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The factors affecting UEH students’ satisfaction towards taking part-

time jobs
Number Source of Source of measurement scale
measurement scale
A. Working conditions
1 Extremely satisfied
2 Satisfied
3 Normal
4 Dissatisfied
5 Extremely
B. Salary
6 Extremely satisfied
7 Satisfied
8 Normal
9 Dissatisfied
10 Extremely
C. Obtained experience
11 Extremely satisfied
12 Satisfied
13 Normal
14 Dissatisfied
15 Extremely
2. The negative impact of taking part-time jobs on academic work
Number Source of Source of measurement scale
measurement scale
D. Do not have enough time for studying
16 Strongly agree
17 Agree
18 Neither agree nor
19 Disagree
20 Strongly disagree
E. Do not concentrate on study
21 Strongly agree
22 Agree
23 Neither agree nor
24 Disagree
25 Strongly disagree
F. Health degradation leads to less energy to
26 Strongly agree
27 Agree
28 Neither agree nor
29 Disagree
30 Strongly disagree

G. Think too much about salary and cannot

focus on studying
31 Strongly agree
32 Agree
33 Neither agree nor
34 Disagree
35 Strongly disagree
H. The frequency of part-time jobs
negatively impacting on academic work
36 Never
37 Seldom
38 Sometimes
39 Often
40 Always

3. The balance between taking part-time jobs and studying

Number Source of Source of measurement scale
measurement scale
J. Reasonable time arrangement for
simultaneously working and studying
41 Strongly agree
42 Agree
43 Neither agree nor
44 Disagree
45 Strongly disagree

L. Working your way through university

Strongly agree
47 Agree
48 Neither agree nor
49 Disagree
50 Strongly disagree
N. A suitable job without neagtive health
51 Strongly agree
52 Agree
53 Neither agree nor
54 Disagree
55 Strongly disagree
P. Part-time jobs priority level
56 Strongly agree
57 Agree
58 Neither agree nor
59 Disagree
60 Strongly disagree
Q. The preference between studying and
61 Flexible working
62 Drop the class or
cancel personal
activities to go to
63 Others

1. Introduction: Overview of the selected topic
2. Reason for writing (Reason for choosing the topic): In the reason for choosing the
topic, point out the meaning and practical value of the thesis topic researched and
3. Problem:
 The urgency of a topic with a new perspective or an academic problem that has
never been researched before.
 The goal is to apply learned knowledge to solve the problem of the thesis
4. Methods: In this section, briefly present the research methods used in the article.
5. Results: Overview of results recorded after completing the study.
Conclusion: Indicates what you learn from personal experiences after completing the

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