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04 September.

Time-code Speaker Transcription Translated in English Notes

0:00:00 Thomas Girst Does she remember the first Museum that she ever went into, outside of South Does she remember the first Museum that
Africa. And is there any work that she remembers that had an impact on her she ever went to, outside of South Africa.
own? And is there any work that she remembers
that had an impact on her own?
0:00:12 Joana Batsho uyakhumbula gogo, ngemyaka leyana ngabo 80s, wajika eEurope, wajika They say, do you remember grandmother,
eMuseum. in the 80s, when you came from Europe,
Batsho yikuphi lapho okhumbula khona, owenza khona into eyokujabulisa and from Museum.
oyikhumbula na namhlanje? They are saying what do you remember,
where you did something that made you
happy that you remember today?
0:00:26 Esther Mahlangu Ayi bo! Konke. Yonkinto elapho engayenzayo musi iphuma enhliziyweni yami. Oh no! Everything. Everything I did there
came from my heart.
0:00:33 Joana So, she has travelled to all the places, and she remembers everything because So, she has traveled to all the places, and
she has done it out of her heart. she remembers everything because she has
So, everything to her is special. done it out of her heart.
So, everything to her is special.
0:00:41 Thomas Girst Hmmnn Hmmnn Agrees with the
0:00:42 Joana But she can’t remember the time when she went to Europe cause it was back in But she can't remember the time when she
the days. But it was special. went to Europe because it was back in the
days. But it was special.
0:00:48 Thomas Girst We were wondering if she’s dreaming anything at night. Maybe she can share We were wondering if she's dreaming
anything with us that she’s dreaming, because it’s all the facts, all with the anything at night. Maybe she can share
heart, and with the passion and the compassion. Is there anything at night that anything with us that she's dreaming,
she dreams of? because it's all the facts, all with the heart,
and with the passion and the compassion.
Is there anything at night that she dreams
0:01:03 Joana Batsho gogo yini oyibhudangayo [oyiphuphayo] njengoba usumdala lana ulele? They say, grandma, what are you dreaming
Kuyini ngoba awusagwali? about since you’ve gotten old when you are
What is it because you don't paint
0:01:09 Esther Mahlangu Into engiyibhudangayo? What I dream about?
0:01:10 Joana Yeee, ungahalela ukubaxoxela leyonto oyibhudangayo? Yes, would you be willing to tell them that
is it you dream about?
0:01:12 Esther Mahlangu HAHAHAHAAAA! HAHAHAHAAA! [laughing]
Angibazi umbhudangalo, ngabhudangala? I don't know the dreams, what I dream of?
0:01:17 Joana Eyee! Batsho ungahalela ukubaxoxela ukuthi ubhudangani ma ulele ebusuku, Yes! They said you can tell them what
ngoba bayakukhumbula, ukuthi ube khona. you dream of when you are sleeping at
night, because they miss you, that you
were there.
0:01:24 Esther Mahlangu Ahh ahhh, mina angiyazi into engibonayo yini. Ahh ahhh, I don't know what I dream
Ukuthi ngibhudangani? about.
What am I dream about?
0:01:30 Joana Eyee! Yes!
0:01:30 Esther Mahlangu Mangileleyo? When I am sleeping?
0:01:31 Joana Eyee! Yes!
0:01:31 Esther Mahlangu Ah angiiyazi. I do not know.
0:01:35 Joana So, she says she normally forgets her dreams. She forgets a lot of things So, she says she normally forgets her
now at her age. dreams. She forgets a lot of things now
at her age.
0:01:41 Thomas Girst Hmmnn Hmmnn Agrees with the
0:01:44 Joana Yes! Would like to know anything more? Yes! Would like to know anything
0:01:46 Thomas Girst No. No.
0:01:48 Esther Mahlangu Ngizobhudangani mara? But what will I be dreaming about?
Ngizobhudanga ini? What will I be dreaming?
0:01:50 Joana Like what would I dream? Like what would I dream?
0:01:54 Thomas Girst What? What?
0:01:55 Joana I am just saying that…I am just interpreting what she’s saying…what I am just saying that…I am just
would I dream? interpreting what she’s saying…what
would I dream?
0:01:57 Esther Mahlangu Ngizobhudanga ini mara? What will I be dreaming about though?

0:01:58 Thomas Girst Does she think about… does she dream about her own paintings? Does she think about... does she dream
about her own paintings?
0:02:02 Joana Batsho umgololo mara uyawubhudanga wona? They say, the paintings, do you dream
about the paintings?
0:02:04 Esther Mahlangu Awu umgwalongwana use nhliziyweni dali. Oh, yes, the paintings are in my heart.
0:02:07 Joana So, the painting are in her heart. So, the painting is in her heart.
The paintings are in my heart. I can never ever forget about the The paintings are in my heart. I can
paintings. never ever forget about the paintings.
0:02:13 Thomas Girst What makes her most happy? What makes her most happy?
0:02:16 Joana Kuyini gogo into ekujabulisayo ukudlula zonke? What is the thing grandmother that
pleases you the most?
0:02:18 Esther Mahlangu HAHAHAHAAAA! Abangimise. HAHAHAHAAA! This makes me laugh.
Yini, ukuthi yini into enjabulisayo yooh? What, what is it that pleases me, yooh?
0:02:26 Unknown Speaker Isikhetho, uyazi musi It’s the tradition, you know it.
0:02:27 Esther Mahlangu Into ejabulisa kakhulu, yimagwalo la, isikhetho isiNdebele The most interesting thing is the
paintings, Ndebele tradition
0:02:30 Joana So, it’s the tradition, So, it’s the tradition,
0:02:30 Esther Mahlangu Kuphela Only
0:02:31 Joana Customs and the paintings, you know, being traditional that’s… Customs and the paintings, you know,
being traditional that’s…
0:02:36 Esther Mahlangu IsiNdebele Ndebele
0:02:38 Joana IsiNdebele, tradition, that’s what makes me happy Ndebele, tradition, that's what makes
me happy
0:02:40 Thomas Girst Great, that’s great. Great, that's great.
That’s very special. That's very special.
Does she have a favorite joke? Does she have a favorite joke?
0:02:46 Joana Gogo? Grandma?
0:02:47 Thomas Girst Just a joke like … Just a joke like …
0:02:49 Joana Bathi ihlaya olithandayo gogo yiliphi ihlaya? They say what is your favorite joke
0:02:51 Esther Mahlangu Yini? What?
0:02:52 Joana Ihlaya olithanda kakhulu? Your favorite joke?
0:02:54 Esther Mahlangu Ayi angazi I don't know
0:02:55 Joana Awukwazi? You do not know?
0:02:56 Esther Mahlangu Ahhh ahh angazi, ihlaya? Ahhh ahh I don't know, a joke?
0:02:58 Joana Can I tell you; can I tell you? Can I tell you; Can I tell you? [background
0:03:02 Esther Mahlangu Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! [background
0:03:05 Joana So, with the Ndebele people, ladies are not allowed to wear trousers So, with the Ndebele people, ladies are
because only men are allowed to do that, so … not allowed to wear trousers because
only men are allowed to do that, so...
0:03:11 Thomas Girst But you are wearing trousers. But you are wearing trousers.
0:03:12 Joana Yes, I know, I am just cheating. I am not allowed to do that. Yes, I know, I am just cheating. I am not
allowed to do that.
0:03:14 Thomas Girst Hahaha! Hahaha!
0:03:15 Joana I am not allowed to do that. I am not allowed to do that.
So, if you are doing it, so if they initiate you, as a boy, in the Ndebele So, if you are doing it, so if they initiate
tradition. They will give you a name. you, as a boy, in the Ndebele tradition.
Aboma Dela, Lucky, those type of words. They will give you a name.
So, if I just come in here and wear these trousers, she will call me by that Like Dela or Lucky, those type of words.
name So, if I just come in here and wear these
trousers, she will call me by that name
0:03:32 Speaker from By a boy’s name. By a boy’s name.
0:03:34 Joana Yes! By a boy’s name, yes. Yes! By a boy’s name, yes.
0:03:35 Thomas Girst So that is her way of So that is her way of … [background
0:03:39 Joana She will be mocking you. She will be mocking you.
0:03:41 Esther Mahlangu Abangise mina, abangise You should take me, take me
0:03:44 Thomas Girst I know we know about lamb chops, but what is her favorite food? I know we know about lamb chops, but
what is her favorite food?
0:03:48 Joana It has to be, kanje yini umrogo, spinach and pap. It has to be, by the way what is Kale,
spinach and pap.
0:03:51 Thomas Girst Hmnnn? Hmnnn?
0:03:52 Joana Spinach and pap. Spinach and pap.
0:03:53 Unknown Speaker Ayi, ayi ispinach wena, ayi uthanda imbuya No, not spinach, she doesn’t like
spinach much
0:03:57 Joana Umrogo, yispinach musi. Spinach. Kale, it's spinach though. Spinach.
Anti uthand’ mrogo gogo? Do you like Kale, grandma?
Eye, spinach, and pap. Eye, spinach, and pap.
0:04:05 Esther Mahlangu Umrogo Kale
0:04:06 Joana Yes, Yes,
0:04:08 Esther Mahlangu Kunom’ msobo, There is msobo Msobo is a
type of a
vegetable she
0:04:10 Joana So, we have different types of … So, we have different types of …
0:04:11 Esther Mahlangu Lesikhetho, kune rude leskhetho. There is Khetho and Lude. Khetho and
Yilo esiludlayo angithi, Lude is what we eat Lude are types
of vegetables
she eats as
0:04:18 Joana Yes, Irude ngelisihlobo or ngelebusika? Yes, Lude is it grown after summer
season or after winter season?
0:04:23 Esther Mahlangu Hawu hawu What?
0:04:24 Joana Antsho kunomunye umrogo omila ebusika kunomunye omila ehlobo? Isn’t there are different types of
vegetables that grow in the winter than
others that grow in the summer?
0:04:29 Esther Mahlangu Uyangibuza izinto ezinye, engingazicabangeli, engikade ngazilisa You asks me other things which I don't
think about, which I have never
thought about.
0:04:33 Joana Irude, yileli elihlaza uku… Lude, is the one that is green and …
0:04:38 Esther Mahlangu Irude limila kuphi, limila la okumanzi khona and lemasimini, emasinimi la Lude, where does it grow, it grows
okulinywayo where it is wet and in the fields, in the
cultivated fields
0:04:49 Joana Eye Yes
0:04:50 Esther Mahlangu Irude, kuphelela lapho Lude, that is where my explanation
0:04:52 Joana Laleli elimila esgangeni? Then the other one that grows in the
But in English its spinach and pap, spinach and pap forest?
But in English its spinach and pap,
spinach, and pap
0:05:01 Thomas Girst Okay, and maybe also ahh if she had not become an artist, what would Okay, and maybe also ahh if she had
she be? not become an artist, what would she
You know, can she imagine anything else but being an artist. be?
You know, she can imagine anything
else but being an artist.
0:05:11 Esther Mahlangu Uthini? What is he saying?
0:05:12 Joana Ngathana awuzange khone kuba umgwali gogo, ngathana wafunda, kanje Let’s say you couldn't be a painter,
wakhetha ukufundela ini, waba yini, ngaphandle ukuthi ube umgwali? grandma, say you studied, what would
Antsho kulabo nurse, kunabo dokotera, kunabo titshera. Wena kanje you have chosen to study, what would
waba yini? you have become, other than becoming
Ngathani ithuba lokufunda lalikhona ngalesoskhathi? a painter?
They are nurses, there are doctors,
there are teachers, what would you
have become?
If there was an opportunity to study at
that time?
0:05:26 Esther Mahlangu Angikak’cabangi, yinto engakayicabangi ke leyo I haven't thought about it, that's
something I haven't thought about yet
0:05:29 Thomas Girst Hmmnnn Hmmnnn Agrees with the
0:05:30 Esther Mahlangu Ukuthi bengizoba yini, njani? What I could have been, how?
0:05:33 Joana It has never crossed her mind; it has never even crossed her mind to be It has never crossed her mind; it has
something else apart from … never even crossed her mind to be
something else apart from …
0:05:39 Thomas Girst What is time to her, time? What is time to her, time?
0:05:44 Joana Gogo, bathi iskhathi kuwe sibaluleke kangani? Grandma, how important is time to
0:05:47 Esther Mahlangu Sibaluleke kakhulu It is very important
0:05:48 Joana Isikhathi Time
0:05:49 Esther Mahlangu Ayi sibaluleke kakhulu, isikhetho? It is very important, selection?
0:05:51 Joana Isikhathi Time
0:05:52 Esther Mahlangu Ohh iskhathi? Oh, time?
0:05:53 Joana Isikhathi Time
0:05:55 Esther Mahlangu Iwatshi? A watch?
0:05:56 Joana Yeee, ibaluleke kangangani? Yeah, how important is it?
0:06:00 Thomas Girst Time, how is important? Time, how is important?
0:06:01 Esther Mahlangu Ibalulekile, ngizokuthi ibalulekile, mhlambe ufuna iskhathi esinje … It is important, I will say it is important,
maybe you want time like this …
0:06:08 Joana Athi gogo ngichaze nje, ma avane umuntu athi, asiye endaweni enje Grandma let me explain it to you, let’s She gives
ngeskhathi esinje nje uqedile. say someone says, let's go to a place Granny an
Njoba bavane bathi ngo 7, wena uvuke vfruuuu ngoba iskhathi like this at a time like this, whenever example on
sizokubetha you are ready. time
And they say you go at 7, and you then management.
wake up early because the time will hit
you …
0:06:21 Esther Mahlangu Abe senzani yena? Then what do they do?
0:06:21 Joana Sibaluleke kangani? How then will time be important to
0:06:25 Esther Mahlangu Ahh sibalulekile, mele ubambe iskhathi angitsho It is very important; you must be
punctual is it
0:06:28 Joana She says time is very important and you need to have to be punctual She says time is very important and you
with time. Punctuality comes first. need to be punctual with time.
Punctuality comes first.
0:06:36 Thomas Girst What does she, what can she get mad about besides you wearing the What does she, what can she get mad
trousers? about besides you wearing the
0:06:41 Joana Gogo yini into ekukwatisayo, ngaphandle kwabantwazinyana abaqcoka Grandma, what is it that makes you
ama brugwe njengathi, into ekukwatisayo yini? mad, apart from little girls who dress
up like us, what is it that makes you
0:06:49 Esther Mahlangu Ayi ahh ngizothi yini mara, ngikwatiswa yini? Ahh what am I going to say, what
makes me mad?
0:06:52 Thomas Girst Questions Questions
0:06:54 Esther Mahlangu Ngizokuthi yini mara? Umuntu ukwatiswa yini? What will I say though? What makes
one mad?
0:06:56 Joana Yintoni eku hlabhudabhu? What makes you furiously mad?
0:06:59 Esther Mahlangu Ngizokuthi yini? What will I say is the reason?
0:07:01 Mtshele umntu onamala Tell him it’s anyone who lies
0:07:03 Joana She hurts liars, you don’t have to lie, if you a liar then … She hurts liars, you don't have to lie, if
you a liar then...
0:07:10 Thomas Girst Hmmnn Hmmnn Agrees with the
0:07:11 Joana The liar and gogo its water and oil, they don’t mix. The liar and gogo its water and oil, they
don’t mix.
0:07:14 Thomas Girst Right, perfect Right, perfect
0:07:16 Esther Mahlangu Salani ke! Fair well!
0:07:18 Thomas Girst Harmony, while we spoke to her last time, she mentioned harmony … Harmony, while we spoke to her last
time, she mentioned harmony …

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