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Q1. Two qualities of being a good Entrepreneur are:
(i) Passionate
(ii) Strong Work Ethics
(iii) Creative and Open Minded
(iv) Honest and Trustworthy
(v) Risk Taking Ability
Q2. Sustainable Development:
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generation to meet their own needs." The overall goal of sustainable development is to gain the long-
term stability of the economy and the protection of the natural resources of environment.
Q3. (i) Creating Job opportunities
(ii) Women Entrepreneurship
(iii) Promoting Agriculture
Q4. There are 17 goals of Sustainable Development
Q5. Entrepreneurs are born, not made. I don’t agree with this statement because One has to work
tirelessly to achieve their dreams. One can born with a talent but using that talent in a positive way,
they can learn from society and experience.
Q6. (i) Safe and affordable drinking water
(ii) Rain Water Harvesting
(iii) Sanitation
Q7. “WHERE” clause is used to specify conditions to display specific data
Q9. Text and Memo are two types of alphanumeric datatypes.
Q10. Sound Sentry
Q11 When a message is transmitted from one computer to another using internet, It is first divided
into small packets called DATA PACKETS.
TCP divides the message into packets
Q12. Form: It is a user specified layout in which we can enter, edit and display the data directly from
the table.
Q13 (I) Peer-to-Peer
1. All the computers are of equal capabilities. 2. Each computer can request services and also
provide services to other computers. 3. A computer can store its own data. 4. Less expensive
and easier to implement.
Client Server
1. A specific computer is more powerful than others, act as a server and provide resources to
other computer. 2. Only the server provide services where as clients can request for services
from server. 3. The data is stored centrally(in server). 4. More expensive and not so easy to
Q14. Sometimes we do not have an active internet connection, we can create blog using a blog
application and published the blog whenever the internet connectivity is available. This all we can do
by offline blog editor. Some of the offline blog editors are: ● Qumana ● Windows Live writer. ●
Blogdesk ● Blogjet ● Microsoft Word ● Blogo ● Bits ● Mars Edit
Q15. ISP is Internet Service Provider. These are companies that provide Internet access to different
user around the world.
DSL or Wifi or Dial-Up
Q16. Relationship refers to an association or connection between two or more tables. When we
relate two tables, we don't need to enter the same data in separate tables. Data from both the tables
can be used to display collective information.
Primary key is a field that uniquely identifies each and every record in a table. It can never have
duplicate value or null(blank) value.
Foreign key is a field in the table which is assigned to primary key in any other table.
Table: Student
R.No. Name. Address. Phone. DOB
(In this example R.No. is the Primary Key)
Table: Result
R.No. Eng. Maths. Science. IT
(In this Table R.No. acts as a Foreign key, as it is Primary key of Student's Table)
Q17.There are three types of relationships
One to One
One to Many
Many to Many
One-to-One: In this type of relationship record in a table can have only one matching record in
another table, and vice versa. For example, in UIDAI database, each person has only one Aadhaar
number and each Aadhaar number is assigned to only one person.
Table: Airline
AirlineNo integer
Name_of_Airline char/varchar
Flight_Date Date/Time
Fare Integer/Decimal
(i) Internet Security is used to establish rules and measures to use against attacks over the Internet.
Internet provides valuable information and entertainment, it may leave the computer insecure due to
many online threats. We need to ensure that the username, passwords, credit card, online banking
information should be secure as they are prone to be tracked and used by an authorised users. We
can reduce the risk by using the best practices such as using anti-virus software, anti spyware
software, firewalls, strong passwords, etc.
(ii) ● Illegal downloading - It is obtaining files that you don't have the right to use from the internet.
Illegal downloading is root cause of digital piracy.
● Phishing -Phishing is an attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords
and credit card details. Phishing is a form of spoofing.
● Spoofing-It is a type of fraud in which a fraudster masquerades as other another person by using
the other person's identity to transact business and obtain vital information such as Bank account
number, credit card number and associated passwords.
● Spyware - It is a software which is installed on the system without the user's knowledge it monitors
all the activities done on the system and give this report to people willing to pay for it.
● Keep the length of the password at least 12 to 14 characters if permitted.
● Avoid keeping passwords based on repetition, names, date of births, relative or pet names, etc.
● Include numbers and symbols in passwords if allowed.
● Use capital and lower case letters.
● A wide using the same password for multiple sites are purposes. ● If wide using something that the
public or workmates know you strongly like or dislike.
● Use random password generators if possible.
(i) ● Credit card ● Debit card ● Net banking ● Cash on delivery ● Paytm ● E-gift vouchers
(ii) ● Online transactions help when a customer does not have sufficient time to visit stores.
● A product or service that is not available in local market is available online.
● Visiting a store is more expensive than purchasing a product online.
(iii) ● ● ● ● ●
(iv) Cash On Delivery

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