B 41.D
2.C 42.D
3.C 43.C 81.C
4.C 44.A 82.C
5.B 45.C 83.C
6.A 46.B 84.D
7.D 47.D 85.C
8.A 48.B 86.B
9.B 49.A 87.D
10.B 50.C 88.A
11. C 51.D 89.B
12. A 52.C 90.A
13. D 53.D 91.B
14. D 54.C 92.A
15. A 55.A 93.C
16.D 56.A 94.A
17. D 57.C 95.C
18.B 58.B 96.B
19. B 59.C 97.D
20.D 60.C 98.A
21.C 61.D 99.D
22. C 62.C 100.C
23. C 63.D
24. D 64.A
25.B 65.A
26. B 66.A
27.A 67.A
28.D 68.B
29. D 69.B
30.B 70.B
31.A 71.B
32.D 72.D
33.A 73.C
34.B 74.B
35.C 75.C
36. A 76.B
37. B 77.C
38.D 78.D
39. B 79.B
40.B 80.B





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